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The outrage that was not over the Swachchh Bharat ad featuring Goddess Lakshmi


The ad for the Swachh Bharat campaign which features Kangana Ranaut and other stars, and has a voice-over by Amitabh Bachchan, has become instantly popular on social media. And rightly so. For it combines creativity at its best with a much-needed message—DO NOT LITTER.

But what if the ad didn’t have the this effect on the viewers? What if instead of respecting the message and creativity, Hindus (who worship Lakshmi) felt outraged that the makers of the ad dared to show their goddess riding pillion on a scooter?

Below are five things from the ad which Hindus could have claimed as offensive in a universe in which they were actually intolerant:

1. Kangana Ranaut as Lakshmi: There is no directive, ban or shloka against human beings acting as god, but why should we let an opportunity to outrage pass? Besides, new reasons to outrage can always be learnt, copied or created with time.

2. Lakshmi on scooter: In all of classical literature and art Lakshmi is referred to either as being driven in a chariot or riding atop an owl. How dare they show her going around on a scooter?

3. Lakshmi walking: Even if the ad-makers couldn’t create a lotus-seat for Lakshmi, they could have at least hired a couple of elephants and made them walk on either side of Kangana Ranaut. The main contention here of course is that the goddess NEVER WALKS. She either sits or travels on her mounts. But never walks.

4. Ad shows devotees of Lakshmi as people creating filth: The very fact that they worship Lakshmi should have put them beyond the scope of criticism. But, the ad clearly implies that those who worship Lakshmi litter their surroundings. This is unacceptable. LAKSHMI IS GREAT and those who worship her are the greatest people. In fact, those who don’t worship her are the ones who need to be rescued and taught lessons in cleanliness.

5. Ad shows that Lakshmi can be contained on a paper: If she can disappear from images, then does that mean that she actually was there?? Do the guys who made the ad really want to say that Lakshmi lives on smoky images in dingy houses and shops?

But that is not the case. . .

Sense of humour is not about cracking jokes on others, but about taking jokes on oneself; glad that the Hindus still have it.

Khizr Khan – Will he harm Clinton’s Campaign?


The Clinton campaign takes the cake for creative and often ingenious campaign strategies as well as public relations management. The Khizr Khan episode is one such creative genius that the strategists crafted to influence voters decisively in favor of Clinton. Only this time the strategy backfired.khizr

Khizr Khan is the father of Humayun Mauzzam Khan, the 27-year-old US Army Captain and Purple Heart awardee who was killed while deployed in Iraq in 2004. In a dream moment for the Clinton campaign, Khizr Khan pulled out a copy of the US constitution from his breast pocket and taunted Donald Trump to read it – an act that mesmerized viewers into a speechless awe. It will probably be remembered in the annals of election conventions in the US for a long time to come –  for multiple reasons.

As if on a cue, the cable networks, radio and print media went berserk and gushed at the powerful impact Khizr had created. Clinton’s campaign had pulled off a major coup and seemed to have almost stalled Trump’s campaign on its tracks.

If Team Clinton thought it had executed a coup de main, the revelations on Khizr Khan that followed held nasty surprise. It boomeranged and the campaign appeared to nosedive. Clinton quickly lost an 8 percentage point lead over Trump after the convention, to just a 3-point lead per the much respected Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll published on Friday, August 5th 2016. Surprisingly, at this late stage in the campaign cycle, Clinton has failed to establish a clear lead over Trump.

That bore testimony of a highly and evenly polarized electorate. But as the media uncovered more about Khizr Khan’s background, the unease amongst many Americans only grew and escalated the war of words between the two campaigns.

First, Khizr Khan’s past intellectual leanings were discomforting. His published writings showed his strong support for Islamic Law or Sharia, an anathema for Americans. Through his writings, he claimed the supremacy of Sharia and asserted that it was above the constitution or the law of the land since it was God given.

Secondly Khizr Khan seemed to have been inspired by Said Ramadan of the Muslim Brotherhood fame. Many are familiar with the violent past of the brotherhood. There have been calls by the US Congress to designate it as a terrorist organization. Egypt and the United Arab Emirates too have made similar demands. Khizr’s purported connections to the Muslim Brotherhood has not helped Clinton in anyway.

Thirdly, Khizr seemed to have connections to religious extremist elements in Pakistan, specifically to Allah K Brohi. Brohi, who was a former Minister and advisor to Gen Zia ul Haq, the former dictator of Pakistan, had helped create hundreds of madrassas and restore Sharia punishments in that country.

Fourthly, in a subsequent interview with a Pakistani TV network Khan’s praise for the sacrifices of the Pakistani soldiers – who have often been at loggerheads with US forces in Afghanistan- has only reinforced this hardline image of Khan as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Lastly, came the exposé in some sections of the media that the Clinton campaign had transferred $375,000 – no small amount – to Khan in early August, although the quid pro quo was not a surprise.

The Khan episode had its share of critical and adverse consequences, albeit unintended. Many Americans, particularly veterans, have been angered that the supreme sacrifice of a Purple Heart soldier was being politicized and have protested it.

Khan, in the meantime, had taken full advantage of his new found but short-lived popularity on prime time television. He appeared in almost every major cable network channel to denounce Trump. But sensing the unease his writings on Sharia had generated among Americans, he quickly made a ‘U’ turn. In the AC 360 show on CNN when asked about his writings on Sharia he said there was ‘no such thing as Sharia’.

Khan went on further to say that the Sharia was nothing but a hodge-podge of British, French and Portuguese laws and could never be implemented in the US. His about turn was complete. But the damage had already been done and there was no winning back the confidence of many Americans – particularly the baby-boomers and large sections of the veterans.

Notwithstanding his denials, Khan’s resume had all the career highlights of a Muslim with strong and yet secret ties to radical Islam. In fact, his denials had only accentuated the problem for Clinton. It is true that none of the intelligence agencies have publicly come out with a possible connection between Khan and the brotherhood or radical Islam. But the Trump campaign has exploited this to the full. Khizr Khan has since refused to meet with the television networks or the media.

The ground reality is that the campaigns face a nervous and a highly polarized America. This nervousness has spawned irrational fears all over. The Clinton campaign is obviously nervous about its inability to prevail over Trump as elections get closer. Hence we are witness to a serving President – a first ever – who is actively on the campaign circuit. While many may see this as inappropriate and a minor breach of ‘Presidential’ conduct at best, it has largely been ignored it in the distractions of a vituperative drama of a highly spirited election.

The Trump campaign on the other hand has been unable to fully exploit Clinton’s gaffes and missteps to its advantage. Americans have been equally appalled by some of his blunt and uninformed remarks – ranging from nukes to NATO.

The Khizr Khan fiasco has some important lessons for both the campaigns. Europe, smarting under repeated terror attacks from radical Islam, has created a society that is ultra-allergic and ultra-sensitive to anything Islam.

Europeans in general and France in particular have been known for the liberal traditions and until recently, had preached to the world the virtues of immigrants – specially Muslims immigrant in creating a diverse society. For decades they have counseled third world countries like India and others about the wisdom and the need to absorb and coexist with Muslim immigrants.

But almost overnight, this allergen of Islamic terror, has drained Europe of any pretense to this liberal embrace of immigrants, especially Muslims. It has resulted in multiple optics –“Brexit”, “Nationalism” and rise of “Right wing” in Germany etc. But the transformation has been quick and complete and there will be no going back. Europe ain’t liberal anymore and the Americans aren’t far behind.

The US has joined the party late and is now fermenting. Clinton’s cynical deploy of Khizr Khan to gain votes oblivious of this fermenting undercurrent has backfired on her and will continue to hurt.  A nervous America can be unpredictable and the even polarization will only make the race to the White House all the more difficult.

Ganga: The Religious Challenges

Ganga maiyya me jab tak ye paani rahe… these lines were written as a film song but now become a praising bhajan for the most revered river of India, Ganges. The holy river which starts from Gangotri in Uttarakhand and perpetuates religious cities, fulfil soil demands, make a basin which produces multiple quality crops, covers many cities and washes sins of millions everyday.

Ganga is not only a river of beliefs, it has some inherent qualities of cultural amalgamation, heritage notions and diversity. The goddess Ganga of Rishikesh-Haridwar-Allahabad-Varanasi is a humble purveyor of Patna-Mokama-Behrampore and Kolkata. It gives vibrancy to many ghats and temples and hope to millions for a new phase of life everyday. It has the quality to attract anyone into her lap and create a natural connection. Ganga is known to us as a mythical character, from ages.

Ganga is facing numerous challenges today. It is now addressed by a central ministry with a heavy budget. So we can expect that very soon we see a river flowing with its wings and natural speed. From Gangotri to Rudraprayag it has many bottlenecks in shape of dams, in rishikesh and haridwar the old age traditions put her in a dilemma and when its enters UP, the real challenge of human ignorance kills its souls, the pollution by cities, in form of waste adds deadly pollutants to a river and is scientifically rejuvenated if it gets its flora and fauna, properly. Kanpur, Varanasi has a challenge for Ganga today.

We mostly know the reasons and responsibilities. When a religious city, temple and ghat is not clean, how can we expect a person/body/trust to questions his religious act of polluting a river, which is sacred by beliefs and also hold a tag of sin-washer. There are many arguments floated that religious practices didn’t harm Ganga, they actually help it to survive more piously. It has the capacity to rejuvenate day by day. The problem is the industrial pollution and waste water/sewer drainage of cities. Many reports also suggests due to the dams the flow of ganga has been barred and it has repercussions on its rejuvenating values. All religious cities has its share in polluting ganga a bit. Lets see how…

Take a Dip in Ganga is a belief and non challenging practice from ages. In one Kumbh, Central Pollution Control Board’s research revealed that due to large amount of bathing activities ganga gets polluted. The pollution is organic and bacterial. We have seen millions and millions of people taking bath on auspicious dates in the river, surely human body discharges some bacteria and it has adverse effects. And when millions take bath, you can imagine the water and the bacterial effects on the river.

We celebrate festivals like a king and end like a destroyer. We literally become Lord Shiva. And believe that a small city can hold thousands of pandals where deities placed for nine days later with lot of sound pollution become part of a river due to some religious beliefs. Paints, Insoluble materials, colours, metals, clothes, too much of soil now floating in the river, that never asked for this. Everyday tons of things at many religious cities poured into ganga in the name of faith.

Salvation is a wish of every religion prone hindu and a desire for every soul. So when you take a dip, you wash your sins and when you die, you emerge yourself in the river. Ash pouring in Ganga is a old age belief that die hard. Dead bodies of children, unmarried youths, Snake bitten person, leprosy ridden sicks and Jal Samadhi of religious gurus are still happening. Who can ask why to pollute Ganga after leaving this world?

Thousands of temples, ghats, ashrams, houses near ganga discharge tons of ritualistic, day to day waste for the river they pray, respect and earning livelihood in their name. Flowers, Clothes, Vermilion, Camphor and lot of insoluble waste is now the reality of our faithful way of polluting Ganga.

There are many who always speaks on fighting for river, Kanpur’s Eco Friends Cooordinator Rakesh Jaiswal always support the logic of ‘No Mans Land’, “Make 200 metres of ‘no mans land’ on both sides of ganga, use this land for plantation of trees. This can gives the river a new life”. Abhay Mishra, Author of Dar Dar Gange says “ We treat Ganga as a mother and believe it as a deity, so we become complacent that a supreme power has the capacity to take care of herself!, so we never change our ritualistic behaviour towards ganga”.

Ganga surely needs your prayers, faith and devotions. According to mythology it arrived on earth to wash your sins. One day when we only have these stories and the river become silent, you can understand how your religious immaturity cost a river, who always want to serve your deeds.

Pandas of Gaya – need for data based approach to India’s ancestry


When Varun Gandhi came down to Gaya (a remote place in Bihar, India) and offered pinda (a traditional Hindu ritual, paying homage) for salvation of ancestral souls,  besides the customary rites, he could also locate his great-grandfather Motilal Nehru (father of more famous Jawaharlal Nehru) as the last of his clan who visited Gaya for the same purpose. And from then on, he was able to connect his genealogical links to a fair extent.

All these were from the registers of the Gayawal pandas (who oversee the religious performance), being maintained for time immemorial. For hundreds of years they were the unerring custodian of Indian genealogy.  “There can hardly be a failure in attempting to track ones ancestors; if only he or any of his forefathers had ever been to Gaya to offer pinda,”  Damodar lal Mowar, prominent Gayawal Panda exudes confidence, as he explains the niceties of the process of record keeping.

It is indeed a data based approach to ones ancestry. A genealogists’ delight! Besides the customary process of satiating the curious pilgrims’ eternal desire to locate their familial roots, panda’s handbook is potent to solve many a dispute of wider dimension. In the recent period Thackerey’s Bihar-baiting was questioned with his own Bihari link, courtesy the panda register.

The process is archaic, but accurate. Person visiting Gaya for pindadaan would unfailingly be recorded into specific registers of the pandas with references to their original places of descent. The link thereafter would be handed down to subsequent generations, in the same panda family.

Its a round the year phenomenon. Though, the fortnight long pitripaksah – considered the most auspicious of the planetary moments – draws Hindus from all over, to perform the ritual aimed at salvation of their ancestral souls – moksha.

The basic ritual takes places alongside Phalgu, a river that mostly flows underneath! There is a mythological narrative on exchange of one gayasura and Lord Vishnu connected with the place. A temple on the stated footprint of Lord Vishnu was built by Maharani Ahilyabai of Holkar much later, in the 18th century.

Allegations of extortion from the innocent pilgrims, as prevalent elsewhere in Hindu Shrines, are also a common refrain for the Gayawal pandas. Incidentally however, much of the ritual connected with pindadaan and the roles taken by the pandas in that process are not very defined. They do not perform the pujas, achaar and customary services during the occasion. These are done by priests meant for the purpose. Yet, every pilgrim has to approach the pandas on completing the rites and seeks their acquiescence – suphal – a kind of approval that signifies that the process was in order and may yield the desired moksah.

“The Gayawaal pandas are considered as jagirs (owner) of the places where pindadaan is offered. Without their permission, none can perform the rituals” – declares Munnu Mowar, a young entrant in the clan; reasoning out also the curious inclusivity of Indian lineage in their account.

But the clan is dwindling fast. From about 1484 families engaged in the calling only a few decades ago, it has shrunk close to 125 presently. Each such family offer 2 to 4 male members in the pursuit, that too, young members are increasingly looking it as part time, as, with education they are more inclined to get into modern day avocations. Endogamy is commonplace. This is encouraged to entrench the profession.

Yet the remarkable value multiplier linked with the presence of Gayawal panda is the genealogy tracker! Any visit to Gaya for pindadaan is recorded in Bhojpuri dialect, on yellow pages of their register in chronological sequence, being folded neatly thereafter and covered with red cloth on the above. These registers handed down to subsequent generations in their own household, hold immaculately on to that family descent and thus contain the link to the roots of Indian lineage.

Pandas, too, have their jurisdictional control. Any Indian descent is precisely segregated into respective Panda domains, leaving little scope for overlapping. The older records are periodically copied in newer registers to pre-empt withering.

Each Panda, thus, look after certain regions and even cater to the specificities of the region. As Bholalal explains that pilgrims from Central India touch upon more number of sacred spots (which are around 45 in total) beyond the customary places like Vishnupada, Phalgu river and Akshyay Bat, mainly covered by devotees from Eastern part including Bengal.

Pandas keep a close tab on historical events happening to the pilgrim of their respective terrain. Indian partition and the colossal human exodus in the aftermath, as fallout, thus find distinct, unerring chronicling in their registers. There can hardly be any disconnect for such huge populace even after shifting of place. Amit Bardhan, one such progeny of partition victim, to his extreme wonder, could find his ancestors visiting the place almost 105 years back. “All one needs is to call up his original place of descent – down to tehsil or village level,” he clarifies.

Conceding to its tourist potential, Government these days put a lot of emphasis on devotee services; but least of all is to upgrade the record keeping procedure of the devotees’ ancestry. No wonder, the procedure to survive the test of time, needs upgrading. Computer based record maintenance approach is the most suitable answer to carry the inimitable concept ahead. But none of Munnu or Bholalal, a relatively newer entrant to the vocation, is aware of the prospect of such natural use of technology to what they do manually. And there is hardly any taker of such idea in their clan, either!

Open Letter to PM Modi – Debunk MSM to save the Nation

Respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi,

Hope you’re doing fine and wish you a healthy life.

I’m Sudhamsh living in USA and I can tell you I was never as proud as I’m since you represented the country.  The amount of respect and influence you bought to the nation is commendable. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication towards the nation- that motivates me to do more for my people back home.

I would also like to mention that I’m very happy to see how the misters are working- specially Suresh Prabhu, Sushma Swaraj, Manohar Parrikar, Nitin Gadkari, VK Singh, Piyush Goyal etc who are leading by example because of which there is a crystal clear difference between the present government and the previous governments.

That being said, I should say I’m very saddened by the current affairs in India, especially for the last six months. I can understand there are certain issues which we need to deal with as a nation like Economy, Black money, Corruption, Pakistan infiltrated terrorism(Ex: LOC, Pathankot), Kashmir issue (Both home grown and by other terrorist org) , Communal Issues and so on but the larger problem today the country faces is the propaganda which is being spread by multiple sources in defaming the country’s image.

It is heart wrenching to see the main stream media playing major role to push this negative agenda. It is very clear that there are some genuine cases but at the same time there are many manufactured issues (Intolerance, award wapsi, sympathizing with terrorists – trying to divide the nation, downplay the achievements etc) just to get back against you. I find this ridiculous and shocking. As an individual for me nothing is more important than my country and its people. It is shocking to see people being biased because of their political inclinations and losing their ability to call a spade a spade.

The proportion of such is very less but are enough to do the damage. I’m sick of some groups which solely work to diminish everything that is against them for the greed of power and are even ready to join hands with enemies for that reason. I wish people are more responsible and be critical of everything which is wrong instead of cherry picking issues which suits their point. It is constructive to be helpful to achieve a solution instead of just criticize. No government is perfect, it is all about how willing they are to make themselves better by correcting their mistakes and being productive at the end of the day.

I request you to GO ALL IN on these forces which are trying to defame the country for their political reasons. I request the Indian Government to establish some kind of commission or agency like CBI who can go on them with IRON HAND on their wrong doings to deliberately maligning the country’s image and set an example to everyone that country comes first. Period. I’m 100% sure that the silent majority is with you who can think sane and understands how important it is to support a government which is striving hard to uplift the poor and put the country on development track.

As a citizen I ask for stringent action towards the genuine issues which happened and punish all those who are involved both within the party and outside. I request you to find a way to control/punish all the hot heads inside the party and not give any chances for these propagandists to use it against the party. Doing this will outshine other parties like congress which is rotten to core and hopeless(Thanks to RaGa Baba). In my opinion, right now there is no better party than BJP for center under your leadership. I’m tired of the corrupt congress which destroyed the country and no big hopes on regional parties. I’m glad and happy to see the way government is performing with respect to the growth and wish that it continues in the same manner and keep the country corruption free.

Anyhow in this critical time I can imagine how difficult it is to make decisions and lead the nation but would like to remind you that without handling these forces and their machinery who are power greed and used to all the corrupt life style(Big time politicians and especially some journos) will make it even hard for you and the country to prosper. I hope you consider this and do the necessary damage control. Thank you.

Jai Hind

Cow –Protection activism, UP- GUJ 2017, Modi and Cow Politics


Second anniversary celebration of the launch of MyGov came into news for all the wrong reasons on Saturday evening. At the function of the portal for citizen-government interaction, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was addressing a “Town hall” meeting. There were various questions asked by citizens of India on varied topics from economics to foreign policy, Agriculture reforms, Smart City project and economic reforms. But it was the statement made by PM on Gau Rakshaks (Cow-Protection groups) which became the talking point on Social Media as well as News Studios.  PM said that those who are taking Law & Order in their hand and posing Gau Rakshaks are actually miscreants and state should implement law & order in their states so these criminals are put behind bars.

Here PM was talking about those who fake as Gau Rakshaks and not the ones who genuinely try to protect cows from slaughter houses and make sure cows don’t die out of hunger after they are left on streets. But many twisted his statements and are now calling for defeat  of BJP and Modi in 2019. Many on the ‘right’ are also saying that BJP and particularly Modi is not “Right Wing” anymore. Honestly Modi was  never RW to begin with. I wrote this article back in 2015 where I argued that Modi is a centrist and not a Right Wing politician.

To understand Modi and his politics one needs to look at Gujarat from 2002 to 2007. After coming to Gujarat in 2001 Modi was working in tandem with Praveen Togadia of VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) for electoral gains but after 2002, Modi started sidelining Togadia and VHP to focus on development model & not focus on sole Hindutva agenda. Modi started relocating Temples from streets of Surat and other cities which were build without permissions and blocking roads & that also gave statements like “Toilets should be build before Temples”. His sole agenda as CM of Gujarat was development. The same development model made him Prime Minister of India in 2014.

There is no denying that BJP is seen as a Party which caters to Hindutva ideology but for Modi it is India first. This was the main reason why Togadia and Modi parted ways and since then Togadia has tried his level best to undermine Modi at every level. This article tells the history how VHP even helped certain politicians in Gujarat to ensure Modi gets defeated but that never happened.  So when the condemnable incident of Una happened it gave some oxygen to the likes of Togadia and the topic of Gau Rakshak came back into center stage of Indian Politics for the wrong reason. Anandiben Patel as CM of Gujarat failed to curb the atrocities against Dalits and also Patidar agitation but her main failure was to get side tracked from the development model which Modi had started in 2007.

The topic of Cow protection needs to be looked into more detail as there is a problem regarding cow protection and cow protection groups have sacrificed a lot from being beaten to facing death. This report says that in 2015 a cow protection activist was hacked to death in Karnataka for closing down the slaughter house..

“He had reportedly been part of a campaign to shut down illegal slaughter houses and protested against cattle trafficking in the region.”

In another incident RSS Karyakartas did the right thing by informing police and filing an FIR as per this article. So PM is right in saying that some of these people who are posing as Cow-Protection groups are actually trying to create a divide by targeting Dalits and Muslims. Birsa Munda (1875-1900), one of the biggest freedom fighters from the depressed classes, always said that Cows needed to be protected to protect our heritage and culture. All these shenanigans are being perpetuated by some people with the focus on UP and Gujarat elections in 2017, where some people along with other parties who are against Modi will try to malign him in the name of religion for all the wrong reasons.

This article in Opindia.com on the Gau Rakshak Statement made by PM decodes everything but there is a history behind all of this and people need to be aware of this history. Also many missed the whole statements given by the PM which he started by saying that, “In earlier times ‘Badshah’ while fighting a ‘Raja’ would put cows in front his army and the ‘Raja’ would surrender as in Hindu dharam killing a cow is the greatest sin, even if it means losing one’s own life in the process of protecting cows, as an answer to what is ‘Seva bhav’ and volunteerism.”.

There are also some ‘Right Wingers’ on social media (Twitter & Facebook) who are terming Modi as anti-Hindu etc etc and hoping that the elections in 2019 will see his downfall, but do they know what will they do if he does lose in 2019? If Congress is back in power again, things will go back to being worse, where religious conversions will be unchecked and common man of India will suffer. There are certain core reforms which BJP needs to do for their core voters but without electoral success and the power to change laws and bring in legislators all this hyperventilation of some Hard-Core Right Wing people is futile. Some of them write excellent articles with Data on many things from ‘Ras Bihari Bose’ to the Shrinking population of Hindus in many parts of India. But without Electoral gains and political patronage no ideology can survive. These intellectuals need to go back and read Chanakya and state politics.

Of course the said comments by PM will give certain MSM hacks news headlines for few days and how Modi has taken on the core voters of BJP and Hindutva forces but they only have to wait for some people on social media to show them their place with facts. Social Media as a whole has made sure that lies of MSM gets exposed on daily basis when try to peddle lies. Common people do get disheartened by things said by politicians at times but one should see the track record of the work done by the PM as CM and then judge. Lapping up the said narrative has been one of the biggest mistakes of those who want to see India grow.

Now is time to show faith in the elected government of the day and the ‘Man’ himself who is working on a mission to make India a power to reckon with.

Liberals desperate to blame BJP for Dalit atrocities are sounding tragically ridiculous


A spiteful and myopic counter to the post, “I’m A Dalit But I Think It’s Wrong To Blame The BJP For The Una As sault” appeared recently in the Huffington Post. The counter was titled “I’m Not A Dalit But I Do Blame The BJP For Una And Other Gau Rakshak Atrocities“. At first, the counter claims that the article is replete with fallacies and has mischief hidden away as sentiment without justifying this grave allegation. If one studies the tone and tenure of the counter closely, it seems to be a post written out of anger rather than genuine concern.

Further, the fuel must have been provided by the obvious incapability to digest countering views, a quality massively prevalent amongst the self-fashioned neo-“liberal’ champions of the oppressed. The counter claims that the imagined dichotomies that exist only in the domain of political propaganda makes him feel compelled to call these out. This is hilarious as the most compelling factor behind the shallow counter is heartache the writer suffered when he had to know the opinion of a dalit who wasn’t blaming the ruling party for the larger societal fallacies existing in the sub-continent. The claims of writer in understanding human empathy seem far fetched consider the utter lack of perspective in the piece. The lazy intellectualism peddled in the garb of an automated thought process of selection of seemingly ‘liberal’ positions cannot be regarded as a fair opinion. Please note that I shall throughout this article is the term liberal under quotes as I believe that true liberal thought doesn’t exist anymore or at least, it is not one which the writer of this counter adheres to.

The whole point of the original article was to provide an insight in to the societal conditions of dalits in India and in the backdrop of this larger perspective, provide an argument beyond the simple delusional binaries of blaming one party and subsequently forgetting the issue. The writer of the original article, maybe with due insight, knows that the linking of these incidents directly to the ruling party provides more hysteria and peepli live circus rather than concrete steps towards true amelioration and integration of the major sections of dalits in the political, social, economic and educational scenario of India. The writer of the original article, perhaps with this set of ideas in mind wrote the post claiming that it would be wrong to blame the BJP for the incidents in Una. To my mind, the writer of the original post, being a dalit himself wishes to genuinely work towards the upliftment rather merely making them vote banks to collect. To the contrary and obviously mistakenly, the writer of the counter thoroughly believes in the tokenism of blaming the ruling party but only if it is the BJP. The impending ‘liberal’ need to blame all evils of the world to the conservatives without analyzing the gravity or the depth of the issue does serious harm to their scholarship. Perhaps after having ones brain washed by the holy red water in the elite social education institutions, this charade is inevitable.

The counter claims that it is wrong on part of the writer of the original post to absolve the BJP for Una merely because these incidents are commonplace and have been happening from times long before the BJP existed. While the writer of the original post sought to bring attention of the reader to the chequered history of dalit atrocities in India, the aim was not to absolve any party or for that matter blame any party, rather the writer sought to put the incident in the correct perspective. The writer original post was worried, and correctly so, that due to the unfair reportage in the national media, a narrative is being sought to be built centering on the BJP being an anti-dalit party. The writer of the original post sought to clarify that these incidents have happened across regimes in India with the same frequency and the mere fact that are being reported nationally because of a BJP government being in power must not muddy the narrative. It further sought to clarify, on the basis of an elementary rule of science, that if the occurrence of a particular result is the same irrespectively of the party in power, it would be logically wrong to blame the party in power for the occurrence of the said result. To illustrate, if the event C occurs while the prevailing circumstances are A, and C also occurs when the prevailing circumstances change to B, it would be scientifically wrong to claim that B is responsible for the occurrence of C. I understand that it would be wrong on my part to assume that the writer of the counter is well versed with elementary rules of logic.

Further, there is unmistakable and characteristically ‘liberal’ sense of intellectual entitlement piercing through the counter. Be that as it may, the writer of the counter, further admits that these evils have existed have existed across regimes and the parties including the Congress must share the blame. If this original post and the counter were pleadings in a Court of law, this would be the point wherein the writer of the original post would file an application under Order 12 Rule 6. The whole point of the writer of the original post was move beyond the childish game of BJP blame and view dalit atrocities in the correct perspective. By this admission, the argument in the counter post gets stuck in a knot which can’t be undone. Theerafter, the counter irrationally claims that the original post was a fallacy parade which move on to Tu quoque, that is to say hypocrisy (thank you for the link). Ignoring the absolutely pointless use of latin, the hypocrisy is not on part of the writer of the original post rather is falls on part of the national media for selectively ignoring incidents and on part of the writer of the counter to fuel his insatiable need to criticize the BJP by the irrational narrative being built around the incident.

To clarify further, I understand that it is the responsibility of the State (not just the present government) to prevent all forms of crime and further, considering the Ambedkarian nature of our Constitution, it is the duty of our State to prevent all forms of discrimination and crimes against dalits. As per political science, it is the central duty of a State under the social contract theory, to prevent crime and maintain law and order. Further, as per basic criminal law jurisprudence, every crime is seen as a crime against the State and not just a persons or group. If this is to be extended, in purely hypothetical terms, every untoward occurrence becomes the responsibility of the State and by extension, the government in power. As we are aware, it would be a logical travesty to report every crime as the responsibility of the State and therefore, the correct perspective is necessary to examine the problem of crime of any nature. It is therefore, necessary to examine the problem of dalit atrocities and dalit emancipation in the larger context and the role of the all political stakeholders to deal with the problem rather than indulging in the pointless exercise of ‘blame it on BJP’. Unfortunately, this is the standard response of that comes up from various factions on such issues. Dalit emancipation is an issue of much greater magnitude which requires a much longer time frame to enable oneself to acquire the requisite knowledge to constructively deal with the issue. It is clarified that I do not seek to take away the right of the writer of the counter or other people to criticize the ruling party, I merely expect him to be smarter and logical while dealing with the issue.

Next, the counter criticizes the original post for having a pragmatic view about the situation. The original post makes a case for dalits to seek integration and social mobility within the society. The writer of the counter, perhaps being unaware of the dalit psyche and the dalit political process, ignores the depth of the issue. For someone who would have been aware of the issue, would remember the largely confrontational approach of the dalit movement in India, with the history of Tilak, Taraju aur Talwar, Inko Maaro Joote Chaar, in contrast to the integrative and ameliorative approach which the writer of the original post stresses upon. The confrontational approach has its advantages and it obvious fallacies if one considers the abject failure of the BSP with its approach in the emancipation of dalit in Uttar Pradesh. The confrontational approach almost inevitably leads to creation of larger than life figures tapping vote banks and rarely contributing towards making the lives of the dalits better. It is clarified that I seek to make no connection between the upper castes and the BJP and assumingly nor did the writer of the original post. Rather, the original post provides a non-confrontational integrative approach and maybe seeks to argue that the conservatives are not against dalit emancipation. This view of the writer of the original post, as a dalit himself, is assumed to come from a deeper understanding of the societal concerns in India which the writer of the counter seems to be unaware of.

Interestingly, the counter then presents the Noah’s arch argument stating that the dalits who have made progress in India are few and far in between and ratio is not enough. I  do not seek to indulge myself in the historical correctness of Ved Vyas being a dalit or not, but I would clarify that considering it is mythological, the historical correctness of Ved Vyas being a dalit should be a non-issue rather the prevailing belief must be considered as the correct position. Also, Ambedkar may or may not have been a conservative, but it would certainly be dishonest to claim Ambedkar as a left leaning ‘liberal’ in the modern as the writer of the counter may seem to project. While I do think no political party in India can truly claim the legacy of Ambedkar, the attempt of conservatives in accepting his philosophy and implementing it stands as proof of both, the true liberality of conservatives and the malleability of Ambedkarian thought.  Further, Ambedkar represent both schools of dalit thought, the confrontational and also the integrative considering the long and evolving public life Ambedkar lived. Be that as it may and ignoring the ‘liberal’ use of Manu and Vedic Math, I agree with this assertion that the ratio and representation of dalit in top positions in India is not enough. But the counter seemingly deliberately ignores that the point of the original post which was to present the larger need for societal and political empowerment to cure the evil of dalit atrocities. The tokenism of few and far in between dalit leader does not solve the dalit power ratio, but does the tokenism of one dalit atrocities being projected as national news merely because there is a BJP government in power or because an important state with a sizable dalit population is up for elections solves the problem of dalit atrocities? It does not. This is what the original post was hinting at, and was possibly deliberately ignored in the counter.

After these disjoint assertions, the counter makes a shy attempt at dealing with the issue in Una. The counter claims that post seeks ‘sublimal softening’ of the incident by terming it as vigilantism. Then in hyper semantic twist of argument, the counter alleges that for vigilantism, the act of the victims ought to have been illegal ignoring that the modern use of the term ‘vigilantism’ often transgresses beyond the dictionary meaning. Thereafter, the counter makes the absurd argument that since one has not heard of any Marxist, Lohiaite or neo’liberal’ Gau Rakshak Dals, it is to be assumed that All Gau Rakshak Dals are to be associated with the BJP. This argument is ridiculous beyond imagination as it would claim that every political, social, religious, etc organization in the country which is not Lohiaite/Marxist or neo’liberal’, would be informally associated with the BJP. A basic rule of logic one learns at law school is that if A is not B, does not mean A is C. To extend this logic, one will one day claim that all cows are members of the BJP since no Marxist wants to save them?! Or is every naxal killing in Chattisgarh or Orissa or every jihadi activity in Kashmir the doing of ‘liberals’ in India? The inability of the counter to move beyond the myopia of blaming of BJP, makes it suffer from a certain degree of shortsightedness which the original post sought to remove by providing a simple and requisite backdrop to the issue.

Further, the counter rather confusingly admits that BJP is not the originator of casteism but then obviously blames the atrocities on the “intricate corruptions of brahminical” religion. I hate digress but the hatred towards the Brahmins or the terming of castesim as brahminical or for that matter, terming any societal evil in India as something brahminical, is an approach against which I have grave reservations. Without much expansion, I believe it is wrong to single out the brahminical influence for the atrocities on dalits or any societal evil for that matter because, if the blame has to be shared, it would have to be shared amongst everyone and not just the Brahmins. Further, it is wrong to presume that Indian society was completely controlled by Brahmins at any point of time without understanding the parameters of social mobility in India in the historical context. These intellectual corruptions are well entrenched in India due to the propogation of the false aryan invasion/migration theories, the inability to understand the contemporary societal context and the post British evangelical agenda. While, the obvious present day atrocities on dalits, cannot, for one moment be ignored but the fallacies of historical justice against the Brahmins has to be tempered. Historical justice is fallacious argument, an assertion which would require a post of its own. The counter states that there is a false dichotomy between development and social justice, ignoring that considering the impact of Modi and his plank of development and the Deel Dayal Updhayay philosophy of Antyoday, it is the BJP that is trying to bridge these supposed dichotomy. The idea may indeed be difficult to achieve, but it only the BJP and Sangh which seems to be trying to inculcate social justice, empowerment, integration and amelioration of dalits along with the project of development of equality of opportunity for all.

Last but not the least, the counter suffers from an entitlement complex. The original article was written by a dalit clarifying his views on the issue. Perhaps a dalit having his own view wherein he doesn’t necessarily hate the BJP and does not mindlessly cater to the self-entitled intellectual view, could not be tolerated. If this, in your language my friend, is not brahminical, what is?

‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’: A failed state, anathema on Islam


Single-mindedly and Mindlessly, Pakistan has positioned it self asthe  most radical Anti-India power on the planet, the only achievement to their credit, which protected their sovereignty from falling apart. They lived up to one and only agenda of inflicting India by any means , with falling down to every possible level they could.

Transformed into jihad factory, what good Pakistani would have done to Kashmir (India Administered), which kept destabilizing the regions for more than half a century.

Without Kashmir there is no agenda for Pakistan to work upon. Citizens are starving for basic needs, and Army (De Facto political power in Pakistan) is blindly accumulating weapons on the mercy of superpowers to disrupt neighboring Giant.

All the Muslim neighbouring countries including Iran, Afghanistan have cut off with Pakistan. And after bearing brunt of Jihad, American power is is no longer interesed in harbouring the terror powerhouse. Chinese power is still in tug of war with India and cannot it from jeopardizing its membership to United Nations and Commonwealth.

They have lost their credibility at all the international platform, no body trust them for their involvement in nurturing terrorism.

Calling special cabinet meeting to declare terrorist Burhan Wani, killed by Indian Army in Kashmir recently, as Pakistan’s martyr, reflects their desperation to maintain fame of world’s leading terror exporter.

Grave violations of Human rights, killing of Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other minority communities have raised international concerts regarding Pakistan’s destructive policies; it is no surprise if it received international sanctions sooner or later.

In last 2 years, India tried to resume dialogues at every possible level, but each time they opted out in unacceptable manner by resorting to non-state actor (Hurriyat Separatist Leaders).

Indian Prime Minister met his Pakistani counterpart at the sidelines of Ufa, and also paid a brief in December 2015 to Islamabad to normalise the situation, but Pakistan each time resorted inflicting terrorism.

Now the tension is at its peak Pakistan intensifying insurgency in Kashmir as they failed to all the attempts to disrupt India.

Meanwhile, in the recent terror attacks in France, USA, Bangladesh and Turkey, India and World must get together to fight the rising global Jihad before it gets too late.

Dalits, Cows and Politics


The progressive image of a modern India has been tarnished by the recent incidents at Una. Our heads hang in shame while we watch the horrific scenes of violence carried out by the self-appointed protectors of the ‘holy cow’. With each passing day, multiple videos of brutality by these ‘Cow Terrorists’ are cropping up. They should be brought to justice, there can be no rationale for these crimes. These goons should be punished along with their political patrons, irrespective of their political affiliations.

However, there is an immediate need to objectively understand the Dalit problem and target the gross politicization of the issue. A section of the mainstream media has started targeting the central government for these crimes. The Prime Minister is being held personally responsible. The gross hypocrisy of the media is exposed when we realise that the same media never held the previous government accountable for the crimes committed against Dalits, which were higher, as per the National Crime Records Beaureu, under the UPA government.

Statistically speaking, the crimes against Dalits, as per this report in the Hindu, is highest in UP, Bihar, and Rajasthan. Two of these three states are not ruled by the BJP. Although it is a reality that according to some statistics, crimes against Dalits have increased in Gujarat (the state authorities deny it) since the last two years, but blaming it on the person who ruled Gujarat for 12 years and this close to the assembly elections is preposterous. There can be various reasons for it, one cannot rule out political conspiracy. We have already noticed the extrapolation of delicate communal issues by a section of the media, sometimes in cahoots with politically motivated intellectuals, to malign the Prime Minister and the central government. Such media frenzy and politicisation generally takes place close to important elections.

There is an ‘anti-modi’ brigade active these days. They start their day by posting a few unfunny memes about the Prime Minister, followed with a few editorials from the likes of Indira Jaising and Teesta Setalvad, and finally masturbating themselves to sleep while reading the results of selective RTI queries. These people become vigorously active during the time of elections. They don’t care whether their actions disrupt the communal harmony of the nation or increase the caste divide, all they care about is defeating Modi, even at the cost of human life and dignity.

But exposing these people is not enough, we have to fight these cow terrorists as well. We have to be open-minded and progressive. Such organisations should be punished strictly, their victims should be supported socially and morally. It is about time that the common Indian starts to fight for the rights of Dalits and minorities. This artificial feeling of alienation, propagated by a section of media and their supporters, needs to be tackled with our efforts at social integration.

The Prime Minister has shown great courage and leadership in the past two years. He has tried to empower Dalits symbolically and with the help of government schemes (some of which were launched on anniversaries of Dalit leaders) but this is not enough. The Prime Minister needs to speak out against this form of vigilantism before it gets out of hand. It would not only strengthen his support base but also bring the society closer.

It is disgraceful to live at the cost of one’s self-respect. Self-respect is the most vital factor in life. Without it, man is a cipher. To live worthily with self-respect, one has to overcome difficulties. It is out of hard and ceaseless struggle alone that one derives strength, confidence and recognition.
 – Babasaheb Ambedkar


Open Letter to Outlook Columnist on RSS Trafficking Story


Neha Dixit- Outlook Columnist
Krishna Prasad,
Editor- Outlook Magazine

Madam/ Sir,

First of all I express my strong objections about your August 8th issue on so called RSS kids trafficking. I totally reject this issue and denounce your expert manipulator and fabricator journalist Neha Dixit.

I am from remote Dumduma village of West Garo hills in Meghalaya. We are three brothers and three sisters in our family. I belong to farmer family. It was very difficult for my parents to educate all of us. So, my father voluntarily admitted me to Belbari Vidya Bharati school in class 2, located about 70 kms from my village. Then my parents urged NGO to send me to Maharashtra in quest for quality education. I was shifted to Marathwada region of Maharashtra in class 8. And now I am pursuing my BAMS medical course. I will be doctor January next year from Parshuram Medical College Lote- Chiplun in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. During my whole education my parents paid almost nothing as they just can’t! This is unbelievable for my village to see doctor of their own village.
Didn’t you or Neha Dixit ever felt the need to ask opinion of beneficiaries of such education like me? Is it not professional journalism to juxtapose both sides of issue?  Have you ever tried to meet students like us, Neha could have added at least 50,000 word text to her stupid junk of 11,350 word text of “Operation Baby Lift”

But after reading “Operation Baby Lift”, I concluded that you, Neha and Outlook management are innocent in this matter and you have just handled outsourced “Supari Killing” assignment funded by vested interest groups to target NGOs, groups and institutions which are creating hurdles in religious conversions, evangelization drive and anti- national activities like separatism, insurgency and militancy in North East India.

I can mention few points which might have triggered Outlook’s “Operation Beti Uthao”,

1)    You Leftist guys in India can’t tolerate educated tribal as leftist intellectuals, writers and journalist want to see Indian tribal youth with rifle in one hand and grenade in another. So, Indian leftist intelligentsia always oppose tribal welfare schemes and RSS back tribal welfare projects in North- East India. Hence “Operation Beti Uthao” was solely aimed at tarnishing RSS image among North East tribals.

2)    Vidya Bharati established itself as major player in education field in N-E India by successfully competing Church run schools, so Church was in a mood to settle the scores with Vidya Bharati.

3)    Sewa Bharati Purbanchal snatched initiative from Church run service projects aimed as evangelization by running aggressive flood relief campaigns and relief work during sectarian violence, so Church was waiting to hit Sewa Bharati.

4)    Central Government cancelled FCRA licences of many NGOs with dubious record and invited wrath from these NGOs, which might have funded your “Operation Beti Uthao”.

5)    All educational and service projects run by nationalistic NGOs and groups were largely responsible for eroding base of terrorist groups in N-E India. So foreign powers which want to foment terrorist violence in N-E India were angry at these NGOs.

Before concluding this letter, can I ask you, Neha Didi and Outlook management one simple question? Will you answer my question? If you can’t answer, will you simply apologise me?

My unique simple question to what is your contribution to the welfare of North-East India’s tribals? How much you have spent on same? If you haven’t done anything for us, you have no moral ground to target and thrash those who are doing this noble duty.

I hope you will answer my question and stop scolding those doing positive social work.

Vaishnav K. Ronja
(B.A.M.S. student from Garo Hills- Meghalaya)
Parshuram Medical College- Lote- Chiplun
Dist- Ratnagiri- Maharashtra
Dated:- August 01,2016