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The other side of Demonetization


Responses against the demonetization is largely based on the people inconvenience of standing in the bank line, and deaths tolls raising due to hunger, and now even apparently STD (seriously?).

Even when this was not enough media/people started coming up with conspiracy theories  of the PM indulging and conspiring against his on country. I personally believe we Indians are big hypocrites because we want everything and along don’t want to put an effort towards it.

There was a very good tweet about the same – “Our Government does nothing, it’s useless, And when it does , ye kya hai, g**du government!

I don’t want to be insensitive, but I want to ask people who are sensitive towards the deaths of poor people, which is being linked to demonetisation, if they ever wondered about number of deaths caused by hunger and poverty, which are often the results of corruption and black money?

According to latest FAO estimates in ‘The State of Food Insecurity in the World, 2015” report, 194.6 million people are undernourished in India. By this measure, India is home to a quarter of the undernourished population in the world. And I will add some facts with quantitative data for your reference 3,000 children in India die every day from poor diet related illness 24% of under-five deaths in India 30% of neo-natal deaths and 194.6 million people go hungry everyday.

So by this count, people have been dying out of hunger but that particular news doesn’t reach the common people, perhaps because these aren’t news worthy. No one keeps a count of how many are dying. No death tolls are flashed as is being done now. We just can not blindly follow what the media people throw at us.

Now talking about the planning and implementing the same; bringing the topic to a micro scale where you plan an event of marriage, you do the planning for months but there are some things you consider and some not, but in the end you do pull it off by implementing in on the way. Just like that brother, they have come up with many problems which were not accounted, but are changing according to the situation.

People thought there were loopholes in the system and tried to convert the black but again they controlled it, when and where necessary. For example Railways tickets were seen a hike in bookings and cancellation, with the news came up and a solution too. That does not mean poor strategy or poor planning.

My point here is the way the media puts in big letters of the loss which has been resulting due to the demonetization, but they fail to understand that this is just an cash crunch in the system, a temporary crunch which will eventually stabilize.

Where the rich with unaccounted money are spending at restaurants, pubs and other and forced to stay and put a limit to their expenditures. At a point you might say that this areas of expenditure have been running on a profit as they were fueled /pumped by the rampant black money in the market which now no longer exists, these people have had their share of candy and now they are forced to spit it out and apparently they are the ones who are or INDIRECTLY are revolting against it.

And why don’t we take a moment to see the other side of the coin? Where due to demonetization, the flow of money has been directed towards the banks. In economics, there is a theory called Multiplier Effect, where every time there is an injection of new demand into the circular flow, there is likely to be a multiplier effect. This is because an injection of extra income leads to more spending, which creates more income, and so on. The multiplier effect refers to the increase in final income arising from any new injection of spending. Just imagine the 2 lakh core deposit in 13 days in banks do when they will be running smoothly after the chaos settles. This is just one glimpse of digital India.

Along the same line, I would also add to this is that with time we will move towards equality in terms of taxation, where the salaried individual is forced to take the full burden of tax payments and the business class people enjoy the loop wholes in the system.

This is the time to walk and unite with the leaders and work for the better India.

बिगबॉस, हमारे केजरीवाल को भी बुला लो


प्यारे बिगबॉस,

मजाक – मजाक में आप भी दसवें सीजन में पहूंच गए ठीक वैसे ही जैसे केजरीवाल दिल्ली की मुख्यमंत्री बन गए। राहुल रॉय से शुरू हुआ सफर राहुल महाजन से होते हुए अब कहाँ पहुँचा है यह तो आप ही जानते हो या सलमान खान जानता है लेकिन कार्यक्रम हर साल आता है तो TRP अच्छी ही होगी।

बिगबॉस जी जहाँ तक मेरी समझ है , आपके कार्यक्रम में उस व्यक्ति को सर्व प्रथम मौका मिलता है जो अपनी असल जिंदगी में कुछ विवादों में घिरा हुआ होता है। क्या यह सच है?

यदि विवाद वाली बात सच है तो आप लोग के कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने के लिए एक व्यक्ति दिल्ली में दिन-रात मेहनत कर रहा है लेकिन आप लोग उसपर ध्यान नहीं दे रहे हो। मैं आपसे निवेदन करूँगा कि, “मेरे अरविंद केजरीवाल बहुत विवाद कर रहें हैं और आप जल्द से जल्द उन्हें अपने घर में बुलाकर 75 दिन के लिए रख लें।”

बिगबॉस जी यदि आप अरविंद केजरीवाल को अपने घर में बुला लेते हैं तो दिल्ली के साथ – साथ देश की जनता आपके द्वारा मानवजाति पर किये गए इस उपकार को नहीं भूलेगी और अरविंद केजरीवाल को बिगबॉस के घर के अंदर बंद रखने के लिए एक करोड़ का चंदा देगी।

प्यारे बिगबॉस आपके कार्यक्रम की TRP बढ़ाने के लिए ऐसा बेहतरीन प्रतियोगी फिर नहीं मिलेगा और यदि आप अरविंद केजरीवाल को बिगबॉस के घर में रख लेते हैं तो मैं भले बिगबॉस ना देखूं परंतु रोज बिगबॉस प्रसारण के समय टीवी चालू करके आपका शो म्यूट करके कार्यक्रम की TRP को बढ़ाने में मदद करूँगा।

Fact Check on Mihir Sharma’s article on demonetisation


Modi’s demonetisation scheme seems to have hurt a lot of people. It has exposed a lot of people who sided with the BJP & Modi as long as they had a balcony seat ticket to see them demolish the much hated Congress, time and again. The moment the demonetisation affected them personally, they switched.

Some have always made their allegiance to the Congress known. Be it by circulating propaganda, fear-mongering posts or by instigating crowds in foreign lands to play the victim card and project the Modi “Bhakts” as the evil love children of power and arrogance.

One such case that I came across was an article on Bloomberg & ET from a “journalist” – Mihir Sharma. Now, he has had his fair share of misleading posts from “Samosas will be banned in canteens” to the “Super PM does not need headphones for translation” joke but this one was under the garb of an economic journalism.

Simply going through the article, you would feel that India is doomed. Demonetisation was the worst step by PM Modi and that the poor are going to starve to death in a few days. A few moments later, you’d realise that there is not a single fact, reference or an honest data analysis but a singular opinion posted as “News”. Yeah, go climb up that fourth pillar of democracy!

Quotes from the article are in italics.

His recent speeches on the subject have been frankly bizarre. In one, he seemed to laugh at those inconvenienced by the ban; in another, he broke down while speaking of the “sacrifices” he’d made for India, and warned that he might be assassinated by “forces” desperate to protect their “loot.”

Whether I start the reply with your “ban samosas” lies or the “Modi needs no headphones” tweet, you know how it ended. Every other SM user gave you the evidence that your beloved samosas were not being banned in any government canteens; and who can forget the epic reply from Vivek Kumar – the guy from the end of the table, to ruin your so called “joke” on Modi. The point I’m trying to make is that, this, is called evidence. What your have put forth is called “assumption” that is convenience based.

Modi’s asked people to be patient for 50 days, but the process could take as long as four months.

Again, reference? Any kind of research that proves this correct, should be published. Otherwise this is mere fear-mongering.

In seafood-mad West Bengal, for example, the fishing industry is in a state of near-collapse; in the wheat-growing states of the northwest, farmers halfway through the sowing season have run out of cash to buy seeds.

Why is the fishing industry in a such a state, again? Every opportunity for financial inclusion through the PMJDY was provided to each and every Indian. Where the question is of hard earned money, it isn’t inaccessible to anyone. Every change comes with a discomfort. To keep focusing on that trivial isolated pain point and ignore the larger betterment, would be simply, “Penny wise, Pound foolish” (something you’d relate to).

Few villagers have access to an ATM.

Let me see you ask ONE question to the Congress why this is the state of affairs in our country even in the 21st Century. Please.

Many Indians, particularly women, still don’t have an active bank account.

Thankfully, the number is drastically lesser since Modi has become the PM. Well, let’s give credit where it is due!

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley wondered aloud how many poor people would even have 1,000-rupee notes — probably a rhetorical question, but surely it shouldn’t have been. Someone should’ve sought the answer before shutting down India’s financial system.

Probably a fact to ponder upon. People having 1,000-rupee notes to the tune of Rs. 2.5 Lakh are certainly not “poor”.
Someone sought the answer, all right. Just because you didn’t like it, doesn’t make it wrong.

Among India’s middle class, Modi’s “surgical strike on black money” still appears to be popular.

And here I was thinking that the move backfired and people were largely pained by the move. Please find out that the business elite have also lauded the move. Business elite – check. (Inconvenienced but Honest) Middle class – Check. (Not having 1000-rupee notes) Poor – Check. So, backfire? Masterstroke?

Stand in line, we’re told, and you honor our brave soldiers at the border.

By who? Just because the PM mentioned that the black money was being used to fund terrorist activities from across the border, this comes up? Also, not one sentence on the peace in Kashmir since this move? The “near nil” incidents of stone pelting violence? Come on! Be fair!!

But will that support last? The government’s plan is likely to be ineffective in the long term. Economists agree it will have no effect on the generation of black money through corruption.

“Perhaps after the nationalisation of 14 major commercial banks way back in 1969 by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, this is the most significant event in the economic history of India”, said Norbert Lobo, associate professor and head of department of economics, St Aloysius College.

On the positive front, Lobo said that over a period of time, it will give a sharp boost to all formal channels of payment like banking, use of plastic money and other financial institutions that will trigger rapid economic growth. He also foresees that inflation will go down, rupee will strengthen, real estate prices will fall leading to deflationary impact in general. “The move will also promote cashless and paperless economy in future, thereby, puts a curb on money laundering and counterfeiting and drastically reduce corruption and bribery,” he noted.”

“Dharmendra B Mehta, president, CREDAI, welcomed the decision saying that it will give them a level playing field by insulating them from those manipulating the system with their black money. “Most of the builders in Tier II do white transactions, so this decision will have no impact. But it will weed out fly-by-night operators who were spoiling the market. This will make the trade better and raise customer confidence and make industry truly an organised sector,” he said.

He also said the cost of apartments may come down. “We face pressure from land owners. Now, we can buy land directly and save costs. The land owner was exploiting the situation and making maximum out of the situation, which translates into higher cost of apartments. Because of this, land value will come down when black money goes out of the system,” he added.”

Reference link.

Worse, rumors of the demonetization were reportedly circulating before Modi’s announcement, leading to suspicions that the well-connected may have had time to dump their cash piles.

News of the new 2000-rupee note was being circulated beforehand. That does not establish the knowledge of demonetisation. Please post some vetted facts rather than starting rumours about a particular rumour.

Even in the best case scenario — that a significant proportion of the outstanding currency is destroyed — there’s no reason to suppose it was all black money and not the savings of regular citizens scared of harassment by tax authorities.

Again, citizens scared of harassment by tax authorities for their legitimate savings? Didn’t you find a better mask to push this propaganda through?

Modi has dropped dark hints that this is just the beginning, raising fears that business should now worry about of constant tax raids and the reopening of decades-old cases.

Modi has stated and proved his intentions about cleaning up the system and financial reforms since day 1 in office. I think the simple words you missed out in that sentence was : “money laundering businesses” should now worry.

Even setting aside the painful adjustment, the long-term effects of this monetary shock on India’s informal economy could well be severe;

Correction : short-term ill effects. Long term benefits – as pointed out by many experts. (References easily available with a simple painless search).

A large proportion of marginal firms may not survive the loss of a fortnight of income.

Why is there a loss of a fortnight of income? Cheques are completely accepted and being honoured. Fear mongering again?

The informal financial sector — unregistered moneylenders who provide loans to businesses worth 40 percent of total bank lending — will be decimated.

So it comes down to this? Defending the livelihood of “unregistered moneylenders” who are partially the reason for the mounting debts? Why is it difficult to instead open a PMJDY account in a bank and apply for a loan? Mudra Loans also available?

Modi’s administration has put political considerations over economic detail once too often — and this time, it’s severely dented its image for efficiency and practicality.

Opinion presented as fact.

Even if the long queues vanish in the next few weeks, that damage to the government’s reputation is permanent.

I thought this was going to be 4 months. Then I thought Modi was a shrewd operator who knew the pros and cons of taking decisions. Much before I thought, Modi spent a lot of money in making his own image up. Again, opinion presented as a fact.

If something tastes terrible, it must be good for you.

New slogan : If it’s contradictory and anti-establishment, it must be intellectual and important.

Conclusions left at the discretion of the readers.

Moving towards a “LESS CASH” Economy, even if a “CASH-LESS” economy is not fully attainable


The recent demonetisation of high value notes has drawn huge reactions, largely favourable but many not so.  While the doomsday prophets are listing its various ills and evils,  the supporters are no less energetic in pointing out its benefits. Since these have been talked and written about continuously for the past one week,  I am not going to recount them here.

My purpose in writing this post is to draw the attention of the reader to one very important “fall-out”  benefit (what is typically called,  in chemistry, the by-product of a chemical reaction) of this action.  The following is what I envisage.

  1. By December end- 86 % of the currency value in circulation in terms of old notes would have been sucked out of the system – be it by deposits in bank or by virtue of having being worthless paper.
  2. A large part of this would have been replaced with NEW Notes,  but not all.  Thus the amount not replaced because it was not exchanged or deposited or surrendered would lead to a reduction in total cash supply in the market.
  3. People who were forced to open Bank Accounts to deposit their “Old Notes Cash”  or already had accounts but were forced to deposit their  “Old Notes”  in them are clearly those that can be treated as additions to the banking system in terms of  “money value”  as also, in many cases,  “new accounts”.
  4. One of the major complaints and grouse (perhaps understandable and to a certain extent true) has been that how can you overnight negate the use of cash in a country like India where reportedly 95 % of the transactions happen in case. Opposition leaders have mockingly asked repeatedly asked in Parliament – can you pay a Halwai by cheque or Card ? Can you pay the vegetable vendor by Cheque or Card ? Can you pay the local Kirana Store by Cheque or Card ? Can a villager pay the doctor/hospital by Cheque or Card ?
  5. Their concern is correct because it is true that, today,  in most of the above cases you cannot.  However, this is more an issue logistics rather than intent.  Acceptance of payment by personal cheques is still a distant possibility in India as it requires a lot of trust and faith in the person giving the cheque ; therefore,  let me talk about payment by Card only.
  6. Today we cannot pay the Halwai or the Vegetable Vendor by Card simply because he does not have a POS machine (of the type that you commonly see in many Petrol Pumps today). A common villager cannot make his payments by Card, simply because he does not have one.  Both these shortcomings are addressable.
  7. All PSU Banks and PSUs should pool together resources to hand over to the estimated 12 million Kirana stores in India (figure taken from Business Standard article of Sept 16, 2015) the portable POS Machine that we see in Petrol Pumps at a subsidised cost of Rs. 1,000/- each (estimated total cost is Rs. 5,000) on the Store owner providing the following information : Name, PAN Card Copy, Address Proof, Bank A/c Number, Sales Tax/VAT Regn Number (if his turnover dictates his/her having such registration) .  This offer should be made available for the next 6 months after which the subsidised cost will be raised to Rs. 2,000/-.
  8. This same offer should be made to all Grade I and Grade II  Restaurants/eating houses in all Cities of India, Tent Houses (i.e. arrange marriages),  all Sweet Shops (Halwais), various Professionals like Photographers, Newspaper Vendors, all Vendors on Railway Platforms, all  State Transport Bus Stands,  all Hospitals / Nursing Homes / Medicine Shops and suchlike.
  9. Government,  at its own cost,  must ensure that such POS machines (in sufficient numbers) are installed at all revenue collection centres of the Government e.g. Municipal Taxes, Court Fees, Electricity Bills, Telephone Bills, all ST Bus stands and all Railway Stations, particularly the Stations in Rural and Semi-urban areas.
  10. Assuming that there are another 12 million such eligible entities (this figure is a pure guess by me), the total number of POS machines to be provided works out to 24 million or 2.4 Crores.  A requirement of this size can easily bring down the cost of these machines to Rs. 3.000 to Rs. 3,500/-.  So in the worst case (cost of Rs. 3,500)  the subsidy that the PSU Banks and PSUs will have to bear is approx Rs. 6000 crores (Rs. 2500/- subsidy per POS M/c X 2.4 Crore M/cs to be supplied)
  11. Govt must make sure that all these subsidised POS machines are of Public Sector Banks and use RUPAY Cards so that PSBs benefit from these transactions.
  12. Where will the above subsidy come from ?  This subsidy should come from the CSR Funds of PSUs and PSBs which they are mandated to spend anyway.  Thus there will be no impact on their Business P & L because of this action.
  13. Indeed, the government can also recommend to and request the Pvt Sector companies to join in this effort which will speed up the task and spread the support amount required to be borne by individual companies.
  14. Parallelly a massive campaign has to be launched to issue RUPAY Cards  FREE to all PSU customers,  whether they ask for it or not so that customers will use them for their day to day transactions where they were earlier using Cash.  It has to be explained in repeated communications and through Mass and Electronic Media that this will relieve them of the need to withdraw huge amounts of Cash from their banks, will eliminate the problem of exact change and inform them that these cards are now being accepted at all and sundry retail outlets like the Kirana Store, the corner Baniya, medicine Stores and even the Sabziwala.
  15. Another important component of this action is repeated and regular training of new customers, particularity in rural and semi-urban areas on “how to use these cards” , “how to protect their passwords”,  “why never to share their passwords even with their children or siblings” and “how to report suspicious withdrawals at the earliest”  etc.  This is a very important part of the campaign because if people face losses due to cheating and fraud from their accounts they will simply stop using cards and revert to cash as before.
  16. As can be easily visualised,  the above steps will yield the following benefits :

a) The amount of cash / currency  in circulation will dramatically reduce.  As a result,  Black Money in Cash will also significantly reduce and bribe payments in cash will become that much more difficult.

b) Government and the banking system will capture the sales/turnover of various small and medium enterprises much more accurately leading to better tax collection and more accurate assessment of country’s GDP.

c) Banks will have hugely increased CASA since large amounts of transactions will only be transferring money from one account to the other,  instead of cash getting withdrawn from the banking system – as a result banks will have much greater amounts available for lending which will,  hopefully,  reduce interest rates further which in turn will have huge upside effect on fuelling economic activity.

These are first-cut thoughts.  Qualified persons in this area like Bankers and Officials of various Govt agencies connected with this issue can give a better shape to these proposals and take necessary action.

I-T officials suggest Janardhana Reddy’s funds spent on daughter’s wedding are legitimate


Gali Janardhana Reddy is in the headlines these days because of his daughter Brahmani Reddy’s extravagant wedding with Rajeev Reddy. Several columnists bashed him with words. Not just Indian newsgroups, but even The Guardian has released a report about the concerned wedding that took place on November 16, 2016.The math is clear, he’s a former BJP leader, hence, he got more limelight.

Invitations for the ceremony were sent in the form of LCD devices. Bespoke jewelry, designer sets, and top politicians from Karnataka Congress and BJP attracted a lot of attention. Reddy has declined to make a statement about the overall cost for the event. But if you believe rumors, more than Rs. 100 crore were spent for the grand event. Wedding attracted a lot of ire because the common man is running from ATMs to banks for withdrawing cash due to NDA Government’s demonetization drive that aims to curb black money.

Reddy's daughter's wedding
A picture from the wedding ceremony

Mining tycoon Gali Janardhana Reddy is a former state cabinet minister and has spent several years in jail because of his company’s involvement in illegal mining. Parts of his properties and imported cars were attached by the Enforcement Directorate, I-T department, and by the CBI in the past. It’s obvious that his lavish expenditure on wedding event will attract Income Tax department’s attention.

Any political analyst would point out that the former minister won’t invite trouble by organizing such lavish ceremony while sitting on bags full of black money. Such grand events need a lot of pre-planning. Preparations for the wedding were probably started before at least one month. So, the announcement of PM Modi’s demonetization scheme had no impact on the planned event.

In order to find out Income Tax department’s opinion and findings, journalists from several newsgroups tried to dig out information from Karnataka as well as from Andhra Pradesh I-T offices. (He operates businesses in both states).

On November 18, the Bangalore Mirror cleared the air by releasing their report about the issue. Their story based on interaction with Income Tax officials has pointed out that Gali Janardhana Reddy is one of the four businessmen who declared their massive wealth under IDS in Hyderabad.

Politicians, bureaucrats, and I-T officials cannot disclose any information about individuals who have declared their black money under the scheme. The official who interacted with journalists on condition of anonymity pointed out that the former mining tycoon cleared his I-T records before organizing the grand wedding in Bangalore. Reddy has given a clear signal that his money is legitimate, he has cleared his taxes, and is all set to return to politics as well.

Arvind Kejariwal is a Scam and entire AAP is a Propaganda – Zaid Hamid


In a bizarre twist of events during current ongoing demonetization move by India, a prominent Pakistani conspiracy theorist claimed that the current CM of Delhi is a biggest scam and entire AAP party is a huge propaganda in history of mankind.

Mr Hamid tweets to warn his followers and countrymen

Mr Zahid Hamid, better known as Laal Topi across the border, in his series of twitter rant he claimed that entire thing is propaganda and it doesn’t exist, evil Modi has planted the whole story as a booby trap for our intelligence agency’ ‘Modi has created this whole scam with help from Israeli technology in which you can project any character out of thin air just using a smart phone as projector’

Mr Hamid during the press conference

Talking to reporters he went on to claim ‘Look many of our assets in India has suffer heavy blow due to this evil move of demonetization. It was a very careful plan of Modi but that’s not all; the biggest scam was to create a fictional character called Arvind Kejriwal and a party AAP. He is successful on demonetization because of this scam’

He further explained ‘ Many politicians & prominent journos in India are in our payroll who regularly visit our GHQ to receive briefings and show their uncircumcised penis for authenticity’ He added. ‘We wanted exactly same from this character, once we assessed its enough hate for Modi and anti-India activity’ ‘Look at West Bengal, a khatoon is crying now, she is in real trouble, our operation is blown into many pieces, Truck load of our meterials being stand still’ ‘Immediately after the announcement she was in contact to our GHQ for advice and many other journos with verified uncircumcised penis were also in contact but nothing from this fictional character called Arvind Kejriwal’ ‘Our khatoon must have shared some of our operation to this fake character, that’s why Modi is successful pinning our her’

Answering to a question from a reporter about the significance of uncircumcised penis, he went on to explain ‘Look it is for authenticity, during partition- most muslims choose to stay in India so we don’t trust them. On the other hand, any good English speaking Hindu journo in India are our potential assets. They genuinely hate anything Hindu and Modi related .Look at Diwali or filthy Dashera festival they always cry foul. Also look at the misogynist festival Karwa chaut! how they ridicule it but defend triple talaaq’ ‘They will die defending our culture and narratives’  ‘Also ,they speak same narrative as our high command against India’ ‘This is a huge loyalty! but same can not be expected with circumcised penis as Modi can plant a Shia or Jew or even a Ahmadi posing as a Modi hater so we don’t want to take risk’

This is the reality : Zaid Hamid

Mr Hamid continued , ‘We also now know why this scam is created twice’ ‘Initially, Modi created the whole propaganda even before coming to power for better preparedness so that he could introduce demonetization from day one but his plan was leaked to some journos possible from his own circle and it was published in some papers. He was mad, he wanted to identify the source of this leak. So he decided to postpone his move and waited for the whole things to be subsided. He temporarily killed this fake character and made us to believe everything is normal but something else was cooking in his evil mind. He perfectly executed his plan then a almost a year after taking power Modi reintroduced this fake character. He slowly gained sizable followers from across border and sadly, a sizable Muslim youth from India also fell into this trap’

Mr Laal Topi further added, ‘Many times our intelligence people tried to reach him and requested him to visit and show his penis for authenticity but all we got ‘Who are your other assets? thank you, Modi? Is there any in BJP too? Regards, Modi’ from him.

‘I myself tried to contact him sending a DM asking him to come forward and send the pic of his penis but he kept asking ‘Is there any of your agent in modi, BJP ,Modi’ I know many loyal in some party but I want to know in BJP so I can exposed Modi framing him for being ISI agent!, Modi’  ‘Isn’t that Modi?’ Mr Laal Topi furiously questioned.

Mr Hamid shares the screenshot of his conversation with AK as proof

‘Initially we thought it was a typo to find so many Modi,Modi on his replies but later we realised that Modi himself was handeling AK twitter account and forgot to remove his pre-composed signature while replying’

‘Modi wanted to fool us to get vital info about how his earlier plan was leaked to media and about our various operations across India’

‘Look, Modi and this fake character came around same time’ Midi’s plan was to frame fake AK and its group as an arch critic to gain anti Modi followers from both countries and tap into possible classified info about our operations. After the Uri attack and subsequent events Modi increasingly framed this AK figure as anti-India and Modi. The whole Pakistan hailed AK as a hero but Sadly, we fell into this huge bobby trap. It seems Modi has managed to unearth our operations secret by his tactics. Hence, the current demonetization. Moreover, as Modi was very successful in his plan, it was time to wrap up this whole scam. Therefore, slowly he has started a clean up operation in a cover of fake rape scandal involving fake AAP’s fake MLAs. Slowely, Modi is killling all fake characters of this fake group. Modi also had almost killed the main character previously in a highly staged YouTube video where this fake AK was seen claiming ‘Modi wants to kill me’

‘Now Modi has best chance to cover his grand scam after successful demonetization, mark my words- a few months from now and the whole fake AAP saga will be wiped out from everyone’s memory’

Mr Laal Topi , visibly frustrated explained about interest on this fake AK figure, ‘We were particularly interested in Delhi due to the fact that it will be the future capital city of greater Pakistan after Ghajwa-e-Hind , we wanted this Banya to act to keep our future capital clean but look at his daily routine, even our worst CM/PM show some concern during crisis but this character is busy reviewing movies! People are dying from pollution. Isn’t that obvious?’ He questions.

He continued, ‘Look at his face – does this fake character belong to any part of this world ? Which part of the planet is he from? he doesn’t even look like a filthy Hindu banya! ‘Just google it – there is nothing you will find a similar human face’

‘This is a pure computer generated image’ Mr Laal Topi finally laid some questions to challenge this scam, ‘If he is a real human come up with proof of followings;

Q1 How many pubic hair he has?
Q2 How many grams of oxygen he inhales and exhales CO2?
Q3 How many atoms his body made of?

Following his twitter rant, Many partisan alike across border mocked Mr Zaid for his rant as being super hilarious. Although, most Indians take him as a comedian for his conspiracy theories and trademark comments on Hindus, Jews and also on RAW/Mossad/CIA some staunch supporter of Modi/BJP aka Bhakt were celebrating his theory on twitter as biggest slap on the Delhi CM who has become a biggest pain in ass in Indian history, trending #KejriwalExposed #FakeKejriwal and #CountYourPubicHairKejari

Shortly a tweet appeared in Kejriwal’s TL ‘Sab Mile Hue hai Ji’

Tweet from AK handle

Can you solve this Crossword puzzle on demonetization?


Here, to rack your brains a little over the weekend, is a crossword on demonetization.

Crossword: Demonetization


1. If you don’t want the color to fade from the new note, make sure that it is not wet (4)

5. No one even had an inkling of the scheme (4)

7. The CM, or non-CM, if you will, who, along with 1D, seems to be politically the worst affected by the scheme (6)

8. Since black is racist, according to some, what could we say instead? (4)

9. Most who had never stepped inside this building are now forced to stand in line (4)

11. 2G, Coal, Commonwealth Games… (4)

17. The move was excellent, but the common perception is that the ____ could have been much better (9)

18. Ally that opposed the move (4)

19. According to ardent supporters of the Swami, the next move could well be abolition of this (abbr.) (2)

20. The genius who compared the move with Uri (6)

21. The source of FUD, which ultimately spreads everywhere, even outside India, to set a narrative against the move (5)

24. For those who used to keep a lot of cash, it would now be a case of “____ bitten, twice shy” (4)

25. The type of economists who are against the move (7)

26. The CM who said black money helps during recession belongs to this party (2)

27. Hasta la vista to black money? Many don’t think so (3)

28. The proposal which apparently forms the basis of this move (5, 5). See 10D

29. What you get if you go to an ATM, according to a news channel. Wear protection. (3)


1. The CM who was the first to SHOUT for a rollback of the scheme (4)

2. The object shown in the new Rs. 2000 note landed here (4)

3. For some, just tears all the way (3)

4. The original crusader against corruption who supported the move (4)

6. Was that waived off or written off? (4)

10. See 28A

12. Some approached this supreme self-appointed protector of constitution to roll-back the move (5)

13. Some of those who opposed the move called it “financial ____” (9)

14. Steps, one of which is demonetization, that Modi has promised to curb corruption and black money (8)

15. September 30 was the deadline to do this for your black money, and file taxes (7)

16. Accumulating cash like in the old days? Don’t even think about it. (8)

22. The two CMs in the clues here have threatened that this would happen if the move is not rolled back (4)

23. The domestic help which became a protagonist in the woe-filled tales of liberal (4)

Why I am a Modi Bhakt


For almost a decade, everyone had heard about this one man — a ten-headed monster from a western state that media talked about every day since 2002. Everyone had got conditioned to despise and hate him over years. Not much was known about his side of the story, especially since the monster had seemingly gone into a shell. His shunning the media had created an awareness vacuum for long while, at least for people outside Gujarat. Definitely till 2013 for most.

I was probably skeptical, a fence-sitter for long — if not a hater.

Then I became a “Bhakt” – in 2011. Yes, 2011 – when watched him on TV, speaking at India Today Conclave 2011. (If you haven’t – I would still urge you to hear this speech from 2011… all eight parts of it here, including Q&A)

Yes, we all have heard him scores of times, but this was way before all of that.

Here you had a much maligned CM of Gujarat, talking of his vision for a developed India. Rock solid and unperturbed by the political venom being showered on him, untouched by negativity of the media and ‘liberal intelligentsia’ had towards him. Some of that scorn was directed at him even at this event by some media persons – almost mocking at the thought of him ever moving to Delhi.

And here, for the first time ever, I was seeing a politician with a vision, mission and clarity – and a plan for execution.

I was left wondering – why is this man not in Delhi, running my country?

In 2014, when I wore that Namo T-Shirt and distributed pamphlets near traffic signals & malls in parts of east Bangalore, it was with that hope, that dream in mind. Wearing your belief on your t-shirt and distributing flyers outside a mall was probably easier than speaking your belief in midst of friends/colleagues. The imagery by media over years of a “Modi supporter” was that of a rabid religious hate monger – bound to make many cringe. An image that needed to change – for people to see behind the smoke-screen. It wasn’t very encouraging to see silent response from friends. For the dream to come true, conversations were a must. Numerous discussions with friends, neighbours and just anyone – people, known and unknown. I don’t know how many – if any, were fruitful.

In that midst, lots of heated ones with people of contrarian views.

I had an open offer. Show me a politician with half his vision or clarity, efficiency of execution or just clean track-record and I will change my vote. Only one neighbour, a hard-core leftist prof offered a name – Jyoti Basu. I didn’t know whether to laugh, mourn or demolish the suggestion, for this die-hard fan seemed to have missed the news of his senior comrades demise for many years. I chose, only to inform her. Needless to add, she unfriended me on social media soon after. So have many others over years.

To be honest, “Bhakt” is not really a term most Modi supporters would be comfortable with. It is a label that liberal media started using as a ‘slur’; trying to make us cringe at the Hindu connotation and suggest that we think Modi is God. Modi is human, with human limitations and also a politician – with political ambitions and constraints. Neither is my support blind. I do differ and protest on many things he has done or not done – about Kashmir, education, RTE, beef…

Nor does this support transfer implicitly to BJP. His team has a lot of potential stars today… but that doesn’t mean the whole party.

Today, when I look at the chain of events – first creating 25 crore Jan-dhan accounts and 19 crore RuPay cards, spread of e-Naam e-Mandis, Benami property law, full declaration of cash/accounts in ITR & AIRs, Income Disclosure Scheme (IDS) and then Demonetisation – I am heartened and energised to see my bet for CEO of India was on the right man. A man, who didn’t dither even when a bold move of such magnitude was bound to demolish his traditional voter base and brew massive discontent even within the other rungs of own party.

True to his words of “Nation First”!

My offer remains open – and now with a discount too. Just show me a leader with one-fourth his vision, zeal, energy and execution prowess.

Remembering the battle of Rezang La of 1962


The Battle of Rezang La was fought on a Sunday, November 18, 1962 which witnessed unusual cold and light snowfall with the breaking dawn. The day saw a battle which was unique, as never before in the world’s history had a major battle been fought at such an altitude with an unequally matched force array.

The battle commenced hours before the shelling, witnessed by the Brigade HQs from a distance. The first Chinese assault was ‘silent’ with an intention to surprise defenders, which failed. At 0400 Hrs, the Chinese were noticed scrambling up through gullies. Every man of the company with bated breath and fingers on the triggers, waited in a “Ready For Action” state.

At about 0500 Hrs came the first wave of Chinese assault. When they came within range, Major Shaitan Singh ordered his men to open fire. Soon the gullies were full of dead and wounded Chinese. The frontal attack having failed, Chinese modified their plan and shelled Rezang La heavily.

The odds against the company were heavy. Numerical superiority and fire power soon began to tell. Finding his company surrounded, Maj Shaitan Singh reorganised the positions and resited the automatic weapons to take on the Chinese. While personally supervising this, he received a burst of fire in one arm and another burst in his abdomen. Despite that, he, with indomitable courage and omnipresence, kept encouraging his men to continue fighting and while doing so attained martyrdom in a bunker. His body was found in the same position when Rezang La was visited in February 1963. There were no bunkers left at the hill and the martyrs were found frozen stiff in the trenches, holding their broken and blown off weapons.

The mortal remains of Major Shaitan Singh were flown to his hometown Jodhpur and cremated with full military honours befitting a national hero. It was at ‘High Ground’, the place where the battalion headquarters was located, that the mortal remains of ‘The Heroes of Battle of Rezang La’ were cremated with full military honours in February 1963.

Later, a memorial was erected at the same spot with the inscription “How can a man die better, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his father, and the temple of his Gods?”

The “Veer Ahirs” fought till the proverbial “Last Man, Last Round” at the icy peaks of Rezang La and embraced death to surrender. Every man of the company, who fought Rezang La, was a hero and the grateful nation continues to remember each one of them.

Major Shaitan Singh was conferred with the nation’s highest gallantry award, Param Vir Chakra, posthumously.

The Battalion also received “Battle Honour Rezang La”, Theatre Honour ‘Ladakh 1962’ , one Ati Vishisht Seva Medal, eight Vir Chakra, four Sena Medal and one Mention-in-Despatch. This epic battle will always remind future generations of our brave men who died fighting for the honour of the Flag and Country’s honour.

(The author extends his acknowledgement to 13 Kumaon (Rezang La) for the details above)

More answers to FAQs of those who don’t believe in the demonetisation drive


(This is in continuation from an earlier post – read part-1 here – where I am answering some ‘frequently asked questions’ by doubters and skeptics)

Stop being so insensitive! People have died in ATM queues and due to lack of cash…

People in erstwhile undivided Andra Pradesh kept dying of ‘shock’ even weeks after Y. S. Rajasekhar Reddy’s death in a helicopter crash. For weeks after Jayalalitha was jailed, people kept dying because of the news. But that was another century, when news used to travel over a tortoises back. That is why people got shocked even weeks later.

This standard media template has been clinically debunked already here.

Sorry. Not being insensitive to any death. But its our hallowed media which has made a joke of the deaths, by attributing any death in a 5 km radius of a bank/ATM/post-office to demonetisation drive.

Strange, they are yet to come with headlines – “Why haven’t any crore-pati’s died of shock?”

So banks have received Rs 3 or 4 lakh crores so far? Tell me how much of it is black money ?

None of it. Yeah, well – mostly.

And that is what the whole idea of the scheme is. Honest, clean, white money holders will freely and boldly walk up to a bank and deposit their money. Black money holders will be left sitting on horns of dilemma. Even if a black money holder deposits his illegal stash in bank today, the scrutiny of the wealth and real penalties will be levied only in coming months. So, don’t expect a running commentary of black money score.

But for simple analysis, 14 lakh crores worth of 500/1000′ rupee notes are out there. If all of them get deposited to the banks by Dec 30th, the scheme has failed. If a good chunk never comes back (estimates suggest at least 4-5 lakh crores wont) – that’s the black money eliminated.

Do you realise how much India will lose if those 4-5 lakh crores are lost?

Actually, India will lose nothing – even if that money is burnt in dustbins, except for the smog it may cause.

The currency note you hold is merely like a bearer cheque issued to you by the Govt, via RBI. The government has a liability to pay us against this. So, if the bearer tears up the cheque and never shows up to en-cash it, the issuer (government) gets absolved of the liability of paying it. And a liability that disappears into thin air – is a gain to the issuer.

So – if these 4-5 lakh crores simply disappear – it means the government, or in turn – we the citizens of India become richer by that much amount. And that’s a big amount that can be invested in some real good work. Got it?

Stop justifying. Modi did this just for elections in UP to help BJP

It would be fool-hardy for anyone claim that all parties in India have black money, but not BJP. Even staunch Modi supporters can’t deny that the ill’s of cash in elections and politics in general is a malaise that ails all parties, including Modi’s own.

And that’s what makes this decision the most daring & bold step ever taken in National Interest by any political leader ever. Remember when Modi used to say “Nation First”?

This one step should open the eyes of all his critics. This defines “Nation first” – as blatantly and boldly as can ever be.

Modi has risked the support of his party’s traditional support base across traders, jewellers and other business classes, and antagonized potentially a huge class of lower level political workers in his party too. There could be potentially political sabotage within. But, Modi has his eyes on a larger goal.

So this is not really about elections.

Are you sure – this could not have been done without all this inconvenience? 

Everyone wants the crazy traffic jams to disappear in Bangalore, but no one wants to take the bus or car-pool. Everyone wants the environment to be clean and city to be green, but no one wants to get off their butt on a weekend and plant a few trees.

Everyone wants a revolution, but with a “Do not disturb me. Just deliver the revolution hot and steaming in a pizza box at 9 pm” caveat.

Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die…

We all cheered when Karan said in “Rang De Basanti”

“Koi bhi desh perfect nahi hota hai… Usse Perfect banaana padta hai…!!!”

Time to do our bit now! And it’s merely a damn queue!