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हे मोदी-विरोधियों! अपना स्तर उठाओ, भक्त हर स्तर की डिबेट करने को सक्षम है

ये वो दौर है जब खोदने के लिए कुदाल-फावड़े नहीं चाहिए। यहाँ खेत, पहाड़, या समंदर में नहीं जाना होता है। ये वो दौर है जब आपको आपकी हर बात, हर बाइट, हर ट्वीट की याद हो ना हो, जनता को याद रहती है।

इसीलिए, हे मोदी-विरोधियों! तुम जब भी मर्यादा की बात करोगे, दस अमर्यादित बातें हम ढूँढ लाएँगे। यूँ तो तुम्हें कॉन्ग्रेस से कोई प्रेम नहीं लेकिन मोदी से घृणा ने तुम्हें आज मनमोहन और कॉन्ग्रेस को दूध का धुला कहने पर मजबूर कर दिया है।

चूँकि तुम्हारे पास सरकार को घेरने के लिए सिवाय इसके कि ‘ये काम और बेहतर हो सकता था’ कहने को और कुछ नहीं है। तुम सिर्फ ये कह सकते हो कि काले धन के लिए कुछ और भी होना चाहिए। तुम सिर्फ ये कह सकते हो कि शिक्षा का बजट थोड़ा और होना चाहिए। तुम सिर्फ ये कह सकते हो कि डिमोनेटाइजेशन से ही सारा काला धन नहीं आएगा। तुम सिर्फ ये कह सकते हो कि और अस्पताल खोले जाएँ।

तुम्हारे पास मोदी को घेरने के मुद्दे नहीं हैं। तुम ये नहीं कह सकते कि कोयला आवंटन में मोदी सरकार ने इतने लाख करोड़ लूट लिए। क्योंकि ये सरकार हर व्यवस्था को पारदर्शी बनाने पर तुली हुई है। तुम ये नहीं कह सकते कि स्पैक्ट्रम आवंटन में तो इतने लाख करोड़ का चूना लग गया। तुम ये नहीं कह सकते कि सरकार ने हॉस्पिटल बंद करा दिए, सड़कों को गंदा कर दिया, स्कूलों को ढहा दिया… तुम सिर्फ बेहतरी की बात कर सकते हो क्योंकि काम तो सरकार कर ही रही है।

तुम्हारी आशाएँ अब बढ़ गई हैं क्योंकि तुम्हें लगता है कि ये सरकार पिछली से बेहतर है। ये तुम कह नहीं सकते क्योंकि तुमने मोदी नाम के एक व्यक्ति से इतनी घृणा पाल ली है कि अब चाहकर भी अच्छा नहीं बोल सकते। तुम्हें तुम्हारे अपने ही ‘भक्त’ कहकर नकार देंगे। और भक्त सुनना तो तुम्हें अच्छा लगेगा ही नहीं।

यही छटपटाहट है मित्र कि तुम आज मोदी क्या बोल रहा है, उसी पर अपना सारा ज्ञान लगा रहे हो। मोदी ने किसको क्या कह दिया और वो मर्यादित है या नहीं, इस बात पर अपनी ऊर्जा खर्च कर रहे हो। और यहाँ भी तुम्हारा दोगलापन झलकता है क्योंकि तुम उस पार्टी के साथ खड़े हो जाते हो जिसने मोदी को चूहा, मेंढक, दिमाग़ी रूप से दिवालिया, मौत का सौदागर, ज़हर की खेती करने वाला, लुटेरा, बर्बादी लाने वाला, रावण, यमराज, हिटलर, पागल कुत्ता, और भी ना जाने क्या क्या कहा था।

याद रहे, इंटरनेट भूलता नहीं, ना ही भूलने देता है।

तब तुमने मज़े लिए थे। तब तुम हँस रहे थे और मीम शेयर कर रहे थे कि देखो कह के ले ली। तब तुम्हारी मर्यादा का ज्ञान शायद विकसित ना हुआ हो। तब तुम्हारे मुँह पर ताला लगा था क्योंकि वो तो हँसने में व्यस्त था। तब लग रहा था कि ये सारे विशेषण तो मोदी को सूट करते हैं। तब तुमने ठहाके लगाए थे कि किसी ने तो उसे कुछ कहा।

लेकिन आज… हाय रे मजबूरी! लेकिन आज तुम कहाँ खड़े हो? आज तुम्हारे पास सरकार को घेरने को मुद्दे नहीं है। इसीलिए वो क्या पहनता है से लेकर, वो क्या बोलता है पर ही सारा फोकस हो गया है। ये देश के लिए अच्छा है। वैसे तुम लोग लगे रहे। घृणा करने वाले भी चाहिए क्योंकि सिर्फ भक्त हो जाएँगे तो खेल का मज़ा नहीं आएगा। भक्त तभी है जब घृणा करने वाले विरोधी भी हैं।

अपनी घृणा का स्तर उठाकर आलोचना तक पहुँचो, तो भक्तों का भी स्तर उठेगा। वो भी तुम्हें सरकार की उपलब्धियाँ गिनाएँगे। तुम मुद्दों पर बात करोगे, तब तुम्हें वो भी आँकड़े देगा। तुम मर्यादा की बात करोगे तो वो तुम्हें अमर्यादित बातों का पुलिंदा लाकर दे देगा क्योंकि जिस चालाकी से तुम चलते हो, वो आज सबके जेब में रहती है।

टेक अ चिल पिल एण्ड लेट मनमोहन लिव विद हिज़ पास्ट। से हैशटैग ऊह ये एण्ड स्मोक फाइन क्वालिटी वीड फ़्रॉम कसौल… ओह ये!

Jammu airport: the VVIP racism of a rejected Neta


“In the morning when I reached airport I was dying to pee. It was such chaos & so many ladies were waiting outside toilets. None of the washrooms were working and everything was blocked. Travelers most of them tourists had so much inconvenience. The Manager was helpful when I complained but this condition was unacceptable. They are still trying to clean and clear blockages”.

I wasn’t shocked when I received this message from a friend, a girl who was travelling back to Mumbai from Jammu.

Next day, the friend had to visit hospital in the morning and seek sick leave because of severe intestinal infection. All she had taken was a sandwich from the only and New eatery counter at Jammu Airport after going through all this mess.

Anyone who has been to Jammu airport would understand how it feels to be a common man while travelling through this airport, which apart from being the state’s capital is also the nearest airport for lakhs of Mata Vaishno Devi devotees each year. Though the infrastructure has recently gone through a major change but it is still miles away from being a common man’s airport.

Few days later I too had to visit Jammu. After landing I commenced my walk from the aircraft to the main building area and accidentally walked away from the line I wasn’t supposed to, police officer was quick to point out my mistake for security reasons. I corrected my walk and as I looked around, there was a car standing just in front of another aircraft with policemen standing outside it. Having been to Jammu airport more than often, it was obvious that some VVIP was going to come out of the aircraft. And rightly so, Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad, LOP in Rajya Sabha, the man voters of this very state rejected in Lok Sabha elections walked out of the aircraft.

The Rejected Neta

Surely his walking & shaking hands in front of the aircraft with the Police officers within the lines I had crossed earlier was not a security threat. While I still had to walk a distance to get my luggage and then carry it all the way out of the airport as private vehicles were hard to get inside, there was the man we had rejected through the power of democracy having his car ready to pick him up just few meters away from the air stair.

The VVIP treatment wasn’t over yet. The VVIP luggage was still to be delivered. While Mr. Azad went away within minutes in his VVIP car, the man who accompanied him walked with 5-6 police officers inside to the luggage collection belt area.

The VVVIP Luggage

While I walked out with the luggage, police officers ensured that the man’s luggage is safely delivered inside the car waiting just outside the building. I looked to the right while one VVIP luggage was being delivered by 5-6 police officers, on my right were Indian Jawans sitting on the cold floor waiting to get in.

It is a common sight at Jammu airport and Railway station to see Jawans who protect our borders at one of the most sensitive border areas sitting on the floor waiting to get back home since our Govt cant even afford a waiting room for them.

No Waiting Rooms for Jawans

After feeling sad and helpless with the VVIP culture and sight of Jawans sitting on the cold floor, I realized, I still have to carry my luggage out to the main gate since the car won’t be allowed to get in. The luggage carts aren’t allowed outside the door. So, no matter how heavy your luggage is, you have to carry it by hand to your car or taxi or auto and there will be no 5-6 police officers carrying your briefcase. Imagine elderly people jumping through the waterlogged areas outside the gate with heavy bags.

At Jammu airport, you feel like still being still ruled by British. You need to know a police officer inside and your boarding pass will be ready before you even arrive, he will ensure that you don’t have to stand in long queues and accompany you till the boarding gate and if you are VVVIP then to the airstair.

The security at the airport is disappointing even after multiple checking counters. The airport seems like waiting for a disaster to happen.

The VVIP culture has seen no change even under the new PDP-BJP govt, though infrastructure has, but even today if you know one police officer or employee inside, your boarding card will be printed before you arrive so you don’t have to wait in the queue. The Scorpios of Netas can go inside without any issues but common man continues to suffer.

Jayant Sinha, Minister of State for Civil Aviation says Mobile App will help address issue, let’s see what his govt both at state and centre do on an entire article.

Eligibility cutoff of CAT- Career in Advanced Terrorism, brought down for Hindus


In order to get more students from the communities deprived of Terrorism and Violence into premier Jihadi institutes, the Indian Eminent Intellectuals Association (IEIA) has decided to lower the eligibility criteria for students of the Hindu religion, making it easier for them to clear Career in Advanced Terrorism (CAT) and become a Terrorist.

According to the new criteria, students of the Hindu religion will only need to slap someone to be called a Terrorist. The eligibility cut-offs for the religion that has nothing to do with Terrorism stands at suicide bombings or plane hijacks, whichever causes greater damage.

IEIA conducts joint admissions for several prestigious universities across the country such as Indian Institutes of Terrorism (IITs), National Institutes of Terrorism (NITs) and the most celebrated Indian Institutes of Intellectual Terrorism (IIITs).  IEIA also co-ordinates the international student exchange program with Liberal-e-Taliban(LeT)

Mr. Anurag CashYep, the official spokesperson of IEIA tweeted: “Hindu extremists will be able to step out of twitter into the real world now. Hindu terrorism will not remain a myth anymore”

Mr. Mukesh Bhak, the Executive Director of IEIA told our reporter that he was quite disappointed to see that even the top scorers of the Hindu religion were unable to clear the cutoff of CAT. Thus, he had proposed a motion in the previous meeting of IEIA to bring down the cutoff for Hindus, so as to empower them and bring them in the mainstream.

The proposal was unanimously passed by the Board members- Barkha Hafiz, Bajdeep Sardesai, Kama Ayyub, Rongchandra Guha, Irfan Habibi, Shok Vajpayee, Anand AllAboutDhan, Alique Biki KalamSi, DayanTara Sehgal, Nandita Dasi and Charasuddin Shah.

Our sources from the IEIA (who are mastering the art of espionage) tell us that Mr. Rubbish Kumar also marked his presence in the meeting. However, he could not contribute much as the language of discourse was primarily English spiced up by Urdu and he had an ‘image to maintain.’ However he knew everyone’s caste so voted in favor of the motion and asked no further questions.

The meeting of IEIA at Jihadi National University (JNU) concluded on a positive note with the agenda – ‘Terrorism For All.’ The board members departed after greeting each other ‘LOL Salaam’

The move was welcomed by all Hindu students organisations. “It is a very good move. The demand to make it easy for Hindu candidates to become a Terrorist has been there for a very long time, and the move is a very welcome move”, said the president of Kathni-Karni Sena.

Tweeple were quick to react to Mr. CashYep’s tweet. Several twitter handles greeted the move with a ‘volley of praises.’ Some even wondered, if by replying to his tweet will they be honored with coveted titles by the IEIA such as a ‘Paid Bhakt’ or ‘Saffron troll.’ However his ill wishers were happy to find him sober again. Our analysts believe that the last time Mr. CashYep was this sober he came up with the movie of the millennium – Bombay Well Oh Well!

However students of the peaceful religion that has nothing to do with Terrorism were extremely disappointed by this piece of news and expressed their dissatisfaction. BabaAzam Khan declared the decision anti-pisslamic and warned IEIA that this decision will destroy the secular fabric of the nation. Zakir KhalNaik explained that the decision was against the Holy Champak. He quoted from the verse 420, “Kafirs can never be Katils.”

Asaduddin Maveshi reminded IEIA that, “There are only two businesses remaining in which our community commands the Monopoly: Running Barber shops and shops of Barbarianism. He added that it will affect the employment opportunities of the students of the peaceful community.

Our reporter found a youth with a goatee (but no moustache) protesting outside IEIA wrapped up in ISIS flag. He agreed to give us a statement only if we reveal his identity. He accused IEIA of Saffronizing Terror. He told us stories of many Yakubs Afzals and Wanis who had tried their level best to clear CAT. “Bomb Blasts, Murders, Beheading Kafirs, Suicide Bombings, Open fires, Plane Hijacks and what not..! We have tried everything, did all that we could. To what end? To be labeled a ‘Misguided Youth’ and ‘Son of a Headmaster’ and now IEIA has come up with this! It is disgusting and Shameful.”

He left the conversation abruptly in the middle and started protesting against Mrs Barkha Hafiz who had just come out of IEIA Headquarters by showing her Saffron flags raising peaceful slogans of ‘Allah hu Birbal’.

We request the sickulars and pseudo Liberals of the nation to come in support of this path-breaking (Read: Nation Breaking) decision of the IEIA. We believe it will help us in advancing our agenda of “Sabka Saath Sabka Aatankwad”

Disclaimer: This report is a work of Science Fiction. It is based on the activities that have recently taken place in a Parallel Universe (Trust Me, I study quantum physics). Any resemblance to any person or animal, living or dead or to be born will be purely coincidental

Loaded nearly 100%: A Congress Mukt Bharat


It was in mid 2013 that Narendra Modi first gave a call for “Congress Mukt Bharat”. At that time, it might have come across as merely rhetoric to rouse the cadres. Just an impossible dream. You know, like Mission 272! But electoral experience shows that Narendra Modi takes his slogans very seriously.

But what sounded like an impossible dream only four years ago seems like a reality that we are all living today. The states of Punjab and Goa voted yesterday. By all accounts, including those of “secular” commentators, the BJP is headed for a landslide in Goa and the AAP in Punjab. The common factor? No Congress! The Congress is gone and it’s just not coming back. The voters simply don’t want to give them another chance.

Let us pause for a moment to reflect on what Punjab means for the Congress. This is the first time in four years that there was an actual chance of a Congress leader being sworn in as Chief Minister. By all accounts, it’s gone, gobbled up by a tiny, fledgling party. Ahead of the Congress lies a rough road with Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka coming up.

It might actually happen that the Congress would go into the 2019 election without a single Chief Minister, barring some tiny states in the North East, if even that.

It really is happening. “Congress Mukt Bharat” has gone from an impossible dream to a natural conclusion. The party of Nehru and Indira and Rajiv and Sonia is really going away. Indira’s party is disappearing from India. They used to say “Indira is India”. Ha! They used to arrogantly shower themselves with Bharat Ratnas. Today, they are getting wiped out of Bharat.

Remember folks, this happened in our lifetimes. It is our generation that got this done. To those generations that will follow us, you are all very welcome

Now I must register my amazement at the way the right wing, at least online, reacted to reports of an AAP win in Punjab yesterday. As Modi ji would have put it, “Mitron, Main Hairaan Hoon” (I am stunned). Why isn’t the right wing celebrating? This is “Congress Mukt Bharat” we are talking about. Has Kejriwal, with his limited influence across a mere 20 Lok Sabha seats gotten so under the skin of the online RW, that they fail to see the importance of Congress Mukt Bharat?

I appeal for some rationality. The Congress still has a presence in almost 200 Lok Sabha seats. In another 100 seats or so, the Congress can rent out its 5-6% votes to a regional player opposed to the BJP. Does it really make sense to look past this threat and worry about Kejriwal? In fact, Kejriwal’s only real asset is that he gets under the BJP’s skin. Get a thicker skin and he won’t be a problem any more. Perhaps this will help. I just thought I would make a collage of these faces to remind the RW of what we have overcome as a nation:

Congress mukt Bharat
Remember them?

I appeal to people to remember these faces. Please try to remember their smug faces on our screens during the decade from 2004-14! Now think about Congress Mukt Bharat. Are you smiling yet? Excellent!

Incidentally, the Congress’ likely rout in Punjab has other immediate positive consequences for the BJP in Uttar Pradesh. Imagine what the blow in Punjab has done to the morale of Congress workers in Uttar Pradesh. Especially considering that the election will begin in the western part of UP, where BJP already had an edge. It’s the right time for BJP to hammer the grand alliance and go in for a sweep. Once the sweep is set in motion from the west, the news will travel across as the election progresses, liquidating the spirits of SP and Congress workers everywhere.

The hardest hit here could be Akhilesh Yadav. By my count, it’s a “quadruple whammy” at the very least.

For one, several of his family members are working actively to undermine him. And these family members have loyalists in the party at all levels, which can really hurt the SP with campaign coordination and booth level organization. This last mile of electioneering can make all the difference in close contests.

Second, the vast majority of people in Uttar Pradesh think that the Yadav family war was a sham (it was not). This limits his ability to get the “sympathy votes” that the Lutyens’ mafia has been trying so hard to get for him.

Third, he has given away as many as 100 seats to the Congress. Several SP ticket hopefuls with serious claims have been denied in the process. These people now have every reason to work against their party. The Congress organization was never in good shape  anyway to fight these 100 seats. Add to this the demoralization of already weak Congress cadres due to their Punjab hopes fading away.

Fourth,  the UP CM Akhilesh Yadav has given a lot of prominence to Rahul Gandhi in the campaign. The news filtering in from Punjab and Goa shows that the electorate is still in no mood to cut the Congress any slack. People still regard the Congress with revulsion. In fact, the Congress might be actively repelling votes. If this trend holds up in Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav is most certainly toast. He has given too much camera space to the Congress, a mistake that Nitish and Lalu definitely did not make in Bihar.

One final remark : Punjab appears to be confirming the magic formula for finishing off the Congress. Keep the Congress out of power for two terms and they will never ever come back. In the absence of any ideology whatsoever, the way the Congress patronage system is set up means that its “investors” do not wait more than five years for a return. Make them wait ten years and the “venture capitalists” won’t stay invested. They will pull their money out. What does that say about the importance of 2019?

In 2018, India has a chance to celebrate its first ever Congress mukt Diwali. Say no to pollution

AAP may sweep Punjab and why we should worry about it


Let me start by rebutting the word used by some bloggers “bumper” voting as voting percentage in Punjab is less than the previous election by almost 8% as 2017 official figures are 70% , where as 2012 figures was 78% .

I will agree that the voting figures are good, if we compare the state election polling percentage to other states like UP, Bihar etc, but it is still less because of the reasons listed below:

  1. Three way close contests, where all 3 parties are claiming to win.
  2. Strong anti incumbency, so voting percentage should increase, but it has failed to even surpass previous year record.
  3. AAP is the new player in the state, and we have seen in the past that no opinion polls can predict their performance, they have always surprised everyone.

Based on the articles that I have read and interviews and coverage of whole election, my own analysis of this unique state that always wants change, as Punjabis are known to try new things, are:

  1. AAP will sweep rural Punjab, specially the Malwa region, they are winning handsdown, they will win more than 90% seats of Malwa region.
  2. Akali+ will register their most humiliating defeat since the independence, their voting percentage can even reduce in to single digit, like in Delhi assembly election Congress gets only 8% votes in 2015.
  3. Congress have edge over AAP in city seats because of Amrinder Singh. They will win most of city seats but their main worry is the poor performance of Akali+, which will make difficulty for them and an edge to AAP.
  4. Khalistanis have been successful in making inroads into Punjab again after many years riding on the AAP’s back, which is a bad news for not only Punjab but for whole India.
  5. Most of these Canadian NRIs that have been roaming around Punjab during election campaign are the follower of Babbar Khalsa and Kejriwal’s proximity with them is no secret to media and political circles. So we should be ready for secessionist and separatists movement in Punjab.
  6. We can clearly see that the people of Punjab has voted for change, and that is why most of Pind people want to try new party than the already tried out parties.
  7. Unemployed youth of Punjab is a strong factor. Some reports have suggested that they have rooted for AAP this election.

I will conclude by saying that there is a close contest between Congress and AAP but clearly because of of very poor performance by Akali+, edge is with the AAP. And they can win any number of seats in these circumstances.

But I want to pray that the cheerful spirit of Punjab that embodies our culture perfectly. It Shouldn’t get spoiled in this hate politics.

Manufacturing reality


Our species is quite adept at manufacturing reality. We take what we see, use our tiny little brain and then decide what it is. We do turn to science for the facts, some facts at least. But we do not try to look for all the aspects, all the sides to something. We always just have to jump to a conclusion, and then hold on to it as if our very existence depended on it. We are quite fond of stories, and weave many of our own. We have created a whole reality for ourselves in which we assume ourselves to be the superior species for whom the universe exists. We seem to be forgetting that we are limited to just a few billion members inhabiting an inconspicuously small watery planet. Our puny imagination cannot even estimate the number of stars the universe (or whatever we have come to understand of it) contains. We are limited to our mortal lives which don’t even span more than a century. Compared to the age of our planet we haven’t even lived out our infancy. But in this minuscule moment we have caused so much mayhem, chaos and destruction. We have managed to kill millions of our own species and obliterated entire species from our planet.

We have taken ownership over lands, metals, rocks and things that we didn’t even create in the first place! Whatever ‘wealth’ we keep talking about is just an abstract idea! That’s just something we made up to suit ourselves. And then we decide if someone should get something or not based on how much ‘wealth’ he is willing to part with. That something in this case can even be just some fruit, that is made by the land mostly by itself. Nowadays we have some pieces of software that are worth billions of ‘dollars’, that only a few thousand or million people use. But at the same time we have millions of people who can’t even afford basic necessities such as food and clean water. Isn’t this just ridiculous? We talk of human rights and poor people in expensive conference rooms decorated with imported vases amid rich people while hungry people sleep outside in makeshift tents in constant fear of getting evicted by their own government, or run over by some inebriated, rich douche. How is this not the sign of a made-up reality in which we have been holed up for so long that we can’t even see past our own ego and greed? Rich people can afford all the comforts of the world because several hundreds of people are toiling hard and long for decades in unhealthy work conditions and earning a pittance. The only eligibility those rich folks hold is that they were born in that family and hence inherited the apparent ‘wealth’ of their ancestors. The true inheritance that we naturally get is the same planet that has been here even before humans came into existence. This artificial ‘wealth’ is nothing more than a facade that acts solely to protect the interests of the rich people. Many economists and philosophers and pro-free-market evangelists will argue against this. But a child born into a poor family is resigned to a life of struggle and pain, unless he is ‘lucky’ to make a break and become ‘wealthy’. He then joins an elite club of ‘rich’ people and so can provide the best of facilities to his children that he subsequently produces. But what are the chances of a poor guy actually making the jump in his lifetime? Practically and statistically speaking, very very low. All those success stories that people keep peddling in their feel-good, motivational books are just a few handful among millions of poor people. It is like the observation someone had about popular blog sites that were making good revenue. Those blogging sites were blogging about ‘blogging to earn money’! Oh the irony. It’s like someone cutting down a tree to print a thousand posters to spread awareness against deforestation.

That’s not even the end of it! We didn’t stop just there. Enter, religion. I personally believe this is one of the most ingenious ideas that some people came up with. We humans tend to fear things that we don’t understand. Since we didn’t understand a lot of things in the old days we ended up praying to them and making them ‘Gods’. I do believe God exists. But I don’t think God is a wise old person who looks down upon us from the heavens and keeps track of us, but rather the whole of the universe in entirety including us and the trillions of atoms, neutrons, electrons, quarks, leptons that we are made up of and the spark that makes us breathing, sentient beings. I am also supportive of Elon Musk’s simulation theory; that’s entirely plausible too. There has been no scientific discovery related to ‘God’, so we can’t fully rely on anyone’s explanation. But what people have done is that they have taken ownership over their Gods. They have taken it upon themselves to defend their Gods and their faiths. They have created their own rule books based on which they wage wars and even kill people of their own faith who do not support their views. These rule-books were created centuries ago and not many can testify to their authenticity, save for blind belief. They do say good things – like code of conduct for us and what we should aspire for and how to manage our human tendencies etc. So there is no reason to question them. That’s well and good, but problem arises when people take them way too seriously and start violating others’ freedoms to assert their own interpretations of these texts. Perhaps there is some misplaced sense of priority people give to these old, arcane and often abstruse texts than to living, breathing humans. Religion is quite tricky as it can get a lot of people to believe in a purely artificial, abstract construct. That is constructive, in many cases. People are more creative and sincere since they believe they are doing it for their beloved Gods. They make beautiful monuments, write amazing prayers and create harmonious societies. But sometimes it also gets them instigated to such an extent that they don’t think twice before killing other people. Nowadays people have come up with several ideas to make ‘wealth’ off other people’s devotion! The babas, the gurus and the spiritual leaders are nothing short of rockstars who create a fan following and routinely conduct ‘tours’ to rake up ‘donations’ for their charitable organisations. Anyway, that is much more benign compared to the religious war that is going on in the global scale. Millions of people are being displaced by this insane ‘holy war’ that has no clear goal. Now entire countries are arguing over who should take the displaced refugees and help them get on with their lives. Humans have come down to this now.

Its not just the religions that are causing problems. We have divided the planet into many countries which all have their own sorts of rules, restrictions and problems. People from many countries quarrel with people from other countries for trivial reasons. Sometimes that is escalated to war. We already have fought two world wars in which millions of people from many countries died. There is a war every single day on the planet nowadays between some or the other countries. The leaders at the top with their over-inflated egos are unable to reach an amicable position which results in occasional skirmishes in several places. The problem with countries is that they keep thinking about the interests of their own people who have voted them to power, or their own interests if they are dictators. They never think about the problems concerning the entire planet. Our species has affected the planet so much that we have started observing discernible changes in climate patterns. This will definitely affect our agriculture and food sourcing adversely over the coming decades. But the countries still keep quarreling and blaming others for the issues that everyone is now facing.

All these ideas that I have listed are all artificial. God, or whoever or whatever created us never made these. We humans came up with this stuff and are unable to extricate ourselves from the mess these are causing. Since a child’s birth he is conditioned to conform to the rules of our society and the whole artificial system that is setup by our species. At every stage his actions and decisions are dictated to him by others, lest he become incompatible with the society and thus bring a bad name to the family. That is nothing more than the insecurities of others that are put on his shoulders in the form of expectations. He never gets the chance to explore the planet which he inherits in entirety. He is restricted from moving to other places unless he fills up a dozen forms and complies to thousands of artificial and illogical rules. At birth his name, religion, career and benefits-plan is decided. He is never given the choice between all the choices our planet has to offer. Rather he is assigned those parameters which he has to accept, ungrudgingly.

I must say, we humans really are funny this way.

Why democracy of the world is threatened by the left-liberals


Democracy often witnesses unusual trends. Many elections have taken place in recent times, to mention, general elections of India 2014, general elections of United Kingdom 2015, and most recently, United States (US) Presidential elections 2016. One thing found common in this is the rise of the right wing and that results beyond the predictions of political analysts and beyond the expectations of the popular media. In 2014, while India pitched for development through ‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas- collective efforts, inclusive growth with national interest’ as its priority, the sentiments of the Prime Ministerial candidate of the Bhartiya Janta Party were also echoed by the then Prime Ministerial Candidate of UK’s Labour party David Cameron.

Democracy is now on its new dimension and moving towards its basic structure. From the recently concluded US elections to India’s landmark elections of 2014, it has reflected on the fragility of this very fabric to hold the masses. No doubt, democracy- for the people, of the people, by the people- was one of the best ideas of the 20th century, in which peoples’ participation played a prominent role, to speak of their minds and shape their future. But it was sabotaged by the existing system and turned out quite on the contrary not only in the postcolonial democracies, but also in developed ones as well. 120 countries and 63% of the world’s population is currently living under the aegis of democracy. While the 20th century was successful in holding the democratic fabric intact, the 21st century is witnessing its setbacks as nominal establishments with autocratic and kleptocratic elements are largely ruining the institutions and systems.

In the recent past, India has witnessed the same hypocrisy via the existing political system. In the last 60 years, India was governed by a party with a family at the helm of its affairs. During this era, a particular school of thought was suppressed and efforts were made to eliminate that particular thought process through various means.

Recently, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ideologues were invited to one of India’s most prestigious Literature Festival called “Jaipur Literature Festival 2017” to discuss “Saffron and the Sangh”: cultural aspects of the nation and its present context. Once again, it triggered a discussion on “social, academic untouchability” against a particular thought of school on social media platforms and academic world.

How the Congress has nurtured a group of intellectuals in 60 years of misrule, wherein they only wrote in favour of the then existing governments and were even conferred with awards. Now this very group is questioning the participation of the RSS ideologues in the Jaipur Literature Festival.

Same intolerance was seen during the general elections of 2014, when questions were raised on the candidature of the then Prime Ministerial candidate Shri Narendra Modi even when he was the then democratically elected Chief Minister of a state. Many such intellectuals had used their freedom of speech and had written opposing his visits to various international forums. But the same intellectuals have now narrowed down the impression of freedom of speech, when they run to tone down the particular school of thought.

Further, globally, the very idea of democracy has reoriented its approach and outlook. With growing political engagement and system dynamics of politics of rewards, it has emerged as a rewarding operation for the loyalists making the democratic political establishments more self-serving. For instance, in India previous democratic governments got into the habit of appropriating to meet the short term needs of the people while evading the long term investments required for improving the standard of living of the people at large . For sure, they are uncertain of the longevity of their position in power. This has transformed into a vicious cycle and resulted in the progress of the visible political loyalists, thus increasing the manifestations of concentration of power and wealth concentrated in the hands of few.

It is interesting to note that the share of political party memberships is on the decline across developed democracies. To note, in India there is an immense increase in ruling party membership. If one observed, the big debate during the general elections of 2014 in India was centered around economic development, inequalities and nationalism—the growing inequalities and the failures of the political system to hold democracy straight.

Recently, this trend was also observed in the US Presidential elections, where Republican candidate Donald Trump won in a landmark victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. As a result, democrats across nation, have now started a mass protest against a democratically elected President. In India, the same opposition was faced by the incumbent Prime Minister Narendra Modi after assuming  office in 2014. Is this really the evolution of democracy? Our intellectual space has been silent for over a long period of dynastic rule, but is now afraid of democracy and democratic rights when people of various nations have started exercising the power of Universal Adult Franchise and elected governments against the predictions and expectations of the political scholars.

Is the silence of intellectuals for such a long period not questionable? Doesn’t such protests seem to be motivated through vested interests? Worldwide trends further reconfirm that more than half of the voters do not have trust in their intellectual space. An increasing number of youth participation into democratic system, will further ensure a strong and stable democratic government. The evolution of democracy has the potential to replace and deliver the strongest value based democracy.

(The author is a Senior Research Fellow at India Foundation. The views are expressed are strictly personal.)

“The great Indian cricket fan” and his apathy


Just like every article of such kind starts, I guess it’s imperative these days to make some disclosures. So here are some: I am a cricket fan. An average cricket fan. I do not intend to hold any office in the BCCI in any near future or farther future, as a matter of fact. I do not have any malicious intent towards the office holders of the BCCI. Like I said, I am just an average cricket fan.

I know cricket averages of Lara and Pujara and when my son grows up I want to tell him tales of Laxman and Dravid bating for the whole day and more and defeating the Aussies. Of Ganguly waving his t-shirt at lords. Of Sachin scoring a century in a world-cup match after coming back from his father’s funeral. Just an average Indian cricket fan. And guess what! Ask any international cricketer and they will tell you that an average Indian cricketer is passionate about the game. There is no other country where even a single to third man is cheered so madly. From some of the reports that I read, Indian cricket apparently accounts for up to 70% of cricket economy. May be an exaggerated number but, without taking anything away from cricket fans from other countries, the crux of the matter is an average Indian cricket fan is why the game of cricket has reached where it has.

It was with this sense of pride that I finally went to see a cricket match at the stadium. The second T20I between India and England in Nagpur. I was just back in my hometown, and it had been years since I had been to a stadium. The last match I had seen sitting at a ground was the thriller between England and Ireland at Bangalore. Of course, you all know Kevin O’Brien scored that brilliant century and John Mooney scored the wining boundary. I was super excited. I had heard a lot about the brand new Vidharbha Cricket Academy (VCA) stadium built conveniently just outside the city. I had also heard about the so many facilities around the stadium including a fitness center and a swimming pool. And so I went.

Oh wait! I had to book a ticket first. India– being this digitally advanced country and all that, I went to to buy myself a ticket. Suddenly, my older memories were back. Standing outside the ticket offices at 4 in the morning and the happiness of finally getting a ticket at 3 in the afternoon. Anyway, those days were behind me. I logged in. Clicked on the book ticket link and hey…this is the message I get.

I mean seriously? I have to wait in line to book a ticket online? However, since they said up to an hour, I waited. After 2 hours, there were still more than 1.5 lakh people before me. I gave up. When I tried to close the app, I was told that I would lose my place. What is the point of online booking then? And why give booking privileges to a website that cannot handle online traffic?

I was lucky, however. I remembered that one of my uncles was a life member of VCA. I asked him if I could get a ticket through him. He said yes. And I got it. I managed to reach there and see the match. My experience? Not so pleasant. These are some of my thoughts after the match.

  1. BCCI is the largest and richest cricket body in the world and the people who have made it that, the spectators, are treated with complete apathy.
  2. The list of things you cannot take inside is super long, some justifiable, but some ridiculous. For example one is not allowed to carry coins inside. Can you believe it? Outside the gate there was a coin collection box. And if you think you can get your money, albeit little, back after the match from the security and the police, you are sadly mistaken.
  3. The newly built stadium in Nagpur, has all the facilities but for public parking, it’s a nightmare. Because of the traffic jams, I had to park my scooter 2 km before the stadium. Even the parking at the stadium was just an open ground. It was so dusty that it was hazardous.
  4. The stadium is right next to a national highway. With about 35,000 people going there, it caused a great discomfort to the routine buses and trucks that were traversing that part. If you could pay millions to build that stadium, why couldn’t you ensure to build a decent side road for the stadium which leads you straight to a decent parking place?
  5. Inside the stadium, of course you are not allowed to carry food or water. Like everything in India including multiplexes, nothing is sold at MRP. Even the cold drinks which were officially being sold at 50 Rs were being sold at 60 and the vendor insisted that the extra 10 rupees was his “carrying” charge.
  6. Dominoes managed to sell their pizzas inside at prices much more than the MRP.
  7. No dustbins. At least none visible while a took a long walk searching for one.
  8. The toilets – sadly only two for about 8000 people. They were stinking even before the match had begun.
  9. In some sections of the stands, there were no safety features in case of fire or a stampede.
  10. The situation back home after the match was worse as all the people who had arrived at different times began to leave at the same time. There was no traffic management. Only dust and people cursing each other and going on the wrong side of the highway.
  11. The stand where I managed to sit after getting a member’s pass, had a large number of empty seats while many people who were not so fortunate and yet more passionate, stood outside begging for tickets.
    But then, who cares? We are these cricket fanatics who will cheer, and I say this without meaning any disrespect, even when a Manish Pandey defends the ball well. BCCI of course knows, that they have a hen that lays a golden egg and there will always be enough buyers in a country of 1.2 billion.

The Bin Laden moment


The most poignant moment captured by camera must be the picture of a pensive Obama in the war room watching the Navy Seals take out Osama in Abbottabad. ‘That-one-big-moment’ when America eliminated its most hated enemy will be etched in the memory of every American, eternally. Definitely one of the ‘High-points’ of Obama’s stint at the White House.

It’s these moments that in no uncertain terms warn the enemies that they will be made to pay for their evil deeds, irrespective of how powerful they are, wherever they are, however heavily guarded they are, they will be hunted down mercilessly.

America, Israel, the Brits and Russia- to name a few are fierce in response to terror attacks that target their shores and citizens. The Zero-Tolerance policy adopted by them towards Terrorists and terror organisations gives their security forces unrestrained powers to bring justice to the perpetrators of terror. China isn’t immune to terror. It’s restive Xinjiang province is a hotbed of extremism. China deals with its homegrown terrorists with an iron fist.

The stringent anti-terror responses act as a deterrence, they may not necessarily stop Terrorists from targeting them, but the lingering fear that payback is a certainty will dampen the spirits of even hardcore Terrorists (a case in point is that of Osama Bin Laden- the wrath of the Americans forced the world’s most dreaded terrorist to go into hiding, shattering the aura of invincibility surrounding the ‘Sheikh’, he died a lonely man far away from his henchmen and area of influence).

Is ‘Bin Laden’ moment ever a possibility with India?

India has had its share of Bin Laden acolytes who are bent upon terrorizing India. Prominent among them is a man called ‘Dawood Ibrahim’, a fugitive wanted since 1993 for carrying out the Bombay serial blasts that killed almost 260 innocent people and maimed thousands. In the immediate aftermath, he fled the country and has taken up sanctuary in Pakistan. His infamous ‘D-Company’ continues to operate with impunity in India. Dawood is ISI’s blue eyed boy, he aids and abets terror groups based in Pakistan like LeT, JuD, JeM and homegrown terror organisation- the Indian Mujahedeen, to carry out strikes on Indian soil with the blessings and patronage of Pakistan.

The other India centric terror masterminds holed up in Pakistan are Hafiz Saeed, Masood Azhar & Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi (to name a few), they continue to plot against India, their blood lust seems insatiable.

The brazenness with which they commit crimes against India can be attributed to the carte blank support and patronage of Pakistan which arms them, trains them and finances them to achieve its vow of ‘1000 cuts’ to bleed India.

“One other factor that the Terrorists took advantage of, is India’s legacy against terrorism- INEFFECTIVE response”.
The fact that India has never retaliated seems to embolden these outfits to carry out flagrant attacks. The fear of retribution has never been instilled in them because India never sought to hunt them down. As long as they are in other countries they feel safe and Pakistan is heaven.

Pakistan a chosen land for mercenaries and missionaries of terror has been given a free unquestioned run by the international community to continue to do what it does best- Produce Terrorists.

India in the past has always opted to handle Pakistan with kid gloves. The talk of diplomatically isolating Pakistan, and the talk of creating a international consensus to address the issue of terror emanating from Pakistan and so on, fell on deaf ears. India had to act and it had to do it on its OWN.

Now, the gloves are off.
India has buried the legacy of inaction for good. India has written a new chapter on terrorism by carrying out a surgical strike. It has announced to the world that the days of playing by the rule book is history. The paradigm transition from DEFENSE to OFFENCE sends a strong message to the terrorists and their hosts that ‘hot pursuit’ isn’t a taboo to the Indian defense establishment anymore.

It’s to be seen whether India takes the new aggressive narrative a notch higher- to empower the intelligence agencies and elite forces to ‘SEEK & KILL’ , both to preempt and avenge terror attacks, to deter and blunt their morale.

The masterminds safely ensconced in safe-havens should be made to feel the heat. They must be hounded relentlessly and brought to book- Dead or Alive, wherever they are -Pakistan or Timbuktu.

India sorely needs a ‘Bin Laden’ moment, a moment when our forces strike deep within enemy territory to apprehend or eliminate the ‘Enemies of the State’, and announce to the underworld that we are part of the ‘Zero Tolerance’ club- We will come and get you.


A deep and thoughtful conversation between Nawaz Sharif and the Generals


Nawaz Sharif was sitting in the lawns of his official residence in Islamabad. He had a pensive look on his face, the worry lines stood out on his forehead. The recent developments, both within and outside Pakistan were bothering him.

He was thinking, “One side this stupid Trump is threatening me, how dare he call up to tell me that he will ban all Pakistanis from entering US”. He shuddered at the thought of the call from Trump.

The sun was setting in the far horizon, it was a lovely sight to watch but Sharif was deep in thought, not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful evening. His thoughts continued to linger on the challenges that confronted him. “The Chinese are helping me, but they are unreliable buggers just like their products. They are like British East India company, buying our companies, investing in our companies and one fine day they may take over my country”.

His thoughts were interrupted by a call on his mobile.

Sharif reached for his phone, it was his Lawyer. He cursed and punched the receive button, “Hello”, he said, “I am in a meeting, will call you later”, and hung up loudly cursing the Lawyer for reminding him about another problem, The Panama Papers.

Just then the Army Chief General Bajwa walked in unannounced. “Shit!”, he thought, “These Generals think they rule Pakistan”, he got up and extended a hand to the General. “But this guy is far better than Raheel Sharif” , he thought reassuringly.

“Janab, what can we do about the refugees?”, asked the General pulling out a Havana, he lit it and took a deep pull on it, and said, “The Americans have elected a crackpot, this guy talks about erasing Islamic terror from the face of the earth”. Sharif nodded. “I was also thinking about it”, he said.

The General took another deep puff and tossed the unfinished Havana into a bed of roses and said, “A soft spoken guy like Obama literally bombed the shit out of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. I don’t know what this Trump shithead will do.” he glanced blankly at Sharif and continued, “Carpet bomb all the terrorists including those in Pakistan”. The General glanced at his watch and mumbled, “Why is this guy late?”

” Who?”, asked Sharif.

“Lt. Gen. Naveed”, said the General referring to the chief of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). “I asked him to join us”.

Just then the Lt. Gen. walked in with a bright look on his face, after the perfunctory salutes, he settled down in chair and said, “This Trump has given our business a big boost”.

Sharif and the General sat up in their chairs with a quizzical look on their faces. “What, what big boost, what are you talking about?”, barked the General.

The smug ISI Chief smiled and said, “We will bring all the refugees to Pakistan, train them, arm them, brainwash them and send them to India”, he continued, “It will give our terror factories sufficient business, the industrial growth will make Pakistan great again”.

The euphoria on Sharif’s face died an instant death. “This Lt Gen is another big shithead”. He thought disgustedly and said, “Don’t you have a better idea? Why don’t you go and arrest Hafiz Saeed?”.

Gloomy silence engulfed the trio. Drowned in his bleak thoughts, Sheriff had forgotten to offer refreshments to the Generals. “I am sorry, I totally forgot. What would you like to have?”, he asked.

“A good cup of tea will be fine”, said the General.

Sharif’s plump face turned a crimson red, and he said in a low voice, “We don’t serve tea in my residence anymore”.

“Why?”, asked both the General and Lt Gen in unison.

“Because it reminds me of Modi”, said a really depressed and hapless Sharif.

End word:
Muslims throw Muslims out in the name of Jihad and Muslims expect Non-Muslim to give them shelter and when a Non-Muslim refuses to give them shelter they shout-and-cry-curse-and-threaten.

Time to think: Are the non-Muslims wrong or is it Jihad?
