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नकली नोटों के पीछे का सच


दिनाँक 22 फ़रवरी, 2017 को मीडिया द्वारा यह ख़बर चलायी गयी कि स्टेट बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया के ATM से ₹2000 के चार नकली नोट निकले। ख़बर की पुष्टि किये बिना ही विपक्ष के नेताओं ने प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी और रिज़र्व बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया पर निशाना साधना शुरू कर दिया। इसमें दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री केजरीवाल और उनके अनुचरों ने प्रधानमंत्री को ‘चूर्ण छाप’, ‘पापी’ और ना जाने क्या क्या कह डाला। श्री केजरीवाल पूर्व IRS रह चुके हैं, और उनकी अज्ञानता को देखकर लगता हैं कि शिक्षित व्यक्तियों का राजनीति में होना या नहीं होना अप्रभावी हैं।

आइये, अब बात करते हैं मनोरंजन बैंक/चिल्ड्रन बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया के नोटों के पीछे के सच की:

हर देश में बच्चों के खेलने के उद्देश्य से नकली नोट खिलौने बनाने वाली कम्पनियां बनाती और बेचती हैं। इसके अलावा नोट के डिज़ाइन में कई अन्य वस्तुएँ भी बाज़ार में आसानी से उपलब्ध हैं।

रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा नोट कड़ी सुरक्षा और उच्च मानकों के आधार पर छापे जाते हैं। रिज़र्व बैंक द्वारा संचालित प्रेस कोई आम प्रेस नहीं होती जहाँ कुछ भी कैसे भी छापा जा सकता हैं, इसलिए ये मान लेना कि रिज़र्व बैंक चिल्ड्रन बैंक के नाम से नोट छापेगा, इसे मूर्खता ही कहा जाएगा।

अब प्रश्न यह हैं कि आखिर ये नोट ATM में कैसे पहुँचे? यहाँ यह बताना आवश्यक हैं कि ATM में नोट डालने की जिम्मेदारी सम्बंधित बैंक और उसकी पूर्व निर्धारित शाखा के प्रबंधक की होती हैं, ना कि RBI अथवा प्रधानमंत्री की। ATM में ना केवल नए नोट बल्कि जनता द्वारा जमा किये गये नोट भी भरे जाते हैं। ये चूरन छाप नोट भी बैंक के किसी ग्राहक द्वारा ही जमा किये गए और कैशियर की लापरवाही की वज़ह से ये ATM तक पहुँचे। चूँकि ₹2000 के नोट हाल ही में छपे हैं और लोग पुराने नोटों की तरह इन्हें परखने के अभी आदी नहीं हुए हैं इसलिए यह सम्भव हैं कि नकली नोट चलन में आ गए हो; परन्तु बैंक अधिकारियों का लापरवाह होना आश्चर्यपूर्ण हैं।

अब यदि आपके साथ ऐसी चोट हो जाये तो इसका उपाय क्या हैं? दो उपाय हैं, एक आसान और दूसरा सही।

पहला आसान उपाय, आप मीडिया को ख़बर दे और हंगामा खड़ा कर दें।

दूसरा उपाय, ATM से नोट निकालकर उन्हें परख लें, यदि नोट नकली हैं तो ATM की रसीद संभाल कर रख लें और सम्बंधित बैंक शाखा से सम्पर्क करें। हालाँकि शाखा प्रबंधक मुकर जाएंगे कि ये नकली नोट उनके ATM से निकले हैं; तो आप उन्हें ATM की डाटा-शीट निकलने को कहें। इस डाटा-शीट में कौनसे ट्रांसक्शन में किस सीरियल नम्बर के नोट निकले हैं, इसका लेखा-जोखा होता हैं। इस तरह आप अपने को नुकसान होने से बचा सकते हैं।

आप से यहीं निवेदन हैं कि सतर्क रहें, सीखते रहें और दुष्प्रचार करने वाले लोगों से दूर रहें।

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”. -Martin Luther King Jr.

India and Casteism


“We are racists”, concluded Dr. Amith (name changed), MD Pharmacology post graduate student  in Raichur, Karnataka. There was pin drop silence in the hall. Some were agreeing with him, some had lowered their heads out of shame. Some were left with the confusion and thinking ‘are we’?.

It was a meeting of “Vivekananda Milan” a medical students organisation. We used to have regular weekly meeting and had done many charity works. It was September 01, Saturday 2012, there were rumors regarding some northeast Indians mobbed near Raichur Bus stand. It was in between a month of few incidents of such attacks on NE Indians in Bangalore after the violence broke out in Rohingya, Myanmar.  In between that one such rumor of attack in Raichur made them more insecure. Milan group emergency meeting was called to deal with the scenario arrived. Dr Amith was one of our invitees, spoke in length about how intolerant our society is and concluded saying “we are racists”.

There was quiescent silence among the gathering. We could only hear the sounds of vehicles passing by the road next to hall. It was already 9 pm. I had to conclude the meeting. I got up with a sigh and said “Yes Dr Amith was right and we are racists”. If we go through most of the news papers, Op-eds, articles, books, same thing has been said repeatedly, but when we cross check those with facts, we get to know how much biased and narrow visioned these articles are!

India is always blamed for casteism and racism. Yes, true it has definitely harmed our society. But question is, is caste factor found only in India? If so, there would have been no bloody war in Syria, Libya, Iraq and other Arab countries. No racial fights in USA by now at least. Supremacy wouldn’t have kept North & South Korea divided. No white Supremacy, no slavery would have been done by European countries since scores of centuries1. There wouldn’t have been a Albhigensian Crusade2, 3and other sectarian violence within thousands of denominations 4. 1967 wouldn’t have been a year to consider Aboriginals of Australia as humans5. It wouldn’t have taken so long to end “Aparthied’ in South Africa till 19946.

Untouchability is/was there all over the world. From France (Cagots) to Japan (Burakumin), from Korea (Beakjeong) to Europe (Romani), from Tibet (Ragyabpa) to Dalit (India) & many more 7. Even slavery was worldwide phenomenon since ages with contrast difference between India and the world, where in the former it was less compared to rest of the world. 8,9

India is no immune to casteism  and racism. Similar to rest of the world casteism, racism, slavery was there and it has presence in modern times. But definitely above data indicates intensity was less compared to rest of the world. In India Sikhs become ‘Sardar’, South Indians become ‘Madrasi’, northeast people become ‘Chinki’ & in north east rest of Indians become Hindi, even targeted by a few terrorist organizations etc. Even now there is a difference of opinion between castes, sects, states.

Racism and casteism is there in the blood of humans because of the animal instinct10. Every living being wants to preserve and pass their genes. So we the humans too. Generally we will be attracted or feel defensive towards our genes or genes which resembles that of ours (race/community). But we being intelligent animals, we need to overcome our animal instincts, so to have humanity and to be called as human beings. 11

If we ‘google’ for massacre in India, we will get all massacres happened onwards of 1000 AD from invaders and Timur top the list 12. But within Indian culture there were no major massacres except few small scale local violence or Skirmishes between castes/sects 13. All Jauhar happened due to barbarism of invading cultures14 . But if we consider foreign countries we get to find long lasting lists of ethnic cleansing massacres within the same culture or invaders 15. What prevented Indians from doing so?

Answer is Indian Culture. Indian philosophy gives ample of evidences, examples of how god resides in every life. plants to animals, humans to non living things, from Brahmin to Shudras.

Shiva himself is a god who lives in forests of Himalaya along with all animal gods, from predator to prey together harmoniously. Nandi to tiger/ lion of Parvati. Snake of Shiva to mouse of Ganesha and peacock of Murugan. Lord Shiva is an epitome of simplicity, bare footed, being devoid of all sort of luxuries which is basic tribal representation.

Vishnu’s dashavathar (depiction of evolution) Shows god from Aquatics – Amphibion – Mammal – human- Destruction16.  Lord Krishna was himself a ‘dark’skinned Gopalaka (used to take care of cows).

Ratnakar was a tribal warrior turned to be a dacoit and later he became Rishi Valmiki and wrote  Ramayana. Rishi  Vyasa, who didn’t have good look was son of a fisher woman and wrote Mahabharath.

Drona & Kuchela were also poor men. Minister Vidura was son of a Dasi. Vishwamitra was a Kshatriya by birth, Rishi Satyakama Jabala was son of a prostitute, Lord Shiva appeared to Shankaracharya in ‘Chandala’ (Shudra) form, Shiva appeared and blesses tribal Kannappa Nayanar who offered his hunted flesh to god out of pure, innocent devotion. Ravana was a Brahmin but became Asura. Asura king Bali attained Moksha  due to his good deeds. In modern times Budha, Mahavir, Adi Shankaracharya, Purandara Dasa, Kanaka Dasa, Basavanna, Kabira, Shirdi Sai, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and many other reformers sporadically made this clear that God is omnipresent.

In Bhagavadgita, Chapter 4, Shloka 13, part 1 Lord Krishna says,




Which means ‘Guna’, the qualities and ‘karma’ the action decide which verna (caste) one belongs to. So the caste is changeable according to the differentiation of qualities and action.

Vedic verse says





Which says, by birth one is shudra (lower caste), by refinement becomes Dvijah (Knowledgeable, higher caste), by attaining knowledge/cognizance one becomes Vipra (much higher caste) and ultimately who attains knowledge of god is Brahman (supreme caste).

In spite of these reiteration, there are always misinterpretors: Dhobi (laundry man) from Ramayana times to present days some communists & western minded historians. From rulers like  Dhana Nanda, Jayachandra to present day vote bank politics and some elite lutyenes, who have always misguided the society by wrong interpretations and made society to believe falsehood as truth. Since the ages some elites have selectively taken few verses, stories, Puranas according to their narrative which suits their political, socioeconomical aspirations. Added to it loss of centralized universities like Nalanda by invaders lead to a loss of centres for exchange of ideas. These are a few among other major factors which lead to caste based discrimination.

We have lost the sense of faith on real meaning behind Puranas, moral stories, traits of  the great saints and we have opted to live a shallow and benighted life. Indian history was never a bloody history, until the encroachment of invaders. It’s  because our great saints who always reminded the society about true meaning of life from Budha to Vivekananda and Dr. Ambedkar. These greats from time to time instead of bringing change by violence or blood thirsty revolutions, opted to bring change within the system and along with existing culture. They made sure that religious, ethnical, cultural democracy was kept alive17. That’s the reason our Indian culture binds us to form unity in diversity which makes us proud to be Indian and part of the tolerant society. Lets learn from the various truthful messages of Indian Philosophy, rather than following the ostensible observations, blind rituals and worships. Let’s move towards ‘Varna’ designations based on our work rather than following the caste system based on birth. Let the world follow the actual messages given by Lord Krishna, Buddha, Mahaveera, Jesus Christ, Guru Govind and many other glorified souls.

“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”.


1  ( Note the history of slavery in India in the same link)


















Clash of the political commodores


The Election Commissioner Mr. Nasim Zaidi came out announcing the dates for the elections in five states (Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Goa, Punjab and Uttarkhand). Latest developments in UP indicate a good show for BJP and BSP. With BJP gaining popularity due to the SP feud. With Rita Bahugana’s exit from The Congress Party will substantially lower The Congress Party’s vote share among the top brass of the society (Brahimns). Dalit Leader and BSP Supremo Mayawati has successfully garnered enough support from the lower sections of the society.

The demography of UP is something like this. Being the most populated state it has the most varied demographic patterns. OBCs form 41% of the population, comprising of the Yadavs (8%), Kushwaha (4%), the Lodhis, Jats and Kurmis forming a small part of the population. Muslims play an important role (almost 19%). The upper caste includes Brahmins (12%), Thakurs(8%) and a few minor castes. But Monday’s landmark Supreme Court judgement deeming vote seeking in the name of religion, race, language or caste has overshadowed the electoral power of most parties. BSP Supremmo Mayawati has released the candidate list for 401 constituencies, mainly consisting of Muslims, Dalits and few low caste players. Seemingly, a BJP leader has also moved the Election Commission from getting BSP debarred from the elections for playing caste politics. But the success of the issue remains faded. The election is all set to be held from Feb 11 to March 8 2017, in 7 phases. The government has successfully announced the Budget on Feb 1, this may have a positive impact on the people and provide BJP an edge over the other parties. Since the BJP does not have a clear CM candidate for the UP elections, it has been a devious problem for the UP BJP. Lately it seems that the SP feud is all getting reversed. With truce beginning to sprout out from the two SP leaders Mulayum and Akhilesh. Yadavs and muslims have always been loyal to the Samajwadi Party. But the candidate list announced by BSP may also attract the muslim community. The Dalits have overwhelmingly supported BSP in in the 2007 elections. But sky rocketing corruption and building of elephant statues all around the state during here tenure has caught the glimpse of the weaker sections.

BJP will probably try to get its vote share from the Brahmin community and a good share from the lower communities too. The Thakurs have supported the BJP for a considerable duration. BJP had a marvelously fruitful show in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections winning 71 seats out of the total 80 seats. This was mainly attributed to the Modi wave which was formed right before the election. But will it be able to repeat the same? Not possible. BJP has its own limitations. It had garnered 42% vote share during the 2014 elections. But now it will be considered a cock and a bull story if someone says BJP will win 350+ seats in UP assembly elections.

BJP should soon think of an alternative to replace Modi’s image for garnering votes and must get strong leaders in its crew. If NoteBandi has made people believe that Modi has fought corruption, probably it would be of help to BJP. But if the people are not really satisfied, it remains a dark gloomy cloud. I would like to end my article by saying that UP has a diverse population with diverse political leaders and communities. It is nearly impossible to create opinion polls based on a few answers who represent the 7th largest country (if UP had been a separate country) in the world. But finally it will be the litmus test for Demonetisation and the Modi Government.

Biggest fake news cum communal agents of Indian journalism


I don’t want to attack someone with my words, I just want to share my anguish over the hegemony of some mighty left ideologue cum anchors of so called free English media, that try to spin each issue to suit Congress, left and their narrative in the name of minorities.

I will not talk about all the fake things that they have spread using their position but I will talk about the recent two controversies which have no controversial substance at all.

1st, the recent one in which they have retweeted an ANI half quoted tweet, in which ANI doesn’t have any objection because they know about the whole quote of that tweet and the fact that it was just one sentence of a whole pitch of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas that Modi has said in that speech.

Whole UP knows that SP & BSP have always treated UP on the basis of caste and Religion. There isn’t a single neutral person who can deny this, and if someone is pointing towards this bad practice; how the hell he becomes communal for stressing equality between all and those guys who have given these favours during all their rule are seculars?

I can’t understand the scale on which neutrality towards each religion have measured in our country by these big celebrity anchors. They will never reveal their means on which they measure communism because the reality is far far away from their biased perception.

Reality is that, they themselves have become biggest communal by confusing themselves as the protector of minority and preventing them from understanding the basic fact that Minorities are no different than majority Hindus and will/should always get the same treatment under our constitution.

These communal anchors think and advocate special privileges for Muslim like not forcing them to even abolish misogynistic Triple Talaq or to modernize the teachings in Madarsas, if you ask them about this hypocrisy; they will give the same stupid argument that Muslims in our country should be given right to choose whatever they want, i.e., they can even follow some of the devious Sharia laws which prevents them from main stream.

After their suggestion of a so called communal angle in PM’s Fatehpur speech, all the Jhandabardar of sickular philosophy have come to the fore, convicted Lalu Prasad is leading the group with Modi addicted Kejri, Yechuri, Danga Didi of Bengal, Rahul Baba and many more. All of them seek Muslim votes for their hard work.

2nd instance is of PM’s satirical remark on Dr. MMS, which this communal league have found very offensive and derogatory, NDTV have a very serious discussion about this issue and they have found PM Modi as guilty and Azam Khan, Rahul Baba, Sonia ji, Lalu, Kejri, Yechuri etc., as champion of free speech.

We as citizens need to strongly condemn this hypocrisy and double standards of these so called liberal cum real communal agents of our country.

We have to give it back to them each time, whenever they do these communal thing which converts a speech of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas into a hate speech, without abusing them but shaming them for their duplicity and hatred towards the mandate of people in the name of section of some people, who doesn’t need their view and support to live harmoniously with the majority.

In the end, I will urge to all our countrymen/women to name and shame these trollers cum communal anchors whenever they try to spin the facts.

Lal Salam to these so called liberal cum comrade anchors. More power to free speech.

Simple reasons why BJP should win the BMC polls


I must say I am nervous about writing this article. Mumbai votes today and the results are out on Feb 23 itself. If I get this wrong, there isn’t sufficient “cushion” for me to hedge my bets and pretend like I never said this.

But the temptation of getting it right trumps the fear of getting it wrong.

I am no psephologist. For me, political prediction is a matter of simple thumb rules. And if you apply these rules to the BMC polls, it comes out that the BJP should canter to an easy win. It has everything going for it. Meanwhile, the Shiv Sena has done everything to make the electorate despise them. They are going to get punished by voters.

Here are my reasons.

(1) Mumbai is as urban as it gets. As of now, the BJP has massive leads all over urban India. Post demonetization, the BJP’s lead has only grown and elections in urban enclaves such as Chandigarh have shown unprecedented, wavelike conditions for BJP.

(2) The Shiv Sena faces multiple term anti-incumbency. They have ruled the BMC since time immemorial. It would really be surprising if they are able to get incremental votes in these elections.

(3) Now, we come to the first reason why Shiv Sena may be punished by the voters. The voter is generally very severe on parties that play on BOTH sides of the fence, i.e., enjoying the red beacon fruits of power while continuing to sabotage the government. Parties like this come to be seen purely as negative baggage. I wonder if anyone can name a legitimate grievance that the Shiv Sena could have, beyond its obvious jealousy.

(4) The second reason why Shiv Sena will be punished by voters is their threats to pull down the Fadnavis government. The voter realizes that an emboldened Sena could result in heightened instability and mid-term polls. The voter doesn’t want instability and feels no urgency to bring down the fairly likeable Chief Minister.

Let me give you an example. Barely a month after the 2014 wave, the BJP actually lost 3 Assembly bypolls to the Congress in Uttarakhand. The voter is too smart. Had those bypolls gone in favor of BJP, they would have certainly brought down the ruling Congress government. Even at the height of the Modi wave, the voter chose stability. Just an example of how much the voter despises mid-term polls. In fact, the only stable and obvious trend in Indian politics since 2007 is the urge to have single party majorities which ensure 5 year governments.

And if Shiv Sena is seen as trying to force mid term polls in Maharashtra, the voter will punish them for it.

(5) Today’s polls involve the BMC and a handful of other cities. We saw the results of the local body polls in most of the state during December and January, billed as the “mini-Assembly polls”. The BJP has done handsomely, catapulting itself from a meager fourth position to a comfortable perch at the top of the ladder. The big story of the local polls has been the collapse of the Shiv Sena across the state to fourth position. This story should repeat in Mumbai. The Sena, of course, won’t come fourth in Mumbai, but if the rest of Maharashtra is completely rejecting the Shiv Sena, why would Mumbai go out on a limb and be different?

(6) Coming to the demography of Mumbai, the North Indians who have traditionally voted more with the Congress now have no real incentive to do so. The Congress is nowhere in the race and Modi is immensely popular. At the same time, the North Indian voters have every reason to come out and stop the Shiv Sena. It would be surprising if these votes don’t shift wholesale to BJP.

(7) Then, there are the core Marathi Manoos voters of the Shiv Sena. Other than emotional attachment, the Sena doesn’t really have anything to offer them. There is no evidence that Marathis have any kind of antipathy towards BJP. The RSS itself is a product of Maharashtra. The Marathis elected BJP to No. 1 position throughout the  state barely a month ago. The BJP has also been actively massaging their ego with the Prime Minister coming to Mumbai to lay the foundation for a grand memorial to Chhatrapati Shivaji.

This makes the arithmetic quite simple. The non-Marathi voters actively despise the Shiv Sena and want to keep it out of power. The Marathi voters might prefer Shiv Sena but have no real objection to BJP.

(8) Finally, the youth vote. It’s hard to see the youth going for Shiv Sena’s “hafta wasooli” politics and troubled relationship with Valentine’s Day (which, incidentally, was only 7 days ago). They are far more likely to go with the urbane, suave Devendra Fadnavis. He gave them free wifi across the city! Are the youth really going to get excited about the agenda of beating up “bhaiyyas” and South Indians and Jains and Gujaratis?

However, there is one way… only one way in which the Shiv Sena could win. If the MNS melts down and its voters move en bloc to the Sena, they would win. If you can think of anything else, let me know.

कुछ दिन तो गुजारिये गधराज में!

अकलेस भैया ने गुजरात के गधो का प्रचार कर रहे अमिताभ बच्चन पर जो टिप्पडी की है उससे कोई इंसान ही होगा जो सहमत नहीं होगा। दर-असल हिंदी साहित्य की मांद उत्तरप्रदेश से आने वाले हमारे प्यारे अकलेश भैया के यदि मनोभाव को समझना है तो आपको कृष्ण चन्दर द्वारा रचित “एक गधे की आत्मकथा” को पड़ना आवश्यक है।

जब से ये उपन्यास पढ़ा है तब से मैं हर गधे के अंदर छुपे इंसान और हर इंसान में छुपे गधे को पहचानने में परिपक़्व हो गया हूँ। इसलिए अखिलेश जी की “गुजरात के गधो का प्रचार बंद करने की” मार्मिक अपील सुन कर मुझे बाकी अंध भक्तो की तरह गुस्सा नहीं आया।

दरअसल भईया जी ने एक बहुत ही गंभीर विषय की ओंर इशारा किया है। उन्होंने एक ही “हैंचू” में वाइब्रेंट गुजरात के दावो की पूरी पोल खोल दी। मतलब मोदी के इतने वर्षो के कार्यकाल में गधे इतने कम रह गए की अब उन्हें बचाने के लिए अमिताभ जी को अभियान चलाना पढ़ रहा है। और दूसरी तरफ समाजवादी की सरकार है, जिनके कार्यकाल में क्या नहीं किया गया गधो के संरक्षण के लिए। नतीजा सामने है..गधो की गधमार हो गयी है उत्तर प्रदेश में। उन्हें किसी महानायक की आवश्यकता नहीं है ये बताने के लिए की भैया उत्तरप्रदेश में गधे हैं, क्योंकि बच्चा बच्चा जानता है की वहा कितने गधे है।

अमेठी रायबरेली और सैफई के गधे तो न केवल जगत विख्यात अपितु ऐतेहासिक भी हैं। दरअसल राजनीती की प्रयोगशाळा कहे जाने वाले उत्तरप्रदेश में गणतंत्र को गधातंत्र कैसे बनाया जाता है ये यूपी के नेताओ से अच्छा भला कौन बता सकता है।

यहाँ अभी तक गधो के लिए, गधो के द्वारा, गधो की ही सरकारे बनती आयी है।

इसलिए यहाँ के गधो को किसी अमिताभ बच्चन की ज़रूरत नहीं है। क्योंकि यहाँ हर गधा अपने आप में अमिताभ बच्चन है जो व्हाइट हाउस में भी हैंचू-हैंचू करने की दम रखता है, विश्वास न हो तो अमर सिंह से मिल लो।

दरअसल यहाँ कई गधे आधुनिकता वादी भी है जिन्हें पता था की कंप्यूटर भले ही अमेठी के गधो की पीठ पे रख के लाया गया था पर संभवतः कुछ ठेकेदारो के निक्कमेपन के कारण उत्तर प्रदेश तक नहीं पहुचने दिया। अब ऐसे में कुछ अत्याधुनिक गधो को ही पता था की ये वर्षो पुराना काम सैफई के कुछ चुनिंदा गधे ही पूरा कर सकते है।

राजीव गाँधी सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियान के अन्तर्गत आने वाले डेस्कटॉप की राह देख देख कर थक चुके लोगो को “सरकार बनवाओ अभियान” के अन्तर्गत लैपटॉप के सपने दिखाने शुरू कर दिए थे।

यूँ तो ये सपना कुछ जन्मजात गधो ने देखना शुरू किया था पर धन्य हो उनका नेतृत्व कौशल जो बाकी जनता ने भी जाती प्रजाति के भेद को भुला कर खुद गधा बनने में हिचक नहीं की।

दरअसल ये गधा बनने-बनाने का अभियान जो इंदिरा जी के समय से शुरू हुआ था वो अब अकलेस भैया के दौर और भी तीव्र गति से बढ़ने लगा। गांधीवादी गधावादी हो गए और लोहियाइट जो की पहले लोफराइट हुए फिर वो भी धीरे धीरे गधावादी ही हो लिए।

वैसे कुछ गधे तो सर्वजन हिताय की भावना को इतना अधिक आत्मसात कर गए की प्रजाति के भेद से ऊपर उठ कर हाथियों के ही स्मारक लगवाना शुरू कर दिए, हाँ पर उन हाथियों के साथ ये भी दिखाना नहीं भूले की इन्हें बनवाने वाले गधे कौन है। अब इतना परोपकार किया है हाथियों पे तो थोड़ा बहुत शो ऑफ तो बनता ही है।

दरअसल सदियो से पिछड़े समाज ने बमुश्किल केवल हाथी बनने का ही सपना जैसे तैसे देखा था पर वर्षो से सोया भाग्य भी ऐसा चमका की उन्हें गधा बनने का भी अवसर प्राप्त हो गया। अब वो खुद हाथी बनने की जगह केवल हाथी की मूर्तियां बना कर ही ज़्यादा खुश है। आखिर गधे बनने के इस दौर मै केवल जातीय पिछड़ेपन के आधार पे यदि कोई इस सुनहरे अवसर से वंचित रह जाए तो ये कहा का सामाजिक न्याय हुआ। सामाजिक समरसता का ये अद्भुत उद्धरण पूरे देश में अद्वितीय है।

वैसे गधो की इन उत्कृष्ट नस्लो को बचाने के लिए यहाँ भी जल्लीकटटू जैसे आयोजन होते रहते है। इन आयोजनों की ज़िम्मेदारी चुनाव आयोग की रहती है और इसमें एक से बढ़ कर एक नस्ल के गधे मैदान मेँ उतरते है। गधो का इससे उज्जवल भविष्य और कहाँ होगा।

तो बच्चन साब माना की आप भी इसी राज्य से हो पर इस गधावादी अभियान से आप अछूते कैसे रह गए ये समझ नहीं आया। अमर सिंह को तो हम बहुत उत्कृष्ट गधा समझते थे पर आप उतने बड़े नहीं बन सके। अब तो आप को समझ आ ही गया होगा की उत्तरप्रदेश मेँ गधो के संरंक्षण के लिए अलग से वन अभ्यारण बनाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, भई यहाँ तो गधे ही राज्य का संरक्षण करते आये है अभी तक।

और जो अंधभक्त बौखला रहे है अकलेश भैया के इस भाषण पे वो ये समझ ले की भईया जी ने कुछ गलत नहीं कहा है। क्योंकि यहाँ किसी महानायक की ज़रूरत नहीं पड़ती गधो को प्रसिद्ध करने के लिए, उल्टा उनको ज़रूरत पड़ती है गधो की, प्रसिद्ध होने के लिए।

यदि अब भी न समझ आया हो तो आइये.. कुछ दिन तो गुजारिये गधराज में

– इसी गधराज्य का एक भटका हुआ गधा

Soil Health Card scheme at a glance after two years


The soil health card scheme which was launched by the government on 17 February 2015 with all big pops does not seem anywhere even close to the targets which were set initially after the end of initial two years. It was estimated by the government to distribute approximately 14 crore Soil Health Cards (SHCs) till the end of first cycle which is supposed to end by 2017. As very less time is remaining now in the completion of time frame provided by the government, let us have a look at some important aspects of the scheme:

What is Soil Health Card (SHC) scheme?

It is a Government of India’s scheme promoted by the Department of Agriculture & Co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture. It will be implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union Territory Governments.  A SHC is meant to give each farmer soil nutrient status of his holding and advice him on the dosage of fertilizers and also the needed soil amendments, that he should apply to maintain soil health in the long run.

What is a Soil Health Card and how does it aid farmers?

A Soil Health Card is used to assess the current status of soil health and, when used over time, to determine changes in soil health that are affected by land management. A Soil Health Card displays soil health indicators and associated descriptive terms. The indicators are typically based on farmers’ practical experience and knowledge of local natural resources. The card lists soil health indicators that can be assessed without the aid of technical or laboratory equipment.

How was the scheme implemented?

An amount of ₹568 crore (US$84 million) was allocated by the government for the scheme. In 2016 Union Budget of India, ₹100 crore (US$15 million) has been allocated to states for making soil health cards and set up labs. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) will be implemented during 12th plan with the objectives to make agriculture more productive, sustainable and climate resilient to conserve natural resources; to adopt comprehensive soil health management practices; to optimize utilization of water resources; etc. “Soil Health Management (SHM) is one of the most important interventions under NMSA. SHM aims at promoting Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through judicious use of chemical fertilizers including secondary and micro nutrients in conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilizers for improving soil health and its productivity; strengthening of soil and fertilizer testing facilities to provide soil test based recommendations to farmers for improving soil fertility; ensuring quality control requirements of fertilizers, bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers under Fertilizer Control Order, 1985; up gradation of skill and knowledge of soil testing laboratory staff, extension staff and farmers through training and demonstrations; promoting organic farming practices etc. Fertilizer Control Order, 1985; up-gradation of skill and knowledge of soil testing laboratory staff, extension staff and farmers through training and demonstrations; promoting organic farming practices etc.In the union budget of 2017, however very little heeding was paid and this scheme got subsided by the newly launched Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, and on the soil health card scheme, the finance minister just said that mini labs for soil testing will be set up in all 648 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (farm research institutes) across India. These will be run by rural entrepreneurs who will be assisted by the government.

Performance and data:

Now moving to the most important point, one should know what exactly is the condition and situation of this ill scheme now, has it been performing at par the desired and expected levels or just like many come and go attention seeking schemes, this scheme is going to be another failure of the center government.

The following bar graphs show the progress of the scheme so far in terms of no. of samples taken, tested and dispatched. Source:

As is evident from the above shown charts that the number of soil samples collected is astonishingly more than targeted but the real worry is about the number of samples tested, printed and dispatched. The following graph further illustrates the complete picture of exactly what is the situation statewise:

​One can easily figure out that in most of the states/UTs the number of samples tested is very less in comparison to the number of samples collected. It is more to worry about that the states which rely heavily on agriculture are worst performers. States like Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Bihar, where more than 80% of India’s food grain is produced, show worst performance when considered about the printing and dispatching of soil health cards to farmers.Here are some figures relating to comparison of number of the Soil Health Cards for the above mentioned states which were needed to be printed against the actual number which were printed in the last 2 years:

STATE Total Target of Printing and distribution (2015-16 &16-17) No. of SHC distributed upto 14-2-2017 percent progress
Uttar Pradesh 263.61 67.76 25.67
Rajasthan 127.61 28.69 22.48
Punjab 46.20 5.91 12.79
Haryana 43.61 4.41 10.10
West Bengal 71.91 16.47 22.91
Bihar 72.36 26.13 36.11
Madhya Pradesh 127.94 41.05 32.08

All figures in lakhs, Source

As is evident from the above given figures that all of the above states who are major producers of crops are lagging behind when it comes to the number of SHCs prepared and distributed, one should be eager to know why this trend is there. What are the factors behind such a less number of SHCs printed and dispatched in major states. In fact, overall just 5.12 crore SHCs have been distributed against the targeted value of around 14crore with almost no time to spare now.

What are the reasons for this poor performance?

Many reasons can be there which can account for this poor performance of these major crop dependent states; notable ones are:

1.) All those states which are lagging behind in the printing and distribution of SHCs are doing so because the number of Soil Testing Laboratories (STL) is not enough in those states. Let’s have a look at the number of STLs in the states discussed about earlier. (Source:

 UP:                102

Rajasthan:    29

MP:                 56

Bihar:             64

West Bengal: 15

Punjab:           79

Haryana:        60

These numbers can be compared with those showing good figures in respect to number of SHCs printed and dispatched like Tamilnadu, Uttarakhand, and Andhra Pradesh etc. One can easily find that lack of STLs is a major reason behind the delay in testing and hence distribution of SHCs.

2.) Due to many vacancies in the handful of STLs which are not filled, the work is sluggish there. Many vacancies like lab technician, testing associates haven’t been filled till now even when the project is near the deadline.

3.) States are also responsible in some cases for such poor performance, as states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal didn’t have coherence and coordination with the  policies of central government, they didn’t release ample fund for the project and hence poor facilities like lack of STLs and unfilled vacancies in labs.

4.) Lack of scrutiny and supervision is also a very important factor behind the poor functioning of STLs and lack of personnel in labs. State functionary should be made accountable to centre for all the activities and performance related data of STLs.

At last, this is another come and go policy of the government which is seeking its end very near in 2017 and still much work is pending in terms of the number of SHCs printed and dispatched. The way central government has shrugged off from its responsibilities of achieving the stated targets, it hasn’t allotted something substantial so that the figures achieved could be somewhere near those estimated. But, like other such schemes let us believe that it will also be dumped after some time. Who knows Fasal Bima Yojana is next as some other mission unveils!

उत्तर प्रदेश का एक और कटु सत्य

देवियों एवं सज्जनों,
उत्तर प्रदेश के बारे में बहुत सारी बाते कही और सुनी गयी है। अब चुनाव का मौसम है तो बाते निकलेंगी ही। एक मुद्दा है जिसे अभी तक ना तो किसी पार्टी ने उठाया है ना किसी संगठन और ना ही मीडिया।

मुद्दा है सरकारी नौकरियों की लूट। पिछले 5 वर्षों मे भर्तियाँ तो तमाम निकली मगर चुने कौन गये? भर्तियाँ मे भ्रष्टाचार होता ही रहा है, लेकिन इस वर्तमान सरकार ने सारी हदें पार कर दी। अपने लोगों को अधीनस्थ कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड में बैठा दिया और मनमानी करने लगे। स्वीपर तक के पदों को बेचा गया। वो तो शुक्र है कि उच्च न्यायालय बैठा है जिसने अभ्यर्थीयों की अपील पर कई चयनो को या तो स्टे कर रखा है या फिर उन्हें रद्द कर दिया है।

मैने भी उत्तर प्रदेश अधीनस्थ कर्मचारी चयन आयोग की कई परिक्षाएँ दी है। संयोगवश पिछले साल उत्तर प्रदेश कोषागार में सहायक लेखाकर की भर्ती में मैं लिखित परीक्षा मे पास हो गया था। लिखित परीक्षा 180 अंकों की होती है और 20 अंक का साक्षात्कार।

सामान्य वर्ग की कट ऑफ 122 अंक की आई थी और मेरे 127 अंक थे। साक्षात्कार के 20 अंक मे न्यूनतम 8 अंक देने ही थे प्रत्येक अभ्यर्थी को। साक्षात्कार में मुझसे 4 प्रश्न पूछे गये थे, साक्षात्कार करने वाले 3 व्यक्ति थे। पहला प्रश्न पूछा कि बीजक और वाउचर क्या होता है? दूसरा प्रश्न था भारत का वित्तमंत्री कौन है? तीसरा प्रश्न था भारत के रक्षामंत्री कौन है? और चौथा प्रश्न था कि भारत में किसी बैंक मे शीर्ष महिला अधिकारी का नाम बताइए।

मैने पहले 3 प्रश्नो का उत्तर दिया। चौथे प्रश्न मे फँस (प्रश्न पूछने वाले की दृष्टि में) गया। मैने बैंक की शीर्ष महिला अधिकारी का नाम बताया चंदा कोचर (ICICI BANK), मगर साक्षात्कार कर्ता को अरुंधती भट्टाचार्य (SBI) का नाम जानना था, और मुझे इसकी जानकारी नहीं थी।

खैर.. जब इसका रिज़ल्ट आया तो मुझे थोड़ी निराशा हुई और मैने सूचना के अधिकार के तहत जानकारी माँगी, लेकिन आयोग में अपनी सुविधा के अनुसार वही जानकारी दी जिससे उनको कोई तकलीफ़ ना हो, और उन जानकारियों को साझा नही किया जिससे तकलीफ़ हो सकती थी।

RTI के प्रश्न


RTI के उत्तर


इसलिए हे उत्तर प्रदेश के विद्यार्थी गण कृपया वोट करते समय इस बात को ध्यान रखना कि आप अपने भविष्य की कुंजी किसको सौंप रहे हैं। इसलिए फर्जी सेकूलरिस्म का तिलिस्म तोडो और अपने भविष्य को सुरक्षित रखो।

The scam-ridden Pune Municipal Corporation drastically needs change in political leadership


Maharashtra is all set to face some of the most important Zillah Parishad, Municipal Corporation elections during this month. Most of the journalists are focusing on BMC elections and giving very little attention to state’s second most important city that is also known as Maharashtra’s IT city. Yes, this is about Pune and its Pune Municipal Corporation. PMC is dominated by Sharad Pawar’s NCP and congress for more than a decade now.

The city is all set to face polls on February 21, and results will be declared on February 23, 2017. NCP and its leader Ajit Pawar’s political relevance is at stake. NCP is the single largest party in the PMC with 51 corporators, followed by Congress 29, MNS 28, BJP 26, and Shiv Sena’s 12 corporators.

NCP’s campaign claims they have changed the city’s face and developed it into a world-class city. Any municipal corporation that manages garbage, sewage, infrastructure, illegal constructions, public transport, and other civic issues appropriately can tag itself as efficient.  PMC claims it’s one of the best civic bodies in the country, but the reality is horrible. Transparency and accountability are missing in the NCP-controlled PMC.

Roads are pathetic; sewage water is released into Mula-Mutha river, untreated. City’s traffic management is horribly pathetic, illegal constructions are on the rise, public transport is hopeless as well as scam-ridden, and most importantly, garbage management has raised eyebrows.

Zero-garbage-city plan is a complete failure

As part of their so-called Zero-Garbage-City plan, PMC got rid of garbage containers in certain wards and appointed NGOs for door-to-door collection of garbage since 2010.

According to the initial plan, the project involved civic administration, NGOs, waste pickers, and corporates for funding the activity. New waste processing plants were to be constructed in every panel to save garbage transportation and processing cost. Initially, the PMC and corporates were supposed to spend money on this project. But later, an additional burden of Rs.80 (per month) was imposed on Puneites by door-to-door garbage collection reps (including those from Swach (Swach Seva Sahakari Sanstha) appointed by corporators.

Wards are probably divided into two groups. PMC’s garbage collection vehicles visit areas in the first group and collect garbage from people, free of cost. While those living in the areas that are in the second group do not get this free service. They need to pay a monthly charge of Rs 80 and opt for door-to-door garbage collection service from private service providers, appointed by the local corporator of course. Garbage is collected twice or thrice every week. Be ready to pay more if you cannot speak Marathi or if you look fair and educated.

PMC’s free garbage collection trucks mostly visit slum areas (it’s obvious; slum-dwellers get everything for free). Similar trucks collect garbage from commercial establishments during the evening.

Those who do not wish to pay Rs.80 every month often throw their garbage on the road as they do not have any other alternative.

People in Pune’s panel number 10 are frustrated due to this issue. Currently, the ward has MNS corporator-Pushpa Kanojia and NCP’s senior corporator-Bandu Kemse. Here are some pictures that show how the area badly needs garbage containers.

Location: Right Bhusari Colony and spots near Chandni Chowk Flyover

On contacting, MNS corporator’s representative, he claimed that the concerned ward is garbage free and they have allowed private garbage collectors to charge Rs. 30 for door-to-door garbage collection and not more than that. Their answer was simple. “PMC has appointed NGOs as well as reps for garbage collection and to keep the ward clean. Everything is going great. We don’t need containers in the area.”

Possible nexus between corporators and garbage collection agencies

BJP’s candidate from this panel-Kiran Dagade had arranged a free garbage collection mini-truck for people living in areas that are a part of panel 10 since Diwali last year, but he faced legal action and backlash from NCP’s sitting corporator-Bandu Kemse.

“People in this area have no other option but to pay charges for disposal of garbage. These private collectors do not have any fixed timing for garbage collection. Thus, individuals who leave their house by 9 AM and come back from office after 7 PM have no other option but to throw garbage on the road due to the absence of garbage containers. I had arranged a mini-truck that can come at anyone’s doorstep to collect garbage for free throughout the day. All that the people had to do was to call the given number. But, sitting corporator Bandu Kemse (PMC leader of the house) was irked and he took legal action against me. Some people are ruining PM Modi’s Swachh Bharat dream simply because they want to make money in garbage collection and transportation,” said Kiran Dagade while interacting with journalists.

Sitting corporator Kemse talks about garbage recycling plant set up by the PMC in his ward. But, his representatives do not say anything when it comes to garbage collection, management, and garbage heaps along roadside in several parts of the ward.

The picture is clear; these private agencies are not NGOs because most of them have employed minors, child-laborers for door-to-door collection of garbage in the city.

Reps from PMC appointed Swach (Swach Seva Sahakari Sanstha) also offers door-to-door waste collection service in certain wards. Swach is a wholly-owned cooperative of self-employed waste collectors and other urban poor. Even Swach takes transparency for a ride, they have an impressive website, but that does not mention the rate that they charge for door-to-door garbage collection.

An official from PMC’s garbage department interacted with this journalist on condition of anonymity and shared his opinion on this issue. “The city expanded quickly since the last decade, but PMC’s manpower did not increase. If we install garbage containers in every ward/panel, we do not have enough people and other resources to transport garbage from containers to various waste management centers. Thus, we are urging housing societies as well as politicians to keep a minimum number of containers. We also want every panel to have its own waste treatment plant in the future,” said the official.

Certain garbage vehicles can be seen in various parts of the city with Adar Poonawalla Clean City ads. Their litter bins are present in very few areas. It looks more like an advertisement campaign instead of clean city movement as claimed by the Poonawalla foundation and PMC. Their men can be seen ‘acting as if they were’ cleaning footpaths in some parts of the city.

In December last year, PMC commissioner Kunal Kumar declared that the civic body will once again install 1,600 garbage bins equipped with cutting edge technology by June 2017. This means, even authorities are aware about how unsuccessful their Zero-Garbage-City plan has been.

Due to this, garbage collection has become an important election issue for candidates this year. Many candidates from the BJP and Shiv Sena have promised installation of garbage containers and free garbage collection vehicles in their wards/panels.

Pune city drastically needs a change in political leadership. Garbage issue dominates the list of problems. The administration in Pune is not transparent, accountable or democratic at all. MSM ignores all these issues, perhaps, as part of some propaganda. Hope people vote wisely on Tuesday.

Is India truly prepared for terrorist takeover of Pakistan?


Pakistan has always remained an extremely unstable country only slightly better than its western neighbors. Pakistan’s foreign policy is based on hatred for India and not progressive. This can be sensed in all their missile names being that of ruthless Mughal invaders. It is immense difficult to be a truly democratic country when you have religion as a priority.

Given the number of instances of political turmoil, increased home grown terror attacks and clear threat to the peaceful existence of Sufism, combined with the past history, there is a genuine threat of takeover of the state by terrorist forces.

If such an unfortunate event should take place, is India prepared for it?

Common sense dictates, in such a scenario, India has to act in lightning speed to dismantle/destroy such nuclear arsenal at their source.

This can be possible only if India knows the detailed whereabouts of the Nuclear facility/technology in place.
Destroying a nuclear arsenal without big impact to the neighborhood is an immense challenge even to the advanced nations.

Israel once offered to destroy the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan, only to be rejected by Indian peace mongers. If such a technology existed decades back, is India prepared to do it in a lightning way without the bureaucratic delays similar to the Kargil war?

India has immense national level problems like poverty, education, child rights. But the safety of a country is first priority and preparing for one falls in it too.