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Why I wish to live in Shivaji’s India!


I am 90s kid. I learned what most of people of my generation learnt in school. The fact that Mughals were the greatest empire of India, Britishers gave us the gift of modern days education and innovation.

Why do I wish to live in Shivaji India?

Answer is very simple, those were the days where things were not that complicated. A Hindu rashtra which fought invaders to protect the Indian civilization. Or else we all would be either paying Jiziya or adopted the desert civilization. The enemies were well defined,”Either you are with Hindu majority or you are against it”.

This is true even now but with different context. You are “either with nation called India or you are against it”. But with recent incidents suggest we have enemies within our own house and we are nurturing them on our expenses.

These aren’t new phenomena. This seed of hatred was sown, cultivated & nurtured since or even before independence. The hatred towards Hindus has become hatred towards the nation. The incomplete work that didn’t happen during partition, because of nationalist like Sardar Patel, is still dream of many ‘breaking India’ forces.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not pointing fingers at specific ideologies,communities. Issue is, a Hindu majority was forced to accept a secular nation even when the partition happened on religious lines. Question is, Hindus by default secular or accepting society. So, why did we need to add the word secular in constitution.

It has nothing to do with real secularism but religious appeasement for pure political gains. And it didn’t stop there. Many clauses, laws added, amendments were done to favor others over Hinduism.

For instance, the RTE Act 2009, govt controlled Hindu temples, Hindu marriage act etc. One can argue the merits & demerits of these acts but cannot deny they are biased against Hinduism.

It’s the issue of subduing native Indian culture and society into thinking that foreign or imported ideologies are superior then our own. There are books, curricular in schools colleges & academia depicting how great were the invaders who plundered our country,with very little or no mention of great native empires,nationalists.

For example, it was because of British that we made advancement in science & technologies. But if you listen to lecture of Dr. Shashi Tharoor at Oxford University in UK. This myth is busted factually. Same goes for Mughal empire. Their atrocities toward native Indians have been blanked out from our history.

The irony is that those who believe in aforementioned history are now the ruling ‘elite class’. And they have let loose the breaking India forces in almost all section of Indian society as been very well documented by Rajiv Malhotra books. The UPA govt even tried to falsely prove the existence of Hindu terrorism and they could have succeeded had Tukaram Ombley (martyr of 26/11) not nabbed one of the perpetrator Ajmal Kasab.

They were subtly working their agenda, operating clandestinely. But after 2014,things changed. Since a man took charge of India, whom the same elites hate the most. He is working on rebuilding India which these forces despise. He also trying to weed out many of such forces out of the system. And that’s where the operation of Breaking India came out in open and start acting disruptively all over the country.

The protests, sloganeering, siding with enemy, writing against Hindus, Govt and India. All are now done shamelessly and brazenly. Even apolitical, not religious Indian army and other security forces have not been spared. From calling them rapists, oppressive forces to using their kith & kins for their own agenda & motives.

Can anyone fathom the idea of Shivaji being soft on people who wanted to disintegrate his empire?

But Indian democracy gives them the opportunity or a escape clause. It’s not constitution at fault to grant such rights & freedom. It’s the issue that those rights are taken as ‘privilege’ by these elites while forgetting their civic duties. They object vigorously to anyone who wants to exercise the same rights, only because these people don’t belong to their clan as we are witnessing the recent examples of campus politics. You can’t oppose Gurmehar and on the same hand Shazia Ilmi has no right to speak her mind.

And it’s not limited to that, if you speaks in support of Hinduism, you are communal, bigoted and minority oppressors. While the elites can degrade, demean and insult Hinduism, Hindus & their beliefs as ‘alternate’ thesis or narrative. This is not even about Hinduism as religion,many from other communities who believe that culturally and by family lineage, they are Hindu or even Indian for that matter,are categorize in same bracket of communal RSS/BJP.

By the way, the word ‘secularism’ did any good for other minorities? Only for people of influence & power are the beneficiaries. The majority of them are used as vote banks or to inciting violent hatred or disruption towards government or whom they don’t agree with.

Many people think the Hindu, as a society, isn’t in danger as people trying to portray it is. Well, I too could have believed that,had facts not been consistent. The spread of Hindu society was to most of Indian peninsula,is now limited to the country of India. Even in that particular geography,many parts where Hindus have been driven out. Demography dramatically changing.

Most of the nations around the world take pride in their nativity and flaunt their religion. There are around 50 Muslim majority countries in the world, Christianity makes 1/3rd of world population. Several are Buddhist majority countries. While Hindus only are majority in India and Nepal. These are stats of world major religions.

So yes, I do wish we need a Shivaji movement now. And since India is a democracy, the only weapon we can fight with, is our votes. And that’s why 2019 is so important. Government can do it’s job if only people get involved too. A battle we all need to fight who love India and want break India forces to be defeated.

What makes ISRO so successful?


After the successful PSLV C-37 mission, Chairman ISRO stated, “The mission was not intended to set a world record. We were just trying to utilize the opportunity that we had and maximize the returns. Other things are incidental”. This statement succinctly encapsulates the working philosophy of ISRO leadership. The objective is to bring value to our society and country using limited resources in a progressive manner. ISRO leadership has also come a long way in meeting this objective by making its systems work small, smart and strict. Together these 3-s actually make ISRO work.

The idea of small and smart reflects in the size of the organization. ISRO has a small budget and a small number of scientists compared to those of countries with whom we are competing in space exploration. Further, these scientists are not even from IITs, the best technological institutions of the country. Yet, the leadership has developed them into a key resource. This has become possible by nurturing a culture of continuous training at regular intervals, hard work, quick decision making and result orientation.

The leadership values the budget, uses it in a controlled and strict manner. For example, the purchase process comprises of various stages that are committee based. The committees are a mix of scientists, purchase and finance and administration experts distributing responsibilities to the people effectively, without any unnecessary fear of vigilance. Further, the culture of vigilance is such that it continuously guides on real time basis, instead of doing postmortem.  This inculcates confidence and helps in taking fast, and right decisions. It is a result of this orientation that the Mars mission of ISRO cost only one-sixth the cost of Mars missions run by NASA. In addition to the size of scientific personnel, the size of the administration is also kept small, and bureaucrats work in cohesion with scientists to achieve the goals set by the leadership.

The idea of smart is also apparent in the structure and functioning of the organization. The scientists are a good blend of distinguished ones, at a senior and middle level as well as students just out of the university. In order to plan and implement strategic goals the senior leadership has a very hands-on style. There is a system of formal communication which is cemented with a personal touch. Top scientists pay attention to view points of juniors and give them feedback in detail. This culture of support is complemented with close monitoring of the performance of scientists. These mechanisms reward performers and keep morale high, which leads to the excellence that ISRO is known for.

The culture of strict is exemplified in the minimal number of court cases against the administration by the employees. The unions are kept under control, and have regular meetings and hearings with the management to sort out any administrative or welfare related issues. Their genuine agendas are typically implemented.

The idea of smart extends to the physical environment. One can see that all ISRO campuses are lush with greenery, and the landscape is very well maintained. Canteen premises are neat and clean, and good, simple, and hygienic food is available at subsidized rate. The medical care and its administrative process is made employee friendly. The employees are generally keen, and takes turn to monitor the well-being of the environment of the centers.

The 3-s strategy of ISRO leadership is the magic formula that makes ISRO such a vibrant and successful organization. While different leadership ideas have been propounded in the private sector, this approach is one highly successful case study in the government context. Hence, it behooves the leadership of other government organizations to study this philosophy and try to implement it in their own organization.

— written by  Tripti Mathur Mehra, Indian Railway Officer, worked on deputation in ISRO

Glorification of the Nizams of Hyderabad, the new Aurangzeb?

       ‘Bandenaka Bandi katti
      Padahaaru Ballu katti
            Ye Bande Ektav Koduko
Nizam Sarkaroda
     Nazila Minchinavro
  Nizam Sarkaroda’

‘Car after car, your convoy stretches to 16 cars. Which car will you come in? O tyrant Nizam? your atrocities have crossed that of the Nazis, O tyrant Nizam’.

…sang the Telangana peasantry that rose in rebellion against the atrocities of his Razakars. These songs were committed to people’s memory through lore.

On the 50th death anniversary of Hyderabad’s last Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah VII, a few news outlets have published laudatory reminiscences of the ex-Sovereign’s wealth, magnificence and benevolence towards his subjects. After all, he was the richest man on the earth in 1937 as per Time Magazine and the man behind many of Hyderabad’s iconic landmarks like the High Court, Osmania hospital, Osman Sagar, Himayat Sagar lakes etc.

What was conspicuously missing is the mention of the literary masterpiece called ‘Tvamevaham’ (originally named Telangana) by Acharya Arudra which was published the very next decade, which portrayed the ruthlessness and brutality of the Razakars and the Nizam in Telangana. Arudra was moved by a shocking incident reported in Krishna Patrika in the late 40’s.

A totally naked young woman got into a train and to a total embarrassment of the passengers was breaking from one compartment to another. When someone remarked scornfully “how shameless?” The woman replied, “I have already lost my honour at the hands of Razakars and have nothing more to lose. It is you who should be ashamed of not doing anything to protect the womenfolk”. That young woman was tied to a tree and repeatedly raped for days together by the Nizam’s Razakars. That was the plight of peasant women in Telangana in the late 1940s.

What was missing is the conspicuous omission of the death sentence of Shayar-e-Inquilab Maqdoom Mohiuddin and his works Surkh Savera, Bisat-e-Raqs. What was missing is the mention of Suleiman Areef, the Hyderabadi of Arab descent and Hasan Nasir, the Pakistani from Deccan who was tortured to death by Ayun Khan of Pakistan. What was missing is the mention of Qasim Rizvi and his Razakar army’s brutal atrocities on the peasants of Telangana and the police action that saved Deccan from becoming Pakistan. Also for those who think Andhra and Telangana are too different, the Peasant rebellion of Telangana was organized under the leadership of Andhra Maha Sabha.

An unintended consequence of formation of Telangana is the strengthening of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen party (AIMIM) which has anti-India, anti-Hindu roots. The party’s original objectives in its previous avatar were to unite the Muslims in the State in support of Nizam and to reduce the Hindu majority by large-scale conversion to Islam. The party was banned soon after independence and its leader Qasim Rizvi was extradited to Pakistan only to be reconstituted years later by a lawyer called Abdul Wahed Owaisi.

The Owaisis, although claiming the upliftment of Muslims (and recently of Dalits), are actually aristocrats commanding strong loyalty from their subjects who yearn for the return of the Nizamshahi. The second Owaisi leader of the party Sultan Salahuddin Owaisi was called Salar-e-millat (commander of the Muslim community). The present Owaisi is the softer face of the party while his younger brother is the reincarnation of the Razakar leader, Qasim Rizvi.

Encouraged by their success in Telangana, the party has ventured into other states where there is significant Muslim population. The fact that the Muslims of neighbouring Telugu state of Andhra, where they are an insignificant minority, are not even on the radar of AIMIM, reeks of political opportunism.

Another consequence of these developments is the strengthening of RSS and BJP in areas where MIM is stoking the minority sentiment. The explicit Muslim politics of MIM will drive many Hindus to vote for BJP at a national level. It will also make the regional parties to pander to MIM’s whims for their political survival. This exactly what has happened in Telangana when CM KCR proposed to increase reservation for Muslims in educational institutions and employment to 12% from the present 4%.

For many Muslims, MIM will be an irresistible force mobilising them to throw their weight behind it, with a range of euphoric secular and counter-secular appeals like Muslim empowerment and the return of Nizamshahi.

Today, Mir Osman Ali Khan’s failures and tyrannical history are being white washed to portray him as the hero of masses, including non-Muslims. Just as Aurangzeb becomes a pious and just ruler, so does his Nizam. Today, on the occasion of the last Nizam’s death anniversary, I salute the souls that rose against his tyranny. Jai Maqdoom Mohiuddin, Jai Suleiman Areef. Jai Hasan Nasir.


यह कैसी पढ़ाई है और ये कौन से छात्र हैं?

9 फरवरी 2016 में जेएनयू के बाद एक बार फिर 21 फरवरी 2017 को डीयू में होने वाली घटना  ने सोचने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया है कि क्यों हमारे छात्र संगठन राजनैतिक मोहरे बनकर रह गए हैं और इसीलिए आज एक दूसरे  के साथ नहीं एक दूसरे के खिलाफ हैं। इन छात्र संगठनों का यह संघर्ष छात्रों के लिए है या फिर राजनीति के लिए? इनकी यह लड़ाई शिक्षा नौकरी बेरोजगारी या फिर बेहतर भविष्य इनमें से किसके  लिए है ? इनका विरोध किसके प्रति है भ्रष्टाचार भाईभतीजावाद या फिर गुंडागर्दी? इनका यह आंदोलन किसके हित में है उनके खुद के या फिर देश के? अफसोस तो यह है कि छात्रों का संघर्ष  ऊपर लिखे गए किसी भी मुद्दे के लिए नहीं है।

सवाल कालेज प्रशासन से भी है कि उमर खालिद अतिथि वक्ता के तौर पर रामजस कालेज को उपयुक्त क्यों दिखाई दिया जो कि स्वयं एक छात्र है? उनका आदिवासियों पर किया गया शोध अन्तराष्ट्रीय दर्जे का था या फिर अफजल और बुरहान वाणी जैसे आतंकवादियों से उनकी हमदर्दी उनकी योग्यता बन गई? और जब कुछ छात्रों के विरोध के फलस्वरूप “विरोध की संस्कृति” विषय पर आयोजित इस सेमीनार में वक्ता के तौर पर उनका आमंत्रण निरस्त किया जाता है तो वामपंथी छात्र संगठन द्वारा इस ‘विरोध’ के विरोध में बस्तर और कश्मीर की आज़ादी के नारे क्यों लगाए जाते हैं? यह कैसी पढ़ाई है और ये कौन से छात्र हैं?

जब एबीवीपी इन नारों का विरोध करता है तो बात अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी और राष्ट्रवाद पर कैसे आ जाती है? अभिव्यक्ति की यह कैसी आज़ादी है जिससे देश की अखंडता ही खतरे में पड जाए? क्यों हमारे कालेज के कैम्पस पढ़ाई से ज्यादा राजनीति के अड्डे बन चुके हैं? देश की राजधानी दिल्ली का रामजस कालेज,1917 में अपनी स्थापना के साथ इस वर्ष अपने 100 वर्ष पूर्ण कर रहा है।

दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी देश की सबसे प्रतिष्ठित यूनिवर्सिटी है जिसमें एडमिशन मिलना ही अपने आप में एक उपलब्धि मानी जाती है। वहाँ पर हमारे छात्रों को वैचारिक और सांस्कृतिक खुलेपन के नाम पर क्या परोसा जा रहा है? बड़े ही भोलेपन से कुछ लोग यह सवाल कर रहे हैं कि इस सेमीनार में आमन्त्रित सदस्यों को सुनने से क्या हो जाता? तो इसका जवाब इन वक्ताओं के अतीत में है। उमर खालिद का इतिहास तो पूरा देश जानता है। शहेला राशिद एक कश्मीरी होने के साथ ही एआईएसए की वाईस प्रसीडेंट हैं। जिस संगठन से वे जुड़ी हैं जाहिर है वे छात्रों के आगे उस विचारधारा को ही परोसतीं।

माया कृष्ण राव थ्रिएटर कलाकार हैं जो नाटक एवं अन्य कलाओं से छात्रों को ‘विरोध’ के तरीके सिखातीं। सृष्टि श्रीवास्तव जो कि ‘पिंजरा तोड़ अभियान ‘ चलाती हैं  वो महिलाओं को ‘ पितृसत्तामक संस्कृति’ का विरोध करना बतातीं कि आखिर क्यों लड़कियों के लिए रात आठ बजे के बाद बाहर निकलना मना है लेकिन लड़कों के लिए नहीं। प्रद्युमन जयराम जो कि लन्दन में पीएचडी कर रहे हैं वो सोशल मीडिया पर विरोध के तरीके उसके फायदे और उससे होने वाले नुकसान के बारे में बताते। विक्रमादित्य सहाय ट्रान्सजोन्डर लोगों को समाज में  मिलने वाले विरोध का विरोध करते।

इन लोगों को सुन कर हमारे छात्रों का क्या भला हो जाता? वैसे तो सेमीनार का विषय भी अपने आप में बहुत कुछ कहता कि किसी सकारात्मक विषय के बजाए विरोध जैसे विषय को बच्चों के आगे रखकर देश के वातावरण में नकारात्मकता नहीं फैलायी जा रही? हमारे देश ने हाल ही में अनेक उपलब्धियाँ हासिल की हैं जैसे इसरो ने एक साथ 104 सैटेलाइट लाँच की थी या फिर 2016 के ऐतिहासिक पेरिस जलवायु समझौता अथवा भारत के योग को विश्व भर में जो मान्यता मिली है इसके अलावा भारत के युवाओं को उद्यमी कैसे बनाएँ जैसे अनेकों विषय वाद विवाद के लिए हो सकते थे लेकिन कल्चरल स्टडीज़ के नाम पर अपनी सोच अपनी संस्कृति अपने ‘पिंजरे’ से बाहर निकलने के लिए प्रेरित करने के बहाने हमारे देश के युवाओं को एक विशेष संस्कृति का मीठा जहर बहुत ही चालाकी से परोसा जा रहा है।

छात्र तो मोहरा भर हैं असली राजनीति तो वे समझ ही नहीं पा रहे। शायद इसीलिए 27 फरवरी को रामजस कालेज के प्रिंसिपल राजेन्द्र प्रसाद छात्रों के बीच खुद पर्चे बाँट रहे थे जिसमें उन्होंने साफ तौर पर लिखा कि देशभक्ति की हवा तले शिक्षा को खत्म न होने दें। वे सियासी औजार बनकर न रह जांए और उस राजनीति को स्वीकार न करें जो उनकी पढ़ाई के ही खिलाफ है। विरोध तर्कों का हो विचारों का हो लेकिन एक दूसरे का तो कतई न हो।

‘तो ‘विरोध की संस्कृति ‘ सीखने से पहले ‘विरोध की राजनीति’ को समझना आवश्यक है और हम सभी के लिए यह भी समझना जरूरी है कि सुखद परिणाम और खुशहाली के रास्ते एक दूसरे से सहमति और समझौतों की संस्कृति से निकलते हैं न कि विरोध से।

और आजादी का मतलब बेलगाम होना कतई नहीं होता। दुनिया का हर आजाद देश अपने संविधान एवं अपने कानून व्यवस्था के बन्धन में ही सुरक्षित होता है। आजादी तो देश के हर नागरिक को हासिल है अगर आप आजाद हैं अपनी अभिव्यक्ति के लिए तो दूसरा भी आजाद है आपका प्रतिकार करने के लिए। वह भी कह सकता है कि आप उनके विरोध का विरोध करके उसकी आजादी में दखल दे रहे हैं। तो फिर इसका अन्त कहाँ है?

इसलिए अधिकारों एवं आजादी की भी सीमाएं होती हैं। एक लक्ष्मण रेखा हर जगह आवश्यक है आजादी की भी सुरक्षा के लिए।

राजनीति में आने के लिए “शार्ट कट” की तलाश करती गुरमेहर कौर

देशद्रोहियों और आतंकवादियों का समर्थन करने वाले कुछ राजनीतिक दलों के हाथ में “खिलौना” बन चुकी गुरमेहर कौर आजकल विवादों में हैं. गुरमेहर कौर आम आदमी पार्टी की सक्रिय कार्यकर्त्ता होने के साथ साथ केजरीवाल जी की ही तरह “अति महत्वाकांक्षी” भी हैं और इसीलिए उन्होंने मात्र २० वर्ष की आयु में अपनी पढाई लिखाई पर ध्यान देने की बजाये खुद को उस विवाद में जानबूझकर डाल दिया, जिससे उनका कोई लेना देना तक नहीं था.

विवाद शुरू हुआ था रामजस कॉलेज से. रामजस कॉलेज में एक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया था और कार्यक्रम के आयोजकों ने उस कार्यक्रम में बोलने के लिए जवाहर लाल नेहरू यूनिवर्सिटी के उन विवादित छात्रों को आमंत्रित कर लिया था, जिनके ऊपर एक साल पहले “जे एन यू परिसर” में ही देश विरोधी नारे लगाने और नारे लगाने वालों का समर्थन करने का आरोप है. अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद् ने कार्यक्रम में इन तथाकथित देश विरोधी छात्रों की शिरकत का विरोध किया. अब देखा जाए तो यह मामला रामजस कॉलेज के छात्रों और जे इन यू के छात्रों के बीच का है. गुरमेहर कौर जो लेडी श्री राम कॉलेज की छात्रा है, उसका इस सारे मामले से कोई लेना देना नहीं था. लेकिन अगर किसी को राजनीति में जाने के लिए “शार्ट कट” की तलाश हो और वह भी रातों रात कन्हैया, हार्दिक पटेल और केजरीवाल की तरह नेतागिरी करने का सपना देख रहा हो, तो उसे तो बस किसी भी मामले में कूदने का मौका भर चाहिए. बाकी का काम तो वे राजनीतिक दल और उनके समर्थक अपने आप ही कर देते हैं, जिनका देशद्रोहियों और आतंकवादियों के ऊपर वरद-हस्त है. ऐसे सभी राजनीतिक दल पहले से ही मोदी, भाजपा और आर एस एस को अपना दुश्मन समझते हैं और इनके खिलाफ बयानबाज़ी और साज़िश करने का कोई भी मौका नहीं छोड़ते हैं.

इन्ही राजनीतिक दलों की लिखी हुयी स्क्रिप्ट पर काम करते हुए पहले तो गुरमेहर कौर ने इस सारे मामले को अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी से जोड़ते हुए जे एन यू के छात्रों का समर्थन कर दिया और अपने शहीद पिता की मौत के लिए पकिस्तान को “क्लीन चिट” देते हुए इस बात की घोषणा कर डाली कि-” मेरे पिता कि मृत्यु के लिए पाकिस्तान नहीं, युद्ध जिम्मेदार है.” गुरमेहर कौर की पाकिस्तान को दी गयी यह “क्लीन चिट” पाकिस्तान को भी बढ़िया लगी और हमारे अपने ही देश में मौजूद उन पाकिस्तान प्रेमियों और राजनीतिक दलों को भी बहुत बढ़िया लगी, जो खाते तो हिंदुस्तान का हैं, लेकिन गाते पाकिस्तान का हैं. पाकिस्तान के अखबार “डॉन” ने तो गुरमेहर की इस बात की तारीफ करते हुए उस पर एक लेख भी लिख मारा. पूरी दुनिया में अपनी आतंकवादी वारदातों के लिए हाशिये पर आये हुए पाकिस्तान के लिए तो गुरमेहर एक “मसीहा” से कम नहीं है. लेकिन पाकिस्तान की बेजा हरकतों की वजह से देश में कितने सैनिक और नागरिकों की जाने चली जाती हैं, उनका ख्याल न तो गुरमेहर जैसे “अति-महत्वाकांक्षी” लोगों को है और न उन नेताओं को जो इन्हें भड़का भड़का कर अपनी देश विरोधी राजनीति चमकाते रहते हैं.

देखा जाए तो यह सारा मामला दो राजनीतिक विचारधाराओं के बीच की लड़ाई से ज्यादा कुछ नहीं था. एक तरफ वे राजनीतिक दल थे जो गुरमेहर कौर के पिता क़ी शहादत को भुनाकर उसका अपने राजनीतिक फायदे के लिए इस्तेमाल कर रहे थे, दूसरी तरफ भाजपा क़ी स्टूडेंट्स विंग अखिल भारतीय विद्यार्थी परिषद् के छात्र थे, जो इस मामले में उन लोगों का विरोध कर रहे थे जिनके ऊपर देश विरोधी गतिविधियों में शामिल होने का आरोप है.

इस सारे विवाद में गुरमेहर कौर जो कुछ भी हासिल करना चाहती थी, उसे हासिल करने के बाद वह, फिलहाल स्टेज छोड़कर नेपथ्य में चली गयी है, यह भी पहले से लिखी हुयी स्क्रिप्ट का हिस्सा ही है. नेपथ्य में जाने से पहले गुरमेहर कौर ने यह सुनिश्चित कर लिया है कि जिन राजनीतिक दलों के लिए वह काम कर रही हैं, वे और उनके समर्थक मिलकर उनको देश में इतना “मशहूर” तो कर ही दें, कि आने वाले समय में उन्हें हार्दिक पटेल, कन्हैया और केजरीवाल से कम करके ना आँका जाए और जब कभी सत्ता में भागीदारी का मौका आये तो उन्हें उसी तरह मौका मिले जैसे कभी केजरीवाल,कन्हैया और हार्दिक पटेल तो मिला था.

Do Prerna Bhardwaj’s wounds hurt less ?


Abusive language, death and rape threats.

What comes to your mind ?

Gurmehar Kaur…

Bingo! Okay, next question

Physical assault, Molestation and Sexual Abuse

Now what ?

Blank ?

Watch this video –

She is Prerna Bhardwaj.

She is also a girl.

She is also in her twenties.

She is also from DU.

But unfortunately you don’t know her.

Sadly her Facebook post ‘didn’t go viral.’

Somewhere in the hustle bustle of Azadi, National versus Anti National, free speech, tweets, trolls, rape and death threats… Her story was lost, or rather shall we say her story didn’t suit the narrative and hence was thrown away.


She was at the protest ground last week against the seminar where Umar Khalid (who faces grave charges of sedition) and Shehla Rashid  were invited to the Ramjas college.

During the protest, Prerna Bharadwaj, who belongs to the ABVP (just as Gurmehar belonged to AISA) was physically assaulted and molested by the students of AISA & SFI.

Prerna was horrified by this gross behavior and the outright hooliganism afflicted on her. She reached home and presented her traumatic ordeal to her parents. She later posted this on Facebook.

I went home and cried, and cried for hours, my clothes were torn, my mother came running she was horrified to see the sight I was in.
She expected the worst she kissed me she cried too.
She enquired what happened. My father heard the noise he came in the room too.
I told them some boys from the left tried to molest me, they hit me on my chest infront of everyone today.
Papa enquired where did it all happen I told him that we were protesting, protesting for the country who made me what I am today, protesting for the integrity of the county, Protesting as a payback for my university. My father kept looking and didn’t say a word, I continued “I am girl, I know and you won’t like me being so much into the politics, I know you’ve been with me in every step of my life be it when I chose Humanities over Science or my decision to become an army officer and an IPS instead of a doctor , how can I tolerate the insult of my nation, how can I tolerate abuses on the people in the uniform when I myself is an NCC cadet and wear uniform!
How can bear somebody tearing clothes of my friends and the female police who was there to protect them?
How can I stay quiet when they call terrorist a shaheed?
Papa! Nobody knows it better than a family who has lost someone for the country?
How can I not fight for my nation when being Indian is my only identity?
How can I not fight these goons when they try to molest me?
Till when I stay silent for the sake of “the so called pride of the family” ?
I know papa, people must be cooking stories about how my clothes got torn and the society will be telling you to keep me at home and lock me but papa, till when I will stay under the judgements? Can’t I take my own stand?
You’ve always taught me to do something that makes you proud!
To never let you down!
To stay dignified!
If I haven’t fought, I would have let you down, I would have been ashamed in my own eyes, I would have been never able to forgive myself If I DID NOT FIGHT BACK ”
My father, in tears hugged me and said
“When I told you that make me proud someday, I meant this, I am proud of you my cadet ! ”

Today, when I am writing all this I thank AISA, SFI and all the anti national elements to give me chance to see that glow in my parents eyes.
I thank you for deepening my love for my country and giving me chance to FIGHT BACK!


There has been a big hue and cry, anger for the threats and abusive language used against Gurmehar Kaur which is right, but in contrast what about Prerna Bharadwaj who was actually sexually assaulted.

No one even cares to talk about her.

We ask why ?

Why is the media silent?

Why can’t Nidhi Razdan tell the whole world the trauma she faced?

Why is she not a talking point in Ravish Kumar’s debates?

Why can’t one of their reporters do a cover story on Prerna Bharadwaj?

Why does it seem as if Do Rajdeep and Sagarika consider her less of a woman?

Why does Barkha Dutt’s duty of protecting women end when the victim belongs to ABVP and not to a left aligned group?

Why have Javed Akhtar or Naseeruddin Shah or Raza Murad or Pooja Bhat failed to express their sympathies with her?

Why is DCW still not acting on it?

Why have Rahul Gandhi or for that matter even the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal disappeared ?

Enough is enough. These people have had it for too long and for too good.

All of them must be forced to answer this 

Do Prerna’s wounds hurt less ?


Hypocrisy of the left liberals


Over a fast few days, there has been a hypocritical debate over Freedom of Speech in India. Some say that their right to speak for the break up of India has been gagged. Some are anguished because their freedom to rally in support of the Naxalites, the primary reason behind the awful condition of Adivasis in Left Wing Extremism affected areas is in danger. One highly educated and a very respected poet, of whom even I am a huge admirer, says that the semi-literate people who have eventually won medals for this country after years of hard work are unworthy of putting forth their views. Some say that having a contrary opinion to that of a martyr’s daughter is misogyny, & insensitive. Ironically, the same bunch of people who rally in support of brainwashed stone pelters and deplore the army are now crying foul for a martyr’s daughter, who was eventually martyred in a terrorist attack supported by the same factions who aids the stone pelting.

This entire sequence of events reflect a simple narrative. Narrative being that what we say, is freedom of expression and what they say, is trolling or harassing. No doubt,the ones who threatened that girl because of her views must be put behind the bars because having a different opinion does not entitle anyone to abuse/threaten anyone. But, also, the Imam of Tipu Sultan Mosque at Calcutta who offered a bounty for beheading Tarek Fatah and Subhash Chandra should also be brought under the book. The fundamentalists who coerced the Zee Literary Fest organizers to deter Taslima Nasreen from participating from future functions must also be put behind the bars. The torchbearers of the Freedom of Expression, who want to talk about the freedom of Kashmir in an Indian University must also fight against the authorities of West Bengal for denying the organizers to hold an event on Balochistan. But, will the left liberals, who sip coffee sitting in Air-Conditioner room fight for the freedom of expression of these people? No, they won’t and the answer is pretty simple. They have their own version of freedom of speech and expression designed to suit their own vested interests and anyone who tends to disagree with them are coerced into apology, much similar to how Virendra Sehwag was forced into. They talk about Freedom Of Speech but they take no time in demonizing people who don’t toe their line of thinking. They talk about liberty and emancipation of women but fail to talk against Triple Talaq and polygamy.

For the last seventy years, these left liberals patronized by the Congress, had created and manipulated the narrative to suit their agenda. But with the unveiling of social media and the unflinching assertion & expression of masses on the social media, they have gone rattled. They are losing their clutch over the public nerves, in the era of Facebook, Twitter and of course, Also, thanks to this entire Award Wapsi and JNU episode; they have exposed themselves.

Save Indian Universities


My association with Delhi University has been for the past 8 years and counting but what I saw today was unprecedented. It was converted into a police chhavni with around 1000 cops, barricades, guns, riot kits, intimidating scenes to say the least. Its like I am going to a war zone a campus which has always been open to for everyone has all of a sudden been closed, with all your movements being watched.

And it seems like most don’t seem to care. Those fighting for the idea of University seem to forget what is the University for in first place. Its not a battle ground for ideology or violence or dissent but its primary aim is to impart education, all others can come later. It should help us in developing a thought process but education comes first.
Over the past few days some people want Azadi, some want Bharat Mata ki Jai, some want to raise slogans, some spread hooliganism, some fight for Najeeb some for Rohith but not one fights for the state of education. Not one says that education should not suffer.

And to add to that I have a serious complain against people not even remotely part of the University coming to protest and with faculty members. Shouldn’t a faculty be neutral, why do they get involved in matters dealing with student politics? Its so strange that here you see the faculty more involved than students and especially of a particular ideology. Why do we need them to resolve matters dealing with students? Why do we need politicians to come and address gatherings in University over a tussle between two student body? The same teachers who complain against the administration of the University, the work load and quality of education find ample time to protest and show solidarity with other universities.

To ask a question to all those protesting, was this the first instance of campus violence? Was it the first time student unions were fighting? Everywhere in India you have campus violence but never has it been made in such an issue, its because of the politicization of the issue that all of a sudden it has become a national issue with students who don’t even want to be the part of this suffering. And if you look at the protests, majority of the students don’t even care.

‘The Save DU’ campaign is needed to save it from people who exploit it for their political motive. What right does anyone from outside the campus have to come to DU and protest, for people who have not even studied here are the ones taking out marches and sloganeering.

Save DU from these people, save DU from people who disrupt academics, save DU from Hypocrisy.
Its time to relook at college politics and shift focus on things which matter more.

Privatize the governance, not government


Mumbai witnessed the municipal election on 21st February 2017. The gaga over this election is theatrically not new. The unfortunate fact is that this election is also “a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods“. Henry Hazlitt said that “government has nothing to give to anybody that it doesn’t first take from somebody else.” This preface makes it clear enough for any layman to understand that the best form of governance can be adequately delivered in a system when the powers of the government are limited, accountable, open and transparent. The author of this article attempts to decode the [unseen] political economy of status quo of Mumbai’s municipality.

Despite having a richest budget (approx. Rs 37000 crore with a fixed deposit amt. Of Rs. 50000 crores) in India, Mumbai’s global ranking in infrastructure, housing, waste management, etc is not very comfortable. This picture is more than enough to tell our audience that there is a considerable demand of revamping the operating system of municipal governance of Mumbai. It is possible when the ‘democratic’ politicians stop treating the governance structure as their private property. To make it more coherent, the governing institutions should stand private because public agencies in the current structure are overlapping with responsibility deficit, unaccountability, and lethargic attitude.

Among many Mumbaikars, there is a common phobia that without governments to intervene, society cannot be structured and organized. This has never been the case in Edward Stringham‘s book “Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life“, he looks at how governance can be achieved without what we normally call “government”. Currently, the character of governance in Mumbai is habituated or infected with incentive problems, corruption, and crony politics. To take a cue from Gurgaon (India’s private city), there’s a splendid possibility of transforming Mumbai. To infuse the revolution in Mumbai, there can be a clear differentiation between taxes and fees. Taxes are nothing but penalties for doing things right, whereas fees are paid to the services which we privately use. This sort of economy begets bad governance as the public institutions, generally unaccountable, in this case, live on expropriating the wealth/taxes from its own citizens, without being accountable to inefficient services. Therefore, the solution is having fewer powers with the government and more economic freedom in the market because it is possible to build better roads without government interventionism.

Edward Stringham notes that “Private governance is created wherever private institutions create order and enforce rules when governments are either unable or unwilling to do so. Time and time again, markets can be found to work even when the government is not underpinning them. The standard belief that government is necessary to enforce contracts or allocate goods — to name two examples — is belied by numerous examples throughout history. Private governance can be found, of course, in the rules imposed by any private club. But private governance is also employed to govern complex institutions, as it was first used by the founders of the London and New York stock exchanges. Similar institutions and rule-making are used today to govern electronic commerce. In fact, once we begin to contrast the voluntary marketplace with government institutions, we find that the rules of the market are much more orderly, stable, and potentially enduring than rules from a monolithic bureaucracy.

Privatizing the governance gives more power to the people. To ratiocinate the argument, the sole role of a legitimate government is to protect only the inalienable rights to life, liberty and property, and the pursuit of happiness. This is how “maximum governance with minimum government” [interventionism], in the system, is achieved.


Free A Billion
Mises Institute

Defying all odds, enemies outside and critiques within: India’s GDP beats all estimates


Demonetization is an organised loot, will drag GDP by 2%: Manmohan Singh

Demonetization will cause 1.5% GDP loss: P. Chidambaram

India could lose Rs. 4.7 lakh crore from GDP: West Bengal Finance Minister

Demonetization to hit GDP, growth to fall to 6.3%: HSBC

FY17 GDP growth estimate cut down to 3.5% from 6.8%: Ambit Capital

GDP growth to slow to 6% in Oct-Dec 2016 thanks to demonetization: Nomura

India’s Q4 economic growth seen slowing to near three-year low: Reuters poll

Rumours, Anecdotes, Theories, Assumptions and Propaganda – All fell flat like a house of cards when countered by Data.

PM Modi’s decision last November to outlaw old 500 rupee and 1,000 rupee banknotes was projected as the biggest blunder by various left leaning economists and some journalist masquerading as economist went on to the extent of saying that Narendra Modi is pulling India back to the 1970s. However, Tuesday’s robust GDP figures have left economists across the world dazed and the mainstream media which was busy ranting against demonetization quoting estimates is currently busy building up a different narrative and probably has no time to discuss and debate actual data.

As per the Central Statistics Organisation (CSO), India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at a healthy rate of 7% in the October-December quarter belying all grim forecasts inspired by the impact of demonetization.

Much to the anguish of many Harvard and Oxford Graduates, the government of a tea seller has succeeded in maintaining the economy’s growth at 7% and the numbers seem to completely negate the kind of negative projections and speculations which were being made about the impact of demonetisation.

Even more interesting is that the CSO data showed that private final consumption picked up in the third quarter to grow 10.1% against 5.1% in the second quarter. Manufacturing demand grew 8.3% in the third the third quarter as against 6.9% in the second quarter- the two sectors which were supposed to receive the maximum hit due to a possible falling consumption demand.

According to the previous CSO report GDP had grown at 7.4% in the July-September quarter this fiscal. Being only a tad slower in the October-December quarter India’s GDP growth is still higher than China’s 6.8℅ growth in these three months.

India thus proudly wears the crown of world’s fastest growing economy despite (no not demonetization) the presence of several Jaichands.