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The big red dot: Fighting terrorism with UNSC


I was running late for my meeting with the leaders of the 5 Member States of the UN Security Council. Since the meeting happened to be in India, we were meeting in a famous kebab restaurant in UP. When I arrived I saw the five Heads of State sitting on a bench feasting on veg pakoras (there was a shortage of illegal beef that day).

I sat next to Putin who was pulling Trump’s leg:

Putin: You may be the most powerful man in the world. But when I give an order in my country, an executive order no less, I can say with full confidence, it is followed.

Trump: (shaking head and mumbling incoherently) judges…leftist…

Theresa May and Francois Hollande join Trump in shaking their heads and mumbling incoherently.

11 Jinping was smiling and nodding, pretending to understand what everyone was speaking.

Cutting to the chase, I pull out my phone and open an app showing a map with several thousand red dots.

Me: The red dot shows the location of the members of the most wanted terrorists groups in the world.

Trump: (snatching the phone from my hand) Where is Abu Bakes All Baghdad (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

I press a button and he is shown to be in Pakistan.

Putin: (snatching the phone from Trump’s hand) Where are the Chechen cowards?

I press a button and surprisingly they are all in Pakistan

11 Jinping: (snatching the phone from Putin’s hand) Uighur?

I press a button and surprisingly, they are also in Pakistan

Trump: (Before Theresa May and Francois Hollande could get their turn) Let me guess. Half of London’s population and 100’s of Peugeot trucks are in Pakistan too.

11 Jinping was the first to laugh.

I get my phone back and press some buttons. A Big Red Dot appears. I place the phone on the bench between the leaders.

Me: You are the most powerful leaders in the world. Any one of you can press that Big Red Dot. All the terrorists in the world will vanish. So who is going to do it?

Trump: you mean Abu…

Me: (I interject) Yes!

Putin: Those Chechen…

Me: Yes!

11, Theresa and Francois each ask about their respective terrorists. I answer in the affirmative.

Me: So who is it going to be? 11?

11 Jinping: Pakistan…All Weather…

Trump: Tires (laughing)

Putin: Door Mat (laughing)

11 Jinping: No. no. Friend (laughing)

They all have a good laugh.

Me: Ok. I am not surprised China is out. How about you Putin?

Putin: I want to be friends with Taliban. Pakistan can help me. Besides, I have the Chechen bastards under control.

Me: Ok. How about you Theresa? Hollande?

Theresa: I would love to press your buttons My Dear. But then I will have those Human Rights Watchdogs all over me.

Hollande: Qui. Dogs

Putin: Thoo

Trump: I don’t give a damn about those Human Rights Groups. As far as I am concerned, they are a bunch jobless, leftist hippies who don’t understand the threat of Islamic terrorism.

Everyone claps and concurs with Trump.

11 Jinping: Human Rights?

Everyone burst out laughing. 11 smiles blankly.

Me: So Trump. That leaves you then.

Putin: (interjects) He may not care about human rights groups. But he definitely cares about arms groups.

Putin and Trump give each other a High Five.

Trump: How about we kill just that Al Qaeda guy – A Man Always Hiring (Ayman al-Zawahiri)

Putin: No. Just the Chechen.

Each of the Head’s of State shout out their respective terrorist.

Me: The Big Red Dot doesn’t differentiate between terrorists. It kills all of them at once.

The leaders leave before admonishing me for making such a useless weapon.

I overhear Trump speaking to Putin as the leaders walk away.

Trump: I feel like dropping a BIG bomb. It’s going to be HUGE!

Putin: Where? Pakistan?

Trump: …Afghanistan.

A Few Months Later

An Islamic Terrorist makes a crude form of my Big Red Dot Weapon App.

Islamic Terrorist: Son. This Weapon is All Powerful. With just a press of a button, all the Kafirs and Islam’s enemies will vanish forever. I give this to. What will you do?


Elon Musk throws his weight behind Make in India: All thanks to ISRO


With the simultaneous launch of a record 104 satellites on a single rocket on the morning of 15th February 2017, India not only created history in the turf of space exploration mostly dominated till date by first and second world countries like the U.S. and Russia, but also came back on the world map in a huge way with Tesla founder Elon Musk heaping praises on the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for this impressive feat through his tweet here.

Breaking the previous record set by Russia that had launched 37 satellites back in June 2014, PSLV-C37 took off from the launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota propelling the satellites into orbit at a speed of 27000kmph. Of the 104 satellites, around 101 belonged to six foreign countries, with the maximum number roped in from the U.S.

India has undoubtedly set a world record with the completion of this colossal mission, and yet, this is only preceded by ISRO’s earlier success of effectively launching 20 satellites in a single flight in the Sun-synchronous orbit in June 2016.

Why India is fast becoming a hub among international players keen on space missions

It is notable that of the 104 satellites taking off as part of the mission this February, at least 88 were owned by Planet Labs, a San-Francisco based start-up aiming to build a constellation of satellites that would facilitate panoramic imaging of the entire earth on an everyday basis. The list includes additional 8 LEMUR-2 nano satellites owned by another San Francisco-based start-up, Spire Global Inc. Five other satellites, with one each coming from each of the other participants, namely, the PiezoElectric Assisted Smart Satellite Structure (PEASSS) from Netherlands, Switzerland’s DIDO-2, Israel’s BGUSat, Al-Farabi-1 from Kazhakstan and UAE’s Nayif-1 also made up the bundle.

Only three of these whopping numbers i.e. nano satellites INS-1A, INS-1B and ISRO’s main payload, the Cartosat-2 series belonged to India.

One of the chief reasons international space explorers are increasingly heading towards India is the cost. Sample this: Even California-based Space X, Elon Musk’s private aerospace design and manufacturing company that had managed to rattle Stephane Israel’s Arianespace in the satellite-launching domain by slashing costs alone, seems to have detected a threat in the way ISRO’s PSLV rocket has managed to achieve staggering success in this sphere at merely one-third the costs borne by Space X in launching its Falcon 9 (which amounted to about $60 million).

This is not the first time India has managed to achieve stellar results in its style – low costs, high expertise. Back in 2014, the country, in sending its Mangalyaan satellite into orbit had tasted success in its first very attempt, and was lauded for two reasons: It was the first country in the world to have achieved this feat at one go, and it did so at a fraction of the costs footed by NASA for their expedition – India’s $45 million as against ten times the cost pumped into the American Maven orbiter that was sent to the Red Planet, only shortly before Mangalyaan.

So how has India been able to do this so cheap?

For the average Indian technology and science enthusiast/expert, the general attitude hinges on prioritising home-grown components and developing technologies at low costs while keeping an eye on maximum benefits.

Keeping things simple, such as – using a payload of only about 15 kg as opposed to the Maven’s 65 kg, has also helped ISRO in slashing down the costs while smartly focusing on vital questions being hotly debated in the space realm. For example, Mangalyaan was launched with the purpose of measuring methane in the atmosphere at Mars, and the mission was found to complement the existing discussion and missions charted around possibilities of life on the Red Planet, those being observations made by the Maven and Europe’s Mars Express.

Not to forget the take-home salaries of Indian engineers which considerably pale in comparison to those paid to their NASA counterparts, and the nation has a deadly concoction of brains, expertise, a blend of the homespun and contemporary methods with a low-key pricing in general, at its disposal to set off the most daring and audacious space missions in future.

It may be noted that India’s closest rival in the space exploration business, China, is also moving forward aggressively and plans to overtake current dominant players, the U.S. and Russia. From strategizing landing of taikonauts on the dark side of the moon by 2036, investigating the possibility of a permanent radar station, reserving the sending of a manned mission to Mars on its wish list to actually launching the world’s first quantum satellite in August 2016, China has been going from strength to strength. Be it in attempting to establish hack-free communication or developing its own GPS system, the BeiDou, it would be safe to say that it is soon on its way to dismantling the current undisputed leader in the space arena, the U.S., and is generally being viewed as a threat by the latter.

It is however, the third world country’s aggressive military space program that allowed an anti-satellite system to shoot down a Chinese satellite back in 2007, and future aggressions that may result from similar Chinese anti-satellite ventures, is what is being feared by the United States. It is not merely apprehensive, but it seems like it almost expects China to destroy and disrupt its space crafts in future and thereby, continues to be in a war-mode with the Asian country. Given this scenario, China definitely does not feature as a likely option in space business for private companies around the globe, specifically, the U.S.

Besides, despite spreading its wings far and wide, China has not been able to wet its feet in the commercial space industry. Its Long March rocket is almost as expensive as its Arianespace counterpart and so, it again boils down to the exceptional cost advantage India has in the world map right now.

For now the country, with its neutral global political face, smart professionals, first-rate launch technology and ripped costs pumped into its home-based ventures, is the right place for foreign countries to invest their money in.

Hurdles in the way and how India has navigated them

The biggest hurdle remains in the limited capacity of the PSLV which can launch satellites only up to a weight of 1800 kg. This certainly falls way too short when viewed against the American Maven’s launch mass capacity of 2454 kg, but ISRO has made up for the shortfall by focusing on launching smaller satellites instead which continues to find comfort in a growing market interested in getting smaller satellite missions off the ground.

The PSLV’s reliability and versatility has only intensified in the past 25 years or so, with the rocket successfully launching in an array of orbits that includes the Polar Sun Synchronous, Geosynchronous Transfer and Low Earth orbits as well. The number now stands at 122 satellites sent into orbit, most of which are foreign. Its soundness and low cost plusses have proved to be quite a game changer in that, even Google chose to send Terra Bella’s (a Google subsidiary) SkySat Gen-2, as one of the 20 satellites launched earlier in 2016 by the PSL C-34 rocket, despite maintaining a stake in Elon Musk’s Space X.

Then again, U.S. based Planet Labs Inc. circumvented the U.S. government’s ban preventing American companies from dealing with the ISRO, to participate in this enormous mission undertaken by the ISRO. This only promises better commercial exploitation of existing gigantic potential in the Indian space arena, making the country a powerful contender therein.

Has ISRO reaped its fruits for all the hard work? Yes.

The total cost of the current space mission has been borne in half by the participating countries, so there is a monetary benefit there. Apart from this, for its thrifty launch services provided through the PSLV, ISRO has already amassed around US $100 million by launching 45 foreign satellites, belonging to 20 countries that includes small and large space exploration players alike.

No outstanding pecuniary benefits accrue to the ISRO as of now, when taking into account the Rs.6959 crore budgetary allocation of the space department. Nevertheless, they serve as small steps leading to enormous success and dominance for the Indian sub-continent in this circle in future.

ISRO – powering ahead, and how it continues to accelerate the Make in India drive

ISRO’s core strength – its commercial wing Antrix Corporation, has been instrumental in not only providing satellite launch services, but also communication satellite transponders for broadcasting and telecommunication services, market data from Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites, as well as building and marketing satellites and satellite subsystems. To top it, the pushy SAARC satellite project has also been announced and aims to provide services to India’s neighbours in a variety of sectors such as telecommunications, television, tele-education as well as disaster management.

With more and more countries flocking to the Asian sub-continent, it can be vouched that the Make in India project has accelerated in an unimaginable way in the space exploration field.

As for Elon Musk who is currently impressed with ISRO’s bold feat and has joined the global fan base of India’s growing prowess in this department,  for all we know the tech genius may head eastward to partake in the numerous benefits India’s commercial space business offers at the moment. After all, sometime last month the CEO had hinted at Tesla launching its electric cars in India by summer this year. This was preceded by a previous 2015 announcement of entering the Indian market with its most affordable Model 3, a perfect fit for the price-conscious Indian consumer.

When viewed together, these economic opportunities undeniably act as powerhouses in accelerating the Make in India campaign even further.

The other side of “Kashmiriyat”


Is there any job in the world which is more unthankful than the job of a soldier posted in Kashmir? They are just not only fighting terrorism & infiltrators but stone pelters, hostile reactions, separatist ideologies and what not.

The recent video of “misguided” Kashmiri youths kicking and slapping a soldier is a shameful slap on our faces as well. However, being a Kashmiri Pundit, this shameful behaviour of these “misguided” youths doesn’t surprise me a bit. But, I will not speak here in capacity of a Kashmiri Pundit but as a proud Indian citizen who owes his solacing night’s sleep to those soldiers.

Is this what Kashmiriyat stands for?

I watched that video and felt an uncontrollable rage brimming inside me. This was one of the rare times when I was furious and proud at the same time. Furious at the coward act of “misguided” miscreants and proud at the calmness and composure of the soldier, who even after repeated provocations maintained his calm. He was equipped with weapons which are capable of wreaking destruction, yet he dismissed it as a frivolous act.

This is the only time, I wish we were as intolerant as the left leaning liberals paint us. I wish we were the hooligans that they call us, so that we could straight away get down to business. I wish these allegations of widespread jingoism were true, so that we could have the leverage to eliminate any such scourge elements.

And I also wish that there would be an Award Wapsi sort of campaign for this. I also wish that Shehla Rashid and co., would condemn this. I also intrinsically wish that likes of Anurag Kashyap and Arundhati Roy would express their outrage over this. And more importantly, I wish Geelani could address this from his luxurious mansion in Delhi.

But they won’t, because they are blinded by malice. They can’t see the whole picture. It does not fit their propaganda. And it deters their “liberal” thought process. God bless them and more importantly help them.


Why an average Indian would not support Gurmehar Kaur


Let me begin with congratulating you, Gurmehar. You have achieved what mango people like us can only dream of, at all of nineteen. You’ve become the voice of the kin of martyred, the poster girl of India’s student community, the ultimate symbol of feminism and a toast of the liberals of this country, all at once, with one single masterstroke. I have no words to describe the sheer brilliance of this move, kudos to you.

You had instantly become the topic of discussion at every dinner table across the country, a social media star, a celeb of sorts when the controversy was at its peak. So when someone asked me if Sewang Dada, the 7 year old son of a martyred soldier who wanted to join the army would get the same kind of attention that you got? Obviously not, I retorted back, he wants to join the forces just like his father. Why would that make him famous? You have to be a gun-toting headmaster’s son or a placard holding teenager with a myopic view of the world to become national sensation in India. He was disappointed, but nodded in agreement.

The drama that played out on national television was beyond anybody’s imagination. A grown girl was living in denial about her own father’s death. She was trying to deflect the responsibility of her father’s murder, from the very country that killed him. Though this sounded extremely bizzare, you had the right to your views, and the social media discussions started moving to the next topic.

Then we heard of a rape threat, allegedly by an ABVP member and social media erupted, again. Though, surprisingly they are the ones who eventually filed the FIR. The reasons for that are best known to you.  However, your accusations ring hollow when you don’t even make a passing reference to this extremely serious issue in your blog, but since it’s your blog you can choose what to write about and what not.

Not just that, Gurmehar, you have made your intentions abundantly obvious in your latest attempt at attention seeking. You write in your blog, “I’m not your angry, vindictive war-mongering bechari you hoped me to be. I don’t want war because I know its price; it’s very expensive. Trust me, I know better because I’ve paid it everyday.”

Firstly, “Bharat ki barbadi tak Jung rahegi” IS angry war mongering, telling a 19 year old that she is living in a bubble IS NOT. You admit to having an idealistic worldview, which is what it got called out publicly, so it was harsh at best, but angry, vindictive war-mongering, nope!

Secondly, people sympathised with you because they thought you were being used by political parties to further their agenda, but you’ve made it amply clear you are an all-knowing party to it and not a bechari. So that part has long been sorted. Sorry for the initial misunderstanding.

Thirdly, war is never an option. Nobody ‘wants’ war. We are a peace loving country. But the sacrifices of men like your father would be wasted, if we let enemies bleed us with a thousand cuts. A lot many more gulguls would have missed their fathers if not for your fathers supreme sacrifice.

Don’t be our martyr’s daughter, Gurmehar. Just be a daughter. This country’s daughter.

Decoding Current Liberalism-Part 2


As we touched limited history of liberalism in Part 1, here we continue to decode liberalism and what it became eventually diverting from the core values.

In late 1990s in US when Clinton Administration was in its second term, left fringe regrouped and penetrated Clinton administration in the garb of left leaning NGOs, think-tanks and started making its presence felt in the US where communism was detested. This notion is validated in this article on how many foundations were funding left-wing politics which were undemocratic.

Excerpt from the article:
Ford Foundation. This foundation consistently supports causes Henry Ford would never have supported and has become one of the largest donors to Tides, giving them millions of dollars since 1997. Not only that, but the Ford Motor company itself also gives to Tides.

And we have already seen how groups like Green-peace and Ford foundations became political tools propagating left fringe ideologies with the help of US administration under Obama.

But how these left group acquired a seat in the power circles and why they diverted from Liberal thoughts. This question is something which was touched upon in this 2013 article by Anita Crane where she argues on how Muslim Brotherhood penetrated into US policy making in 1990s.

This phenomenon of Muslim Brotherhood, being close to power circles in US, saw at its peak in 2012 under the ‘Liberal Regime of Obama’ that tried to internationally criminalize any criticism of Islam. US being one of the most aggressive propagators of Liberal ideas saw this kind of non-secular move as part of their liberal ideas. But this penetration didn’t state in 1990s but much before as pointed out in this article.

We need to understand here one main point that communism which was almost sidelined by US and many other democratic countries took help of the Political Radical Islamic thinking to penetrate liberal idea which we are seeing now. However, the signs were there from early on. This 2002 article points out how Marx (read communism) has turned Muslim.

Islamic fundamentalism is not an indigenous growth. It is an exotic hybrid, bred from the encounter of sections of the Islamic intelligentsia with radical western ideologies. In A Fury for God, Malise Ruthven shows that Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian executed after imprisonment in 1966 and arguably the most influential ideologue of radical Islam, incorporated many elements derived from European ideology into his thinking. For example, the idea of a revolutionary vanguard of militant believers does not have an Islamic pedigree. It is “a concept imported from Europe, through a lineage that stretches back to the Jacobins, through the Bolsheviks and latter-day Marxist guerrillas such as the Baader-Meinhof gang”.

If you see the current composition you will find that Liberals have the elements of Communists, Islamists and Anarchists who have over the years with time taken over the liberal thinking and changed its core. The core of freedom of speech and freedom of religion also mean that state of secular and shouldn’t be favoring anyone religion. But as we have seen this isn’t the case now. Liberals all over the Europe are trying to make sure that people who criticize Islamic wrong doings are labeled as islamophobic.

This new liberalism is destroying modern civilizations around the world as seen in parts of Europe where no one is ready to accept that they have faltered. Europe which after the cold war rejected communism is now facing even greater problem where governments and leaders are afraid to take bull by the horn. And this is the reason why now Far-right forces are also gaining momentum politically around the world.

When Donald Trump won the presidency as a backlash to this wrong liberal theory which was far from liberalism, the so-called liberals started protesting, led by Linda Sarsour, an avid supporter of Sharia which is the cornerstone of radical Islam. First time in the history of US one can see people supporting Hijab which is anything but progressive; yet used as a symbol of freedom and liberalism during women’s march. They were joined by left leaning people or apathetics who don’t care for a thing in the world.

Some tweets of Linda Sarsour

In India, Left wing has enjoyed the corridors of power since India became independent. Even though Left of India wasn’t as progressively Islamic till the 1990s, all this changed when our former Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh ji of Congress government (self-proclaimed Liberals) said that Muslims must have first right on India’s resources, which is against the secular values of liberalism where state doesn’t differentiate on the basis of religion. After the win of Modi in 2014 this ideology has a taken a hit and is seen shrinking with each passing elections. People are getting more and more aware of the wrong form of liberalism being pedaled by Indian Left.

In conclusion, we are yet to see the final form of this new and hybrid liberalism which is toxic mix of everything which isn’t liberal but anti-liberal which is becoming a toxic cocktail of everything which no democratic person should be supporting in the right frame of mind.

And this isn’t the end as this phenomenon might get worse in the coming years if not course corrected. We have just touched the tip of the iceberg, by focusing mostly on how things turned from bad to worse in US politically. But this is the story of every progressively liberal country in the world whether it’s Germany or France or Sweden.

Few days ago we saw an attack in Sweden and the headlines of attack were about ‘Vehicular Terrorism’. This alone tells the story of how liberalism has taken a back seat.

(Co-Authored by Avinash Jain And Abhishek Jain)

Chinese trademark: An idealistic paradox


When given a choice between Sneezing With Open Eyes v/s Getting a Trademark registered with China. What would you prefer?

Roadmap: Is It A Vision Or Mere Illusion?

Before you start off with your sneezing practice sessions, let’s have a brief insight of how to expand your horizon and know the trademark registration procedure in China. There is a direct road, with a proper infrastructure to crack it, right.

Fill in The Basics: File an application with the Chinese trademark office.
Patience Test: Wait for at least 2 months for the notification of acceptance.
Patience Test’s Multi-fold: Another 9 months of patience is required before the verdict of commencement of trademark examination is known.
Test’s Results: In case, you crack the examination, the trademark will be published on their official trademark website for the next 3
Congratulations: On having no objections received for the same, the certificate will be granted within 1 month’s time. You wish it were that simple!

Even after having such well-defined navigation, 90% of the world’s biggest unicorns or even the black coat legal guardians or even ‘Trump’ needs to think twice before dipping their hands in the Trademark puddle.

The Real Haze

China has made its mark globally. Is it cause of the ‘Great Wall’ or ‘Communism’? Well, the ‘Art of Replication’ takes away all the limelight. China’s fabricating traits has been backed by the China’s trademark institution. It is a transparent yet tangled tale of rules and regulations, which are highly  Chinese-centric.

Blame the Policy: ‘FIRST TO FILE’

The person who completes all the legal documentation first wins the battle. It is immaterial as to how successful your brand is or how many years of toil has been invested in building such an empire, the bottom line is, were you the first in line outside the trademark Department?

This rule has laid a foundation of a new practice, which is logically legal yet unethical. By taking the benefit of doubt, Chinese try to emerge as trademark stockist. People with no latent interest, are trespassing other’s Intellectual property rights.

There are numerous companies which invest in hundreds of trademark registrations, with a view to negotiate a prodigy later. No wonder iPhone in China is not a smartphone rather it is used to address a range of leather bags range. Moreover, seeking legal assistance in China for infringements is doomed for foreigners.

The Real Baffle

Even after prejudice claims, the graph of trademark registrations in China is on the increasing curve of the hockey stick. There was a 1.5% hike in registrations last year.

China is already ace-ing the ranks for having the world’s largest IP registrations for more than a decade consecutively.

The China Trademark Office has left no rooms to surprise.

From 1st April,2017 the Official fees for trademarks has been slashed by half.

The new rate card applicable is:           RMB                       $

Trademark Application per class          300                         44
Renewal Application per class              1000                     145
Appeal Application                                  750                       108
Opposition Application                          500                        72

Even after ranking the charts of Trademark Registration and Its Ease from both the ends, China is coming out with such lucrative incentives.

Worth A Thought!

Is China instigating to ease out the stark choice or is it the otherwise?

Is China on a real road to fix its age-old tarnished image regarding Trademarks?

Granting Trump Trademarks was a mere modesty or a genuine effort for the protection of ethical rights?

Is the price slash, a mere promotional stunt?

Is it a new foundation to aid healthy competitive spirit among the applicants?

Well, I would simply suggest that if, after your 100th sneeze, you are not able to see yourself in the mirror; then finally, it is time to dip your hands in the puddle of tangled marks.

You never know when the fortune of fair play shines.

Indian feminism: Not for Indian rural women


Indian feminists: a combination of elite, high class, privileged women who have read too much social science and men who are mostly looking for potential dating partners. This platoon is easily visible on social media grounds fighting for their specifics needs like selection of toys, types of razors, size of watches and hankies but they hardly talk about the real concerns of Indian females.

Now, in this article I don’t want to get into a debate what are the real challenges or issues for Indian women, here I am looking for another triggering point for these pseudo-feminists.

Yesterday when I was looking at a major feminist Twitter handle ‘FeminismInIndia’; their cover photo struck my mind. They quote: ‘Feminism is for everyone’. But if someone observe this photograph with an analytical point of view, it is a clear deliberate attempt to overlook a major portion of Indian women- Rural Indian women.

Now the sad truth is this elite class of educated do not even consider the rural women as their focus group. They have given representation to other sections i.e. modern-urban women, office going class, handicapped, minority, colored group and even to queer section but as always a less-educated, Ghoonghat wearing village women do not deserve an iota of Indian feminism. These feminists never considered rural Indian women as the part of feminist movement.

They say Ghoonghat is a symbol of patriarchy and oppression but at the same time hijab is #FOE and a choice and we can see this theory in given photo. As 68% of Indian female population lives in rural area but the gang is more focused on copying west and awarding brownie points themselves. They just copy and import west modernity with its gender biases and fight it by methods of western 3rd wave feminism. They never stand for promoting female education, women safety, female foeticide as strongly as they cry for gender identification and right to abortion. This group is so self focused while busy copying west that they can not even get a single original idea and unable to see Indian feminine issues.

So, my humble request to this group is to stop discriminating and hating rural women and instead of virtue signalling they should raise and solve the problems. A feminist shouldn’t just mean by man-bashing, bindi brigade but the warrior who fights for equality.

Kulbhushan Jadhav case: Timeline and what we can conclude


April 4, 2017: The date which has left the country raged again because of another failed and biased attempt of Pakistan and its broke judiciary system. Kulbhushan Jadhav, as an Indian national has been sentenced to death after being alleged of being an R&AW agent and planning rebellious activities in the Pakistan’s Baloch province.

Kulbhushan Jadhav, a retired Indian Navy officer, who was running his business in Iran was arrested from Baloch province of Pakistan. Yet, it is a mystery, if the Pakistan government has lied and if Jadhav was kidnapped from Iran, which is also stated by the Government of India.

As of March 26, 2016: Pakistan releases a statement of arresting Jadhav adding with the allegations of being an R&AW agent. India’s ministry of External Affairs replied that Jadhav was not linked to Indian Government in any way and had been recognized as a retired Navy Officer, ministry also asked for a consular access to Jadhav, which was denied by Pakistan. Also, a video evidence of Jadhav was released by the Pakistan government in March in which Jadhav admitted that he was in Indian Navy and an operative of R&AW. Noticeably, no actual evidence was found against Jadhav, Indian Government also stated that Pakistan may have threatened Jadhav or used third degree against him to get a misleading statement. Prior to that, Pakistan could have also doctored the statements as for their need.

April 2016: Charges were filed against Jadhav of terrorism and sabotage in the Baloch province. Baloch is the province which also has been trying to get freedom from Pakistan and it’s amenable atrocities.

December, 2016: Sartaj Aziz, the foreign affairs advisor of Pakistan stated that the reports provided against Jadhav were not enough to prove him guilty against the allegations.

March, 2017: Aziz took back his words, also stating that Jadhav would not be extradited to India under any circumstances.

As then April 4, 2017, Jadhav was sentenced to death in a trial, ISPR issues statement on Jadhav’s death sentence.

A week after, Sushma Swaraj spoke in parliament warning Pakistan about the consequences of this unjustified action. Also stating, India would even go ‘out-of-way’ to save Jadhav. Noticeably, couple of days ago, Rajnath Singh, Minister of Home-Affairs ensured that Jadhav would get justice, also the GOI stated that if Jadhav was killed, it would be stated as a ‘Premeditated murder’ as no consular access was allowed and also any credible evidence. Irrespective to party, the parliament has united to save Jadhav, Shashi Tharoor spoke that “It is a matter that affects us all”.

Now, Indian government must hold grounds and take strict actions against Pakistan. It’s not the first time Pakistan has done some undignified and unjustified act to hide their mistakes. Sarabjit Singh, who died in Pakistan Jail, 2013 was also a victim of Pakistan unacceptable and atrocious act. R&AW stated that this tactic is a blackmail and anything could happen in Pakistan. Amnesty International, an Human-Rights NGO has also backed India this time, stating that the evidence against Jadhav are insufficient and the military court of Pakistan has violated International standards. India can also approach UN: International court of justice for the release of Jadhav. But, again the whole incidence has again left us displeased, India must learn and start having a strict command against the terror-factory: Pakistan. We can’t afford to keep letting Pakistan get away with anything.

What also is considerable that if Jadhav was kidnapped from Iran, how much Indians are safe in Iran and other Pakistan ally nations? What affect would it have on Iran and India’s relations? And it’s not only Jadhav, hundreds of minorities are being killed, tortured in Pakistan openly, every year. But they are out of official proceedings. It’s not only the responsibility of the government, but also the people of the nation to defy and boycott Pakistan. I, personally expect that the Government comes out with a solution and Kulbhushan Jadhav’s life is saved.

Cult worship and politics, not new to the world


At times, I wonder why we, as Indians, are prone to cult worship, veered around strong personalities. For years, we have been part of the land where stories were weaved around and parroted down generations of the kings, princes and their kingdoms. The nation has seen the mighty Maurayas, Marathas, Mughals and the English Empire. The people were in awe of the rulers & their concocted acts of valor narrated by the courtiers, read historians and people were submissive to those divine personalities. Things have hardly improved. Though, India is technically a democracy, the mindset of the majority population is still tilted towards hero worship.

Politics revolves disproportionately around personalities. PM Modi may be blamed for this phenomenon but this seems to be a normal thing in post independent India. People were hypnotized by the personalities of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Gandhi dynasty. The Congress deliberately suppressed Patel and Subash Chandra Bose and kept those great souls at regional level as if only the members of the Nehru-Gandhi clan had divine right to pan India claim. There were palace coups and intrigues to keep the system intact. Mahatma Gandhi was given a great pedestal and frozen to that. Statues of Congress leaders especially of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty were erected all across the country to strengthen their legacy.

Ambedkar had opined that hero worship was detrimental to democracy. Look at the irony. His statues are omnipresent in contemporary India. He has been patented by Dalit leaders, efforts are on to appropriate his legacy by leaders of entire spectrum– left, right and centre and controversies erupt on the drop of a hat on matters that are connected to him. The present socialist parties may practice just the opposite of what Lohia stood for but they pretend as if were his true disciplines. Socialist politics developed in opposition to Nehru cult worship; Charan Singh and Lohia were wary of the domineering impact of Nehru in Indian politics. But socialist politics of today has become synonymous with crude caste politics dancing to the tune of regional politics satraps like Mulayam, Nitish and Lalu. Political leaders have been messiaha-fied. Their heirs or off springs are becoming their successors where there are succession fights.

Can you think of TMC without Mamata Banerjee or a BSP without Mayawati? DMK is all about Karunanidhi family. Akali Dal is about Badal family. AAP was born out of a womb of a civil movement, it was an outcome of a crusade against corruption but look at the irony. Kejriwal has outgrown the party. Most of the parties have no internal democracy and even if there are internal elections for party posts, results are pre determined. Leaders charged with corruption are clinging on to power because they have committed vote banks that hardly bother about corruption & misgovernance.

Elections are being fought at the national level and the regional level on the strength of individuals and issues have been relegated to the periphery. Campaigns are conducted very much in the Presidential mould. Our parliamentary model is looking more and more USA style Presidential form rather than British West Minister model. Strong personalities do matter in democracy; there should not be an iota of doubt over this. But at the same time, there is no gainsaying the fact that critical debate on any personality in India has been avoided due to politics of identity.

Political leaders have been raised to the status of gods. They are non questionable because the moment you raise a query, their supporters will begin gunning for you. Their acts whether of commission or omission gain immunity, courts can’t judge them for they have popular mandate. What a joke on democracy that proudly claims that it runs on rule of law. And what about the political ideologies & the legacies that seem to be immortal. Contestations are intense over them. Why do we have to fall back on personalities like Gandhi, Ambedkar and Lohia who lived more than half a century ago to find answers to our socio political failures? Because the post independent leadership has minus-ed them not add-ed to their thoughts & visions. It still needs them to convince masses. The alternate political thoughts are lacking. The contemporary leadership still banks upon worn out ideologies. The leadership lacks conviction in its acts. 70 years is not a short time frame. Great leaders may act as beacon of light for the succeeding generations but at the same time, it’s high time present day leadership comes out with alternatives and vision to solve the problems of the society and be innovative.

Politics may be on aspirations in the upcoming years but it will also be on opportunity. The opportunity for all citizens to enter politics – politics that will be free from entry barriers like dynasty, money & muscles and the nation will see more democratization of opportunities. We are living in very interesting times. Every Indian thinks political be he/she in metropolitan place or rural India. Social media & internet and globalization & increasing urbanization are probably going to be tools that are going to change polity. Notions like governance, performance and accountability are already coming into vogue. Political leaders will have to become CEOs as diversification of functions & public activities will occur. An informed, aware and empowered public will be unrelenting hard task master.

Personalities will matter, people will do have heroes, heroes will be worshiped but there will be a difference. The worship will not be blind. The heroes will not be able to fool the masses; they will have to perform and not rely on empty rhetoric and oft repeated slogans. Dynasties have to be face rejection for people will not vote for your lineage. You can’t pass the exam on the score sheet of your father. The grammar of politics is changing. Increasing education has led to deep penetration of social democracy. Ideology may be important, identity may be important, there may be a community messiah or a messiah cutting across communities but performance will gain prominence over all of these. The conduct of public figure has to be proper under intense public & media glare. His personal integrity has to be just like Caesar’s wife– above suspicion.

Parliamentary democracy is undergoing sea change. The PM or the CM is no longer the first among the equals in the cabinet/council of ministers. It is very much the PM’s or the CM’s government. Elite democracy is getting replaced by mass democracy and yes, masses do get swayed by strong leaders. In a developing society like India with a feudal structure that is yet to be dismantled completely, cult leaders will always inspire the masses. Ideally speaking, hero worship is not conducive for democracy as it takes the focus away from the issues and people, it may lead to dictatorship in the long run and prevent the development of alternative politics & developmental models. Democracy requires checks and balances; no individual can be made bigger than the institution.

Ideologies and political icons should be subjected to intense public scrutiny, they can’t be segregated from academic discourse and the nation must learn to allow free flow of ideas in the public institutions of learning and policy making. Ideological intolerance should not be allowed to mushroom. Contrary opinions need to be encouraged and debated. After all, the nation must have the confidence to march ahead and not feel intimidated by viewpoints & ideologies in the universities and colleges.

India: Bait for IT giants


Under the momentous leadership of PM Narendra Modi, India’s flagship program is frenetically topping the charts by making India, the first preference for IT Giants globally. Indian IT sector, aided with 10 million skilled workforce, digital awareness, sound infrastructure and an entrepreneur-oriented climate has lured the top notch tech organisation to appreciate the great potential encompassed in this richly diverse nation.

IT sector has gone through a scalable progress over the last decade to enhance India’s GDP. It has steadily accelerated its contribution from 1.2 % in 1998 to 9.5% in 2015. The foundation created by Modi lead campaigns has given new dimensions to this sector, from grassroots to a global stage. It is expected to touch 14% for 2017 and finally triplicate its current annual revenue by 2025 amounting to $ 350 billion valuation.

Moreover, India ranks fifth in terms of digital maturity globally as per Accenture’s Platform Readiness Index.

Evolution Since Inception:
India has had a long journey introspecting its real potential in unifying this land of diversities. The maturing levels of saturation in the manufacturing sector, blurred the vision of India to emerge as a challenger. However, with the dawn of the internet, a new challenge to explore the IT sector with latent potential emerged, to set the lions to roar. And the rest, is surely a history!

India’s IT sector encompasses a wide scope from; IT oriented services to Business Process Management to other ancillary software or hardware technical products and services.

India’s Current Compounded Annual Growth Rate in IT sector is 13.5%

IT sector’s core competencies and strengths have already given India a viable standing. In the current scenario,

  • It attracted FDI’s worth $22.83 billion from major countries.
  • It has scope for Fair Competition. Currently, TCS the market leader is contributing just 10.5%.
  • Total expenditure by Banking and Security sector on IT will be at 8.6% annually.
  • The Healthcare market aided with IT is expected to grow 1.5 times from its current $ 1 billion valuation.
  • The total E-spending by Indians is likely to reach $128 billion by 2018.
  • IT has created a platform to boost both B2B and B2C e-commerce
  • Leading IT giants have diversified their outlook by adopting artificial intelligence, R&D centres, innovation hubs, etc.

Government’s Initiative:
Narendra Modi’s orator-ship has tapped the latent potential in the IT sector to fuel up the overall growth of the nation. The planned launch of systematic series of campaign like Digital India, Skill India, Make in India, Startup India and the Smart Cities Project startled the world.

The government has laid a serene roadmap to set the baits right for the IT sector.

  • Union Budget, 2017: Attributed Rs 10,000 crores to provide 150000 villages across India with Internet Connectivity.
  • BHIM: Post Demonetization, the government launched a digital payment application. It has already achieved 10 million downloads mark.
  • DigiShala: A Doordarshan channel, which educates the public regarding Adhaar linked e-payments.
  • TRAI: A framework is drafted to introduce Fifth Generation network and promote Internet of Things in India.
  • Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit-2017: Around 89 MOUs allocating 16,000 crores were negotiated in IT segment.
  • Railway Ministry: Is on Digitalising spree by providing bar coded e-tickets, Wi-fi, GPS tracking to enhance passenger traffic.
  • Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs): HRD Ministry in the association with the Tata Group wants to Open IIITs at Nagpur, Ranchi and Pune.
  • Incubation Centres: Five such centres will be developed for IoT Startups, even in rural areas to provide a vision for smart agriculture.
  • Automated Platform: An electronic portal has been created to automate various government services like e-government 2.0, UID, etc.
  • GST Portal: ASSOCHAM along with SAP SE has designed a knowledge sharing resource centre for entrepreneurs to provide GST assistance.
    Entrepreneurship Hubs: Rs 5,000 crores are allocated for technology based start-ups under Jio Digital Indian Start-up Fund.
  • NDLM: 25 National Digital Literacy Mission centres are set up across 12 cities by Nasscom.
    US Collaboration: US has joined hands with India for exploring IT opportunities together through Information and Communication Technology Working Group.
  • New Investments: We have Apple, Google, Intel and many more setting up their data centre or manufacturing units in India.

Moreover, Modi’s Travel Diary not just propagates strengthening of international relationships rather considerate initiatives were taken to meet IT giants to boost their trust to invest and expand in India.

On his journey, Modi personally met the CEO’s of various Tech unicorns including Facebook, Microsoft, CISCO, Intel, Oracle Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Apple Inc., IBM, Google and many more. Enthused by such efforts, many optimistically committed to invest and expand their operations and scope in India’s niche.

A Leap Forward:

India has come a long way, fighting all odds from knowing the need of having a silicon valley to creating one. Modi-ship streamlined various loose ends be it infrastructure or economic and social barriers.

IT sector is immortal, with real-time unexplored realms. This sector will make India shine on a global front. India has certain USP’s which gives an edge over other nations in providing both on–shore and off-shore technical assistance, which are

  • Cost Competency: Being Second in the row in Population, India has young, skilled, hardworking, ambitious and educated master minds at such cost effective range compared to 80 % of the countries worldwide.
  • Intellectual Capital: The diverse terrain has become a niche for innovation centres of several Global IT players.
  • Start-up Ecosystem: With more than 4500 start-ups springing, India has already secured the third position in the global start-up ecosystem.

Moreover, India’s Internet economy is expected to shoot up to Rs 10 trillion by 2018. The Indian e-commerce is currently valued at $12 billion and is characterised with perpetual growth prospects for IT giants to capture new avenues.

No matter what, our lions are all set to leap; irrespective of the dynamics of the Silicon Valley, our combatants will never taste the grass. That’s how Incredible India is!