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विरोधियों की चाल पर भारी पड़ते मोदी के 3 साल

मोदी सरकार को बने हुये लगभग तीन साल पूरे हो चुके हैं. 2014 मे जब मोदी सरकार ने सत्ता संभाली थी तो विपक्ष को भाजपा की जीत और अपनी हार दोनो ही हज़म नही हुई थी. एक हारे हुए खिलाड़ी की बौखलाहट विपक्ष के हर नेता में पिछले 3 सालों से साफ साफ देखी जा सकती है. ऐसा कोई षड्यंत्र नही था, जिसे विपक्षी दलों ने पिछले 3 सालों मे अंज़ाम ना दिया हो.

यह ठीक है कि मोदी ने शालीनता के चलते इन षड्यंत्रकारियों पर अभी तक कोई ठोस कार्यवाही नही की है, जिसकी देश की जनता को बेताबी से प्रतीक्षा है, लेकिन विपक्षी दलों के यह सभी षड्यंत्रकारी जनता की नजरों में पूरी तरह बेनकाब हो चुके हैं और पिछले 3 सालों में इन विपक्षी दलों की जनता ने इस तरह से ठुकाई की है कि संसद से लेकर विभिन्न राज्यों की सत्ता भी इन षड्यंत्रकारियों के हाथ से आहिस्ता आहिस्ता खिसकती जा रही है. बिहार और दिल्ली की जनता ने इन षड्यंत्रकारियों के हाथ में सत्ता सौंपकर जो भयंकर भूल की थी, उसका भारी खामियाजा इन दोनो राज्यों की जनता आज तक चुका रही है.

मोदी सरकार ने सत्ता संभालते ही काले धन पर ठोस कार्यवाही करने के लिये एस आई टी गठित कर दी और इस क्रांतिकारी फैसले के बाद सरकार ने तीन सालों में भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ ऐसी ऐतिहासिक जंग छेड़ी कि उन सभी लोगों की सिट्टी पिटी गुम हो गयी जिन्होने पूरे देश में भ्रष्ट तंत्र का जाल बिछाया हुआ था. भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ जो जंग मोदी सरकार ने छेड़ी, वह विपक्षी दलों को बिल्कुल भी रास नही आई, यह लोग खुलकर तो बोल नही पा रहे थे, दबी दबी जुबान से अपनी नाराजगी जाहिर करते रहते थे.

नोट बंदी तक आते आते इन लोगों के सब्र का बाँध मानो टूट गया और इन्होने दबी जुबान से नही, बल्कि जोर शोर से भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ लिये गये इस फैसले का संसद से लेकर सड़क तक विरोध किया. नोट बंदी एक ऐसा फैसला था, जिससे विपक्षी दल और पाकिस्तान एक बराबर और एक साथ परेशान थे. जनता सोशल मीडिया की बदौलत विपक्ष की इस नालायकी को देख भी रही थी और समझ भी रही थी जिसका फैसला उसने अपने चुनाव परिणामों के जरिये सुना भी दिया लेकिन इसे मोदी या भाजपा का सौभाग्य ही कहा जायेगा कि विपक्ष अपनी गलतियों से सबक लेने की बजाये, हर हार के बाद पहले से भी बड़ी गलती करता जा रहा है जिसका सीधा सीधा फायदा मोदी सरकार को मिल रहा है. हाल के चुनावों के बाद अपनी हार के लिये ई वी एम मशीनों को जिम्मेदार बताना विपक्ष को कितना भारी पड़ने वाला है, यह आने वाला वक्त ही बतायेगा.

पिछले तीन सालों में अख़लाक़, रोहित वेमुला,कन्हैया, जे एन यू, लव जिहाद, गौ रक्षा, नोट बंदी और सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक जैसे मुद्दों पर विपक्ष ने मोदी सरकार को घेरने की कोशिश की. अपने चमचों से इन लोगों ने अवॉर्ड वापसी की नौटंकी भी करवाई और याकूब मेमन और अफ़ज़ल गुरु जैसे देशद्रोहियों के साथ भी समय समय पर खड़े नज़र आये. यह लोग समझ रहे थे कि इस देश की जनता का शैक्षणिक स्तर वही है जो आज से 40-50 साल पहले हुआ करता था और यह संसद और सड़क पर शोर शराबा करके मोदी सरकार के बढिया कामों पर पर्दा डाल पाने में सफल हो पायेंगे. लेकिन अपनी तमाम कोशिशो के बाबजूद इन लोगों से यह हो ना सका-अलबत्ता इस कोशिश में यह लोग अपनी रही सही जमीन और जनाधार भी गंवा बैठे.

मोदी सरकार जिस दिशा में आज से तीन साल पहले चली थी, उसी रास्ते पर सरपट दौड़ी चली जा रही है और अपनी आदत से मजबूर विपक्ष अपनी गलतियों से कोई सबक लिये बिना महाविनाश के रास्ते पर उससे भी ज्यादा तेजी के साथ दौड़ लगा रहा है. जब कभी मोदी सरकार के कार्यकाल का इतिहास लिखा जायेगा, यह बात प्रमुखता से लिखी जायेगी कि विपक्ष ने अपनी लकीर बड़ी करने के बजाये, लगातार मोदी सरकार की लकीर को छोटा करने का प्रयास किया, जिसे देश की समझदार जनता ने हर बार पूरी विनम्रता के साथ अस्वीकार कर दिया.

One thing that RSS should change immediately


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has always been a soft target of liberal media, which has probably forgotten investigative journalism a long back and only believes in sensationalizing trivial and at times fake news.

Time and again, there have been several instances, the most recent one highlighting how an RSS affiliated organization has issued guidelines to produce “designer and fair” babies.

This news was covered prominently across multiple news channels and digital platforms. A lot of reactions were taken from pseudo secular and pseudo liberal politicians and a self-hypothesized verdict was issued against RSS by biased journalists. A brainwashed army of liberals ensured that no stone is left unturned in broadcasting this news on WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter.

This is a classic example of “Illusion of Truth”. Many psychologists have conducted experiments on this theory and conclusive evidences have been drawn to prove that if you tell a lie and repeat it again, and again, and again; then it will seem true to a human mind. Some sections of media are simply using this phenomenon against RSS.

A good habit of the TRUTH

The @OfficeofRG had recently posted a beautiful tweet:

Although it was posted in a different context, but would always be applicable on anything we can think of. So it happened, one of the OpIndia contributors Rohit Agarwal wasted no time in exposing the media lies in an article, How fake news about ‘RSS-linked org promising fair babies’ was invented by media. Further, this article also clarifies that the controversial Garbh Sanskar workshop was focused on “Healthy” child and not on “tall and fair” babies as claimed in the media headlines.

Subsequently, a counter view was published on Alt News: The link between Arogya Bharati, that promises genius babies, and the RSS that OpIndia couldn’t find. This article focused on establishing linkages between Arogya Bharati and RSS by quoting multiple tweets, screenshots and snaps of a few people who are probably associated with both these organizations.

At this point, I am not trying to prove or disprove the linkages between RSS and Arogya Bharti. However, the Alt News article failed to clarify the real purpose of Garbh Sanskar workshop.

After the media buzz, the West Bangal Commission for Protection of Child Rights filed a PIL in High Court to ban the Garbh Sanskar workshop. The Hon. High Court then validated the truth (i.e. this workshop is not for tall and fair babies, rather aimed at healthy babies) and termed the PIL as “misleading”. Further, the Court also questioned why such an article was published by The Times of India. A press release available on Arogya Bharti’s website highlights the relevant comments from this judgement.

Unfortunately, as always, none of those news channels and digital platforms has published the truth yet, forget about issuing an apology. Moreover, the social media army of liberals, who made the earlier fake news popular on various platforms, is conveniently ignoring the truth, obviously because it is against their childhood perception of RSS.

How RSS generally communicates and responds:

At times, RSS philosophers and believers join the news debates to counter such false propaganda and reveal the correct perspective. However, as it mostly happens, the news anchors prepare the conclusion even before the debate drama begins and they reserve the right to consider or ignore the views of panelists.

As far as information dissemination is concerned, the RSS some times issues press releases on its websites. The RSS has a twitter handle @RSSorg which was set up in June 2011 and since then it has posted 565 tweets (yes, this is only five hundred and sixty five tweets till 15th May 2017). It also has a Facebook page but very few updates and announcements are posted on it. In nutshell, the digital communication mechanism of RSS has not been designed to address any burning issues in the mainstream media.

What RSS should do?

Today, the digital savvy organizations design integrated (multi-channel) communication strategy, set-up social media command centers, build big data and analytics capabilities, and enable a real-time response mechanism to counter any threats to their brand image.

The RSS does not really need very sophisticated tools and a big team of digital marketing experts. It can start with simple things such as keeping a track of negative and fake news and quickly disseminating the truth through WhatsApp message and Facebook & Twitter posts. The power of internet will do the rest!

For instance, in relation to Arogya Bharti controversy, the RSS could have at least issued a quick clarification to expose the media lies.

If RSS is able to overhaul its communication, then the same can be used to spread tons of good stories about their social services. For example, there are numerous cases of less-publicized disaster relief work (J&K floods, Bihar floods, Chennai floods, Gujarat floods, Andhra and North Karnataka floods, etc. – the list is very long) and social service activities by RSS among backward, underprivileged and tribal sections of society across the country. How about sharing some good pictures and stories of people befitted through such activities or writing about the self-less contribution from its Sevaks?

As Mark Twain said “Progressive improvement beats delayed perfection”! So the RSS must start immediately before another media propaganda goes on air.

U.P. on the way to become Uttam Pradesh

I predicted, in April’2014, that NDA getting full majority in 2014 General Elections with BJP scaling to 272 of its own, proven true, with BJP getting 282 on its own while NDA got 336.

Similarly, from initial days of Anna movement, I was fully convinced that Kejriwal is fake and a political ploy and in no case a natural outcome of a genuine political movement. I wrote about it regularly way back in 2012.

With such confidence, I dare to predict a glorious future of U.P. the most populous state of India. UP which was producing half of India’s GDP in 1947, is now 4th after Maharashtra, TN & Karnataka. With vast natural resources, entrepreneurial population and high yield agricultural land UP should have been leading the pack. Sadly, UP, while it has always been the center of political movements and experiments, was never given due attention on industrial and agricultural developments.

With Yogi at the helm of affairs, knowing the state from within, I can foresee that U.P. is getting number two position within 3 years, and leading the GSDP list in next 10 years. This indeed is going to change the national growth trajectory as well, for good.

Following figures clearly indicate the importance of this state (U.P.) on its standing in ‘world order’. Once it starts growing with the rate it deserves, not only Indian growth trajectory will significantly improve but it will have its positive impact on global growth as well.

The reason why BJP won splendidly and why Yogi’s selection as CM is no more an ordinary political event is discussed in my two previous articles. In the last and final submission of this UP trilogy, I will discuss how recent events, mainly having Yogi as CM of the state, are paving way for it becoming growth engine to India, and an Uttam Pradesh.

Visionary Leadership

I have no help to offer to people who can’t see a person beyond his attire, or to be more specific, people who have latent discomfort with saffron color. Yogi is saffron, he is unapologetic, lets talk beyond that.

There are two types of leaders we have: one, the regular types, who are in politics for it being a profitable & powerful business; second, a rare breed, who are in politics to change the society for good. Obviously, former are in plenty while we need microscope to search the later ones. Yogi indeed belongs to later variety of politicians, a blessing to the state of UP, and in all probability a future PM of India.

Yogi, like Modi, has a vision. Recent steps taken by him, firmness in decision making, speed of implementations, clearly show his intent of purpose. He knows his goals, has a time line to achieve with clear roadmap. With No nonsense execution style, no wonder everyone believes in his word; that’s rare but soothing in present political dispensation.

When Modi promises a development goal, I take it with pinch of salt, but believe, in toto, when Yogi gives me a date of delivery. It’s not politics of one being superior to other but mere governance system of India. A PM has lesser opportunity, other than through overall policy framework, to touch and improve everyday lives of people than a CM. A CM through local bodies and other numerous instruments of governance can entirely change the fate of people in his state. Icing on the cake is when there is a supportive, in this case over supportive, central administration.

Honest Administration

The most important instrument in line to achieve the governance goals is honest administration. A corrupt system of governance is curse to a society. It will not let grow a society even if it has everything, from visionary leadership to abundant resources. Sadly, in UP, corruption is ingrained to the core of system. Saddest part is, people take corruption as inseparable part of their lifestyle-accepted as way of life, bribing has become no more a sign of corruption but ‘ease of business’ mechanism. Corrupts are no more a taboo in society but regarded as ‘successful’ people.

Imagine, new administration, as a first step of governance, has to ask its employees to attend office on time, work full working hours in their work places, request teachers to teach, doctors to see patients in hospitals, devise innovative mechanism to ensure state employees attend work, stay there. This is when they, state (public sector) workers, are comparatively well paid and well taken care of by public exchequer.

How pity, how disgraceful, how miserable!

That was the case till March 26th 2017.

There are all signs indicating a change in approach of this new government, headed by Yogi, from the day one. Yogi is not only honest but his moral inviolability makes him incorruptible. He is in a mission mode. He has moral uprightness, thanks to Sanatan Parampara and Dharm, impervious to ordinary materialistic deviations. Like a true Yogi, he is, he shall be, honest not just ordinarily honest but honest, as said in yogic parlance, with Man (thought process), Vachan (discourse) & Karm (action).

There is a practical side too for him being an honest administrator.

Generally corruption emanates from the top, through nepotism, through numerous Chachas & Bhatijas, through dynasties, through family members and above all due to greed of accumulation for rainy days. Yogi has nothing of this sort- he has no family to favor, he is a sanyasi who is beyond any amassing; interestingly he even doesn’t change his outfit with change of weather.

Effective Law & Order

Effective Law & Order is important not only to deliver developmental agenda of the administration, but also to have a better image of the administration. Rightly so, anti-Romeo squad was his first action. This act alone, talk to anyone in UP, helped in two ways; one, there is genuine sigh of relief to ordinary citizens for there was real nuisance by thugs primarily encouraged by previous governments; second,  it enhanced the image of this administration from ‘can-do’ to being ‘will do’.

If one tracks the activities of UP police in last few weeks and months, there’s significant change in their morale, interaction with citizenry and outcomes, all for good indeed. Thanas are now less crowded by ruling party thugs, corrupt policemen are being shunted and there’s a general positive atmosphere to law & order.

Notwithstanding above good imagery, it will take enormous efforts, both administrative and social, to bring back the normalcy in law & order of the state. Corruption in law enforcing machinery, as said earlier, is ingrained to the core of system.

Yog Does Help

It’s no joke; yes Yog does help in achieving more. From a pure management point of view, Yog enhances one’s concentration level, assimilate a wider perspective to the issues and provides a Dharmik resolution process. A section of media, or society, may have issues with word Dharmik, as they do have problem with saffron color of Yogi’s outfit, majority of UP natives, the voters, the ordinary folks, don’t care. A Dharmik perspective, much beyond the narrow religiosity, to the harrowing problems of the state will not only solve the issues, but ensure a long term resolutions in a true ‘sabka saath-sabka vikas’ framework. A Ramrajya of Yogi is no different than a modern secular, in real terms not an appeasing state, democratic administration.

People, first and foremost, desire an impeccable law & order situation, employment for all and basic development in terms of water, power and roads. If this administration can provide that, which in my opinion it will, people are going to reward them with repeated terms in office, as in states of Gujrat and MP.

Young & Quick Learner

One of perturbing pattern in India is, it has been ruled mostly by old, almost outdated, leaders. It is common sense that the best performing years of human life is 30 to 60 years, but sadly we get our leaders in their 70s. What a mockery in our system wherein you are fit to work only till 60 as an employee but fit to rule and fit to make rules in parliament till eternity. Average age of upper house (Rajya Sabha) is 63 years, while Loksabha has only 53% its MPs under age 55. Per reports, current, 16th, Lok Sabha is oldest one in history. No wonder we have been a sluggish, slow moving, reactive not proactive nation.

In this context it is encouraging to see a young leader to rule the most populous state with majorly a young population. Yogi is young and he is a quick learner. Quick learning, unlearning and relearning is sign to long term sustainability for him to stay here and govern. One example will be pertinent; within days of his anti-romeo drive once he learns harassment of genuine couples by overenthusiastic police, he instantly issued orders to not disturb genuine people and other guidelines to follow. This helped not only in curbing police atrocities in making it another money-minting exercise but also giving general public an impression that this government has its ears on ground.

Support & Supervision of Modi, the Master

In the days of political onemanship it is difficult to get a supportive central leadership. Good for Yogi, he has active support of Amit Shah the Party chief and PM Modi. While this bonhomie may have limited political life but current scenario is perfectly poised to support Yogi in fixing UP issues and bring it back to path of development. For Shah & Modi, road to 2019 victory goes via UP and hence Yogi is vital instrument in achieving this goal. For Yogi, failure to achieve stellar performance like in 2014 will cut short his political journey, at least during the Shah-Modi era. On the other hand, if he achieves 2019 goals, wins 2022, no wonder we will see him in a bigger role in 2024. While political pundits might be juggling conflicts between Yogi and Modi, I see a Dharmic bond between two and foresee thriving relationship beyond political milieu.

The pitfalls

The picture is however not as rosy as I have just portrayed, above. There are number of pitfalls which Yogi has to overcome in achieving his dream to make UP an Uttam Pradesh.

Corruption is gravely deep-rooted in the system, removing it or even tampering it to normalcy, will need enormous management and intellectual competencies from the leadership. Yogi will have an interesting time ahead, to succeed or to succumb to it, time only will tell.

Even if Yogi as a leader remains steadfast, the targets of development cannot be achieved without a full hearted support of bureaucracy. It will need mammoth efforts to transform a rusted and almost pathetic Babudom to a high performing team. Imagine the context- expecting a lifelong corrupt engineer/Babu/clerk (to name a few) to not only give up his Ghoos but also work harder within his meagre salary, is no less than a day dream.

Cast based politics is a sad reality in Indian politics. Yogi while I believe is beyond this pitfall but, chances are he may succumb to narrow lanes of caste & identity politics. There are already efforts to make him icon of Thakur lobby. It’s a two edged sword, caste & identity politics may give instant political benefits, it hence looks so alluring, but in long term it can only produce a local leader, a caste centric leader. Caste & identity politics can make you a Mayawati, or a Mulayam Singh at best but not a Narendra Modi. Hope Yogi knows it well, and does not get trapped in it.

People may change their mindset too and stop supporting Yogi, even on a simple pretext. Remember these very people change their political loyalty for a laptop or a cycle. They, some of them if not all, sell their votes for a Saree, a few rupees, or a bottle of liquor. A tough decision, however inevitable for long term solutions, may shift their allegiance from Yogi to someone else, with shallower but lucrative offers of mobiles, smart-watches, or even a TV set.

However, I am of the belief that Yogi, with his enormous dharmik energy, will overcome all pitfalls, and rise to the occasion. I can foresee a change, a substantial change, in the state. In coming years, we will see transformation happening. Let’s wish Yogi good luck and support him, in his good initiatives, for his Bhagirath mission.

Mr. Tharoor you will be questioned simply because you are not above the law


Dear Shashi Tharoor,

We may have farrago of skills to misunderstand each other. But, why are we evading the right questions which are staring right into our eyes? Arnab should be thanked for raising this issue. Would you not be interested to know there are mysterious ambiguities about the death of the lady you love?

You may say, Why I should be questioned? I am a common man (the real one) Mr. Tharoor unlike you. And if I were in your place, for any of the below questions I would have been behind bars. But you are not. Giving me more reasons as to why you should be questioned. You should be questioned simply because you are not above the law. Here are few questions I have after the Republic TV report.

1.  Evidence: Sunanda had 54 injury marks on her body found in autopsy.

Contradiction: The report from hospital in Kerala says she was perfectly healthy further backed by the AIIMS report.

Question: What happened in 48 hours that laid to 54 marks on a woman’s body before dying?

2. Evidence: Dr. Sudhir Gupta and his colleague Dr. Adarsh Kumar put allegations on then Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad for pressurizing them to show the death as natural.

Contradiction: The report was changed 5 times sometimes citing reasons as silly as coconut water to food poisoning. Everything that is possible in the medical book of deceit.

Question: Why was there a need to put pressure on Dr. Sudhir Gupta and his team to show the death as natural?

3. Claim: Shashi tharoor left his room by 7:30 am.

Contradiction: Republic tapes suggest that Narayan said you came back around 11:30 am.

Question : Why would you give wrong information to the police ? Either Narayan before or Narayan on tape, one of them is lying. 3. Claim : Shashi tharoor left his room by 7:30 am. Narayan on tape said she was in room 307.

Contradiction : Republic tapes suggest that Narayan said you came back around 11:30 am. However, she was found by police in room 345.

Question: Why would you give wrong information to the police ? Either Narayan before or Narayan on tape, one of them is lying. how did she get shifted from room 307 to 345?

4. Claim: Narayan said he left room by 10 am and returned only at 4:30 pm. Between then he says two people came in to room. A driver and staffer.

Contradiction: Why would your driver come back to room if you were in AICC all the time?

Question: Who is this staffer? Was he questioned? Where is the CCTV footage of the hotel? It would be foolish to say a 7 star hotel had no cctv footage or was it not examined? Was it destroyed? If yes, by whom?

5. Claim: Shashi Tharoor was in AICC all the time

Contradiction: No one in AICC has vouched for that.

Question: Is there anyone from AICC meeting who can vouch for Tharoor presence all the time?

6. Claim: Tharoor said he had a bad health himself and was hospitalized owing to a cardiac arrest.

Contradiction : Report from aiims says that Shashi Tharoor didn’t have a cardiac arrest? He was discharged within 4 hrs with aspirin and alfrax.

Question: Why resort to such dramatical theatrics  if you have nothing to hide ?

7. Evidence : The last 5 tweets by Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor was against IPL. She told to a reporter I took upon myself the crimes of this man during IPL [Indian Premier League],” she told the Economic Times. “I will not allow this to be done to me. I just can’t tolerate this.”

Contradiction: She accused a Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar in one of her tweets. According to a statement by senior journalist Nalini Singh, recorded before a subdivisional magistrate (SDM), “the couple had been squabbling for a week before Pushkar’s death and had also got into scuffles over Tharoor’s alleged affair with Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar”.

Question: Prema Sridevi is wrong. Nalini Singh is wrong. Only a Man with power who has the law under his pocket is right. Why should that be believed? Mehr Tarar is also alleged to have ISI connection, why was this angle not investigated?

When money is involved, corruption is involved, a cross border ISI connection is involved. If this is not a conspiracy then what is?

Delhi police has reopened the case and entire case is now being reexamined. I don’t say you are Murderer, I don’t know that. I am only questioning your ignorance.

How can one be so blatantly blinded in your exasperating ignorance towards pain of a lady who is murdered in unnatural circumstances? If someone is fluent and excellent in English does that mean that he/she is immune to the crime? Since when did vocabulary became evidence for acquittal of a crime? What sort of logic are you portraying here. Aren’t you ashamed?

Does that not make you a hypocritical superlative clown hiding behind thesaurus?

If you are right, Why not file a defamation against the shouting showman and prove your point once and for all. If you will, well and good. If you won’t what does that make you? Introspect for the truth has its way of coming out. Remember that.

Ostentatiously demonstrated austered display of verbal suicide to quench hunger of few vocabulary starved malnourished netizens won’t rescue you, however a simple worded truth may give you the peace you seek.

Good day to you. Mr. Tharoor



Changes in Trademark Registration process 2017, you can’t ignore


In recent amendment to Trademark Rule 2017,  number of changes are introduced related to fees, category of applicant’s and of course reduction and renaming of trademark forms. Apart from these changes now many significant changes are made pertaining to filing of TM-A, i.e the actual application for filing of trademarks.

Apart from basic particulars, you are now required to file affidavit of usage in case you are writing or claiming any date in your trademark application.

In order to understand this better let us understand the concept of user detail! Application for Trademark registration can be filed even when you have not started using the Trademark, i.e with the user detail as proposed to be used, you may use this mark in near future or else you may apply for registration with the specific date when you started to use the trademark in past date too. But here is the catch-22.

Let us understand which choice is better, In case you apply for registration as proposed to be used, you are disclaiming not only your usage but you need to get this updated later on when you start using the Trademark as it is also a ground for rectification of the trademark, which in simple terms means the removal of your trademark from the register of trademarks on account of non-usage. This updation also has a cost attached to it, in case the mark is pending it will cost less and in case it is registered it will be an expensive thing to do.

If we compare this to old process – trademark application format allowed you may simply add the user detail and claim the usage. But now with new rules in such a scenario its is made compulsory to file an affidavit of usage in order to claim it – this brings more transparency since some would exploit by claiming without even using the trademark.

An affidavit of usage in simple language may be considered as document that contains the details substantiating your claims over the brand name usage, be it online or offline marketing details, be it your bills generated, or your online presence etc. anything and everything that shows that you are delivering your services or marketing your products with the applied brand name can be listed down in affidavit of usage.

This requires significant time, effort and expert skill of your lawyer to do the same. The affidavit of usage cannot be same for every application, and the applicant must pay proper attention to it, before submitting. It is always advisable to go through your legal work very carefully as each document has its own significance and relevance.

When you submit an affidavit of usage be careful about what statements your attorney adds there. As each of the claimed usage date, evidence, or user base details, these are considered as your submission legally. So do draft them carefully to avoid trivial Trademark Objection in future. Trademarks are usually filed with the help of lawyers with new laws it has now become necessary to get expert attorney to guide you and create legal documents which can help you and your brand to safeguard its rights in future.

I knew ‘Geeta’. She was my colleague, unfortunately!

(A friend of mine has sent this write-up and asked to share it on social media. I have not been witness to these events, but I trust my friend and leave it upon the readers to believe what is written):

It was just a normal day at work for me. I was in between meetings, planning content and publishing schedule with subordinates when my phone buzzed. It was a WhatsApp message where one of my colleague sent me the link to HuffPost article where Vijay Nair opened up about a cyberstalker pseudo named ‘Geeta’. I read the article and I figured who this ‘Geeta’ was, because she once used to be my colleague.

I remember the day I first met her. It was the day she joined. A senior colleague introduced her to me. She appeared to be an educated and smart lady, in her mid-thirties. She had a vast experience in media and entertainment industry. The first thing I noticed about her was her smile. Her evil smile. She had some sort of a negative aura around her; It was intimidating and fearsome.

She has worked with few of the biggest media houses in this country. She has contacts, some really powerful contacts. She wouldn’t need a CV to bag a job at any media company, her phone book would suffice! Not only she knew people, the who’s who of media industry and Bollywood knew her. She knew what they were up to, what’s happening in their life and all the inside gossips. She’d call a well-known Bollywood actor at 12 in the night to wish birthday and would talk for hours. That’s how she was.

“Geeta’ was manipulative. Perhaps the most manipulative person I’ve ever came across in my life. She was very good at it. I saw her plant seeds of doubt in a senior manager’s mind and derailed a co-worker’s career. She’d ask for help and bitch about them the moment they turned back. She’d take advantage of her seniority and pass on her work to someone junior to her and threaten them as well. She would ask for favors for her industry friends. She would message one thing in a personal WhatsApp message and say some other thing in person. Two-faced will be an understatement to describe her.

My experience working with her was horrible and extremely unpleasant. Few weeks after she joined she started interfering in my work. She had nothing to do with my work. Even though, we were in different departments, she used to pressure me to follow her instructions. She’d ask me to do something in a WhatsApp message and when I refuse to do so I got threats of getting fired from my job. Things got worse and her interference kept rising. I decided to bring this up to my boss and he understood the situation and handled it gracefully. He asked her not to interfere with my work and focus in her own. After that I never had an encounter with her. We never talked to each other. I had no regrets. I was glad I had only my work to worry about.

The HuffPost article didn’t surprise me but it certainly did disturb me. Not because what she did but for what someone had to go through because of her. I personally don’t know Vijay Nair or Arunabh Kumar but I know ‘Geeta’ and I know she had that sort of criminal thinking to pull it off. It’s so easy for people like her to sabotage years of hard work in an instant. The mere thought that she’s out there and she most probably will get away with the mess she’s created is depressing.

Desperate media links IT corporate layoffs to demonitisation


While browsing through Facebook news feed I saw Times Now report on mass layoffs in the IT sector caught my eye. Here is the layoff report, as you can see below synopsis reads demonetisation as one of the reasons for slowdown in the IT sector:

Incorrect synopsis

Lets analyze the IT industry current situation. Indian IT firms majority of the revenue originated from North America and Europe. It is true that IT firms have abused the visa provisions as a result Indian employees are considered cheap labors. Local governments would like to push their workforce as a result they are reforming existing visa restrictions.

However there is issue with supply of STEM graduates in USA. As a result not all the jobs in USA are at stake but these companies need to be careful with future hiring. They are indeed planing to increase hiring locally, here is Infosys USA hiring.

Every year during year-end review there will be pool of associates marked as to be improved. Companies like TCS give at least two-cycle of performance reviews before marking associate for layoff.  Automation is playing really big role. Most of the repetitive jobs can be easily moved to robots  hence leaving less skilled at disadvantaged.

FX rates also plays a big role in the IT earnings. Currently USD/INR is trading at 64 way below from all time high of 68. Though dollar earning will be same but INR earnings would fall off. All these factors adds to overall layoff figures.

Let us get back to media; during the age of information every view counts. The biased media pushes their agenda with strategically inserting such words. It’s clear that demonitisation is not related to slow down and layoff in the IT industry. Still media houses would play with words for better click bait. And market it aggressively through multiple channels including Facebook and Twitter.

People who are pressed for time, will read through these synopses and may get a wrong impression. India clearly needs unbiased media.

First month of Yogi administration– Week IV


Departmental presentations to Yogi are in full swing. While there are hiccups and setbacks, it is needless to say that the administrative machinery has sprung to action. There are still many instances of undesirable execution but, the trajectory is encouraging.

Here is a gist of the first three weeks of Yogi administration: Investigations in various scams have been launched. There is a massive change underway in the law and order situation. The jail administration seems to be under strict monitoring by Yogi personally and criminal activities inside jails are being actively curbed. Yogi has personally met former UP DGP Prakash Singh, crusader for Police Reforms and given serious indications of his intent on the topic.

Selection to more than 40,000 government positions have been blocked in order to ruthlessly curb the corruption and irregularities in selections to govt positions. The decades of havoc Encephalitis has wreaked in Purvanchal is being countered head on. It seems that Bundelkhand will also finally get some respite from an indifferent Lucknow. Several scams, Panjiri, Gomti Riverfront, Sale of Sugar mills are being prepared to be probed into. Power for All agreement has been signed ahead of time, and steps are being actively taken to meet 24 hours electricity by November 2018.

Here are the chronicles of the first three weeks: Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3.

Here is how the final week of the first month of the Yogi administration passed:

Day 24: Second Cabinet meeting happens today. Following decisions are taken:

  • District headquarters will have 24 hours electricity daily. Tehsil headquarters will have 20 hrs electricity daily. Bundelkhand will also get 20 hours electricity.
  • 85000+ roads will be made pothole free by June 15. An amount of Rs. 4500 crores has been approved for the same.
  • New mining policy to be instituted.
  • CAG given Rights to audit all Development Authorities, including Ghaziabad Development Authority, and Housing Development Board. CAG had earlier asked for permissions to audit GDA but, Akhilesh government had denied.
  • State will contribute 40% funding to Border Area Development Programme. So far center used to do 100% funding.
  • Every District Hospital will have 20 extra beds for Encephalitis. Every Medical College in the state will have 10 beds reserved for Encephalitis.
  • Payments to sugarcane farmers from sugar mills will happen within 14 days. All pending payments from the past will be settled within 120 days.
  • Cabinet approves programme to solve drinking water problem in Bundelkhand.

CM has also instructed for the modernization of Madarsa syllabus to include History, Geography, Science, Maths and English.

Day 25: In a major bureaucratic reshuffle, Yogi has removed Akhilesh loyalists from important positions. 20 IAS officers have been reshuffled.

Secretariat to start biometric attendance and record digitization.

While reviewing presentation of Revenue Department, it has been decided to constitute a task force to free government properties from illegal mafia occupation.

Yogi has instructed investigations into distribution of ration cards and selection of beneficiaries of Antyodaya scheme. A new list of BPL families will be prepared to ensure benefits reach the intended recipients.

To help the labour class, scholarships between 100 – 5000 rupees monthly will be specially for children of registered Labourers. New residential schools in addition to current 12 for their children will also be created in 20 districts. State government will give financial assistance for marriages of up to two daughters of registered labourers. A separate shramik helpline will also be set up. Deendayal Suraksha Beema Yojana will cover 5 lakh labourers of unorganized sector up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

Dimple Verma removed from Child Development and Pushtahar department. The department has been under lots of news for distribution of 700 crores worth of Panjiri without any tenders.

Day 26: Tenders in all government departments have been replaced by e-tendering systems. It is now being ensured that no contracts are given to contractors with criminal records.

Approvals given for 5.85 lakh basic shikshaks to be given revised salaries as per seventh pay commission starting May. They will not be given transfers during May-June. First 100 days will be dedicated to achieving targets. Transfers will be subsequently considered based on performance in first 100 days.

Mass Marriage scheme for minority girls to be implemented in 100 days. Couples will be given Rs. 20,000.

Day 27: Yogi has said that holidays declared on names of great men will be revoked. This causes students to not know about the contributions of such men and also affects their studies. There are 17 such holidays.

Govt has signed the ‘Power for All’ agreement with Center. Under the agreement, the following benefits will accrue to the state:

  • 9 W LED bulbs will be available for Rs. 60 apiece
  • 20 W LED bulbs will be available for Rs. 220 apiece
  • Fans consuming less electricity will be available for Rs. 1150 apiece
  • 10,000 solar panel energy efficient pumps will be installed across the state. The excess energy generated through these panels will be distributed through micro grids for consumption.

Yogi has said the entire state will have 24 hours electricity by November 2018. Electricity connections will be given free of cost to BPL families. Surcharge waiver (Delayed Surcharge Payment Amnesty) scheme begins today.

Yogi has said 30 districts will be identified and made Open Defecation Free by 31st December, 2017.

Day 28: Dangerous criminal Atiq Ahmed’s bail plea has been rejected by court. Atik was presented through video conferencing. Following developments have happened:

  • Dangerous criminals will not be allowed to stay in a single barrack.
  • All visitors will be recorded. These records are to be brought online.
  • CCTVs to be installed in all sensitive places in jails.
  • Mobile phones are to be strictly controlled and jammers are to be installed.
  • Use of video conferencing to present criminals to courts to minimize movement of criminals.

Government has asked officials to return all excess vehicles they are not entitled to. Retired officials have also been asked to immediately return such vehicles.

Day 29 – 31: Third cabinet meeting has happened on the 18th April.

During Finance Department’s presentation, Yogi has said State govt programmes parallel to Central govt programmes to be scrapped. Only the Central schemes will continue. Following this decision, about a dozen such schemes like Lohia Awaas, Aasra Awaas introduced by previous govt will be scrapped.

In the presentation, Yogi has also instructed for strict actions to be taken against companies that run away with public money.

Anti-Land Mafia task force to be constituted soon.

Yogi has instructed officials to act on center’s suggestions on creating an Animal Welfare Board and making the state Rabies free.

In the cabinet meeting, the following have been decided:

  • Pradhan Mantri Fasal Beema Yojna has been given green signal by the cabinet. Insurance companies have been instructed to settle claims in 21 days. If not done, penalties will be levied on the company. If more than a month is taken, then companies will be blacklisted.
  • Insurance cover will be valid for two fiscal years (2017-18 and 2018-19) at one go.
    • 50 Lakh farmers are targeted to benefit from this programme. Last year, the scheme had benefited 36 Lakh farmers.
    • Sugarcane farmers have been kept outside of the purview of the scheme on their request. Cane farmers had raised concerns that their crops are not affected by bad weather and their premiums are wasted.

20 new Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) will be opened in the state. This is towards state government’s target of doubling farmers income.

43 IAS officials have been reshuffled. Commissioners of 9 mandals have been transferred.

Acting on the nexus between police and criminals, 626 police officials have been transferred to other districts.

To facilitate developmental work, Yogi has instructed officials to make mining leases available through E-Tendering by 10th May.

Home department is reported to be preparing a blueprint for recruitment of 1.25 Lakh policemen. Home department is scheduled to make their presentation to Yogi on the 19th.

Yogi has instructed for the strict prohibition of alcohol sale in religious places.

Instructions have been given to initialize feasibility studies into Metro for Gorakhpur.

Directions issued for immediate transfer of sipahis who have been at a single thana for too long.

Yogi is expected to visit Bundelkhand on the 20th. It is worthwhile to note that a number of initiatives have been taken on Bundelkhand, including arrangement of water for the state.

UP Govt to give land for Maulana Azad Urdu University, Hyderabad’s Lucknow campus.

By the end of the first month, tremendous amount of efforts have been put into a variety of streams.  Yogi has instructed the entire administrative machinery that the results of their work should start showing on ground in 3 months. Whether that happens, only time will tell.

However, this article is an effort to enable an objective assessment of Yogi Adityanath beyond the media-hyped personality propagated over decades. Within the first month, he has perhaps been the cause of many radical steps. He has already been handling law and order on a war footing. He is already steadily on his path to resolving electricity and health crises that have continued to plague the state for so many decades. Purvanchal and Bundelkhand, both of which have been neglected through decades are hopeful of some positive outcomes.

Of course, a second month of the government will finish on the 19th of this month and much more would have happened by then. However, the one thing that Yogi has proven beyond doubt is his untiring capacity and sincerity for work. How effective Yogi will be in terms of real impact on ground, time will tell. But, till then enough has happened to absolve him of the decades long personality he had imposed on him by mainstream media. 

(These have been compiled from various news paper reports)

Beyond Triple Talaq

The Supreme Court while hearing the Triple Talaq matter observed that despite of its asking the parliament multiple times to legislate on the matter, no law has come up in this regard. One cannot argue in favour of the instant Triple Talaq, no matter which side of the political spectrum one comes from. For it is against the right to equality and right to life and dignity.

However, to say that Islamic Jurisprudence is totally arbitrary in matters of divorce would be overreaching.

In the other form of Triple Talaq ‘Talaq Hasan’ (which takes place over a period of 3 months) there is provision for mediation and reconciliation. In traditional societies this was often adopted as the method to resolve disputes, ensuring that both parties get a chance to put forward their arguments, and access counselling from the wise and experienced. This ensured fairness and speedy justice for both parties.

Another provision is that of Khula where a woman has the right to divorce her husband though often at the cost of her mehr (dower received from husband). While issues such as maintenance do arise, a woman is given the right to divorce her husband at will.

Furthermore, the Supreme Court raised an important question, asking the method of divorce that is suggested, post abolishment of the Triple Talaq.

The existing Hindu Law in this regard, as we have seen, has not been very successful in handing out speedy justice.
Our courts are overburdened with divorce litigation that take years to conclude, not only consuming precious time of the court but also impacting lives of both the parties and families involved.

We have recently seen the SC enlarging the scope of the law but still Hindu Divorce Laws remain extremely rigid, and some may even say, biased towards women.

Multiple instances of law misuse have been observed by the Honourable SC itself.

Women have also taken advantage of the DV Act and Dowry Laws for taking undue benefit during the trial, often leading to extreme harassment to the husband’s family (including old parents) and appropriation of property through unfair arguments.

The process of getting a divorce might stretch up to 10 years, draining the parties of their will and energy to rebuild their lives.

Often this leads to abandonment or bigamy which is forbidden by Hindu Law.

The Hindu Divorce Law has its own share of problems and needs to be overhauled in context of present day and time. Consequently, the SC and Law Commission recommended the provision of ‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’ to section 13B of the HM Act which might, to an extent, provide a quick resolution in some of the cases.

I do not support an arbitrary imposition of the Uniform Civil Code. However, both the Hindu and Muslim Divorce Laws have been proved to be unfit for the 21st century India.

Perhaps this is where we can start from.

The Parliament must come up with a new secular law for Marriage and Divorce which gives every community the right to perform marriage rituals in their own way while embodying provisions which lay down the rights of both the parties to provide a fair and time bound procedure for the purpose of divorce.

Free and fair consent must be an essential requirement for every marriage, putting a plug to coerced marital practices. Also deterioration of a relationship to the extent where mutual trust and love has ceased to exist should be made a ground for ending an unhealthy marriage that has no scope of sustenance.

21st century India needs to empower her citizens to exercise their right of choice in matters of matrimony while also being assured of equal protection of law in case of divorce.

कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले आपको झेलने पड़ेंगे मोदी जी

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में एक ऐसे मामले पर सुनवाई शुरू हो गयी है जिसपर सार्वजनिक तौर पर बहस करने से भारत के कथित ‘धर्मनिरपेक्ष लोग’ अक्सर बचते रहे हैं. जी हाँ, तीन तलाक़ पर! ये सुनवाई ऐसे समय शुरू हुई है, जिस समय देश का प्रधानमंत्री एक ऐसा शख्स है, जो देश-विदेश के विभिन्न मंदिरों में जाकर अक्सर पूजा करता रहता है. ज़ाहिर सी बात है धर्मनिरपेक्षता का मुखौटा ओढ़े कुछ कुंठित लोगों की बेचैनी बढ़ने के लिए इतनी वजह काफी है.

सुप्रीम कोर्ट में तीन तलाक़ और हलाला के खिलाफ याचिका दायर करनेवाली महिलाओं और देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों में तीन तलाक़ से पीड़ित महिलाओं के दर्द को नज़रअंदाज़ करते हुए संक्रीण मानसिकता के लोगों ने प्रधानमंत्री पर निजी हमले करना शुरू कर दिए है. वो लोग जो तीन तलाक़ का विषय उठते ही अपना मुंह छुपाने लगते थे, आज वो सोशल मीडिया पर दिनभर प्रधानमंत्री को कोस रहे हैं. उनकी बातों से ऐसा लग रहा है मानो स्वयं प्रधानमंत्री ही तीन तलाक़ के खिलाफ याचिका देने सुप्रीम कोर्ट गए थे.

प्रधानमंत्री जब भी महिलाओँ के हक़ की बात करते हैं, तो ये लोग अक्सर उनको ये याद दिलाना नहीं भूलते की उनकी शादी विफल रही है. वैसे तो देश में तमाम ऐसे राजनेता होंगे जिनके शादी-शुदा जीवन में क्या उथलपुथल चल रही है, इससे हमें मतलब भी नहीं होगा. लेकिन बात जब प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के निजी जीवन को लेकर आती है, तो उसपर टिपण्णी करना उनके विरोधी इसे अपनी ‘बोलने की आज़ादी’ के अधिकार के अंतर्गत मानते हैं.

वैसे गलती नरेंद्र मोदी की ही हैं, वो चाहते तो अपनी पत्नी पर हक़ जमाते हुए उन्हें अपनी माँ की सेवा और घर के कामकाज के लिए घर पर रख सकते थे और खुद अपना जीवन अपने हिसाब से जी सकते थे और यह तो कोई बड़ी बात भी नहीं है अपने भारत में! बहुत से घरों में लड़के शादी के बाद बीवी को घरवालों की सेवा के लिए छोड़ खुद देश के किसी दूसरे कोने या विदेश में जाकर बस जाते हैं. हो सकता है अगर मोदी ऐसा करते तो आज समाज को उनका त्याग दिखता देश के प्रति, लेकिन वह जानते थे की देश सेवा के आगे वो वैवाहिक जीवन के साथ न्याय नहीं कर पाएंगे, शायद इसलिए उन्होंने सन्यास लेना बेहतर समझा और अपनी पत्नी को घर के कामकाज़ के लिए रखने के बजाय, उसको अपनी जिंदगी अपने हिसाब से जीने के लिए आज़ाद कर दिया.

लेकिन सन्यासी के त्याग को समझना सबके बस की बात नहीं है. और वो भी वह सन्यासी जो देश सुधारने के लिए राजनीति में आ गया हो और लगातार जीत रहा हो! जिसपर एक भी भ्रष्टाचार का मामला न हो उससे लड़ने के लिए कुछ तो चाहिए आख़िर विरोधियों को. यही कारण है की महिलाओँ के मौलिक अधिकार के हनन से जुड़े तीन तलाक़ के मसले पर भी नरेंद्र मोदी के विरोधी महिलाओँ के हित के बारे में सोचने के बजाय इस मुद्दे को भी हथियार बनाकर मोदी पर वार कर रहे हैं. एक लोकप्रिय नेता होने की सज़ा तो राजनीति में भुगतनी ही पड़ेगी नरेंद्र मोदी को. जनता से प्राप्त विशाल समर्थन की ख़ुशी के साथ-साथ विरोधियों के निचले स्तर के आरोप तो झेलने ही पड़ेंगे उन्हें.

मुस्लिम महिलाऐं सुप्रीम कोर्ट में अपने हक़ की लड़ाई लड़ रही हैं और नरेंद्र मोदी जनता के दरबार में अपने विरोधियों से राजनेता होने की लड़ाई लड़ रहे है. उम्मीद है जैसे जनता मोदी का साथ देती है, वैसे ही मुस्लिम महिलाओँ को सुप्रीम कोर्ट का साथ मिलेगा. अंत में जीत उनकी ही हो!

चूँकि आपने प्रखर रूप से मुस्लिम महिलाओँ के अधिकारों की बात उठायी है कई बार, इसलिए जबतक उनको उनका हक़ नहीं मिल जाता, आपको कुंठित समाज के द्वारा किये जा रहे निजी हमले झेलने ही पड़ेंगे मोदी जी!