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The thoughts of VD Savarkar on Hinduism and Hindutva


The word Hindutva has once again come under fierce debate, especially when Modi government reigns over India. BJP has been known to be associated with the ideology of Hindu nationalism and Hindutva from its inception. It is important to note here that RSS, Alma Mater of BJP has a long history of espousing the idea of Hindutva and for that, it largely subscribes the thoughts and writings of V.D. Savarkar. The word Hindutva and Hinduism have been used synonymously to each other and has been the subject of high controversy and criticism by many. Similarly, many people who are expressing their allegiance to Hinduism and Hindutva are themselves seems to be confused and do not make any distinction between these two terms.

In the mid of all this, the opportunists find it a good platform from where they can get away pretty easily by doing any egregious act. In this entire process, those people who want to score their political goals or want the attention of media are blatantly defaming and tarnishing the true image of Hindus and Hinduism because this has now become the fashion of the day. That is why it is very much essential to separate not only Hindu, Hinduism and Hindutva from what most of the people think about it in general, but it is also required to explore as to how these three terms are different from each other significantly.

If we trace the origin of these three terms, Savarkar has been the most profound and influential thinker in the history of Indian Political Thought who has written and propagated about these three terms in great length. In his most celebrated book “The essence of Hindutva”, Savarkar writes that to ask “Who is Hindu”, is in itself a wrong question, for him the appropriate question should be “what is Hindu”? He writes, “Asindhu Sindhu Paryanta yashya Bharat Bhoomika, Pitribhu Punya Bhuschaiva Sa vai Hindu Riti Smritah”.

This stanza simply says those who are residing on this vast land stretching from river Sindhu (north) to Sindhu Ocean (south) and consider this land as their fatherland and holy land are Hindus. For being a Hindu in Savarkars’ eyes there was no prerequisite of caste, class, religion or region, etc. Savarkar then goes on to define what Hinduism is? For Savarkar in essence, Hinduism is all about “Ism” of Hindus. What is this “Ism” of Hindus? It is the belief, attitude, and style of Hindus. This gives us a very clear picture that Hindus are not from any particular caste, creed, religion or class rather it encompasses all those who consider this land as their fatherland and holy land in V.D. Savarkar’s eyes. Allegations by a certain section of society that Hindus and Hinduism is exclusively meant for upper caste people, especially people residing in North India and then link it to the views of Savarkar is not fair at all which is what being spread in today’s time.

In contrast to this, Savarkar himself contends that there is a need to prevent the fragmentation of Hindu society and for that caste system must be uprooted from the society. It is deplorable and disheartening that some opportunists have distorted the original meaning of Hindu and Hinduism of Savarkar for their personal gain and projected Hindu and Hinduism as anti-Dalit or monopoly of a special group of people.

Does the Muslim and Christian community have no place in Savarkar’ idea of Hindu and Hinduism? It should be understood crystal clear that for Savarkar Muslim and Christian cannot be Hindu and he provides a detailed argument for it. He argues that since the holy land of Muslim is Macca and Jerusalem is considered to be the holy land of Christians their loyalty and allegiance to this land would always be under suspicion.

Does that mean that Muslims and Christian have no place in Hindustan as widely propagated by many people? It should be made very clear that despite chauvinistic element in Sarvarkars’ ideology, it cannot be termed as fascist like Hitler because the coexistence of Christians and Muslim in Hindustan was never denied by Savarkar. He wanted Hindus to be politically united and therefore he always tried his level best to douse the demands made by depressed classes and Sikhs forming a common front with Muslims and asking for separate representation. He was comfortable to accommodate most of the demands of Sikhs and the depressed classes, but the only condition was that it should be made under the banner of Hindu and not as non-Hindu because that would further pave way for atomization of Hindu community.

“The Hindu do not want a change of master, are not going to…. Fight and die only to replace an Edward by an Aurangzeb simply because the later happens to be born within Indian borders”, Savarkar said.

Now if we make an honest attempt to trace as to why the political philosophy of Savarkar was such where Only Hindus have the exclusive right to the rule of government? We would find that Savarkar was very disappointed with the kind of differential treatment Muslim community was receiving in the age of colonialism. Wherever the Muslim community was in the majority it was getting the privileges of majority at the same time it was also enjoying the advantage of the minority in Hindu-majority areas. A number of compromises made by Congress with Muslim league further fanned the fear in the section of Hindus including Savarkar that the future of Hindus is not going to be bright if such things remain in force. So to unite Hindus of Hindustan politically Savarkar extended his contribution at every possible level.

The word Hindutva has been misinterpreted by the same opportunists for their different advantages. Many of the people find it a good opportunity to color any communal incident from the word Hindutva, But Hindutva simply means the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos”, and by no means an anti-minority or anti-Muslim. In other words, Hindutva is simply nothing but the way of living of Hindus. It again has nothing to do with religion, caste or class but the opportunists have repeatedly associated Hindutva with caste and other things in order to malign the image of Hindutva.

The apex court in its verdict of 1995 has also shared the similar view that “Hindutva was not a religion, but a way of life and a state of mind.” We may find a close proximity between Hinduism and Hindutva but if make a deep observation both of these terms differ slightly. Where Hinduism is actually ‘Ism’ of Hindus, their belief and culture, Hindutva encapsulates it when we define it as a way of life which includes the belief and culture of Hindus as well. Thus Hindutva actually accommodates Hinduism within. It is therefore utmost important to make a clear distinction between the words Hindu, Hinduism, and Hindutva before making any attempt to tarnish the image of it or making any random statement, use it synonymous to each other.

References: Appaiah Parvathy: Hindutva Ideology and Politics, P.g, 59.

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Has US media gone too far in criticizing Donald Trump?

President Trump’s first five months in office have truly been action packed.  Many of his new team members have been let go or have resigned on their own. This comes on top of the delayed confirmations of many of the President’s picks. Not to forget the series of street protests, arson and other expressions of anger and opposition to the incumbent president. All this, as Trump himself has pointed out, have been a road block for the administration to even get settled in office. But as these fester, they are taking on a new avatar that could tip the scales and severely scar America– by dividing its people and deepening the chasm in its polity.

There have been almost continuous protest rallies after the results of the elections were announced, often resulting in arson and violence across country. These protests have been no impromptu gatherings, but well planned, funded and executed with political backing. For instance, social media have been afire with pictures of protesters being brought in to locations in charted buses. Needless to say, that while the protests themselves are an unalienable right in a democracy, it now appears in hindsight that there is elaborate machinery supporting all this. The strategy of the detractors seems to be to keep the flame of dissent alive and keep the administration in a perpetual firefighting mode and thus deny any room to settle down for governance. This is really disconcerting.

In all this, the press and media too seem to have been at their divisive best. The diverse spin from the cable channels often buries the news and the bitter tirades leave the viewers confused and disgusted. Any neutral American can see that the media is definitely driven firmly by its agenda to oppose the Trump administration on anything and everything. The spike in unnamed sources and publication of what appears to be a running stream of sensitive intelligence leaks by established media leaders has only befuddled the average American viewer. That none of these allegations have been proved has only added to the divisiveness.

The leaking of photo evidence in the recent Manchester blast case in the UK is the latest in intelligence leaks. This has strained US-UK relations and an infuriated Prime Minister Theresa May had to complain to President Trump. It appears that the antagonists of the administration would stop at nothing – even irking a close ally – in trying to get at President Trump. Americans now seem to believe in social media more than the cable networks. The networks, who themselves have been the casualty for their actions as viewership and readership have tanked across the board, appear to be in no mood to relent.

The media and press in a democracy undoubtedly have a very important role to play. They are the watchdogs that are first line of defense against an errant administration. But to constantly quote unnamed and unverified sources to support their allegations has only eroded the credibility of a key institution of democracy.  Agreed, we have to live with this in a plural democracy. But the scale and level of acrimony that this has generated is unbelievable and has only deepened the divide.

The Democrats – judging from statements issued by Senator Hillary Clinton as well as Senate and House representatives – have obviously not yet gotten over the electoral defeat. In fact, John Lewis, a Democratic Congressman from Georgia has called Trump an illegitimate President on multiple occasions on television. This is indeed a shocking commentary of the political leaders in a mature democracy, and indeed the leader of the free world, behaving like scorned brats after losing an election.  All this speaks of the new low in current politics.

Most Americans, irrespective of party affiliations, in the best democratic traditions of the country have accepted the election results and have already moved on and are disgusted by the continuous attempts deepen the divide. Efforts to keep the acrimony alive are clearly doing the biggest disservice to the US. The Democrats, media, and sections of the Republican party, on the other hand, seem to be stuck in a time warp and are perilously insulated from public opinion.

These internal dissensions are bound to impact the international credibility and standing of the US. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has just sounded the bugle of mutiny of sorts against the US when she called on Europe to not count on the US and UK for their protection. These are unprecedented statements from allies that many would not have even contemplated would ever be happening against the US. This is because the US is now being perceived by friends and foes alike, as a house divided and hence a weak power.

In a democracy, diverse views and debates are essential for liberty and freedom. But using these established democratic traditions as a clever tool to divide the people and embarrass a new administration in office is unacceptable. The Trump administration by no means deserves any undue favors from the watchdogs of a free society or in the court of public opinion. But it has a rightful claim to its legitimate space and duty to fulfill and execute the mandate of the people.

The efforts to sustain anti-Trump protests and put multiple roadblocks for the administration has reached a scale and magnitude that many fear can tip the balance towards instability. Donald Trump won the election fair and square and the Democrats lost. They need to accept the verdict of the American people. They will have their say and opportunity in 2020, but till then they need to let Trump govern.

The risk for America is too great and if the country trips, only chaos and ignominy will visit the US. Most Americans understand this. America and its people have moved on and expect the political establishment to close ranks and put a better show– for the sake of the country. America has to get past the angst of electoral reverses and deal with some real issues– economic recovery, healthcare legislations and other policy issues that will determine the well being of its people in the coming years. The protagonists and antagonists need to back down and do their bid to reduce the rancor and provide constructive criticism and help Trump govern. America, urgently needs to heal now. A large dose of healing is what is called for.

विरोध का गिरता स्तर: गोवध

किसी भी राज्य या फिर राष्ट्र की उन्नति अथवा अवनति में राजनीति की एक अहम भूमिका होती है।

मजबूत विपक्ष एवं सकारात्मक विरोध की राजनीति  विकास के लिए आवश्यक भी हैं लेकिन केवल विरोध करने के लिए विरोध एवं नफरत की राजनीति जो हमारे देश में आज कुछ लोग कर रहे हैं काश वो एक पल रुक कर सोच तो लेते कि इससे न तो देश का भला होगा और न ही स्वयं उनका।

मोदी ने जिस प्रकार देश की नब्ज अपने हाथ में पकड़ ली है उससे हताश विपक्ष आज एक दूसरे के हाथ पकड़ कर सब मिलकर भी अति उतावलेपन में केवल स्वयं अपना ही नुकसान कर रहे हैं। अपने ही  तरकश से निकलने वाले तीरों से खुद को ही घायल कर रहे हैं।

जिस निर्लज्जता के साथ यूथ काँग्रेस के कार्यकर्ताओं ने केरल के कुन्नूर में बीच सड़क में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के खिलाफ नारेबाजी करते हुए एक बछड़े का वध करते हुए अपना वीडियो डाला है तो खून के इन छीटों को काँग्रेस कभी अपने दामन से हटा नहीं पाएगी क्योंकि यह काम किसी एक व्यक्ति ने नहीं किया बल्कि इस घटना को अंजाम दिया है काँग्रेस के झंडे तले उस यूथ काँग्रेस के पदाधिकारी ने जिस यूथ काँग्रेस का नेतृत्व कुछ सालों पहले स्वयं राहुल गांधी ने किया था।

सम्पूर्ण विश्व में अहिंसा के पुजारी के रूप में पूजे जाने वाले जिस गाँधी के नाम के सहारे काँग्रेस आज तक जीवित है वही पार्टी जब आज अपने विरोध प्रदर्शन के लिए हिंसा का सहारा ले रही है तो समय आ गया है कि भारत नाम के इस देश के नागरिक होने के नाते हम सभी सोचें कि हमारा देश कहाँ जा रहा है और ये राजनैतिक पार्टियाँ इस देश की राजनीति को किस दिशा में ले जा रही हैं।

सत्ता की राजनीति आज नफरत की राजनीति में बदल चुकी है और सभी प्रकार की सीमाएं समाप्त होती जा रही हैं।

गाय के नाम पर राजनीति करने वाले शायद यह  भूल रहे हैं कि गाय को माता मान कर पूजना इस देश की सभ्यता और संस्कृति में शामिल है यह हमारे देश के संस्कार हैं आधारशिला है वोट बैंक नहीं।

लेकिन दुर्भाग्यवश आज हमारे देश की राजनैतिक पार्टियों की नजर में इस देश का हर नागरिक अपनी जाति सम्प्रदाय अथवा लिंग के आधार पर उनके लिए वोट बैंक से अधिक और कुछ भी नहीं है।

राजनैतिक स्वार्थों की पूर्ति के लिए हम गोहत्या करने से भी परहेज़ नहीं करते  गोहत्या के नाम पर एक दूसरे की हत्या भी हमें स्वीकार है और हम मानव सभ्यता के विकास के चरम पर हैं?

हम सभी इस बात से इत्तेफाक रखते हैं कि मनुष्य एक सामाजिक प्राणी है और हम जीने के लिए न सिर्फ दूसरे पर लेकिन प्रकृति पर भी निर्भर हैं तो एक दूसरे अथवा ईश्वर द्वारा बनाए गए अन्य जीवों एवं प्रकृति के प्रति इतने असंवेदनशील कैसे हो सकते हैं। वो भी उस गाय के प्रति जिसे हमारी संस्कृति में माँ कहा गया है?

क्या ये असंवेदनशील लोग इस प्रश्न का उत्तर दे सकते हैं कि क्यों सम्पूर्ण दुधारु पशुओं में से केवल गाय के ही दूध को वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधानों के बाद माँ के दूध के तुल्य माना गया?

क्यों अन्य पशुओं जैसे भैंस बकरी ऊँटनी के दूध में मातृत्व के पूरक अंश नहीं पाए जाते?

क्या गाय के अलावा किसी अन्य जीव के मल मूत्र में औषधीय गुण पाए जाते हैं?

जब ईश्वर ने स्वयं गाय का सृजन मनुष्य का पालन करने योग्य गुणों के साथ किया है और आधुनिक विज्ञान भी इन तथ्यों को स्वीकार कर चुका है तो फिर वह गाय जो जीते जी उसे  पोषित करती है तो क्यों हम उसे माँ का दर्जा नहीं दे पा रहे ? राजिस्थान हाई कोर्ट की सलाहानुसार अपने पड़ोसी देश नेपाल की तरह क्यों नहीं हम भी गाय को अपना राष्ट्रीय पशु घोषित कर देते  उसे  मारकर उसके ही माँस से पोषण प्राप्त करने की मांग कहाँ तक उचित है? भारत में लोगों की धार्मिक भावनाओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए बीफ की परिभाषा में से गोमांस को हटा दिया जाए तो  मांसाहार का सेवन करने वाले लोगों को भी कोई तकलीफ नहीं होगी और भारतीय जनमानस की भावनाओं को भी सम्मान मिल जाएगा।
हमारे पास गाय के दूध गोबर और मूत्र के कोई विकल्प नहीं है लेकिन माँस के तो अन्य भी कई विकल्प हैं तो फिर ये कैसी राजनीति है जिसमें गोमांस से ही कुछ लोगों की भूख मिटती है? शायद यह भूख पेट की नहीं सत्ता की है ताकत की है नफरत की है साजिश की है।

नहीं तो जिस देश के लोग पेड़ पौधे ही नहीं पत्थर की भी पूजा करते हैं जिस देश में सभी के मंगल की कामना करते हुए कहा जाता हो
“सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया: सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् तु भाग्भवेत्”

उसी देश में कुछ लोग विरोध करने के लिए इस स्तर तक गिर रहे हैं और जिस प्रकार कुतर्कों का सहारा ले रहे हैं , यही कहा जा सकता है कि  “विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि” क्योंकि खून अकेले उस बछड़े का नहीं बहा खून उस पार्टी का भी बह गया जिसके झण्डे के नीचे यह कृत्य हुआ एवं अन्त केवल उस बछड़े का नहीं हुआ बल्कि उस पार्टी के भविष्य का भी हुआ कमजोर अकेले वो पार्टी नहीं हुई समूचा विपक्ष हो गया और बछड़े के प्राण आगे आने वाले विधानसभा चुनावों में  भाजपा में एक बार फिर से  नए प्राण फूंक गए।

OBOR: Packing China’s need as Xi-Jinping’s dream


With India choosing to skip the O.B.O.R. conference in China over legitimate sovereignty issues, it irked the Chinese establishment to a point where they could not hide their irritation. Chinese global English papers were soaked in their irritation.

Like the USA and some countries of Europe have held a powerful position for almost more than two centuries, Chinese neo-natal power projection is not going well with its old and neo neighbors.

After a century of humiliation by Japan and other forces of West, China wants to supersede all of them and project itself as “only force to reckon with in Asia” and “an alternate to the USA, globally”. The salt on the wound was rubbed as recent as 1996 tensions between China-Tiwan-&-USA. Where china was forced to see a self-infected humiliation. The demo of excellent control of Malacca straits by USA Navvy or even the way the USA had taken care of Taiwan was beyond what Chinese ever anticipated.

Though China failed to control its East (which is now fast changing), they had concerns about its west, especially India. Forcible annexation of Tibet along with 1962 Sino-Indo war gave China a muscle to show in the International arena. The classical example of which is that china never allowed the world even to evaluate the millions of Buddhist life loss in Tibet.

Over a thousand-year Indians got programmed to deal with threats from Islamic invasion from the west. India failed to read China miserably, as India-China historically never shared a boundary. India had a boundary with Tibet. Which since time immemorial is friendlier and more inclined towards India than China.

During the recovery phase of WW2, west conveniently chose to ignore Chinese aggression in Tibet & later west saw a market in China. Which made west even further hoodwinked. In all this, world, especially the west forgot that “present structure of government is non-democratic and the one which believes that “power start flowing from the barrel of gun”. The democratic custodian of Chinese power was caged in Taiwan. It is often said that West does not care about history. But East does. China had not forgotten the downtrodden years of China.

In the quest to be an Asian power by a huge margin and a global alternative to the USA, Chinese played the game which west understands the most i.e. “financial returns”. Coupled with water-tight closed gates for those rules which hurt the China most i.e. “human rights, Animal rights, democratic freedom, media freedom and more”.  The greed for financial returns dominated too much that The West could not put pressure on China to open the closed gates. Above all, west helped China get UNSC membership too.

China projected and achieved those growth rates by utilizing virtually every method. Including currency manipulation. Irrespective of what the consequences be, they created such a huge and east-condensed infrastructure that they really ever needed. The efficiency utilization of such infrastructure is very poor. Ghost cities of China are an example of that which no society should imitate.

Along with infrastructure (to match growth digits), to achieve the goal of “power projection”, China started to build the huge piles of forex reserves (Treasury bonds). They did not even bother if the main portion of their money is getting locked in The USA’s Treasury bonds. Worth noting that China is the biggest holder of USA Treasury bonds. The level of Chinese forex is of unprecedented order. Why would a country hold so much of bonds of other countries? The answer is, “to manipulate”. Interestingly when China holds USA Treasury bonds, the return on those bonds are mere 1%. Which pains china the most.

The best way to arm twist is to pump-or-pull these money holdings at will. The example of which was clearly demonstrated in a known sudden stock fall of USA a few years back. Imagine if, for no reason, Mumbai stock suddenly dips 5000 points.

Taste of such arm twisting was excellently exhibited by Saudis too. When the USA wanted to include Saudis in the list of countries which helped to execute of 9-11. Saudis threatened to withdraw all 800 billion dollars from the USA.

With aging, infra and the majority of funds locked in 1% type of investments, Chinese premier gets a “dream”. And the dream is “OBOR”.

Now the game begins.

Chinese premier’s dream would be anyone’s dream to park the funds into those markets which have higher returns. The essence of OBOR is not any love for ancient silk routes or neo-love for the people of other cultures, nor it is about selling products or services to other countries, but, about “giving loans on higher interest rates”. This is the only option China has, to offset its holding of costly Treasury bonds, while keep holding the majority of such bonds for arm-twisting. Get some money out of 1% type investments, spot the cracks of other weaker countries, offer them loans but with complete monitoring, if the loss happens then create a debt-trap and swap for strategic gains and ensure that China’s East-condensed overbuilt infrastructure can sustain.

A country like Pakistan where remittances from their own people are dropping sharply becomes an easy catch. Many other countries like that. Also, these countries are an easy target to sell used infrastructure products like “use power plants, used railway engines and coaches, second-hand ships, cars etc”. Not just that, in a single shot killing many birds. Like encircling India and other countries. What is encircling for India, is as good encirclement for others too.

With all this game plan around, what can India do to ensure that China does not harm the interest of others around? Including India. With kind of arm-twisting China is doing, India has no other option left but, “to form the opinion of not only participating countries but entire world about its consequences”. The idea should not sound like as if India wants to de-rail OBOR, but it should sound like, “India wants a win-win deal for all and not just china alone”. The biggest crack right now in OBOR is that the projects which are bilateral in-between china and other countries are also shown as a part of OBOR. This is to validate the marketing gimmick “A trillion-dollar trade”. India must expose this. Pressing only on sovereignty issue may not cut too much of mental ice of the world. The Western world is projecting for a long time that they believe in decoupling the “pending issues” with “trade”. It is virtually impossible for them to deviate from this stand.

Following are few thoughts which can help India build a global opinion.

  • OBOR should not be a Chinese stuff. Let’s formulate an international body of participating countries which will turn OBOR into reality.
  • Along with technical wings, this body must have the Human rights-wing, Environment wing and all those wings for which China has eternally closed the doors. China is notorious for its Prison Labour and Human Organ harvesting. These practices and culture must not travel via OBOR from China to other countries.
  • Especially “Animal rights wing“, seeing the impact of China’s love for animal meat on Pakistan’s Donkey population or Tiger penis soup….
  • No compromise on Sovereignty issues. No colonization.
  • The investment in OBOR, should not be only by China. But an international fund is made and investment can be made by any stakeholder. Let other countries to offset their surplus costly holdings.
  • Since the investment in OBOR is via an international fund, projects must be executed in complete transparency.
  • The investments must be in accordance with some ratio of GDP w.r.t. Time, of the host country. Concentrated investment in a single zone may disturb the strategic balance of the region. Imagine if Pakistan gets 200-billion-dollar funding which does not justify their GDP. They will virtually bully India, Afghanistan, Iran around…
  • No military infrastructure must be built under OBOR. Or vice-versa.
  • Debt analysis must be done for each project and steps of debt recovery (must be documented before the project). No debt swap be allowed under any circumstances in terms of “land swap, the militarization of zones, swapping with weapons or technology of weapons etc.”
  • If debt happens, like a businessman takes the loss, participating countries must bear the loss as a bad investment.
  • The safety of projects will be taken care only by the host country alone. In the case of host country gives up the security and fails to protect the investment, then the viability of project must be re-evaluated and safety of these projects must be taken care by the pool of equal security people from different participating countries.
  • Environment protection rules of the international order need to be in place. An open secret that china is able to produce dirt cheap products (not just cheap labor) as the cost of maintaining the environment is absolutely nil. How a person running a factory in Australia or North Europe, Canada, USA or India compete with China when the former is putting extra money to ensure the environment is not polluted.
  • Being Chinese president’s dream of re-opening the ancient silk routes, China must open its labor market for at least participating countries. The remittances from China to these countries must be healthy.
  • Procurement must be local. Arm twisting or oiling the local governments to sell used products must be inhibited.
  • For core technology projects, technology transfer must happen.
  • All host countries must open up a basic level of communication medium. Some countries do not even allow basic Google, Facebook etc access.
  • Anti-dumping rules must be clear.
  • OBOR project must not harm agriculture economic ecosystem of the host country.

India must work towards forming world’s opinion and bring them on common grounds. Play the game in the same manner which West and Europe understand i.e. Stand for pro-growth, project decoupling of issues and humanitarian issues. Sandwich sovereignty issues like “salt in a meal”. Though less but most important.

The World must not forget that 1% return on its locked-money is China’s Achilles heel and OBOR is its remedy. Use OBOR and push China to open itself to the entire world. The only way world can ensure that “china’s rise, be a peaceful rise”.

Wish Nehru had acted to Churchill’s call


“Profit ? It’s a dirty word.”
-Jawaharlal Nehru, First Prime Minister of India

Those were indeed the words of Jawaharlal Nehru. Considerable hatred towards business and commerce later on became the nucleus of India’s lacklustre economic performance. Immediately after independence, our policy makers majorly included people who preached and practiced the communist manifesto. Just to tell, GD Birla and Jamsetji Tata who were considered as Business Maharajas of that time were not even included in the construing the future India.

In the decade of 1930s, Nehru gave pompous speeches in Europe claiming that he could see a USSR’s socialism as an utopian economy model; whereas, Japan’s capitalist model as a cannibalistic philosophy of governance. However, in the present day Japan is not only a much robust economy than USSR, but it is also one of the strongest in the world. Japan has become the “ASIAN TIGER”; on the contrary, Kremlin is firmly controlled by KGB (The Economist).

The lack of foresight in choosing the correct philosophy of economic planning costed India at least a good 15 years in her history. Communism also killed the economy of West-Bengal. After independence, Bengal was endowed with clusters that made it the most preferable location for businesses in India. However, to Bengal’s misery it was also endowed with pestiferous rule of the communist party. Communist party always had the trade unions as its strong lobby group. The uneasiness and regular rifts in Bengal’s external environment drove the industries outside the state to another state (Maharashtra) that today contributes the maximum to Indian GDP.

With no efforts towards economic robustness in the periodical planning, India suffered continuous deficits in its Balance of Payment. There wasn’t anyone who was acting as if they wanted “good” for Indian Economy. To some extent there were efforts made in 1970 with the devaluation of the Indian rupee. Initial results were good as India recorded her first BOP Surplus in 1971-72. India recorded her second and last surplus in the year 1976-77. The first transformational change in Indian Economy happened in 1991, when the IMF decided to aid Indian Economy by “Aid India” consortium package. It will be unfair, if Manmohan Singh weren’t to be praised for the revolutionary change in the New Economic Policy. The former Indian Prime Minister played a masterstroke with periodic devaluation of Indian Rupee. Although, the devaluation did make exports a fascinating proposition, the government lacked institutional framework.

If you were to look at the economic model of any developed country today, it gradually phased away from primary sector towards manufacturing. However, UPA government decided to make India as an erratic economy. Without any rationale, we decided to become a service economy. Basically, we wanted to challenge the narrative of economic development with the only economy in the world that will gain its significance with a move from primary to the service sector. The same aberrant model followed by UPA is today taken up as case studies by top institutions for economics around the world as an asynchronous event.

India has really come out of years of poor economic planning; in fact, deplorable economic planning. Make in India is one such programme. Usually, countries need to maintain a balance in its BOP accounts. The current account is mostly in a deficit; its deficit is offset by the international forces of global financial markets. For instance, USA offsets is high deficit against China with high amount of capital investment made by people and institutions of China into financial markets of USA. However, India always lacked such a synchronised effort towards offsetting the deficits in trade. The focus of Make in India is to attract FDI from other countries into India. Therefore, if anyone tells you that Make in India is not being promoted in India is ascertaining a very important premise for the programme – Make in India needs to be advertised in international locations, but not in India. Indian government even hired Widen+ Kennedy, an American advertisement agency, to promote the lion outside India.

There has to be a sustained effort by the government towards enfranchising the economic forces in the country. Such economic liberation is clearly visible. Around the time of our independence, Winston Churchill quoted something about socialism. I wish that Nehru had acted on that quote – :

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
– Winston Churchill, The Prime Mister of Britain at the time of India’s independence.


How fake news about Gurmeet Ram Rahim nominated for Dronacharya Award was created


The latest outrage building up is how Gurmeet Ram Rahim, a spiritual leader cum entertainment personality, has been nominated for the Dronacharya Award given by the government of India. Here are few mainstream media outlets reporting about it:

This was followed by and a whole host of others have reported this “news”. This is now being given traction by the likes of Rana Ayyub and her ilk who are Tweeting these same articles and claiming as if it was some decision by a government body.

What is the truth though?

Since Indian media does not believe in fact-checking, I, as a reader have done:

  • As per the nomination process, there is a laundry list (pdf link) of organisations, which are autonomous and not government bodies, that can nominate a person for the Dronacharya Award, thus there is nothing “official” about if even if Gurmeet Ram Rahim is nominated for this. However, go beneath the surface and you will find how this news is even more absurd.
  • The Yoga Federation of India, which has nominated Gurmeet Ram Rahim, is NOT a recognised body, hence its nomination is not even valid. This is like Rana Ayyub nominating Burhan Wani for the Bharat Ratna; it has no meaning and is just clickbait.
  • Even assuming that this is a legit organisation recognised to nominate a person, the applications closed on Apr 28th, and again, makes the whole outrage pointless.

It took me all of 2 minutes to fact check this piece of “news”, which begs the question, why don’t journos working for mainstream organisations have this time to actually work instead of copy pasting and regurgitating articles that repeat ad-nauseum the same thing.

Why Pune Pride is exactly what the Indian LGBTQ community needs right now


Being gay and genderqueer is not common experience to most in their growing years. 10 years ago, when I discovered my distaste for the Maa Behen ki Gaalis was not because I was more evolved, but because I was in fact a homosexual, it was something that shook me. I didn’t want to be the freak. My weak frame and my annoying intellectualism already set me apart, and lord knows that wasn’t great. Every day was a battle against bullies. To the effect that even during my abuse at the hands of my classmate, I kept shut. I didn’t want to tell anyone, lest they discover I inclined to enjoy the sort of acts that I was being coerced into in the classroom.

Then at 17, I discovered the LGBTQ community. People who I believed were my family who would never be the bullies I had been running from. With time, I learned to be OK with my sexuality. I made peace with my abuse. And if someone said they didn’t like me because of being gay, I didn’t need them. Unfortunately, the same LGBTQ community has come up with its own breed of bullies. And people who should be able to take to community fora for respite and catharsis are often hounded because they aren’t their splitting images.

Pune is going to see its 7th Annual Pride Parade, with the parents, friends and relatives of queer people being the collective Grand Marshall. The message conveyed, as I interpret it, is the same as it has always been; LGBTQ people are like any other people. We’re professionals at work, neighbors in your town, co-passengers in your trains, and there is nothing odd about us loving someone of the same sex, or being of a different gender than what the midwife pronounced us. We don’t need to be assimilated, because we’re already in your midst, and our sexualities matter as much as yours out of bed. This is the argument against the draconian IPC Section 377 that I imagine Pune Pride has by effect been putting forward. But it doesn’t seem to sit right with several people in the community who have suddenly woken up to a political consciousness irked possibly by the fact that the organiser has barred political and religious slogans, and asked people to dress appropriately.

The same rules applied in 2016, and not a single whimper was heard from any corner of the community. It becomes important for us to ask where exactly this sudden discomfort is coming from. The insinuations that have followed the announcement of the rules with the tentative date come from a certain political vocabulary. Not aligning (much less visibly so) with the political opinion of these individuals is the sin that condemns someone who has been engaging with the grassroots for longer than most neophytes whose paltry list of contributions to the community’s well being is limited to coming out on social media. Someone who has contributed years of his life to educate people about LGBTQ issues, worked to win the community more allies and worked for the well being of transgenders is now being accused of promoting discrimination, and of all things, transphobia! This, while rumbling allegations of affiliation to the right wing. That’s the worst thing one can be in their eyes. Not a rapist, not a murderer, not a child abuser, but a non-leftist.

For a community proto-establishment that has previously whined about the same political consciousness post 2014, and in the same year has seen the very political Kanhaiya Kumar being present in the Delhi Pride, Pune’s Samapathik Trust stands as the outsider. It questions their established anti-establishmentarianism. And insinuations and buzzwords are all they can meet Pune Pride with, as well as those organising and supporting it.

Pune Pride needs to happen for two reasons. One, because it gives a platform to the assimilationist queer individual, be it the man who only wants to go home to his husband and eat some khichdi before plopping into bed, the woman who travels in the packed local to visit her ailing mother-in-law in the hospital while her wife goes home to have a bath and get some sleep, the transwoman who is hoping her presence in the flight home will not attract eyeballs and make her brother uncomfortable and defensive. Not everyone wants to be the centre of political attention, or have to make a point with their presence. At least not all the time. Pune Pride represents the vast swathe of queer individuals who want life to be ordinary. Who want their gender and sexuality to be immaterial to people around them.

Two, because there is far too much political polarisation in contemporary India. It is even more pronounced in the queer community. It is important that we remind ourselves about what commonly oppresses us all. Our enemy is filial rape. Our enemy is forced marriages. Our enemy is bullying in the school, family, workplace and social places. Our enemy is the sense of otherness we have been instilled with, that we are now attempting to recreate ourselves based on political, religious and economic affiliations and identities. Of course, these are not all the issues we face. But they are no less valid. And they’re salient enough to make a common subject of Prides across the nation. It is something a 13 year old needs to see to feel reassured.

The fate of Indian Judiciary: Social implications of Justice Karnan case


The case of justice Karnan has once again exposed the deep-rooted problems in Indian judiciary. I do not want to jump into the constitutional debate over his arrest order by apex court or orders issued by justice Karnan to the chief justice of India and the other six judges of the supreme court, rather I would like to make an analysis of this entire episode from a social point of view.

What could be the possible impacts of this entire fuss on the society? Would Indian judiciary be able to retain the faith of the society if controversies of such nature are allowed in future? In a country like India, where the judiciary entertains high respect in contrast to legislature and executive, would controversies of such kind would allow the Indian judiciary to keep intact, it’s respectable and pristine status? These are some very serious concerns coming out gradually with the development of such cases where the functioning of the judiciary has come under intense criticism.

The charges of corruption made by Justice Karnan are very serious in nature because it not only includes the retired judges of Supreme Court rather it also claims the sitting judges of various high courts and Supreme Court guilty and
corrupt. Judiciary in India is supposed to be the biggest crusader against practices of corruption and the court has proved it so many times through its verdicts, for example, 2G scam, Coal scam etc. But how long our courts can isolate themselves in the guard of some landmark judgments against corruption? Justice Karnan is not the only person making corruption charges against judges of various courts, Justice Markandey Katju a retired judge of Supreme Court has also been very critical and vocal about the same. He has reiterated this many times in different conferences and talks. These allegations cannot be treated as trivial charges because voices from the judiciary itself are emerging against prevailing corruption in the system.

This would not only create a trust deficit among people rather it would also make people more susceptible about the court judgments. Imagine a situation where an aggrieved person has lost his/her case and then he/she heard such kind of news where the concerned judge of the case himself has been alleged as corrupt from his fellow judge. Would he/she be in a position to accept the judgment with full respect and digest it as free from any error and prejudices? This poses a serious problem, not before the aggrieved party only, but for the nation as a whole.

The problems do not end here, along with charges of corruption Justice Karnan has also expressed his extreme discontent about being discriminated on the basis of his caste. This already has created an uproar in society. People mainly from the Dalit community are showing their displeasure and anger by changing their profile picture in solidarity with Karnan on different social platforms. Various students’ groups within and outside India have started a campaign in support of Justice Karnan through social media posts, articles, and discussion forums at different levels. Some scholars have gone to such an extent where they termed Indian judiciary as a “Brahmanical Judiciary”. They are now looking the judicial system dominated and influenced by caste hierarchy, where there is very little or no space for people of lower caste. They have some very serious question about a number of Dalit judges in the higher judiciary which is very few. This again raises a serious concern of faith and trust of people, especially from the lower section of society into the judiciary.

If we set aside the issue of justice Karnan for a moment, there have been many other instances where the image of the judiciary has come under serious threats. The way case of Salman Khan was dealt with our judicial system, it attracted a number of criticisms like “justice is only for rich and not for poor”. Many people decried this judgment, where the judgment of session court was rejected and Salman was acquitted within the same day. What about those people who are in prisons for a long time waiting for their case to appear before a judge and get justice? Is justice is only for those who can afford good lawyers? Be it the case of Kalikho Pul, Jaylalita or NJAC, the court has faced harsh criticism from a larger chunk of the population.

We have many other cases which are substantial to prove that somewhere down the line the image of our judiciary is tarnishing. This is not to place the judiciary in faulty line altogether, but these cases are ample to give an alarming bell for the judicial system because for a successful democracy to run an independent judiciary is imperative which is free from corruption, nepotism, caste discrimination etc. If our judicial system does not bring reforms sooner, the days are not far when it may face the lack of trust and authenticity in its pronounced judgments by the people at large. In order to restore the trust and faith of society, courts have to ensure that no such stains of corruption and nepotism are there on its wall. However, it would be wrong to hold responsible court solely for all problems.

The Court cannot increase the strength of judges because it is the prerogative of the government. The collective effort from both judiciary as well as government is the need of the hour to intact the structure of the judicial system of India. Democracy without fair judicial system can’t survive and therefore this problem should be prioritized without any further delay.

Find out what this Anti-Hindu Ecosystem is about, and how we can fight back


An Ecosystem for perpetuating one’s religion, ideology and target others. Hypocrisy and unfair targeting. Political patronage for last 70 years.

Now Let’s Further look at other crucial and equally different aspects.

Legal: RTE.

All the Private Hindu Schools or the Ancestral Inclined Schools you have a mandate to follow the rules of RTE, the rule becomes more draconian further as the said school or the institution has to further go ahead and procure the “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” and other extensions to fulfill the process and to adhere and abide by other norms to continue further.

On the Contrary that’s not the case when it comes to minority schools they can evade all, in fact RTE does not even apply in conditions, its just few very basic stipulations to the faculty and counselors etc.

NCMEI (National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions) is another gift given to them by the earlier establishments and comes very handy to them to sort the trivial issues if they have any, the majority community doesn’t even have a medium for their queries to be solicited effectively.


A consistent and a deliberate attempt to separate Dalits from Hinduism. Very recent Incidents like Una, Khairlanji in Maharashtra, and The Kopardi rape incident in Maharashtra have been used as to divide, derail and deride the unity of our community. A systematic strategy seen to keep them away, break the uniformity and continue to earn and fulfill the vested interests of some. As a matter of fact some of the places in India where the tribal have been showing in uniformity and they contain themselves proudly in Hinduism.

There have been attempts to portray and brainwash or sabotage their existing beliefs and turn them into non-believers. Evangelism has been done in a gigantic manner to transfigure the poor under the garb of money and employment. In cases of religious disturbance it’s quite evident. Somewhere to maintain the earlier status quo, to make the vintage old ecosystem happy the diabolic acts still continue and the verdicts are seen in a scarce way and envisaged in another way which sets a wrong precedent and changes the views of zillions on ground


Duplicity with regards to Animal slaughter, from Holi to Diwali, from Ganpati festival to Dahi Handi, From Shani-Shingnapur to Sabarimala from vintage old cultural and folk traditions To Jalikattu. Its explicitly and vividly seen by laymans on the ground and on virtual podium that the Bipartisan attitude is not followed and cases specific to a Hindu community should have been handled more diligently and when we see such episodes happen continuously with Hindu community it ends up hurting the sentiments and therefore leads to dissonance and perishing of faith. Perhaps if this continues the same way, masses will start losing faith in the strongest pillar of democracy and especially India being the world’s largest democracy, would send an extremely wrong message across the globe.

Another factor is the anti-superstition bill where it takes a direct dig or an area of reconciliation for Waris in Pandharpur and Alandi and other parts of Maharashtra. The Nagas and the Sadhus can’t practice their rituals which have been running for ages now (isn’t the right to preach disobeyed here?). Abhisheka and Snana’s are seen as waste of natural resources and so on and so forth. Whereas it’s completely shrugged off or prevaricated when it comes to others.

Kumbh Mela is seen as dirtying the waters and malpractice/annoyance to others.

When the Article 25 clearly states that all the religions have the right to practice their rituals and continue to celebrate them, either have a scrutiny for all or let all of them celebrate at the fullest.


An Attempt to tamper meddle and tinker the true history and embed the generations by generations with deceptions and fabricated syllabus to change the historical and geographical dynamics of the oldest civilization. The sovereign kings like Shivaji Maharaj were perpetually shown into a different image than what he was ideally. Stroking his Gurus in bad light also further claiming that such individuals never existed. Citing turning Rani Laxmibai as uncouth lady shading out her bravery for her nation. The same tampering further continues to make heroes out of Tyrannists like Tipu who barbarically butchered many to continue his dominion or monarchy. There were appeals in the court to convey and impose that things like RAM–SETU never happened and its nothing but a saga or myth.

Economic Angle:

Half of the Hindu society is engrossed in earning their daily 2 square meals and meeting other family commitments and otherwise and hence the prioritization or the emphasis is more on economic survival than revival of Dharma. Totally absorbed and enthralled in other binders makes them equally unobtainable for the auxiliary sentience of wakefulness. And in addition to that the slavery for years and the exploited victimhood came as an unfortunate blessing in disguise which gives others a dice on the board or like a sizzler on that platter to grumble. Language barriers and no retrospective communication amongst the huge lot is also a reason for further domination and leads to paying more brunt. Discerning amnesia and inadequate intelligentsia another big object for the system in shambles.

Controversial/domination angle:

A certain section of the society has made it a timely fashion to take a dig or make statements on Hindu deities and goddesses and apologize conveniently, rinse repeat and continue to contaminate the atmosphere and manipulate the minds of adolescent and simpletons. Huge influences, use of money muscle has been used as an operative tool to easily and conveniently come out of such pre meditated fiascos. Some make their modus-operandi very apparent by taking on the Hindu community to get perks, rise in TRP’s and bag contracts by showing Pseudo Secular Colours. It’s been seen that the forgiving attitude of us which makes them do it time again and route away easily. Recent example was eminent music composer Vishal Dadlani and entrepreneur Poonawala who take an unwarranted and unresearched diatribe at Jain Guru Tarun Sagarji.

External Factors:

Money power from the Gulf, part of Europe and foreign funding to NGOs and other small religious enterprises to destabilize the economy, unity and harmony of the state and the nation as well. A language of proxy war using our own assets created in India, manipulating the minds of youth in India and so on and so forth. Exactly going by the vintage old policy of the Brits of “Divide and Rule” and earn your bread and butter or reap malevolent fruits and change the prototype.

So now what needs to be done?

Step up, wake up and smell the coffee before it’s too late and cascading the message in whichever way possible.

Emptying the cup and filling it with real knowledge about our civilization history and substantiated facts. More social gatherings engaging youth, making them aware of our Virat culture, Sanatana Dharma. Revisiting and educating enmasse about extremely fruitful ancestral struggle and successful practices.

Celebrating all the festivals and traditions at the fullest in the holier method avoiding any fracas or distress to others.

Coordination between government, social organizations and social media and ground.

Similarly collectiveness across sensitizing and percolating and saving Dharma for further generations.

We are the oldest civilization that survived Islamic invasion and British oppression. But current attack is indirect, strategic, phased and extremely well planned and executed. Those without the visibility of the larger picture are unaware of the breaking India plan.

The Crux of the Story:

India cannot survive if Hindus are weak, divided and unaware. It is imperative for Hindus to stand up and shrug off the apologetic behaviour, righteousness and political correctness for the sake of survival.

Darwin’s theory of natural selection was for survival of animals. We perhaps need to expand it for religions, inculcate and imbibe the virtues for the revival of Hindu Dharma.

“Arise, Awake, and Stop Not Till the Goal Is Reached”
~ Swami Vivekananda

Anti-Nationals masquerading as journalists


Just a couple of days ago I went through an article which highlighted how Pakistan is trying to incite violence in our country using social media. But the situation seems more serious than what that article had suggested. Instead of using the social media or alternative media it seems that they have already spread their web in our main stream media using anti-nationals already present in the country.

When I talk about anti nationals I am not talking about the likes of Barkha Dutt’s but those anti nationals who are not popular but write articles which get shared on social media by our youth without being skeptical about the individual who wrote that article. Recently a couple of them exposed their real face by themselves on twitter & mind you they work for some huge organizations who are believed to be credible sources of information.

Yasin Malik, leader of JKLF assaulted India Today crew while they were covering a story related to the sting operation on Hurriyat which exposed their ties with Pakistan. There was a lot of outrage on twitter against Yasin Malik after the assault but JKLF chief had found a sympathizer that too a journalist working for DailyO whose parent company is also India Today. Samiya Latief works for Indian media but won’t attach the Indian tag on herself but prefers being called Kashmiri.

Burhan Wani’s successor Sabzar Bhat was killed by the Indian Army on the first day of Ramzan thus giving two reasons for India to celebrate. But a traitor who was masquerading as a journalist wasn’t happy about this & that person was Qadri Inzamam, who works as a sub-editor for IANS. On the day Sabzar Bhat was assassinated Qadri Inzamam tweeted, “He (Sabzar Bhat) sacrificed himself for me, you & our freedom. Remember him. #Kashmir”.  He has also expressed his biased views on other platforms which we and you can see on his CV. People like Qadri are more dangerous to our nation than the terrorist themselves. The terrorists are up front with their views but people like Qadri are more dangerous as they are trying to intellectually influence our youth with their propaganda.If you think why these anti nationals are being hired by news organization then I have the answer for you. You might have heard the expression that a mango does not fall away from the tree, likewise an anti-national inspires another anti national. There was a lot of outrage in the country when Mani Shankar Aiyar met Geelani but he was not alone but was accompanied by Vinod Sharma, Hindustan Times Political Editor. You can see him hugging Geelani like a long lost brother in the pic. But no news outlet informed the public about Vinod Sharma who holds such a key position in a news outlet which is still considered as credible by the common man. The entire system has become corrupt because of such people but can be countered by denying services from such people thus letting them die their natural course. The corrupt news organizations in US have seen a huge fall in their viewers due to their biased views. If this can happen in US then it can happen in India as well.

So from now on whenever you share an article on social media please remember to at least check who the writer of the article & is that person credible. The soldier’s duty is to protect our borders and in the same way it is our duty as responsible Indians to protect our country from getting hijacked by these anti-national elements.

Jai Hind.