Monday, October 28, 2024
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Clamping down on separatists


So, the messiahs of Aazadi, flag bearers of the right to pelt stones have once again exposed the amount of brutality & inhumanity they possess while they lynched an honest police personnel in Kashmir. What was the mistake of Mr. Ayub Pandit? His mistake was that he was honestly doing his work without falling to the sheer unemployed and under educated propagandists. His mistake was that he was providing security to the notorious terrorist who openly preaches war against India through hate filled sermons in the Kashmir valley. He brainwashes the locals, bulldozes the schools & colleges and place guns & stones in the hands of innocent children.

While this so-called political stakeholder of Kashmir talks about cessation from India but vividly enjoys the security cover, allowance & other benefits payed by the Indian Taxpayers. This travesty reminds me of the famous one liner delivered by Congress M.P. Shashi Tharoor in his famous oxford debate where he uttered and I quote,”We literally payed for our own oppression”. In the current context, we are literally paying for our own murder & instability. In India, sedition has always been a contentious law and many cartoonists, journalists, dissenters have been booked under the law. While I will not go into the merits of the charge slapped on these many people, one thing is for sure that one case where sedition should be and must be applied is in the current context where a crowd was instigated by someone and they killed the personnel who was merely doing his duty. This incitement was not against any private individual, it was against a public individual that represents the state and who is responsible for maintaining the law & order in a highly volatile zone. I don’t find any justification for the instigator to roam free after instigating such a horrendous violence against an individual.

The home ministry at the center must take serious cognizance of the matter so that such kind of brutality is not repeated in the valley. More importantly, the spoonful of terrorists masquerading as separatists must be booked under National Security Laws and should be imprisoned for life. Even if terrorists are killed by the armed forces, it will all go in vain if the ideology that incubates this sort of inhumane activity is allowed mobility in the society.

We, the Indian taxpayers, are not numb that we shall pay for the propaganda that seeks the dismembering of our own country. It is not about an ideology of left, right or centre but it is about We, The Nation. This nation is not the property of some politicians and intellectuals that they will allow this status-quo to continue. The status-quo has to change. The killing of soldiers and policemen in the valley should not become the “new normal”. Prime Minister should seriously consider banning the separatist groups and declaring it unlawful under the provisions of Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों के आगे घुटने टेकती मोदी सरकार

कश्मीर में पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों ने एक बार फिर अपनी दरिंदगी दिखाते हुए पुलिस के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी को निर्ममता से पीट पीट कर मार डाला है. खबर यह है क़ि जब यह पाकिस्तानी दरिंदे पकिस्तान के समर्थन में नारे लगा रहे थे, तो पुलिस का वरिष्ठ अधिकारी उनकी वीडियो बना रहा था. बस इसी बात से बौखलाकर इन आतंकवादियों ने अपने वहशीपन की सभी सीमायें लांघते हुए इस पुलिस अधिकारी को पीट पीट कर मार डाला. कश्मीर के लिए यह कोई नयी घटना नहीं है- यहां अक्सर सुरक्षा बल के सैनिक और पुलिस अधिकारी पाकिस्तान समर्थक कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों के हाथों लगभग हर रोज ही मौत के घाट उतार दिए जाते हैं और जम्मू-कश्मीर की सत्ता लोलुप निकम्मी सरकार वहशी दरिंदों के हाथों पुलिस और सेना के जवानो की इस हत्या पर चुप्पी लगाए बैठी रहती है.

प्रदेश सरकार और केंद्र में बैठी मोदी सरकार ने पाकिस्तान समर्थक कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों के प्रति जो कायरता पूर्ण रवैया अख्तियार किया हुआ है, उसके चलते नेताओं को छोड़कर कश्मीर में कोई भी देशभक्त व्यक्ति सुरक्षित नहीं है. नेता भी इसलिए जिन्दा घूम रहे हैं क्योंकि उन्हें जनता के खर्चे पर सरकारी सुरक्षा मिली हुयी है. अगर इन नेताओं से यह सुरक्षा वापस ले ली जाए तो इन कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों का पहला शिकार यह लोग खुद होंगे.

२०१४ में मोदी जी ने केंद्र सरकार में जैसे ही सत्ता संभाली थी, प्रकृति के अपने इन्साफ को आगे बढ़ाते हुए कश्मीर घाटी को एक भयंकर जलजले के हवाले कर दिया था, जिसमे सभी पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों की मौत लगभग तय मानी जा रही थी. लेकिन मोदी सरकार ने नेशनल डिसास्टर रिस्पांस फोर्स (NDRF) की टीमें कश्मीर भेजकर इन सभी पाकिस्तानी आतंकवादियों को बचा लिया. मोदी जी को यह लगा था क़ि जहरीले साँपों को मीठा दूध पिलाने से साँपों के जहर कम हो जाएगा और वे काटना बंद कर देंगे लेकिन ऐसा कुछ नहीं हुआ और जिन पाकिस्तान समर्थक कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों को NDRF, सेना और पुलिस बलों की टीमों ने अपनी जान पर खेलकर बचाया था, यह अहसानफरामोश दरिंदे अपने बचाने वालों को ही पीट पीट कर मार रहे हैं. प्रदेश और केंद्र की सरकार अपनी पूरी बेशर्मी के साथ यह तमाशा देख रही है और हाथ पर हाथ धरे बैठी हुयी है.

मोदी सरकार इन पाकिस्तान समर्थक कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों के नरसंहार के लिए सुरक्षा बालों को खुली छूट न देकर कब तक सैनिको और पुलिस वालों की हत्याओं का शर्मनाक तमाशा देखती रहेगी, देश की जनता यह सवाल पिछले तीन सालों से कर रही है, जिसका जबाब मोदी सरकार को अगले दो सालों में देना है. सरकार की इस घुटना टेको नीति और कायरता से इस देश की जनता अब ऊब चुकी है. कश्मीरी आतंकवादियों का तुरंत नरसंहार शुरू नहीं हुआ तो केंद्र में बैठी मोदी सरकार की उल्टी गिनती शुरू करने में भी जनता देर नहीं लगाएगी.

Will Rajinikanth’s entry into politics kill the Dravidian parties?

The political situation currently obtaining in Tamil Nadu is akin to a rudderless ship lost in a stormy sea. The splits in the ruling AIADMK, the naked power struggles among the feuding groups, the holding of MLAs at secret resorts, cancellation of the bypoll for the deceased chief minister’s constituency due to corruption, income tax raids on an incumbent state Chief Secretary and more – all have only made a laughing stock of the state.

With all the drama and breaking news going on, the governance of the state does not appear to be on the agenda for the ruling party leaders. The state had a 62% deficit in monsoon rainfall as of December 2016. Further, the shortfall in Cauvery water receipts in 2016 has adversely impacted samba crop. The state’s own revenue (SOR) has shown sluggish growth thanks to years of populist schemes and handouts. The current state budget (2017-18) has a 2.9% revenue deficit i.e. of almost Rs. 16,000 crores. The government seems blissfully oblivious of the looming economic uncertainty as they are busy fighting for their political survival.

After the passing away of Jayalalitha, under circumstances still shrouded in mystery, the state is largely on administrative paralysis. The cause for this paralysis is only partly due to the splintering of the ruling AIADMK. The real culprit is the larger political and administrative ecosystem that has atrophied over the decades. The slow grind of the state has been long in coming. It is in this context of the state’s uneasy economic outlook and political disarray that the entry of film star Rajinikanth assumes significance.

But a brief review of the Dravidian politics over the last few decades that has eaten into the vitals of the state, will throw light on how the future is likely to play out. Dravidian politics as we see today, is a brain child of the old British divide and rule policy and has been spreading venom for decades disguised as a political ideology in south India. Based on the flawed and scientifically discarded Aryan invasion theory, it sought to divide the people into Dravidians or natives and non-Dravidians for short-term electoral gains. Regional separatism, anti-Hindi movement, rationalist movement etc. were thrown in to buttress this bogus ideology.

The resulting cocktail was in essence an unadulterated anti-national and anti-Hindu manifesto whose sole purpose was to fracture the polity and keep the divisions alive. The regimes of that two main Dravidian parties – that proffered varying shades of the above bogus ideology – is a shameless narrative of corruption, deception, loot, extortion, illicit businesses, voter fraud and what have you. It was a complete web of dishonesty that masqueraded as political ideology, very much like the case in any other state in India.

The people who have long been desperately yearning for a genuine alternative, were only given a Hobson’s choice – choosing between the lesser of two evils. The obvious casualty, over the years, has been the governance of the state. As a consequence, Tamil Nadu is today punching way below its weight in many areas nationally – infrastructure, healthcare, agricultural, digitization, GSDP or for that matter any developmental metric.

The ruling AIADMK dispensation is a house divided against itself and it is only a matter of time before it collapses like a house of cards. At the other end, the leading opposition party – the DMK is also in its last innings as a political entity. The party veteran, Karunanidhi, is 94 years old and in extremely poor health and unable to keep the party united. After Karunanidhi, political pundits expect a potential three-way split – one faction led by Stalin, the other by Alagiri and the rest by his daughter Kanimozhi together with party loyalists who would have nowhere else to go.

Apart from the steady erosion of public support due to anti-incumbency, it appears that the clean sweep by the BJP in the national elections of 2014 seems to have added to their discomfiture. The massive mandate in favor of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh is also a frightening development for the Dravidian parties since they know that the BJP is at their door steps.

But for the BJP, Fort St George in Chennai is still some distance away. It may have to wait its turn to run the state. For a safe entry, they have to tag along with a charismatic leader who is blessed with a mass appeal who can open the doors for them. Hence it makes perfect political sense for the BJP to align with Rajinikanth, at least for the time being or until he formally joins them.

Despite the shrill noises and entry barriers erected by the entrenched parties, Rajinikanth’s entry into politics has been widely welcomed. Many view it as probably the best thing that has happened to the state politics in decades.

However, Rajinikanth too will not have an easy path to the Chief Minister’s office. No doubt, in the current political conditions, he is a very charismatic leader who commands the biggest chunk of followers – hence votes – and could potentially emerge as the leader of the single largest party. But he has the onerous task of outwitting the entrenched political rivals. This could be a major challenge.

But therein lies the opportunity for the BJP to step in and assist Rajinikanth, at least in the initial days of its long war to win the rights to rule Tamil Nadu. A formal alliance between Rajinikanth and BJP could hold the secret recipe for winning the election. Indications are that either Rajinikanth will join the BJP or form a party that will firmly align with the BJP. The latter seems most probable. However, a lot will depend on how the BJP and Rajinikanth succeed in putting up a good partnership.

A change definitely seems in the offing, but only after the Presidential elections. The central government will probably give some more time for the rudderless AIADMK to make a complete fool of themselves and earn the fullest disgust of the people. President’s rule in Tamil Nadu will be imposed most likely a few months after electing the new President of India.

Decimation of the Dravidian parties appears certain and may be just around the corner. But the urgent need of the hour is the rebuilding of the state’s economy, particularly the agricultural sector. A huge challenge awaits the new Chief Minister. Rajinikanth will have the opportunity to transform and rebuild a new and resurgent TamilNadu.

“Nehru Conspiracy” & Dr. Mookerjee’s death


Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee’s death which falls on Friday (June 23, 1953), and which Atal Bihari Vajpayee termed as “Nehru Conspiracy” was as turbulent as his heroic life.

The founder of Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS), the precursor to Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Dr. Mookerjee had been arrested and kept without medical care in degrading conditions for over a month in Srinagar in May-June 1953  by the Sheikh Abdullah’s J & K government,

Despite his known heart condition which the rarefied air of Kashmir didn’t help, Dr. Mookerjee was finally offered the care of a hospital just a couple of days before his death—shifted in a small jeep instead of an ambulance and was kept in a gynecology ward, according to present BJP president Amit Shah- and administered penicillin injection despite his protestations that he was allergic to it, as BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra asserted in a TV show, citing evidence of an eyewitness.

Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru refused to entertain a written appeal of Dr. Mookerjee’s mother for an impartial inquiry as she believed her son’s death was a murder as the family members hadn’t been allowed to meet him during his long confinement—nor his two companions allowed to visit him—apparently illegal for it was done without a formal, legal trial.

Dr. Mookerjee had decided to take on the prevailing political situation in Kashmir where the state not only had its own constitution, it’s own flag but even it’s own Prime Minister (Sheikh Abdullah) whose permission was necessary for other citizens of the country to enter the state! Dr. Mookerjee’s war-cry that “Ek Desh Mein Do Vidhan, Do Pradhan aur Do Nishan Nahin Chalenge” (One nation can’t have two constitutions, two Prime Ministers and two Flags) would resonate for decades to come.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the future Prime Minister, who had partly accompanied Dr. Mookerjee in that fatal march to Srinagar as a journalist, insisted it was a conspiracy to let Dr. Mookerjee enter Srinagar so as he could then be incarcerated and dealt with severely. As Vajpayee was to recall: “Later, we came to know that J & K government and Nehru government had entered into a conspiracy, as per which it was decided that Dr. Mookerjee would be allowed to enter J & K but not be allowed to leave.”

Dr. M.S. Gowalkar, chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in Nagpur, in a premonitory caution, had warned Dr. Mookerjee that he was putting his life to risk.

The academicians and historians over the years have provided several clues to Nehru’s antipathy towards Dr. Mookerjee who was his colleague in independent India’s first cabinet as industry minister not long ago.

However, three years into his job as a Union minister, Dr. Mookherjee had resigned on April 8, 1950 against the Nehru-Liaqat Pact. In Indologist Dr. Koenraad Elst’s words, the Pact was an “unequal treaty in which Nehru promised Pakistani Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan not to interfere in the treatment of the minority Hindus across the border, even while the latter were suffering large-scale atrocities in East Bengal.” The Indian part of the Pact didn’t hold water as a stable communal cease-fire had descended on India after the day of Gandhi’s murder.

Dr. Mookerjee was often at crossroads with Indian National Congress (INC) during the Freedom Struggle, including Quit India Movement (1942), which he didn’t support along with the Hindu Mahasabha of which he was a part.

Critics cite it as proof of Dr. Mookerjee and Hindu Mahasabha’s corrosive role in India’s freedom struggle. However a contrary view is that Hindu Mahasabha suspected Congress to have a “Muslim-appeasement policy” with no regard to the concern and well-being of the Hindus. They believed Quit India Movement was no better than a vent to let out the frustrations of Indians and was as phoney as the “non-cooperation” and “civil disobedience” movement. None of these achieved their objectives and were fake movements.

Dr. Mookerjee’s role in the partition of Bengal into West Bengal and East Pakistan is glorious beyond words. When the Muslim League government of Bengal in 1946 had butchered and raped minority Hindus by several thousands during the “Great Calcutta Killings” and “Noakhali Riots” of a genocidal nature, Mookherjee had championed the cause of Bengal partition so as Hindus could be safe in West Bengal rather than be subjected to genocide in East Pakistan. The Bengal Muslim League and its leader Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy had earlier sought to create an un-partitioned, an independent Bengal state—which won’t be part of either India or Pakistan! Suhrawardy was conscious that with its coal mines and jute mills, as well as Calcutta and its mighty port, would all go to Hindu-majority West Bengal.

The calamity of great Bengal famine of 1943 which cost 38 lakh lives also saw Dr. Mookerjee at his best. He led the Relief Coordination Committee which set up 5000 relief kitchens for famine-stricken people. He had then hit out at Food Minister of Bengal, Suharawardy, and his business friend Ispahani, with these words: “Bengal has not seen greater acts of official crime in its long history.”

Dr. Mookerjee, born on July 6, 1901, was also an illustrious scholar and became vice-chancellor of Calcutta University at the age of 33, like his father Ashutosh Mookerjee once was. Dr. Mookerjee was part of Congress and a member of the Bengal legislative assembly in 20s and 30s. Disillusioned by Congress and its policies against Hindus, he had joined the Hindu Mahasabha in 1939.

Dr. Mookerjee’s speech at Banaras Hindu University in 1940 is still relevant today:

“If I have understood the history of my country alright, a pacifism that refuses to take up arms against injustice and makes one a passive spectator of oppression and aggression, does not represent the real teaching of India…

“Disruptive forces are at work within the country itself…A divided India was always a prey to the foreign invader from the days of Alexander and Mahmud of Ghazni to those of Vasco de Gama, Dupleix and Clive.

“There is much disharmony and disunity in India today. Communal differences have taken such an acute turn that fanatic claims for the vivisection of our Motherland are widely asserted.”

These words ring a bell even today.

आम जनता से वसूले गए टैक्स पर हो रही है नेताओं की मौज

समय समय पर सरकार, सरकार के मंत्री और सरकारी विज्ञापन जनता को यह नसीहत देते नज़र आते हैं कि लोग अपने हिस्से का टैक्स जमा करते रहें. “पर उपदेश कुशल बहुतेरे” की तर्ज़ पर दी गयी इस नसीहत के पीछे सरकार का तर्क यह होता है कि इस टैक्स के रूप में वसूली हुई रकम से ही सरकार और सरकार की योजनाएं चलती हैं. जहां एक तरफ सरकार देश की आम जनता से टैक्स वसूली पर जरूरत से ज्यादा जोर देती दिख रही है, वहीं खुद राजनेता बिना कोई टैक्स दिए किस तरह से जनता से वसूले गए टैक्स पर मौज काट रहे हैं, उसे देख-सुनकर आप हैरान हो जाएंगे.

भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और अफसरों ने देश के टैक्स कानून इस तरह से बनाये हुए हैं, कि मध्यम वर्ग जनता और व्यापारी हमेशा टैक्स की मार झेलते रहें और भ्रष्ट नेताओं और अफसरों की हमेशा ही मौज लगी रहे. आइए देखे नेताओं और अफसरों द्वारा रची गयी इस साज़िश को कानूनी रूप देकर किस तरह से जनता को लगातार लूटा जा रहा है:

[१] आयकर कानून की धारा १०(१) के तहत कृषि से होने वाली आमदनी को पूरी तरह से आयकर कानून के दायरे से बाहर रखा गया है. सरकार दिखावा यह करती है कि वह किसानों की हितैषी है और किसानों को आयकर के दायरे से बाहर रखना चाहती है. लेकिन हकीकत इसके बिलकुल विपरीत है. देश की ज्यादातर कृषि भूमि पर भ्रष्ट नेताओं और अफसरों ने कब्जा किया हुआ है और वे सब के सब “नकली किसान” बनकर अपने सारे काले धन को “कृषि से होने वाली आमदनी ” दिखाकर उसे सफ़ेद धन बनाने में पिछले ७० सालों से लगे हुए हैं. कृषि से होने वाली आमदनी को आयकर के दायरे से बाहर रखने की सिर्फ यही वजह है, और कोई नहीं.

[२] आयकर कानून की धारा 10(13A ) के तहत सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियों को मिलने वाले सभी तरह के चंदे और सभी तरह की आमदनी पूरी तरह से आयकर के दायरे से बाहर रखी गयी है.

[३] आयकर कानून की धारा १०(१७) के तहत सभी विधायकों और संसद सदस्यों को मिलने वाले भत्तों को भी पूरी तरह आयकर के दायरे से बाहर रखा गया है.

गौर करने वाली बात यह है कि जिस आमदनी पर ऊंची दरों पर आयकर लगना चाहिए, उसे तो पूरी तरह से आयकर के दायरे से बाहर कर दिया गया है और जिस मध्यम वर्ग जनता को टैक्स में राहत मिलनी चाहिए, उसके पीछे सरकार और सरकार के अधिकारी हाथ धोकर पीछे पड़े हुए हैं. सरकार आज की तारीख में जिस तरह से इनकम टैक्स मध्यम वर्गीय जनता और व्यापारियों से वसूल रही है, अगर उसी तरह से टैक्स की वसूली नेताओं और अफसरों से भी करनी शुरू कर दे तो टैक्स से होने वाली सरकारी आमदनी में लगभग दस गुना इज़ाफ़ा हो सकता है.

पर सबसे बड़ा सवाल यह है कि भ्रष्ट नेताओं और अफसरों का यह जो गठजोड़ इस देश में पिछले ७० सालों से चल रहा है, क्या वह कभी ऐसा होने देगा? सभी राजनीतिक पार्टियां और उनके नेता इस लूट पर पिछले ७० सालों से पूरी तरह खामोश हैं और सब इस बात पर सहमत लगते हैं कि यह लूट आगे भी चलती रहनी चाहिए. काले धन को ख़त्म करने पर ज़ुबानी जमा खर्च करने वाली सरकारें ,आयकर कानून से क्या उन धाराओं को हटाने का साहस कभी कर पाएंगी, जिनकी वजह से देश में सबसे अधिक काला धन पैदा हो रहा है ? अभी तक तो मोदी सरकार ने भी इस दिशा में कोई कदम नहीं उठाया है.

(लेखक चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट हैं और टैक्स मामलों के एक्सपर्ट हैं.)

Identity in crisis


This is something which has been playing on my mind for a while now, after observing a general pattern of political discourse mainly on the Indian Social Media, blogs or forums. There are groups of people who are finding it difficult to wholeheartedly identify with the nation they live in, or they want to see it from the eyes of a particular social group only. Examples of such crisis are some Kashmiri, few Naga tribes in the East, and some vile communists have recently been observed calling for “DravidaNadu” a new non-existent identity they want to forge! Then, ever since the partition, there is this perpetual tension with the country’s largest minority of Muslims (who by the way comprise a very diverse set of people, and are not a monolith as imagined).

There is also the whole other dimension of caste, out of which the Dalit & tribal cause is the most noteworthy one. There are some very radical Dalit outfits, who can be found demanding land as per the population percentage, but it would be wrong to club Dalits here as most of their demands are for social affirmation, and not a problem of identity or belonging.

These sorts of cranky but isolated voices are not uncommon though and are present in most of the world, in different forms, so there is no need to excessively obsess about them. They feed more on attention. In a curious case, a group of farmers/militants in the state of Oregon in US, wanted freedom from the federal government last year, and made a final stand against the government! (Read about the short lived revolt here)

But, where is this sense of not belonging, not identifying with the larger Indian identity arising from? Why is it that even today, there are elements among India’s Muslims, no matter how minuscule, who burst crackers on the country’s defeat in a cricket match against Pakistan? Some of it can be blamed on history, more so on the way colonial designs played out in the nation’s past. Even more can be blamed on the failures of the successive governments since Independence, of not addressing any of the underlying social faults effectively; in fact some of them can be accused of doing more harm to it by their collective omissions and lies, ably assisted by the elitist intellectual cabal of India.

If you really go to the depth of it, it’s all about building a narrative that suits you. A fragmented image of India suits the narrative of the left, they need victims to thrive – to show all those oodles of empathy, the saviors, and blind you with their blazing righteousness. So, they are constantly in search for newer and more exotic victims. I call it left’s victimphila, and this is true across the world. That hyping every incident for petty politics leads to exceeding alienation among these very weaker sections of society is of no concern to them.

It also suits agenda of certain socio-religious groups, like the increasing foreign funding for evangelical missionary work among the Dalits for a better “soul harvest”, which can work well if you instill some level of perceived hatred against another group; it is rarely a spiritual transformation that they aim for. Ultimately, all of these created perceptions and highlighted divisions are played upon by the left to gain sympathy and power, and implement their own agenda, an “Idea” of India, which for them is a paper concept as defined by them. On the face of it, leftism was about demolishing all traditional identities, and create one classless, non-sectarian identity, but in practice, it only leads to creation of more & more alienated groups. Many of these fault lines, and the role of agenda driven organisations in their exacerbation have been covered in the book Breaking India by Rajiv Malhotra.

Now, what narrative does the Right have to make it all work? Their case is simpler. They make the argument that culturally, there is a common base from which the entire Indian Civilization has arose. Genetics has already proved that most Indians have native ancestry, for many thousand years. This includes all of the minority population as well. Even going by the Aryan “Conspiracy” theory (final nail would be the Rakhigarhi ancient DNA), for the sake of argument, 4000 years is a good enough time to mix up and establish nativity. Up until 2500 years ago, humans on British Isles were just hunting and gathering!

So, secondary to the personal faith or the choice of “God” and the way of worship, or the regional biases of language and ethnicity or caste, is the identity as a citizen of this nation, which for Indian nationalists is a living civilization, metaphorically like a mother, on whose lap we learnt our languages, honed our culinary skills, and formed most of our customs. They see this shared heritage as the ultimate identifier & their goal is to downplay any sub-identities, and make people feel part of that larger continuing story, with small role of everyone that went into it’s making. They tend to prefer icons who stood for defending native traditions. This whole concept has been, not suavely enough for many, encapsulated in the concept of Hindutva. How much of this degenerates into extreme traditionalism is a thing to watch out for.

And then this interminable tussle between the two goes on, and actually works against each other all the time, like the yin and the yang. This also leads to a constant tension in the society, which hampers the whole nation’s happiness quotient. If I be truly idealistic and philosophical, I’d say that even nationalities and any sub-identities don’t matter in front of equality of man. That’s the ultimate ideal, that every life is equal, but that would be too much of a dreamworld! It’s for the people to decide on what do they see themselves as, and the best course for this ship of the sovereign Republic they’re sailing.

Jammu Kashmir: Victim of misinformation and lack of information


The problem of Jammu and Kashmir is the result of spreading of selective information, or in more precise words presenting the manipulated information, so that it will keep the majority in dark and benefit a few. The problem is not only of misinformation but it is a clear case of backstabbing that has been perpetuated by few disgruntled people to meet their own myopic ambitions. Specially, Kashmir, which is called ‘the heaven on earth’, has been marred by the continuous struggle, which has been manifested sometimes in the form of arms struggle or, as presently, stone-pelting.

The venom against the secular and democratic country i.e. India, of which J&K is a part, has been instilled among the youth of the valley because of which they despise their own country. The dubious Azadi slogan is raised in the valley to instill fear and anger against India. It is essential to mention here that Jammu and Kashmir has been an integral part of India. Even before India’s independence the state was very much part of India and culturally and historically quite significant for it. The entire Bharat, inclusive of today’s Pakistan, was governed by Britishers with 65% of Bharat was directly ruled by Britishers and the remaining 35% was the princely state, which were under the treaties with the British, and J&K was one such princely state at that time. It is important to mention here that the concept of British India and princely states were administrative mechanisms and both were under the administrative control of Britishers.

At the time of independence, British India was partitioned into two dominions, viz. India and Pakistan, due to certain people, belonging to one religion, bent upon creating two nations on communal lines. Since, there was no provision of remaining independent as per Indian Independence Act, the princely states had only option was to choose either of the two dominions, through the instrument of accession. It was a standard instrument of accession that was used in the case of J&K, like any other princely state.

It was on 26 October, 1947 that the instrument of accession was signed by Maharaja Hari Singh, the then Maharaja of the State. On 27th October, 1947 Mountbatten, the then Governor General of India, signified the IOA and J&K became legally a part of India. The State of J&K was spread in a geographical area of 2,22,236 sq. km. at the time of independence. Now, a major portion of this state has been illegally occupied by Pakistan and China. The state is strategically important as it shares boundaries with Tajikistan, China, Afghanistan and Tibet. It has been traditionally a vital route for commercial activities and it was used in spreading our culture in Asia and Europe.

The country India is renowned for her unique features in the form of land, flora and fauna, and also people following the divergent religious faith.  It has 29 states and 7 union territories that have been inhabited by the people of different religious beliefs and practices. Some of these states are rich in terms of natural landscapes and other tourist and religious destinations. One such state is Jammu & Kashmir, which is famous for its mesmerizing natural beauty. Apart from this, the state is also blessed with a number of holy shrines in Jammu and the Buddhist monasteries of Ladakh. Vaishno Devi and Amarnath are two most revered religious places that observe the influx of Lakhs of Hindus every year. Also, Gulmarg, in Kashmir is famous for its mountainous beauty and ski resort. It is the summer capital of the state whereas Jammu is the winter capital of the state. The entire state is so fascinating that a lot many people may wish to visit the state again and again.

This beautiful state was the princely state, which acceded to India, after independence, through a legal instrument. At present, some parts of the state have been illegally usurped by Pakistan and China. The state is historically, geographically and culturally important for India. I think it is important to understand the historical facts of this state to understand the wrongs that had happened and how they are being misused by certain miscreants, who are spoiling the beauty of this state and its people.

After accession of J&K to India, Sheikh Abdullah, the then Prime Minister of J&K anointed by Maharaja Hari Singh to administer the affairs of the state, backstabbed him. He was a political opportunist who wanted to keep the state of affairs into his own hands. He wanted to dethrone the Maharaja and was succeeded in getting the things done the way he wanted to do. It is unfortunate that Maharaja Hari Singh was to be credited to include J&K with Bharat yet due credit has not been given to him for it.

It is also unfortunate that the wishes of Sheikh Abdullah, who had spread the venom against India, were accepted by our then Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. He accepted many unconstitutional things through Nehru-Sheikh accord in 1952. A few of these things were election of governor in the state rather president of India appointing him, prime minister and governor of the state would be called Wazir-e-Azam and Sadr-e-Riyasat, J&K will have separate flag than India, Supreme Court of India will not have jurisdiction in the state, no Indian IAS and IPS for the state etc. which clearly manifest the appeasement policy being adopted by Nehru.

Also, Article 370 was a temporary provision and the constituent assembly debated it as draft Article 306 A. Article 370, is one of the controversial and mostly misused constitutional provision in the Indian history. The provision of 370 was included in Indian constitution as a temporary provision yet even today this Article is there in the constitution. Even today, the issue has been unresolved due to past mishandling and submission to the wishes of only one man.

Though the said Article itself reads as “Temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu and Kashmir” yet it is quite unfortunate that the State constituent assembly got dissolved without abrogating this controversial provision. It is also unfortunate that the democracy is being compromised since India’s independence. The secular fabric, that has been an integral feature of the country, has been severely affected by not timely abrogating the temporary constitutional provision. This provision has not only affecting the development of the state but also keeping the innocent Kashmiris in limbo.

Presently, 1,01,387 sq. kms of geographical area of Jammu & Kashmir is administered by India, which is comprised of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladak regions. Out of these three regions Ladak is one of the biggest among them, and it is a Buddhist majority region, but having only one Lok Sabha seat and four state assembly seats. Jammu on the other hand, is the second largest region, and it is a Hindu majority region, having a total number of 37 state assembly seats and two Lok Sabha seats. Lastly, Kashmir, the smallest region, and has Muslim majority population, yet it has a total number of 46 state assembly seats and 3 Lok sabha seats. It is unfortunate that the fate of the entire state is decided by only a few handful ill-minded people. The appeasement policy that has been adopted by the then central government can be gauged from the fact the centre of power was kept with two families only.

It is the irony that Pakistan has been found on religious lines and illegally occupied the part of J&K, and it wants to divide India on communal lines again. Also to meet its vicious agenda, it actively supports the separatists in the valley. It is also a known fact that there are certain groups, which are sympathetic to Pakistan and wanted the integration of Kashmir with it. It is important to understand that the entire Kashmir valley is not a problematic area but only five districts i.e. Srinagar, Baramulla, Anantnag, Shopian, and Pulwama are problematic. Also, not the entire population is anti-India but a few handful people, who instigate the otherwise innocent people of the valley.

These people receive funds from Pakistan. It is quite unfortunate to see that the separatists do not engage their own children or their kins into the separation agenda and the innocent people are used as expendables. Such things are clear as various videos (sting operations) are in public domain. They lure the innocent Kashmiris to support their (separatists) vicious ambitions. It is quite unfortunate that the state that has legally acceded to India, through a legal instrument, is still a matter of debate and a few people with vested interest are trying to make it an issue for debate.

The Azadi hypocrites, whether in Kashmir or in any other part of India, are bent upon provoking the youth. And if someone understands their tricks and follow the developmental path, he/ she will be brutally murdered the way Lt. Ummer Fayaz, a resident of Kulgam, was murdered. But the time has been changing and the youth of Kashmir are coming out of the clutches of the traitors. We only need to have a dialogue with Kashmiri youth to correct their misconceptions about history and the present situation.

आहार से उपजे विचार ही शिशु के व्यक्तित्व को बनाते हैं

भारत सरकार के आयुष मन्त्रालय द्वारा हाल ही में गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए कुछ सुझाव दिए गए हैं जिसमें कहा गया है कि गर्भावस्था के दौरान गर्भवती महिलाओं को माँस के सेवन एवं सेक्स से दूर रहना चाहिए।

इस विषय पर जब आधुनिक विज्ञान के डाक्टरों से उनके विचार माँगे गए तो उनका कहना था कि गर्भावस्था में महिला अपनी उसी दिनचर्या के अनुरूप जीवन जी सकती है जिसका पालन वह गर्भावस्था से पूर्व करती आ रही थी। अगर शारीरिक रूप से वह स्वस्थ है तो गर्भावस्था उसके जीवन जीने में कोई पाबंदी या बंदिशें लेकर नहीं आती।

आधुनिक चिकित्सा विज्ञान की सबसे बड़ी समस्या यह ही है कि वह इस मानव शरीर के केवल भौतिक स्वरूप को ही स्वीकार करता है और इसी कारण चिकित्सा भी केवल भौतिक शरीर की ही करता है।

जबकि भारतीय चिकित्सा पद्धति ही नहीं भारतीय दर्शन में भी मानव शरीर उसके भौतिक स्वरूप से कहीं बढ़कर है। जहाँ आधुनिक चिकित्सा विज्ञान में स्वास्थ्य की कोई निश्चित परिभाषा नहीं है, वह रोग के आभाव को ही स्वास्थ्य मानता है उसके अनुसार स्वस्थ व्यक्ति वह है जिसके शरीर में बीमारियों का आभाव है और शायद इसीलिए अभी भी ऐसे अनेक प्रश्न हैं जिनके उत्तर वैज्ञानिक आज तक खोज रहे हैं।

लेकिन भारतीय चिकित्सा पद्धति की अगर बात करें तो आयुर्वेद में स्वास्थ्य के विषय में कहा गया है,
समदोषा: समाग्निश्च समधातु मलक्रिय:।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमन: स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते।।
अर्थात जिस मनुष्य के शरीर में सभी दोष अग्नि धातु मल एवं शारीरिक क्रियाएँ समान रूप से संचालित हों तथा उसकी आत्मा शरीर तथा मन प्रसन्नचित्त हों इस स्थिति को स्वास्थ्य कहते हैं और ऐसा मनुष्य स्वस्थ कहलाता है।

1948 में विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन ने भी स्वास्थ्य या आरोग्य की परिभाषा देते हुए कहा है कि, “दैहिक, मानसिक और सामाजिक रूप से पूर्णतः स्वस्थ होना ही स्वास्थ्य है”। कुल मिलाकर सार यह है कि मानव शरीर केवल एक भौतिक देह नहीं है वह उससे बढ़कर बहुत कुछ है क्योंकि आत्मा और मन के अभाव में इस शरीर को शव कहा जाता है।

और जब एक स्त्री शरीर में नवजीवन का अंकुर फूटता है तो माँ और बच्चे का संबंध केवल शारीरिक नहीं होता।

आज विभिन्न अनुसंधानों के द्वारा यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि हम जो भोजन करते हैं उससे हम न सिर्फ शारीरिक पोषण प्राप्त करते हैं अपितु हमारे विचारों को भी खुराक इसी भोजन से मिलती है। जैसा आहार हम ग्रहण करते हैं वैसा ही व्यक्तित्व हमारा बनता है। इसलिए चूँकि गर्भावस्था के दौरान शिशु माता के ही द्वारा पोषित होता है जो भोजन माँ खाएगी शिशु के व्यक्तित्व एवं विचार उसी भोजन के अनुरूप हो होंगे

इसी संदर्भ में महाभारत का एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रसंग का उल्लेख यहाँ उचित होगा कि किस प्रकार महाभारत में अभिमन्यु को चक्रव्यूह के भीतर जाने का रास्ता तो पता था लेकिन बाहर निकलने का नहीं क्योंकि जब अर्जुन सुभद्रा को चक्व्यूह की रचना और उसे भेदने की कला समझा रहे थे तो वे अन्त में सो गई थीं।

इसलिए माँ गर्भावस्था के दौरान कैसा आहार विहार रखती है कौन सा साहित्य पढ़ती है या फिर किस प्रकार के विचार एवं आचरण रखती है वो शिशु के ऊपर निश्चित ही प्रभाव डालते हैं।

जिस प्रकार माता पिता के रूप और गुण बालक में जीन्स के द्वारा पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी स्थानांतरित होते हैं उसी प्रकार गर्भावस्था में माँ का आहार विहार भी शिशु के व्यक्तित्व विकास में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देते हैं। प्रकृती में भी किसी बीज के अंकुरित होने में मिट्टी में पाए जाने वाले पोषक तत्वों एवं जलवायु की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है। इसलिए गर्भावस्था किसी महिला के लिए कोई पाबंदी या बंदिशें बेशक लेकर नहीं आती।

हाँ लेकिन (अगर वह समझें तो) एक अवसर और जिम्मेदारी निश्चित रूप से लेकर आती है कि अपने भीतर पोषित होने वाले जीव के व्यक्तित्व निर्माण में अपनी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका और उसकी गंभीरता को समझें। क्योंकि यह जीव जब इस दुनिया में प्रवेश करेगा तो न सिर्फ उसके जीवन का अपितु उस समाज का, इस देश का भी हिस्सा बनेगा।

भरत को एक ऐसा वीर बालक बनाने में जिसके नाम से इस देश को नाम मिला उनकी माँ शकुन्तला का ही योगदान था। शिवाजी की वीर छत्रपति शिवाजी बनाने वाली जीजाबाई ही थीं।

तो ईश्वर ने स्त्री को सृजन करने की शक्ति केवल एक शिशु के भौतिक शरीर की नहीं उसके व्यक्तित्व के सृजन की भी दी है। आवश्यकता स्त्री को अपनी शक्ति पहचानने की है।

How Express “curated’” Roy’s tweet


Indian Express could barely suppress its glee and smirk when today it front-paged a tweet by Tripura Governor Tathagata Roy which stated that “Hindu-Muslim problem won’t be solved without a Civil War.” (see the image below).

The front-page story was neatly curated. The report omitted that Roy had mentioned “The Great Calcutta Killings’ of August 1946 and the “Noakhali Hindu Genocide” of October 1946 as a backgrounder to the tweeted quote.

What Express needed to do was to dwell on these two tragic incidents of pre-Independent India and not take the tweets out of context.

About “The Great Calcutta Killings” it would’ve surely found out in Wikipedia that the call for “Direct Action Day” on August 16, 1946 in Kolkata by the Muslim League, in order to secure partition, “resulted in 4,000 dead within 72 hours in Calcutta.”

That the “Noakhali Hindu Genocide” began on October 10, 1946 and left “more than 5,000 Hindus killed.” Further, “Hundreds of Hindu women were raped and thousands of Hindu men and women were forcibly converted to Islam.” That Hindus were forced to pay subscriptions to the Muslim League and Jiziyah, the protection tax paid by Dhimmis in an Islamic state.”

It would’ve prevented Express from appearing sensationalist and mischievous if it had informed the readers that Hindus were in a minority in Bengal in 1946 which was then being run by the Muslim League. But perhaps to put out these facts would have hurt the agenda of making Roy appear as one seeking a Civil War between Hindus and Muslims in the country.

Roy ostensibly had tweeted in relation to the incendiary situation in Bengal where violence against Hindus has often been reported in recent times, including attacks when the community celebrates its major festivals such as Durga Puja. Muslims receive a preferential treatment. The incidents in Darjeeling has further stoked fires. Such tweets from a son of the soil that Roy is, reflects his anguish. Instead of projecting him as an extremist, it was worthy to analyse why a distinguished scholar of Roy’s stature, if not a celebrated engineer, had chosen to tweet so.

Even in relation to Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookherjee, Express could’ve found out that all he wanted was to stop a repeat of these violent acts against Hindus and ensure that Bengal was partitioned so that the two communities could live in their own spheres without bloodshed. His ceaseless effort finally led to the creation of East Pakistan and West Bengal.  Mookherjee had sought the Bengal partition to avoid the “Civil War” which had looked a reality in those dark days of 1946.

News reports such as these could incite communal violence and  endanger the lives of millions, if not outright break-up of India. It’s time the Press Council of India, if not the laws of the land, take a definitive stand on this mischief and call off this dangerous game. To stoke the fear of one community and project another as seeking violence through their leaders, all on the basis of “curated” tweets, is criminal and seditious.

And when the accusation of “muzzling the freedom of Press in India” comes in the wake of a punitive action, it ought to be a badge of honour shared by all conscientious citizens of this country.

Presidential candidate Ramnath Kovind announcement triggers media meltdown


Just the way “Why did Kattappa killed Bahubali” was catching nation’s interest; “Who will be next president” was much speculated in last few months. There were many names floated including Mohan Bhagwat, Sushma Swaraj, Venkiah Naidu, Rajaneekant, Draupadi Murmu, M S Swaminathan, TV Mohan Pai, Sudha Murthy, etc. Each one of them have excelled in their selected field and have managed to carve themselves high regard in public life. However BJP choose Ramnath Kovind as presidential candidate.

My first thought was who is Ramnath Kovind? He is 71-year-old leader from BJP. Born on October 1, 1945 in Kanpur, UP.  He has commerce & law degree from Kanpur university. Practiced law in high court & supreme court. He was also PS to ex-prime minister Morarjee Desai, Rajya sabha member from 1994 for 12 years. He has also represented India in United nations.  Served several boards including IIM, Kolkatta. He belongs to Dalit community, he was president of BJP Dalit Morcha 1998 -2002. On Aug 2015 he was appointed as governor of Bihar.

Now let’s look at what is the eligibility criteria for president post in India? Article 58 of the Indian Constitution says that the presidential candidate must:

  • Be a citizen of India.
  • Have completed the age of thirty-five years.
  • Be qualified for elections as a member of the Lok Sabha.
  • Not hold any office of profit under the Union or any State government, or any local or other authority.

On above note, Ramnath candidature seems fairly well. Lets look at media reaction. Few prominent journalists were giving their first reaction, in the hurry they compared Ramnathan Kovind to Pratibha Patil! Agree both weren’t famous but media people are conveniently forgetting Mrs Patil’s alleged corruption case. On the contrary there was nothing to pin point against Mr. Ramanathan. There is no discussion on merit of his nomination. Just sledging in the name of freedom of expression.

Media picks only Dalit card to dismiss the BJP nomination. Where is research to go beyond obvious? Rather than creating conductive environment around president election they are in feeding their biases through the media. But as expected once again mainstream media shows blatant hate against BJP. Thus they are failing themselves.

With Ram Kovind nomination BJP has outsmart opposition. He has positive feedback from Nitish Kumar government, being UP dalit BJP has answered all the supporters of Bhim Army, Mayawati, Akhilesh and ilk. TRS, BJD have already extended support for BJP nomination. Couple of opposition are buying time to discuss in the party panel.

Media fails to expand their horizon beyond their limited myopia. Ideally they should convey voice of people but they have turned themselves as voice of some. This selective mentality is making them lose credibility. Though one can argue, biased views do generate buzz but one look at response shows most of the Indian Twiteratti reacts to negatively. Not all of them are troll. But people are kind of enjoying the media meltdown.

I can only imagine these selective outrage if Mohan Bhagawat were selected for top job!