Monday, October 28, 2024
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मोदी को हराने में हमारी मदद करो

कुछेक साल पहले वरिष्ठ कांग्रेसी नेता सलमान खुर्शीद और मणि शंकर अय्यर पाकिस्तान की यात्रा पर गए थे और अपनी यात्रा के दौरान वे दोनों पकिस्तान सरकार से यह गिड़गिड़ा रहे थे कि मोदी को हराने में पाकिस्तान उनकी पार्टी की मदद करे. भारत के किसी भी राज्य में चुनाव हो रहे हों, उस समय पकिस्तान किस तरह से सीमा पर सीज़फायर का उल्लंघन करके भारत सरकार को परेशान करने की नाकाम कोशिश  करता है, वह एक तरह से कांग्रेस पार्टी की मदद ही समझी जानी चाहिए. दरअसल अपने इन्ही दुष्कर्मों के चलते कांग्रेस पार्टी राजनीति में एकदम हाशिये पर आ चुकी है लेकिन कांग्रेस पार्टी और उसके नेता इस संकट से उबरने की बजाये और नए दुष्कर्म करके राजनीतिक दलदल में फंसते जा रहे हैं.

कांग्रेस पार्टी और उसके नेता शायद यह समझते हैं कि वे किसी भी दुशमन देश की सरकार से मोदी को हराने के लिए मदद मांगेंगे तो देश की जनता बहुत खुश होगी और उन्हें वोटों से मालामाल कर देगी लेकिन अब देश की जनता पहले से बहुत ज्यादा समझदार हो चुकी है और कांग्रेस पार्टी  और उसके नेताओं की इन देशद्रोही हरकतों का गंभीरता से संज्ञान लेकर इस पार्टी को समुचित दंड देती रहती है. आज अगर भाजपा की केंद्र के अलावा ज्यादातर राज्यों में सरकारें बनी हुयी हैं, उसका मुख्य कारण यह भी है कि लोग देशद्रोह की राजनीति से अब ऊब चुके हैं और कांग्रेस पार्टी के साथ दुर्भाग्यवश ऐसी स्थिति बनी हुयी है कि उसे किसी और तरीके की राजनीति करना आता ही नहीं है. जनता के सामने और कोई राष्ट्रवादी विकल्प न होने की वजह से भाजपा को ही अधिकांश देशभक्त जनता का वोट जाना लगभग तय माना जाता है और उसी के चलते भाजपा की सरकारें लगभग सभी राज्यों में बनती जा रही हैं.

अब खबर यह आ रही है कि कांग्रेस पार्टी के उपाध्यक्ष राहुल गाँधी की चीनी राजदूत से गुपचुप मुलाक़ात की खबर पहले तो चीनी दूतावास  की वेबसाइट पर पोस्ट की गयी और फिर उसे आनन फानन में हटा भी लिया गया. राहुल गाँधी के चीनी राजदूत से मिलने में किसी को भी कोई आपत्ति नहीं होनी चाहिए लेकिन जिस तरह से राहुल गाँधी की चीनी राजदूत से मिलने की खबर पर संशय बना हुआ है और उसे शायद छिपाने का प्रयास भी किया जा रहा है, उससे देश की सवा सौ करोड़ जनता के मन में यह सवाल खड़ा हो गया है कि कहीं राहुल गाँधी भी तो सलमान खुर्शीद और मणि शंकर अय्यर के क़दमों पर तो नहीं चल रहे हैं?

दुर्भाग्य की बात यह है कि कांग्रेस पार्टी ने इस विवादित मुलाक़ात पर सफाई देने की बजाये इस मुलाक़ात को ही सिरे से नकार दिया है. कांग्रेस पार्टी इस मुलाक़ात को छिपाने का जितना ज्यादा प्रयास कर रही है, उतने ही अधिक सवाल इस पार्टी और नेताओं पर उठ रहे हैं, जिनका आज नहीं तो कल जबाब तो देना ही पड़ेगा. जबाब कांग्रेस पार्टी की तरफ से नहीं आया तो गुजरात और हिमाचल प्रदेश के चुनावों में जनता ही इस पार्टी को अपना जबाब दे देगी. इस लेख के लिखते लिखते खबर यह भी आ रही है कि कांग्रेस पार्टी ने जबरदस्त यू-टर्न लेते हुए इस चोरी छिपे की गयी मुलाक़ात को कबूल कर लिया है लेकिन मुलाक़ात क्यों हुयी और किस उद्देश्य के लिए की गयी, उस पर अभी भी चुप्पी लगाई हुयी है.

Why I simply reject to respect Islam


The Bengal is burning. The leftist elitist people who call themselves ‘Liberal’ are silent. But someone surely has to speak out. It all started when a 17 year old boy shared a Facebook post depicting ‘Kaaba’ as ‘Shivling’. I really do not understand why is it so outrageous? Why should this incident boil the blood of Muslims? According to me it is the most beautiful depiction of unity of Islam and Hinduism as is the painting of Krishna showing ‘Eid Ka Chand’ to Muslims.

Why can’t ‘peaceful’ people get comfortable with it? Why do they always have to be violent when it comes to their religion? Why can’t the ‘peaceful’ people have the courage to be confronted? Is their religion and their prophet so small to be offended by just a Facebook post that too of a small boy? I won’t go into the holy book of Islam i.e ‘Quran’. It will surely be meaningless.

It is right to talk about what Islam is in real world. And in real world Islam happens to be an extremely violent religion. And its all over the world. Today world is facing the threat of Radical Islamic Terrorism. World Trade Centre, Mumbai, Paris, London, Madrid, Mali its all over. Death for Adultery, Death for Apostasy, Death for Blasphemy, Death for Homosexuality, Gender Segregation, Female Genital Mutilation, Inequality between Men and Women in Legal Proceedings, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Hinduism, Anti-Catholicism, Death threats for insulting Muslims. Polygamous Marriages.

There are 39 to 50 Muslim countries in the world. None of them is secular or even close to being a secular state. Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, the custodian of its holy sites, women are not allowed to Drive here. Compulsion of Hijab, not allowed to get out of home on Muharram. But then I am told that it is just the extreme fringe of Islam. Its really stupid to call Saudi Arabia the extreme fringe of Islam. Its like calling Haridwar or Shani Shingnapur the extreme fringe of Hinduism. Still If I were to believe that what about the other countries, what about Iran where women are stoned for adultery, blasphemy, executed for being raped? What about Yemen where Child Marriage is allowed? In fact what about our country where men are allowed to be polygamous just because they are Muslims?

Still with all these extreme versions of Islam I am told that Islam is a peaceful religion. I am sorry I just don’t buy it. I am told to respect Islam. I am told to avoid criticizing Islam. I am just not given a good reason. ‘Why?’. I  just don’t get why I am so obliged to revere an ideology I simply don’t agree with. People criticizing and leaving Islam are threatened with death by ‘the peaceful followers’ of it. And that precisely does not make it peaceful. I will surely respect Islam when I don’t see all this extreme versions of it overshadowing the peaceful ones. Till then I have full right to  criticize Islam as I am not a born Muslim and live in a secular democratic country. And that does not make me a bigot. But all the so called liberals and Islamofascists not wanting me too speak up about it makes them one.

India’s indigenous liberals and their selective outrage

Recently after lynching of a boy named Junaid, our fellow liberals and comrades with no IQ created a hullabaloo over it and created fake #notinmyname protest as they assumed that since victim was Muslim and Murderer was Hindu, it must be case of beef. Many (in)famous personalities showed their anger over this issue. Even though lynching by mob happens all over India, our self proclaimed liberals (foxes in sheep’s flesh) selectively rose those lynching:

  1. Muslim lynched Muslim- not picked up
  2. Hindu lynched Hindu- not picked up
  3. Muslim lynched Hindu- not picked up
  4. Hindu lynched Muslim- picked up

And with this selected lynchings they renamed their propaganda of ‘intolrent-India’, ‘Lynchistan’. Indigenous seculars/ liberals/Comrades have a different trait than their counterparts, while the S/L/C of other countries will never defame their own country formers enjoy defaming everything Indic, they fill the hearts of students by poisonous communism and then finally by giving them inferiority complex. Nepal where communists are in MAINSTREAM never come to India to complain about Nepal but our S/L/C as stated above, never shy to complain about India to their white masters. Even with this shameful incidents look at the insensitiveness of journos

A journalist looks excited about these lynchings, probably because now he has something by which he can make his ‘masters’ happy. This fake protest which used fake incidents turned itself to anti-Modi, anti-Hindu, anti-Brahanism. Some opportunists abused Hindu-Swastika and called Hindu ‘terrorists’.

(Picture source : #NotInMyName – Citizens across India gather to protest against lynchings)

Many people questioned their intentions of selective protests. Protesters were asked why the lynch map doesn’t include lynchings of non-BJP states, lynchings of RSS members in Kerala, lynchings of Hindus by Muslims mob in Bengal and lynchings done by Kashmiri Muslim mobs of DYSP Ayub Pandit. Opportunist replied the genuine questions by calling them Sanghi-Fanatic, Nationalist, Bhakt and Hindu terrorists.

Reality of Lynching of Junaid:

Addressing to journalists Superintendent of Police, Railways, Kamal Deep Goyal told that: The main accused of lynching has been arrested and who worked as a security guard in Delhi (his identity wasn’t revealed by the police). When asked if the lynching had any connection to beef, SP told reporters, “Neither the complainant nor the accused have mentioned anything about beef.”

As reported by, India Today: Ballabhgarh lynching: Main accused confesses to stabbing Junaid, murder weapon yet to be recovered.

So now when the reality has come out of darkness, will the opportunists apologize for demeaning Hinduism and Hindus? Or will they continue their propaganda shamelessly like they did after Akhlaq’s murder?

Steps for De-Radicalising Bengal


My Bengal is under a curse. It is suffering from a peculiar disease of ‘Wahabi secularism’ which is amalgamated with Islamic fundamentalism & Bhadralok communism & sugar coated with urban Naxalism. A dark spell has engulfed the land of  revolutionaries & casted a magic spell under which the common Bengalis are trapped & intoxicated & the tragedy is they don’t even know it or realize it nor are they trying to shake it up and get rid of it. This reminds me of Selina Kyle’s line in The Dark Knight Rises when she says ‘May be I like the city in this way’.

But my dear Bongs this city is infected by time bomb & no matter what you feel, it will burst and then you will neither enjoy nor have the time to repent on your past actions or rather inactions.

In my previous article Mamata is building a ‘New Bengal’ under Modi’s ‘New India’, I referred to instances of humiliation & threats faced by Bengali Hindus. Not even Ma Durga & Saraswati is safe. Without repeating them again and in the context of Basirhat incident I would rather like to suggest how to #MakeBengalGreatAgain and throw the infectious disease out of Bengal.

First of all Narendra Modi Govt needs to step up & fasten Indo-Bangladesh Border Sealing process. Indo-Bangladesh border is a long & difficult border with rough terrain, dense Sunderban jungles & flowing streams & rivers. Sk. Haseena has acted more strongly on Islamic fundamentalists than Mamata Banerjee and this has led to rapid migration & influx of Bangladeshi Jaamatis in Bengal. It needs to be checked & stopped.

A treaty needs to be signed with Bangladesh with the state government in mix that- who so ever crosses the border knowingly or unknowingly will be dealt under a separate strong law & will be punished heavily. No more trespasses inside our Matru-Bhumi please.

The problem is water channels & the river-ways which are difficult to be bordered. Using drones could solve our problems. Much like in the US-Mexico Border.

The US government now patrols nearly half the Mexican border by drones alone in a largely unheralded shift to control desolate stretch. Under the new approach, Predators sweep remote mountains, canyons and rivers with a high-resolution video camera and return within three days for another video in the same spot. The two videos are then overlaid for analysts who use sophisticated software to identify tiny changes– perhaps the tracks of a farmer or cows, perhaps those of immigrants who entered the country illegally or a drug-laden. This could be costly but believe me we need this more than F-16 fighter planes.

The next step should be to flushing out the already present illegal Bangladeshi immigrants inside Bengal. Now this decision requires courage conviction & firm resolution. But Narendra Modi has that kind of mandate and support from people of India. Each & every district of Bengal and each lanes & by-lanes should be looked & mapped.

Ration cards should be linked with Aadhar and every bogus Ration card holder should be interrogated by central investigation agencies. A Govt survey on population and the change in demography pattern could be undertaken. Hindus who have migrated from villages of Birbhum and Nadia should be resettled and adequate security should be given to them.

In fact, I would urge Modi govt to go one step further & formulate laws for Bangladeshi Hindus to settle in Bengal. Even Kolkata the capital of Bengal is undergoing a radical Islamisation. The Gullies & Mohallas of Topsia Park circus Metiabruz are swarming with anti India elements. Illegal drug smuggling and arms business are flourishing. Bomb making factories are sprouting in the heart of city like wild grass in botanical garden. You can see an entirely different India if you visit one of these areas during Friday Jumma Namaaz. Much like in Kashmir where inflammatory slogans are shouted from mosques and call for Jihad is made.

The funding of Madrassas and their teachings should be closely monitored. It is here that the seeds of Jihadi ideology is sown. TMC’s MPs like Idris Ali and Hasan should be questioned for their Jamati links. They were the ones who organised a massive pro Yakub Memon rally in posh area of South Kolkata at the time of his hanging.

Illegal Bangladeshis which are caught in the due process should be deported without thinking much about the secular and Award Wapsi brigade. Let them return some more awards. Let the NGOs & human rights activist cry at top of their voice. Let the international propaganda news outlet publish anti-India article. That should not deter Narendra Modi and his govt. Bengal needs to be saved and that is all which is to be kept in mind.

Awareness is another important segment- lot of orthodox Bangalis who are not on social media are completely misled by local news channel particularly by ABP Ananda. According to their editor in chief Suman De they are trying to maintain ‘communal’ harmony among people so they are not showing in details about the incident. Strange! Very strange! Hence, an independent Bengali news media is need of the hour. A very important step which could change the process of thinking among locals.

Lastly the local Bengali Hindus must wake up from their slumber. Enough of this Bhadralok attitude & false secular ‘Bhaichara’. They must remember Secularism is a two way street. Our ancient & greatly revered Bengali culture is in danger.

Its time to get your act together my fellow Bangalis & stand united behind the country & not your false & flawed model of ‘inclusive’ Bengal & ‘secular’ Bengal.

आदर्श ग्राम के रूप में ग्राम ककरहिया का चयन

वाराणसी से लगभग 22 किलोमीटर दूर रोहनियां विधानसभा का ककरहिया गांव में इन दिनों खूब हलचल दिखाई पड़ रही है। तीन साल के इंतजार के बाद कुश्ती और जुडोका के गांव ककरहिया को वो खुशियां मिल गईं जिसके लिए उन्हें बार-बार मायूस होना पड़ रहा था। मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने ककरहिया गांव पहुंच कर गांव को पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी के सांसद आदर्श गांव के रूप में चुने जाने की घोषणा की। सीएम की इस घोषणा के बाद गांववासियों में खुशी की लहर दौड़ गई।

  • साल 2011 की जनगणना के अनुसार इस गांव में कुल 2615 लोग है।
  • यहां की अर्थव्यवस्था खेती पर निर्भर है, उसके अलावा गरीब तबका मजदूरी या फिर बड़े शहरों में काम करते है।
  • पेयजल के लिए नलकूप की बोरिंग हुई, घर-घर कनेक्शन बाकी है।
  • 97 परिवारों को बिजली का कनेक्शन मिल चुका है।

सीएम योगी आदित्यनाथ ने ककरहिया को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी का तीसरा सांसद आदर्श गांव घोषित किया। घोषणा की कि केंद्र के सहयोग से सूबे के गांवों को विकास के लिए स्पेशल बजट दिया जाएगा।

इस क्रम में 2 हजार आबादी वाले गांव को 20 लाख, 4 हजार की आबादी वाले गांव को 40 लाख, 6 हजार पर 60 लाख और 8 हजार की आबादी वाले गांव को 80 लाख की मदद दी जाएगी।

  • मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने ग्राम सभा ककरहिया में सोलर चरखे प्रदान किए, जिससे 350 लोग लाभान्वित हुए।
  • मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने ककरहिया गांव, वाराणसी में महिलाओं के खादी करघे का निरीक्षण किया।

वैसे ककरहिया के इतिहास पर गौर करें, तो यह गांव मूल रूप से पहलवानों का गांव माना जाता है। गांव के एक अखाड़े से निकलकर यहां के पहलवानों ने विदेशों तक अपना परचम लहराया है। मगर उपेक्षा के शिकार इस गांव में आज न तो पहलवानों के लिए कोई सुविधा है, न ही आम बुनियादी सुविधाएं। गांव में चिकित्सा से लेकर उच्च शिक्षा जैसी बुनियादी सुविधाओं का टोटा है। इस गांव को अब प्रधानमंत्री से ही आस है।

  • ककरहिया गांव का सेना में युवाओं को भेजने के मामले में शानदार रिकार्ड रहा है। सुरक्षा बलों के साथ सेना में ककरहिया गांव के युवा बड़ी संख्‍या में शामिल होते रहे हैं।
  • कारगिल युद्ध के दौरान ककरहिया के किसान रूपचंद पटेल के बेटे गोपाल पटेल ने गोलियों की परवाह न करते हुए दुश्मनों को पसीने छ़ुड़ा दिए थे। जुलाई 1999 के दिन भारतीय सेना के जांबाज जवानों ने अद्भुत वीरता और शौर्य का प्रदर्शन करते हुये कारगिल युद्ध में पाक घुसपैठियों को मार भगाया था। इस जंग में भारतीय सेना के 500 से अधिक जवान और अधिकारी शहीद हो गए थे।
  • यह गांव मूल रूप से पहलवानों का गांव माना जाता है। गांव के एक अखाड़े से निकलकर यहां के पहलवानों ने विदेशों तक अपना परचम लहराया है। यश भारती से सम्‍मानित अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पहलवान रामाश्रय यादव की जन्‍म भूमि ककरहिया गांव है।

ककरहिया गांव जूडो और कुश्ती के लिए मशहूर है। यहां के दो दर्जन से ज्यादा जुडोका राष्ट्रीय व अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अपना दमखम दिखा चुके हैं। ऐसे ही कुश्ती में यहां के पहलवानों का दबदबा है। यह सब है राष्ट्रीय जु़डोका और जू़डो कोच लाल साहब के चलते जिन्होंने अपनी पूरी जिंदगी इस गांव के लड़कों के नाम पर कुर्बान कर दी। फिलहाल व डॉ. संपूर्णानंद स्पोर्ट्स स्टेडियम में जूडो के अस्थाई कोच हैं।

गांव के पश्चिमी छोर पर बने भोथू सिंह का अखाड़ा दो मंजिला बनेगा। इसमें नीचे जिम और ऊपर गद्दे वाला अखाड़ा बनेगा। दोनों की नाप लेकर इस्टीमेट बनाकर संबंधित विभाग ने सरकार को भेज दिया है।

  • दो हजार की आबादी वाले ककरहिया गांव को 2014-15 में लोहिया ग्राम घोषित किया गया। यहां के प्रधान हैं रंजीत पटेल।
  • यह गांव दो तरफ से मुख्य मार्ग से जुड़ा गांव है। एक लहरतारा तो दूसरा कोरौता। गांव की 800 मीटर सीसी रोड बन चुकी है। गांव में प्रवेश के लिए तीन तरफ से पिच रोड है।
  • योजना के मुताबिक गांव में 150 शौचालय बन चुके हैं। पूरे गांव का विद्युतीकरण हो चुका है। गांव में सीवर लाइन भी है।
  • बच्चों के पढ़ने के लिए प्राथमिक स्कूल, मिडिल स्कूल है। आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र है। नवीन नंद भवन का भी शुभारम्भ हुआ।
  • विजय किरण आनंद ने डीएम का कार्यभार ग्रहण करने के बाद जुलाई में पहली चौपाल इसी गांव में लगाई थी। कुछ अधिकारियों को दंडित किया था। उसके बाद से विकास कार्य में तेजी आई।
  • वन विभाग ने जहां पौधरोपण के लिए गड्ढ़ों की खोदाई शुरू कराई तो उद्यान विभाग ने कुछ सब्जियों के बीज का वितरण किया।

  • मुख्यमंत्री के आगमन से पूर्व लोक निर्माण विभाग लखनीपुर-ककरहिया पिच मार्ग की मरम्मत करने में जुटा रहा। वहीं प्राइमरी और मिडिल स्कूलो में वाल राइटिंग की गई तो शौचालयों का रंग रोगन हुआ।
  • गांव में महिलाओं को रोजगार देने के लिए एक सोलर चरखा सेंटर पहले से ही चल रहा है। इसमें दो पालियों में सौ महिलाएं प्रशिक्षण लेती हैं। बुधवार को आसपास के गांवों की 35 महिलाओं को सोलर चरखा बांटा गया।
  • पशु चिकित्सालय और प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र बन जाने से आसपास के लगभग 20 गांवों के लोगों को इसका लाभ मिलेगा।

आदर्श ग्राम जयापुर एवं नागेपुर के बाद, प्रधानमंत्री जी के मार्गदर्शन में ग्राम ककरहिया भी विकास पथ पर अग्रसर है।

Importance of Trademark registration- Securing businessmen rights


Many of us would have seen Alan Polly instead of Alan Solly or beta instead of Bata. Those are classic examples of trademarks having been violated. The trademark is essentially a characteristic of your brand it could be your brand name your brand’s logo or even your brand slogan for example the name Nike the swoosh for Nike or the slogan just do it. In some cases the brand’s name and logo is combined into one as in the case of BMW or in coca-cola that is called a logo composite mark. And rights to sell a particular brand name in a certain sector of the economy are therefore secured these individual sectors are called a class.

For instance class 28 refers to toys games and sports so if you want to protect your toy brand you need to make an application under class 28 and get exclusive commercial rights to sell your brand of toys under that class. If you have a certain brand name or logo or slogan in mind you can do a trademark search. A simple way to do this yourself is to just go online to the internet and check if there is a similar company with a similar name to yours. On the Internet you can also check if the domain name of your brand is available or not. If the domain name is available typically your trademark is also available.

It is not a cause for despair if your trademark brand name is taken. For instance you can prepare a logo composite mark by combining your logo and your name and apply as one. This common strategy is used to apply for a trademark even if the trade name itself has been taken. Trademark registration process is a three-step process. First you have to give a signed letter allowing your Trademark Attorney to apply for your trademark. This is called an authorization letter. Once authorization letter has been received your documents are prepared and lastly the application is submitted on along with necessary government fees. After the application is submitted it takes 18 to 24 months to confirm the registration and receive confirmed registration certificate for your trademark.

But the good news is you can use your Trademark right away and the moment application is submitted your brand rights are secured. Government of India under ease of business policy and mindset has made registering a trademark completely digital and there is no need to visit Intellectual Property office.

Agrarian crisis and reforms


Agriculture continues to be the main source of income for the majority of our countrymen. A major percentage of rural population still rely on agriculture and allied services for their living. Over a period of time, the contribution of agriculture to our GDP has declined while those dependent on it has not, which has raised serious questions about the future of the agrarian sector.

There are various reasons for the declining share of agriculture in the GDP; neglect of agricultural sector by the state, inadequate land reforms, illiteracy of the farmers, excessive state intervention in the form of outdated APMC (Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees), MSP (Minimum Support Price) for certain (not all) crops, poor infrastructure, lack of credit and market access to farmers, no domestic innovation after Green Revolution, etc have all played their respective part in destroying the sector. Numerous schemes were announced by various governments of the time, but none of them yielded positive results. All these clearly point to the failure of the state in understanding and addressing our farmers’ woes.

There are various measures that can be taken up to redress the farmers’ grievances. First and foremost is to provide them with direct market access so that they can sell their produce at market prices and not at some artificially fixed price. The current dispensation is working in that direction through its e-NAM (National Agriculture Market) project. It also includes educating the farmer about digital technology, and providing them access to a larger market where they can know the prevailing demand and cultivate and sell accordingly, thus breaking down the multi-layered chain of intermediaries who often exploit the farmers.

Other areas of reforms include distributing Soil Health Cards, launching a dedicated Kisan TV Channel, setting up an Agricultural University, promoting Organic farming, interlinking our rivers to solve our perennial irrigation problem, improving infrastructure including connectivity, storage and so on. All these are expected to achieve the government’s stated aim of doubling farmers’ income by 2022 and simultaneously increasing the share of agriculture in the GDP.

The intent is clear, but the implementation, which will be done by the states, needs to be seen. Similar on the lines of ‘Ease of Livability Index’ or ‘Doing Business Index’ of the states which is to be ranked by the Centre periodically based on their performance, an ‘Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Index’ too can be prepared and made public. Such ranking will ensure that the state governments are serious when it comes to agricultural reforms and at the same time also allow a healthy public discussion to take place about the sector which is totally absent as of now.

Our Prime Minister is genuinely concerned about the agricultural sector which is evident from the fact that he announced a historic Crop Insurance Scheme for the farmers at a very low premium, not to mention the renaming of ‘Agriculture Ministry’ as ‘Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Ministry’, which was done deliberately to sensitize people about the important role played by our farmers. It is other thing that some states chose not to implement the scheme citing certain reasons, and this is the very crux of the problem. Lack of coordination between Centre and States, even on an important issue like this, creates a paralysis-like situation and farmers unnecessarily find themselves in the receiving end. This needs to be addressed urgently, which currently is not happening due to purely political reasons.

No doubt that India is developing rapidly and the share of manufacturing and service sectors in the economy will grow manifold, but that does not mean that agriculture should get less attention or is de-prioritised. Every developed nation has a small but strong agrarian economy to sustain it, and the farming community in those countries receive strong state support too. India must also strive for the same, though we still have a long road to travel.

The abandoned Tribal Artisans Of Wayanad & Uthhan


“Sleeping is healthy, but decades of drowsing means we are dead”.

WAYANAD- The name has it all. The mystic beauty of forest, foggy mountain ranges, winding roads, meet with wild, adventure treks etc. But the tribal artisans in this heaven are leading a fire and brim stone life. It’s a place near to heaven, but unlike heaven the tribal artisans are not accoutered with angelic powers. Otherwise they should have bartered their beautiful artifacts for keeping their grieving families happy. Their brilliance in craft work is astounding. But they are struggling with poverty and hunger. I was on a one day visit for our CSR initiative called UTHHAN to enroll struggling tribal artisan families at Wayanad, supported by Artisan Development Organisation (ADO, an organization for hereditary artisans), headed by my father Mr. Thamarakulam Ravi. Two good Samaritans named Mr. Rajappan and Mr. Poulose were the coordinators to show these tribal artisan families.

The roads were narrow with alluring coffee plantations on either side. The place was Trikkaipetta. It is a paradise with greenery all around with the true smell of soil. The artisans of Trikkaipetta create marvels out of bamboo from generations. These can be used as show case items, key chains, flower vases and so on. Raju PK and Gopalan headed the crafts production. The leg of Gopalan is paralyzed and with this disability he was able to produce artifacts in a shorter period. The entire family was happy seeing our team in the hope that something exemplary will occur in their life.The roof of the house has so many holes, which is like bullets pierced the roof during a gun battle. They have explained about the process of modeling with an exuberant zeal. Their happiness lies on making these bamboo products. They have created many an unpolished designs, being not able to afford buying a polish. They are creating bamboo products from ages, with the skill inherited from their ancestors. But the agony in their eyes can be felt easily. They served us with black coffee and biscuits. The black coffee was sublime and oozing with typical Wayanad flavor. We shared some of the customized bamboo craft designs with them. We encouraged them by elucidating about the reach and demand of bamboo products in the market. We embolden them that in UTHHAN, artisans decide the product price and not by us. Moreover they are still clinging on to their tradition after all these setbacks.

The next stop was Mullankolli. A woman, who heads a self-Help unit, which makes artifacts out of grass welcomed us. A group of women suddenly assembled with their products made of grass. The products were flawless. It can only be made after hours of hard work, precision and concentration. These crafts can be used as fruit baskets, hats, flower vases etc. They testified that big establishments take their products in bulk, but the prices proffered are very low. But they still sell the products to lessen their miseries.

The products

The products are strenuous to make and the mastery passed on to them through their primogeniture. They don’t want to continue in this métier, since there is no real emolument. Workplace is nothing but a torn out house, where all the women gather and spend their time making these artifacts. They don’t have any idea about artisan craft board run by Government of Kerala. They told us that the tradition they follow can’t feed their family and it’s better to switch over to some other job.

Biju’s family at Mundad is in dire straits. Biju is deaf and dumb. The will power of this person is amazing. We can’t even think straight under pressure. But he is not only fighting out his life, but also created these models out of coconut shells. The tools used are very simple. We sat on a bench which can break at any time. The bench was the only luxurious furniture in that abode. We were able to understand his joy, when we compliment the quality of his products. Our driver has given biscuits left in our car to his kids, who were glad to accept the same. Their way of living arouse dejection in us. He goes for labor work to prop up his family.

But his passion to create these artifact products is not extinct. His mother was gabbling unabated about his son’s talent. She is proud of him, so are we. We were unsure about the craft’s durability, since the bondage of joints can be vulnerable. The strong joints and strength of the products brush aside all our suspicions. The products can be easily shipped without any damage. We have purchased some products, after enrolling them to UTHHAN. He apprised us in sign language that he can produce these crafts in bulk, if we give orders. The money earned out of these products can fulfill their basic needs. There was a ray of optimism in his gaze, which we want to nurture to save this dying tradition.

No handicraft products can be created without stabilizing these families. It’s a pity that the purpose of forming an artisan organization is only to cheer personal benefits and photo ops. Most of the organization leaders are not even craft workers. They can mass-produce only verbal jugglery, not a single handicraft product. The Government is busy accumulating tax from the public to feed their administrators. Social media pages don’t have space for artisans, since they are busy sharing unwanted communal jibes and celebrity sex scandals. Media is behind TRP and artisans are unable to build up TRPs, except handicraft products.

The artisan families  go for forced labour work to sustain, even though the demand of handicraft products are huge in global market. Their children hate this profession because this valuable skill can fetch only poverty and hunger.

UTHHAN is currently feeding 2000+ artisan families like Gopalan, Raju and Biju by molding self-sufficient artisan groups. You can’t find us in main stream media, since we work only for uplifting artisan families without any political motive. We buy raw materials and tools for these families from your contributions. We want you to buy their products from UTHHAN store, which will support these families for a better living. The product prices are reasonable, because of  zero middle men involvement.

Let the Government, Politicians and Artisan leaders sleep, we will wake up to lift up our artisans, who are the ambassadors of Indian Culture. The drizzle of rain on our return may be the tears of pain and helplessness of many tribal families. But we believe that the downpour will end up in to sunshine. Because many of us have a kind heart too.

* UTHHAN- Empowering artisans is the first initiative in India, where the profit from artifact sales goes directly to artisans without any middle men.

Bengal: Nobody speaks up for Hindus


DALALS (Damn Left and Lutyens Scribes), as expected, first ignored and then dumbed it down to the fabricated Governor-Chief Minister spat. Political parties such as Congress, Communists and regional heavyweights, avoided mention of any atrocity against the Hindus. Rahul Gandhi trained his eyes and concern on PM’s silence on China.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), flogged everyday as the face of a communalist Saffron, haven’t uttered a word in anger. (So next time they are termed bigots, use this instance to shut the pseudo-sikulars up).

The fresh violence against Hindus in West Bengal calls for the collective conscience of this country.

But then what’s new?

No less than 600 temples were destroyed in Bangladesh in 1992.  Thousands of Hindus were killed and raped; paraded naked on the streets of Bhola town, shops looted, deities desecrated. There was little outrage in media or from any State.

In Pakistan, among the near 300 temples destroyed, the demolition of one was personally supervised by a minister in Lahore. Dozens of Hindus were murdered. The collective silence of the world was deafening.

The exodus of Kashmiri Pundits is a reality. A community uprooted and displaced still carries psychological and financial scars. But don’t expect it to shake the conscience of this country’s intelligentsia or media.

The partition of 1947 created a Muslim state in Pakistan and afforded them the “freedom.” But the Hindus “haven’t been recognized as a nation or a state nor a control over their own homeland,” as Abhas Chatterjee, author of The Concept of Hindu Nation, mentioned.

If any Jew is treated unfairly in any part of the world, the State of Israel, as their representative, loses no time in raising the issue. Contrast this with the case of Sunil Wadhera, a Hindu who died in an accident in Saudi Arabia a few years ago. As against a policy of compensation of 6-7 lakh dinars offered to a Muslim, Wadhera was extended only 17,000 dinars. Reason, he was a Kafir. “The value of his life was no more than a paltry sum,” wrote Abhas Chatterjee “What’s significant is that even against such an inhuman, outrageous affront, there was no State which could raise its voice on behalf of the Hindu.”

What had upset the discerners was that India, which all along had supported the Arab cause in Palestine, didn’t take up Wadhera’s matter with the Saudi government.

As scholar Dr. Koenraad Elst says: “The Hindu death toll in post-Independence riots in East Bengal already outnumbers the Muslim death toll in Hindu-Muslim clashes in the whole of South Asia by far.” Yet you would hardly find this mentioned in any discourse in mainstream media and academia.

In the East Bengal genocide of 1971, the main victims of Pakistan army’s brutality were Hindus (and this doesn’t include Bengalis). That genocide of millions outnumbers all other massacres in Partition and post-Partition by a mile. Yet, all governments, be it in India, South Asia or West, discourage any discourse on it. (But the unfortunate killing of a missionary such as Graham Staines or the cow vigilantism by a fringe is drummed up again and again as a proof of reactionary Hindus).

India’s Constitution has nothing recognizably Hindu about it. India’s Constitution was but an adapted version of the British Government of India Act of 1935. It was decreed by a ruling class of Indians who were largely lawyers of Western moorings.

The preamble of the Indian Constitution talks of justice, equality and liberty—all of them are Western notions, a byproduct of the French Revolution. Where’s Swami Vivekananda’s cry of Dharma and spirituality, renunciation and service, tolerance and harmony?, as Chatterjee observed.

The first thing Colonizers do is to make Colonies appear inferior to them, particularly in the matter of their culture. The first set of India’s ruling class more or less continued the depressing trend: a trend where everything connected with the essence of the land was derided as worthless. Observe the contempt of this anglicized set of DALALS today on the basic ethos of this land and you would have your answer.

Till Modi came, only Lal Bahadur Shastri and PV Narasimha Rao could be said to be practicing Hindus among the Prime Ministers; not the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty or VP Singh even though they never abandoned Hinduism.

The list of Hindus’ grievances are many: From the Nehru-Liaquat Pact of 1950 which stops India from taking up the maltreatment of Hindus in Pakistan; to the prickly Article 30 of the Constitution; to the issue of Conversion; and to the matter of control over temple management; to name just a few, the majority in this country is increasingly mindful of being ignored by all and sundry.

The violence against Hindus in West Bengal (and Kerala) and the deafening silence of every stakeholder who claims to have interest of India at heart, is a historical fact. Hindus can’t understand why Ram Navmi is “communal” and “Muharram” a religious festival in certain parts of this country.

The last word of this piece must belong to Chatterjee alone. “We are still a subjugated, enslaved nation. Nehruvian Secularists are not our own people…We have to liberate our motherland from their stranglehold and earn our freedom.”

Should caste based reservation continue even after 7 decades of independence?


Indian society has strong caste lines (though it prevails in developed countries like Britain as well but not so strong). There have been some bitter behaviour like decimation and untouchability in our society against few castes for centuries. It was real a black spot on our society. These brothers are really respectable that despite all those evil things and bitter experiences in society they didn’t abandon their religion. The Pain of these brothers is real deep and genuine. I could realise a fraction of that while talking to mother of my childhood friend. One really thought provoking point was, can their unemployed youth open a tea shop in a village?

Indian constitution makers had been brought up during British rule and almost all were part of freedom struggle. They incorporated best features of various constitutions and wanted to take care of all sections of society. They introduced reservations for backward castes. They dreamt to make India a country where people from all religions, faith, caste, and creed can flourish and contribute to growth of country.

A sick family member is given more care, especial food and more attention than healthy ones. Based on this family concept constitution writers had provisioned 10 years reservations for these brothers. Their intention was good, (hopefully) not politically motivated so didn’t think of future problems.

What new challenges have come up?

  • The original concept of reservation was for those castes which were socially backward, untouchable, was not part of main stream society. Our politicians created another reservation in the name of Other Backward Castes (OBC) just for political gain.
  • This new quota has triggered a new series of violent agitations and divide like by Gurjars in Rajasthan, Patels in Gujarat, Jats in Haryana. These agitations have destroyed crore of public property, taken many lives, created atmosphere of hatred in society. Public property worth more than Rs 20,000 crore (plus private property, business loss, Govt compensation, image loss to country) was destroyed during few days of Jat agitation and 30 lives. This money could have got employment (loan of Rs 10 lacs to each unemployed youth) for 200,000 youths, feeding more than 10 lacs people. Would it not have been better for society? Who can compensate loss of loved ones to those families?
  • Our politicians divide people to get vote on caste basis showing fear of losing reservation to castes availing it and others to get reservation. We don’t vote honest, committed, qualified, right candidate but corrupt, criminal, ineligible, not doing any good for constituency from even own caste. This is killing sound principle and spirit of democracy. We have seen all this for last 69 years and it didn’t work. Can we change this and vote only right candidate above caste, religion, region?
  • Reservation has created more caste based hatred in young minds from childhood and every day we fight on the name of caste. There are caste based groups in school, colleges, universities, work places which don’t go along each other, disturbs social harmony.
  • Politicians have started politics of giving reservation on religion, income, rural/urban basis. It is working to further divide society, create hatred what British had done for years.
  • Now around 90% reservation benefit is taken by those families who have already taken benefit of reservation. Only around 10% only are first time beneficiary. Now well to do people of same caste are taking benefit and not letting reach to those who are still deprived.
  • Our constitution writers planned it for 10 years but had provision to extend it. It has become nice political tool and all political parties come together on this issue (though they don’t come together even on issue of national interest) and silently extend it. There has been not an single objective review and correction to this. There may be various castes which are now more well off by all criteria (say if number of IAS, IPS, IFS ratio according to population is considered one criteria) than even general category castes.
  • It is killing merit, stopping right talent to go at right place. Best talent is going out of country and doing wonders (serving) for developed countries like USA, UK.
  • Even reservation in promotion works as last nail in coffin and highly de-motivates our work force. A person got reservation in admission to educational intuition, got reservation in getting highly competitive job. Why is reservation required now? Why can’t be all promotion parameters be equally applicable to all?
  • Like Chak de India everywhere we see person from caste x, y z but no Indian. We are not fighting together against our problems of drought, drinking water, corruption, unemployment, electricity but fighting with each other. Is it better to have country with reservation and problems or country with all basic stuff available to all even without reservation?
  • Has caste based reservation resolved (at least for the castes getting reservation) all problems? Our problems will be better solved when we all work together for nation. Like water problem in drought hit district of Maharashtra is hitting everyone irrespective of caste. Can this problem be solved by reservation (then reserved castes should not be facing this) or fighting in the name of caste? It can be handled if all responsible politicians, bureaucrat, NGOs, scientists and people work together as society to handle this problem. Then it will be solved for all castes/religions living there. Same is applicable for so many other problems of country.
  • Manual scavenging is big slap on our society and even Govt has banned. Are Politicians and other well off (with use of reservation) people at least in these castes doing anything for them? Though it is responsibility of whole society but these people do politics in the name of them so has bigger responsibility.

What is solution?

  • Take strict action against anybody insulting, suppressing or harming dignity of our brothers of any caste. How powerful the person may be!
  • Set deadline (say 5 years) to finish reservation without any provision to extend. Make sure our politicians never talk again about reservation.
  • Reservation should be given to a child who is first time user (whether used in Govt service, elected representative or stuff like petrol pump etc) in his generation. It MUST be implemented right away. Those who are well placed by using reservation are taking up share of those still deprived. Many good people from these categories accept this fact and many of those have proactively started this appreciable step.
  • Provide below help to our brothers from lower castes (dalits and maha dalits)
    • Govt, people (from all castes), NGOs must work together to ensure their 100% kids reach school. Because education, not reservation will uplift all of them permanently.
    • Support students financially (through current scholarship scheme or something more) so that they don’t drop out because parents can’t afford education cost or want child to earn.
    • Establish counselling and preparation centres (may be at lower cost or with financial help) in colleges, universities where these students can prepare for competitive exams.
    • Provide job oriented courses, easy loan to start own business for these youths.
    • Well to do people including politicians, rich, higher positioned (who had availed reservation benefit) who care for their caste so much right now must come forward to help others on above listed lines.
  • Some economist say bringing international automobile players and providing best competitive environment will help country, this industry rather than stopping foreign competition. Why is this principle not applicable in this case? Remove reservation, support these youth, set right competitive environment and they will definitely compete with others.
  • Let’s come up with innovative ideas to come over caste boundaries and people from all castes living together harmoniously.
    • Nowadays youth is going out of caste line in search of life partner especially in cities. Gradually it is increasing and will help to break strong caste lines.
    • Indian mind-set is to know other person caste, position and make prejudice, behave accordingly. Can people be encouraged to write father name, village name etc as surname like people in many parts of country already doing rather than caste name.
    • Lets discourage culture of people asking castes during interaction. Like in RSS people are addressed with first name and caste is not discussed at all.
    • Caste must not be deciding factor for a voter but other real qualities anticipated out of people representative.
  • African community in USA faced similar situation but their leaders didn’t go for reservation. Obama is first African origin president in around more than 250 years of independence. While Dr Bheem Rao Ambedkar became part of constitution making body and law minister without reservation but based on merit in this country. All Americans worked together to fight their problems and it became a developed nation today, reservation couldn’t have taken country there.

Let us all work together under tricolour to live together with brotherhood and fight together with problems country facing. It will better help each Indian citizen and help country to overcome all problems faster. It will help to provide basic requirements to each Indian like education, fresh drinking water, health services, work for hands, food for hungry stomach.