Monday, October 28, 2024
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CPI(M)’s unconditional help to China

In 1962 when we were attacked by the Communist Chinese, all the Indians were united except the left leaning Communist Parties. Our Fellow politicians and apolitical leaders were asking for help from the common men of India to help out India. But still there was one party who choose China over India: Communist party of India. While the Chinese would never support Russia (birth place of failed idea of Communism), CPI supported China, without having a tiniest amount of shame proving the age old phrase ‘Traitors are the worst enemies’. We lost 1962 with a huge chunk of our land Tibbat. This war still haunts us as it gained the Chinese upper hand on Indian border and mindset.

Recently Chinese as their idea of expansionism, entered into border of Bhutan- managed mutually by Indian army and Bhutanese Army. As the matter go around Indians asked Modi government to take a strong action towards Chinese but Government didn’t listen, after which centre was ridiculed by Indians for not handling the issue aggressively. Seeing the internal outrage, government lastly started playing diplomatic games with Chinese and as a part of it they welcomed Army chief of Bhutan on red carpet to frustrate China to the core. Whatever, issue is still boiling but it didn’t stop our Communist Party of India to support the Chinese. They (CPI-M) recently said on their journal ‘People’s Democracy’,: ‘India should let Bhutan take the lead in negotiating with China on the disputed Doklam Plateau and other disputed territories instead of getting involved itself”.

Bhutan is not just a neighbor, it is brother and an all weather ally. India which is cursed for not having good neighborhood, Bhutan stands as an exception. Not only that, Bhutan also works as a barrier between India and Autocratic China. India supports Bhutan and in turn they support India. Both have a long history to stand for each other, which the CPI-M forgets or at least shows the ignorance. CPI-M should understand their responsibilities as a party of India, and understand that when a political party say things like this, it is surely to destroy the relationship. Tough they are carrying the truckload of a failed idea, they should at least also carry some common sense. They (CPI-M) are the useful idiots for the Chinese. Chinese wants India to call back her troops from the Bhutan-China border, the same thing is now said by the Communist Party of India. If we look at history we should take this stand of CPI-M with great cynicism.

CPI-M is an apt example of ‘curst cows have short horns’. India should be aware of its internal enemies as well as external enemies.

How clueless is Rajnath Singh?


Our honorable Home Minister.

Yesterday, when the situation demanded action, the guy was busy giving lectures on twitter about the concept of Kashmiriyat and attacking “troll” (in words of IE), because the “troll” was upset with the violent attack on innocent people and Government’s embarrassing response to it.

This guy should be held responsible for the attack on Amarnath Yatra goers, situation in Kashmir, Darjeeling and Sikkim. Instead he has now become the star on social media, of all the wrong people like LWMSM, far left leaders and celebrities. The reason is his response like this:

In 2014,  we voted for “minimum government, maximum governance” but what we are getting is “maximum government, minimum governance”. We voted for strong leader instead we have Rajnath Singh and Arun Jaitley.

Rajnath Singh is the symbol of incompetence, an indifferent person running arguably the second most important ministry in Government. Because he supported the right guy in 2014. This should also allow questions on PM Modi’s ability to find right guy for the right place.

Sack Rajnath! BJP have genuine talents equipped with required qualification and experience who can lead Home Ministry better than Rajnath Singh. RK Singh (former home secretary), Satyapal Singh (tough on crime; former Police Commissioner of Mumbai), former Gujarat’s HM Amit Shah (best choice) and Nitin Gadkari (the best performing cabinet minister) are few among them.

We do not have a full time Defense Minister. If there is a lack of talent in BJP to manage defense ministry, then they should find talent elsewhere. They outsourced Suresh Prabhu. Now outsource Defense Minister. Trump appointed General James Mattis as his Defense secretary, Mattis is one of the best known marine intellectuals and has brilliant military mind. PM Modi could emulate that here and appoint some well qualified former General to lead Defense Ministry. But select defense hawk.

BJP/RSS supporters are getting killed by opposition and humiliated by their “own people”. False propaganda against them are being circulated by media. If the status quo remains same, INDIA’s RW should consider sitting out 2019.

Kashmiriyat and other betrayals of India


A 15-year-old Muslim boy, Junaid, was killed in a train. Let’s concede it was a communal murder. Arrests have been made, weapon recovered.

Then North 24-Parganas in West Bengal erupted over a Facebook post where Hindus bore the brunt of Muslim backlash. The State’s silence is viewed by most as complicity. Arrests have been few and far between. The Chief Minister hasn’t bothered to visit and soothe the nerves.

A bus on way to holy Amarnath Yatra in Kashmir was ambushed by terrorists who gunned down seven and injured 19 pilgrims. All the right noises have since been made.

If the binary is only Hindu-Muslim divide in this country, the score would show: 2 Muslims; 1 Hindus. Yet you wouldn’t guess so by the narrative being played out.

Three communal incidents have rocked India in the last fortnight.

Junaid’s murder, within hours, was branded as one by cow vigilantes with the implicit blessing of the ruling party in Centre.

West Bengal was dubbed as a convoluted political ploy by BJP looking to secure the upcoming Gujarat elections.

The tragic Amarnath killings were again linked to BJP for its hand in letting Kashmir become a blood-drenched valley.

In between, the stories abounded of a Hindu LeT terrorist (since proven wrong), a stray fake image on Facebook (true) and a prominent Hindi daily (see image) accused of dramatizing the horror of Amarnath yatra survivors.

None of the Lutyens Media, who I prefer to call DALALS (Damn Left and Lutyens Scribes), ever described it as an “Islamic terror”–like they do with concocted “Hindu terror” theme – and, instead, drowned us with the virtues of “Kashmiriyat” and justly heroic “Salim bhai”, the driver of that ill-fated bus.

The DALALS have concentrated on the “form” and not on “substance” or they would have highlighted the onset of Jihadi presence in India stoking and riding on Hindu-Muslim divide.

This is an anti-Hindu brigade. Since Hindus have largely hoisted BJP in the Centre, the corollary is unmistakable. This bunch is partly “brainwashed” and mostly “funded” which either way is not good for India’s unity.

The “brainwashed” ones are no better than the leaders of pre-Independence India who claimed “principle” in public but “compromised” in private with the British. Most of them were lawyers –like Gandhi, Patel and Nehru—and the first two, despite their Indian attire, had political theories of Western orientation. British had nicely sized them up and like monkeys—no offence intended for we have monkey as Gods–made them jump through the hoop.

The “funded” ones are of more dangerous variety. But they conform to the pattern of India’s history which is replete with “betrayals.” These Jaichands and Mir Jafars must have been in the mind of French Francois Bernier, physician to both Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb in the 17th century, who wrote back home that a capable French general with 20,000 soldiers could subdue all of India.

Take the case of Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1767 he joined the English and the Marathas against Haider Ali of Mysore. He then switched side in Haider’s favour. Once Haider was beaten, he again came back to the English side. Ten years later, in 1779, he again was by Haider’s side against the English. In 1786, he had joined the Marathas against Tipu Sultan, Haider’s son. In 1790, he revived a triple alliance with Marathas and English against Tipu.

There is a reason why India could never expel a foreign enemy. The likes of Alexander, Timur, Abdali or Nadir Shah only withdrew. India was a ripe picking for all and sundry—Shaka, Kushans, Huns, Arabs, Afghans and succeeding invaders. And that’s because Indians of then and Indians of now could barely rise above their petty interests. India was and is NOT a single entity in their psychology.

The same unfortunate India is again unfolding in front of our own eyes. The subjugation and invasions of over 1000 years has taught us nothing. There are still embedded forces within who are ready to betray India for personal gains. The real beneficiaries are (a) colonial powers of West and (b) Islamic forces who are breathing down its East and West flanks.

Fortunately, the majority Indians are not with them and have reposed their trust in BJP to govern the country. The danger is BJP and other Hindutva forces are still measuring themselves through the prism of this pseudo-sickular gang. It’s time to bite the bullet and say India is a “Hindu Rashtra” who protects and safeguards the interests of its minorities without distinction or prejudice. Israel has no qualms in declaring itself a Jewish state.

Or else, this fortnight of communal violence will keep itself repeating till BJP themselves falls by the wayside, losing the trust of the majority. Indians want them to stand up for India and against the DALALS.

Or the succeeding generations would hold us accountable for the misfortune which is bound to be their fate.

Have our lawmakers learnt anything after Nirbhaya?


Yesterday a taxi driver raped and assaulted a mentally challenged woman in the NCR, and last week we had the fourth acid attacks on a gang rape victim. Our society has monsters and these monsters need to be tamed. But how? So many things tried but none worked out. I have an unconstitutional solution. Will you listen?

At the outset I will confess that I find my motion sickening and obnoxious, but it is better to be nauseating than raped. Please pardon me for suggesting this as a solution and certainly I deserve the volley you of punches. However, even if a disgusting idea works, it may be worth a try.

Nirbhaya’s catastrophe marked the Tiananmen for India and back then it appeared to be the kairotic moment of truth when the country had decided to go Rape Free. With rapid agility and dexterity, in just 29 days, Verma Committee proposed amendments to the Criminal Law for an expeditious indictment and severe punishments for the culprits. Yet up until now, nothing much seems to have changed because strong laws ain’t doing much. National Crime Records Bureau released the data and stats for 2015 in Nov 2016, by the way, it’s the latest. That year recorded some 34,651 rapes and 4,437 attempted rapes with just 29.4% and 19.8% conviction rate respectively. In all about 3.27 crore crimes against 58.75 crore women in India in barely 365 days.

Depressed? Don’t be. We are not the worst place when it comes to atrocities against the softer sex. A United Nations survey reported that Sweden, UK, Botswana & Australia had the highest reported rates of sexual violence against the women and America had a very high rate of rapes. Par saanoo kee! I want to mop-up my neighborhood because I don’t feel safe and secure going out even in a Burqa, leave alone my hot pants.

The Monsters
Frankly, we do not understand the real cause of this menace, which is why both prosecution and persecution have not been able to bring about any meaningful change. I think the problem lies in the fact that we are asking the most sexually active and populated nation to be not lusty for sex, and overnight reduce their appetite for this favourite pastime. Like we have menses with periodicity, each virile man has a rhythm to ejaculate every few days when his scrotum is brimming with seminal fluid. It literally turns into a pressure cooker wanting to detonate. The shaft ought to ventilate and if you don’t have a lawful foxhole, you got to bluff the banana- help yourself, though not as much fun. However, some men are mentally sick or have an awful mentality- monsters who don’t belong to a civilized society; and they choose the morally difficult, nonetheless physically not so difficult act of plunder.

I am about to suggest an unconstitutional and culturally sensitive alternative to tame these monsters, which may not go down well in our predominantly orthodox society. The whole idea is to provide theses Devils with a legitimate silk grove to off load their prostatic perspiration. It requires openness of thoughts, right intentions, logic and finally some hope.

Round Mounds of Beehounds
‘SITA & PITA’ have confused our status about prostitution. SITA stands for The Immoral Traffic (Suppression) Act of 1956 and PITA is The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act of 1986. The concluding remarks from some learned lawyers about prostitution in India goes like this:
• Prostitution in itself is not illegal but propagating or developing this profession is illegal.
• Prostitution is illegal in India, while a woman can use her body in private for a commercial purpose.
• The Indian law does not refer to the practice of selling one’s own sexual service as prostitution.

If you want to be more baffled, then read the legal jargon of SITA & PITA itself, readily available on the internet. The fact of the reality is that other than a few top notch legal eagles, none is clear. My little bit of lazy research suggests that prostitution is officially legal in India, but it has the similar connotation which says corruption is illegal. Our ignorance is reinforced by the vagueness and dubiousness of the judicial literature, which legalises a consensual sex between two adult partners for money. There are some 77 countries which have constitutionalised prostitution and 5 countries have no laws against it.

In present circumstances, I think decriminalizing prostitution may be a right step in the right direction. Decriminalizing is not legalizing, but a lessening of criminal penalties for engaging in consensual paid sex, and unambiguously stating the law with no ifs & buts. One is sure of the fact that neither this eradicates rapes, nor has any direct impact on the rapist. Albeit, indirectly it offers an opportunity, a vent to those frustrated demons, I mentioned earlier. A very small step in sync with our changing moral and social fabric, which might cut down offenses against women- Hope.

Opening of government owned and NGO operated adult stores may be considered as an additional option, for their convenience and likely effectiveness. They should be structured to provide a host of services- sex toys, adult video parlours, legalised pornographic materials, may be a decent place to spit-shine the old water pump, and most of all; professional counselling to tame the risqué immoral personality.

As a woman I do find this notion repulsive and circumstantially apologetic for a rapists, much like how journalists are remorseful for a terrorists. But restricting and banning every entity related to prostitution might further worsen the issue. One of the ways to prevent rape is to bolt yourself inside a fortress wearing a chastity belt, while the other one simply offers- certified round mounds of beehounds.

Return of the liberal BJP: Influence of liberal Jamat


The viral infection of ‘liberal appraisal’ is deadly. It takes its own time to spread & infect the victim but when it does it is difficult to get rid off. More strange is the victim doesn’t know he/she is under the influence of this deadly virus. It makes the person hollow from inside first & external changes comes at a latter stage. Our ministers in Modi govt is now infected by this deadly virus. And my fear is it is highly contagious & spreads fast & Mr Modi himself may come under its influence.

After Bane attacks Gotham & makes the entire city hostage.

Mayor of Gotham: “People of Gotham, you are not alone. People of Gotham have always fought evil & will do so again.”
John Blake (robin): “What does that mean?”
Gordon: “Means we are on our own.”

These lines from The Dark Knight Rises has a significance to the current situation in India particularly in Kashmir after the attack on Amarnath Yatra. Yes we are on our own.  Our Army & CRPF Jawans are alone. So are the common people who had expectations from this ‘nationalistic’ govt. What didn’t baffle me was the as usual hypocritical & diabolical statements from liberal establishment that said: ‘Terrorists attacked Amarnath Yatris to create communal tensions in India’.

The terrorists are trained & bred by Pakistanis and supported by radical elements inside our country for one purpose And one purpose only: The Destruction of India.

With AK-47 & grenades they are not here to destroy communal harmony. They are here for the destruction of India. They are here for establishing caliphate in Kashmir. What certainly surprised, saddened & angered me were the replies of our Ministers.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh continued with his ‘Kashmiriyat’ drama. I don’t know what Kashmiriyat he sees when 1000s gather to give a heroes farewell to dreaded terrorists. Where is Kashmiriyat when mosques encourage people to take part in stone pelting? Where is the Kashmiriyat when teenagers slaps and kicks CRPF Jawans?

When one of the right-wing BJP supporters urged Rajnath to act strong on terrorists his reply on twitter was confusing and frustrating for even hardcore BJP supporters. The reply by HM certainly emboldened our liberal Jamat. They were waiting for one such moment. And guess what? He earned praises from Radia famed & radical propaganda journos. The lady who asked that question was tormented in a systematic way & was forced to delete her account. 

Following the footsteps of HM was Ravi Shankar Prasad & Jitendra Singh. Jitendra Singh went on to say, “I m proud that Kashmiris have resisted militancy for last 25 years. They have preserved the composite culture of Kashmir”.

Laughable & hilarious. They resisted militancy by back stabbing and ethnic cleansing of Pandits? Or by anti India rants? No I am not saying all Kashmiris are terrorist. But the bitter & harsh truth is, a large chunk of Kashmiri population has more love for Pakistan than for India. Composite culture of Kashmir is a myth. A lie that has been circulated infinite times to convert it into truth.

On the day of the attack PM Modi tweeted “India will never be bogged down by such cowardly attacks”. Surely. But the matter of the fact is, it is his govt which is in center and in the state. Instead of condemnation and reaction when will we see ourselves in pro active mode?

Surgical strikes was in response to Uri. Destroying of Pakistani Bunkers was in response to mutilation of our Jawans in Krishnaghati sector. I have not witnessed a single incident where we have taken the initiative & gone forward with precise plan. Or is it singing tunes of ‘Kashmiriyat Jamoriyat & Insaaniyat’ our secret plan?

Are we back to the Vajpayee era where govt policies regarding Kashmir were controlled by liberal establishment? An establishment which fooled Mr. Vajpayee and made him talk with Hurriyat. Yes the same Hurriyat whose hands are dripped in bloods of Pandits. The same Geelani who considers himself more Pakistani than Indian.

Is Rajnath Singh the new Sudheendra Kulkarni of this govt? The romanticism and fascination around this pseudo ‘Kashmiriyat’ is amazingly nonsensical and ironical. Let the people die. Let our soldiers be killed. Let our police be hunted. But Kashmiriyat must be preserved. Narendra Modi must remember Vajpayee did pay a heavy price for this ‘kashmiriyat’. In addition to other mistakes of Vajpayee this Kashmiriyat was the prime reason for his frictions with RSS & local cadres.

Modi govt must understand one thing clearly: Kashmiriyat Jaamoriyat & Insaaniyat was lost long ago on cold wintry nights of 1990. It is now replaced by Islamiyaat, ‘Khalifiyat’, ‘Haivaniyat’.

BJP must accept one fact. Even with Charisma of Modi they are not going to mobilize masses & reach grassroot level without the support of RSS. Bihar election result was one such example in recent history. This is not 2004 & Modi is no Vajpayee. But he is committing some grave mistakes at a crucial time.

End the unholy alliance with PDP. PDP is more pro terrorist than even Omar Abdullah’s NC. Establish Governors rule & allow army to dictate for at least 6 months.

Why are we allowing Rohingya Muslims to settle in Jammu? Are they our responsibility? Does Modi want to be remembered as the villain who destroyed Jammu? When will he realise this blunder? They must be deported immidiately without hesitation.

Recently in his speech PM condemned the Gau Rakshaks & lynchings & gave a strong message. Good. It was needed. It brought joy to the liberal jamat. They felt their campaign #Notinmyname was the reason for PM to speak up. On the same hand it did create a backlash and it was justified.

I have never seen PM speaking for the murders of RSS workers in Kerala and Karnataka. The PM was silent on Bengal riots. Is he taking his support base for granted? Or is he trying to prove his ‘secular’ credentials by constant reference of Mahatma Gandhi while condemning selective incidents.

People voted for Mr. Modi in 2014 LS election because he offered something different. Something which the right wing was looking for.

The real establishment in this country is the liberal jamat & lutyens lobby who are trying to control the narrative & occupy the space. For last 3 years PM has kept them at bay & avoided their influence . He has resisted them from infiltrating his system. But his cabinet colleagues seems to be in a different land. Some are busy in launching books of journalists who abuse him day in day out. Some go out of their way to earn praises from the ‘liberal jamat’ even if it means angering their own support base.

Its time for Mr. Modi to wake up & take some tough stands. They may cause few discomfort even with his cabinet but that shouldn’t deter him.

Its time for him to be the ‘The Dark Knight’. We don’t need a hero. We need a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A Pradhan Sevak who is not afraid to serve his countrymen. At a time when his countrymen soldiers needs him the most, Mr. Modi should make his stance clear.

It’s time to charge, time to change


On august 1st 2000, in Pehelgam town located in Anantnag district of Kashmir, massacre of 105 people (according to PTI) was carried out by Kashmiri separatist militants. 2 of my cousins and their father (my uncle) were gunned down in this cowardly attack. They were also my neighbours. We went to school together. They were survived by my aunt (who took a bullet in her thigh) and has a limp now 17 years later, and the eldest daughter.

I remember the lowering of coffins from the trucks as I watched it on TV, after the bodies were airlifted in Indian airlines from Pehelgam and dropped off in Delhi. I remember the names written on the coffins [N. Goel (15yrs), K. Goel (8yrs) and their dad N. Goel (45yrs). How can I not remember?

I am sure N and K did not know what Amarnath or Kashmir or Islam were. N and I went to the same class of the same school. They were good kids of educated and well to do parents. They had so much potential. My blood boils when I think about the arrogance and cowardice of their killers. They had no right to kill them.

Its been 17 years since then and nothing has changed.

Then Prime Minister A. B. Vajpayee condemned the killings as “needless and gruesome”. The president K. R. Narayanan said, “I am shocked and deeply grieved to learn the mindless killing in the name of Jehad”.

Nothing changed. The separatists continue to create havoc in our lives. Broken homes are still broken. I don’t care about Hindu/ Muslim/ extremists/ fundamentalists. I care about my people. I am worried there are several more Ns and Ks in the world who do not get to fulfill their destiny, who do not get to live their dreams. Yet we continue to just condemn such attacks and sit cowardly.

Solution by dialogue has failed so far. They continue to kill the innocents. Small little surgical strikes and operations hardly help. I say let’s go full force and be done with it. I say let’s not take the easy road and let people die such pathetic deaths. I say let’s charge!

Would Bollywood liberals remain silent on Amarnath attacks?


Ladies and Gentlemen presenting Rahul Roy who has Aashique to his credit and from whose legacy he can never come out of. Secondly we have Kalki Koechlin, an Anglo Saxon who speaks half-baked Hindi and who apparently acts in “ooh! That is too mainstream!” independent movies and who thanks to a famous director in the cine world, is continuing to prove to be a hideous actor too. Rajat Kapoor is here too, my humble folks. The last time we saw him in the news was when he couldn’t find a producer for his next movie. Sir, our humble advice is please stick to acting. Is that Vikrant Massey over there? Well hellou sir, thanks to the ongoing protests, we managed to know that your name is Vikrant Massey else we would only remember you as the hit and miss character who does an abominable impersonation of Dev Anand in Lootera. You did your job well here. You got the attention you wanted.

Finally, we have in our list of “A-Listers”, Ranvir Shorey (Only famous for being arrested due to his assault on his then girlfriend, Pooja Bhatt), Ramachandra Guha who has never in his life played first class cricket and yet finds himself to be worthy of dictating values of integrity to the BCCI and what is “Oxygen tube” Girish Karnad doing here with a contraption in his nostrils? Wasn’t he in on news when he called the great Rabindranath Tagore (absolutely no satire intended when I talk about Sir Tagore) a “second rate playwright”?

I see on stage Saba Dewan, the leader of this congregation- which is soon to falter and die- and whose post went viral. I shall not comment on her because I or for that sake none of us did not know she existed or if she has in anyway contributed anything at all for her to find a place in this obnoxious article of mine. I understand I am guilty of providing a running commentary on these most valued men and women of our society and wasting your time my reader, but I feel even more nauseous because I have had to waste my time researching these masquerading third rate controversy mongers.

Barely two weeks has gone by, when Deputy Superintendent of Police Mohammed Ayub Pandit was lynched by a mob of 400 people in front of the Jamia Masjid. Ironically it was the Shab-e-Qadr or the night of power when forgiveness is begged for and all sins are forgiven by the almighty. We have not seen a single protest against the lynching that equals the magnitude of the ongoing protests in all the major cities. Fresh out of the Academy was Lieutenant Fayaz of Rajputana Rifles, who was kidnapped and murdered in May. The body of the 22 year old was found riddled with bullets. May I ask the real Kalki Koechlin and other Bollywood B graders to please stand up? Or are they in no mood for contrition?

It has been a couple of days since seven innocent pilgrims which included five women were slaughtered by terrorists. Thank you Shabana Azmi ji, for retweeting some comments and a vague comment stating “Perpetrators must be brot 2 book asap”. Thank you Vikrant Massey for retweeting Ramachandra Guha. Your twitter handle tells us that you are the President of Armchair activism. You have lived up to that name in this instance. Thank you Konkona Sen Sharma, Kalki Koechlin and Rajat Kapoor for maintaining a stoic silence on Twitter. We couldn’t see you protesting anywhere else either. Thank you Girish Karnad Ji for giving us Mr. Raghu Karnad. I shall never hold in contempt family members, but the younger Karnad has had the audacious tenacity to publish an article on ‘The Wire’ just a day after the massacre i.e. on 11th July, 2017, stating the impact of the pilgrims and the security forces on the ecological system of Amarnath and that Buddha Amarnath, Kauser Nag and Sindhu Darshan Yatras are used drive “political conduits” further into the state by “Hindutva elements”. A certain round of applause please my reader.

One of my friends summed up the mood of the country, “And you are free to empathize with the army and the security forces, while others are free to empathize with civilians.” As a firm believer in democracy and as a subject of a free world country, I must agree with this assertion. But my question is why are protests not organized or questions asked against lynching and murders of our security forces in Kashmir by these Sants and the perceived crème de la crème? And in case if protests are organized, we are violent fundamentalists carrying tridents, aren’t we? Why are the voices of true influencers and icons muffled and suffocated by the media the moment they raise it against anti national and fringe elements?

Hindustan Times were one of the first to report upon a bunch of ragtag dissidents conjured out of thin air, trying to protest the “killings” of Amarnath pilgrims under the banner #notinmyname. The few numbers that did show up after the murders, looked like wayward misguided sheep who did not have a clue on whether should they be protesting lynching’s or in the second case, brutal terrorist attacks. The protest seemed to be an exhibition of sorts. In all probabilities the organizers might want to curse the murderous perpetrators of the Amarnath tragedy, not because of the murders but because they are now forced to advertise and placate the sentiments of the mainstream public. The protest is dying but these dodgy crooks understand it is time to change course since the tide is against them.

Now comes the heroics of our new age media. Huffington Post had no qualms in calling Sonu Nigam a desperate attention seeker. They went a step ahead and juxtaposed him as a Sanghi obsessed with medieval Islam. Virender Sehwag and Randeep Hooda were termed misogynists and whatnot and were accused of instigating rape threats and “systematic hatred” against a Delhi University student for voicing her substandard opinions. Hindustan Times with the customary egotistical bravado of a ‘know it all’ secular  had the tenacity to label Gautam Gambhir a Mass murderer when he tweeted his dissent after our Jawans were slapped and heckled by fanatics in the valley.

This might be an emotional outburst from a nationalist and irreligious nobody and I have tried to keep personal insults to a bare minimum- I shall wink here- but I have taken a certain level of freedom to take potshots at charlatans desperate for a bit of self-aggrandizement.

Truth of Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bharadwaj that every Indian should know


Grandmaster Shifuji Shaurya Bharadwaj over the last year has created a wave in the online world, with his aggressive video’s and his army lookalike uniform. Shifuji donned combat attires which includes the combat insignia alleged to be a lookalike of the Balidan badge, a stiff (worn around the neck), a plain maroon beret, and a pointed mustache.  An expert in various combat techniques and inventor of MITTI (Soil) Swadeshi Customized System of Situation Reaction Tactics, he has trained multiple divisions of the armed forces, he is one of the most respected trainers today in India. What remains to be known about him is that he has trained Lakhs of Women from Rural India for free through Mission Prahar, an initiative founded by him.

In the last few months, he has been accused of numerous crimes and slammed by anti-nationalist media. Accused for being a fake, donning a military lookalike dress and being abusive towards critics of India’s sovereignty, integrity and its armed forces. Shifuji is subjected to extreme criticism from various quarters of media which is driven by an agenda to disrobe him of the support and patronage of the Indian masses.

Who is Shifuji?

Shifuji was born in the town of Gurdaspur Punjab, spent most of his life in Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab. Born to a Pehalwan and Ustaad of the Kushti Akhara, who retired from the Gun Carriage Factory. His mother was a teacher and worked with the slum dwellers, providing free education to the underprivileged all her life. Living in a joint family predominant with Armed Forces Personnel, his upbringing was done in accords with the military way. A Child Prodigy he was trained in Khusti, Swimming and various other forms of Martial Arts. Born in the lineage of revolutionaries, his great grandfather was part of the legendary “Hindustan Socialist Republican Association” and was known to be involved in the Kakori Train Heist.

Is Shifuji a fraud – Allegations Vs. Reality

He is regularly accused of donning a military dress, along with a maroon beret, Marcos badge and balidan insignia with it, Often addressed as an army officer by his fans and critics alike, his credentials as a freelance trainer to the armed forces have been questioned. Now that the media and a few anti national elements question his patriotism and even have the guts to ask him about his contribution to the nation.

Shifuji has never stated that he is an army officer, nor has he claimed to be recruited or held any post in the armed forces. His followers and critics alike, have attributed him to be an army officer, though he has always maintained that he has served and trained personnel of the Indian armed forces, para-military forces, police as well as enforcement agencies. He has trained many military units in his long career as a freelance trainer, and is instrumental in developing combat and strategic training programs for both the army and state level forces.

What is the issue about fake military uniform?

Shifuji wears clothes like the armed forces, keeps discipline and fitness along with his fashion sense, these are part of his upbringing. He is accused of wearing a maroon beret, donning a Marcos and a Balidan Badge. The beret and the badge are synonymous to ranks and acknowledgement of exemplary service towards the nation. Also, to note that it is not prohibited by any law that a trainer and mentor while conducting a training session cannot wear camouflaged pants. Attire worn by Shifuji is complete out of his choice and discipline.

On further observation, it was pointed out that Shifuji’s maroon beret is designed similar to the ones worn by the elite forces, the beret worn by Shifuji itself bears no marks of the Indian armed forces, Indian special forces or Indian government. Stating further, he is accused of wearing the Balidan Badge, which is awarded to a rare few. It’s not true! Be noted that the badge worn by Shifuji, is a pattern akin to badges of military ranks and combatants in other part of the world, and worn without any restraint. He wears it printed on a camouflage t-shirt which is not at all a print of Indian armed forces nor does it contain any mark of Indian Special Forces. The badge worn by Shifuji alleged to be the MARCOS badge was not worn in complete military attire or for that matter even the jacket worn by Shifuji bore a cutout sticker of legendary freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, which is not a protocol of the Indian Armed Forces.

Aggressive, Abusive or Patriotic

Often people call him abusive and aggressive, but then how can someone like Shifuji who has witnessed his family members laid to eternal rest by our treacherous neighbours contain his anger or for that matter anybody who has lost their loved ones protecting us from foreign aggression do so. In any case, for a staunch nationalist like Shifuji the nation comes before his personal views and opinions.  And for those who question the integrity and working of our army are welcome to preach our hostile neighbours humanity and other virtues, who would still not hesitate to pull the trigger even on their friendly “Pseudo-Liberals” whom the Armed Forces nevertheless protect.

No patriot would ever sit silent and watch when our Jawans are dying at the borders, while our politicians are busy eating samosas, and nor would someone like Shifuji, who is a true patriot at heart.

For the masses who have forgotten the true meaning of Nationalism, Shifuji gives some truly sensible lines which would surely come only from the heart of real Indian and a patriot.

“Watan walo, Watan na bech dena, yeh dharti, yeh gagan na bech dena, shahido ne jaan di hain, watan ke vaaste, shahido ke kafan na bech dena”

Do share your views and comments!

How Indian media defamed Hinduism by labeling a Muslim terrorist a Hindu


IG of Jammu and Kashmir, in a conference told the reporters about an LeT terrorist, Sandeep Sharma who happens to be a Hindu was arrested and held in custody for further queries. The Hindu-Hater Newspaper let not the opportunity go in vain and started connecting Sharma with Dharma. One of the leading news traders, (a figure among cyphers) Times of India wrote an article about the same.

Times of India, which always claimed that Terror has no religion had now find the relationship between Terror and religion, which according to them is Hinduism. In an article they write and claim that Sandip Sharma is a Hindu. In the article author M Saleem Pandit & Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui wrote and I quote:

“Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) had hired a Hindu man from Uttar Pradesh to rob banks and ATMs, snatch weapons and kill cops in Kashmir, police said on Monday.

Inspector General of J&K Police, Muneer Khan, said at a press conference that Sandeep Sharma from UP’s Muzaffarnagar was arrested for being a member of an LeT module in south Kashmir and a close aide of the outfit’s commander Bashir Lashkari, who had been gunned down in an encounter in Anantnag on July 1.”

So the ultra super duper seculars who believes that terrorism has no religion are propagating the noble term ‘Hindu’ with ignoble ‘Sandip Sharma’. Everyone knows that Sandip Sharma was not killing police officers and civilians to spread Hinduism, still Times of India didn’t shy away to connect Hinduism with that terrorist. They had connected Hinduism with Sandeep which can be understood by the Hindi Phrase ‘साँप मरे लाठी न टूटे’ (Killing the Snake without breaking the Stick). One can see the mindset of these news traders by this articles.

A local Newspaper claimed that Sandeep was converted to Islam two years ago. But these ultra super duper seculars didn’t panicked to write about it. They wrote about how Sandeep came in contact with LeT but they didn’t mentioned for a single time about his conversion to Islam. Sources:

Level of Journalism is now going deeper into darkness day by day. They sensationalize minor incidents into a communal one or they convert incidents into Upper Caste versus Lower Caste. An Indian with little access to genuine news feels humiliated and frustrated by these.

I’m still to know if Terror has religion or no? My advice to News traders is that, ‘Do not do something today what you repent tomorrow’.

ये आतंकवादी हमला सही है

माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी,

मै भक्त हूँ मगर अंधभक्त नही। प्रजातंत्र मे आलोचना का एक अहम स्थान है। मगर ये खत सिर्फ आलोचना के लिए नही, विचार करने के लिए लिख रहा हूँ।

कल रात अमरनाथ यात्रियों पे हुए आतंकी हमले की निंदा करने वालों की होड़ लगी है। हर कोई अपने तरीके से अपनी आवाज उठा रहा है। कोई जंग चाहता है, कोई धैर्य, किसी को इसमें हिन्दू-मुस्लिम सदभावना पे हमला दिख रहा है तो कोई ये कह रहा है की मुस्लिम समुदाय ने कश्मीर में हिन्दुओ का हमेशा साथ दिया है और ये वक्त एकता दिखाने का है।

शायद सभी लोग अपनी जगह सही है। अगर ऐसा है तो इसका मतलब ये कतई नही है की ये आतंकवादी हमला सही है। तो गलत क्या है और गलती कैसे सुधारी जाए?

हर आतंकवादी हमले के बाद सरकार ने आम जनता को या तो आश्वासन दिया या मुआवजा या फिर दोनों। मगर किसी भी सरकार ने वजह नहीं बताई, किसी ने भी इस आतंकवाद का धर्म नहीं बताया। सरकार ने सिर्फ ठोस कदम उठाने का वादा किया। भले ही वो पठानकोट हमला हो, गुरदासपुर हमला या उड़ी हमला या अमरनाथ यात्रियों पे हमला।

ऐसा नहीं है की सरकार कुछ नहीं कर रही है? आज की सरकार, पुरानी सरकार से ज्यादा कड़ी निंदा कर रही है और ज्यादा तेज भी। हमले के एक घंटे के अंदर ही निंदा का टविट् कर दिया जाता है। ये अलग बात है की पुरानी सरकार के प्रधानमंत्री टविटर पे थे ही नहीं, वरना वो भी जल्दी मे निंदा करना नही चूकते।

125 करोड़ हिन्दुस्तानियों के लिए सोचने वाली बात ये है की

“अगर हमले की निंदा ही करनी है तो, मनमोहन जी क्या ख़राब निंदा करते थे? उन्हें निंदा करने का १० साल का तजुर्बा भी था।”

सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक कर के भरोसा दिलाया गया था की आतंकवादियों पर इतना बड़ा हमला होने के बाद उनके हौसले पस्त हो जाऐंगे। माफ करे, मुझे याद नही आ रहा पर मगर नोट बंदी के बाद किसी ने हम से कहा था की सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक से आतंकवादियों और नक्सलियों की कमर टूट जाएगी। जो लोग अमरनाथ यात्रा मे मारे गए हैं, वो और उनका परिवार भी नोटबंदी मे ATM के कतार में खड़ा था इस उम्मीद के साथ की आतंकवादियों को हराने में वो सरकार का साथ दे रहे हैं।

आपने विश्वास दिलाया था की आप देश के प्रधानमंत्री नहीं, चौकीदार बन के खड़े रहेंगे। मगर सच तो ये है की एक के बाद एक आतंकवादी हमले से ये साबित हो रहा है की चौकदारी में कही ना कही कमी तो है?

जब पूरा देश आतंकवाद के खिलाफ आपके साथ खड़ा है तो आतंकवाद की कब्र क्यों नही खोद दी जाए? सच तो ये है की हम ऐसे देश में रहते हैं, जहाँ रक्षामंत्री का पद एक पार्ट टाईम जाॅब की तरह है। अफसोस की 125 करोड़ वाले देश में, एक फूल टाईम रक्षामंत्री भी नहीं हैं हमारे पास!

सुबह कोई कह रहा था कि “नरेंद्र मोदी जी को नरेंद्र मोदी जी के आदेश का इंतजार है। एक बार नरेंद्र मोदी जी को नरेंद्र मोदी जी का आदेश मिल गया तो नरेंद्र मोदी जी जरूर आतंकवाद के खिलाफ ठोस कदम उठाऐंगे, क्योंकि नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने ऐसा पहले भी किया है।”

जंग के लिए तो हम 1948, 1965, 1971 या 1999 में भी तैयार नहीं थे। मगर जब जंग थोपा गया तो हमने मुँह तोड़ जवाब दिया। रूस या इजराईल से जो हथियार हमने खरीदे हैं, क्या वो सिर्फ संग्रहालय में दिखाने के लिए है?

या फिर हम-

“बुजदिली तो देखो उस पार से आए हमलावर की?

या फिर देखो हार दिल्ली में बैठी सरकार की?”

एक देशवासी

S. Saurabh