Saturday, November 2, 2024
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This is no apology, Mr Kejriwal


It is raining apologies of late. After the apology to Punjab leader Majithia, apologies to Gadkari and Sibal followed in quick succession. In spite of the letters being clear and legally sound and being accepted by the courts as well as the aggrieved parties concerned, the apology itself sounds a lot hollow.

The ostensible purpose of this exercise is to free Mr Kejriwal from the defamation cases filed against him and his cohorts, who, till a year back were masters of the art of shoot and scoot and stepped back a little only after the poll debacles in Punjab and Goa.

The reason why this appears hollow is actually what is not contained within the letters. Even while dishing out these apologies, the party made it clear that they were doing this only because of the myriad defamation cases that were supposedly draining the party resources, monetary and otherwise. The party also let it be known that the whole exercise is a strategy to counter the sinister designs of the ruling BJP that is trying its best to finish it off politically, using defamation cases and other dubious methods.

Take this report that appeared in the Indian Express:

Implicit in this (actually not so implicit), is a positioning that the apology is not because of a change of heart, but only because Mr Kejriwal is unable to devote time and resources for the defamation cases. In other words, Mr Kejriwal and the AAP let it be known very clearly that although prima facie, there is enough merit in all the accusations they made against various leaders from other parties, they are now offering this apology as a tactical move to devote their time and energy elsewhere.

It is not that the AAP leaders do not know that the letters of apology are unconditional and therefore, they alone will stand legally; yet, in the eyes of the public, they are making a crude attempt to portray themselves as the victims of the machinations of the BJP and these apologies are nothing but tactical retreat.

Or is there another reason for the sudden spate of apologies? It is possible that the party and its legal brains realized that Mr Kejriwal would be staring at disqualification as MLA and therefore the post of CM of Delhi, if there is a criminal conviction in even one of the cases and advised him to take the apology route.

Unfortunately for Mr Kejriwal, nobody is fooled. Not the public and not his own party lower rung leaders, let alone the regional leaders from Punjab. It has also been reported that Mr Jaitley is not very keen on accepting an apology if one comes his way. Apologies in mere words not backed by conviction serve no purpose other than to extricate a habitual offender legally.

काका हाथरसी अपनी कविताओं में जो अस्वीकरण दे न सके


काका हाथरसी किसी परिचय के मोहताज नहीं हैं। उनकी रचनाओं ने बहुतों को न केवल हंसाया बल्कि देश के राजनीतिक परिवेश को झेलने में मदद भी की।

वैसे तो उनकी रचनाएं वक्त से परे हैं, और किसी भी समय के परिदृश्य में सटीक ही रहेंगी परन्तु आज के समय में जो लोग उनकी कविताओं को पढ़ेंगे वे चौंक जाएंगे कि काका ने समय से पहले ही ये कैसे लिख दिया। इसलिए हमने सोचा कि चूंकि काका तो हमारे पैदा होने से पहले निकल लिए, तो क्यूं ना उनकी ओर से हमीं कुछ बातें साफ कर दें।

इसलिए उनकी चंद पंक्तियों के साथ हमने एक-एक पंक्ति का ‘डिसक्लेमर’, जिसे अंग्रेजी में अस्वीकरण कहते हैं, जोड़ दिया।

“गुरु भ्रष्टदेव ने सदाचार का गूढ़ भेद यह बतलाता।
जो मूल शब्द था सदाचोर वह सदाचार अब कहलाया॥”

नोट- इसका लालू से संबंध नहीं

“गुरुमंत्र मिला आई अक्कल उपदेश देश को देता मैं।
है सारी जनता थर्ड क्लास, एयरकंडीशन नेता मैं॥”

नोट- इसका राहुल से संबंध नहीं

“रिश्वत अथवा उपहार-भेंट मैं नहीं किसी से लेता हूं।
यदि भूले-भटके ले भी लूं तो कृष्णार्पण कर देता हूं॥”

नोट- इसका अखिलेश से संबंध नहीं

“अब केवल एक इलाज शेष, मेरा यह नुस्खा नोट करो।
जब खोट करो, मत ओट करो, सब कुछ डंके की चोट करो॥”

नोट- इसका मायावती से संबंध नहीं

“नाम-रूप के भेद पर कभी किया है गौर?
नाम मिला कुछ और तो, शक्ल अक्ल कुछ और
शक्ल अक्ल कुछ और, नैनसुख देखे काने
बाबू सुंदरलाल बनाए ऐंचकताने
कहँ ‘काका’ कवि, दयाराम जी मारें मच्छर
विद्याधर को भैंस बराबर काला अक्षर”

नोट- इसका शेहला से संबंध नहीं

“चतुरसेन बुद्धू मिले बुद्धसेन निर्बुद्ध
श्री आनंदीलालजी रहे सर्वदा क्रुद्ध
रहें सर्वदा क्रुद्ध, मास्टर चक्कर खाते,
इंसानों को मुंशी तोताराम पढ़ाते,
कहं ‘काका’, बलवीरसिंहजी लटे हुए हैं,
थानसिंह के सारे कपड़े फटे हुए हैं।”

नोट- इसका कन्हैय्या से संबंध नहीं

“पूंछ न आधी इंच भी, कहलाते हनुमान,
मिले न अर्जुनलाल के घर में तीर-कमान।
घर में तीर-कमान, बदी करता है नेका,
तीर्थराज ने कभी इलाहाबाद न देखा।
सत्यपाल ‘काका’ की रकम डकार चुके हैं,
विजयसिंह दस बार इलैक्शन हार चुके हैं।”

नोट- इसका जिग्नेश या राहुल से संबंध नहीं

“बिना टिकट के ट्रेन में चले पुत्र बलवीर
जहाँ ‘मूड’ आया वहीं, खींच लई ज़ंजीर
खींच लई ज़ंजीर, बने गुंडों के नक्कू
पकड़ें टी. टी. गार्ड, उन्हें दिखलाते चक्कू
गुंडागर्दी, भ्रष्टाचार बढ़ा दिन-दूना
प्रजातंत्र की स्वतंत्रता का देख नमूना”

नोट- इसका किसी चिदम्बरम से संबंध नहीं

“शान – मान – व्यक्तित्व का करना चाहो विकास
गाली देने का करो , नित नियमित अभ्यास
नित नियमित अभ्यास , कंठ को कड़क बनाओ
बेगुनाह को चोर , चोर को शाह बताओ
‘ काका ‘, सीखो रंग – ढंग पीने – खाने के
‘ रिश्वत लेना पाप ‘ लिखा बाहर थाने के”

नोट- इसका मुलायम से संबंध नहीं

संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने किया राहुल गांधी के जनेऊ को सेकुलर घोषित


कांग्रेस पार्टी के अध्यक्ष श्री राहुल गांधी के जनेऊ को संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने सेकुलर घोषित कर दिया है। मंगलवार को हुई बैठक में ये निर्णय लिया गया। इस पर सभी देशों ने अपनी सहमति दी और चीन ने तो ये तक प्रस्ताव रखा कि राहुल जी के जनेऊ का वो मोम का पुतला बनाएंगे और म्यूजियम में प्रदर्शनी के लिए रखवाएँगे।

दरअसल हाल ही में राहुल गांधी जी ने ये बयान दिया था कि वो जनेऊधारी हिन्दू हैं लेकिन इसके बावजूद वो और धर्मों के धर्मस्थलों में अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज कराते रहे और इसी कारण उनका जनेऊ जोकि सिर्फ मंत्रों के उच्चारण को ही सुन पाता था बाकी के धर्मों के रीति रिवॉज़ों को भी महसूस कर पाया। राहुल जी के किए गए इन कोशिशों का उनके विरोधियों ने खूब मज़ाक उड़ाया किन्तु राहुल जी के इरादों पर इसका कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ा और वो अपना काम करते चले गए।

अब तो ये स्थिति है कि राहुल जी के समर्थक किसी मंदिर, मस्जिद, चर्च, गुरुद्वारा एवं अन्य किसी भी धार्मिक स्थल में नहीं जाते वो तो बस राहुल जी के जनेऊ को प्रणाम कर लेते हैं।

एक न्यूज़ चैनल को दिए इंटरव्यू में एक समर्थक से जब रिपोर्टर ने पूछा कि आखिर क्या खूबी है राहुल जी के जनेऊ में तो उस समर्थक ने कहा कि “यह जनेऊ की वजह से हम कार्यकर्ताओं में जो एकता का संचारण हुआ है वैसा पहले कभी नहीं हुआ“। समर्थक ने आगे बोला कि “पहले हम में से कोई मन्दिर जाता था तो कोई मस्जिद कोई गुरुद्वारे जाता था तो कोई चर्च जो जिसका धर्म था वो अपने धार्मिक स्थल जाता था किंतु इस जनेऊ ने उन सभी को एक कर दिया है, अब हम सब आदरणीय जनेऊ जी के सामने प्रणाम कर आशीर्वाद लेते हैं तथा अपने दिन की शुरुआत करते हैं”।

संयुक्त राष्ट्र से मिले इस सम्मान से कांग्रेस पार्टी में खुशी की लहर दौड़ गई है। स्वयं राहुल जी इस सम्मान से फुले नहीं समा रहे, अमेठी में लोगो को संबोधित करते हुए एक रैली में उन्होंने मोदी जी पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि “मोदी जी मेरे पास तो सेकुलर जनेऊ है, आपके पास क्या है?” सूत्रों की माने तो राहुल जी के इस सवाल ने बीजेपी में खलबली मचा दी है। हालांकि मोदी जी ने ट्वीट करके राहुल जी को इस बात की बधाई ज़रूर दी।

इस बात का असर सोशल मीडिया पे तो होना लाज़मी था और जोकि हुआ भी। ट्विटर पर #सेकुलर_जनेऊ , #JanewInUN , एवं #जनेऊधारी_सबपे_भारी
ट्रेंड करने लगा साथ ही लोगों की प्रतिक्रियाओं का भी तांता लग गया, कइयों ने जनेऊ शब्द का बेहतरीन प्रयोग करके अपनी रचनात्मकता (क्रिएटिविटी) को दर्शाया। जैसे: एक उपयोगकर्ता (यूज़र) ने लिखा “गैंग्स ऑफ जनेऊधारी” वहीं एक अन्य ने लिखा “वक़्त जनेऊधारी का है” एक और व्यक्ति ने अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में लिखा “The curious case of JanewDhari”

वहीं राहुल जी के जनेऊ को लेकर एक भोजपुरी निर्दर्शक ने एक फ़िल्म बनाने का भी एलान किया साथ ही उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म का शीर्षक जनता के सामने रखा जिसका नाम होगा “पहन देब जनेऊ, सेकुलर बन जाब हर केहू”

अब राहुल जी के जनेऊ को हर तरफ से मिल रही उपलब्धि से सम्पूर्ण कांग्रेस में एक नया उत्साह आ गया है, देखने वाली बात होगी कि भाजपा इसके बाद क्या करती है।

डिस्क्लेमर: इस लेख में कोई सच्चाई नहीं है। यह मज़ाक है तथा किसी को आहत करना इसका मकसद नहीं है।

इस लेख को मैंने अपने निजी ब्लॉग अकॉउंट पे लिख रखा है जिसका लिंक ये है: संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने किया राहुल गांधी के जनेऊ को सेकुलर घोषित

Mahagathbandhan at national level is not going to be an easy run


After the crushing defeat of the Left by the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) in Tripura assembly elections earlier this month, the political narrative swung in favour of the ruling party with regards to 2019 being easy pickings, when seen as to how they demolished the CPI(M)’s 25 year long rule.

After the by-polls results in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, coupled with the “Kisan Long March” happening after the Tripura verdict, the narrative has suddenly swung towards the possibility BJP’s 2019 run might not be as easy as it appeared earlier. After the farmers march in Maharashtra, it showcased that the Left is not “over and out” thanks to the thousands of “laal jhandas” which were seen in the hands of the participants; and after the BJP’s defeat in their heartland of Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh to Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supported by the Samajwadi Party, the narrative that a “Mahagathbandhan” (grand alliance) of state parties opposition can defeat the BJP has further gained momentum.

In the Indian democracy, it is a positive aspect of the system where opposition parties have a massive prevalence. They can not only put a check on the ruling government but can also change the course of public opinion. The Uttar Pradesh by-polls results are doing exactly that. They have once again opened up conversations about opposition parties, talks which weren’t taking place some months back when it seemed that 2019 would be a cakewalk for the BJP.

However, since people are talking now, let’s talk about as to whether a “Mahagathbandhan” during the 2019 general elections would seriously live up to the serious expectations which are expected from an opposition party. If recent history tells us anything, then it can be seen that alliances are quite volatile in nature. Just take Bihar for example.

The Nitish Kumar- Lalu Prasad Yadav alliance won with a two-thirds of the votes in the Assembly elections in 2015 which was seen as one of the most  triumphant victories against the NDA. However the alliance broke off two years later in 2017 as Nitish Kumar who was referred to as “Chanakya” in 2015’s win, jumped ships and joined Narendra Modi. The reasons are not important here but what is imperative is that in an alliance, there are high chances that it might fall apart. As there are so many major players in an alliance one never knows who might swing in which direction.

The initial alliances of potential alliance has already started as expected. According to latest news, Telengana Chief Minister, K. Chandrasekhara Rao and West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee had a sit down on Monday where discussions took place between the two political leaders regarding the formation of a “federal front,” an alliance which would take on both the the BJP and the Congress. Reports also said that Rao stated that both the leaders came to an “understanding.”

The interesting aspect to be noted here is that the discussion of a potential alliance was not only intended as an opposition agains the the BJP but also against Congress. So clearly, it can be seen that some state leaders are not showing any faith in the young and supposedly more politically mature Rahul Gandhi when it comes to leading the country.

If they are against Modi and don’t support Rahul Gandhi also, then who will be the potential leader of India even if an alliance is a viable opposition? Mamata Banerjee reportedly said after the meeting with Rao, “Sometimes in politics, situations become such that people have to come together to work… We want a strong front but we are not in a hurry.”

However, what the state parties need to is hurry and come to a concrete decision as soon as possible, There are too many unanswered questions and the 2019 general elections is just a year away and seen in the context of Bihar’s “Mahagathbandhan,” an alliance as an opposition should be taken with a pinch of salt. It might be a good idea but it isn’t a guarantee that an alliance will necessarily work in 2019.

हमारे नेताओं के ‘सम्मान’ में एक लेख


जो हो न सका!

खबर आई कि ३९ भारतीयों की मृत्यु की पुष्टि हुई है। सुषमा स्वराज ने इसकी जानकारी लोक सभा में दी। सुषमा जी नम आंखों से अपना वक्तव्य पढ़ रहीं थीं, देश सुन रहा था। और सदन में सन्नाटा पसरा हुआ था। वक्तव्य खत्म होने पर सुषमा जी बैठ गईं और अपनी सफेद रुमाल निकाल कर आंसू पोंछने लगीं और संसद में बिलकुल खामोशी छा गई।

ऐसी चुप्पी थी जिसने सारे देश का दिल मरोड़ कर रख दिया। पूरे देश की संवेदना उन आतंक के हत्थे चढ़े बेचारों के परिवार के साथ थी। इसी सन्नाटे को चीरती हुई एक आवाज उठी। और फिर सन्नाटा छा गया। एक एक करके सभी सांसद उठते और सदन के समक्ष अपनी सहानुभूति प्रस्तुत करते, मृतकों के परिजनों को संतावना देते और फिर से गहरी शांति में सदन डूब जाता।

अंत में एक स्वर सभी सांसदों ने आईएसआईएस और सभी आतंकवादी संगठनों की भर्त्सना करते हुए राष्ट्र को भरोसा दिलाया कि भारत और भी सुदृढ़ता से आतंकवाद से लड़ेगा। हर संभव वैश्विक मंच पर भी इस मुद्दे को तब तक उठाता रहेगा जब तक सभी देश मिलकर इसका समाधान नहीं कर लेते।

इसके बाद सुषमा जी उठकर राज्य सभा की ओर चल दीं। उन्हें यही कठोर सूचना वहां भी देनी है। सभी सांसदों ने उनके जाते वक्त उनकी भी हिम्मत बढ़ाई।

सारे भारत ने देखा कि कैसे उनके चुने हुए प्रतिनिधि जो हर दिन आपस में लड़ते रहते हैं, वो आज जब राष्ट्र को जरूरत पड़ी तो एक स्वर में खड़े हैं।

भारत के जनतंत्र की आज जो परीक्षा हुई उसमें हम खरे उतरे। मुझे यकीन है जिन भी युवाओं को राजनीति में कुछ करने की अभिलाषा है उन सभी के लिए आज का दिन न सिर्फ स्मरणीय रहेगा बल्कि उनको पूरे जीवन एक प्ररेणा भी प्रदान करेगा।

आज हमारे नेताओं ने न सिर्फ अगली पीढ़ी के लिए पथ प्रदर्शित किया है बल्कि हमारा भी साहस बढ़ाया है।
यह सत्र और आज के भाषण मुझे हमेशा याद रहेंगे।

आक् थू!! #शर्मनाक!!!

मौसम विज्ञान


समय निरंतर निरंकुश दौड़ता रहता है। इस दौड़ में कई चीजें बदल जाती हैं तो कुछ शाश्वत प्रतीत होती हैं। वैसे शाश्वत चीजों की फेहरिस्त बड़ी छोटी ही है। समय दौड़ता रहता है, बदलता रहता है। अभी भी बदल रहा है।

समय के साथ कब क्या कैसे बदल जाए या कौन से छोटे बदलाव बड़े-बड़े बदलावों का मार्ग प्रशस्त कर दें और किस बड़े बदलाव से कोई फर्क न आए ये तो ज्योतिष का कोई प्रकांड विद्वान भी नहीं भांप सकता।

बदलाव की इस फेहरिस्त में मौसम को एक विशिष्ट स्थान प्राप्त है चूंकि मौसम का मिजाज समझना अपनी प्रेमिका अथवा अर्द्धांगिनी के रूठने का कारण जानने से भी कहीं अधिक दुष्कर व दुस्साध्य है। इसकी कठिनाई इस बात से ही मापी जा सकती है कि दुनिया भर के देशों के मौसम विभाग न जाने कितने कम्प्यूटर, सैटेलाइट की मदद के बावजूद सटीक अनुमान विरले ही लगा पाते हैं जबकि मात्र दो कोशिशों के बाद आप को मालूम हो जाता है कि देवी जी इसलिए खिन्न हैं कि गलती आपकी है। परंतु वातावरण के मौसम का अंदाजा लगाना राजनीति के मौसम का आंकलन करने से सरल है। और जिसे इस मौसम की परख होती है वही असली मौसम वैज्ञानिक कहलाता है।

मुझे पता है कि आखिरी पंक्ति पढ़ते ही कुछ पाठकों ने चीनी पत्रकार के सदृश आंखें घुमा कर सोचा होगा कि अभी ये बेशर्म लेख की आड़ में मोदी और शाह को चापलूसी करेगा। ऐसा सोचने वाले पाठक सरासर गलत हैं। मैं रवीश नहीं हूँ, आड़ से नहीं, खुल के चापलूसी करता हूँ। लेकिन यह लेख उनके बारे में नहीं है।

सच तो ये है कि ये दोनों मौसम पढ़ने में बिलकुल ही फिसड्डी हैं, इसलिए ये उच्च कोटि के कपटी धूर्त चीटिंग करते हैं और अपना पसंदीदा मौसम खुद ही बना लेते हैं। ये लेख असली मौसम वैज्ञानिकों को समर्पित है।

जैसे वातावरण वाला मौसम हवा के साथ ही बदल जाता है, राजनीति के मौसम में भी ‘हवा’ का बड़ा महत्व है। सत्ता पर काबिज होने के लिए ‘हवा’ का अनुकूल प्रवाह अतिआवश्यक है। लेकिन किस तितली के कौन से पंख कहां फड़कने से ‘हवा’ की गति और दिशा कैसे परिवर्तित हो जाए यह तो खुद ‘हवा’ भी नहीं जानती। और इसे भांपना ही पूरा विज्ञान है।

कुछ ही समय पहले तक मौसम ठंडा था और वैज्ञानिक उदासीन। पूर्वोत्तर में बरसे ओलों की सर्द हवाएं सुदूर दक्षिण के केरल तक महसूस की गईं, तभी उत्तर प्रदेश में एक तितली उड़ी और मौसम में स्वतः गर्माहट आ गई, ख़िज़ाँ बहार में तब्दील हो गयी। वैज्ञानिकों की उदासीनता जोश में तब्दील हो गई। केवल वैज्ञानिक ही नहीं, मैडिसन के मशहूर मुक्केबाज दंपत्ती, सस्ती ठरक-कथाकार से लेकर ‘लिबरल’ मुस्लिम स्काॅलर और ‘टोल्ड यू सो’ अर्थशास्त्री तक सब हर्षोल्लास से भर गए हैं।

वैज्ञानिकों ने भी अपने अपने यंत्रों एवं उपकरणों को निकाल लिया है। हरफनमौला केंद्रीय वैज्ञानिक ने ‘हवा’ का ‘प्रवाह’ मापने के लिए आकाश में बयान-गुब्बारा उड़ाया है, वहीं विशिष्ट पदाभिलाषी वैज्ञानिक ‘विश्वास’ यंत्र से तापमान टटोल रहे हैं। जबकि उत्तर प्रदेश की महिला वैज्ञानिक और उनके वैज्ञानिक भतीजे की क्या योजना है मुझे पता नहीं।

वहीं जिधर एक ओर दिल्ली के वैज्ञानिक पिछली थीसिस गलत होने के बावजूद संपादित करवाने के लिए माफी मांगने में व्यस्त हैं, उसके दूसरी ओर युवा वैज्ञानिक ने अपने शोशल मीडिया अवतार का नाम बदलने के बाद अपनी मम्मी से कहला कर पूरे संस्थान को अनुसंधान में लगा दिया है। सुनने में आया है कि इस युवा वैज्ञानिक की बहन ने वैज्ञानिक ना होने के बावजूद अनुसंधान में बहुत सहयोग किया, यहाँ तक कि शोधकार्य की निगरानी भी दीदी ही कर रही थीं।

इन सबों से जरा हटके, दक्षिण के वैज्ञानिकों ने तानसेन से प्रेणना ले कर ‘राग’ ‘अलगाव’ का अलाप किया है। देखना ये है कि क्या इससे दरबार की मोमबत्तियां जल उठेंगी?

देश में मौसम वैज्ञानिक बहुत से हैं, और सबकी अपनी अपनी सोच एवं थीसिस भी है। इनमें से कौन सबसे प्रतिभाशाली और कुशाग्रबुद्धि है? किसकी थीसिस कितनी परिशुद्ध? और किसका रिसर्च पेपर अंततः “साइंस जर्नल” में छपेगा? ये सब तो समय के साथ दौड़ते रहने पर ही पता चलेगा। तब तक आप जीवन का आनन्द उठाइए, पर जरा एक आंख मौसम पर भी बनाए रखिएगा, मौसम है, क्या पता कब पलट जाए!

Is it time for structural realignment of RBI?

The regularity of frauds at Indian banks has shaken the faith of the public in the banking system. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has attracted a lot of flak for the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud for the fact that it happened right under its nose and the fraudsters got away. Suggestions have poured in from well-meaning opinion makers and couch Pundits – from replacing the RBI Board to privatizing the banks.

In this context, in what may be a rare occurrence, two governors of the RBI – one former and one current – hit the media spotlight and spoke about the issue.

Dr. Raghuram Rajan in an interview with a business news channel spoke more like a politician – all generalities and little or no specifics. He pointed fingers at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), conveniently forgetting that he was the governor when the fraud was being perpetrated.

On the other hand, Dr. Urjit Patel, the present governor, spoke of the need to privatize the public sector banks and appeared to deflect blame from the Central Bank. Many saw this as a response to Finance Minister Jaitley’s pointing fingers at the RBI for the scam.

RBI governors, in a time tested tradition, are known to be reticent and tend to shy away from media spotlight. But that may be in a bygone era and not in the new normal we all live in.

While there may be some truth in what Dr. Patel had said, the fact that he chose to speak at all on the topic and the timing were indeed bizarre. It is unclear why he chose to bring this up in public. Nor did Dr. Rajan cover himself in glory. The RBI and the Ministry of Finance, per an unwritten etiquette, never drop even the faintest hint of discord amongst them. This is because it has the potential to create turbulence downstream in the economy and could unsettle markets.

The RBI is a venerated institution that is deeply entrenched in the economy. In it’s over eight decades of existence it has requited itself extremely well. It has been at the forefront of expansion of bank branches and credit delivery. It had also played a pivotal role in the nationalization of banks in 1969 as well as in nurturing several developmental financial institutions.

To its credit, the central bank has embraced advances in technology to build a modern banking and supervisory infrastructure. It has adopted risk based supervisory model, a contemporary best practice in bank supervision worldwide. The key pillars of this model are a combination of onsite and offsite monitoring and greater reliance on backend data analytics to proactively gain insights into problem areas in the system. These early warning insights would enable the regulators to monitor banks better.

So, at least on paper, systems and processes were in place for effective supervision. Yet, the repeated occurrence of high profile frauds despite these innovations, only reinforce the common perception that the RBI and bank auditors have not lived up to the expectations of the country.

 The real culprit here, of course, is the fact that India’s institutions and enforcement agencies, despite constitutional and legal guarantees, have long been rendered toothless paper tigers by vested interests. That was done deliberately so that scams like the ones at PNB could be committed with ease.

But the deliberate defanging of the watchdogs or the ownership of public sector banks by government raised by Dr. Patel, are secondary issues that need to be addressed separately. They should not obfuscate the principal responsibility of the RBI in securing the banking system. Given the stature and dignity of the institution and office, it does them no good to pass the buck.

Having said that, the truth however, is that the RBI carries an overload of functions and responsibilities that range from traditional central banking to other “developmental functions”. This was probably necessary in the early days after independence when the modern banking system was in its infancy. But today the situation is different.

Digital banking has rapidly taken root in every corner of the country today, thanks to technology and mobile phones. At the same time, it has also set the bar higher for customer expectations in convenient and secure delivery of banking services. This, in turn, has only accentuated the enormity of challenges in managing and regulating the burgeoning industry.

The fraud at PNB has exposed the vulnerability of the banks system in the new digital ecosystem. There are powerful lesson to be learnt here. Institutions that do not adapt and change with the speed of time risk becoming irrelevant.  Hence the need of the hour is a structural transformation of the Central Bank to meet the enhanced challenges in the new digital banking order.

It is certainly an opportune time to review and offload some of the regulator’s functions. One recommendation would be to carve out the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS) into a separate organization. The BFS was constituted 1994 as a committee of the Central Board of Directors of the RBI “ undertake consolidated supervision of the financial sector comprising commercial banks, financial institutions and non-banking finance companies …”. It enjoys enormous powers under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. In the light of repeated frauds, the BFS must be reincarnated as a more agile and results driven body.

An expert committee could help with the finer details and setting up of this new entity. Suffice it to mention here that this new institution must rise well above the turf battles between the RBI and the Ministry of Finance. It must be on par with other institutions like the Election Commission of Indian (ECI) and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) to prevent the institution from being bludgeoned into submission by vested interests.

But given the current preoccupations of the government, the much needed administrative reforms for governance may not happen in the current term of office. Many Pundits and analysts believe that the Modi government may have already prepared a blueprint for comprehensive reforms that will radically change the civil, police and judicial services in India. Redefining the role and function of the RBI must find the pride of place in the administrative reforms that is long overdue.

Creating this new entity will show the government’s determination in delivering safe and secure banking services to all Indians.

Phulpur- Gorakhpur could be a blessing in disguise for BJP, if only…


Another big bye-poll loss and another big blow to the ruling BJP. Much has been said and discussed about the defeat, causes analysed and opinions given by all and sundry. Is the situation that bad? Are the poll results an aberration or a trend in the making? (Worse, is it a well-set trend already probably?) Is there a seething anger-wave against the BJP across the Hindi belt?

From Rajasthan to MP to UP, the results certainly point towards one trend- that the BJP is neither able to hold on to its own seats nor win new ones, except the lone seat in Bihar. The only prudent way for the top strategists for the BJP to look at the trend is to assume that their grip over the Hindi belt is loosening and find ways to reverse the trend.

Two assumptions hold good here: first that the ruling party is doing something terribly wrong and two, that what they are doing right is not enough. Add to this another real possibility of the opposition closing ranks against the BJP and it is a no brainer that the BJP is in big trouble.

It is common knowledge that the people voted in 2014 on the basis of the promises made by the PM during the run-up to the general elections; more for Modi than for the BJP. To be more precise, it was for his model of development which took the campaign form of Sab Ka Saath; Sab Ka Vikaas and Acche Din. One need not be a genius to understand that one term is not enough to do all that was promised and probably, the common man is still ready to give another chance to Modi. But what turns him away is the unabashedly open pursuing of Hindutva related issues that are of nil relevance to the non-core supporter.

In a country used to leftist and centre left propaganda, where right wing ideology is suppressed for decades and also, people have been put in all kinds of places to scream intolerance and divisiveness, at the drop of a hat, people would not take kindly if issues like Gau Raksha, beef eating etc., gain prominence, especially when larger and more important issues connected with day to day living bear heavily in the minds of the people. With the promised Acche Din not being seen to be delivered, with difficulties caused by demonetization and GST, with rural and agrarian distress being more real than just a media creation, with the security situation vis-a-vis Pakistan and China not being perceived as any better compared to 2014, the only section of the society that was still supporting the BJP was the middle class, but all that changed on Feb 1. With no new tax relief and the ill-advised LTCG, the finance minister demolished that big pillar too. Thus the non-core BJP voter has every reason to feel betrayed. The only reason why they might still vote for the BJP is to give it more time to deliver. But if time and political energy are spent on other non-core issues, the voter is not likely to give the benefit of doubt to the BJP and is more likely to hold it accountable for its failures.

A week back, the ruling party was on a high over the fact that the country has been painted saffron more or less fully, except for a few states. The danger of its losing a few of them in the elections to be held later this year seems to be quite real, if it does not get its act together and puts in place, a robust course correction.

The big X-factor in all this are the regional parties and they know that while the BJP plays hard and continues to grow and expand at their expense, the Congress is at its weakest moment in its history. No amount of gloating over the BJP’s bye-poll losses can hide the loss of its candidate deposits and the reversal in the North-East. Therefore, they would be more than willing to do business with it than the BJP.

The bye-elections provide one silver lining though, for the BJP- it is now more or less certain that it is going to face a determined and united opposition that will include most of the regional parties. There is still enough time to strategize and prepare for the big fight ahead.  With a properly planned and executed course correction, the BJP may still pull it off. Let us not forget that in 2014, the AIADMK got 37 out of 39 seats, even while going alone.

No, Mr. TJS George, Tripura elections were no miracles: Here is why


On reading TJS George’s write up ‘Elections are now miracles’ (TNIE March 11), I decided to glean facts and compare the same with the write-up and found out that the writer seems to be oblivious of the ground realities. The fact is that the people of Tripura have forsaken the left ideology and have embraced the BJP, the signs of which were visible right from 2014 when people came out in huge numbers to see PM Narendra Modi inaugurating the second unit of ONGC Tripura Power Company in Palatana and finally culminated in BJP securing 43% of the vote share and becoming the largest party.

RSS which has been burning midnight oil for the past few years in Tripura has dealt a big blow to the Communist base by making inroads into tribal areas. The state had witnessed targeted killings of BJP workers when the winds of change were felt by the CPIM. The people are reeling under economic distress, which is reflected from the annual per capita Income of state at Rs 38,493 which is less than national average of Rs 44,345 and this speaks volumes about the failure of communism and its economic model. The writer goes on to mock/criticize the BJP’s effort to stitch alliances with other parties which is indeed preposterous.

A few years back, the intellectuals and media syndicate were saying that BJP was untouchable and parties would seldom forge alliance with BJP because of its Hindutva ideology. Modi has indeed forced these so-called intellectuals to take a 180 degree turn. The writer then points out the vandalism of statues of Lenin, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee et al as something which is a fall out of BJP’s victory. There is no doubt that people should not flout the laws of the land but one must understand that the executive of the land has the right to pull-down the statues of terrorists like Vladimir Illyich Ulyanov who has killed lakhs of people. The writer has conveniently forgotten the desecration of Ganesha Vigrahas and other idols during the time of Periyar. Isn’t that violence?

The mentality that condones the destruction of Hindu idols and symbols is not only criminal in nature but also perilous for our society and such ideology that encourages people to resort to violence under the garb of anti-Brahmanism is reprehensible. The people of Tamil Nadu have forsaken Dravidian ideology and have embraced Hinduism which is reflected from the ever-growing numbers of pilgrims from the state in Sabarimala.

Finally, the writer expresses his apprehensions over the possible Ghar-Wapasi of Christian people back into Hindu fold in the north-east. The writer needs to understand that the right to propagation of religion as enshrined in the constitution is not one-sided and such negative views only reflect the writer’s innate nature of hatred towards Sangha Parivar and its ideology.

America remains largest arms dealer


The International Peace Research Institute, which monitors the purchase of weapons in the world, has said that arms sales have increased by 10 percent between 2013-17.

America, which has been the frontrunner in terms of the weapons dealer, has made its head even more. In the last five years, about one-third of the world’s total arms sold nearly 34 percent, sold by the US alone. US arms are sold to at least 98 countries. The big part is of war and transport planes.

The United States sells about half of its weapons to the countries of the Middle East and about one-third of the countries of Asia. Saudi Arabia is the largest buyer of weapons in the Middle East. About one-tenth of the world’s total arms sold goes to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the second largest buyer country in the world of arms. 18 percent of America’s weapons buy Saudi Arabia.

After the US, Russia is the second largest arms supplier. 20% of the total weapons sold out from Russia. Russia sells its weapons to 47 countries of the world, as well as the rebels of Ukraine. More than half of Russia’s weapons go to India, China and Vietnam.

France is at number three in countries selling weapons Its share of total arms sales is 6.7 percent. France has increased arms sales by nearly 27 percent and it has become the world’s third largest arms exporter country.

In the past five years, Germany’s arms sales have declined, despite its fourth position. Germany has increased about 109 percent of the weapons sold to the Middle East countries.

After the US and Europe arms dealers are number one in China. In the last five years, its arms sales have increased by about 38 percent. China’s main buyer of weapons is Pakistan. Although Algeria and Bangladesh have also emerged as big buyers of Chinese weapons in this period China has also sold large amounts of arms to Myanmar.

A large ammunition store is in Israel. In five years of Biba, he has increased his arms sales by about 55 percent. Israel is selling large amounts of arms to India.

The name of South Korea is also being named in the weapons business. He has increased his arms sales by nearly 65 percent in the last five years.

Countries which have increased sales of arms in this period include Turkey. It has increased arms exports in between 2013-17 to about 165 percent.

India is at the top of the arms buyer country. India has purchased 12 per cent of the total weapons sold in the world. Nearly half of these weapons have been bought from Russia. India has also increased the purchase of weapons from the United States, besides weapons and bulk weapons being bought from France and Israel.

Pakistan’s weapons purchase has come down. At present, 2.8 per cent of the total weapons sold in the world goes to Pakistan. Pakistan has reduced the purchase of arms from the US quite a lot.