Sunday, September 22, 2024
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A new superpower- A new India Britain Union (IBU) should occur with these territories


From our history books, we know Ashoka’s regime and his Mauryan Empire stretched from Afghanistan to Bengal to southern India, covering nearly all of the Indian subcontinent, except the southern tip, while in the 10th century, the Chola kingdom became powerful in southern India, as they captured Sri Lanka and they made Polonnaruwa the capital, with trade, temples spanning to Cambodia and Vietnam! India enjoyed the highest GDP in the world at the time!

We know about the Indo-Germanic connections from Sanskrit, to mathematics, and the British Rule of India. What if Indians first colonized Britain? According to the BBC, in, DNA analysis of the skeletal remains of the people of Stonehenge reveal they were closer ancestrally to Turkish people than the Northern Europeans in Britain today, and refer to these people as “Cheddar Man.”

A facial reconstruction of Whitehawk Woman, a 5,600-year-old Neolithic woman who looks more Indian than British!

Isn’t it time to Re-Unite, as equals?

Unification is recommended in spirit, like the Commonwealth countries, with unified economic trade, elimination of military rule and weapons by each regional territory targeted against each other, but with externally orchestrated military against known aggressors like Russia and China, and Centralized co-equal Parliamentary rule from London and New Delhi, with localized police, local governments, and local elections, in each territory. While India’s economy is exceptional, especially in their Tech sector, as well as adjacent industries in Agriculture, Pharmaceutical, Bollywood, and Industrial Manufacturing, it’s a reality the former colonies of the Maurya and Chola Empire are hurting and nearing bankruptcy! And India’s former colonizer in Britain is hurting economically as well, with the critical sectors run by Indians there, including Jaguar, Land Rover, Steel Mills, and the Prime Ministerial office!

As previously written, here:, “Time to unite Islam and Hinduism and stop the killings!” Hinduism, Islam and even the Egyptian Religion are all inter-twined. In fact, the original Sphinx was in India, when Balochistan was part of India as below, complete with a temple, and a Vimana, designed by my forefather Maharishi Bhardwaj!


But we know from our history books the invaders from Alexander the Great, to Genghis Khan, to the Mughals, to the British, all played a role in dissecting India, and causing division!

Now, in the Summer of 2022, China has attacked India in Northern India recently in Ladakh, and we see in the news China is aligning with Russia in it’s attack of Ukraine, while it eyes Taiwan. Cybersecurity attacks by both countries have run rampant for the past decade, with strange collusion between China and Russia with regards to attacks to India’s Electric Grid in Mumbai to other attacks, regarding Huawei and much more!

Haven’t we seen this before, attacks to India by Sino-Russo warriors? From China’s Genghis Khan to Russia’s Alexander the Great!

It’s Time for India and Britain to Unite and Make it’s Place as the new World Super-Power!


– India is the 5th highest GDP in the world as India recently overtook Britain, who’s now the 6th highest GDP.

  • Combined, India with Britain would solidly place it as the 3rd largest Economic Superpower!

– Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) commanders were behind Vietnam, the Korean War, the unrest in Myanmar, and multiple attacks on India, from Genghis Khan to China’s attack of India in 1962, to recent attacks in Ladakh, and it’s recent incursions over Taiwan has jeopardized China’s status.

  • – Russia first invaded India from Alexander the Great, to recent attacks in 1979 of the Indian Sub-continent in Afghanistan creating all the mess there in the first place, and has attacked the Ukraine, with an eye to unification. What’s next, the Baltics? Afghanistan? How about India under Alexander the Great? Russia’s economy is under attack.

Both countries of Russia and China have assimilated their Muslims and Buddhists with an era of enforced atheism, as evidenced with the Uyghurs in China, the Buddhists in Tibet, and the “domestication” of Islam in Russia. Even Hindu Temples in St. Petersburgh have been forced to shut down in Putin’s regime.

Tie in the attacks by China in Ladakh in Northern India, their military aircraft hovering over Taipei, their demand of India to behave or else they will shut down the Mumbai Electric grid, which they have done, to now support of Russia in the Ukraine, one can conclude that these are not the actions of an Innocent “Bhai Bhai” Country expounding principles of “peaceful co-existence!”

Evidence has mounted that this was a master-crafted “WMD-squared”: weapon of mass destruction and distraction, yes destruction and distraction! All orchestrated by the Russians and the CCP! The term Influence-Enza will soon now become a mainstream term, SINOVACcination for Sinicization: the process by which non-Chinese societies come under the influence of the Chinese CCP, which Tibetans know all too well, or Vaccine Diplomacy from Russia’s Sputnik to the Chinese Sinovac. But, ironically it’s India’s vaccines that are now found to more effective, as India has emerged the real savior in vaccine diplomacy to the World! Now with Influence-Enza, Media Toolkit Amplification and Media Houses being paid-off, coupled with Cyber Viruses, this all becomes part of the Russian-CCP multi-pronged attack from bioweapons, military weapons, media manipulation, cyber-weapons in a multi-pronged war plan. With a common foe, it’s time to unite like-minded nations, who were historically together!

So Let’s create the new IBU: the India Britain Union

The India Britain Union (IBU) is a theoretical economic and political union of countries under Ashoka’s Rule with additions of Sri Lanka, and any like-minded countries from Myanmar, to future nations of Thailand, to Singapore and Malaysia, as territories, with India and Britain as co-equal Parliamentary partners. The concept is loosely based on the European Union, without a common currency but with localized currencies that are fixed in trade, and regional funds transfers.

A union of the Indian Sub-continent, will have difficulty in realizing the concept in that individual countries in each region have failed to prioritize a larger union, and spend $billions on weapons against each other. This needs to stop. Some form of union has been discussed or proposed in academic, business, and political circles for decades, and with a common Enemy Combatant, in China, and Russia, it’s time to unite.

One idea is to create the Indian Union of territories, each with their own elections, regional laws, and citizenship for their respective territories, with a governing central union for trade, and defense matters!

The union of Britain and India is more of shared Parliamentary systems, with a common agreements on trade, technology transfers, the return of the Kohinoor to India, and agreements between the Prime Ministers of both countries.

How do we achieve this?

Apart from the Political, Legal and Constitutional work needed, work is also needed on the Financial and Business Front, including Monetary Controls!

Governments worldwide from India, to the US, have announced plans for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and most notably with wholesale funds transfer, to Banks, FinTech providers, Stock Exchanges, so the time is right for this newer thinking!

A new framework is needed with policy controls and governance, and industry-specific interest rates, with the proper payment, settlement of digital tokens/coins and the valuation and exchange of assets, along with identity management for KYC (Know Your Customer), and AML (anti-money laundering) controls, we can solve this!

The idea is each region develops inter-Trade agreements, and military alignment much like the US and Canada’s Trade NAFTA or now with Mexico, under the USMCA, the U.S.– Mexico– Canada Agreement, and NATO: where member countries agree to not attack each other, and in fact support each other and each country elects it’s own territorial leaders, and applies their regional laws. Immigration between the countries can occur if justified based on jobs, qualifications, etc. Now the topic of currency is important, as each country can maintain local currencies, but these are inter-linked the Indian Rupee, with an Exchange program beyond the SWIFT Protocol.                 

Even the SWIFT Protocol has been hacked! Ironically I worked on it in early 1993, working on the SWIFT Protocol’s ASN.1 (abstract syntax notation) message formats and state machines, but back then we were in a world without the Internet, as it was a world where the notion of Cybersecurity, encryption, role-based access controls, and behavioral analytics was just in our imagination!

The new CBDC Exchanges and their APIs will need proper Governance, Policy Controls, Cybersecurity Orchestration and Risk Management!

Things to look for:

The new CBDC solution should provide targeted funds transfers to Banks to loan businesses at industry-specific rates, with granular controls on it’s usage, and value-based metrics to monitor the benefits accrued to the business and to the macro-economy! If benefits don’t accrue then further controls and incentives can be applied to other industries, and done so in Real-time!     

The New Fintech World of Secure, Policy-Controlled APIs, with Security, Governance, and Real-Time Analytics!

Other Benefits, streamlining the Workflows and Supply Chains!

– It takes 138 hrs, 55 signatures to move 1 truck from India to Bangladesh, says World Bank’s Cecile Fruman, April 29th 2022.


The Solution:

  • Customizable workflow engines, electronic signature capabilities from Project and Portfolio Management Platforms can automate this and make it efficient.

What’s needed?

  • A World Bank Strategic Project should be created to integrate these Industrial applications, API’s, and databases with Security, Role-based Access controls, with Governance in dashboards, used for Workflow Automation and Process Compliance, to solve the inefficiencies that prevent World Trade!

A New World Order!

World Bank Project Cycle

The Government-based CBDC, an Exchange, with targeted loans, and interest rates, can occur with a platform and solution set enabling Business and Industry Management with Governance, which requires a mindset, technologies, and a set of operating capabilities that enable organizations, industries, and nations to innovate and adapt quickly to changing business needs. It is built on applying the key principle of policy controls, and governance to business, industry, and the nation’s assets to achieve the scale and pace required of business, industrial and a nation’s ambition.

This Sino-Russo War was an attack on multiple dimensions and while the world collectively played Chinese Checkers, they were playing Chess, and won the Battle!

Now it’s time the Indian Sub-Continent Democratic Countries Unite, form a New World Super-power with Britain, and play 3 Dimensional Chess…and Win the War!

Thanks… Akshay Sharma

Bio: Akshay Sharma is a Computer Engineer, tech analyst, ex-Gartner, having authored 280+ research notes, on emerging technologies like Cybersecurity, 5G, and IoT. He has worked for Canada’s Dept of Defense, advised and deployed solutions with DISA: Defense Information Security Agency, at Nortel and Siemens, and advised various 3-letter agencies in the US. A frequent speaker at tech events, he is often quoted in leading institutions like CNN, Wall St. Journal, and He is a former CTO of one of the first video/WiFi smartphone firms and an entrepreneur in the tech sector, having worked for firms that are now part of leading firms like Intel, IBM, Nokia, and Ericsson.  He advised the UK’s Ofcom, the US’s Dept. of Homeland Security, and was quoted in the Wall Street Journal banning Huawei in 2012, and stated in the Huffington Post, the Chinese hacking of Nortel is a “wakeup call”. Sharma contributed to the Flight Control protocol ARINC 629 Databus used in commercial avionics and military fighter jets for “fly-by-wire” systems, including the newer Boeing 777X. Additionally he is a Cybersecurity analyst, and CTO for with clients like the World Bank, India’s DRDO and US Defense sector clients.

The significance of liberty: Why it matters to society?


Liberty, or the freedom to act and think without restraint, is one of the most important values in a democratic society. It is an essential aspect of individual rights and freedoms, and it is critical to the functioning of a free and just society. In this article, we will explore the significance of liberty and its role in society. First and foremost, liberty is essential for the protection of individual rights.

It ensures that people have the freedom to express their beliefs and opinions without fear of persecution or punishment. Without liberty, individuals may be silenced, oppressed, or forced to conform to a particular ideology, which limits their ability to express themselves and live according to their own values.

Liberty is also crucial for the functioning of a democratic society. A democratic society is one in which individuals have the power to participate in decision-making processes and to hold their government accountable. Liberty ensures that citizens are free to express their opinions, vote in elections, and engage in peaceful protests and demonstrations. Without liberty, citizens would be unable to exercise these fundamental rights, and democracy would cease to exist.

Furthermore, liberty is essential for economic prosperity. It provides individuals with the freedom to pursue their own economic interests, which leads to innovation, competition, and growth. When individuals are free to start businesses, invest in new technologies, and trade with others, they create wealth and opportunities for themselves and for society as a whole.

Another critical aspect of liberty is that it promotes diversity and tolerance. When individuals are free to express themselves and pursue their own interests, they bring a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table. This diversity can lead to creative solutions to problems, increased understanding, and respect for different cultures and beliefs.

However, it is important to note that liberty does not mean that individuals are free to harm others. In a democratic society, individuals have the freedom to act as they choose, as long as their actions do not harm others. This is why laws and regulations exist, to ensure that individuals are held accountable for their actions and that they do not infringe on the rights and liberties of others.

In conclusion, the significance of liberty cannot be overstated. It is critical to the protection of individual rights, the functioning of a democratic society, economic prosperity, diversity, and tolerance. As such, it is essential that we continue to promote and protect liberty in all aspects of our lives, and work to create a society that values and upholds this fundamental value.

Importance of justice


Justice is a fundamental concept that forms the cornerstone of civilized societies. It is the principle that all individuals should be treated fairly, without bias or discrimination. Justice ensures that everyone is equal before the law, and that the same rules apply to all, regardless of their status or position in society. It is a crucial aspect of governance and plays a significant role in maintaining social order and promoting harmony.

One of the essential functions of justice is to provide a framework for resolving disputes and conflicts. It is the means by which individuals can seek redress for perceived wrongs, and it helps to maintain a sense of fairness in society. Without justice, individuals would be forced to resort to violence or other forms of coercion to resolve their disputes. This could lead to a breakdown in social order and the loss of life and property.

Justice also plays a critical role in ensuring that individuals are held accountable for their actions. It is the means by which society can punish wrongdoers and deter others from engaging in similar behavior. This helps to maintain a sense of security in society, as individuals are less likely to engage in criminal activities if they know that they will be held accountable for their actions.Furthermore, justice is essential in protecting the rights of individuals. It ensures that individuals are treated with dignity and respect and that their basic human rights are upheld.

Justice helps to prevent discrimination and marginalization, and it ensures that individuals have access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. In addition, justice plays a critical role in promoting economic development and prosperity. It ensures that individuals are free to engage in economic activities without fear of exploitation or unfair treatment. It provides a framework for resolving disputes related to contracts and other commercial activities, which helps to facilitate trade and commerce.

Justice is also essential in promoting social cohesion and harmony. It ensures that all individuals are treated equally and fairly, which helps to promote a sense of unity and belonging in society. It helps to prevent conflicts and tensions, and it promotes a culture of mutual respect and understanding. In conclusion, justice is a fundamental concept that is essential for the well-being of individuals and societies. It ensures that individuals are treated fairly and equally, that wrongdoers are held accountable for their actions, and that basic human rights are upheld.

Justice promotes social order, economic development, and social cohesion, and it is an essential component of good governance. Without justice, society would be characterized by violence, exploitation, and discrimination, and individuals would be denied the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Therefore, it is crucial that justice is upheld and promoted in all aspects of society.

हिन्दुफोबिआ को करारा जवाब जार्जिया (USA) द्वारा

जी हाँ मित्रों आपको ध्यान होगा कि हमारे देश के आस्तीन में छिपे विषधारियों ने “हिंदुत्व” की मानहानि कर एक अरब से भी अधिक संख्या वाले सनातन धर्मियों को अपमानित करने हेतु झूठ और पाखंड का दौर चलाया था और आज भी चला रखा है।

“भगवा आतंकवाद” की महाझूठी अवधारणा रचने और प्रचारित कटने से लेकर “Dismantling Hinduism” का घृणित षड्यंत्र रचने और इसके लिए विश्वव्यापी तौर पर सम्मेलन बुलाने तक अनेक विकृत मानसिकता को प्रसारित और प्रचारित किया गया। परन्तु सनातन धर्म की सरलता, सहजता, पवित्रता, महान कुटुंबकीय अवधारणा, वसुधैव कुटुंबकम की सकारात्मक सोच, समय समय पर अपने दुश्मनो के साथ भी दर्शायी गयी मानवीयता और सर्वश्रेष्ठ संस्कृति और सुसंस्कारों से प्रभावित होकर सम्पूर्ण विश्व धीरे धीरे इसकी ओर पुन: आकर्षित हो रहा है और अपनी घर वापसी कर रहा है।

इसी क्रम में जार्जिया नामक देश ने हिन्दुफोबिया के विरुद्ध एक क्रांतिकारी कदम उठाया है। इस क्रांतिकारी कदम पर चर्चा करने से पूर्व आइये जार्जिया के बारे में थोड़ी जानकारी प्राप्त कर लेते हैँ।

जार्जिया (Georgia):- इसकी स्थापना वर्ष १७३२ में एक प्रांत के रूप में हुआ था और वर्ष १७३३ ई तक यह बस चुका था। जॉर्जिया वर्ष १७५२ ई में एक ब्रिटिश शाही उपनिवेश बन गया। यह ब्रिटिश शासन द्वारा स्थापित होने वाली मूल तेरह कालोनियों में से सबसे अंतिम और सबसे दक्षिणी सिरे पर स्थित था। ब्रिटेन के किंग जॉर्ज द्वितीय के नाम पर, इसका नामकरण “जॉर्जिया” के रूप में हुआ और इसका क्षेत्रफल मिसिसिपी नदी पर दक्षिण कैरोलिना के दक्षिण भाग से स्पेनिश फ्लोरिडा और पश्चिम से फ्रेंच लुइसियाना तक कर दिया गया।

मित्रों आपको बताते चलें कि दिनांक २ जनवरी, १७८८ ई को, जॉर्जिया संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के संविधान को अंगीकार करने वाला चौथा राज्य बन गया। जॉर्जिया ने दिनांक १९ जनवरी, १८६१ को संघ (USA) से अपने अलगाव की घोषणा की, और वह इस प्रकार अलग होने वाला मूल सात संघीय राज्यों में से एक था। गृह युद्ध के बाद, यह दिनाक १५ जुलाई, १८७० को संघ (USA) में बहाल होने वाला अंतिम राज्य था।

जॉर्जिया संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के दक्षिणपूर्वी क्षेत्र में स्थित राज्य है, जो उत्तर में टेनेसी और उत्तरी कैरोलिना से घिरा है; दक्षिण कैरोलिना द्वारा उत्तर पूर्व में; अटलांटिक महासागर द्वारा दक्षिण पूर्व में; फ्लोरिडा द्वारा दक्षिण में; और पश्चिम दिशा में अलबामा द्वारा घिरा है।जॉर्जिया क्षेत्रफल में संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का २४वां सबसे बड़ा राज्य है और ८वां सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला राज्य है। अमेरिकी जनगणना ब्यूरो के अनुसार, इसकी वर्ष २०२० में आबादी १०७११९०८ थी। जॉर्जिया की राजधानी अटलांटा नामक शहर है। अटलांटा इसका सबसे बड़ा शहर है। वर्ष २०२१ में ६ मिलियन से अधिक लोगों की आबादी के साथ, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में अटलांटा ८वां सबसे अधिक आबादी वाला महानगरीय क्षेत्र है और इसमें जॉर्जिया की पूरी आबादी का लगभग ५७% शामिल है।

अब आइये इसी जॉर्जिए द्वारा हिन्दुफोबिया के विरुद्ध पारित किये गये रिसोलुशन के बारे में चर्चा करते हैँ:-

मित्रों CoHNA (Coalition of Hindus of North America) नामक एक संस्था है, जो उत्तरी आमेरिका सहित सम्पूर्ण यूरोप में हिन्दु, हिंदुत्व या सनातन धर्म के विरुद्ध प्रसारित और प्रचारित किये जाने वाले प्रॉपगेंडा के विरुद्ध अपनी आवाज बुलंद करती है और इसके साथ हि वो हिन्दुओ में एकता, समंजस्य्ता, सौहार्दयता और आपसी विश्वाश बढ़ाने का कार्य करती है।

इसी संस्था के अथक प्रयासों से जार्जिया (Georgia) के House of Representatives में Lauren Mcdonal और Todd Jones की सहायता से Condemning Hindufobia and anti Hindu biogatory -Resolution ध्वनि मतों से पेश और फिर पारित कर दिया गया। आइये देखते हैँ इस रिसोलुशन के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओ को:-
रिसोलुशन में स्पष्ट रूप से उद्धृत किया गया है कि:

१:-हिंदू धर्म १०० से अधिक देशों में १.२ अरब से अधिक अनुयायियों के साथ दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा और पुराना धर्म है और जिसमें स्वीकृति, आपसी सम्मान और शांति के मूल्यों के साथ विविध परंपराओं और विश्वास प्रणाली की एक श्रृंखला शामिल है।

२:-संयुक्त राज्य हमेशा आशा, प्रगति और नवाचार का एक प्रकाश स्तंभ रहा है, दुनिया भर के लोगों को एक बेहतर और पूर्ण जीवन बनाने और जीने के लिए आकर्षित करता है, और दुनिया के सभी कोनों से 4 मिलियन से अधिक हिंदुओं का स्वागत किया है और उन्हें बेहतर अवसर दिए हैं। और हिंदू धर्म (जिसे “सनातन धर्म” भी कहा जाता है) का अभ्यास करने की स्वतंत्रता दिया है।

३:-अमेरिकी हिंदू समुदाय का चिकित्सा, विज्ञान और इंजीनियरिंग, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, आतिथ्य, वित्त, शिक्षा, विनिर्माण, ऊर्जा, खुदरा व्यापार और बहुत कुछ जैसे विविध क्षेत्रों में प्रमुख योगदान रहा है।

४: योग, आयुर्वेद, ध्यान, भोजन, संगीत, कला और अन्य क्षेत्रो में हिंदू योगदान ने लाखों लोगों के जीवन को समृद्ध किया है।

५: हिंदूफोबिया, जैसा कि “हिंदूफोबिया पहलों को समझने” द्वारा वर्णित किया गया है, “सनातन धर्म” (हिंदू धर्म) और हिंदुओं के प्रति विरोधी, विनाशकारी और अपमानजनक व्यवहार और व्यवहार का एक समूह है जो पूर्वाग्रह, भय या नुकसान के रूप में प्रकट हो सकता है। (Hodophobia, as decided by the “understanding Indophobia initiatives, is a list of antagonistic, destructive, and derogatory attitudes and behaviours towards “Sanatan Dhrma” (Hinduism) and Hindus that may manifest as prejudice, fear or hatred.)

६: देश के कई हिस्सों में पिछले कुछ दशकों में हिंदू अमेरिकियों के खिलाफ घृणा अपराधों के दस्तावेजी साक्ष्य दर्ज किए गए हैं।

७: शिक्षा के स्थानों (विश्वविद्यालयों) में कुछ लोगों द्वारा हिंदूफोबिया को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर पेश किया गया है, जो हिंदू धर्म के विघटन का समर्थन करते हैं और इसके पवित्र ग्रंथों पर हिंसा और उत्पीड़न की सांस्कृतिक प्रथाओं का आरोप लगाते हैं।

८: जुलाई 2022 में, रटगर्स यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा जारी एक रिपोर्ट जिसका शीर्षक था “एंटी हिंदू डिसइंफॉर्मेशन: ए केस स्टडी ऑफ हिंदूफोबिया ऑन सोशल मीडिया” में विस्तार से बताया गया है कि कैसे सोशल मीडिया में नफरत भरे संदेश हिंदू धर्म के लोगों के लिए वास्तविक जीवन के खतरों में बदल जाते हैं।

और इस प्रकार के अकाट्य तथ्यों का प्रकटीकरण करते हुए “हिन्दुफोबिआ” का ना केवल् खंडन किया गया है, अपितु इसे समाज के लिए खतरा भी माना गया है।

जार्जिया नामक देश में पारित इस संकल्प ने ना केवल विश्व में अपितु भारत में भी कांग्रेसियों और वामपंथियों के काले मनसूबो पर करारी लात मारी है। इस लात के घात से उनके कानो पर उभर रही गुंज इन कुत्सित और विकृत कांग्रेसियों और वामपंथियों को इनके उम्र भर दर्पण दिखाती रहेगी।

वो विकृत और निकृष्ट मानसिकता के कांग्रेसी और वामपंथी जो सनातन धर्म को अपमानित करने हेतु नँगा नाच करने को तैयार रहते हैँ जो अपने आपको बेच देने की हद तक नैतिक और मौलिक रुप से गिर जाते हैँ, कुछ ना कुछ तो शर्म अवश्य महसूस कर रहे होंगे। खैर ये दैत्य और पिसाचवंशी जितना भी सनातन धर्म को अपमानित करने का प्रयास करेंगे और चाहे जितना भी जोर लगा लेंगे पर निश्चित हि सबसे आगे होंगे “हिंदुस्तानी”।और ये केवल हम नहीं कह रहे आज धीरे धीरे पुरा विश्व स्वीकार कर रहा है।

CoHNA (Coalition of Hindus of North America) के उपाध्यक्ष श्री राजीव मेनन ने Lauren Mcdonal और Todd Jones की भरी भूरी प्रसंशा करते हुए उनका धन्यवाद दिया।

हम तो ईश्वर से बस यही प्रार्थना करते हैँ:-
नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे त्वया हिन्दुभूमे सुखं वर्धितोहम्।
महामङ्गले पुण्यभूमे त्वदर्थे पतत्वेष कायो नमस्ते नमस्ते।।

हे वात्सल्य मयी मातृ भूमि, तुम्हें सदा प्रणाम करता हूँ। इस मातृभूमि ने अपने बच्चों की तरह प्रेम और स्नेह दिया है। हमें इस सुखपूर्वक हिन्दू भूमि पर में बड़ा हुआ हूँ। यह भूमि मंगलमय और पुण्यभूमि है। इस भूमि के लिए में अपने नश्वर शरीर को मातृभूमि के लिए अर्पण करते हुए इस भूमि को बार बार प्रणाम करता हूँ।

Capital Punishment


Does the state has the right to take the life of a person?

The most harsh kind of punishment is execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. It is the penalty meted out for the most egregious and terrible crimes committed against people.

Capital punishment is an ancient sanction. There is practically no country in the World where the death penalty has never existed. History of human civilization reveals that During no period of time capital punishment has been discarded as a mode of punishment. Capital punishment for murder, treason, arson, and rape was widely employed in ancient Greece under the laws of Draco. However, Plato contended that it ought to be utilized distinctly for the hopeless. The Romans likewise utilized it for a wide scope of offences; however, residents were excluded for a brief timeframe during the Republic.

But India has the lowest rate of execution than most of other countries. This is likely due to the belief in Ahimsa, or non-violence, which became very apparent during Gandhi’s time and was supported by India’s ancient Buddhist emperor Ashoka, who is the only leader in the country’s history to openly oppose the death penalty.

At independence, India retained several laws put in place by the British colonial Government, which included the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (‘Cr.P.C. 1898’), and The Indian Penal Code, 1860 (‘IPC’). The IPC prescribed six punishments that could be Imposed under the law, including death. For offences where the death penalty was an option, Section 367(5) of the CrPC 1898 required courts to record reasons where the court decided not to impose a sentence of death.

Death penalty: Arguments in favour

Some say that they support Capital Punishment ,in a word -Justice (to the victim and society),in three words -They Deserve It (those who feel thrill and exaggeration in killing someone.) So the supporters say that we have an Obligation to kill them.

Article 21 of the Constitution of India provides Protection of Life and Personal Liberty to every people. And the deprivation of life of anyone is unconstitutional under Article 21. It is also said that No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law; it means, if there is a procedure than state can deprived a person from his life.

Capital penalty is frequently supported on the grounds that the state has a moral duty to protect the welfare and safety of its citizens since the Preamble of the Indian Constitution also makes reference to social justice.

Supporters of the death penalty believe that those who commit murder, because they have taken the life of another, have forfeited their own right to life.

Utilitarian claim that it has a uniquely potent deterrent than the alternative sanction of life or long term imprisonment.

Those who support capital punishment believe that it is possible to fashion laws and procedures that ensure that only those who are really deserving of death are executed.

Death penalty: Arguments in against

Abolitionist claim that capital punishment violates the condemned person’s right to life and is fundamentally inhuman and degrading.

Some opponents of the death penalty contend that because human life is so precious, even the greatest murderers shouldn’t lose the worth of their lives. They think that even if an offender has killed someone, the worth of their life cannot be diminished by their bad behavior.

Opponents maintain that the historical application of capital punishment shows that any attempt to single out certain kinds of crime as deserving of death will inevitably be arbitrary and discriminatory.

They also point to other factors that they think preclude the possibility that capital punishment can be fairly applied, arguing that the poor and ethnic and religious minorities often do not have access to good legal assistance, and that, because errors are inevitable even in a well-run criminal justice system, some people will be executed for crimes they did not commit. (There is plenty of evidence to suggest that such errors are possible: in the USA, 130 persons who were on death row since 1973 have been freed after being proved innocent.)

They also argue that other crimes beyond murder are not punished in a manner that resembles the act; rapists are not punished by sexual assault, and assaulters are not ceremonially beaten.

Capital punishment in the early 21st century:

Despite the large number of capital offenses in some countries, in most years only about 30 countries carry out executions.

In the United States, where roughly 60 percent of the states and the federal government have retained the death penalty, about two-thirds of all executions since 1976 have occurred in just six states—Texas, Virginia, Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.

China was believed to have executed about 1,000 people annually until the first decade of the 21st century, when estimates of the number of deaths dropped sharply.

Although the number of executions worldwide varies from year to year, some countries—including Belarus, Congo (Kinshasa), Iran, Jordan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Yemen—execute criminals regularly. Japan and India also have retained the death penalty and carry out executions from time to time.

In India: In the 1973 case of Jagmohan Singh vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, the Supreme Court determined that Article 21 of the Constitution permits the taking of life if done in accordance with the legal process. The Supreme Court ruled In Bachan Singh vs. State of Punjab 1979 that the death penalty should only be applied in the most extreme circumstances. The Supreme Court specified a few criteria in Machhi Singh vs. State of Punjab 1983 to assess whether a case qualifies as one of the rarest of the rare.

अनपढ़ कौन: प्रधानमंत्री या दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री?

मित्रों आपने यादी ध्यान दिया होगा तो अबकारी (शराब) मंत्री श्री मनीष सिसोदिया के तुरूंगवासित होते हि, (वर्ष २०१६ के पश्चात )श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल ने एक बार फिर हमारे प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र दामोदरदास मोदी जी को “अनपढ़” कहना और उनकी डिग्रियों (BA/MA) को मांगना शुरु कर दिया है। जिज्ञासा यंहा ये उत्पन्न होती है कि आखिर वो ऐसा कर क्यों रहे हैँ? इसके पीछे का असली उद्देश्य क्या है?

आइये इसकी पृष्ठभूमि पर एक दृष्टि डालते है।

मित्रों हमारे प्रधानमंत्री को अपमानित करने के लिए विपक्ष के नेता भिन्न भिन्न प्रकार के आरोप लगाते रहते हैँ और यही नहीं अनेक अपमानित करने वाले उपमाओ से सम्बोधित करते रहते हैँ, उसी प्रक्रिया से जुड़ा है यह प्रधानमंत्री को अनपढ़ साबित करने वाली कारगुजारी।

आपको बताते चले की ९ मई २०१६ को गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी ने अपनी वेबसाइट पर प्रधानमंत्री जी के डिग्रियों को अपलोड कर दिया था, अत: इंटरनेट की सामान्य जानकारी रखने वाला व्यक्ति भी आसानी से गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के वेबसाइट पर जाकर उन डिग्रियों को प्राप्त कर सकता है।

आपको यह भी विदित होगा कि, श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल हमारे प्रधानमंत्री जी के विरुद्ध वाराणसी संसदीय सिट के लिए चुनाव भी लड़ चुके हैँ, अत: चुनाव आयुक्त के समक्ष प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा प्रेषित किये गये शपथ पत्र में भी उनकी डिग्रियों और शिक्षा दीक्षा के संदर्भ में उचित उल्लेख हुआ है, इस तथ्य से भी श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी भली भांति परिचित थे। इन सब के बावजूद भी श्री अरविंद केजरीवाल जी ने जानबूझकर इस कारगुजारी को जन्म दिया।

अरविन्द केजरीवाल ने गुजरात यनिवर्सिटी में सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम के अंतर्गत एक अर्जी प्रेषित कर प्रधानमंत्री जी के डिग्रियों की मांग की थी। गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के भारसाधक अधिकारियों ने सूचना के अधिकार के अंतर्गत डिग्री की प्रतिलिपि देने से यह कहते हुए मना कर दिया कि मांगी गयी सूचना “सूचना के अधिकार” के अंतर्गत प्रदान की जाने वाली “सूचना” के दायरे में नहीं आती।

अब श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी ने गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के इस उत्तर को चुनौती दे दी, जिस पर मुख्य सूचना अधिकारी (CIC) ने गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी को आदेश दिया कि आप डिग्री की प्रतिलिपि केजरीवाल को प्रदान करे।

अब गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के समक्ष ये समस्या थी की यदि एक बार उन्होंने किसी विद्यार्थी के डिग्री को सूचना के अधिकार के अंतर्गत किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को दे दिया तो फिर यह एक प्रकार से अन्य लोगो के लिए भी मार्ग प्रसस्त करने जैसा होगा और फिर लोग अकारण भी एक दूसरे की डिग्रियां मांगना शुरु कर देंगे और ऐसे में सूचना के अधिकार के अंतर्गत प्रेषित किये जाने वाले अर्जियों की बाढ़ सी आ जाएगी। गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी का यह तर्क भी विधि के अनुसार था की जब गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के वेबसाइट पर डिग्री अपलोड कर दी गयी है तो, जिसको आवश्यकता है, वो वंहा से प्राप्त कर सकता है।

मामला तूल पकड़ने लगा तो, दिनांक १० मई २०१६ को स्व श्री अरुण जेटली जी श्री अमित शाह जी के साथ जनता के सामने आये और उन्होंने एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेन्स करते हुए आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी के डिग्रियों को ना केवल श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी के लिए अपितु सम्पूर्ण विपक्ष के लिए सामने लेकर आये और सबको बताया।

इन सभी परिस्थितियों से अवगत होने के पश्चात भी हमारे पढ़े लिखे और कटटर ईमानदार श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय में एक याचिका प्रेषित कर माननीय न्यायालय से प्रार्थना करते हैँ कि वो गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी को आदेश दे कि वो प्रधानमंत्री की डिग्री सत्यापित प्रतिलिपि उन्हें सौपे।

मित्रों गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय ने ना केवल श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी की याचिका को ख़ारिज कर दिया अपितु उन पर न्यायालय का विशेष समय नष्ट करने हेतु रुपये २५ ०००/- का जुर्माना भी लगा दिया, जो निम्न बिन्दुओ पर आधारित था:-
१:- जब प्रधानमंत्री जी की डिग्री गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध करा दी गयी है।
२:- जब उक्त तथ्य की सूचना श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी भलीभांति है।
(इसके अतिरिक्त अन्य तथ्य आपको न्यायालय के द्वारा पारित निर्णय (Judgement) में आपको पढ़ने को मिल जाएंगे।)

तो फिर अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी ने जानबूझकर निर्र्थक याचिका दायर कर प्रक्रिया का दुरूपयोग किया है।अब इससे सिद्ध क्या होता है:-
१:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी को इंटरनेट की जानकारी नहीं है;
२:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी को गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के वेबसाइट पर जाकर डिग्री खोजना नहीं आता;
३:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी को गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी के वेबसाइट पर भरोसा नहीं है;
४:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी को चुनाव आयुक्त को समय समय पर सौपे गये प्रधानमंत्री जी के शपथ पत्र पर भरोसा नहीं है;
५:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी कोई भी कार्य या परिश्रम करना नहीं चाहते;
६:- अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी प्रधामंत्री जी के डिग्री को केवल एक राजनितिक मुद्दे के रूप में उपयोग करना चाहते हैँ।

प्रहस्य मणिमुद्धरेन्मकरवक्रदंष्ट्रान्तरात्
समुद्रमपि सन्तरेत्प्रचलदूर्मिमालाकुलम्।
भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरसि पुष्पवद्धारये
न्न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत्॥
भर्तृहरि नीति शतक-श्लोक ४|

अर्थात:-अगर हम चाहें तो मगरमच्छ के दांतों में फसे मोती को भी निकाल सकते हैं, साहस के बल पर हम बड़ी-बड़ी लहरों वाले समुद्र को भी पार कर सकते हैं, यहाँ तक कि हम गुस्सैल सर्प को भी फूलों की माला तरह अपने गले में पहन सकते हैं; लेकिन एक मुर्ख को सही बात समझाना असम्भव है।

अब आइये तनिक एक दृष्टि AAP के विधायकों के डिग्रियों के ऊपर भी डाल कर देखते हैं, कि इनके विधायक और मंत्री कितने पढ़े लिखे हैं?
श्री मनीष सिसोदिया :- १८ विभागों को सम्हालने वालने ये मंत्री जी “पत्रकारिता में डिप्लोमाधारी” हैं, अर्थात इनके पास डिग्री है या नहीं बस ये ही बता सकते हैं।
श्री भगवंत मान :- पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री बीकॉम (प्रथम वर्ष ) तक की पढ़ाई किये हैं;
इनके २ विधायक :- ८वी पास हैं ; इनके ७ विधायक :- १०वी पास हैं तथा इनके १३ विधायक:- १२वी पास हैं और तो और श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी जिनको अपना गुरु मानते हैं वो श्री अन्ना हजारे जी तो केवल ७वीं पास हैं।

असली कारण ये हो सकता है:-
अब मित्रों आपको अवगत कराते हैँ, असली उद्देश्य से अर्थात श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जैसे पढ़े लिखे व्यक्ति का उद्देश्य डिग्री की आड़ में है क्या?

जैसा की आपको विदित है, कि श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी के सबसे विश्वसनीय (शराब मंत्री) मनीष सिसोदिया जी पर विपक्षी नेताओं की जासूसी कराने के संदर्भ मे CBI ने एक केस पंजीकृत कर लिया है और आगे की कार्यवाही भी प्रारम्भ कर दी है।

अत: मित्रों, दिल्ली की अरविंद केजरीवाल सरकार पर नेताओं की जासूसी कराने के आरोप हैं। आरोप के मुताबिक केजरीवाल सरकार ने विजिलेंस डिपार्टमेंट में अवैध तरिके से बनाए गए ‘फीडबैक यूनिट’ से नेताओं की जासूसी कराई। हालांकि इस ‘फीडबैक यूनिट’ को बनाने का उद्देश्य जनता को यह बताया गया था की, इससे वो सरकार के कामकाज से जनता को कितनी संतुष्टि है, इसका पता लगाया जायेगा, परन्तु ज्ञात स्त्रोतो और मीडिया में छपे सूचनाओं के माध्यम से ज्ञात हुआ कि इस ‘फीडबैक यूनिट’ की आड़ में नेताओं की जासूसी कराई जा रही थी।

जनसत्ता मीडिया के वेब पोर्टल पर दिंनाक १० फरवरी २०२३ को छपे लेख के अनुसार इस सीक्रेट ऑपरेशन में खर्च होने वाले पैसे के भुगतान के लिए ‘सीक्रेट सर्विस फंड’ बनाया गया था। वहीं इस फंड को रखने के लिए एक ऐसी तिजोरी का इस्तेमाल हुआ जोकि दो चाबियों को एक साथ घुमाने पर खुलता था।

अंग्रेजी अखबार द इंडियन एक्सप्रेस के मुताबिक इस तरह के डिटेल २०१६ में फीडबैक यूनिट (FBU) से जुड़े एक अधिकारी द्वारा लिखे गए एक पत्र में मिलता है। इस यूनिट को २०१५ में सत्ता में आने के बाद कथित तौर पर AAP सरकार द्वारा गठित किया गया था। मालूम हो कि सीक्रेट ऑपरेशंस के लिए नकद में पेमेंट किया जाता था और इसकी डिटेल एक रजिस्टर में रखी जाती थी। इसमें ‘S’ के आगे नंबर लिखा जाता था।

मित्रो CBI को पुख्ता जानकारी और साक्ष्य इस ” फीडबैक यूनिट (FBU)” में कार्य करने वाले अधिकारियों ने हि उपलब्ध कराये हैँ, अत: शक या संदेह का प्रश्न हि नही उठता।

अब समस्या ये है,कि चुंकि श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी ने बड़े हि चतुराई से किसी भी विभाग को अपने हाथों में नहीं लिया, अत: किसी भी भ्र्ष्टाचार में सीधे तौर पर इनकी संलिप्त्तता को दर्शाना मुश्किल हो सकता है, परन्तु जासूसी कांड और शराब घोटाला में इनके पकड़े जाने की पुरी संभावना बन रही है और बस इसीलिए इन्होने एक बार पुन: प्रधानमंत्री को टारगेट करना शुरु कर दिया है, ताकि यदि इनकी गिरफ्तारी हो तो, वो जनता के सामने घड़ियाली आंसू बहाकर प्रधानमंत्री पर यह आरोप लगा सके कि, “चुंकि केजरीवाल ने प्रधानमंत्री के डिग्री पर सवाल उठाया था, इसलिए उन्हें गिरफ्तार किया गया है।” मित्रों इसे आम बोलचाल की भाषा में धूर्तता कहते हैं। यही धूर्तता यंहा पे इतने बड़े नेता के द्वारा की जा रही है।

लभेत सिकतासु तैलमपि यत्नतः पीडयत्
पिबेच्च मृगतृष्णिकासु सलिलं पिपासार्दितः।
कदाचिदपि पर्यटञ्छशविषाणमासादयेत्
न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत्॥
भर्तृहरि नीति शतक-श्लोक ५।
अर्थात:-अथक प्रयास करने पर रेत से भी तेल निकला जा सकता है तथा मृग मरीचिका से भी जल ग्रहण किया जा सकता हैं। यहाँ तक की हम सींघ वाले खरगोशों को भी दुनिया में विचरण करते देख सकते है; लेकिन एक पूर्वाग्रही मुर्ख को सही बात का बोध कराना असंभव है।

धन्य है श्री अरविन्द केजरीवाल, निश्चय हि धन्य है। आज राहुल गांधी हो या तेजस्वी यादव हो या फिर के कविता हो या अन्य विपक्षी नेतागण जो किसी ना किसी कुकर्म के कारण या तो CBI, या ED या फिर अन्य सरकारी एजेंसियो की कार्यवाही का सामना कर रहे हैँ, सबके सब एक हि सुर अलाप रहे हैँ, “राजीनीतिक विद्वेष के कारण उनके ऊपर कार्यवाही की जा रही है, लोकतंत्र खतरे में है और संविधान को बचाना है।”

मित्रों अब तो हालात ऐसे हो गये हैँ कि, आपके घर से पचास पचास कोस की दूरी पर, जब रात में “लोकतंत्र खतरे में है, संविधान बचाओ” का शोर सुनाई देता है, तो आप समझ जाते हैँ कि फिर कोई भ्र्ष्टाचारी पकड़ा गया है।

लेखन और संकलन:- नागेंद्र प्रताप सिंह (अधिवक्ता)
[email protected]

लोकतंत्र के मंदिरों को अपवित्र करते अपराधी तत्व

इतिहास के पृष्ठ पलट कर देखने पर हम पाते है कि भारत मे तुष्टिकरण कर नाजायज़ तात्कालिक समझोतों द्वारा छद्म शांति स्थापना की तदर्थवादी प्रवृत्ति मे कोई नवीनता ना होकर यह हमारे देशी सत्ताधीशों की सदियों पुरानी फितरत है। जातीय वैमनस्य से उत्पन्न संगठित समाज की समन्वित शक्ति के अभाव मे सत्ता सुरक्षित रखने हेतु अधिकांश भारतीय रियासतों ने मुग़लों से समझोते कर तात्कालिक शांति स्थापित की थी। ​आधुनिक भारत मे भी ज़िन्ना समर्थकों के दबाव मे विभाजन स्वीकार कर शांति की कल्पना की गई, यही भूल विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलों से समझोते कर बड़ी संख्या मे असामाजिक तत्वों के विधान सभा एवं लोकसभा मे निर्वाचन के रूप मे फिर से दोहराई जा रही है।

परंतु कालांतर मे मुग़लों से समझोते टिकाऊ नही रहे और देशी रियासतें एक के बाद एक मुग़लों की विस्तारवादी नीति का शिकार हुई एवं भारत पहली बार परतंत्र हुआ, ज़िन्नावादियों के तुष्टिकरण के लिये शर्मनाक देश विभाजन की स्वीकृति के बाद भी सीमा पर स्थायी अशांति है। यही परिणति भविष्य मे भारतीय लोकतंत्र की होगी जब राजनीति मे शुचिता का अभाव स्थायी होकर लोकसभा एवं विधान सभा मे असामाजिक तत्वों के बहुमत का रूप लेगा। इन्हे प्रश्रय देने वाले राजनीतिक दल एवं नेता इनके इशारे पर नाचने को विवश होंगे। यह एक नई प्रकार की परतंत्रता होगी जिसमे हम अपने ही लोगों के ग़ुलाम होंगे।

किसी भी देश मे असामाजिक तत्वों का बाहुल्य तब खतरा बनता है जब इन तत्वों को सामाजिक मान्यता मिल जाती है। मुग़लों के पूर्व विदेशी आक्रमणों का हमने प्रबल सशस्त्र प्रतिकार किया था परंतु मुग़लों की सत्ता देशी रियासतों ने स्वीकार कर ली यहीं से भारत की परतंत्रता का आरंभ हुआ। आधुनिक युग मे भी जिन्ना की नाजायज़ मांग स्वीकार करने पर भारत खंडित हुआ।

इसी प्रकार वर्तमान राजनीति मे भी जाति धर्म के नाम पर समाज मे नफ़रत के बीज बोना एवं नैतिक पतन के अंतिम पायदान तक जाकर भी अपनी क्षूद्र राजनीतिक महत्वाकांक्षा पूर्ण करना शर्मिंदगी का विषय अब नही रहा, उप्र की योगी सरकार द्वारा असामाजिक तत्वों पर कठोर कार्यवाही की लगभग सभी राजनीतिक दलों के शीर्ष नेतृत्व द्वारा एक स्वर से निंदा एवं इन्ही नेताओं का चुनाव मे निर्वाचन, समाज द्वारा नैतिक मूल्यों के पतन की सामाजिक स्वीकार्यता है। तात्पर्य यह कि राष्ट्रीय एकता को खंडित करती इतिहास की उपरोक्त भूलों से सबक ना लेकर हम उन्हे दोहरा रहे है।

भारत के अल्पसंख्यक एवं बहुसंख्यक दोनो ही वर्गों की विभिन्न धर्मानुयायी जातियां कट्टर पंथ और प्रतिक्रियात्मक कट्टरपंथ की और प्रवृत्त हुई है। समाज मे व्याप्त इस कट्टरपं​थी मानसिकता का सख्ती से उपचार ना कर यदि हम इन प्रवृत्तियों को अपनी राजनीतिक महत्वाकांक्षाओं की पूर्ति का ज़रिया बनाने लगे तो शीघ्र ही इतिहास चक्र उलटा घूम कर भारतीय समाज को वहीं पहुंचा देगा जहां हम विदेशी आक्रमणो के काल मे थे। और देश की गाड़ी अगर पटरी से उतर गइ तो इतिहास गवाह है उबरने मे दशकों नही सदियों का समय लगता है।

कट्टरपंथी तत्वों एवं बाहुबलियों को नेस्तनाबूद करने की संवैधानिक शक्तियां शासन के पास है, परंतु निहित स्वार्थ एवं राजनीतिक विवशता वश सरकारें इन शक्तियों के प्रयोग से परहेज करने लगे तो समाज मे असामाजिक तत्व सर उठाएंगे। आज पंजाब एवं कश्मीर के हालात यही बयान करते है। पंजाब मे खालिस्तानी तत्वों द्वारा पुलिस थाने पर हमला कर अपराधी को मुक्त कराने की गुंडागर्दी के सामने राजनीतिक दबाव के कारण मजबूर पुलिस बल, एवं कश्मीर मे आए दिन निर्दोषों की हत्या कर कानून को दी जा रही चुनौती, आदि घटनाऐं सरकारों के संकल्प की दृढ़ता एवं प्रतिबद्धता पर प्रश्नचिन्ह है। एसी घटनाओं का अतिरेक और इनके प्रति सरकारों की यथास्थितिवादी उदासीनता अथवा तदर्थवादी सोच के चलते समाज का सभ्य वर्ग भी प्रतिक्रिया देने पर विवश होता है।

यह क्रिया और प्रतिक्रिया की क्रमिक आवृत्ति समाज मे अराजकता के दृश्य निर्मित करती है। राज सत्ताओं के पसंदीदा यथास्थितिवाद एवं तदर्थवाद के शार्टकट का दुष्परिणाम इतिहास मे कई स्थानों पर दर्ज है। महाभारत के महाविनाश के बीज धृतराष्ट्र द्वारा देश विभाजन कर स्थापित अस्थायी शांति की तदर्थवादी मनोवृत्ति मे छिपे है। पिछले सात दशकों से असामाजिक तत्वों के दमन मे तदर्थवादी नीतियों के परिणाम हम आज कश्मीर बंगाल राजस्थान केरल आदि प्रांतों मे व्याप्त अराजकता के रूप मे देख रहे हैं क्योंकि यह स्थिति एक दिन या एक वर्ष मे उत्पन्न नही हुई है इसलिये इस प्रवृत्ति पर नियंत्रण के पिछले दिनों हुए सफ़ल प्रयास भी नाकाफी है। 

1947 मे छद्म शांति के लिये देश विभाजन रूपी भारी मूल्य चुकाने का आत्मघाती निर्णय तुष्टीकरण की नीति का कुपरिणाम था यह नीति आज़ादी के अनंतर भी कायम रही। आज शासन के लिये इस नीति से मुक्त हो इतिहास की भूलों से सबक लेना, अपनी संवेधानिक शक्तियों के दृढ़ता पूर्वक प्रयोग द्वारा असामाजिक तत्वों को निर्मूल कर लोकतंत्र के मंदिरों मे इनका प्रवेश निषेध करना अत्यावश्यक है।

Waris Punjab de, Dollar Canada de


The dramatic rise of Amritpal Singh will give some sleepless nights to the keepers of the nation. While they stay awake to keep you from being awake, I rather want to wake you up.

Wake you up from the slumber of the assumed security and peace that you see tomorrow. This bubble will burst. Khalistan will be another Kashmir if you don’t wake up from your sleep. 

Khalistan is a secession movement that finds its roots in the early 1980s. In just 4 years it grew into one of the ugliest episodes free India had witnessed. Around 4000 innocent civilians and one Prime Minister lost their lives in this ignominious episode. Around 1000 were lost in the Gujarat riots, yet it garners all the interest of the snobs of Khan Market and little is left for the ‘non-issue’ of Khalistan.

For them all hate is bad, but some hate is more hateful than other hates. All smoke from the ‘84 riots was set out but the spark remained. That spark today is being stoked again. It has already brought some burns to the Punjab Police. The state police already refrained from playing with the fire, for they already fear the flame.

The Centre has also shown some caution in playing with this fire for the pains of Kisan Morcha burns haven’t gone yet. And why should they not? If the blowout is a bit soft the flame prevails. If it is too hard, it may engulf others and erupt into a full-blown fire. 

You are not safe from this fire, wake up. This is no fear-mongering, but a call to be cautious. And caution comes from a critical reading of past mistakes. The past again points us to be cautious with our eyes wide open. Khalistan can be a bigger issue tomorrow than any other secession movement in the history of this land and its people. Not convinced? Let me make an attempt, point by point.

Waris Punjab de, Dollar Canada de.

The Punjab diaspora, largely in Canada is the primary source of funding for the movement. Punjab happens to have one of the largest diasporas in the world and Canada being one of the most preferred destinations. Canadian Kahlistani diaspora managed to hold a referendum on Khalistan, the results of which are yet awaited. Over a hundred thousand Sikhs turned up to cast their vote, a testimony of the fact that Khalistan isn’t a fringe issue as it may be perceived by the Indian intelligentsia. 

Na Akhbaar Na TV, Keval Budhijeevi

Educated masses today have also turned their backs on traditional media for it has been tainted as the voice of the State. Public intellectuals and journalists have harvested this opportunity to present themselves as the keepers of the truth. Largely anti-establishment and with a soft corner for Kashmir, they provide dangerous intellectual justification for the movement.

Masses, unaware of the niceties and nuances of the happenings put their blind trust in them for their credentials seem incorruptible. This unchecked impunity enjoyed by the armchair activists, mobile journalists and instant journalists poses a severe threat to public opinion who resorts to ‘quick facts’ on social media than delving into books or trusted news sources.

Khaali CV, Andolanjeevi

Underemployment is such a vicious cycle that feeds itself. Unemployed and underemployed youth finds time for engaging in destructive politics, which hinders the growth of an economy resulting in more unemployment. Secession and Regionalism masquerading as activism for the ‘oppressed’ finds their voice in the masses, educated and uneducated alike. The mob rule becomes vox populi as per the convenience of the intellectuals.

Such is also a case for the Khalistan movement. A distorted narrative is being peddled where the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ elements have turned their coats and the State is a bad actor whom Bindrawale and his aides were ‘resisting’. Academic papers, op-eds and intellectual drawing room discussions seem to buy this narrative.

The West, as clueless about the Orient as they have always been are also being excited to contribute their intellectual labor for a cause that is not. These developments will provide intellectual justification for secession tomorrow, which wasn’t a very strong case in Kashmir. Beware.

Tussi Sanghi, te assi Dangai.

BJP has already borne the brunt of its undemocratic means to quash criticism. Falling democratic and press freedom indices have provided justification for secession to thrive. The West, the harbinger of democracy and peace* (Terms and Conditions apply) will coerce India to bend to these demands that Western intelligentsia has lost trust in BJP as a ‘democratic’ party.

There will be more Rihannas- who at best can only point India on the globe will come out to support the cause that liberates ‘oppressed’ Sikhs from the wrath of Modi. This contrasts starkly from Muslims and Kashmir since Political Islam & 9/11 has led the West to be as Islamophobic as it can be but Sikhs with their Aid and Humanitarian relief work have won hearts and political clout and will so enjoy the unquestioned support. 

These factors combined point to a dark future. If not checked today, these flames will engulf the nation. Peace and security will again be broken and brokered by the West. China and Pakistan will benefit from the gambit and assert Kashmir more aggressively. There is some homework to be done at our end.

Sarthak Ahuja

10th of March, 2023

When will Bangladeshi Hindus get their properties returned?

Following creation of Pakistan on the basis of religious hatred and Islamist bigotry, a notorious law titled ‘Enemy Property Act’ was incorporated that allowed the Pakistani government to confiscate properties of Hindus by branding them as “enemy of the state”.

This law is the culmination of several successive discriminatory laws against non-Muslims passed while Bangladesh was part of Pakistan. Chronologically, they are:

·       The East Bengal (Emergency) Requisition of Property Act (XIII of 1948),

·       The East Bengal Evacuees (Administration of Property) Act (VIII of 1949),

·       The East Bengal Evacuees (Restoration of Possession) Act (XXII of 1951),

·       The East Bengal Evacuees (Administration of Immovable Property) Act (XXIV of 1951),

·       The East Bengal Prevention of Transfer of Property and Removal of Documents and Records Act of 1952,

·       The Pakistan (Administration of Evacuees Property) Act (XII of 1957),

·       The East Pakistan Disturbed Persons (Rehabilitation) Ordinance (No 1 of 1964),

·       The Defence of Pakistan Ordinance (No. XXIII of 6 September 1965),

·       The Defence of Pakistan Rules of 1965,

·       The Enemy Property (Custody and Registration) Order of 1965,

·       The East Pakistan Enemy Property (Lands and Buildings Administration and Disposal Order of 1966),

·       The Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provision) Ordinance No. 1 of 1969,

·       Bangladesh (Vesting of Property and Assets) President’s (Order No. 29 of 1972),

·       The Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provisions) (Repeal) Act (XLV of 1974),

·       The Vested and Non-Resident Property (Administration) Act (XLVI of 1974),

·       The vested and Non-Resident (Administration) (Repeal) Ordinance 1976 The Ordinance, (No. XCII of 1976),

·       The Ordinance No. XCIII of 1976.

On November 6, 2008, the High Court division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh delivered its rule nisi upon the government on the Enemy Property (Continuance of Emergency Provision) (Repeal) Act 1974 and subsequently promulgated Arpita Sampatty Protapyan Ain 2001 and circulars, administrative orders.

The order called upon the respondent to show cause as to why instructions issued in the contents of presidential order 29 of 1972, act 45 and 46 of 1974, ordinance No. 92, 93 of 1976, Arpita Sampatty Protapyan Ain 2001 and circulars issued by government that are in contradiction with the fundamental rights and the charter of declaration of Independence of Bangladesh, April 10, 1971, should not be declared to be ultra vires the constitution.

The Rule Nisi also stated why the properties so far incorporated in the list as Enemy (Vested) should not be returned to the title holder/successor/legal possession holders and or such other or further order or orders passed as to this Court may seem fit and proper. The Rule has been made returnable within 4 weeks from October 28, 2008.

Fifteen years have passed, and there are no visible signs of returning Hindu properties which were confiscated under the Enemy Property Act.

Though renamed as the Vested Property Act in 1974, the law still retains the fundamental ability to deprive a Bangladeshi citizen (read Hindus) of property simply by declaration of that person as an enemy of the state.

Leaving the country through abandonment is cited as the most common reason for this, and it is frequently the case that Hindu families who have one or several members leaving the country (due to religious atrocities against Hindus, and economic as well as political reasons) have their entire property confiscated by labeling them as enemies of the country.

Much of the property of murdered Hindu politician Dhirendranath Datta was confiscated by the Bangladesh government after independence in 1971, Because Datta’s body was never found after he was arrested by the Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War, an affidavit was brought forward that it could not be concluded that Datta had not voluntarily left the country.

The family property of Nobel Prize–winning economist Amartya Sen had been confiscated by the Pakistan government. In 1999, the Bangladesh government announced that it was investigating opportunities to return the property to Sen’s family.

A seminal book by Professor Abul Barkat of Dhaka University titled – ‘Inquiry into Causes and Consequences of Deprivation of Hindu Minorities in Bangladesh through the Vested Property Act’, was published in 2000. This included 748,850 families dispossessed of agricultural land. The total amount of land lost by Hindu households as a result of this discriminatory act was estimated at 1.64 million acres (6,640 km2), which is equivalent to 53 percent of the total land owned by the Hindu community and 5.3 percent of the total land area of Bangladesh.

The survey also showed that the beneficiaries of the land grab through the act cut across all party lines. The political affiliation of direct beneficiaries of appropriated property was:

·       Awami League 44.2 percent,

·       Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) 31.7 percent,

·       Jatiya Party 5.8 percent,

·       Jamaat-e-Islami 4.8 percent,

·       Others 13.5 percent.

The greatest appropriation of Hindu property took place immediately after independence during the first Awami League government (1972–75) and during the first period of rule of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (1976-1980). Barkat’s work also showed that since 1948, 75 percent of the land of religious minorities in East Pakistan and subsequent Bangladesh had been confiscated through provisions of the act.

Barkat also emphasized that less than 0.4 percent of the population of Bangladesh has benefited from the Enemy Property Act, demonstrating that this law has been abused by those in power through corruption, with no demonstrated sanction by the population at large.

The law in its implementation has been seen as a major driver behind the reduction of the Bangladeshi Hindu population, which has declined from an estimated 33 percent in 1947, to 22 percent in 1972 to 10.7 percent in 2015 and now less than 7.9 percent. Most of the Hindu population left for India, while the more affluent Bangladeshi Hindus leaving due to repressive acts have moved to the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia.

Commenting on the alarming decline in Hindu population in Bangladesh, Secretary General of Hindu Grand Alliance, Advocate Dr Gobinda Chandra Pramanik said, “Bangladesh is a country of religious harmony. Hindus in this country have fought the war of independence in 1971 against Pakistani occupation forces and sacrificed lives. During the war, thousands of Hindu girls and females were violated by cruel Pakistanis and their agents and collaborators in this country”.

He said, “When Pakistan was created in 1947, Hindus in this country became religious minorities. There were 72 reserved seats for the religious minorities in the parliament. But the Pakistani regime had tactfully cancelled it. This has resulted in the absence of Hindu voice in the parliament. Now Hindus are facing numerous adversities and cruelties which has resulted in an alarming decline in the size of Hindu population in Bangladesh.

According to official statistics, the size of Hindu population in Bangladesh in 1947 was 33 percent, which came to 22 percent in 1972 and now the size of Hindu population has come to only 7.9 percent. This was 10.7 percent even in 2015. If this dangerous trend of decline in Hindu population, Bangladesh will have no Hindu within the next twenty years. We cannot let it happen.

We need to remember, one of the key pillars of Bangladesh’s constitution is secularism, where people of all faiths can live in harmony. Hindus have sacrificed blood during the war of independence of this country and fought against Pakistani occupation forces. For the sake of protecting the rights of Hindus, we want 60 reserve seats in Bangladesh’s Jatiya Sangshad (national parliament) for Hindus”.

Vested Property Act, a demon still alive

According to jurists, the Vested Property Act first appeared in 1965, when Bangladesh was part of Pakistan. It was at that time called the “Enemy Property Act”. In that year, war broke out between India and Pakistan. The law was directed primarily against the property of the Hindus who had temporarily fled to India in fear of their lives. The state was enabled to take their property into custody, with the rationale that a Hindu who went to India was an enemy.

After the Bangladesh War of Independence (1971) it was expected that the law would be repealed. India, far from being an enemy of Bangladesh, enjoyed excellent relations with the newly born state. However, all that happened was that the act was renamed the Vested Property Act. Hence, on paper, according to this law, India was actually still an enemy of Bangladesh. Even worse, whereas previously the state was only the custodian of the confiscated property, an amendment was passed in 1976, which made the state the outright owner of the property, which it could redistribute.

This was a cruel and callous move by the state. As a result of it millions of Bangladeshis who had fled to India from the Pakistani’s Army’s holocaust in which 3 million people were slain, in the prelude to the 1971 war, could no longer return and reclaim their ancestral homes in the newly found state of Bangladesh. It was a political move, which forced the refugees to stay in India, thus conveniently offloading millions of people (of whom 90 percent were Hindu), and acquiring huge amounts of property.

More so, the new amendment to the law encouraged a new long and slow repression of Hindus, particularly at the behest of hardline Islamic clerics who wanted an “infidel-free” Bangladesh, and greedy politicians, who could redistribute confiscated property amongst themselves. All that needed to be done to acquire Hindu owned property was to forcibly evict the Hindus, through violence, and make them flee. As per the Vested Property Act it was easy for the local government to gain ownership and redistribute the property at will.

My struggle for religious minorities in Bangladesh

Those who know me closely are aware of my continuous struggle for the past two decades for protecting rights of Hindus and religious minorities in Bangladesh. I was the first Muslim who had openly condemned religious conversion of Hindus in this country, while I had raised this issue during my interactions with the United States Commission for International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). For years I have been demanding trashing the infamous and notorious Vested Property Act and returning wrongfully confiscated Hindu properties to them.

Unfortunately, when I am writing this article, hundreds and thousands of Hindu properties, including Hindu temple properties are being illegally grabbed by numerous miscreants. There are dozens of Hindu temple properties even in Dhaka city which are under illegal possession of Muslims. Such an evil act cannot be and should not be accepted by any sensible human being.

As Bangladesh is heading towards another general election and as there are fears of Islamists returning to power with active collaboration of the US President Joe Biden and members of his administration, I am calling upon Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to repeal the Vested Property Act immediately and make necessary arrangements for returning those properties to Hindus.

Buddha’s teachings and conflict avoidance

“Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is widely considered as the master of conflict avoidance. He was born in the 6th century BCE in Lumbini, Nepal and went on to found the religion of Buddhism. His teachings have spread across the world, influencing millions of people in their quest for inner peace and enlightenment. One of the key teachings of Buddha is the concept of non-violence or Ahimsa. He believed that all life is sacred and that harming any living being, human or animal, is a violation of this principle. This led him to reject violence as a means of resolving conflicts and instead, advocate for peaceful and compassionate solutions.

Buddha’s approach to conflict avoidance was based on the principle of understanding. He believed that conflicts arise due to misunderstandings and ignorance, and that the best way to resolve them is through dialogue and empathy. He emphasized the importance of listening to the other person’s point of view and trying to see things from their perspective. This helped in creating a common ground where both parties could find a solution that was acceptable to everyone.

Another important teaching of Buddha was the concept of mindfulness. This involves being fully present in the moment and observing one’s thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, one can develop a deeper understanding of oneself and others, which can help in resolving conflicts more effectively. By being mindful, one can also avoid reacting impulsively or emotionally, which can escalate conflicts.

Buddha’s teachings on conflict avoidance have had a profound impact on the world. Many leaders and thinkers have drawn inspiration from his principles and used them to promote peace and understanding. Mahatma Gandhi, for instance, was heavily influenced by Buddha’s teachings and used non-violent resistance to lead India to independence from British rule. Martin Luther King Jr. also drew inspiration from Buddha’s teachings and used them to promote civil rights and racial equality in the United States.

In today’s world, where conflicts are all too common, Buddha’s teachings on conflict avoidance are more relevant than ever. The world is grappling with a variety of conflicts, ranging from political and social issues to environmental and economic problems. The temptation to resort to violence and aggression is often high, but Buddha’s teachings offer a different approach.

Instead of reacting with anger and aggression, one can approach conflicts with empathy and understanding. By trying to see things from the other person’s point of view, one can find common ground and work towards a peaceful solution. This requires patience, humility, and a willingness to listen and learn.

Another key aspect of conflict avoidance is the practice of forgiveness. Buddha emphasized the importance of letting go of anger and resentment and forgiving those who have wronged us. By forgiving others, we free ourselves from the burden of negative emotions and create space for healing and reconciliation. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts and promoting peace.

Buddha’s teachings on conflict avoidance are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. His emphasis on non-violence, understanding, mindfulness, and forgiveness offer a powerful antidote to the conflicts that plague our world. By embracing these principles, we can create a more peaceful and harmonious world, where conflicts are resolved through dialogue and empathy rather than violence and aggression”