Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Petty Officer Manan Bhatt

Petty Officer Manan Bhatt is a Retired non-commissioned officer of the Indian Navy having participated in Kargil War and Operation Parakram. He joined the Navy in the year 1997 and hanged his boots in the year 2012, after 15 years of distinguished military service that included service onboard Frigate and Corvette class Warships, appointments in Integrated Head Quarters of Defence, Defence Research and Development organization (DRDO) and some more coveted Indian Naval establishments. Petty officer Bhatt, has also served very closely with the Indian Navy’s elite Commando Force – MARCOS. He has also served foreign assignments in Russia, USA and other friendly Nations. He is an expert in the field of Nuclear Biological and Chemical Warfare and Defence I ncluding Fire and Safety. Petty officer Bhatt has done extensive research for two years for this Book ‘KARGIL YUDHDH’ and immortalized the war stories of heroism of martyrs of a war that was fought 20 years back, through the memoirs of their fellow soldiers. He continuously writes and talks about stories of valour and heroism of Indian Jawans. He is also an avid thinker on National Security and the problem of Terrorism. Through, ex servicemen welfare organization, Suryodaya Maji Sainik Mahamandal, Rajkot his team is continuously striving very hard for rehabilitation and resettlement of widows of soldiers, martyred soldier’s families, disabled ex servicemen and Ex servicemen in general. Suryodaya Maji Sainik Mahamandal is the only organization in the entire state which exclusively renders help in solving issues related to pension and medical aid of ex-servicemen. The Author can also be contacted on his e-mail: sainikswaraj @

Pakistan’s global anti-India campaign: Are we letting them win the cyber war?

Indians like Mohammad Zubair and Rana Ayyub act as the tip of spear to instigate and initiate anti-India propaganda. Aided by Pakistan’s state support.

CHAURI CHAURA- A century of non-cooperation movement and the ‘Caliphate’ movement

Gandhiji is long gone, his ideology has been revered world over but in his motherland, his Satyagraha and Khadi have turned into political symbols as Khadi has lost its relevance. On the other hand, the extremist ideology of Islamic State ‘Caliphate’ is here to stay.

Group commander NCC, Rajkot– the man on mission- 26 January 2021– special interview

The Brigadier feels that the NCC’s job is not only to prepare the young blood to become the country’s second line of defence, in case the need arises but also to train the Indian Youth to become better human beings, citizen soldiers for the rest of their lives

Gandhiji – the Islamic ‘Caliphate’ and Bhagat Singh

There can be no end to Islamic extremism as long we keep mum and remain politically correct. The only way to end the extremism is to fight against it. One has to be really honest and call spade a spade. This not just extremism, it is radical Islamic terrorism.

श्रीमद भगवद गीता सैनिकविषादयोग एवं सांख्ययोग

रणभूमि के मध्य में खड़े अर्जुन की तरह हम सैनिक भी इतने वर्षों से अपने भाई इन अफसरान के लगातार शोषण, बैटमेन जैसी कुप्रथा, अलग रसोईघर अलग संडास और विरोध जताने पर कोर्टमार्शल ऐसे अनेको ना ना प्रकार के पापाचार विरुद्ध कुछ कहने से अपने आप को रोक रहे थे.

Ex-soldiers’ role in de-radicalization of Kashmir

The Modi government has shown the political will and therefore, there is no reason for Kashmir issue to linger on beyond next five years.

Love-hate relationship between the military and social media

Defense news are LEAKED rather than SHARED on Social media. And we've to be cautious!

Open Letter to Indian parents from a veteran soldier – your children are being brainwashed

Islamisation of our kids, Lessons in History, Mahmud Ghazni Vs Prithviraj Chauhan. Stop it.

National security scare from smartphone devices?

The battle has a new terrain — smart phones that people use every day.

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