Tuesday, October 15, 2024


World Bank

Positive and negative effects of foreign debt loans on Indian economy

Understanding the science of foreign debt loans

विश्व बैंक रिपोर्ट एक ठंडी हवा का झोंका बनकर आई है

वर्ल्ड बैंक की "ईज आफ डूइंग बिजनेस" रैंकिंग की ताजा रिपोर्ट में भारत ने अभूतपूर्व 30 अंकों की उछाल दर्ज की है, जिसे कांग्रेस फिक्सड कह रही है।

MSM Fake News Monitor: Indian Express on PM’s EAC

Fake News is morally wrong, agenda-driven, and worse a case of cheating against its paying-consumers. When the readers are seeking true coverage and information, they are getting blighted and manipulated coverage

Government streamlines new platforms for start-ups

Inspired from Linked-in, DIPP takes the ‘Start-up India’ campaign to a new level, with a view to launch a user-friendly portal, website and a mobile application.

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