The US withdrawal from Afghanistan is like eating McDonald's burger for life. After eating the same burger for 20 years, it finally decided to call it a day and left McDonald's.
he Indian assets were escorted by the Taliban commander themselves. So why USA discredited Afghan government? The only answer could be that it was not providing stability in the region.
अफगानिस्तान की राजधानी काबुल पर कब्जे के बाद तालिबान का पहला मिशन उन लोगों को ढूंढ-ढूंढकर खत्म करना है, जिन्होंने अमेरिकी सेना या सरकार का समर्थन किया था।
We have to assent that the future of Afghanistan is undetermined, unpredictable, and fluctuant. The only prognostication is of a despondent, gloomy, and tenebrous Afghanistan.