Saturday, July 27, 2024


Vladimir Putin

Reforming the United Nations

Wasn’t the United Nations set up to prevent wars, especially wars of aggression? If that is indeed the case, why then, the UN has been unable to exercise its mandate and save millions of lives since its inception?

Weak Russia and Putin not good for world peace

If Putin is a dictator and human right violator and strangulated democratic aspiration of Russians and waged war against tiny neighbor, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky in comparison is no less brutal in his own country going by the reports of London based Amnesty International - 2021, US based Foreign Policy Focus -2021, etc.

Europe interest best served telling Uncle Sam goodbye

Apart from American threat, Russia can’t trust revisionist and expansionist Communist China in her resource rich Eastern frontier though they are allies now.

Biden’s $40billion war aid to Ukraine is fatal

Over two decades time, the US spent about $2,313 billion (Watson Institute) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but left the country handing over the same to rogue elements that America ousted in 2021 with the excuse of ‘Americans were not in Afghanistan for nation building.’

Democrat Biden ensures authoritarian Xi Jinping’s last laugh

Prominent presence of Taiwan’s de facto ambassador in the US Presidential inauguration on 20 January 2021 overcoming four decades of precedent was presumed by many geopolitics experts then that Joe Biden true to his words would bring America to world central stage contrast to his predecessor Donald Trump policy of withdrawal with visible exception of Indo-Pacific

Memory War: Russia and Ukraine

In today's realpolitik, what needs to be seriously debated is this denial of Ukraine and separate Ukrainian identity irrespective of how closely the two have been interwoven through centuries. 

Russia isn’t India, so to allow external interference in her sphere-of-influence

The present crisis in Eastern Europe is unambiguous product of present American leadership’s Super Power ego, present Ukraine leadership’s immature diplomacy and Putin-Russia’s wish to retain their sphere-of-influence as a legacy from now defunct Union of USSR.

Forget Ukraine, let’s concentrate to save Taiwan

In the recent past, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman have gone to the extent of threatening Australia and Japan with N-Warheads missiles attacks as they questioned the Middle Kingdom’s secrecy over Covid19 origin and trade policies violating international norms.

Russia Ukraine Crisis

Russia and Ukraine currently waging a war. Viewing this afar from India, with no skin in the game, the difficult question one has to ask oneself is, who has the moral high ground in this war? If at all, there is a moral high ground.

Endorse India’s strategic autonomy if want to contain prowling China

India’s strategic autonomy must be seen as an attempt to isolate China, which will be beneficial to the super power US and the democratic and developed West retaining their competitive edge over their new economic and military rival i.e. the prowling communist ruled Asian giant.

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