Saturday, July 27, 2024


Vernacular Languages

Multilingualism: the key to preserving linguistic diversity in India

The problem is not with the debate on language as such but the nature of debate.

Where are the guardians?

And to say that Hindi should not be a unifying language of the country is like saying every state should have it's own National Anthem in it's own native tongue!

Will they ever learn?

Since post-partition/ post-independence days in India, there has been continuous attempts by north-Indian lobby, with aid and abetment of GoI, to coronate Hindi as the only official language as also the only representative language of India and Indians.

The identity of an Indian and the role of his language

India is a nation of nations. While it may be hard to fathom, it is getting harder to be inclusive in the identity of being Indian.

Is the BJP’s politics of language inclusive?

Article analyses the party’s past stance in Parliament and contributions made in promoting other Linguistic minorities.

खालिश हिंदी के नाम पर त्रिभाषी साइनबोर्ड का विरोध

बेंगलुरु मेट्रो रेल कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड ने अपने स्‍टेशनों के साइनबोर्डों को कन्‍नड़, हिंदी और अंग्रेजी भाषा में लिखवाया तो बहुत से अंग्रेजीदां लोग इसके विरोध में उतर आए और इस मुद्दे को ट्वीटर पर ट्रोल किया जाने लगा।

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