Saturday, July 27, 2024


Transparency in Politics

PM-CARES: Why it is not under the ambit of RTI

PM-NRF, a similar trust was set up by PM, Jawaharlal Nehru in his "personal capacity" in the year 1948. Interestingly, PM-NRF too, isn't under the purview of RTI and CAG.

With GST PM Modi attacks inflation, black money and tax evasion with biggest tax reform of independent India

With double monitoring, at state and central level, the transparency would increase, thereby ensuring lesser black money and corruption.

How Indian economy reacted during the last six months after Demonetization

Digital Economy is a wonderful move by the government. The only need of the hour is to educate people about the ease of Digital Transaction.

150000 villages in India to have internet connectivity: Is it finally time for Rural Startups?

Internet in Rural India will reduce the power distance with the Government.

Things we need to do to strengthen our democracy

Transparency and best practices need to be adopted.

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