Saturday, July 27, 2024


The Kashmir files Vivek agnihotri

Sad story of an evil Israeli Woke

Navad Lapid made such uncouth comments on the said film without any critical discussion. He uttered the two words in a hollow manner. It was a stupid and subjective comment on the part of Navad Lapid.

द बॉलीवुड फाइल

आजकल एक फिल्म जो ना सिर्फ धूम मचा रही है बल्की खूब सुर्खियां बटोर रही है, द कश्मीर फाइल। जिसकी सफलता की गूंज संसद मैं भी सुनाई दे रही है। प्रधानमंत्री से लेकर वित्त मंत्री तक जिसकी प्रशंसा करते नहीं थकते। नित नई नई रिकॉर्ड बनाती हुई यह फिल्म आम लोगों की खास बन गई है।

The Kashmir Files: Countering the counter narrative

As expected, a counter narrative based on half- truths, twisted logic and whataboutry has begun for the recently released movie Kashmir Files. It is being lapped up by the ecosystem that is now famously known as ‘toolkit’ gang of Indian media.

The Kashmir Files– Review

Considering the ascendant Hindutva movement, it is only appropriate that Vivek Agnihotri’s The Kashmir Files (2022) has knocked on (and some would argue knocked down) the doors of this hallowed genre.

Narrative has changed, will the ground reality change too?

Hindutva forces had been ignored for over a century; we have entered the 2nd phase of fighting now, wherein you see constant battles being fought on a daily basis on some issue or the other; and if we keep on this path, we will surely emerge the winner.

The Kashmir Files: In solidarity with our brethren

The reason why each and every one of us should watch this movie is to show the people who actually faced this gruesome reality that we are with them in their struggle for justice.

The Kashmir Files is the surgical strike on Bollywood

PM Modi’s rise in Indian politics was the counter narrative that challenged the status quo. When he speaks in Hindi in UN, he is making a statement that we are moving away from being in the race of best imitators.

कश्मीरी हिन्दू नरसंहार और राजनीति

द कश्मीर फाइल्स आने के बाद से राजनीति का एक घिनोना चेहरा सामने आया है जिसपर बात करना बेहद जरूरी है। 32 साल बाद भी लोग अपने आँसू नही रोक पा रहे द कश्मीर फाइल्स देखकर कश्मीर में हुए नरसंहार के दर्द ने पूरे देश को झकझोर दिया है।

The Kashmir Files and its depiction of present social ecosystem

Today, the pain of our Kashmiri Hindu brethren in being shared and acknowledged. It is important to do that because it makes them feel listened and valued.

The Kashmir Files- Our Schindler’s List

Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri indeed stands true to his claims that everything is backed by his four years of research and everything is factual.

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