Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Temples HinduTemples

Save Hindu Mandirs from desecration in Pakistan – The story of 150-year-old Shree Mari Mata Mandir

In an all pre set up background, during very early morning hours, especially with short-time electricity power cut, yet an another 150 year old Hindu Mandir is demolished in Pakistan.

Atrocity on a Shiva temple in TN

A Siva temple in a village in the vicinity of Sriperumbudur near Chennai, has been razed to the ground two days back.

Temple ownership and state’s interference with article 25 and 26

The supervision aspect of temples or other worshiping places should be transferred to the respective community of worshipers, where the place of worship is located.

Telangana’s Ramappa temple gets Unesco’s world heritage tag

A consensus of 17 countries supported efforts to have the temple recognized as a World Heritage Site.

Sanatan advanced technology in temples (part-2)

The Vitthal temple of Hampi is a famous tourist attraction, not only because it is a historical temple, which has splendid architecture like the other temples, but it has also some of the wonders which are still a mystery to the world. Out of these, the musical pillars are very famous.

पंचवक्त्र महादेव मंदिर, मंडी (हिमाचल प्रदेश)

भगवान शिव को समर्पित यह अद्भुत स्थल सुकेती और ब्यास नदियों के संगम पर स्थित है। पंचवक्त्र महादेव मंदिर एक अत्यंत ही प्राचीन धार्मिक स्थल है। इसका निर्माण राजा अजबर सेन ने 16वीं सदी के पूर्वार्द्ध में करवाया था।

What really is the Konark Sun Temple?

Observing ancient Hindu architecture with an open mind shows the presence of sundials, calendars, lathe-like technology, ancient drilling technology, and so on. So today it can be safely claimed that technology was an integral part of ancient Hindu culture and temples were not just prayer houses but also centers for spreading education.

The story of Lord Jagannath and Krishna’s heart

But do we really know the significance of this temple and the story behind the incomplete idols of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Maa Shubhadra?

How should ‘god step in?’

Those who are obsessed with the idea of HINDU temples donating their wealth, here are some points they should ponder upon. They may not say it again!

Time for God to step in

It is time that the wealth accumulated due to the offerings of the people be used for their welfare itself.

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