Saturday, July 27, 2024


Statue of unity

उदारवादियों को क्यों खटकती है स्टेचू ऑफ़ यूनिटी?

नेहरू गाँधी खानदान की महानता की जो गाथाए जो बड़ी मेहनत से बनायीं गयी हैं, और जनता के सामने एक छवि प्रस्तुत की गयी हैं, उस पर घनघोर खतरा हो उत्पन्न हो गया हैं।

Here is why I am happy with the Statue of Unity rather The Statue of Change

The statue not only emboldens the role of the Iron Man of India in shaping up the country but also signifies a Change, a change in governance, a change that neither Congress nor its supporter can live with; and had to downplay it.

Facebook journalism by liberal journalist Pritish Nandi

When Pritish Nandy used fake statue to malign the Statue of Liberty

The grandest and glorious legacy: ‘Statue of Unity’

Every historic monuments have faced great criticism at the time of their inception, Statue of Unity is no exception.

Statue of Unity – Criticism and Benefits

Modi has demonstrated with the Statue of Liberty is more fundamental: that Indians can dream big and execute big whenever there is political will.

Five insightful quotes by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the architect of Akhand Bharat

Sardar Patel combined wisdom, patriotism, and diplomacy to convince Maharajas and Nawabs to join the Indian Republic. Many followed his vision.

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