Saturday, July 27, 2024



Socialism & secularism: The Indian style

Under its Secularism, India has made special provisions, concessions and positive discriminations in favour of Muslims being minority.

Sanatani libertarianism vs freebies

Sanatani Libertarianism, the Bharatiya option simply adds "providing frameworks of entrepreneurship without trampling on nature" to the list of the otherwise standard libertarian position that a State, if existent, should stick to protecting life, liberty, and property.

समाजवाद और वर्ग संघर्ष

उत्तरप्रदेश में चुनावी माहौल गरमाया हुआ है, राष्ट्रवादी कही जाने वाली BJP और खुद को लोहिया और जयप्रकाश के समाजवाद का उत्तराधिकारी बताती सामजवादी पार्टी आमने सामने है.

An interference into natural selection

Don't we feel guilty enjoying luxury and better life conditions while we exploit Nature and enslave all species? Is this Being Human?

Socialism- Why it grows more in appeal the more it fails: An op ed

You wanna know why the left's lies sell more than the right's rights? The answer is not as convoluted as you think.

Countering emotivism in economics

All economies should focus on self-sufficiency where they can provide for all without any dependence on external sources. This change in priorities of the neoliberal order will remove all the internal fractures in it like poverty, over exploitation of the environments, unemployment, disease and other internal conflicts over scarce resources.

Economics as it stands today

We will have to understand economics in right perspective as Arthshastra which originated in India. The primary focus of which was human happiness index and was largely successful for many centuries without huge recession.

Budget 2019: Kill the Mules!

This Budget has disappointed on several scores, however the biggest disappointment by far has been the one-trick act that the government revenue has been reduced to.

Nyay as proposed by Congress is Anyay

A good litmus test for middle class voters to think about is - "Can I live all my life with 70% of my income taken away by the government?". If the answer to that is no, please vote against Rahul Gandhis Minimum Income Scheme.

Why are the Communists not hated as the Nazis?

Wherever it went, Communism created havoc, worsened lives, stomped down freedom, removed the dissenting opinions or ideas.

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