Saturday, July 27, 2024



Self-styled custodian of freedom needs to look within

French media watchdog Reporters Sans Frontieres (RSF) aka Reporters Without Borders recently named India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a ‘predator of press freedom’,...

Challenge of Covid-19 pandemic: The Buck will finally stop at the Centre’s doors

It is time to put its slogan 'sabka sath sabka vikas sabka viswas' to serious introspection. In the practical world, a leader, however great, can only work for the 'good' and 'vikas of all'.

Modi, Yogi and now Baahubali – Media seems to hate what masses love

Media is facing a tough time accepting that they are losing upon people's mood.

Ayodhya and JNU Historians – A Case Of Ultimate Disruption

That Left "intellectuals" have distorted Indian history beyond repair is a given. However, the depth of malice involved is shocking.

Dear Assam, if you want the Delhi media to notice you, choose a BJP government!

Assam hardly gets the attention of 'national' media, but things will change for sure if it becomes a BJP ruled state.

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