भीख में मिले जमीन के टुकड़े और ७५ करोड़ रुपये से अपने जीवन की शुरुआत करने वाला पाकिस्तान, सुवर खाने वाले और दारुबाज मोहम्मद अली जिन्ना के महत्वकांक्षा के भेंट चढ़ता हुआ पूर्णतया नापाक हो गया।
The op-ed begins by highlighting Pakistan's abysmal financial crisis and the country's plunge towards economic default. It then explains India's economic situation in 1991 which was similar and in many ways worse than Pakistan's. India, which at one point could not afford even 3 weeks of imports, came out of the crisis due to revamping its trade system and liberalizing its economy. The last section details the lessons that Pakistan can learn from the Indian experience.