Saturday, July 27, 2024


Osama Bin Laden

The Eleventh of September: On the same date, two men with their ideologies left a mark in the human history

September 11 of 1893 saw Swami Vivekananda explaining the meaning of Sanatana Dharma to the world.

US leaving Afghanistan in chaos, may be for vested interest

Is there a vested interest on the part of West like Britain, a constituency of Western forces in Afghanistan, had when they left India pushing the region into chaos and bloodshed which haven’t yet subsided even after seven and half decades of self-rule?

The United States sins are least discussed

India cannot expect genuine help from the US, Pakistan is backed by Western forces to infiltrate terrorists into India

The Bin Laden moment

India sorely needs a 'Bin Laden' moment, a moment when our forces strike deep within enemy territory to apprehend or eliminate the 'Enemies of the State'

A Dead terrorist, inspiration and 72 raisins

Odd though it may seem, but dead terrorists still manage to radicalize young minds

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