Friday, October 25, 2024



Supreme Court of Nepal reinstates the House of Representatives, orders Deuba to be next PM

A five-member constitutional bench led by Chief Justice Cholendra Sharma Rana issued the verdict on Monday, stating President Bidya Devi Bhandari’s decision to dissolve the parliament is unconstitutional.

India should engage with Nepal else China will take its place

China and India have long jostle for influence in the Himalayan country. Both nations are giving away vaccines to Nepal as a part of diplomatic efforts to strengthen their ties with the country.

Darjeeling – Gorkhaland an untold story & an unfulfilled dreams of many

Leaving this piece of strategic land mass of Siliguri Corridor so called ‘Chicken Neck’ in the hands of Commie and TMC gang would be a very dangerous for sovereignty of this Great Country.

दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया- संबंध और संघर्ष

अमेरिका का बढ़ता प्रभाव दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के लिए, और ख़ास कर भारत के भविष्य को ले के अच्छा है?

नेपाल के रक्षा मंत्री का खेदजनक बयान

पिछले कुछ सालो में नेपाल में ये बात उठनी शुरू हुई है की ये जो पूरा समझौता है इसकी समीक्षा की जा रही है। कुछ महीने पहले २०२० में नेपाल की सरकार ने ब्रिटेन सरकार को एक खत लिखा, उस खत में उन्होंने यह कहा के हम १९४७ की संधि को रिव्यु करना चाहते है जिसमें गोरखा सोल्जर्स के बारे में फैसले लिए गए थे।

Indian government inaugurates Lipulekh pass on LAC; why Nepal Communist Party is another major concern besides China

One major reason for the transition of Nepal's Hindu kingdom to a communist-ruled and China-leaning state can be attributed to Manmohan Singh's government.

China hoodwinking Nepal and creating furrow between Indo Nepal relations

The only issue that needs to be taken care in this situation is that if Nepal’s economy collapses china will keep giving loans and when the burden of loan will increase on Nepal China will start occupying Nepal's area for its military purposes

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