For one to avail the benefits of Fundamental Rights one also needs to fulfil one's Fundamental Duties and that being so why not add one of the duties for a citizen to work for the nation first at least for five years before even thinking of moving for work abroad or migrating to a foreign land.
Even in the extreme cold temperature in Uttarakhand, the elections have increased the political fervour. Migration needs to stop. Uttarakhand needs to come out of the becoming a swing state in order to endorse development and constant growth.
The article is an investigation into prevailing drivers of economic growth in India generally and Bihar specifically, and the possible effect on demand and growth of introducing a form of Universal Basic Income-- Direct Cash Transfer to PMJDY accounts of low-income Individuals.
real time data base can be extremely useful at the time of war. If we know the exact number of workers we have in our country, It can give us some extra advantage over countries like Pakistan where data is highly unorganised.
यह लेख पूर्ण रूपेण उन मजदूर भाइयों और बहनों को समर्पित है जो निरंतर चल रहे हैं, सड़कों पर। जिनके कंधे पर अनाज और कपड़ों का बोझ है और मन में अपने घर जीवित पहुंचने की आशाएं।
This incident has shone a spotlight on the plight of millions of poor Indians who migrate from villages to cities in search of livelihood so that they can earn a double of what they could have earned in their native place.
Citizenship Amendment Bill could prove to be a double-edged sword, as it tries to capitalise on the non-Muslim vote bank, but at the same time risks losing the support of the traditional North-East Indian populace and the stability of the crucial region.