Saturday, July 27, 2024



Analyzing the consequences of ongoing riots in France

In this article, we will delve into the consequences of these ongoing riots in France and explore their impact on different aspects of society.

Indo-Pacific conundrum, what Joe Biden is up to?

The US’s recent past’s most politically experienced President Joe Biden may be following the diplomacy of ‘nothing else but nation’s interest matter’, but while dealing with Indo-Pacific region he should know that this policy is more dangerous to adhere to for his nation which wants to retain the Super Power status with “America Is Back” pronouncement.

Indian Muslim and the Ummah!

It is the endeavour of every Muslim to believe in the Universal Brotherhood, Ummah, it is manifestation of the fact that all Muslims are one and same, the difference of nationality is temporary only to be overthrown once the aim of Islamisation of the unbelievers is complete.

Do Pakistani leaders care about Islam?

It is difficult to believe that the Pork-eating and Brandy-drinking Jinnah actually cared about his people.

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