Wednesday, November 13, 2024


Loopholes in Aadhar Card security

आधार कार्ड बनाम निजता का अधिकार भाग -2

इस अंक में हम देखेंगे की श्री के एस पुट्टस्वामी (सेवानिवृत न्यायधीश) के रिट याचिका पर क्या निर्णय दिया गया।

Aadhar and the security concerns

Is Aadhar susceptible to misuse? Everything is insecure. Let's checkout how and the best possible prevention.

Online cyber security- Is Aadhaar and other data safe with government?

"Data is the new Oil". So, is government doing enough to ensure its safe?

What is Aadhar and are the concerns about it valid?

Many privacy and security related concerns are being raised. Let’s find out about them.

Is Aadhaar Card worth considering an essential identity proof?

Isn't Aadhar Card just an another piece of laminated paper?

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