Sunday, September 8, 2024



Unfolding challenges OF COVID-19 & supreme court observations: Need for prompt, firm and assertive action by the centre

On the whole, whether in Delhi or other cases, the Modi government should have hard look at the challenges that are ailing these recalcitrant states and take tough objective decisions.

The strategic preparedness and response plan for Covid-19 in India

The collective nature of the struggle against Covid and in this deepest ailment of the world, the citizenry, civil society and the private sector and all must wholeheartedly put up their best in discharging their responsibilities.

Will Introduction of online courses change the teaching workload?

With the innovative and increasing use of technology to cheat during traditional examinations our method to evaluate students, needs to be seriously re-looked into.

COVID-19: Are we sensible enough in the time of this pandemic?

The only medicine of COVID-19 is, or sensibility and maturity to defeat the pandemic

ऊपर लदी थी प्याज की बोरियां,नीचे थे गौवंश, वाहन में आपातकालीन ड्यूटी की स्टीकर लगाकर की जा रही है गौवंशों की तस्करी

झारखंड में झारखंड गोवंशीय पशु हत्या प्रतिषेध अधिनियम 2005 लागू होने के लगभग 15 वर्ष पूरे होने को हैं। इसके बावजूद प्रशासन की नाक के नीचे प्रतिबंधित पशुओं की तस्करी लगातार हो रही है।

Migrant exodus, a human tragedy

Instead of carping and complaining with the Centre and States for their ‘unplanned’ declaration of National Lockdowns, we would do well to explore solutions, to not repeat the same, if and when there is a second wave, as is threatened.

Did the government really err in imposing the lockdown without advance notice?

It is easy to criticize the government for not taking measures that seem, in retrospect, obvious; but in these times, it is perhaps best that we engage constructively with the government rather than attacking them at every turn.

COVID 19: A soft reset for Delhi woes?

his Covid-19 led situation has provided an opportunity in the form of various surprising and illuminating evidence to think about what we are doing and why we are doing.

The Pandora’s Box has opened

Realizing that most of the alternatives to sustain livelihood are a hit and miss, people are embracing the idea of becoming entrepreneurs, even if calls for moves never thought of.

Ranchod’s “Ranneeti”: Strategy in times of Covid-19

This article takes an eagle-eye view of the lockdown’s strategy from the "Leela’s" of Lord Krishna.

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