Saturday, July 27, 2024



The Yugpurush- He comes once in an era

Just imagine if India was a 20 trillion dollar economy today with surplus vaccine and with this kind of empathetic leader, would the world have suffered so much as it did?

The return of political heroes

From a small ray of hope Narendra Modi has emerged as India's beacon of hope and a strong world leader.

Dust if you ‘MUST’: It is our collective duty to fight COVID

What is happening around us is soul crushing. Scenes of bodies burning in overwhelmed crematoriums have become the face of our nation.

Modiji’s leadership amidst pandemic: A grace for India

Modi leveraged India’s stature as the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer to forge international ties and consultations which not only envisioned provision of vaccine for India but also a major role for Indian companies in delivering vaccine to the world.

Lessons learnt from Dhoni’s leadership

MSD’s leadership had been original. If you compare ‘Dhoni-The-Person’ and ‘Dhoni-The-Leader’, it aligns perfectly. That’s the best thing about a leader that s/he does...

BJP Leader Dinesh Desai had worked a lot for the public welfare

Dinesh has always stood by his people and that's what made him one of the true leaders of Gujarat. It was his hard work and true intentions that helped him achieve support from the people.

Discovering self-identity through social purposes

Finding a purpose beyond the self has been a common defining trait of India’s changemakers and the generation that gave us freedom

What does the treatment of stalwarts tells us about BJP?

Since BJP is the only member based national party where power is not transferred within a single family, the process of transfer is more fluid. It is the party which decides when would the power be transferred and to whom.

Modi: A Leader, Not A Messiah

This article mainly deals with Modi and explains how is only a leader and not a messiah.

What new age leadership can learn from Narendra Modi

The leadership qualities of our PM is outstanding. Youth must learn from him to work tirelessly.

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