Saturday, July 27, 2024


Kashmir Violence

India: Where a strand of hair transcends the plight of Lakhs

In 1963 the whole of Kashmir plunged into despair and wrath over the loss of a holy relic, a strand of hair, a facial hair. Not to mention- VERY PEACEFULLY!

दुःख हमें भी होता है; लेकिन हम नकली विक्टिम कार्ड नहीं खेलते

जब देश के अलग अलग शहरों में पत्थरबाजी और आगजनी की खबरे सुनता हूं तो लगता है मानो देश में और छोटे छोटे कश्मीर बन रहे हो।

Killings in Kashmir, Kolkata and Kerala

India awaits Kashmir to be the heaven again, Kerala to become a true Gods own country again and Kolkata to restore the status of, "What Bengal thinks today will be thinking of India tomorrow".

Media’s hit job on Haryana violence

Media can't see is how the govt. controlled a 100K plus bob in less than 3 hours.

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