Saturday, July 27, 2024


Indian Intellectualism

Introspection and course correction time for intellectuals

We ordinary Indians humbly and sincerely hope you, major stakeholders in the country’s all-round development story, won’t fail to recognize your foolishness any more.

India’s intellectual pandemonium

This article airs about some of the serious concerns faced by the Indian democracy in the name of Intellectualism.

हिंदू रेट ऑफ ग्रोथ का सच

सत्तर के दशक में नेहरूवियन सोशलिज्म की नाकामियों को छुपाने और देश की आर्थिक बदहाली का ठीकरा फोड़ने के लिये एक नया जुमला गढ़ा गया था।"हिन्दू रेट ऑफ ग्रोथ"

Twitter, Patriarchy and Brahmins- Projected villains of Indian intellectualism

Besides in their efforts to vilify, these twitter scholars have failed to take into account the regional variations.

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