Thursday, October 3, 2024


Indian Feminists

Feminism in India is nothing but social libertarianism in disguise

Indian feminists claim to be fighting for women's rights. But in reality, their aim is to debase Indian society morally and spiritually. (by @AkshaySaraswa16)

Congress goons who attacked Arnab Goswami and Samyabrata Ray revealed their association with Congress party: Hypocrisy of left liberal ecosystem on freedom of press...

If a women is wife of Arnab Goswami or is a acid attack victim who supports right wing of India; their life doesn't matter to them.

Indian feminism: Not for Indian rural women

Indian feminists' focus group for 'justice' is Indian urban woman not rural Indian woman.

What it means to be a Feminist in India

The take of being a woman in India

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