Saturday, July 27, 2024



Unveiling truths: Rewriting colonial narratives in education

Teaching kids the truth about their past is an investment in both their overall development and the improvement of society because it stimulates critical thinking, empathy, and a broader worldview.

Indian political parties established before 1947

Congress was a British creation to serve the British interest.

Tharoor vs Kharge; South India wins

In a possibly fabricated battle between Shashi Tharoor and Mallikarjun Kharge for the throne of Congress president, the only real winner is South India.

Congress claims its President elections are ‘democratic in nature’: Are they and will Congress repeat history

Democracy means the government of the people, for the people, and by the people and one of its primary aims is the respect of individuals and idolising of none

Assembly Polls 2023- Understanding Karnataka’s Unique Importance In Indian Politics

Karnataka polls probably promise to offer a gruelling contest and have great strategic significance for a number of reasons.

The reason why Congress is doomed in India

We are no more living in an era where brute force prevails. There won't be any Lalus or Mulayams or any other bahubalis anymore. We are moving towards sophisticated intelligence.

असली गांधी और नकली गांधी का आंतरिक लोकतंत्र

वर्तमान की भाजपा के संगठन को देखे तो यह अतीत की कांग्रेस वाले लोकतंत्र को अपनाये हुए प्रत्येक कार्यकर्ता का सम्मान करती है, इसी का परिणाम है कि मामूली से मामूली कार्यकर्ता भी मोदी जी की तरह प्रधानमंत्री बनने की क्षमता रखता है और चुनावो में इसका परिणाम भी प्रतीत होता है।

Indian National Congress (INC) Or Hindu Congress

Read this letter and its annexure, written by Md. Ali Jinnah to then British government before branding Congress a secular party.

RSS in Indian freedom movement

The youth of this time should have rigour to research and read about Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh and its role during and after the independence of Bharat which a section of the intellectuals have hided, always.

2019 General Elections prediction with the help of data analytics and predictive modelling

The analysis clears that NDA might reach upto 320 seats and Congress will improve its tally significantly, but surely UPA won't be able to form government at center in 2019.

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