Hijab Row
God save the Hindus: The need for a constitutional amendment
shrijeet -
Hijab supporters have taken their grievance out of the courtroom, and it has now become a multi-pronged battle for the protection of religious rights of minorities.
Indian, when it suits them
awaken -
They hide behind, "We are Indian too" till it suits them. Then, they pick up arms, right behind us!
I think Islamo-Leftism is a coalition of the radical left and the radical right. It’s a relationship of convenience. It’s only the radical people that want the government to intervene in the minute of things.
हिजाब की आड़ में भारत को उर्दूस्तान बनाने की साजिश
प्रियंका ने ट्वीट कर लिखा बिकनी, घूंघट, जीन्स जिसे जो मन वो पहन सकता है तो हिजाब क्यों नही? प्रियंका वाड्रा ये बताए कि किस स्कूल या शिक्षा संस्थान में बिकनी पहन कर कोई विद्यार्थी गया हो?
Hijab drama well played: A perfectly chosen timing just ahead of UP elections
The timing of the protest they chose, not so surprisingly, is just when seven states are going into assembly elections including Uttar Pradesh.
Hijab row- An orchestrated one
G Indira -
After seventy-five years of Independence, if the minorities do not join stream, when are they is the question.
Hijab row the cringe worthy arguments
vijaysam -
It is time to do the right thing and put full stop this political non-sense and make common uniform practice across all schools that cannot be compromised in principle.
कर्नाटक हिजाब विवाद क्यों है संविधान को धमकी! धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश में कट्टर इस्लामिक आजादी की चाहत?
vikaass -
ताज्जुब होता है इस हद तक की हठ_धार्मिकता पर, वो भी पढ़े लिखे लोगो की और एक धर्मनिरपेक्ष देश में!