Thursday, February 13, 2025



Marital rape: Why we need to criminalize it

We need to criminalise marital rape and, along with the issues concerning it must be answered. And with that, we can bring equality and justice in a real sense.

Irresponsible and juvenile Behavior of Mr. Rahul Gandhi in the Indian Parliament

Rahul Gandhi by all measures of mental aptitudes and erratic behavior should be disqualified by the speaker or expelled from his party.

Demigods not demons: Role of the khaki frontline warriors

Anil Kohli, Shivaji Sonawane, Yashwant Pal, these are one of the many names of the frontline police personnel who have selflessly dedicated their lives to maintain peace and order during this “mahamaari”, and gave their lives chanting one of the many slogans by the police “Zindagi maut na ban jaaye, sambhalo yaaron”.

Mistakes not missiles- What should move the liberal Indian

To merely pinpoint to the faults of others and to advocate that the Jamaat is not the solitary guilty party is like saying that the Holocaust was partially Adolf Hitler's blunder because the global stalwarts could have immobilized him before single-handedly but did not.

लिबरलों का इन्टॉलरेन्स और अप्रासंगिक डिब्बाबंद प्रोग्रेसिव विचारकों की छटपटाहट

लिबरल लोगों के दोहरे मानदंड तब और प्रत्यक्ष हो जाते हैं जब ये उस झुंड से मिल आते हैं जहाँ कोई विचार इनसे दूर दूर तक नहीं मेल खाते।

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