Saturday, July 27, 2024


fake propaganda of Congress

भारत को गृह युद्ध के तरफ ले जाने की साजिश

नकली गाँधी कह रहा है कि केंद्र को फ्री में वैक्सीन देना चाहिए, क्यों भाई राज्य सरकार की कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं होती क्या?

Analysis of propaganda and disinformation against Hinduism in India

Propaganda and disinformation have become a part of the modern world. Every day we wake up to see thousands of fake news, social media posts, and videos related to propaganda. Religious or political affiliation is an indicator of the majority of the propaganda.

Takeaways from Uttar Pradesh this polling season

The writer traveled to Amethi, Ayodhya, Gorakhpur and Varanasi and after interacting with the locals from different walks of society, he finds that not ony people have rejected NYAY but have also Mahagathbandhan.

Nyay as proposed by Congress is Anyay

A good litmus test for middle class voters to think about is - "Can I live all my life with 70% of my income taken away by the government?". If the answer to that is no, please vote against Rahul Gandhis Minimum Income Scheme.

BJP manifesto –evidence of achievements and bona-fide for NEW INDIA

Unlike the manifesto of congress party which is nothing but a stained kettle full of lies, promises and falsehood without any micro-details or details about how the promises would be implemented if the party is elected to power.

BJP’s manifesto echoes credibility and reliability

BJP manifesto for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections much more realistic and credible than the manifesto released by the opposition party few days back.

Like Shivaji, let Indian voters defeat the ploy of Afzal Khan in disguise, the manifesto of Congress party

If people of India believe the manifesto of congress that minimum guaranteed income of Rs.72,000/- then the victory would be of Afzal Kahan and not of people.

Devil is in the details: Highlighting some controversial points in Congress Manifesto 2019

Now Congress openly talks of destroying India in their manifesto.

2019: It’s far from over

Just shouting the Congress manifesto is not implementable won't work. In a way 2014 was where BJP won every close contest and every swing vote potentially went in its favour.

Where the INC Manifesto went wrong

For starters, Congress had some specific plans for the Judiciary. Little did they think outside some fake poll promises. Their manifesto is full of contradictions.

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