Saturday, July 27, 2024



केवल जन आन्दोलन से प्लास्टिक मुक्ति अधूरी कोशिश होगी

किसे पता था कि आधुनिक विज्ञान के एक वरदान के रूप में हमारे जीवन का हिस्सा बन जाने वाला यह प्लास्टिक एक दिन मानव जीवन ही नहीं सम्पूर्ण पर्यावरण के लिए भी बहुत बड़ा अभिशाप बन जाएगा।

Room in our hearts, for the river in our city

A thoughtful reworking of the river will mean letting the river be

Pune floods not natural: Will environment consultants own up?

Instead of repeatedly failing in attempting to build livable cities and making a mess of the environment, it is worth addressing the real needs of the rural populations desperately seeking to move out, deserting villages, orphaning farms and abandoning traditional occupations.

4 Maps and a prophecy

All 3 pillars that sustain life in India ; of Land availability, water availability and clean air availability are crumbling and crumbling fast. If the situation continues unabated for some more years we may see a start of population collapse and/or mass migration as a nature’s way of correcting balance.

World Environment day: Clean the river Ganga or loose Ganga Dolphins!

The case of Ganga river dolphins stand apart because of two reasons one, it is the national water animal of India and second, its conservation being directly related to Cleaning of river Ganga.

A plate full of agendas for the new government

The new government needs to act on a war footing and identify priorities immediately after inception. The economy, education, health, agriculture and unemployment will form the barometer to evaluate the next government.

The sparks stand neglected

The issues of communalism, criminalization of politics and other spheres of life, regionalism, poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the others need to be taken up for their solutions and resolutions.

Kerala’s hour of tragedy – after rescue, time to step back and think

The crisis in Kerala and the impact it would have on its people in the aftermath of the floods

River Ganga is choking to death, and she needs to be cleaned up now

We have started movements against something now the time is to start a movement for rivers, especially Ganga.

Our willingness to address the plastic problem

If we support policies of eco-friendly alternatives, we will allow the dawn of a new era of social responsibility

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