Stigma and discrimination in 21st century classroom
Years of education and laws have not been able to keep away the prejudices, biases, and stigmas present in the classrooms and society.
Time to slay the Nepalese buff
Opindia -
Nepal has not just divorced India politically but has made India its enemy. The entwined relationship has been trampled for sovereignty which Nepal never had in the past and will not have in the future.
How Hindus in India should tackle the threat of mass conversions!
eash -
It’s high time Hindus realise if they do not listen to the problems of their fellow-men, if they fail to organise and bring solutions to their fellow-men, if they fail to treat everyone equally, then someone else will.
Listen to us as well
It is, Jammu which has freed herself from the shackles of Kashmiri hegemony and is now free to chart it's own developmental agenda in line with the region's aspirations and cumulative will.
Is there indeed ‘gender discrimination’ in Sabarimala?
The age-old tradition is not based on ‘discrimination’ but is based on ‘distinction.’
A role model or a wrong model
Why would somebody want to follow Rahul Gandhi? What can a person possible learn from his personality?