Saturday, July 27, 2024


Delhi University

DUSU elections: Student welfare or money-power play?

Elections are happening again in 2023, the key candidates are again money and power which are bound to win but where are we headed as a student community is a question.

The puzzle of NEP implementation in DU – A possible solution

Some of the members in the committee are known to have openly expressed their reservations on the possible projections of this National Education Policy and therefore has been working with a preconceived confusions and misunderstandings. These misplaced academic activists are inexplicably convinced that this policy has an ‘undisclosed’ aim of reducing the workload and thereby enforcing abolition of teaching posts.

Teachers poised to reclaim DUTA in 2021

Historically, DUTA had come into reckoning after it got the second promotion of readership for the college teachers in eighties after a long strike that continued for more than 80 days. This success also helped University teachers in getting promoted to the post of Professors on a large scale.

The design behind this phenomenon gets aptly described by the term Marxists’ ‘Marks Jihad’

The term ‘Marks Jihad’ is harsh as it has been in use in the past to fan up emotions but it aptly describes this phenomenon with probably the communists behind the conspiracy this time.

Final year assessment of students must not be compromised in the name of pandemic for narrow political gains

Delhi University must find a way to conduct the examinations that would make the assessment of all kinds of acquired skills of the students and judge the amount of study and hard work that they have put in this year, in the fairest possible manner.

Mocking the mock test

We live in a MOCK world and even the air that we breath is mock air!

Here is what autonomy would entail for universities and colleges

An institution generally desires three types of autonomy- administrative, financial and academic

How my Delhi University professor humiliated me to satisfy his ego

If such professors are there in Delhi University, than how one can think of respecting them.

Do Prerna Bhardwaj’s wounds hurt less ?

Why is the media silent about Prerna Bharadwaj?

Save Indian Universities

Over the past few days, some people want Azadi, some raise slogans, some fight for Najeeb some for Rohith but not one fights for the state of education. Not one says that education should not suffer.

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