Thursday, October 24, 2024



Why does Washington want to open another jihadist launchpad in South Asia?

With ultra-Islamist BNP’s track-record of its deeper ties with Islamists and jihadists, it is indeed a matter of grave concern that the Biden administration is trying to turn Bangladesh into a newer militancy launchpad by installing BNP and its Islamist-jihadist partners in power.

US President Joe Biden benefits Al Qaeda

Biden has been falsely claiming that Al Qaeda had been destroyed for years. Even as he keeps repeating these lies, Al Qaeda keeps growing.

Biden administration supports terrorist organization in Bangladesh

Western intelligence officials believe a certain Fazlul Rahman, who signed bin Laden's February 23, 1998, declaration of holy war on the US on behalf of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh, is an associate of the now independent group.

Unmasking western politicians: Cash-for-influence deals with a convicted terrorist leader

years, Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its ideological ally Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) have been spending millions of dollars in influencing lawmakers in the Western countries, in which, recently the BNP has appointed Hunter Biden as its lobbyist.

Biden embraces Modi as the US intensifies its fight against Russia and China

Modi offered India’s help to resolve the conflict and restore peace, while stopping short of naming Russia as the aggressor.

Hunter Biden works in favor of Islamist party in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Nationalist Party also is looking for hiring journalists and columnists in a number of major publications in the US, while Tarique Rahman plans to do similar propaganda in a number of major newspapers in Britain.

Why is the international community showing huge attention to Bangladesh’s next election?

The next general election may witness unexpected violence – weeks or months before the election day.

Rejoinder to Chatham House column “Democracy in India”

This rejoinder tries to expose the biased analysis about “Democracy in India” by author Dr. Price who writes for London based eminent Think Tank Chatham House, otherwise known as Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Opinion: Will western Europe still be the docile sheep of the US when the crisis is over?

The outbreak of war in Ukraine is another example of Europe being completely at the mercy of the United States.

2022: Can Biden save America from recession?

Biden certainly has botched the Afghanistan test. But he will have no room or time for any faux pas while rescuing the US economy. It can push the economy into a deep recession.

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