Monday, September 16, 2024



ठहरा हुआ अतीत या अपने आप को दोहराता हुआ अफगानिस्तान का 1000 साल पहले का इतिहास?

भारत में सभी धर्म सुरक्षित हैं लेकिन तब तक जब तक कि हम वो गलतियां नहीं दोहराते जो अफगानिस्तान के मूल निवासियों ने दोहराईं। इतिहास अपने आप को दोहरा रहा है और गलतियां सुधारने का अवसर दे रहा।

Cultural genocide of Hindus

Hinduism, Buddhism and other Eastern traditions today survive in only a few countries such as India, Thailand, Japan

Malicious misinformation that the left propagates about Durga Puja

Challenging the narrative of the so-called left-liberals, who become active with their imaginations on the eve of Durga Puja.

The Aryan Conundrum

A theory past its expiry date

Aryan Invasion theory-myth created by colonial powers, sustained by left historians

Aryan–Invasion/immigration theory must be discarded and it should be studied with fresh approach with simultaneously taking into account literary and archeological evidences.

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