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Net Neutrality – A False Ideal


Net Neutrality.

The word that has united more Indians than any other issue in the past few years. Everyone who has logged in to a social networking site, read a newspaper or hasn’t been living under a rock, has come across this term. Some have understood it, some have not, but most of us have accepted it. It is the prime argument against Facebook’s offering, FreeBasics, as it is believed to be in violation of Net Neutrality, thus making it a complete no-no.

So what is Net Neutrality? And if FreeBasics is in violation of it then we need to see whether it is violable or not.

Net Neutrality is the idea that all data on the internet are equal and should be treated equally by the government and ISPs. They shouldnt differentiate between data, whether it is based on user, content, site, platform. The differentiation being in terms of cost, speed and priority.

Fair enough. It looks like a great ideal to stand by. Extremely lucrative when taken on face value.

But lets go a bit deeper.

The idea of Net Neutrality lies on one single essential statement. All data on the internet is equal. Once you establish that, the rest falls into place automatically. You shouldnt be differentiating between equals. Makes sense.

But what net neutrality is so easily establishing as the base truth, is not true at all. All data are not equal. It never is. In any media. Whether it is the internet, telephonic data, books, postage, even verbally transmitted data.

Every media is filled with useless data, the normal data, and utmost important data. And in every media we have channels to filter or segregate the essentials from the non-essentials.

How can an advertisement on a webpage (which is data), be as important as say an earthquake warning (again data). They aren’t. Clearly the fact that there is an earthquake alert needs to get across to the user before the ad. It needs to get to him whether he has data left to spend. It needs to get to the people whether they are connected to the internet or not. The alert may be charged at a premium, at a discount or at the same rate. Doesn’t matter.

Lets look at a more realistic, near future scenario. With driverless cars on the horizon, the need for automobiles to be constantly connected to each other through the internet will be inevitable. And this communication has to be flawless.

Don’t you think such communication and data transfer would require it to be treated differently? Don’t you think such communication will require special channels? Channels that will allow only communication between automobiles and no other data. The speed of communication might be greater or lesser than your regular channel. How does that adhere to Net Neutrality?

What about the data pack for such communication? Shouldn’t the ISPs provide a separate pack for such a connection? A 24x7x365 active communication channel cannot be expected to be a part of your regular internet pack. Nor would you expect them to charge the same as regular internet.

Ditto for sectors like hospitals, data centers etc. Considering data coming to and from such sectors the same as any other data would be a big misstep.

Now let us look at the present scenario. Today most of us get a limited data pack that we need to ration and spend wisely. But no matter how cautious you are, you will unavoidably end up wasting some of that precious data when you bump into an ill-designed data heavy website, big video advertisements, a single misclick etc. All these end up eating into the precious data that you were rationing for things that you actually wanted to do.

Want to connect with your friends on whatsapp? Nope, you just wasted your data on a flash ad in some webpage.

Want to book a ticket urgently? Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten so adventurous when clicking random links last night.

The free internet that has been empowering until now might become a shackle with time. You cant get adventurous and exploring when on the internet because you might end up losing up on the daily essentials.

Wont a separate pack for such essential infact liberate us? Allow us to tread around the internet without worrying about not finding our way back?

Imagine if you had two lives. One life to go about with your daily essentials. And the other to indulge yourself in the extras. Wouldn’t it be better than having to choose between one or the other?

Whether you like it or not, net neutrality is not going to last long. And its not because of some evil plan to take over the world, but because it is the need of the hour. The more dependant we get on internet based data, the more we will need to prioritize amongst them.

The internet is in it nascent state still. It has been fairly neutral until now, and that’s ok, but you cant bind it under rules and stop it from evolving. The ideals of one time often become a burden in another.

Net Neutrality is an ideal situation. When channels are abundant and there is no need to prioritize one over the other. But until that time, it is just a false ideal.

StartUp India Program: How an entrepreneur views it


“Why do you want to leave your comfortable corporate career and venture in to unknown territory?”

“Is your business model scalable?”

“What;s your USP?, you are just like any other player in the market”

These were few cynical views we had received when we ventured in to starting our own venture. People start the business for various reason, some start to solve problems of customers, I started my business to resolve my own career crises. An idea to start something on our own was floated and it firmed up when my boss didn’t favourable remarks even after we exceeded expectations three years in a row. I started a consulting outfit with two other colleagues, today we are a 100+ people organization with a presence in four countries. We don’t fall in to the category of  “start-up” where valuations are crazy and VC funds always eager to put their money. I think there are only few lucky Start-ups which get VC funds. Our organization is self-funded; none of the founders brought any capital. We have grown our business from internal accruals. Our growth has been slow because we didn’t seek any external funding, but nevertheless, we have enjoyed the journey in last five years.

Yesterday PM Modi has launched ‘Start up India Program’; many friends on social media asked me what I thought about it. While finer details of the ‘Start-up India’ are yet to come, with information available, I have put my thoughts in this post. ‘Start-up India’ program aims at creating infrastructure for start-ups and providing financial assistance in some form. I have tried to touch upon few important points from infrastructure and financial assistance in this post.

Ease of Doing Business

We are in to consulting business, hence many of the local labour/environment laws which might apply to manufacturing don’t apply to us. Back in 2010 also we were able to start a business with relative ease. Biggest challenge I have faced in starting a business is to open a bank account, it is easy to get PAN number if you have bank account and it is easy to open bank account if you have PAN number. Nevertheless it was not that difficult, we were able to get things rolling before our first payment from customer was due.

Our organization currently has a presence in Australia, India, Singapore and USA, so I have hands on experience of incorporating organizations in at least four countries. Each country has its share of challenges, but I think Singapore and USA branches were easy to incorporate and open bank account. I would rate Australia and India on the same level. Incorporation of the organization is important but second most important factor is to open bank account. Till the time you don’t have bank account your business is as good as not started.

What is Start-Up

Invariably start-up means tech start-up, however it is not true at all. PM Modi in his speech has rightly highlighted that he doesn’t want to see only Tech start up. My brother in law who started his own venture in Modular kitchen business has gone through same amount of challenges as I have gone through. PM Modi highlighted that start-up entrepreneur means who are job creator. Main stream media and even social media romance the tech start ups ignoring other new business Start-ups all together.

Creating Infrastructure for Start-ups

Generally, failures rate of start-ups in the early phase are quite high. There are many reasons for the failures; however lack of infrastructure should be the last reason. Entrepreneurs can come from all walks of life, I know many successful entrepreneurs who are entrepreneurs because they were not educated enough to get high paying jobs. Hence it is essential for us as country to look beyond tech start-up and create infrastructure which will incubate entrepreneurs in diverse industries and backgrounds. The Start Up Policy seems to be doing that.

Most small and medium enterprises are run by entrepreneurs who are not formally educated in management. Not able to adapt to best business practice causes lot wastage and inefficiency. Here role of government comes in to picture, they should  create awareness of best business practice and opportunities available at large. Incubation of businesses is very important if we are to create successful entrepreneurs. We see only successful entrepreneurs but always fail to seek example of unsuccessful entrepreneurs.

I know a family friend who had business in manufacturing related to Nano technology with a factory in Mumbai, was given Singapore Permanent Residency and other incentives to move his factory from Mumbai to Singapore. Creating right environment where Intellectual Property rights can be enforced upon is also important part of the infrastructure which government intends to create.

Creation of affordable shared office space, factory space, availability of skilled man power, availability of power & other utilities, connectivity etc. are essential for Indian businesses to boom. Programs like ‘Start-up India’ would not achieve its desired results till the time such programs and infrastructures are created at local level cutting across all form of bureaucracy.

Benefits extended under Start-up India

Tax benefit:  India isn’t first country to extend benefit to start ups, there are many countries provide the same. Singapore provide first three years of tax benefit for newly incorporated company, however profit exemption is capped at SGD 100,000/- and 50% exemption for next SGD 200,000. An enterprise in its early years does need support from government, I happy that Government of India has taken steps in right direction.

Procurement by Public Enterprise: Ministry of Micro Small and Medium enterprise has made it mandatory for all public enterprises to relax norms for MSME for their procurement requirement. It is a welcome step, however I still think lot more can be done in this space. To give our own example, on the competency wise our organization can take up the work for any public sector enterprise yet we still have to work via a Big MNC. Possibility of corruption is a major reason why procurement policy of public enterprise isn’t simple.

Bank Loan for start-up:  It will be interesting to see how credit line will be provided to start-ups, last month only I checked up with multiple banks of possibilities of opening overdraft facility from banks. None of the bank was willing to provide overdraft facility without collateral of immovable property. Manufacturing or trading businesses will have inventory to hypothecate, unlike the service business. Any organizations which are in to service business will find it difficult to get bank funding without putting their own personal property as collateral.


It is good to see that government has embarked on the journey to create right infrastructure for Start-Ups. Entrepreneurs are not made overnight, its long process. I hope with ‘Start-up India’ our future generation will be more informed about exploring entrepreneurship with better infrastructure.  It is important that our society celebrate successful entrepreneurs, but it also needs to respect and learn from failed entrepreneurs.

A Go-to list of all festivals to be banned – collated by a Pseudo-secular Indian.


(First published as a Facebook post on January 9th)


I am an Indian Secular and am just trying to get it straight for all of you here, about how we seculars feel about these Indian festivals.

Going chronologically from Jan to Dec. Bear with me… this list is so long. Gosh! Why do you communal folks need to celebrate so many festivals yaar?? Well… Here it goes…

January… Sankranti/Lohri/Pongal

1. Kite flying in Sankranti kills birds, but kite festivals in other parts of the world do not. Period. Nor are birds killed for all the chicken wings eaten all year around or the turkey consumed during thanks giving. The birds sign up for it.

Also, remember… millions of lanterns, released into the sky for all the Asian festivals do not hurt a single bird. But Hindu kites do. Amazing no!!

2. Jallikattu once a year, in which the bulls race against humans hurts the bulls but bovine slaughter that takes place daily in millions and billions does not hurt a single bovine. Nor do Bulls get hurt in a gory Spanish Bull-fight. And guess what… the camel race, dog shows, etc etc all are done with the animal’s consent. PETA has their NOC.
Same for cock fights. They hurt the cocks.

Tch tch!! Why hurt them?? Simply kill them yaar! They are so delicious.

PS: Lohri and Bogi bonfires cause global pollution. But we intellectuals are right now focusing on other bans. Wait for it. We’ll protest Bonfires of Lohri, Bogi and Holika too.

February… Shiv Raatri, Valentine’s Day, Kumbh…

3. Milk poured on Shiva linga during Shivratri is such a waste. But of course… the thousands of candles burned, chaadaars offered… all do good for the society. Got it??

Also… how can God be in a stone?? Such superstitions!! But of course… devil can. That is why we stone the devil at Haj. You see. Simple logic.

4. Celebrating Valentine’s day is progressive guys. Celebrating Karwa Chauth/Raksha-Bandhan?? Sheesh! Those are not just regressive, but is downright patriarchal.

March… Holi

5. Let’s see this one in detail… Playing Holi is…
a. A waste of water.
b. Bad for skin.
But applying facepaint for Halloween is fantastic for skin while millions of gallons used in slaughter houses, golf courses, water parks, just to name a few.. is no wastage at all.
Oh… and organizing a tomatina festival is progressive, liberal, modern and fun. 🙂

April… Ugadi, Vishu, Easter, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanthi…

6. Gudi Padwa/Ugadi… The seculars have not come up with a nice anti-festival propaganda. Wait for it. They’re getting there.

7. Easter: The idea of resurrection is scientific. Easter Bunnies, St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun, are all real. Honor them Celebrate these festivals.
But of course.. Hanuman and Ram are imaginary. Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanthi are regressive and superstitious.

May… Cannot remember a festival… else would have boycotted it for sure.

June… Rath Yatra

8. It causes stampede. Duh!!
Ban it!! Ban it!!
But of course… don’t even compare with people getting killed in Hajj. That is minuscule. Just a few hundreds every year. Let us send more peope to hajj on subsidy. Yaay!! Rath Yatra on the other hand… is dozens!! DOZENS!

July… Nag Panchami

9. Snakes are captured and tortured. Milk is wasted. Reeks of superstitions. While the animals in the zoo and circuses around the world are all willingly and voluntarily out there for a field trip.

August… Varalakshmi Vratam, Vat Savitri, Krishnaashtami

10. The first two are patriarchal and regressive not to mention, steeped in superstition. Save this country from such 5th century festivities. Praying to god does not give any wealth. Only Santa can get wealth… err I mean gifts. Santa is real after all.

11. Krishnaashtami : Dahi handi is dangerous. Enough said!

September… Ganesh Puja, Onam

12. Idols pollute water. Factories do not. Puja pandals block roads, protest marches and dharnas do not.
Guys… once and for all… let us admit… this festival is a Pin-up Model amongst all the environmentally hazardous festival. Specially since Bollywood is in Maharashtra. Ganesh Puja is celebrated with aplomb there. Tyranny of proximity. We have to protest guys. Else our hypocrisy will be questioned.
Of course, the millions of trees chopped in Christmas and million animals slaughtered for the plethora of Eids are ISO certified environment friendly. So we can happily ignore those. 🙂

13. Onam… Shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone, but we are working on finding something nasty about Onam. For now… let us just say we like pookolam in pictures only. Else we call for a ban of pookolams in offices and institutions. Why you ask?? What a waste of flowers!! Save them for Valentine’s day. Will you?? I love my Roses in valentine’s day. The bouquets look so pretty… even though each of them look exactly like a million others. Unlike the unartistic pookolams which all look so individual. Pooh!!!

Also… Offices should be free of all religious celebrations unless we are putting up a christmas tree and dressing as Santa to office.
October.. Durga Puja, Navraatri, Dussera, Halloween
Ban all!! No exceptions!

14. Durga Puja in a hazard to the environment not to mention causes inconvenience to the us seculars.

15. Dussera is bad for environment. Plus Ravan is so cute yaar. How could you guys make him a villain and burn his effigy?? Down with Ram!! He was a selfish misogynist.

16. Navraatri… You do know right… that Daandiya-Raas is a hotbed of voyeurism, sexism, regressiveness, objectification… and everything evil. Unless you allow our boys to flirt with your girls… in which case we are ok with it.

Oh! And how 10 century like is it to do upvas for 10 days during Navraatri?? When we fast for 40 days of lent and 30 days of Ramzan… it’s so 5th century. It’s progressive. After all… 5 comes before 10.

17. Halloween… Ah! It’s fun partying in the name of the dead and dressing up as devils and witches. Dressing up as Ram and Hanuman for Ramleela…. now that is something that should be stopped. It propagates superstitions.

November… Diwali, Kali Puja, ThanksGiving

18. Diwali is the Lady Gaga of environmentally bad festivals. The Academy award winner so to speak. You see, firecrackers at various opening ceremonies, Gregorian New Year celebrations around the world, Chinese New Year, Weddings, Matches… all the other times… is good for the environment.

But when you burst crackers in Diwali…
I hate it.
My ears hate it.
My lungs hate it.
My dog hates it.
Even my cockroach hates it.
Crackers in the middle of the night on 31st December is soporiferous. Ahhhhhhh!
But on Diwali night, it disturbs my sleep.
So just stop this offensive practice of bursting crackers. Uggh!

19. Kali Puja… What do we say??
Devil worship, regressive, gory… the list of adjectives is long. Yawn!!
Animal Sacrifice hurts animals. Unlike in slaughter houses… where the animals go for a picnic.

20. Thanksgiving… the day when the Turkey gives thanks by beheading itself and getting into the oven to be roasted. So you see… no animal is hurt on thanks giving. No Blood is shed unlike Kali Puja bali. That is why you never see us PETA guys doing dharna on Thanksgiving. Not even in US.
Oh! And we intellectual liberal humans give thanks for all that we already have by going shopping at 12 in the night… and don’t mind standing in lines for 30 hours for our toaster and cookers. What?? We love our toasters.
December… Christmas, New year’s Eve. Yippee!!

21. Christmas: Best festival of all after Eid.
We love the lights.
We love the smell of the millions of trees chopped down and propped up in our living rooms.
We love when pine needles fall on our carpets.
We love when billions are wasted in Christmas lights. Oops! That’s not a waste. Waste is lights during Diwali.
Christmas is a time for love. Duh!! Don’t you watch the Hallmark channel??

22. New Years Eve… what can we say… 🙂
We love when our sleep is disturbed in the middle of night by crackers.
We love when the rate of accidents go up as people are out till dawn partying for just another date change.
Never mind that Corporates, the ad industry, the social media, the entire machinery forces it down our throats calling it special.
You unintellectual, illiberal, communal peoples!! Don’t you know… of all the date changes, this date change is special. Just because we say so.
So we don’t mind crackers.
We don’t care for pollution.
We don’t mind the increase in rapes around the world around this time.
We don’t mind the increase in drunken driving and accidents that happen.
See… everyone is happy!! Till Jan 14th that is… when we start being sad again… because of Sankranti.

Oh! And we are still studying the Rath Yatra, the Kumbh Melas, Sabarimalai, the Amarnath and Vaishno devi Yatras for now. Wait for us to come up with longs lists of how these are bad for the entire human civilization.

Phew!! That was tiring! Time for some Goat Biryani with Vodka under the Christmas lights which I have not removed yet. PS: The goat loved being converted into a biryani. The goat had sworn it. It starts with… ‘Meinnnnn.’

PS: This note was shared by the author on Jan 9th on her personal Facebook page.

Decoding Rising Intolerance till Malda Violence: Perception or Parameters.


Over the ages this world has sustained itself with both tolerance and intolerance. A world lives basically with peace and war. This is the balance of nature. The major socio-political changes have occurred through war. Indian independence is an excerpt from such changes in the past. One has to understand that intolerance will never be a right word to describe a murder. The recent framework of rising intolerance was all about confusions. Arguments based more upon perceptions rather than parameters.

Few weeks ago Sania Mirza was awarded Khel Ratna….. correction Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. There was such hue and cry across the social media ranging from logical arguments to abuses and all. On facebook, arguments ranged from Saina Nehwal deserving the award to Sania does not deserves for she is now a Pakistani. It is still debatable whether awarding her was right or wrong, FYI a Para athlete H.N. Girisha had challenged govt’s decision to award Sania Mirza The Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna. And Karnataka High Court had found the challenge substantive.

But why such hue and cry on social media or anywhere? Well because it is the indian feeling in heart which wants nothing to go wrong. There were not many who provided logical parameters for judging who deserved the award, rather most of them framed their argument based upon their perception. Of course they were making their opinion. But opinions are framed either upon parameters or perceptions. And perception leads to deception if not based upon correct parameters.

The concern is not here Sania or award, but the rising intolerance debate which seems to be confusing the nation. But why do we debate a months old topic now? Well, since the debate is over it is a good time to analyze the whole issue. Moreover when there is also a Malda incident being ignored by the left liberal section.

The semblance of whole intolerance issue began with Indira Gandhi’s cousin Nayantara Sahgal returning her award and questioning, rather blaming the hindutva ideology. It lasted for more than a month, with many awards being returned and severe criticism of #awardwapsi and not to forget those mind blowing statements made by our beloved Badshah and Mr. Perfectionist. Though none of them gave any substantial parameter about rising intolerance.

But one has to understand that such hue and cry was of course enough to agitate the country to go into the retaliation mode and ultimately rise of intolerance in the nation to defend its integrity. All thanks to our intellectuals. And perhaps that was the only reason why such semblance was imposed in the nation just at the mouth of Bihar elections. What is intolerance? It is still not defined though!

The problem with such hue and cry is that it creates perception among the masses about a particular subject. In this case it was rising intolerance which eventually died due to mass retaliation upon social media. The point is that the debate was beautifully crafted by our intellectuals. Murders are barbarism, it is wrong to call them as intolerance but the barbaric acts of Dadri, Dabholkar and Kalburgi murders were crafted nicely by phrase ‘acts of intolerance’ eventually finalizing the term rising intolerance. For instance, based upon above events, compare the two terms…. “Rising barbarism in the country” and “Rising intolerance in the country”, if they would have used the prior term then their arguments would have had drowned in the sea on the very first day, never to be found.

Nitin Pai, with the twitter handle @acorn, discovered a good term “coercive majoritarianism” instead of rising intolerance. But the thing is if there would have had been any coercive majoritarianism in the nation then we would have become like Pakistan because RSS was always a well supported organization, so to create anarchy it would not need to wait for being in power. Pakistan, Iraq, KSA are perfect examples to be studied, and by the way the rate at which minorities have grown in country, itself defies the argument, and if someone argues subjecting to these stray incidents like Dadri or Dabholkar then I think these sort of murders took place in the past as well, so why term them as rising intolerance or coercive majoritarianism now? Only to defame the Government?

Moreover coercive majoritarianism is subjective term, subject to the variations in the demographic structure even in a very small group of neighborhood. The Kashmiri Pundits exodus is a real example of coercive majoritarianism. Assam riots were real examples of such coercive majoritarianism. And now the Malda violence, which is being deliberately ignored by our MSM and the leftists who are perhaps waiting for a death in Malda, to return their awards in protest of so called minority’s coerced majoritarianism. However in Dadri, if majoritarianism was the idea of murder, then why would one person be killed? Why not burn up the whole family or the entire community there? It was just a matter of law & order which became the victim of appeasement and vote bank. There is nothing called as rising of coercive majortarianism. It is all just vague perception.

And if someone says that intolerance is all about ideology, then the fact is that the ideology must be brought into action to create a sense of despondency in the country. Malda violence is that one incident which is the proof of substantive action being brought about on the ground about the ideology of local majoritarianism.

I still wonder though, why the UP Government was not at all targeted in case of Dadri! Anyways, if there is still something left in your perception of rising intolerance, then how come that all of a sudden everything is quiet now? Even after Malda violence? I mean, rising intolerance is something like inflation which would continue to rise and arguments would come forth every other day and media would howl and shout about any incident being taking place. But now no one speaks anything, no reporting of any such barbaric incident, nothing. How now the rising intolerance and protective intellectual messiahs have suddenly VANISHED!

Characteristics of Pseudo-intellectuals on day of Terror Attack


In India, you can identify so called pseudo-intellectuals on MSM with some characteristics which were greatly on display on the day of Pathankot attack.

1. They are Modi haters:
They will find reasons to blame Modi for everything. If Modi talks to Pakistan, their argument would be not to engage. If he doesn’t talk to Pakistan, there argument would be that Modi is not thinking out of the box. They are still not able to accept democratically elected PM of India as their PM. They would have preferred someone from Lutyen’s Delhi that’s why they would often say “their PM”, “BJP’s PM” etc.

2. Their agenda is above national interest:
On days of terror attacks if they can link it to failures of Modi, they get a new weapon. When there are terror attacks in the west like Paris, people get united and journalists don’t get into starting the blame game on the day of terror. They just report facts and let experts talk on such sensitive matters. Paris attacks triggered twitter trends like #JeSuisCharlie adopted worldwide and people were expressing their solidarity. In India, even terror attacks are used by mainstream media to further deepen the divide.

3. They are self proclaimed experts of foreign policy and national security:

Only in India will you find so many journalists that are foreign policy experts. Immediately after terror attacks, they exclaim- see I told you so. India shouldn’t have engaged with Pak. Modi shouldn’t have gone for tea with Sharif etc. Almost all leading English TV journalists in India are so called experts of national security too. They won’t hesitate to even place their advice on how counter terror ops need to be performed to one of the best NSAs India has had – Ajit Doval.

4. They can not handle criticism on social media:

When such leftist seculars are challenged by critics who one could best denigrate as smart trolls, they feel threatened. Many of these so called liberals in their 40s and 50s haven’t understood  the power of social media. In the prime of their youth, they became opinion makers on Indian TV. They are very used to one way building of narrative. We tell you our opinion and you follow is what they think is their birthright. There was no question asked, no criticism before social media. So India’s leading MSM TV intellectuals are not used to being questioned about their opinions and narrative. Hence they feel threatened.

5. They will call you bhakts when they don’t have answers:

And when they feel threatened, they will call you names- sanghi trolls, morons, bhakts and so on. Indeed, there are abusive internet trolls everywhere. This is the nature of Internet and action must be taken against those. However these intellectuals take advantage of this fact and generalize all of their critics into “trolls” or “bhakts”. What they don’t understand is, that if Modi was voted in by 31% (vote share), and given that BJP vote share is more urban than rural, you are bound to have about 50-60% opinions favoring Modi on social media or questioning them against their hate. Can you afford to ignore opinions of this large majority on social media? At your own peril if you do!

Here is what Vir Sanghvi calls some twitter followers :”Moron Bhakts”, “Sanghi trolls”, “ignorant morons”, “chaddiwallahs”. This writer was recently blocked by…… well you guessed it right!

6. When there is nothing else there is “intolerance” weapon:

So when they can’t handle your criticism, they will finally come back to the false narrative they have built : “intolerance is rising”. Its not intolerance that is rising, its their inability to handle criticism that is rising and that has exposed these pseudo-intellectuals.

7. They will rejoice even on day of terror if they can attack critics:
Sagarika Ghose on day of terror attack takes it out on bhakts (note “their very own govt“)

So how do we summarize this? I couldn’t come up with anything better than Sadanand Dhume, a WSJ columnist on this whole inability of these pseudo-intellectuals to deal with democratization of discourse; in my favourite tweet of 2015 !


Alternatives to odd-even scheme for Delhi’s pollution and traffic problems?


Delhi alone has more number of cars than the sum of other 3 metros in India. Road length is more or less same but vehicles are increasing at very rapid pace. Our driving habits, road marking, design and road encroachment have some of the key factors contributing to traffic jams.

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world and pollution has reached alarming situation. Delhi is like smog chamber. Our esteemed courts and international organisations have raised great concerns over this.

Lot of new bridges have been constructed, various red lights have been eliminated and many more such steps have been taken. It gives a good feeling of problem getting resolved but for very small time. We need to get long term and bigger solutions.

Few of the key Delhi traffic, pollution problems are:

  • Traffic jam causes pollution, fuel wastage (loss of forex and increased import)
  • Pollution level has reached above alarming stages. It is one of the most polluted cities in the world.
  • Cost of health impact of pollution is very high to country
  • Traffic jam increases daily travel time and wastes valuable time of working population It is very big loss to country
  • People have become so short tempered that road rage, fighting and killing for small incident is common.
  • Accidental losses like injuries, deaths, vehicle maintenance and insurance costs are very high for country


The biggest solution should be to reduce number of cars on roads. Below listed steps can help to reduce cars on roads and daily traffic jams. It doesn’t need large initial investment like metro and it can be further reduced by inviting private partnership.

  • Make a comprehensive transport solution for whole NCR. Synchronise metro, rapid metro, buses, charted buses, autos etc. Make a single website like (transport for London website). Make a single card (like metro card) acceptable in all transport.
  • It covers 3 states and couple of cities so can’t be managed by any state or city authority. Make an authority responsible to manage complete NCR transport.
  • Metro is very nice public transport, fast, comfortable and even used by car users. It is well respected and maintained. But unfortunately its penetration is not enough and working to cover more area. Even in final stage it is not sufficient and must be supported by good fleet of buses etc for last mile connectivity like London, Paris etc.
  • Buses for NCR- Media reports have confirmed that car users are not using current DTC buses during odd-even trial. It proves different bus services are required which can be used by car users. NCR needs very nice bus connectivity which is comfortable, safe takes less time and can be used by car users as well. One good alternate can be AC and non-AC charted, fast buses (just few stops in fast services and only sitting) connecting whole NCR (Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Ghaziabad and Delhi). Buses with driver controlled doors and can’t move with open doors (will reduce congestion and accidents). These buses should be started by Govt transport corporations (DTC, Haryana roadways and UP roadways) along with few corporate. It is difficult to manage so many operators running 1-2 buses each. It increases corruption at lower level, difficult to manage and maintain quality. Blue line buses had killed hundreds of people and there is no way to control. Lacs of cars cross between Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad. If some part of this can transferred to buses then roads congestion will be reduced drastically. This can be quick, reliable, cost effective long term sustainable solution. Delhi needs it URGENTLY. The delay will cost dearly to country and society.
  • Make some parking slots near such key bus stops (and metro stations) so that person may bring car/cycle/scooter from his house to bus and way back home. Develop small buses or autos ply on shared basis to take people from these bus stops to place of work/home. Say people coming from Delhi may get down near Shankar chowk in Gurgaon and using shared auto can go to work in Udhyog vihar. Or companies may arrange own transport to pick up staff from such bus stops.
  • Encourage people to pool cars while going for work. Corporate having nearby offices should work together to have common transport pool (cars, cabs, buses etc).
  • Various organisations should create platform for people to pool cars
  • There are many taxi service providers in NCR like Ola, Uber etc. They can also create platform for pooling. Say if a cab is going cyber hub, Gurgaon to east Delhi then may carry 4 people rather than just one.
  • Local Trains- The existing Railway tracks have spare land around them which is illegally occupied. Explore option to put new tracks or use existing tracks to connect key NCR towns like Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad etc to start with and later can be extended to further NCR towns (Rewari, Sonipat, Meerut etc). It will decongest Delhi fighting, already under great stress for basic infrastructure. These train services can be managed by metro or Indian Railway. But it must be on the lines of metro so that can reduce car traffic on NCR roads. Same NCR local transport card must be acceptable

You should also be aware of this, if you laugh on Sardarji jokes


Sardarji jokes or Sardar jokes, is a genre of jokes that targets Sikh ethnicity and portrays a stereotype of Sikhs being stupid and strips away their honorific history.

And here is why this is no laughing matter…

Most mainstream jokes center around 12 o’clock . It is suggested that Sikhs turn ‘Stupid’ when the clock strikes Twelve. Even though, this 12 o’clock is a pertinent time in Sikh history and more to do with Sikh valour that stupidity.

Here is why Sikh Valour should be associated with 12 o’clock instead.

In 1739 Nadir Shah, King of Persia, crossed the frontier and swept down towards New Delhi, India. He was the first invader who was here only to plunder and kill, with no intention of staying. His troops reached Delhi, where they killed 150,000 people, both Hindus and Sikhs. He looted India and was carrying lot of Indian treasures and nearly 2200 Hindu women along with him. The news spread like fire and was heard by Sardar Jassa Singh who was the Commander of the Sikh army at that time. Sikhs were very few in numbers while the army of Mughals was in hundreds of thousands. Sardar Jassa Singh decided to attack Nadir Shah’s army at midnight.

He did so and rescued all the Hindu women and they were safely sent back to their homes. It didn’t happen only once but thereafter whenever any army from Afghanistan or Iran attacked and looted an Indian city and were trying to carry the treasures and women in order to sell them in Arab markets, the Sikh army although fewer in numbers but brave-hearted attacked them at midnight, 12 O’clock, and rescued the women along with the treasure.

Finally, Sikhs under Ranjit Singh, in 1798 bought an end to the 800 years of foreign invasions into India through Khyber pass, by bringing it under their control. This was the best gift Sikhs gave to the nation which finally allowed the rest of India to breathe in peace. Hari Singh Nalwa, who manned the Khyber pass for years became a name of threat in Afghanistan. Ranjit Singh brought the world famous Kohinoor diamond back to India, which was looted by Nadir Shah earlier.

If it was not for the Sikhs, who brought back Kashmir in 1819, today Kashmir would have been a part of Afghanistan. Ladakh owes its existence on the map of India to Zorawar Singh, who brought the region back to India in 1836.

The Battle of Saragarhi was fought on 12 September 1897 at the North West province of India between twenty-one Sikhs of the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment defending an army post against 10,000 Afghans. All 21 Sikhs fought till the last bullet had been fired against the Afghan army. Twenty one Sikh soldiers then charged with their Kirpans to be eventually cut down to pieces. The easier way out would have been to surrender but the spirit of Sikhs has always made them do what Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Guru had said, “Grant me this wish, O Sword. I may never fear to stand up for righteousness. I may not fear when I go to war. If my defeat is definitive, I may die fighting in the battlefield for the sake of righteousness”.

With an end to Mughal invasions from Afghanistan, British invasion from the south initiated. Sikhs were the last to surrender to the British in the Indian sub-continent and were the first to raise arms against them.

After two bloody Anglo-Sikh wars did British manage to take over Punjab as the last kingdom on the map of British-India Empire. It is an irony of fate that the Sikhs had to fight against their own countrymen as British forces employed Indians from the south to invade Punjab. It was not due to lack of soldiers’ courage or conviction that the wars against British were lost, but a treachery by Gulab, a minister under Ranjit Singh, who joined hands with the British in exchange for the title of Kashmir upon winning the war.

Sikh Warrior

Despite the loss of empire to British, the spirit of freedom amongst Sikhs was soaring high. Whereas the British would daily fire a canon at 12 noon by the East India Co. time, the Sikhs on the other hand refused to recognize the British time. There is one and a half hour time difference between Calcutta and Punjab time and therefore the Sikhs maintained their firing of the Canon at 12 noon Punjab time. Amongst the general public there was confusion as to which canon denoted the 12 noon. Therefore at the fire of the first canon the public would say “12 o’ clock of British” and on the second fire, an hour and a half later, they would say “12 o’ clock of Sikhs.” Soon the spirit of defiance and freedom was forgotten by fellow Indians and they started linking the heroism demonstrated by Sikhs during Nadir Shah and Abdalis invasions at 12 noon to the act of defiance during British period and again started the 12 o’ clock jokes.

Much before 1919, when Mahatma Gandhi issued the call for satyagraha (boycotting English goods), the Sikhs under Baba Ram Singh had started the boycott movement in 1863. Eighty two Sikhs were tied to canons & blown apart by British. Sikhs were the only Indian community to be internationally acclaimed as early as 1897 for their heroism and courage.

On April 13, 1919, the British conducted Jallianwala Bagh massacre, which consisted of killing 1300 unarmed Indians mostly Sikhs in a single day. Thousand of unarmed, innocent & peaceful Indians had assembled in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar to register a peaceful protest against British colonial rule when General Michael O’ Dwyer came with his troops and opened fire on the unarmed civilians.

The first battle for freedom from British was won by Sikhs, when after loss of many lives in 1929 they were able to take over the charge of their shrines from British. On this victory Mahatma Gandhi sent a telegram writing, “The first decisive battle of independence of India won – congratulations”.

Bhagat Singh while studying in Berkeley University in California went back to Punjab to fight against the British army and was hanged in 1913 while fighting for freedom.

Udham Singh in 1940 went to London and shot General Michael O’ Dwyer at a public meeting as a revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Udham Singh did not flee, surrendered himself, and was later executed.

Even though Sikhs were 2% of the population of India, out of 42,000 recruits in the Indian National Army under the command of Subhash Chandra Bose, 28,000 soldiers, contributing 67% were Sikhs.

Contributions of Sikhs towards the Indian Defense Services is the highest with respect to their 2% population size. Sikhs have also won the maximum number of gallantry awards since independence – 5 Param Vir Chakras (PVCs), 40 Maha Vir Chakras (MVCs), 209 Vir Chakras (VrCs).

Today Sikhs are still 2% of the population of Indian but 20% of Indian Military consists of Sikhs.

As a part of Indian Military, Sikhs have constantly been fighting Muslim terrorists on the border of Pakistan and India since last India-Pakistan war. Pakistan lost all the wars.

So where did this Sikh history get so skewed and ignored that it came to be associated with ‘Stupidity of Sikhs’.

Although jokes about other ethnic and linguistic communities are found in various regions of India, Sardarji jokes are the most widely enjoyed ethnic jokes and found across the country.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that this slowly but surely driving of an agenda to make Sikhs look stupid has been a political strategy to ridicule and consciously target Sikhs and get their valour past forgotten. I though would like to say this.

In the present times, most people have come to believe that Sikhs are a stupid comic bunch and thus all brain dead instances must be immediately credited to Sikhs in keeping with the Santa Banta genre or Sardarji jokes.

Infact, the ridiculing is now mainstream and people demand it as a right!

The jokes on Sardars are nothing less of being racist under the garb of humor and perpetuated basis the acceptance and tolerance of the Sikh community at large.

Here is the definition of Racism in common parlance:

Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of differences between people.

Santa Banta Jokes or Sardarji jokes are now a license to be racist. We have allowed that this scourge of racism, rudimentary and subtle, to continue to grow in the years after we became a democracy.

Here’s a thought. While I may joke about myself or take one on myself, doesn’t make it right for you to do it to me.

If this simple thought is alien to most, a quick course in manners is much a calling.

This article relies heavily on and has quoted verbatim parts related to Sikh history.

Aryan Invasion theory-myth created by colonial powers, sustained by left historians


An Aryan Invasion dated back to 1500 BC was proposed by Max Muller in colonial period intentionally or unintentionally with no archeological or scientific basis and purely on linguistic basis. Problem with linguistic basis is that it was speculative and based on extrapolation from time of Buddha (500 bc) based on stages of development of vedas, considering 200 years at every stage. While it can be said to be good start in Indian historiography when little was known about Indian past. But problem was such a vague prediction was considered to be a universal truth and even after discovery of harrapan sites, it was fitted in old theory instead of questioning the Aryan Invasion theory.

Selective reading of Vedas and Purana/Upanishad resulted into interpretation of war mentioned between deva and asurs as between attackers from Central Asia and indigenous people. When more sites were discovered as far as Rakhigarhi in Haryana and lothal in Gujrat, Aryan invasion theory was rejected by most of historian in favour of Aryan immigration. Aryan Invasion theory was developed in period of colonization and in this period all other cultures other than European was considered as lower to the European Greek/Rome culture and race was a central idea. Aryan invasion was used to justify English invasion on India. Part of this misinterpretation was because of background of historians who belonged to the monolithic culture and were unable to understand the plurality of past civilizations (Indian, Mesopotamian) and coherent existence of many ideas within same society was alien to them. So they tried to divide Indian society where Aryans had language Sanskrit and had Vedic culture that contradicted with indigenous Indian culture and in war that followed Aryan were able to subjugate the indigenous. Also reading of spiritual text with material angle resulted in vague interpretation .For reason unknown (may be fear of creation of majority identity assertion) left historian continued the colonial proposed theory, instead of drawing more logical conclusion. But in this process they denied even the well known facts. From ancient knowledge of astronomy to various mathematical and scientific discoveries all were discarded as myth. And Indian ancient discoverers/inventors were never given their due place. From Yoga to knowledge of Vedas they were accepted in India only after west recognized them as important knowledge.

Crucial part ignored in this whole Aryan Invasion/immigration theory is Sarswati River. Earlier denied as a mystical river now more proof are coming of its existence and subsequently drying up or changing the course. Rivers can change course due to many reasons. As recent as in 1950 Brahmaputra changed its course. Sarswati is said to be a present day Ghaghar river. Presence of river Sarswati seems plausible as many big archeological sites are found in areas that are presently desert or dried, while its highly improbable scenario because all historical civilizations were developed on river banks. And these sites were not peripheral sites; in fact Rakhigarhi of Haryana is bigger than Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Many scholars today both in India and the West, have proposed in wake of this that that the Harappan or Indus Valley civilization, should be renamed the Rakhigarhi or Sarasvati civilization. Change of course of river can be predicted from ancient text also, as in popular culture Ganga-Yamuna confluence in Allahabad is known as Triveni sangam of Ganga, Yamuna and Sarswati. A story is also popular that Sarswati in Prayag dried due to “Shraap” of Maa Sita. So it is highly possible that somewhere between 2000-1000 BC Sarswati changed its course and instead of Arabian Sea moved towards Bay of Bengal and later dried. This sudden shift in course may resulted in slow migration of people from Indus water system to Ganga-Yamuna river system as the fertile land along the Sarswati was now unsuitable for agriculture and situation of drought developed. Often question is raised about degradation of civilization from Indus Urban system to primitive Ganga Yamuna civilization. But one must remember that urban civilizations flourish when there is excess food produce and some people are free to take other activities of art and trade. In such a large scale migration to totally new place, agricultural land will have to be developed by clearing forests, developing canal systems, rearing animals. This will surely take time and labour. Thats why in this period large scale urban cities were not seen and instead small urban centres like Dwarka were developed. Also one must simultaneously study socio –political development in Middle East with whom Indus valley people traded that may have resulted in decline of trade with them and thus rendered creation of large urban centre for trade futile.

With these new developments it is better that self-contradicting Aryan–Invasion/immigration theory must be discarded and it should be studied with fresh approach with simultaneously taking into account literary and archeological evidences.

Am I a Patriot? An Ode Dedicated to our brave soldiers martyred at Pathankot



Am I a patriot? Are you a patriot?
Dissipate the evils of my country,
Fire in the belly, but yet doltish
Brain with vision, but yet bleary
Time has come for uphill battle
Time has come for young patriots to rise!!!

O God, you are faceless but many
Studded with inhumane religious ghosts
Sweat and blood overflowing for you,
Enlightened prodigies,forced nation to weep
Time has come to thwack,not to extol
Time has come for young human beings to rise!!!

Patriot’s blood moulded my country, not politicians
But my nation boasts of religious and political patriots
Shredding,tearing and squeezing for power and money
Imposing martial laws deep into the young minds,
Time has come to impose patriotic laws to young minds,
Time has come for young moral beings to rise!!!

Biases, biases and biases, current slogan in diversified crowd,
Money, Money and money, chosen over education in a knowledge pool,
Perjury, perjury and perjury, the way of media,law and profession,
Like a wolf leading the pack,
Time has come to introduce unflinching lions,
Time has come for young perspicacious leaders to rise!!!

Citizens falter casting their rights,Ah!A pity,
But they upheld their caste,proud
But they failed the country,moment of truth
Humongous crowd with all alphabet outfits,
Time has come to stand united for our rights,
Time has come for young citizens to rise!!!!

Am I a patriot?Are you a patriot?
Dissipate the evils of my country,
Fire in the belly, but yet doltish
Brain with vision,but yet bleary
Time has come for uphill battle
Time has come for young patriots to rise!!!


Stony silence of Media on Malda Riots


The fresh mob violence in malda has once again given an opportunity for presstitutes to prove why they are labelled as presstitutes. Except for “Indian Express” in print media and “Zee News” among electrnoic media none of the other presstitutes even bothered to report the rioting which involved a mob of more than 2.5 lakh torching police stations, police vehicles, BSF posts, BSF vehicles, temples and even innocent passersby going in a bus.

One of the leading presstitutes NDTV did not get time or sense to report this incident even 3 days after the incident occurred while the town continues to burn. After 3 days when a BJP legislator attempted at visiting the place to get hold of the ground situation, he was arrested by the police.

This is when the presstitute NDTV realized that it is part of media and has to report the news. As expected their headline was arrest of BJP legislator and a small paragraph in the article mentions about the rioting as some minor protest.

NDTV report below is a laugh riot to any sensible person on their reporting of mob torching a civilian bus:

“During the march on the national highway, a bus got in the way of the procession and protesters attacked it though passengers were unharmed. The police managed to partially disperse the protesters.”

The complete article can be checked here: NDTV eyewash on the report

One can clearly notice, the report says “a bus got in the way of the procession and protesters attacked it though passengers were unharmed”. So is NDTV trying to say that the bus was to be faulted for going in way of the protesters?

Few simple questions to #presstitute NDTV – Does this kind of irresponsible reporting not hurt innocents and encourage mob to conitnue with their vandalizing acts? Does it not amount to sedition on part of NDTV to encourage mob and subdue their criminal activities as minor incidents?

Presstitutes @bdutt @ranaayyub @sagarikaghose who are all self-proclaimed protectors of “sickularism” are maintaining a deafening silence on this burning ghost town.

Presstitute @sardesairajdeep added a tinge of humour to this topic with his senseless tweet by asking folks not to compare this with dadri but still was dodging the issue at hand.

The fun from rajdeep is not yet over, he gives gyan to social media not to sensatinalize malda in an election year,which is what exactly the main stream media did with Dadri incident by sensationalizing it when Bihar elections were round the corner.

Good to see him preaching, but what happened to all this preaching when Bihar elections were round the corner  and the media went hyper to blow the issue out of proportion and sensationalize such a sensitive issue? Did they not remember their responsibilities at that time?

When a few 10′ or maybe a hundred people at the maximum over powers and kills a person, it becomes a hot topic in whole of India for presstitutes to an extent that it becomes a topic of discussion internationally and thereby damaging name and fame of the country.

On the other hand when lakhs of people go on a rampage and torch anything and anybody who is on their way ,it is being presented as a simple issue.

The point here is not to support one incident or criticize the other one. The point is for the presstitutes to report crime as crime and criminal as criminal and not to take sides based on their paymasters.

Gone are the days when presstitutes used to present biased views of their news,now they have matured to cover or not to cover the whole news itself based on their political and business interests.

Signs are clear for everyone to see the fourth estate of democracy crumbling with each passing hour.

Now who is tolerant ? The media ,the government ,the country,the people,majority or minority?