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Sorry Leftists – Ravana and most Rakshasas were Hindutva Agents


There is a very interesting connection between the Indian Coastguard and Ravana, the iconic character in Ramayana.  Acharya Chatursen’s forgotten historical novel title which tells the story of Ravana from his perspective is titled as “Vayam Rakshamah” which in Sanskrit means “We Protect” also happens to be the motto of the Indian Coastguard.  Acharya Chatursen (1891 –1960) was one of the finest Hindi writers (used Sanskrit extensively in his novels)  who challenged many leftist-liberal arguments through his path breaking books like ‘Vayam Rakshamah’ , ‘Sahyadri ki Chattanen’  based on Shivaji’s times and life and ‘Somnath Mahalay’  based on invasion of Mahmud Gaznavi and destruction of Somnath temple. He wrote over 72 published books and over 250 stories.

“Vayam Rakshamah” is the most non-demonizing and humane version of Ravana that’s has been presented by any writer of his times. At the same time, he is mostly remembered as a Right wing author and had his share of run-ins with the Nehru establishment of that time (even though initially Acharya was a friend of Nehru)

Like SL Bhyrappa, the famous Kannada novelist, Acharya Chatursen extensively researched his subjects and presented a history-centric view in his novels. Ravana in “Vayam Rakshamah’  is brought in as a unifying factor  of various sects of his time under a  collective protectionist umbrella called ‘Raksh’ (which means ‘to protect’) philosophy and thus may have been the origin of the word ‘Rakshasas’.

What’s unfortunately happening now is an attempt to tear down the symbols, icons and legends of  Sanatan Dharma with a wild goose chase for a “liberating champion” from the collective genre of ‘Rakshasas, Asuras and Daityas’ without any understanding of the fundamentals of the system. The left-liberals miss a point here that the Sanatan Dharma has always been a platform for every possible counter narrative elements and anti-thesis even in its popular myths.

For every Vishnu and his avatars there is a Shiva who is not only is the beloved of Rakshasas but the “Guru” of Gurus of Rakshasas or Daitayas namely Shukracharya. While it was well-known that from paternal side Ravana was the son of the sage Vishrava who in turn was the son of Pulastya who being the son of Brahma, all of them associated as ‘Aryan God’ by Left-lib standards, but even on the maternal side there is an interesting narratative.

In the Brahma Vaivarta Purana‘s there is story narrated by Narada – when the Sun God Surya tries to kill Rakshasa brothers – Sumali and Mali. Shiva intervenes and protects them by killing Surya with his trident. While Surya is revived later but Shiva nevertheless earns a curse of a lifetime from Surya’s father Sage Kashyapa that in future his (Shiva’s) son would have his head chopped off (read Ganesha). Mali and Sumali were the maternal grandparents of Ravana (Sumali had a daughter named Kaikeshi, who married the sage Vishrava and Ravana was born out that wedlock).

While every Purana has a perspective, but this one definitely shows the extent to which Shiva went to protect the Rakshasa clan, a counter narrative to other Puranas where Vishnu was primordial protective of Vedic Gods

Even from a Vedic perspective the root word ‘Asu’ from which the word  ‘Asura’ is derived  denotes afterlife or spirit world. In fact Vedic Gods have been called as Asuras many times in Vedas. In the Rig Veda Book 1 , Hymn 174  Verse 1 addresses Indra as

तवं राजेन्द्र ये च देवा रक्षा नॄन पाह्यसुर तवमस्मान |
तवं सत्पतिर्मघवा नस्तरुत्रस्त्वं सत्यो वसवानः सहोदाः |

(King of all the Gods, O Indra: protect the men, O Asura, preserve us. Thou  Lord of Heroes, Maghavan, our saver, art faithful, very rich, the victory-giver.[i])

Then there is this whole argument that certain gods and goddesses are beyond the preview of Hinduism and are ‘Tribal’ in  origin. Firstly the word  ‘Tribal’ ‘is etymologically derived from the Latin word  “tribus” which came from  ‘three divisions’ associated with the Roman Empire. The 12th century English literature borrowed that word and to alienate forest dwellers from mainstream – later, this word was applied in Indian context.

And since when the forest dwellers or tribals are not part of Sanatan Dharma ? Their worship of air, water are more vedic than anything else. In fact Ahobilam, Andhra Pradesh – considered the birth place of Lord Narasimha – the locals/forest dwellers (read tribes in Left language), consider Narasimha as their own son-in-law who is believed to have settled there after killing Hiranyakashyapu. Narasimha is believed to have married Chenchu Lakshmi the daughter of head of local forest dweller community.

Till today as the first right of worship that too with a meat offering is given to the locals for one the Nine forms of Narasimha located in the Ahobilam forest. This version of Narasimha can very much coexist with the ones worshipped by the Madhava and Ramanujan sects. Also will the left-libs who want to appropriate Ravana also accept the contributions of Ravana in astrology, ayurveda and tantric worship and accept them as mainstream?

Similarly after Vishnu slayed Rahu, it was Shiva who made them (Rahu & Ketu) powerful Navagrahas to be worshipped for eternity. Sanatan Dharma by nature is multi-faceted and harmonious in blend. What people forget is that the myths, symbols and legends were used and contextualized to represent the inner struggles that every human being faces on a everyday basis.

As an example the famous verse from Chandogya Upanishad states that the ‘Svarga’ or the ultimate heaven exists within oneself,

अथ यदतः परो दिवो ज्योतिर्दीप्यते विश्वतः पृष्ठेषु सर्वतः पृष्ठेष्वनुत्तमेषूत्तमेषु लोकेष्विदं वाव तद्यदिदमस्मिन्नन्तः पुरुषो ज्योतिस्तस्यैषा

The light which shines above this heaven, higher than all, higher than everything, in the highest world, beyond which there are no other worlds, that is the same light which is within man.[ii]


[ii] Chandogya Upanishad 3.13.7

India needs Uniform Civil Code – Now, more than ever!


Article 44 of the Indian constitution under directive principles reads: ‘The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India’. However, Directive Principles are only guidelines and not enforceable by the law. But, at the same time when we can adopt other directive principles irrespective of caste , creed , sex or place of birth then why can’t we adopt a right which is in national interest and for national integration. We have just accepted secularism as a principle but have not asked ourselves what it means to be secular as a guild. Secularising India has to begin with a common civil code that ensures equal rights to all citizens without exceptions, that’s secularism in action. Religion invades on every human rights in the civil law effecting the process of national integration and thus religions should be demarcated from our social institutions in order to strengthen the social fabric of the country.

I have serious doubts on India being a ‘secular’ nation since every religion has freedom to frame its own personal laws and advocate policies. It’s a matter of shame and disgrace that we have raised enough voice in the name of Secularism but have failed to address adequate steps to implement ‘Secularism’ in action and even after 69 years of independence we are still practising “Fake Secularism” .

The British applied a uniform criminal code for all but allowed the religious laws to be applied. At the time of drafting our constitution, there were extensive debates regarding these personal laws. For some, UCC was against the interest of minorities and for some, it was seen as a tool for national integration. Though due to lack of common consensus the common civil code was placed under the Directive principles, which the state shall venture to achieve and adopt when needed. Later, the cases of Shah Bano and Sarla Mudgal took up a spirited debate surrounding personal laws and common code.

Shah Bano case was an alimony and maintenance case and the judgement pronounced by the apex court was historic. Shah Bano was an elderly muslim women divorced by her husband. Subsequently, her husband refused to pay her alimony beyond the period of three months in which she even can’t re-marry (Iddat). According to present religious law he was obliged to pay her maintenance for this period only. The case went up till the Apex Court which then granted her maintenance for life under Section 125 of the Crpc as Crpc was common for all and that she could claim maintenance under it. But, unfortunately for the sake of traditional vote bank politics and in the name of securing interest of minorities, the then congress government overturned the Supreme Court judgement and passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986. This act allowed maintenance to a divorced woman only during the period of iddat, according to the provisions of personal law. However, in the later judgements, the Supreme Court of India upheld the previous judgement and the 1986 act was again nullified. In the past, the apex court has often reiterated and asked the government to come up with a decision on the issue in national interest.

The claim that the sentiments of the minorities are not considered while implementing a common law is thus beyond comprehension. With a UCC, the society will get rid of all gender discriminating laws and send a blow to the patriarchal nature which is the need of hour. Those who have not allowed changes in the personal law have done a great disservice to the community. Retaining the outdated personal law has contributed to keeping them backward and marginalised.

The injustice in the personal law can be seen that – A muslim husband can divorce his wife by simply saying ‘Talaq, Talaq, Talaq’, without ascribing any reason, whereas a Muslim wife cannot do so. Even if a men scribes on a wall talaq talaq talaq its Talaq. Another ground of discrimination is that the muslim husband need not give any ground for divorce, he can divorce his wife whimsically or merely because he has lost interest in her, whereas a Muslim wife has to plead some ground for divorce mentioned in section 2 of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, and she has to produce witnesses or documentary evidence in support of that ground, and prove it. This is not only unjust but also violation of Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Indian Constitution. A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female. Our society is exceedingly patriarchal and by allowing outdated laws to continue to govern the family we are condemning all Indian women to subjugation.

A study by an NGO, Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan found that more than 90 percent Muslim women were against the practice of triple talaq. Surprisingly, triple talaq is restricted in countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia but it continues in India.

It is argued that Article 25, provides for practice and propagation of religion and with uniform civil code article 25 is not perceived. This is not a valid altercation as religion shouldn’t be confused with personal laws. Personal issues relating to marriage , inheritance, share etc are secular in nature. India is ‘Vasudeva Kutumbkam‘. It’s a home and home is not a building. It’s a feeling and we run by understanding and integration. That’s the corporal idea of India.

Muslim community should push for a uniform civil code and those who have not allowed changes in the personal law have done a great disservice to the community. It may be tough to predict the future of this code but the time has come to adopt a Uniform Civil Code in order to secularize and integrate India.



15th August 2024,

On the joyous occasion of the Independence day, the UPA govt under the leadership of Rahul Gandhi has decided to bring an end to the Right to Education act of 2009. This right, in existence for 15 years with various changes and addenda over the years, was passed to ensure that at least 25% of the seats in any school were reserved to economically backward children.

The minister of HRD, Mr. Manish Tiwari was asked why this progressive and necessary act was scrapped, he replied, “We took a holistic approach to this act. Insofar as data from the juxtaposition of non-minority and minority educational institutions were checked we found that there are no non-minority institutions in existence. The DAV group of schools was the last institution that was providing resistance but with its closure 3 weeks ago there are no more non-minority institutions ergo there is no need for this act.”

The finance minister P. Chidambaram said, “We had to allocate funds to a separate department that used to reimburse non-minority institutions. Year after year this department was paying out less and less money and we were finding it hard to move these funds to other progressive social causes so we decided as there are no more schools in existence that need reimbursement we can easily move funds to other programs like MNREGA, FACTII (Free Aadhar Card to Illegal Immigrants) etc and we nationally herald this great achievement.”

Finally PM Rahul commented, “Since education to the majority community was available in their shirts and in their pants and the dark fascistic zeher ki kheti NDA-2 era that was intolerant and oppressive to minorities, we thought that the minority institutions needed the escape velocity to escape oppression and make it to Jupiter. Therefore, we made it compulsory for non-minority institutions to accept 97% of economically backward students in the addendum to RTE in 2019. We also extended it to colleges & universities and made conducting exams and grading a terrorist act. This way the pressure to graduate and make a livelihood was reduced on the youth of the nation. We called this the Kanhaiya Khalid Right aka the KKR addendum to RTE.”

The acchest of acche din are finally here.

As Hindu Male XI beats Pakistan, Indian media loses “golden chance” to humiliate India


Just 23 on the board with 3 wickets down…India chasing 119 in 18 overs on a very tricky Eden Gardens pitch…

And then the communal all-Hindu male heterosexual cricket team sends out Virat Kohli to score 55 off just 37 balls to reaffirm Indian imperialism over its oppressed neighbors in front of a jingoistic partisan crowd. Over the next hour, Kohli, Dhoni and Yuvraj run across the Eden pitch multiple times, each time brutally trampling the idea of India under their boots. Finally, Vande Mataram plays ominously in the background as India complete their 11th straight World Cup win over Pakistan…

(Homework for liberals: find out the caste of each member of the Hindu Male XI and check whether the caste is proportionally represented in the team).

Indian media had been going over the edge for a while now…and it seems they have finally crossed the tipping point and are finally beginning to fall off the cliff. The path

anti-Modi —> anti-Hindu –> anti-India

has finally been covered. In a sign of how Indian media is finally beginning to look exactly like Pakistan, we had this from India Today:


I am posting the screenshot  in the hope that at some point India Today will feel some shame and decide to quietly change the headline. As of now, the headline is still there.

Perhaps India Today has done the honorable thing by letting the headline stay…perhaps they want to own up to their true loyalties…

It’s not just one headline or one story or one cricket game. We are beginning to see a frontal assault by our media on almost anything that might evoke any national pride. Here is the Firstpost after India lost the opening game to New Zealand:

Again a jibe trying to project people who were cheering for the Indian team as low IQ jingoists,  unlike the enlightened liberals who are able to get international fellowships to speak ill of India. While the low IQ natives are limited in their perspective by things like national pride, the global liberals are a cut above. They understand what’s really important,  such as researching gender studies in a taxpayer funded ivory tower and collecting Sahitya Akademi awards…

This has been going on and on. The image of “Bharat Mata” has been receiving a lot of hatred of late, being described as a “militant Goddess”  and what not.. Sample these articles in Troll:

How the Sangh Parivar transformed Bharat Mata into a militant Goddess”

How Bharat Mata became the code word for a theocratic Hindu state”(

In these articles, even Bankim Chandra Chatterjee comes under fire for creating “proto-versions” of Hindu fascism (these days more often called “Wahabi Hinduism”). After all, did Bankim Chandra ever win a Sahitya Akademi award?

So, they look down on us for cheering for the Indian cricket team. If we worship an image of Bharat Mata, they see a “militant Goddess” and a sinister conspiracy to create a theocratic state. If we just watch a military parade on Republic Day, they have a problem with that too. Here is Malini Parthasarathy, former editor of The Hindu:

By now, liberals bullying anything Hindu from yoga to Sanskrit has become so routine that we hardly even notice any more. Constant whining by liberals is now part of the background noise of any Hindu festival, from Diwali to Holi to Karvachauth and Rakhi. The only time a liberals let us have a “quiet day for joy” is this:

That’s the Assistant Executive Editor of Mail Today. Thank you very much.

The new aim is to defame, belittle and jeer at any form of national expression. In short, the real “idea of India” is that India should not exist at all! Some people are already saying that upfront…


A smart hitjob – Amitabh charges Rs 4 crore for National Anthem at Ind-Pak match


Amidst all the fervour, tension, discussions of the much awaited India-Pakistan match there was a elaborate presentation ceremony where the national anthems of India and Pakistan were sung by Amitabh Bachchan and Shafqat Amanat Ali respectively. Amitabh Bachchan’s rendition was superior, brilliant, giving every Indian watching goosebumps.  It was a rendition that matched the gravitas of the situation.

In what can be called a very innovative method, a news site called India Samvad spread the news that Amitabh Bachchan had charged Rs 4 crore for singing the national anthem at the India-Pakistan World Cup T20 match in Kolkata.

This is not the first time when media and politically driven people have tried to malign Amitabh Bachchan. Amitabh has been targetted in the past for acting as a tourism Ambassador of Gujarat in the past.


For people who do not know, Kanika Gahlaut is a regular columnist on mainstream media sites such as Indian Express and ABP News, Sanjay Hegde is a Supreme Court advocate, a vocal Congress supporter and is often presented as the “neutral” face of the legal system in debates on NDTV and Neeta Kolhatkar is another MSM journalist.

The reason why this method used by India Samvad was innovative, because if you read the story, and in fact even the headlines, nowhere is it said that Amitabh took the money to sing the national anthem at the India Pakistan match. Here is a screenshot of the story:


As you can see, the report which was headlined “Star coughs up Moolah: For Amitabh Bachchan National Anthem worth Rs 4 crore” and tweeted with the caption “Amitabh Bachchan charges RS 4 crore for singing National Anthem during match”, was actually about the Pro-Kabaddi league and not the India Pakistan match. In fact, the highlighted portion also shows that the site themselves declare that they had no details of the amount paid (if any) to the megastar for his anthem at the India Pakistan match.

Then why did a MSM columnist and a Supreme Court advocatetweet that Amitabh had taken money for yesterday’s event? It is possible that they did not even read the news report which they tweeted about.

India Samvad very cleverly used an ambiguous tweet and also tweeted a story which was originally published on 16 March 2016, just after Amitabh finished singing the anthem on 19 March 2016. And that too, a story about Pro Kabaddi league 2015. The intention is clear, to sully Amitabh’s name my confusing the Pr-Kabaddi league with the India Paksistan match.

Further, even the news about Amitabh Bachchan took money for the Pro-Kabaddi event is “source” based. As far as the latest India Pakistan match is concerned, Saurav Ganguly has clarified that far from taking money, Amitabh paid Rs 30 lakhs of his own pocket to perform. He booked his own flight, bought his own tickets and even paid the hotel bills.

Intolerance in India or is it impatience?


There have been many debates and discussions about the rise of intolerance in India. Some intellectuals sit on a ‘dharana’ against ban on beef while others return their Sahitya Academy Awards claiming intolerance in India has risen in recent years. All the ire is pointed towards the central government be it the crime committed against a muslim in in UP, which is not ruled by BJP. And even if BJP was in power, could a murder be generalized as rise in intolerance?

So has the intolerance really increased? Increase or decrease is a relative term with a frame of reference being in the past. So by ‘increase’ in intolerance, our intellectuals seem to agree that there was some intolerance before. At least they are honest that intolerance was not a complete creation of Modi and the so called saffron brigade which is now equated with ISIS!

Statistically, the number of people injured or killed in communal clashes or discriminated against has reduced over the last many years. Data shows that dalit communities are. The number of attacks against minority places of worship also has reduced, that is if you discount the incident of a kid hitting a sixer into a church that broke some glass. I have not heard or read of any riots or massacres happening in India; during a time of videos when everyone uses social-media, I think we can safely say that there have been no communal riots in the recent past in India. So what is this intolerance that people are talking about? Is this a movement that has now become a fashion statement that if people don’t side with congress, they are uneducated and stupid?

Growing up in the 80s in Bangalore, people did have a complex that if one spoke in Kannada, read Kannada magazines and books, such people were considered backward, unrefined and of lower social standing. I was taught Kannada and English at home by my parents and grandparents that by the age of 4 or 5, I was reading newspapers, comic strips and magazines, both in Kannada and English. I see people even today whose mother tongue is Kannada, smugly announcing that they can’t read or write Kannada because they were not taught Kannada in school. I wonder if they were not taught English in their schools would they be happily announcing it or would they be scrambling their backsides to an evening college to learn a few English words so they can call themselves intellectual. But I digress. My point is that Indians have always had a complex that whatever is desi is unrefined and un-intellectual while everything western is suave. We want to be western in our thinking. We don’t find anything cool unless it is blessed by the west. Even masterpieces of Raj Kapoor only became popular in India after we came to know that Russians were mesmerized by them.

So it is natural that all intellectuals want to say intolerance has increased because a govt. which is supported by someone wearing saffron is in power. Maybe everyone who aspires to be known as an ‘intellectual’ feels pressurized to agree that intolerance has increased in India, notwithstanding data or statistics.

 Our intellectuals are quick to point out ban on beef in states across India. But not one intellectual so far, be it the Sardesais or the Barkhas or for that matter even BJP spokespersons, has ever bothered to quote from the Indian constitution- Directive Principles article-48, provision that India should work towards banning cow-slaughter.  There is also an article for the formation of a uniform civil code but bringing that up that would be extreme, treacherous, binLaden-esq intollerance. Even a retired Supreme Court judge- Ganguly didn’t seem to know of such a directive in our constitution or just didn’t bother to tell the whole truth.

What I think is really happening is India is becoming impatient. Impatient for development and impatient for simple reforms that have not happened even after 68 years of independence, impatience against political lethargy. The ‘majority’ community across India is tired of the minority-card, especially the muslim-card being overplayed and are standing up for themselves. They are becoming intolerant towards Christian missionaries distributing pamphlets at the foot of Tirupati Hills about how the world would face cataclysm and how only people who believe in Jesus Christ will be saved. Indians are becoming intolerant of minorities who bully the majority by blasting a loud speaker at thousands on decibels at 5AM in the morning in the name of ‘call for prayers’ and minorities slaughtering animals on roadsides with clear health-code violations. But these codes don’t apply to minorities or they would cry intolerance. They are now realizing that there is nothing wrong in asking for people to be a bit civilized and make some concessions for the majority.

I wonder if even Saudi Arabia allows for anyone to scream at the top of their lungs and amplify it to thousands of decibels and wake up half the town at 5AM in the morning. I wonder if a liberal western country- France allow dog-meat to be consumed? And would the Vatican allow Hindus to distribute The Gita at the gates of the Vatican?

Intellectuals point towards the arrest of JNU students as an example of intolerance. This was a bait laid by the JNU students who wanted to get some publicity and clearly the govt bit into it. This is nothing but a legal anomaly which will likely result in nothing but no country in the world in its sane mind would have tolerance for such slogans. My intolerance is with the media projecting this failure of a student as the modern day Bhagat Singh. There is no talk in the media about what in the world has the Kanhaiyas have published in the last 8 years of living on tax-payers dime. This sorry person talks of freedom from poverty, hunger and inflation but if we could get rid of these with mere speeches… It looks like all he needs is freedom from hardwork so he can live on tax-payers account forever giving “fiery” speeches that most anyone can give except that they earn for a living and pay taxes and pave the way for India to be poverty-free. And I wonder what gives a communist the right even to think about social justice while the biggest oppressors in the history of the world have been the communists. Stalin killed more people than Hitler and China has long given up on Mao except as a face on posters so the politburo can hold on to power. Mao is only invoked when stealing tiles off of some poor farmers roof-tiles in the name of non-payment of 2nd child tax while the real reason is that the farmer refused to give-in when the local-officials demanded bribes. So what are the communists in India talking about? Is West Bengal a beacon of prosperity, equality and social justice?

About the drama about loving Ambedkar, Ambedkar rejected communism because it only promised equality, not freedom or prosperity. Also he did not convert to Islam or Christianity because those religions spread through forceful conversions.

For all the people like Kanhaiya who claim to love the constitution, I would like to know if they love all articles or just the ones they choose. Because if they love all of our constitution, they would be fighting for implementation of our directive principles and doing dharanas to ban beef and implementing the uniform civil code.

I am impatient- make sincere efforts to implement it or just have such chapters taken out of our constitution. I don’t have the patience to wait a lifetime for something that in my opinion should have been accomplished ages ago.

Another popular topic of conversation among intellectuals is the re-conversions of minorities. So what? If Christians can entice Hindus for many centuries to become Christians and Muslims can threaten Hindus to change their religion, what is wrong with the Hindus asking people belonging to the minority community to come back to Hinduism? Our constitution allows it and as long as it is within the legal framework, there is nothing more to it. Some idiots belonging to the minority communities even wanted reconversions to be banned! I will not even go into that because of the absurdity of such an argument.

Now about Afzal Guru- it is important to note that no one is claiming him to be innocent of attacking our parliament. Not he Kanhaiyas, nor the other scholar-intellectuals from JNU. Even his lawyers don’t claim that he was innocent. The only problem seems to be that of the wording of the judgement which talks about the collective conscience being satisfied. The “collective conscience” mentioned in the judgement is not that of the saffron brigade nor that of Brahmins. It is the collective conscience of the civilized world, especially the democratic world and the very basis of India that Afzal wanted to destroy. There is not a country in the world that will spare a person who attacks its parliament!

Whether one supports the death penalty or not is a different question but if it is not the Afzals or the Maqbools who are put to death, then what is death-penalty for? Is this not the rarest of rare cases? And by the way, will the JNU students who claim to only oppose the death-penalty also take out morchas to oppose the death penalty of Nirbhaya-rapists?

By the way, BJP was not in power during that judgement or in making a decision that his family should not be allowed a final visit and that his body should be buried in Tihar. Our former PM, actually his masters- the Gandhis have to answer to it.

 In the 80s and 90s my guts would go into knots trying to understand how the army of a minnow-nobody nation like Bangladesh would murder BSF jawans and Indian govt. would do nothing more than ‘summon’ the Bangla-ambassador and issue a ‘demarche’. I have waited through my teens to my 40s for India to wake up and gain some respect.  When I read that the Indian army had crossed the borders of one of these incidental nations, I was relieved that I carried for decades. Indian army was capable of this and more for decades but it was the resolve from the political-leadership that was missing.

 At the dawn of the century, my heart ached that while nations charted out plans for the 21st century it was just business as usual for our govt. Even 10 years through the 21st century, all our PM did was glide in his shoes and stand aside in a guard of honor for his masters- the Gandhis.

Call it intolerance or what you may, Im just happy that India is impatient today and is yearning for common sense, development and dignity!


Journalistic Propaganda – Reply to TK Arun Blog titled “Politics by Other Means” dt 9th March 2016


Reply to T K Arun in  Cursor  titled “ Politics by Other Means’               

Dear Arun,

Sir you have written the above Blog in the Economic Times on 9th March 2016, which closely followed a piece you wrote on your current poster boy Kanhaiya. You eulogized him first, made him the next messiah of India and now as a follow-up you have tried desperately to do a hit job on BJP, the Govt, Modi, the RSS. Excellent try Sir, but you have exposed your morbid mentality as an illiberal who hates any other ideology. In trying to deride BJP and the Govt you have unwittingly disparaged ordinary Hindus by confusing between Hinduism and Hindutva. In order to defend your ersatz secularism you have resorted to lies, half-truths and turgid rhetoric. In fact your tendentious views border on being sanctimonious.

Sir, may I humbly ask you what proof you have when you say

“Finish off the deshdrohi (traitor)! This is the BJP’s new war cry. And the Opposition is reportedly being put on the defensive in the small towns of Uttar Pradesh. This is dangerous, primarily because the logical conclusion of jingoism is war.”

Show one Govt or Police Report that says BJP has given out a war cry? Has the BJP released any new manifesto for UP or any other State? You seem to be pontificating from high office without proof. Have you checked with BJP in UP or the Party Head Amit Shah and tried to find the Party position? This is important as you are making a serious allegation against a party and Govt in power. This is the kind of subterfuge used by the Intelligentsia, just to malign BJP.

Have you spoken to the youth in the street, not the JNU type, but young people who have to struggle for their education and employment? I seriously doubt. You allude to jingoistic frenzy and say; “logical conclusion of jingoism is war.”This reveals the bankruptcy of illiberal mind and the desperation to label all other ideologies as chauvinistic and war like. Please go thru the history of 30 years of Left rule in WB or in Kerala, any opposition to an ideology was met with death or incarceration. May I remind you of Singur – WB!! Even a few days back scores of political rivals have been murdered in Kerala by the Left. During the 10 years of UPA rule  sedition was applied on flimsy grounds on Aseem Trivedi and Binayak Sen or the insertion of Article 66A  into IT Act 2008. Students school books were tampered and Cultural and  Academic Institutions were filled with Marxist illiberal. I suppose these are pious acts of Nationalism!

You then mention the JNU crackdown and refer to “handful of people”. Pray Sir explain what do you mean by “people”, JNU is supposed to be an Educational Institute, where students come to study. What are 28year olds doing, strutting and sloganeering-“Destruction of India” “Breaking of India into Pieces”? This discourse has been set by the JNU brigade handful of students, teachers and outsiders owing allegiance to the Ultra Marxists and Jihadists. What is the proof you have Sir, that the tapes are doctored, pictures morphed, and poisonous propaganda going around? The Honorable High Court judge has something different to say on Kanhaiya and his brigade and I quote –

“He has also to be reminded that under Part-IV under Article 51A of Constitution of India fundamental duties of every citizen have been specified along with the fact that rights and duties are two sides of the same coin”.

“The thoughts reflected in the slogans raised by some of the students of JNU who organized and participated in that programme  cannot be claimed to be protected as fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression”.

The Judge has severely admonished Kanhaiya and JNU. Please do not call this propaganda by Hindus/Hindutva, you are being petulant and you are insulting every Indian.

You later refer to Rahul Gandhi supporting 8000 strong students of JNU, sorry Sir, you are being magnanimous in your numbers and this is an outright Lie. He went to JNU to support only a handful of SFI students who are aligned with the Marxist ideology. There are innumerable students and teachers (nothing to do with ABVP) who voiced their angst on the happenings in JNU. Their voices have been silenced by the SFI brigade by use of force and slander. As example read news on how your revolutionist Kanhaiya was reprimanded for stalking a lady student, only because she asked him to behave in public inside the Campus.  In any other Institute he would have been rusticated for this! But then JNU is an esteemed University and Rahul Gandhi was there to teach patriotism. The anti India propaganda is being spread in JNU thru systemic Marxist propaganda, thru posters, at meetings, even during admissions and courses. The narrative in JNU- “You are a Marxist or else you are a stupid Sanghi and RSS goon, not fit to study in JNU”.

You say Achhe Din “Unlikely” to happen and hence the BJP will use rabble rousing politics. You have not given any proof that this Govt has “stirred up emotions of the citizens to the detriment of the people and the nation”. What lofty words you use sir and I quote again –

“The binary division of the land into deshbhakts and deshdrohis finds complete congruence with the BJP’s fundamental mission. Those who do not accept Hindutva are branded as anti-national”

Show proof of this Sir, otherwise this is a big LIE. I say this because this BJP Govt has not made any statement or acted in any way other than – “Sab Ka Sath Sab ka Vikas”. Show one enactment, plan or policy that is “binary division” or undermines the Rule of Law or the Constitution. Show one act of RSS that furthers religious intolerance or bigotry. There has been no curtailment of religious rights of any creed, religion or caste. You have mixed up religion, economics, development, nationalism, Ram / Ravan, Kumar Ghandharva , Kabir/ Sadhvi . In the end your dislike towards this Govt and PM has given you wings of fantasy and you are flying high with it. You predicted “Disaster” when this Govt got elected and unfortunately for you this has not happened, so now you create an atmosphere of fear and disharmony thru your pen.

On the contrary, I can point out innumerable acts and policies of opposition led State Govts that have disturbed and anguished the Ordinary citizens. Acts used by Opposition to defame and put the Govt on the defensive. TMC Govt in WB that has  given out doles to Mullahs or the stoppage of Durga pooja to appease one community, the Malda riots, the activities of evangelists in conversion thru money and force in the southern states & NE and the associated social turmoil, the forcible conversion and torture of 30 children in Noida  Or  the hero worship of Tipu Sultan and the  riots in Harayana recently, sponsored by Congress stooges, the acts of the UP Govt of appeasement and Goonda Raj or the Jungle Raj now running in Bihar.  Communal and anti-National acts. Hindus in this  secular country are treated as “toxic,alien contamination” or Kafirs in  Kashmir, Assam, WB and NE and forced to convert or driven out (K Pandits). Dhimmis in their own country.

The deliberate omission of our past achievements from the History books by Left historians –  Sulaba Sutras, Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara or about Shushruta Samhita  or the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT). Our children have been brainwashed to ignore and despise our glorious history and scientific achievements.  One can go on and on.

If the BJP Govt is making an effort to correct our history and infuse pride in our children you and the illiberal Left historians like Irfan Habib and Romila Thapar are aghast and feel threatened. Therefore all this rage and attack on the Govt and BJP.

Again show proof of the Govt or BJP labeling beef eaters or worshippers of Mahishasura as Deshdrohi , you lying again and again . But you are OK with  the group of people in JNU who defile and besmirch Goddess Durga venerated by millions of ordinary Indians. “Alternate Reading”, you say,clever but dangerous attempt to whip up communal tension by baiting the majority community. Try this with any other God, there will be bloodbath on the streets of India. Marxists  can shout what they want about Hindu Gods but the same freedom of speech is not available to the majority community as can be seen from the arrest of Kamalesh Tiwari in UP.

10 years of UPA Govt headed by an ,Ultra Constitutional Authority Sonia Gandhi, witnessed-corruption, nepotism, compromised bureaucracy , arrogant Ministers  and Allies who undermined the PMO and this had a devastating effect on the Economy and on the Society.

All this is past now and there is a sense of  rejuvenation all around. Let me now, list a few achievements of this BJP Govt since May 2014. –

  1. The GDP growth – 7.5% and estimated 8% 2016-17.
  2. Fiscal Deficit – 3.9% 2015-16 down from 4.5 in 2013-14.
  3. FDInvestment up by 29% (for 15 months)under Make in India along with record Forex reserves of $350 bn.
  4. CPI – Inflation down  from 10%+ in April 2014 to 5.6% Feb 2016.
  5. India is the 1 Bright Spot in the Global gloomy scenario (World Bank).
  6. Good Governance thru –
  • Transparency – Coal Auction Rs3.3lac cr, Spectrum Rs1.0lac cr.
  • Decentralisation- environmental/road/railway/ports clearances now thru Regional bodies.
  • Effective delivery Jan Dhan -20.4 cr bank accounts and Rs30000 crs deposit.
  • Targeted Subsidy.
  • Village electrification – 6156 villages completed and 18452 by March 2017.
  • Mudra Loans – Rs 46000 cr and 66lacs borrowers.
  • Others – Beti Padao Beti Bachao, Skill Development, Make In India, STart-UP India.

          The results

  1. Electricity Power deficit – 3.6% Lowest ever Capacity addition 22500 MW, Solar -5500 MW.
  2. Coal-497 Mn tonnes Highest.
  3. Software exports, Port handling, Car and Mobile production all  maximized.
  4. India has moved up 12 positions in Ease of doing business.
  5. The Monster Index on Employment – Jan 2016- 229 v/s 150 in 2014.
  6. The  Farm Insurance scheme, the Soil Health Card and the National  Agricultural -E platform  will change Agriculture like never before.
  7. Defense  preparedness rejuvenated and savings Rs 49300 cr in the next 5 years.
  8. Railways – commissioning of 1600KMs of Electrification and Doubling of Average  Capex of  Rs48100 (v/s last 5yrs) in 2015-16.

These and many other achievements are the effect of a “Development for All” Policy driven Govt and not based on “Jingoistic Frenzy” or Hindutva Agenda. Shame on you for whipping up a frenzy to create vote bank politics before state elections. This negative “Journalistic Propaganda” will boomerang.

Satyameva  Jayate – Truth alone triumphs.

Ashish Gupta

Mr Owaisi and “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”


I have watched the elder Owaisi of AIMIM on many debates on national television on a variety of subjects. I do admit that I do not subscribe to a lot of what he says or stands for or the manner in which he approaches many issues. Yet, I have to give him credit for one thing – he invariably comes well prepared for most debates with a lot of background material at his fingertips unlike many others who are just having an evening out on national television. He is also generally composed even in awkward and difficult situations, though I have seen him getting riled a few times. His brand of politics is not what an average Indian can endorse but then his target audience is not an average Indian. He has a very definitive target audience and therefore most of the times he speaks in very measured tones that invariably fall just short of that invisible line where tolerance ends and intolerance begins. This is not to say he has never crossed that line but I presume that too is more by design than default.

His recent reaction to the suggestion of RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat that the new generations in India need to be taught to chant slogans hailing ‘Mother India’ is indeed rather intriguing. Mr. Bhagwat stated “Now the time has come when we have to tell the new generation to chant ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ (hail Mother India). It should be real, spontaneous and part of all-round development of the youth,” This suggestion was, in all probability, made in the aftermath of the JNU incident where matured doctoral students resorted to anti India slogans. To me it is most unlike the normal Owaisi that I have seen so far. His response to the suggestion was immediate, swift, unmeasured and something that most Indians will view as anti national in nature and spirit. If one were to analyse the statement of the RSS Chief some facts stand out immediately. First and foremost it was only a suggestion. Next it is a well established fact that India has been known as Bharat Mata from times immemorial which dates back to much before the advent of Islam in the country. ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ is a slogan that too is possibly as old as Bharat itself. Next, whether one may admit or not, it is a fact that there is a drought of national fervour and nationalism all around us in the country today. There could be many reasons for such a situation to have developed, some genuine and some just fabricated for the sake of vested interests of a few in the overall Indian society. So clearly there is a need to address the issue since a motivated youth can be nothing but an asset to the aspirations of the nation as a whole. All that Mr Bhagwat has said is that love and pride for the nation should come spontaneously to the youth which is also the need of the hour.

I wonder what Mr Owaisi’s objections to this suggestion were and what were his reasons for such a zealous reaction. Is his objection to India being called Bharat? Would he have been happier if Mr Bhagwat had instead said ‘Mother India ki Jai’ or ‘Maa Hindustan ki Jai’? Would he have let it pass if it was implied that only Hindu citizens of the nation should be taught to chant such nationalistic slogans hailing our nation? Unfortunately Mr Owaisi did not clarify his stand in any manner apart from categorically stating that he would never chant such a slogan even if a knife was held at his throat. I am sure Mr Owaisi would certainly like to hail the country that he lives in and is a citizen of. This is a universal phenomenon and citizens in every nation of the world do it in some form or the other. It is also equally true that every nation has a few slogans that all its citizens subscribe to without any reservations. Slogans like ‘God save the Queen’, ‘Long Live the queen’, ‘Vive la France’ or ‘Long live America’ have been in vogue for centuries in their respective countries. If that be so one fails to understand what are Mr Owaisi’s objections to this simple slogan of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’?

It may be too naïve to assume that Mr Owaisi would not like to hail his motherland in some manner or the other for in all his public speeches invariably he makes it a point to state that he is a citizen of India and proud to be so too. One wonders what kind of slogan he would like to chant whenever he has an urge to hail his motherland. The simple slogan of ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’ has been used by armed forces and Para military forces at all times. Whenever Indian sports personnel or other groups have represented India in any completion against other nations, they too use the same slogan. So obviously this slogan has no religious overtones or no particular organisation has any special lien on this line. It is a neutral slogan as far as one can see and used by all Indian citizens when required. It does not have any religious or community bias whatsoever.  One ready explanation of the stand taken by Mr Owaisi can be that since the suggestion came from RSS Chief therefore it had to be objected to. After all his dislike and abhorrence for RSS is well-known, some genuine but mostly misplaced. The fact that such a feeling would be mutual between RSS and AIMIM is an entirely different matter. The other logical explanation may be that the use of the word Bharat may not have been acceptable to Mr Owaisi since he may feel it has Hindu origins. But then neither Mr Owaisi nor anyone else can wish away the name ‘Bharat’ that has been synonym with our nation since the times of Rig Veda and Mahabharata.

If either of the above was the main reason for Mr Owaisi’s personal opposition to the suggestion of Mr Bhagwat, then Mr Owaisi does come out a rather small person in more ways than one. No constitution of any nation lists out slogans that any citizen may or may not chant in hailing or praising ones country. So Mr Owaisi’s assertion that it is not written in the constitution anywhere that such a slogan must be chanted is a bizarre defence in support of his argument. If one were to use the same analogy then most of what he and his younger sibling propound in their speeches too is not written in the constitution of India but still they keep on repeating it again and again even at the cost of obvious harm to the nation since more often than not their statements vitiate communal harmony and increase tension among communities.

May be it will be good for all concerned if Mr Owaisi could provide some answer to a few pertinent questions to clarify his stand. Is he against cheering for his country –India? If not, then what would be his slogan? Does he have any reservation on the use of the name ‘Bharat’ for the country? If yes, then what are his reasons for the same since this name is nearly as old as probably India is? Does he believe that the use of Bharat amounts to promoting Hindutwa? Does he think RSS is not eligible to make any suggestion which in their view is good for the nation? Does he not feel that there is an imperative need to promote nationalism in the youth of the nation today? Finally why has he taken such an obnoxious and reprehensible stand against a simple slogan like ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’?

Finally there is a lurking feeling that this whole approach is once again being taken to play to the gallery in view of the forthcoming elections in states like West Bengal, Assam, Kerala in 2016 and then Uttar Pradesh in 2017. It is no coincidence that all of these states have a sizeable Muslim population and polarisation of votes is possibly the real motive. If this be true, then Mr Owaisi you are nothing but a narrow-minded, selfish politician exploiting the feelings of your own Muslim community for totally vested political interests at the cost of your own country – Bharat.

A Sense of Deja Vu

While watching the Malayalam movie Piravi, I got curious and I started reading articles about the Rajan Case. One thing led to another, and somehow I ended up reading about the Emergency of 75. As I kept reading about it, the plot seemed unmistakably familiar. I realised that the recent ‘unrest’ happening in India, the JNU row, was following the exact script of the Emergency.
In 1975, Indra Gandhi was found guilty in an election-fraud case, filed by Raj Narain, by the High Court of Allahabad. The court declared her election to be invalid and she was unseated from the Lok Sabha. Gandhi challenged this decision in the Supreme Court, but it upheld the decision of the High Court. The Supreme Court ‘s verdict meant that she would lose all privileges she received as an MP and she was barred from voting or contesting in elections for the next six years. However, she continued to be the Prime Minister.
The day after the Supreme Courts ‘s ruling, Jayprakash Narayan organised a huge rally against Gandhi in Delhi. The protest called for the state police to abide by the rules and to respect the constitution- which in effect meant that if unethical and/or immoral demands were made by the government (and its officials), the state police must not follow through. This rally was seen as inciting political unrest in the country, which ultimately led to the declaration of the emergency of 1975. In a matter of hours, after the then President of India, Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed, declared the emergency, most political opposition leaders were arrested and power supply to major newspapers was cut.
Why? With the ghosts of the India-Pakistan war looming over the nation,  Indira Gandhi and her government felt that any internal disturbances which challenged the government was an imminent threat to national security and in such an event, democratic freedom could be suspended – using the very Constitution that warranted such a freedom to its citizens. As soon as the emergency was declared, anybody who openly challenged the government or who were perceived threats were put behind bars. The government detained many activists and protesters. Jayaprakash Narayan, Morarji Desai, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and LK Advani were among those arrested. Organisations like the RSS and Jamaat-e-Islaami were banned. The President’s rule was imposed in states like Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, which were ruled by anti-Indira parties.
The 42nd Amendment, considered to be “one of the lasting legacies” of the Emergency, clearly states that the citizens of India are custodians of the values provided within the Constitution of India. It goes on to say that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and in the final analysis, it’s only keepers are the people.”
During the emergency, the power of the state police was abused all over the country, as to which the Rajan case stands testimony to. When Kishore Kumar refused to sing for the promotional rally for the Congress party in Mumbai, all his songs were unofficially banned from playing on the All India Radio and Doordarshan – which continued until the end of the Emergency in 1977. As a part of Sanjay Gandhi’s compulsory sterilisation program, many men were forced to undergo vasectomy. These are just some of the atrocities that were committed as a part of the forced nationalism campaign.
In spite of being completely aware that I might get labelled as a Sanghi by the liberal thinkers, let me also add this: during this time, the Economist apparently described RSS as being the only non-left revolutionary force in the world, which had only one thing in its mind while resisting the Emergency: to bring democracy back to India. The participation of the Sikhs in the resistance and the “Campaign to Save Democracy” from the “fascist tendencies of the Congress” cannot be ignored.
Now, where does this bring us? How does this history affect us today? Doesn’t this narrative seem awfully familiar? It is the exact script that is being used, funnily enough, by the Congress to continually propagate a false sense of political and communal unrest in the country today. It is all there: use of national media for political propaganda, use of buzzwords like Fascism, Saving the Democracy, Entitlement of Free Speech, Liberty etc. The Communist Left, at the time of the Emergency, had some principles and ideologies that it believed in. What is left of that Left, is a diluted, completely watered down version of power-hungry and corrupt leaders and a perpetually disillusioned handful of students. These communist liberals are so brainwashed that they seem to suffer from a constant victimhood syndrome.
Had the Congress party stayed out of this mess, the JNU row might have taken a different direction. The common man who have been conveniently given labels like Sanghis and Nationalists by the evangelists of free speech and freedom of expression would not have had the sudden political awareness and (might I say) the unity this event has caused. That is where the plot fell through. Lot of the diplomatic intellectuals claim that the event was taken out of context and exaggerated by the BJP and media that support the party. What does that really mean? Is the debate really about what is and is not ‘anti-national’? Or is it just a round of whodunnit? Irrespective of who organised the event, such an event, commemorating a man who was a terrorist is anti-national. Even if you’re going to argue that there was not enough proof to convict Afzal Guru as a terrorist, slogans threatening to destroy India, to shatter the nation into pieces, is anti-national and a threat to national security. Especially in this age and time, when terrorist attacks are so common. I honestly do not get how that is so difficult to understand.
Coming from the kin of Indira Gandhi, the freedom of speech and expression debate loses its tangent. Needless to say, the Communist party, which is hoping to tie the knot with the Congress party in the upcoming elections, so that it can save its own face, has lost any credibility it had. The Communist party and its many liberals are reduced to being nothing but pawns that the Congress is using to distract and misinform the people of this country.
Even before the current government was elected, such a narrative was being propagated. Right before the election, I remember seeing most social media platforms being flooded with posts like “If BJP comes to power, women can’t walk outside freely. Women can’t dress the way they want. Muslims and Christians would have to flee the country if a “Hindutva” propagating government is elected.” Someone I know even went to the extent to saying that they are secretly glad they don’t have a Muslim sounding name, despite of being a Muslim, because else, they won’t feel safe to stay in a country governed by a “Hindutva” government.
Why is the opposition doing this? No matter how hard they dig, the only dirt they can actually pull on the current Prime Minister is the Gujarat riots and his alleged participation in it. And ever since he’s been a candidate, the opposition has made sure to remind the people of what he has “done”- trying to terrorize the common man with such a narrative. Riddled with scandals, the Congress really had nothing else to offer. It was pretty clear that they were going to lose that election. So they chose to play really low and extremely dirty politics. And they still stick with that narrative, trying to continuously demerit the PM using the constant terror of communal violence. As recent as this week, a freelance, sting-operative journalist, Pushp Sharma whose credibility is very questionable has been arrested – accused of forging RTI query to prove that the Modi government is Anti-Muslim. And this is just one of the many attempts to propagate this hate politics. And to be honest, if the JNU incident didn’t take place, it might have even worked. But, the congress got ahead of itself and maybe got too excited. And it couldn’t stay away from the limelight, leading to the numerous blunders it has been committing.
But that’s not what worries me. These leaders might be well versed in the lowly games of politics. What worries me is the state of today’s student communities and universities.
The student community has always been the most feared source of resistance in any part of the world. Debates and discussions that happen in universities help students to critically analyse and continuously challenge the status quo, as and when required. And no government, no matter what they do, can dismiss this power of the student community. But sadly, today, “students” are not just students. They are political leaders in the making. They come with an agenda and that renders itself to corruption. Any resistance or revolution is a call for change. It is for a collective good. The essence of any revolution is ideology. Not personal ambition. Not a political agenda. But today, there is no such ideology which has not been polluted with personal ambition. There are no role models either. And political ideology has been, inevitably, reduced to dirty corrupt personal agendas. That is where the system has failed. Any student community that blindly follows one narrative for the sake of opposing another are not revolutionaries. They are troublemakers. Anyone who cannot critically evaluate their own stance are not leaders, but pawns. Disillusioned pawns who are tricked into thinking that they are leaders. They are victims – but of their own minds and fallacies. They can’t save anyone because they are in deep trouble themselves.
The sooner they realize this, the better.

We don’t need hospitals: Give us the India Prayer Service, in name of Mother Teresa


It’s a great day for the cheerleaders of rationalism. Mother Teresa’s second miracle has been officially recognized by the Holy Father in the Vatican. Let’s find out:

Pope Francis had officially cleared the path to Mother Teresa’s sainthood on December 17 last year, when he recognised the “miraculous healing” of a Brazilian man whose multiple brain abscesses were cured after his wife prayed to Mother Teresa.

I have an idea. Let us get rid of hospitals, medical colleges and all… and instead create a new officer cadre called Indian Prayer Service (IPS). The officers will be recruited through the UPSC exam and trained to pray to Mother Teresa to cure sick people.

You know, I have been taunted by many “progressive” liberals about my desire to see a temple at Ram Janmabhoomi. They ask: what is the need of a temple? Why not something useful like a hospital? Well, the joke is on you liberals… what is the need for a hospital? Can’t you just pray to Mother Teresa instead?

So, what’s this ceremony called “canonisation” that makes a person a saint? Let’s find out:

The beatification of Mother Teresa – another step towards declaring her a saint – took place after Pope John Paul II recognised the healing of an Indian woman with a stomach tumour and conferred on her the title of “Blessed” on October 19, 2003. More than 300,000 people had attended this event at St Peters Square in the Vatican….A canonisation ceremony usually involves a special mass conducted by the Pope and is attended by huge crowds of believers. It is often held outdoors in St Peter’s Square, although sometimes the ceremony has been held in the home country of the person declared a saint…. The cost of beatification and canonisation reportedly runs into several hundreds of thousands of euros.

So lakhs of people will come from all across the world and spend hundreds of thousands of euros to celebrate the miraculous cure for brain cancer! I am sure that these hundreds of thousands of euros could not possibly have been put to better use… I am sure that the lakhs of people who will gather could not have spent the money for their travel on anything better. I am also sure that this event will have a ZERO carbon footprint and no impact on the environment. On an unrelated note, have you donated Rs 20 to a hungry child yet, instead of wasting the money on pouring milk over a Shivlinga? If you haven’t, Aamir Khan is ashamed of you…

And at this grand ceremony on Sept 4, the self styled godman called Pope Francis will officially recognize the “miracles”  of Mother Teresa. Wait, can I call Pope Francis a “self-styled godman”, perhaps like this:

Pictures of Amruta Fadnavis, wife of the Maharashtra Chief Minister, is drawing criticism because it shows her accepting a gold necklace from a self-styled godman.

I wonder what other way there is to become a “godman” except being self-styled. Oh wait, “Pope” Francis was actually elected by a committee of godmen called cardinals all of whom have been accredited with the official bureau of Godman standards called the Catholic Church. Can’t argue with that. So, Pope Francis is an “accredited godman”  instead of just being a “self-styled godman”.

But, I will tell you who definitely won’t be coming to accredited godman Francis’s  zero carbon footprint party on Sept 4 when he canonizes Mother Teresa? It’s a 34 year old Eritrean woman who worked in the accredited godman’s  ashram and was found seven months pregnant…and dead…

Look at the good side of this, folks. We don’t have to call her “Mother Teresa” any more once she becomes “St. Teresa”. Mothers don’t stand by watching as babies suffer and die, refusing to treat them. Think about it, people. There’s “Mother Teresa” in heaven, with the magical powers to cure the suffering of people on earth. Does she use those magical powers to help us all? No,  Mother Teresa sits  around chilling in heaven after death, refusing to help anyone with brain cancer unless they satisfy her ego by praying to her so she can get some medal from an accredited godman in a lavish party… Attributes of a mother? I think not…