Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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The attendance fiasco of Sushant Rohilla


The suicide by a law student of Amity, Sushant Rohilla has caught the attention of the public in general and students in particular. The Varsity administration has been alleged to harass the student mentally by forbidding him from sitting the exams because of his low attendance, which was primarily because of the foot injury he had suffered some time ago.

Albeit, India has lost an eminent future lawyer, Sushant has left some very serious questions to contemplate upon. He has exposed the red tape in the education system that priorities rules over life and attendance over competence. There is no fault in rigorous execution of disciplinary laws in the institutes but when the execution becomes ruthless, it leads to an absolute harassment of the students.In the given case, Sushant had fallen short of his attendance only because of his injury and not because of any reckless reason. Getting injured is just like a natural calamity where no one can predict what’s going to happen next. But unfortunately, the well-educated teachers failed to understand the situation of the deceased student that ultimately led to this horrific event.Student Suicides have been on the rise this year,for diverse reasons in different regions like the suicide of Rohith Vemula, the suicides at Kota and now the Amity suicide case. It tells a dark truth about the pessimism which has engulfed our society,especially the students.I think there is a serious need of instituting a Psychiatric centre at every college or institute to provide help to the students undergoing mental strain.The psychiatrist should keep a close eye on the “disturbed students” and report to the teachers in case it notices something “very disturbing” going in the minds of such students. Then,the teachers can call on the student to resolve his problem so that any unfortunate act can be avoided.

Students should also understand there responsibility. Committing suicide was never a solution and will never be.I do agree that the law university boy was mentally tortured and harassed but was suicide the only solution? He could have voiced his grievance to the higher authorities or even the courts.On earth,there are many people who suffer mental strain but very few of them renounce their lives while the majority fights back. The students mulling such obnoxious acts should take a cue from our freedom fighters who stood against injustice and impartiality amidst all the harassment unleashed on them by the British Indian government. Students of India are the future of India. They need to be resilient,flexible and strong.


Supreme Court verdict: Only soft balls to be used in cricket


In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court of Republic of Engee Woh (SCREW) has decreed that only soft balls should be used to play cricket. In addition, balls cannot be bowled faster than 100 km/hr. The judgement followed a public interest litigation filed by Fun Is Bad (FIB), a non-government organization working in making lives of citizens better. In the PIL, the NGO argued that cork balls could cause injury and in some cases death to the batsmen. The PIL also pleaded that there should be a clear 40m gap between the boundary and spectators so as to minimize the chance of innocent spectators getting injured.

During arguments, Mr. Knos Enz, the lawyer of FIB pointed to a recent judgement in India (a country in South Asia) regarding the height of human pyramids in the Dahi Handi celebrations. Knos Enz argued that Dahi Handi celebrations happen only once a year and the number of people who get injured or die nationally is much less than the number who die on a daily basis during local train travel in Mumbai (major city in India) but still the courts in India deemed it necessary to regulate the celebrations. But cricket in Engee Woh, Mr. Enz continued, is played by thousands daily in the streets and in cricket grounds and so the chances of injury and/or death are much higher. The PIL also pleaded that helmets be made compulsory even for street cricket.

The supreme court found merit in these arguments and ruled that only soft balls (not even rubber balls) will henceforth be used for playing cricket. The court also limited the bowling speed to 100 km/hr. Helmets, leg pads and gloves have also been made compulsory to the batsmen and all fielders. On the distance between the boundary and spectators, the court said that enforcing the implementation of the gap will be costly and so, instead, helmets could be made compulsory to spectators as well.

Thanks Harsh Mander ! So this is what dhimmitude truly looks like


Sometimes the starry eyed foolishness of our liberals simply takes my breath away. If you ever wanted to know what dhimmitude truly means, you must read this article by Harsh Mander in Scroll. I write this post not to mock Harsh Mander, much less his ageing mother who wanted to see the Rawalpindi of her birth. If there is anything we can do to give even a little comfort to her generation that felt the pangs of partition, we should. The pain of partition is something we all live in our hearts. All I want is that none of us should go through the same trauma that she suffered. And that is not asking for too much, is it?

I write this post to give you a glimpse of the future that liberals have visualized for the Hindus of this land.

Ode to Pakistan


Let Harsh Mander explain what he was doing:

My mother was forced to leave behind the city of her birth, Rawalpindi, when she was just 18 because of the tumultuous ruptures of Partition. She had never returned. When she was to turn 75, I thought the best gift I could give her was to take her, if it was at all possible, to the city and to the home in which she was born.”

She left at 18 and never returned? Oh no, wonder why?  Now let Harsh Mander unravel the cruel irony of the story. Imagine leaving home at 18 and being too scared to return to see the place even once in the next 57 years..it is only at the age of 75 that she finally discovers that people in her hometown were waiting all these years to welcome her with their arms open. A bit like the final sequence from Aamir Khan’s PK. Oh…the irony of it all. All that pain and all that fear was for nothing.

Our flight landed at Lahore, and our friends drove us from the airport to their home in Islamabad. I noticed that my mother was initially a little tense. Maybe it was memories of the violence of her exile; maybe it was just the idea that this was now a foreign land, and for many in India the enemy land.

The enemy land? Where? Pakistan? Oh no, Harsh, please don’t say THAT. What has ever happened that would give any rational person the impression that Pakistan is “enemy land”? Don’t break our good liberal heart with such harsh words…

Now, wait till Harsh Mander describes the “homecoming”


This my friends, is our future as visualized by Harsh Mander. To request with folded hands to briefly see the colony where we were born and where we spent our childhood. That’s what they will call a “homecoming” when the Hindus have entered the final stage of dhimmitude in India. Aren’t we lucky? Aren’t they merciful? Aren’t you folks enthusiastic about your bright liberal future? Exciting, no?

Let’s read what happened once his mother reached the colony where she was born:

My mother recalled that the name of the residential colony in which she lived as a child was called Gawal Mandi. My friends knew it well; it was now an upmarket upper middle-class enclave. When we reached there, my mother tried to locate the house of her childhood. It seemed impossible. Everything was new: most of the old houses had been rebuilt and opulent new structures had come up in their place. She located the building that had housed their gurudwara. It had now been converted into a health centre.

WOW…it’s almost like visiting the FUTURE! Everything is newer and better and fresher and cooler. In this wonderland, there are only “opulent new houses”. In the future, people have moved well past primitive dharmic superstitions. Naturally, the gurudwara has become a health centre.

You’ll never guess what happened when Harsh Mander’s mother finally managed to locate her old home

we knocked tentatively on the door of the house. … My mother said apologetically, “We are so sorry to trouble you, and intrude suddenly in this way….

The house owner’s response was spontaneous and immediate. “Mataji, why do you say that this was your home?” he said. “It continues to be your home even today. You are most welcome.” And he led us all in….

Half an hour later, we thanked the house-owners and said that we would be on our way. But they would not hear of it. …They overruled all our protestations, and lunch was prepared for around eight members of our party, including not just my family but also our Pakistani hosts.

Did I not tell you this is our future, folks? We get to knock “tentatively” and ask them “apologetically” if we can “intrude” for a few minutes in the house that we were forced to leave behind. And half an hour later, we should thank the “house owners” and get going. And should the “house owners” decide to serve us a meal, that’s just too gracious for words…

Seriously, how many of you are looking forward to this dazzling future?

With Harsh Mander and his party giving such rave reviews to this futuristic wonderland, others were drawn in as well..

The next year, my mother-in-law, a wheel-chair user, requested that we take her also to Pakistan to visit her childhood home, this time in Gujranwala…. Our experience this time was very similar to that of the previous year. The owner of their old ancestral haveli in Gujranwala village took my mother-in-law around the sprawling property on her wheel-chair, and after we had eaten with them asked her, “Would you not like to check out your farm-lands?”

In a wheelchair, being shown around by the “owner of their old ancestral haveli“? The future is shining so bright my friends that I need to cover my eyes…

Finally, Mr. Harsh Mander signs off with this:

I have travelled to many countries in the world in the 60 years of my life. I have never encountered a people as gracious as those in Pakistan. This declaration is my latest act of sedition.

I have encountered many liberals in the world during my lifetime. I have never encountered a depiction of dhimmitude as explicit and lifelike as you have drawn here. My lack of enthusiasm for such a future is my latest act of communalism.


Chaiwallah is an ordinary Bharatiya Hindu who opposes the Dynasty and blogs at


The Rattling of Hit and Run Journalists


If you could clearly observe one difference in the Indian media scenario now and about ten years ago, one thing is clear. The word of Main Stream Media, or MSM as used, is no longer taken as the final verdict or the ‘law of land’. There were times when media used to set the agenda for anything that happened in the country. And they enjoyed the absolute ‘Monopoly’ over their control of this so called ‘agenda manipulation’. But then came Social Media, and it all toppled in a short while. This ‘throne’ of the MSM was shaken, and many ‘Crown Holders’ who enjoyed the absolute power felt the jolt. I think there is no need to name such ‘Monarchs’ of the MSM who have now been reduced to mere pawns, all thanks to the ‘Truth Digging’ carvings of the social media people. The advent of social media has surely revolutionized the thinking in the minds of people. The hit and run journalists can no longer just ‘shoot and scoot’, as long as  the social media holds them answerable and digs out the truth faster than they can ‘run’.

The latest episode in this series was the ‘Bhak Sala v/s the Bainjal’ episode. When my day began with the twitter, the first thing I observed was the trend #Support_Bhak_Sala. Out of curiosity, I tried searching out and found that some Hit and Run media journalists had been tagging Rahul Raj’s employer, a well known name in Pharma field and asking them to take an action for ‘bringing out the truth’. This journalist blamed him of stalking her, and called him names and even went down to say that he has a ‘mediocre’ job in a small company. Well, as if she was into some forbes listed organisation (which she can just dream of).

Flashback, Rahul’s initiative OpIndia had recently exposed the truth about the lies of the abusive journalist, Swati Chaturvedi who had been abusive and a compulsive liar reporting half baked lies and abusing people over twitter when they try to feed her the facts. She was yet again caught trying to do a hit job on Smriti Irani, claiming that the secretary in Textiles Ministry wanted to be transferred out of the ministry, a claim that was refuted by the ministry themselves.

But then, caught lying through her teeth, true to her habit, she tried another hit job, this time the target was Rahul Raj, the founder of OpIndia. They degraded themselves to poking in his personal life, trying hard to get some reaction from his employer as well.

But then something came out of the blue, which I consider it rare these days: The whole of the right wing social media, espcially twitter, united together. #Support_Bhak_Sala was in top trends, and even people who had differences with ‘Bhak Sala’ came forward in his support. And the hit and run ‘Bainjal’ could only resort to blocking people, including me, on twitter. Seems like she could not handle the heat of the facts.

One thing is for sure. The heat has turned up for these hit and run journos. They cannot lie through their teeth and get away with their false propaganda anymore, since fact diggers like OpIndia are there to make sure that the truth comes out. And coming out of a United Twitter support is a positive sign, that these journos cannot bully anyone. Their power is diminishing day by day, and as such the frustration is building up.

All I would say is, Great Job Social Media, keep it up.!

भकसाला से घबराये प्रेस्टिट्यूट


सोशल मीडिया पर लेफ्ट विंग प्रोपगैंडा करनेवालों की पोल खोलने के कारण प्रेस्टिट्यूट समाज भकसाला के खिलाफ एकजुट हो गया है। प्रोपगैंडा देवी बैंगन ने आज सुबह अपने व्हाट्सएप्प ग्रुप में चैट करके ग्रुप के सदस्यों को बताया कि यदि भकसाला को समय पर नहीं रोका गया तो नरेंद्र मोदी के बाद वो भारत के प्रधानमंत्री बन सकते हैं जिससे राहुल बाबा को प्रधानमंत्री बनते देखने का हमारा सपना कभी भी पूरा नहीं होगा।

राणा बीवी को कई बार सच का जूता भिगा कर मारनेवाले भकसाला पिछले कई दिनों से एंटी मोदी गैंग की नजर में बने हुए थे। प्रेस्टिट्यूट समाज के कुछ लोग पिछले कुछ दिनों ने वडा-पाव खाकर अपना जीवन निर्वाह कर रहें थे और भकसाला को भविष्य में प्रधानमंत्री बनने से रोकने के लिए राहुल बाबा समर्थकों ने वडा-पाव के बदले दम-बिरयानी का लालच देकर भकसाला के खिलाफ खड़ा किया है।

नरेंद्र मोदी के प्रधानमंत्री बनते ही चर्चा में आए मुक्केबाज राजदीप परदेसाई ने अभी तक भकसाला के खिलाफ कुछ भी ट्वीट नहीं किया है। हमारे सूत्रों से पता चला है कि आज रात ओल्ड मोंक पीने के बाद राजदीप परदेसाई जी भकसाला के डीएम मुक्केबाजी करने (गाली – गलौज) के लिए उतर सकते हैं। राजदीप परदेसाई की धर्मपत्नी निशाने पाकिस्तान ने ट्वीट करके बताया है कि भकसाला का ट्विटर अकाउंट ससपेंड करवाने से दिल्ली की जनता को मुफ्त Wi-Fi मिलेगा।

ट्विटर पर ट्रोल के नाम से प्रसिद्ध रोफलगाँधी ने बैंगन और भकसाला के बीच चल रहे विवाद का पूरा लाभ उठाते हुए ऐसे ट्वीट और मेमे बनाना शुरू कर दिया है जिसपर जनता दबाकर रिट्वीट दे रही है। छोटे – मौटे टुटपुंजिया ट्वीलेब भी इस विवाद में अपने रिट्वीट और फॉलोवर बढ़ाने के जुगाड़ में व्यस्त हैं।

Get Off your High-Horse Brinjal!!!


Today I logged on to Twitter and under the “While you were away” tab I saw people trending #Support_Bhak_Sala. So out of curiosity I looked at various at TL’s including that of Bhak_Sala. Surprisingly there was not a single controversial tweet. So I wondered what is it that people are supporting Bhak_Sala for and realized that the assorted set of prestitutes were stalking him for doing Bhak_Sala does best, Expose these prestitutes and their shoddy work.

In the process of trying to find out way to help Bhak_Sala, I searched the web and ended up talking to the JS – MIB, PA to DG- PIB & the ADG – PIB himself. Turns out that in a scenario where if a presstitute or a group of them indulge in cyber stalking, there is nothing that GoI or any of its affiliated agencies can do about it. You are left to fend for yourself. I was informed that all I can do is either arbitrate or file a police complaint.

So trying to search for some other way of supporting Bhak_Sala I hit upon a website tushky.com. This page gives you a synopsis of what is Bhak_Sala all about. The Old Hag / Prestitute has been calling Bhak_Sala all the sort names and has ridiculing him, but I say, in fact challenge Swati Chaturvedi and her community of prestitutes to match Bhak_Sala’s achievement by even 10%.

Forget his professional skills, the guy works with a Pharma Giant with hectic schedule. It is out of his love for writing that he does what he does best. A guy writing as hobby, punching holes in the stories and reports of so called top journalists says a lot about the quality of the journalist and their research.

This attack on Bhak_Sala is not because he said anything demeaning or outrageous about anyone. He just exposed the poor and absolutely filthy levels that journalism in India has fallen to. This attack on Bhak_Sala isn’t an attack on him as individual but it is well targeted and organized attack on the people who expose these prestitutes day-in & day-out. Remember the cases filed against MediaCrooks, Tajinder Bagga, RituRathaur, etc.. The idea is to threaten the alternate voices into silence.

But this group of presstitutes forget that they may still have some hold in the corridors of the power but this corridors of are empowered by us common people. It may be a slow & difficult path but I am sure that the average consumer of news & views by these presstitues will realize their mistake and dethrone them from their imaginative high thrones. My Only wish is this happens sooner than later.

Attack on Jain Muni and Jainism by so-called Liberals


Recently Jain Muni Shri Tarun Sagarji Maharaj gave a speech in Haryana State assembly, on the Friday 26th August 2016. He was invited by the state’s education minister and the revered monk spoke on various social issues. Shri Tarun Sagarji maharaj is famous for his ‘Kadve Vachan’, as when he speaks, he speaks without sugar coating issues.  But this noble gesture took an ugly turn when some Liberals took on twitter to show their displeasure on how a Saint can be called to address an assembly, that too a ‘Nude Monk’.

These are some of the derogatory tweets and insults directed towards Shri Tarun Sagarji by the so called liberal folks of India..

And these are just few insulting tweets. Indian Express went a step further with even more shameful headlines on the same news ,  ‘Monk, in nude, talks of Pakistan, female foeticide, duty of wife in Haryana Assembly’. What was the need of highlighting the term nude? And this is not the only main stream newspaper which has insulted Jain way of life. It’s a known fact that for thousands of years all the Jain Tirthankar’s and Muni’s have renounced all worldly things including the cloths. And it was also not the first time a political event had a Jain Muni taking part in it. From Late Smt. Indira Gandhi to Atal Bihari Vajpayee to our Former President Shri APJ Abdul Kalam to even Sonia Gandhi, many political leaders have sought blessings from Jain Sadhus who were nude. Yes this maybe the first time a Muni was addressing an assembly but why so much hatred shown for that?

Secular times

Over the years many political parties have done many religious functions in Prime Minister’s residence or the Rashtrapati Bhavan. How is that different from this? Only difference was that It was a Muni from Jain community which is has a population of only 4.2 Million and doesn’t have a vote bank. Jains are non-violent and hence prove to be an easy target for many. And not to forget the same people applauded when the Pope was addressing United States Congress. It is a normal thing in many countries where religious leaders speak on political forums.

Vishal Dadlani a known bollywood singer and song composer who joined AAP(Aam Adami Party) and Tahseen Poonawalla who appears as a congress spokes-person many times, also made insulting remarks and then later deleted their tweets. But Nothing on Social Media ever gets deleted. This is sickening beyond reason.. on how these people have hatred for Jainism.

And to make a mockery of things, Dadlani announced that he will quit all political activities and give resignation from AAP. AAP had earlier made fun of Sikh’s Holy text and people of this party are serious offenders of hurting religious sentiments of all religion and not just of Jains.

Many Jain’s are now filing FIRs against Vishal Dadlani and many others who have insulted our religion without even understanding the basic concept of it. Yes our Muni’s who are from the digambar sect remain nude, and it has been like that for thousands of years. We are not ashamed of it and even Muni’s try to make sure that people don’t get offended by this so they do take the necessary precautions. As an Indian first and as a Jain, I feel terribly hurt by all this. I feel weak and I feel hopeless when such things are done against my religion in a country where our constitution provides us the right to follow our religion without fear and prejudice, a religion which is one of the most peaceful loving one in the world. We don’t practice any form of violence nor do we preach hatred, we are not monolithic and we welcome everyone. Our last Tirthankar Bhagwan Mahaveer Swami had said,“ Live and Let live”.  We strongly believe in India and we contribute towards the growth of India but it  just pains when such things hurt our sentiments and perpetrators  repeat this again and again knowing that Jain’s won’t answer back thinking we are weak.

I hope the Government of the day acts on this and people also do protest in a non-violent manner. We are always open for dialogue and we want peace but we don’t want to feel insulted and don’t take our peaceful ways as a sign of weakness.

An Open Letter To Prime Minister Modi on Child Sexual Abuse


Dear Prime Minister Shri Modi,

Child Molestation and Child Sexual Abuse are rampant in society in general, and in India in particular. The reason it is so rampant in India is because vulnerable children are often left in unguarded situations by busy or ignorant parents, and in India sadly, the practice touching and cuddling of our children by our relatives is laughingly viewed as ‘natural display of affection’. And child molesters, or child predators as they are known, are usually people who know well how children can be easily lured into accompanying them to secluded spots, where they then ravage the poor innocent souls in body and spirit, leaving them – if they are at all left alive – scarred for life.

Like many others, I appreciate your ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ initiative as one holding much promise for the future. It is at least the start of a good thing. And one that should blossom into a vista of possibilities for our betis. We have hardly stopped celebrating how our girl athletes have excelled in the recently concluded Olympic Games, despite the many odds they encounter.

But such initiatives are, in essence, long term measures.  Child sexual abuse on the other hand is something that needs immediate attention. As a result of some recent (widely reported) incidents in schools in Bengaluru and Chennai, many schools have begun taken measures such as installing CCTV cameras on the school premises. But these are things that could be worked around by determined criminal elements, and the child would still be vulnerable once he/she is outside the coverage of such cameras.  Then there are also other places like our neighbourhoods, the children’s own homes even, in fact just about anywhere, where they are still vulnerable.

Therefore, it is necessary that children themselves learn certain basic rules of safety, such as to totally avoid accompanying strangers, without exception. Also, to strictly disallow anyone – except immediate family – to touch or have any sort of physical contact with them. Some people have expressed reservations about this measure, but we cannot ignore the established fact that people indulging in molesting children are almost always those who are known to the child and his/her family, including relatives like uncles, aunts, elder cousins, the ‘friendly’ neighbour, etc. So drawing a line for who can touch the child, even at home and even in the presence of the child’s own family members, is no unnecessary precaution. After all, it then becomes easier for such people, if they have such designs, to gain the child’s confidence and obedience, and use what would be viewed by the child as normal behaviour, by touching or cuddling them even when members of immediate family are not present. The accompanying screen grab from a tweet on Twitter, of 28th August 2016, is just the latest example of this fact.

ChildMolestation img

We can just not afford to forget that precaution is not just the best, but the only option available to save the child. There is no total cure for an abuse victim once subjected to the brutality and trauma of molestation or rape.

With this in mind I have written a short 10-line poem, The Safety Song, which can be introduced and taught in schools even at the pre-primary level. When it is taught as a song, it makes it fun and easy to learn. Simple but invaluable suggestions are conveyed in this poem, such as never going out with any stranger, and if some outsider tries to take them by force, to react by screaming, yelling, and running away towards wherever other people are, so help can be sought by bringing the matter to their attention.

The poem is free for all to use, to spread far and wide, free of charge, subject to it not being traded in commercially. I would request you to consider it for use at all our schools, even translating in other languages where possible. Here is the media:

I have been in touch with your Ministry of HTeach children to protect themselves against Child Molesters-6x6uman Resources DevelopmentPage-9 Bleed6x9(REVD-4)(Safety Song) since October 2014, to urge them to consider introducing this at least as an introductory measure. I have even written to you yourself, through Twitter, Facebook, and Mygov.in, but there has been no response. The only response ever, were a few dozen false promises made by an Additional P.S. to the previous Minister of HRD.

On the other hand, I am glad that when I requested a few very prominent personalities on Twitter, to simply re-tweet the poem for free use by all, it was willingly done by many, the first among them being the ever-willing-for-a-good-cause advertising professional and gentleman, Mr.Suhel Seth. However, some others didn’t respond. I don’t know why.

But maybe they felt they had nothing to gain, being private individuals unconcerned with such matters. But you, as a responsible Prime Minister, will hopefully see the immense benefit from using this poem. And so, for the sake of the safety of our children, I hope you will take notice of this freely available measure and initiate steps for the immediate use of it for overall benefit of society.

From a writer and above all, a concerned parent,

Sanjay Kapur.

Maharashtra civic polls: Should BJP ignore Shiv Sena and fight alone?

Maharashtra’s Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis recently hinted that the state leadership is keen to join hands with Shiv Sena for upcoming BMC polls. But, believe it or not, certain elements from the party want an alliance with the NCP!

Currently, BJP is the big brother in BJP-Sena Government at the center and the state of Maharashtra as well. It controls all the important portfolios, including the home ministry.

Before coming to power, the BJP state leadership had promised strict action against various members of the Nationalist Congress Party involved in corruption, including its leader Ajit Pawar. But, after coming to power, it initially hinted at forming an alliance with Sharad Pawar and NCP just because it did not wish to share some portfolios with Sena.

BJP did not take any action against junior Pawar in irrigation scam, nor did it took any people-centric decisions to ease food inflation, corruption in government offices, or acted against land mafias. In fact, some of the party’s own ministers were accused of allowing traders to trigger tur dal prices as part of tur dal scam.

(Note: NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal was arrested and investigated by ED because of BJP MP Kirit Somaiya’s personal efforts and state ACB, CM, or leaders had nothing to do with the action as per reports)

Anyway, getting back to the topic, some of the top central leaders wish the party to contest each and every election in Maharashtra with its oldest partner. But, Amit Shah has a problem with this according to reports.

BJP did win 122 seats in state Assembly, but Modi wave has decimated because of state government’s failure in keeping its promises according to senior BJP leader who preferred to remain anonymous during his recent interaction about BMC polls. The party tasted defeat in most of the municipal elections that it contested alone recently. Surprisingly, state’s top leadership, including CM had campaigned during these elections.

If you check all the results for polls that took place in various parts of the state after 2014, you would find that Shiv Sena has won most of them. While on the other hand, BJP lost with good margins wherever it was standing opposite Sena.

Out of all disasters, BJP should look at its poor performance in Kalyan-Dombivali, Badlapur, Ambernath, and Navi Mumbai municipal polls. Party failed to score better than Shiv Sena in spite of the fact that CM Fadanvis had campaigned in these areas and declared packages worth crores for development.

Now, BJP’s over enthusiastic workers in poll-bound Pune, Pimpri, and Mumbai want the party to contest upcoming civic polls separately in spite of recent disasters.

Shifting loyalties

Many local leaders from the NCP have changed their loyalty and have joined the BJP to contest upcoming civic polls in Pune, Mumbai, and PCMC areas. So, don’t be surprised if you find a BJP worker who admires Sharad Pawar more than CM Devendra Fadnavis. Such fellows belong to (what I call) the pro-NCP group within the BJP. These people do not have anything to do with BJP’s ideology or even its development agendas; they wish to contest on lotus symbol to make money. In fact, some senior leaders from BJP Pune unit are already complaining about super rich NCP men entering the BJP with an aim to get tickets for next year’s civic elections.

The pro-NCP group within the BJP is urging the party to contest polls separately so that they can accommodate everyone who has entered the party with hope to win polls on BJP wave. They are even willing to form post poll alliance with the NCP in Pune instead of Sena. But, voters can prove to be smarter.

Hope Devendra Fadnavis looks into this issue and makes sure that the party gives tickets only to workers who are with them since decades.  He must consider going with old, relevant ideological partner instead of offering a helping hand to corrupt workers jumping out of a sinking ship. On the other hand, Sena should also show more respect to its partner and stop unnecessary criticism.

How Election Commission repeatedly changed the rules to save the Communists


Congratulations, Comrade Yechury.

No, really. The reason I started writing on the web was to regain a sense of power, no matter how small, against the dominant anti-Hindu narrative. Even though I know that my articles will never have a fraction of the readership of a prominent “secular” mouthpiece, I  generally write in a mocking tone, as if addressing our enemies. For a few moments, for a few sentences, I can pretend as if I and the “seculars” are standing on a level playing field to air our views. I can pretend as if the billions of $$$ that separate their propaganda budget from mine do not matter. For a few moments, I feel powerful, a spark of citizen empowerment that terrifies the entitled and entrenched elite. And well, if it does not really terrify them, at least it irritates them. I’ll take what I can get.

And then there are times where I genuinely feel downcast, as if there is a boot crushing my face. This is one of them. This is an article that recognizes the depressing reality our times and reminds us of the ultimate futility of our endeavors against the deep state.

No, really, Congratulations Comrade Yechury.

Scroll article
Article link

It was WE the people who rejected you. WE the people didn’t want the Communists. WE the people didn’t want you to enjoy the perks of being a “National Party”. The status of “National Party” is not a birthright, but a privilege that must be earned. You must earn it by bowing your head and going on your knees before the Indian voter. Or  at least that’s what we thought.

WE the people didn’t want you to be a National Party. WE didn’t want you to be enjoying the privileges of swanky taxpayer funded offices in Delhi. WE decided to fling the Communists into the gutters of history (where, incidentally, they would have met all their idols from Marx to Stalin to Castro).

To the Communists, we the people said NO.

But the Deep State said YES:

“The Election Commission of India has come to the rescue of political parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party, the Nationalist Congress Party and the Communist Party of India (Marxist), which were set to lose their national party status after their dismal performance in the last Lok Sabha poll and subsequent assembly elections… The Election Commission notified a change in its rules on Monday allowing a review of a political party’s national party status after two successive elections and not after every poll as is the present case.” (quoted from Scroll.in article)

The Deep State changed its rules so that the Communists of Lutyens Delhi could stay. No need to win any votes; you can just do an end run around the democratic process.

You know the scary part? This isn’t even the first time this has happened:

The Hindu article
Article link

Behold, my friends. This is the terrifying face of the Deep State. The CPI(M) had also gotten into trouble with its National Party status in the year 2000. Then, just like now, the Election Commission had stepped in to quickly change the rules so that the Communists could stay.

This time, the fellow beneficiaries of the EC’s largesse are BSP and NCP. Back in 2000, it was parties like RPI. The common factor? The Communists.

Watching the Deep State defend its own almost makes me emotional about my support for BJP. Where would the BJP be if it were not for the support of the people of this country? The BJP doesn’t have godfathers sitting in the Deep State ready to shower it with rewards it did not earn. It makes me emotional to think of the BJP’s struggle to snatch power from the jaws of the Deep State.

Just remember, the same Election Commission that now revises its rules to suit the CPI(M) had even tried to ban the BJP. Not too long ago. That was 2007, when the EC decided that it did not like the opinions expressed in one campaign CD of the BJP. At that time, the BJP had as many as 139 MPs in the Lok Sabha. The same EC that haughtily wanted to snatch even party status from BJP is now bending over to give the coveted “National Party status”to CPIM and its less than 10 Lok Sabha MPs. That fateful day in 2007, not one free speech activist, not one intellectual stood by the right of India’s biggest opposition party to freely express itself in its own words. The EC eventually chickened out and didn’t ban the BJP.

Why? Who stopped the hand of the EC from finishing the BJP that day? It was fear of the people! The media mostly underplayed the fateful trial of the BJP before the Election Commission in 2007. But if the EC had really decided to dismiss 139 elected MPs, some 800 elected MLAs, several Chief Ministers and literally thousands of local representatives in one day with one stroke of pen, there was sure to be a massive reaction. Quite simply, there were just too many supporters of the BJP. The Deep State realized that banning the BJP was not a realistic proposition. The Deep State chickened out. They surrendered to our power.

And now as I watch the EC fold itself up like a docile doormat at the foot of the Communist Party, my heart swells with pain, cynicism and worst of all, with a sense of resignation. Congratulations, Comrade Yechury. My childhood was deeply connected with Bengal.  I know how to obey the red boot over my face. And today I feel that boot again.

Lal Salaam, Comrade Yechury, Lal Salaam…