Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Hillary’s Health – Hobson’s Choice for the Democrats



Hillary Clinton fell ill during a 9/11 commemoration ceremony in New York. Cable TV networks repeatedly showed Clinton being helped by aides to her vehicle. It appeared that she was unable to stand by herself and needed assistance. Law enforcement officers on the scene later told news media that she had ‘fainted” while her campaign said she had a bout of pneumonia. A few days earlier, Clinton’s continuous coughing had made headlines. A few weeks ago a video purportedly showing Clinton falling and being supported by aides while climbing the steps of a building she was entering went viral on social media.

These are some of the known ‘health incidents’ that have been making the rounds on the internet. On Monday, Clinton appeared on CNN and clarified that she had felt ‘dizzy’ and had not fainted. She admitted to ignoring doctors advise to rest. In what seemed to be a desperate firefight, her campaign has said that they should have handled the Sunday episode better and proactively shared her health status. But that seemed like a well thought out afterthought.

There have a been lot of questions on Clinton’s health for quite some time now. Americans in general expect the candidates to be in good health so he or she can provide a stable administration after the elections. Hence they expect lot more information than the Clinton campaign has shared or is willing to share. This week’s episode has been a public relations disaster for the campaign and has only heightened Americans concern.

In fact, it has given rise to host of rumours on social media and ratcheting up of distrust. Many medical professionals have offered their diagnosis of Clinton’s health condition that is far more serious. It is worth noting that doctors unconnected with the Clinton’s seem to think that she is having a serious neurological or heart related problems and not just pneumonia.

Trump’s campaign, on the other hand, had long called for Clinton’s health records to be published. They claim that Clinton does not have the stamina and strength to be Commander in chief. Clinton has not yet published her medical records. Trump for his part has published a four-para glowing report card on his health. Many doctor have dismissed this since it does not provide enough details for an independent view. Further, it is not from a neutral third party doctor. But the US privacy laws only complicate sharing of medical records and both candidates have taken refuge behind it.

Clinton’s tribulations from this past week’s medical episode raises three important issues. Firstly, it has turned the heat on both the campaigns by raising the bar for transparency. Many Americans do not perceive the Democrats as transparent and cite the hacked DNC emails published by Wikileaks – that revealed lot of behind the scene happenings at the party headquarters – to support their point of view. It has definitely put the Clinton campaign at a disadvantage.

It is time both candidates released detailed medical data that is seen as serious enough for Americans to be satisfied that the candidates are in good health.

Secondly it has her party, allies and support ecosystem worried. From the friendly media to campaign contributors, particularly the super PACS, all are nervous about how this will play out. A former DNC Chairman Don Fowler, has called on the Democrats for a ‘Clinton contingency plan’ or in plain speak a plan B. Influential political analyst Cokie Roberts of the National Public Radio (NPR) has observed that per her sources the Democrats are already considering another candidate.

Thirdly, and most importantly, it has handed a big advantage to Donald Trump. Trump had been trailing Clinton in many states in recent polls. He had failed to take advantage of the series of scandals and Clinton’s unsavory remarks about his supporters. The health episode has come as a godsend to Trump who was desperately looking to reboot his campaign. His response to Clinton’s health episode has been dignified and mature and has drawn positive response from Americans across party lines.

As expected, there is intense speculation on who will replace Clinton in the event she decides to drop out. It must be noted here however, that unless Clinton voluntarily decides to drop out, the party cannot choose a replacement candidate.

Under party rules, “the DNC has the power to fill vacancies in the nominations for the office of the president and vice president” when the national convention is not in session”. The DNC chair – currently Donna Brazile, a close Clinton ally – could call a special meeting, and fill the vacancy by a majority vote of those present. But all this is speculation and an unlikely scenario.

While potentially any Democrat can be the new choice, three potential candidates who can be serious contenders come to mind – Tim Kaine, her running mate, Bernie Sanders and the Vice President Jo Biden. Unfortunately, all three may not find favor with the DNC Chairperson Donna Brazile, even if a situation arises.

My bet is that Bernie Sanders may be reluctant to step in and rescue the party, now that the world knows, thanks to Julian Assange, how he was unfairly treated by the DNC. They probably have to find a dark horse candidate.  Even if they manage to get a candidate, it will be a very short window for the new candidate(s) to convince Americans to vote for them. The odds may not favor the Democrats.

The main stream media in the US has gone out of the way to support Clinton and forgotten its watchdog role. They have been taking the campaign’s word at face value and shown a reluctance to dig deeper into Clinton’s health issues. A major news portal sometime back published a story on Clinton’s health, only to delete it a few hours later for unspecified reasons. Also, CNN abruptly ended Dr. Drew Pinsky’s show fueling a social media buzz that he was allegedly axed because he had expressed deep concerns on Clinton’s health couple of weeks ago. The danger here is that if Clinton’s condition worsens, as many Americans think it will, the media will have egg on its face.

Whichever way you slice and dice it, it seems a disaster for the Democratic Party. It is too late in the game to change the nominee. Even if Clinton bounces back and continues with her campaign after a short recess, it has lost valuable time momentum. It will lack vigor and be exposed to potential attrition of her support base.

Clinton’s health issues – whether it is pneumonia or something far more serious –  has clearly been hidden from Americans for too long. Americans must know the truth if she is fit to lead them over the next four years. Any uncertainty or lack of transparency for whatever reason, will only erode her chances. The Democratic Party really face a Hobson’s choice. Their nervousness is understandable.

Kannur Political Violence – Why this thirst for blood


My Grandmother’s 40th day rituals was on 06th September 2016. So I was in my hometown to attend it. It was also a kind of family get together as this was planned a month back and all my cousins had promised to be there. My family from my dad’s side are all communists (hard core). I and my brother are the only ones who support Modi and BJP.

On 08th September 2016, I woke up to a shocking news that one BJP cadre Navneeth was attacked and was admitted to a hospital with serious injuries. This was a shocking news to me because this happened in our locality (Pathiriyad-Kuthuparambha, Kannur), just 1 km away from my uncle’s house (where I was staying). It was me who informed my uncle about this and he left immediately to find out more details.

My uncle came back after couple of hours. He told me that this ‘Navneeth’ was the most vocal of the BJP workers in the area. He was the one who leads any kind of protests and also the fund collections. My uncle also stated that he was a rogue element who did not listen to anyone in his family. But what made me curious was, what rights CPM men have to punish anyone. The government is theirs, the police under them, they could just have him arrested and put in prison.

The reason why such attacks happen is to intimidate the other ‘to be’ BJP workers. If you take out their leader, the confidence of the followers will be broken. This is precisely the reason why CPM targets the most enthusiastic works of other parties.

Now back to the Navneeth episode, after the incident, the BJP workers had called for a shutdown in the area and asked the shopkeepers to shut shop. All the shopkeepers had closed fearing any attacks and damage to property. This is when CPM gets involves, it asks the shopkeepers to open shops right away or else they will remain closed forever. The shopkeepers are forced to open the shops.

CPM very well knows that if they let BJP/RSS to gain even a foothold in their strongholds, then they won’t be able to stop the growth of the right-wing in the state.  My uncle also spoke about the current plans of the LDF government to ban RSS shakhas in temples. This is to keep out RSS from the temple management. The communists believe that the growth of RSS/BJP is because of their involvement in temples.

This is why I say, the NDA government at the center has to make sure that it protects the interests of its cadres and supporters. Without them, BJP will not be able to grow in Kerala. Too many precious lives have been lost recently. Center has to interfere. And it has to do it now.

Right To Education – An alternative reading


India has come a long way since Independence, from a beleaguered nation post partition in 1947 to one of the fastest growing economy in 2016. But like in most other fields, India is always playing catch up in the field of education.

Kapil Sibal during his speech in Lok Sabha in July 31st, 2009 while introducing the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Bill, spoke about how literacy rate in India jumped from 14% in 1947 to around 64% as per the census of 2001. That’s a remarkable achievement for a country that is considered to be a poor nation.

But that still leaves us with over 1/3rd of the population illiterate, apart from the growing concerns of quality education in a fast changing world. In such an environment, the UPA Government introduced the much touted RTE Act. The aim of the legislation as stated in the statement of object and reasons says “the proposed legislation is anchored in the belief that the values of equality, social justice and democracy and the creation of a just and humane society can be achieved only through provision of inclusive elementary education to all”. Several educationists and policy makers over the years have highlighted its successes of how the bill helps the poor get enrolled in schools, how it helps push better infrastructure in schools, improves teacher quality, reduces stress in children with the no detention policy, ensures affordable fees for students and free education for the disadvantaged, getting Dalits/SC/ST into the school network etc.

But no one points to the elephant in the room – RTE Act denies all the above listed benefits of the legislation to minority-run schools. They say in a sugar-coated way that minority schools are “exempted” from RTE, but in reality, minority institutions are intentionally kept out of RTE by an oppressive, majoritarian, soft Hindutva state.

Now you may ask why would UPA which prides itself in championing minority rights and secularism, cave in to a Hindutva agenda?

Going back to the Lok Sabha debate on RTE in 2009, while Kapil Sibal was insisting on 25% EWS (economically weaker sections) quota to be applicable to minority institutions, BJP MP Kirti Azad made an aggressive intervention, raising doubts on the constitutionality of it . “You have not excluded minority schools” were his exact words. The current HRD minister Prakash Javadekar was part of the RTE rules committee when RTE was drafted. Surprisingly, even Owaisi, a champion of Muslim rights fiercely argued with Sibal in Lok Sabha against the application of 25% EWS quota on minority institutions. Such self-appointed leaders of communities who always put power over of resources and institutions before welfare of people are the bane of this nation.

Look at how the BJP Governments in different states are giving unprecedented attention in implementing the RTE efficiently, upgrading standards of Hindu schools, while RSS indulges in history distortion in the textbooks.This has resulted in a generation of innocent kids studying in Hindu schools incentivised by state to subscribe to a totalitarian and majoritarian world view.

In June 2015, 10 minority schools were shut down due to lack of Government support in Maharashtra .

Lakhs of convent schools, madrassas have been invidiously, by design, denied these benefits offered by RTE. According to Sacchar Committee report, literacy rate for the age-group of 6-13 yrs (which incidentally is also the focus of RTE), of Muslims is 74.6% which is less than that of SC/ST in the same age-group (74.7%) and is 15% less than the corresponding literacy rate of the Hindus in general category. The RTE Act, instead of bridging this divide is designed to do the opposite. While the Indian state, which calls itself, secular, unabashedly gives exclusive privilege to Hindu run schools, it leaves the minority schools in the lurch.

While the BJP and Sangh Parivaar plays caste politics by pushing for Dalit/SC/ST quota in Aligarh Muslim University, it turns a blind eye to the law which in effect establishes a variant of apartheid on minorities in our so called secular nation.

At a time when the New Education Policy draft has been released, and is being widely discussed in country, one cannot miss the criminal silence of the HRD Minister, who is an RSS man, on the issue of extending RTE to minorities. It’s time for the country to unitedly implore the HRD Minister and our Prime Minister – does Sabka Saath Sabka Vikaas not include the minorities? While we cheer GST calling it “One Nation One Tax”, it’s time we have “One Nation One Education policy”. It’s time we remove all constitutional obstacles (93rd Amendment), and extend RTE to the minorities. That’s when we can truly call ourselves a secular state.

Is Modi government pro Ambani-Adani? Facts don’t support these claims


Back in 2009 when Radia tapes was cause of outrage at the national level, in one of the tapes Mukesh Ambani allegedly said “Arre Congress to apni dukaan hai (Congress is fully under our control)”.

On the contrary, with Modi government at the helm, India Inc. has avowedly admired removal of corruption at the top level and in a subtle way expressed their displeasure over lack of access to the top echelons of the government (far cry form the previous regime).

It’s kind of surprising that Modi government is still being dubbed as pro rich.

Let us try to examine some of the events and allegations levelled against the government, to ascertain whether there is any substance in it .

PM Modi’s photo appeared on the Reliance Jio print ad

To advertise its 4G services under the brand name Jio, Reliance gave full front page advertisement in major national dailies. Eyebrows were raised because of the picture of PM Modi on it. AAP was quick to pounce on it and alleged that ‘PM is in Ambani’s pocket’. AAPtards (AAP supporters) were not far behind spinning theories on social media about how the alleging any tacit understanding between PM Modi and the Reliance group.

There’s a detailed article on OpIndia.com. It is still not clear though whether PMO granted consent for the use of the Prime Minister’s photo in the commercial or not. It is obvious that Reliance used PM’s pic to piggyback on latter’s popularity, as they have picked up PM’s dream of Digital India and cited it as their inspiration behind launching Jio, Reliance would go scot free, even on account of any lawsuit for unauthorized use of his picture

Now the question is where is it mentioned that PM is endorsing it, as stated by Congress and AAPtards?

Just because PM Modi’s pic is used  doesn’t mean he endorses it, just like Bandhan bank using picture of Pranab Mukherjee doesn’t mean President has done modelling for it. NDTV uses PM’s Swachh Bharat in the backdrop to promote ‘Cleanathon’, does it mean PM is promoting NDTV? All state governments applauded Sakshi Malik and PV Sindhu for their Rio Olympics success by putting their photos in posters along with other politicians. Does it mean Sakshi, Sindhu endorse politics? Or worse, as somebody claimed in a Facebook post, would the medalists be held responsible for any wrong claims made by those respective political outfits?

Allegations against the government on Ambani-Adani

Allegation 1 – Mukesh Ambani is having a field day since last 2 years
Rebuttal – Modi government imposed fine of  579 mil USD (3500cr) on RIL, can’t think of any such fine being imposed in the past on Reliance group.

Allegation 2 – Modi government gave Gautam Adani undue advantage
Rebuttal – Media spread lies that Government waived 2000cr green fine imposed on Adani group, this lie was immediately quashed by government officials. Its worth remembering that Adani needed 62K cr loan to start production on Australian mine, Modi government could’ve easily arm twisted any PSU bank into lending him like previous governments had done, he didn’t. So much for giving undue advantage to Adanis.

Allegation 3 – Government planned to bludgeon ONGC to death, only to benefit RIL
Rebuttal – ONGC profits have declined in the last 2 years, giving rise to conspiracy theory that ONGC will be made to sink to be turned into sitting duck for predators like Reliance to launch a takeover bid. Any person with even slight understanding of oil industry would understand the difference between producer and refinery. Unfortunately, media and opposition doesn’t. ONGC earns its revenue from exploration of crude oil and natural gas. Prices of crude have seen unprecedented fall globally which resulted in reduced profit of ONGC. Reliance is mainly into refining of crude oil and typically a refiner earns margin which is not in direct correlation with crude prices.

Allegation 4 – Government allowed FDI in Defense to benefit Reliance
Rebuttal – FDI limit was increased in defense to get access to cutting edge technology, incentivize domestic manufacturers to scale up and reduce defense imports (Note-India is the largest arms importers in the world). Quite naturally it is meant to benefit government and Indian companies alike. That said, allegation of media and opposition doesn’t fly as L&T, Mahindra and Bharat Forge have in fact gained much more than Ambanis and Adani.

Other arguments to bust the hypothesis conjured up by Media-AAP-Congress Nexus

Market Capitalisation of Reliance and Adani – The shares of both the groups skyrocketed after Modi government came to power, however there has been massive correction at the bourses for both the stocks.

Adani Group’s market capitalisation on 26th May 2014 was INR 1,17,388 crores. On 26th May 2016, two years of Mr Modi in business, Adani Group’s market capitalisation is down to INR 57,150 crores, a steep fall of 51%

Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance declined by 15% , whereas ADAG saw decline of 43%

Market capitalization is the indication of investor confidence, hence if the investor would have been confident that Modi government would help Ambani- Adani it would have reflected in their stock movement. Has that happened ?? NO

NPAs of Reliance & Adani – Neither Ambani nor Adani group has defaulted on the interest payments against loans. Majority of debts of RIL and Adani predate 2014. Hence there’s no way to pinpoint whether Banks were pressurized to lend to both these entities. (Unlike in the past when banks were forced to lend to Kingfisher even after it became apparent that his Airline was close to bankruptcy)

If a lie is not challenged it assumes a life of its own

PM Modi is perhaps the biggest victim of media’s constant lies and hit jobs. About a year ago news channel carried a report stating that the pinstrip monogrammed suit he wore on the Republic day was worth 10 Lakhs. Media behaved most unprofessionally and in a biased manner in coming up with this number. Only the person who has gifted it or the person who has bought it would know the real price. Certainly media did neither. Yet they spread lie and it gained traction.

BJP didn’t challenge it as vehemently as they should have, nobody questioned Media house what their sources were. Nitin Gadkari clarified in some of his interviews that the cost of suit was just a few thousands, but the objective to paint NDA-2 as the government for the rich was already served.

BJP would do well to realise that in politics, just like in the corporate world, perception matters. It’s ironic that PM Modi is arguably the most articulate speaker in the country, yet communication has become his government’s achilles heel. They would have to improve the communication and work towards preempting below the belt attacks of media and opposition. The more they allege foul play by media and opposition, the more they will be seen as the weak government. Either take action against the media houses spreading lies blatantly or don’t cry foul.

Stand up and question leftist cultural hegemony


Recently, the Hindustan Times carried an article on Durgesh Pathak, the main organization man for AAP in Punjab. The first three sentences of the article took my breath away:

Che Guevara is on a wall of the drawing room where he sits. The South American revolutionary is also the cover of his Twitter and Facebook accounts. Durgesh Pathak, at first impression, is more a 20-something wide-eyed activist than a politician.

What? Che Guevara? You mean the murderer who used to take a special thrill in carrying out summary executions with his own hands? And yet Che Guevera is but a “revolutionary” and his followers are merely “wide-eyed activists”.

Folks, Hindustan Times is a mainstream newspaper. AAP is a mainstream political party. Apparently, AAP and its journalist supporters are vocal in supporting “dissent”, “free speech” and “democracy”. And one of its top leaders is totally at ease waxing eloquent about how much he dotes on Che Guevara. If this was not enough, Durgesh Pathak gladly posed for a picture in front of his living room wall, showing a portrait of Che Guevara next to his Supreme Leader Arvind Kejriwal. This is the photo that accompanies the HT article:


The glorification of a Communist mass murderer by a mainstream political party, carried proudly by a mainstream newspaper. No outrage against this, no comments or complaints anywhere. Just another day in the life of mainstream Indian political discourse. Even AAP’s critics and the right wing in general accept it with resignation, perhaps even without noticing. After all, it is common to see Che Guevara glorified. What’s new?

Except it shouldn’t be common! Glorifying Hitler isn’t common and it shouldn’t be. Glorifying the KKK isn’t common and it shouldn’t be. Glorifying Che Guevara shouldn’t be common but it is! 

If you are a fan of Che Guevara, you are NOT mainstream. You are a dangerous radical element that needs to be called out. And you can’t be a mainstream politician giving interviews in a mainstream newspaper. But such is the leftist cultural hegemony that the most dangerous left wing mass murderers are routinely glorified in mainstream discourse. It is seen as “normal”. No one even complains.

All this while as Hindus are made to run in circles explaining their beliefs and put on a cross for celebrating anything from Dahi handi to Rakshabandhan. They take a fine toothed comb and dissect the patriarchal,  casteist, sexist, homophobic, this-phobic, that-phobic underpinnings of every single ritual in Hindu society. What are the underpinnings of glorifying Che Guevara? We never ask. They never have to answer because we never ask. 

Every single day, the BJP is put on the mat and mauled in liberal circles because some RSS leaders several decades ago, may or may not have said good things about the Nazi Party. Meanwhile the Communist Party puts up posters of Stalin in every one of its offices and no one ever asks them to explain. We never ask. They never have to answer because we never ask!

In fact, consider the term “Communist”. Consider their dreaded red flag with the hammer and sickle, symbol of death to literally  millions of people around the world. Communists don’t have to seek cover, they don’t have to be apologetic for anything. They didn’t even need to change their name or their flag. Can you imagine anyone daring to open parties with names like these even if they were actually fascists or racists or  Nazis:

Fascist Party of India

Racist Party of India

Nazi Party of India.

Nobody would open a party with names like that because those words have intense stigma attached to them. Even if someone did, can you imagine representatives of the Nazi Party being invited to any mainstream debate on TV or newspapers or universities or any other respectable forum? But mysteriously, there is one exception: apparently you can have the “Communist Party of India”. How? Why?

Because, no stigma attaches to the word “Communist”. Communists can freely operate under that name, openly flaunt their dreaded red flag and still be considered a legitimate part of the intellectual debate.

Just to remind people : Stalin alone accounts for 3 million dead. Mao is possibly the biggest mass murderer in history with some 20 million kills. By the way, did I mention that 20 million dead is the lowest known estimate for Mao’s massacre? Some sources put it at 45 million! And we have not even counted yet  Castro and the North Korean regime. We have not even counted Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge and the mountains of human skulls they left behind.

But, such is the left wing cultural domination and so complete is the right wing surrender that nobody gasps in horror at seeing the Communist flag. A Nazi flag would draw  gasps of horror. A KKK uniform would draw gasps of horror. You know, the Hindu right spends a lot of time complaining that radical Islam gets a free pass in elite society. But no, even an ISIS flag would draw gasps of horror. No mainstream political party could dare to advertise its support for ISIS.  Only Communists get a pass.

We have to stand up. We have to start asking this question and demanding answers. We have to ask why a radically anti-democratic and mass murdering ideology like Communism is not being stigmatised in popular culture. No, I am not calling for a ban, unlike the bans that Communists demand on the RSS/BJP. I am asking for free people to take back the culture and stigmatise the Communists. I glorify freedom. I celebrate liberty. That’s why you won’t find any posters of  Che Guevara in my house.

अभिसार शर्मा के नाम इक खुला खत, संदीप कुमार के मुद्दे पर

अभिसार शर्मा जी,

आम आदमी पार्टी के मुखपत्र पे आपका लिखा लेख पढ़कर प्रथम दृष्टया जो मेरी प्रतिक्रिया थी , वो है “चित भी मेरी , पट भी मेरी और सिक्का मेरे बाप का” ! जिस संदीप कुमार के सेक्स स्कैंडल पर आपने इतना लंबा चौड़ा लेख लिखा , समझ मे नहीं आया की क्यों ? आख़िर क्या ज़रूरत पड़ गई आपको यह लेख लिखने की और और उसमे उन प्रश्नो को पाठकों से पूछने की ! आख़िर आपके न्यूज़ चैनल का तो स्लोगन ही है “आपको रखे आगे” और इसीलिए 31 अगस्त 2016 को आपके न्यूज़ चैनल पर ऐंकर गला फाड़ फाड़ कर चिल्ला रहा था कि हमारे पास यह सीडी सबसे पहले आई और हमने केजरीवाल को भी भेजी ! हमने यह वीडियो देखा यह 9 मिनट का वीडियो बहुत ही आपत्तिजनक है इसलिए आपको नहीं दिखा सकते !

तो मुद्दा यह है कि उस वीडियो की जब सक्रीनिंग आपके स्टूडियो मे हो रही थी तो क्या उस वीडियो को देखने वालों मे ऐसा कोई भी नहीं था जो उन संदेहास्पद चीज़ों पर गौर करता ! आख़िर खबर दिखाने की इतनी होड़ क्यों , पब्लिक को बेवकूफ़ बनाने के लिए ? TRP के लिए ? या दिल्ली सरकार पर दबाव डालने के लिए ? और आप कदाचित् इन तीनो को ही हासिल कर लिए ! जनता को गुमराह किया और सरकार पर दबाव डलवाकर संदीप कुमार को बर्खास्त भी करवाने मे कामयाब हो गये ! लेकिन उस IRS ऑफीसर जो की IIT पास आउट भी है , उनके निर्णय पर ज़रूर प्रश्न चिन्ह लगा देता है !

इस गंदगी के दाग केजरीवाल के हिस्से भी आई , इस कांड का खुलासा करने वाले ने यह भी बताया कि सीडी की जानकारी केजरीवाल को 15 दिन पहले ही हो गई थी तो शक होता है कि ने जानबूझकर सीडी की सत्यता की जाँच नहीं करवाई या फिर उन्होने भी यह मान लिया था कि संदीप कुमार सच मे अपराधी हैं ! केजरीवाल ने अंदर ही अंदर संदीप कुमार से ज़रूर स्पष्टीकरण माँगा होगा , लेकिन उन्हे यह भान नही रहा होगा कि इसे TRP की भूखी मीडीया मे भी दे दिया जाएगा ! और जब संदीप कुमार को अपराधी मान लिया गया तो आपको दर्शको पर ठीकरा फोड़ने की ज़रूरत नहीं है !

आपके न्यूज़ चैनल के खुलासे के बाद , संदीप कुमार की प्रतिक्रिया आने से पहले ही अरविंद केजरीवाल ने फ़ैसला सुना दिया और बा-कायदा वीडियो संदेश जारी करके कहा कि संदीप कुमार ने पूरे मूव्मेंट को शर्मसार किया अर्थात अपराधी घोषित किया (राम जाने किस मूव्मेंट की बात कर रहे थे क्योंकि इंडिया अगेन्स्ट करप्षन मूव्मेंट मे संदीप कुमार शामिल नहीं थे ) ! और संदीप कुमार ने अपने बयान मे अपनी तुच्छ राजनीति की झलक देते हुए सिर्फ़ इतना ही कहा कि मुझे एक दलित होने के नाते फँसाया जा रहा है ! लेकिन उन्होने इस सीडी के बारे मे बिल्कुल नहीं बताया उसमे दिखने वाला इंसान वो है या नहीं ! सिर्फ़ इतना कि एक दलित होने के नाते फँसाया जा रहा है !

इस फिल्म के संदीप कुमार के होने का दावा किया आपकी पत्रकार बिरादरी ने ! इन सबने मिलकर यह तस्दीक़ की कि ABP NEW जिसे सेक्स स्कॅंडल मान रहा है दरअसल वो Consensual sex था ! फिर इसमे आग मे घी डालने का काम किया उनकी ही पार्टी के प्रवक्ता आशुतोष ने ! उन्होने ही लोगो को बताया कि कैसे कोई आम आदमी से महात्मा बन सकता है , लोगों को यह समझाने की कोशिश की जिसे (कु) कृत्य समझ रहे हैं वो एक प्रक्रिया है कि परमानंद की, उसे हवस समझने की भूल ना करें !

आपने अपने लेख मे एक सवाल उठाया कि :: सवाल ये भी उठ सकता है के पीड़ित महिला इस वीडियो के सार्वजनिक होने के बाद सामने क्यों आई? मगर ये सवाल बेमानी है, क्योंकि आप और हम अपने comfort zone से किसी “बलात्कार पीड़ित” की मनोदशा पर टिपण्णी नहीं कर सकते। बशर्ते वो बलात्कार पीड़ित है।

इसका उत्तर सिर्फ़ इतना ही हो सकता है उस महिला को शायद यह ज्ञांत ही ना हो कि ये भद्र पुरुष उसके शरीर के साथ साथ उसकी आत्मा के साथ भी खिलवाड़ कर रहे हैं ! उसकी सहमति/ असहमति से इस कृत्य को फ़िल्माना भी अपने आप मे एक अपराध है ! और लोगों का क्या है कि लोग पूरी फिल्म को नहीं उसके किसी एकाध अच्छे डायलॉग को याद रखते हैं जैसा कि “केजरीवाल ने कहा था भविष्य मे कोई क्या करेगा किसी के माथे पर लिखा नहीं होता” और संदीप कुमार ने कहा था कि “घर से निकलते समय अपनी पत्नी के पाँव छूकर ही निकलते हैं” !

आपने के और सवाल पूछा कि “एक ब्लॉग लिखने पर आशुतोष को NCW ने समन क्यों भेजा, तो जवाब यह है मित्रवार, सिर्फ़ एक लेख लिखने मात्र से सुब्रमणियम स्वामी पर मुक़दमा कर दिया गया था, आपके लिए FREEDOM OF SPEECH के मायने कुछ हैं और किसी अन्य के लिए कुछ और, और शायद आप भूल गये कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने भी आज़म ख़ान के बयान (जो कि बुलंदशहर की घटना को राजनीतिक साजिस साबित करने पर तुले हुए थे ) को अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी नहीं बल्कि सीमा लांघना कहा था ! इसलिए जज बनने की कोशिश ना ही करें तो सही है !

और हाँ , अंत मे एक और बात कहना चाहूँगा हर मुद्दे पर कहीं ना कहीं से मोदी को मीडिया ज़रूर घुसेड देती है, CM से PM बनाने मे सबसे बड़ा योगदान है मीडिया का ! ना मीडिया 12 वर्षों तक नरेंद्र मोदी का फर्जी एनकाउंटर करती ना ही पब्लिक की सहानुभूति मोदी के र मे जाती ! इसलिए दर्शक और पाठको से सवाल पूछो ना कि उनपर सवाल खड़े करो !

Service to Humanity is the last refuge of a fraud – the other aspect of Mother Teresa


Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu aka Saint Teresa of Calcutta aka Mother Teresa born on 26th Aug 1910, canonized on 4th Sep 2016 has been in the headlines since last few days. She is known for her missionary work for which she has received numerous praises and accolades. However, her name has been associated with many controversies too. No doubt she has done a commendable service to poor. And a lot has been written about it too. A lot has also been written in her criticism; the most notable being the article of Christopher Hitchens, where he calls her “a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud” and claims “even more will be poor and sick if her example is followed”.

A lot of controversies have surfaced including her requesting the court to show leniency to Charles Keating, who was convicted for fraud, racketeering & conspiracy. Mother Teresa had received $1 Million from him and he had also lent his helicopter to her.

She kept taking favours from Jean-Claude Duvalier, the person who destroyed Haiti economically and kept praising him publicly in return. She implicitly gave support to corrupt businessmen such as Charles Keating and Robert Maxwell and received funds in the name of charity in lieu of that.

Susan Shields, a former Missionaries sister who left the organization “unhappy”, found $50 million in her New York Bank account, supposedly which should have been spent for the service of poor.

Back home, she had praised Indira Gandhi for imposing emergency; one of the darkest chapters of Indian democracy. The victims of Bhopal gas tragedy, the world’s worst industrial disaster, are still waiting for justice. Mother Teresa had rushed to Bhopal immediately after the accident, but only to request the officials to forgive or at least be lenient towards the management.

But she is now a Saint. To get nominated for beatification – the first step of sainthood – two verifiable miracles have to be attested. A Bengali woman named Monica Besra’s cancer treatment was the first miracle. Mrs Besra became an overnight celebrity in September 1998 when she reported that she had been cured of a tumour after praying to Mother Teresa, while pressing a medallion bearing the nun’s image to her side. Her physician, Dr. Ranjan Mustafi, says that she didn’t have a cancerous tumour in the first place. However more than a decade later, Mrs Besra too complained that she has been abandoned by the nuns who escorted her to Rome four years ago as living proof of their Mother Superior’s healing powers.

Apart from these controversies that show her compromising with ethics, her indulgence in religious conversions in the name of service to poor has been widely criticized. Her ways on medical treatments, her arguments & views on family planning, all are questionable.  Let’s not forget that whenever she herself fell ill, she got treatment in well-equipped modern hospitals. It says a lot.

There are several such examples which have been floating around like a blot on the larger-than-life-image of Mother Teresa, and these are not just allegations but well researched reports backed by strong evidences which are irrefutable.

Let’s forget about rationality of miracles & sainthood that may label us as fanatic-Hindus & Christianity haters.

To counter those pseudo-liberals who also have some rationality left; have come up with two arguments:

  1. What’s wrong if she took money from the corrupt when she intended to spend it for charity, for the betterment of poor?
  2. Nobody is perfect, but at least she saved lives. She might have had her agenda but she served humanity at large.

And precisely these two are the points which make me dislike Mother Teresa.

There are two types of crimes: legal and moral. No legal authority or Govt stops anybody from committing something morally or ethically wrong. The legal framework also has several loopholes which gives escape. The other force which stops people from committing any type of crime is – conscience. It is the authority which has an eye on our actions 24×7 & stops us from doing anything wrong, be it legally wrong or morally wrong. It doesn’t give you any escape route. Personally I feel this force has greater authority on us than the legal authority.

Now comes the service to humanity & religion. Some crooks have created a system and they give you an escape route. Commit a sin, loot someone, do some charity and all your sins are washed away. You are clean. You give them money, they will spend it for the service of poor, they will pray for you & it will make your conscience relieved & you can sleep peacefully at night. These crooks have created a loophole in the most effective ‘policing’ system ever. I have never heard or seen any criminal going to such ‘charity firms/humanity agents’ and coming out saying: “Wow my conscience is alive again, I confess all my crimes & I am ready to go for prosecution & punishment.”

These humanity agents never encourage them to stop doing what they are doing, rather they give them respite. Criminals like Warren Anderson, Charles Keating and Robert Maxwell were very influential people. It was almost impossible for law agencies to stop them from doing what they did. They had no fear of law. The only force which could have stopped them was their conscience but hail the mother who made them immune to it.

There are many people in UP & Bihar who keep roaming around police stations. They tell you about the legal loopholes & using their ‘connections’ they can save you from the hands of law once you have committed a crime. There are many Mothers & Fathers & Babas who are doing the same thing. Teresa was one such Mother. It doesn’t matter where she spent that money & how she spent it.

Even worse, they are doing it in the name of charity & humanity.  A common citizen committing a theft is bad, but a policeman doing the same thing is worse. And no one can argue that “Since he has nabbed many thieves in past & he’ll keep nabbing them in future so let’s ignore his own crime of theft.”

Had Samuel Johnson been alive today he would have said “Service to humanity is the last refuge of a fraud.”

Strategy of Reliance Jio in 3 points


The Sim slots of nearly 25 million cellphones have been acquired by Reliance Jio even before its commercial launch! Reliance Jio is making headlines with its easy on pocket data packs and lifetime free calling. Never in the history of telecom has anybody witnessed a player seize the market in a weeks’ time by distributing Sim cards laden with unlimited free internet. While the jaws of many telecom companies are dropped; analysts wonder if the strategy adopted by Reliance Jio is sustainable. Here’s my take on Reliance Jio’s strategy:

1) Quality Subscribers: Analysts doubt the strategy of Reliance by citing that that with its schemes Jio will attract low quality, treacherous customers who will jump to other networks once the freebies end. But Reliance doesn’t believe so. It is offering free 4G data which means it’ll occupy the primary sim slot in the smart phones 4G phones. Also customers will switch to Jio from their broadband or the Wi-Fi services and possibly will stick to it even after the promotion period ends. In addition to that it is offering free calling, so it is aware people will be using the number for calling purposes for the next three months. Three months is a sufficient time span for people to experience the super fast speed and the quality services and permanently transfer to the network. Now assume that Jio reaches 75% of its planned subscriber base of 100 million. So by the end of the year, Reliance ends up with 75 million subscriber base. India’s total 4G user number is believed to touch the mark of 143 million by this year end. So within 3 months of its official launch, Jio would have acquired more than 50% of the market share. Even if many subscribers leave the association with Reliance, still Reliance would be left with significant market share. What an Idea, Reliance!

2) 100 million mark: Mr. Ambani has expressed his ambitious plans of to reach 90% of India’s population. The company plans to acquire 100 million subscribers in the first year of its launch. By luring the population with free data and calls for the initial few months, many doubt if this could result in financial gains for the company. But by doing this it is stretching its operational and strategic bandwidth. Reliance Jiyo has pumped total 1.5 lakh crore for 4G.  Reliance Jio’s 4G network will cover 18000 cities and town and over 2 lakh villagers. Now assume 50% of the users opting for 149 Rs plan and the remaining for higher price plans, Reliance can easily make 400 Rs per customer. If Jio manages to acquire a subscriber base of 100 million customers, it’ll recover the cost within 5 years and start reaping huge profits after that (only if the existing technology doesn’t obsolete!) Mukesh Ambani is betting on one single thing: User base.

3) Oligopolistic market: The market for service providers is oligopolistic where the participants fight for market share and profits on the basis of prices and differentiated products. Reliance jio has both. It has differentiated its product by setting up a huge bandwidth to handle the traffic of enormous data. And the plans they are offering is at amazingly cheap rate. Masses are overwhelmed by the announcement of unlimited free calling. Jio has an IP network hence all the calls will be routed through internet just like whatsapp calls and skype calls. And once the huge optical fibre network infrastructure is built, there isn’t any marginal cost for the company for providing call service. In an oligopolistic market if some player creates such kind of ripple it forces other players to slash the prices. The strategy of other player’s in the market is solely dependent on Relaince Jiyo. Well played Jio!

The approach of Reliance Jiyo is benefiting the customers as they are getting twice the value for money while the Reliance is confident that this will garner hefty profits in the coming future. It is a bold move by Reliance and only time will decide its impact. Till then enjoy the free 4G internet.

College Education: The Wrath of Attendance


The suicide of Delhi’s talented and young law undergraduate Sushant Rohilla has brought to the fore a very germane question pertaining to college education that we ought to address right in earnest, not simply to avoid such casualties but also to ensure that thriving academic lives don’t culminate into depressing drudgery. One cannot but blame the Amity Law University for his death because it was well within its legal ambit to act the way it did. However, bearing in the mind impractical and inconsiderate nature of this requirement, it would be safe to jerk our fingers at the devil that attendance on the whole has morphed into for undergraduates and other students as well.

In India, the norm is that a student goes to school at least five days a week during primary school, which often becomes six days as he or she enters secondary school. This norm extends beyond social convention, and manifests into stringent regulation: Poor attendance is often dealt with an iron hand by many school authorities, in which case the degree of reprimand is often consequential enough for students to give a toss about it. It is imbued, and indoctrinated even, in the student’s psyche that attendance is of paramount importance to the results that his or her academic endeavors bear. In fact, such cultivation, which psychologists call conditioning, becomes so pervasive that even teachers begin to behave as if all hell has befallen them if a student calls in sick for a week.

This stupid requirement splays its fangs wide enough to engulf the entire system. Right from the school principal to the floor-in charge for sweeping, everyone begins to resolutely believe and affirm through their actions that those pupils who attend school more regularly than others are more sincere about and committed to securing a full-fledged education. Inherent of course here is the fallible assumption that spending more time listening to the teacher talk can somehow result in better and more knowledge acquisition. Surrounded by judgmental authorities who are quick to jump to conclusions about one’s intellectual potential, and eager to paint a positive picture of themselves, a lot of ambitious students feel threatened by the prospect of missing out on opportunities in school because of poor reputation stemming from poor attendance.

Thankfully, after years of mugging up where rice is grown without being taught where that place exactly is on the political map, and after months of memorizing names of rivers without chalking out their exact course on a physical outline of India, students begin to digest that a lot of what they studied some years back has not even remotely been retained by – what they thought was – their superior memory. Another realization that dawns upon them is that remembering things in the long run is possible only if one particularly enjoys that subject, or if those facts are associated with the real world as one perceives it.

While this itself is a major problem that I shall speak about in another article, I bring it up here to allude to
students’ awareness about this issue by the time they commence undergraduate studies. This encourages them to want to step out of the ubiquitous and seldom inspiring classroom milieu. Added to this is their zeal to ‘have fun’ when in (read ‘actually outside of’) college, which only makes them resent attendance requirements more. Besides, some may find that they haven’t been exposed to enough opportunities in school, and to make up for the loss, or to propel personal growth, they begin to dabble in sports, art, extracurricular activities and reading. This can be a particularly cumbersome lot to juggle considering that entire mornings are spent in classes at college alone. Others believe that they don’t need to be spoon-fed anymore like they were in school, and opine thus that teaching hours must be reduced to a bare (read ‘bearable’) minimum. Very logical arguments, aren’t these?

But isn’t it fair on part of educational institutions to expect that students attend classes that are meant exclusively for their benefit? How else will they familiarize themselves with examination curricula? In this case, what does the mandatory attendance requirement exactly do that stifles personal growth so drastically, and that incurs it the flak of many an enthusiastic student?

Both sides are justified in saying what they have to, but their symbiotic relationship needs some fine-tuning. I am of the conviction that ideally, if the student likes what he’s doing, of the total number of classes held, one should have attended a certain majority percentage to be allowed to write exams, to ensure that one exploits his/her complete potential through them. But how many classes should be held? What percentage of hours should one invest in classes every week?

In India a disproportionately high number of hours are earmarked for lectures, which is not the case abroad, where good schools have stringent attendance requirements which also reflect directly in grades but where – from my own experience I can corroborate – even intensive summer schools design weekly calendars that comprise no more than four two-hour long lectures. So in essence, in India, students bunk lectures not because they always want to; but because, just so many classes are scheduled for the week that, students would fail to do justice to their other interests, engagements or leisurely indulgences, were they to actually remain present in all!

Second only to this excess of supposed pedagogy is its inflexible composition. How much choice do students have in course selection? Let us consider an example to be able to better understand the problem. Most humanities and social sciences courses in India at Bachelors level (the conventional BA, if you will) enjoin that students pick subjects, and not courses. If one picks History, for example, he or she is forced then to study everything from the Neolithic age to the Mauryas, and from the French Revolution to Chinese kingdoms, and not something more specific like the history of coinage in 16th century India. The curriculum rushes through all these topics superficially, making the pupil feel that he or she has signed up yet again only for a more elaborate secondary school experience. Specialization, research, focused reading in one topic that one likes is not allowed.

In the name of all-round exposure, in-depth scrutiny is dispensed with. Vertical study and personal interest are sacrificed for the sake of horizontal learning and avoidance of inconvenience caused due to diversity in students’ preferences. The story is no more promising in engineering and law schools either, where barring the fancy ‘elective’, all courses are prescribed for everyone. So the student, tired of being told what to do and what not to in the academic sense, begins to find ways of ignoring these irremediable problems, and learns to evade them altogether by resorting to the easiest way out: bunking classes.

So if you call me to your house too often, and at the cost of my personal time when I do come, we don’t end up doing what I would like to. Why on earth would I continue to turn up at your door?

If only the buck stopped here. Even if the aforementioned flaws are overlooked for what college education is worth, life does not become easier for those who like to contemplate its purpose. The raison d’être of college is motivating students to think critically, to explore what they want to in-depth, and to experiment with advanced levels of different subjects. If one has enrolled for education at this stage, no matter what his/her goals are, he or she should firstly be extremely interested in his chosen courses – interested enough at least to religiously want to attend classes. Making attendance compulsory detaches one from the discipline by depriving him of that chance to experience the intuitive urge to attend the classes one is drawn towards. This intellectual numbness does not develop overnight but evolves gradually from attitudes of skepticism and scorn sooner or later.

Besides it destroys the entire foundation of performance that institutions, especially popular and prestigious ones, foot their credibility upon. How will a school gauge the merit of its teaching staff if its most democratic parameter ( number of students showing up) is rendered irrelevant? This also allows professors to shield their proficiency or its lack thereof from any investigation by thrusting blame upon – whom they categorize as – ‘aimless’ and ‘disrespectful’ students.

In such unaccommodating paradigms devoid of enough choice and punctuated by hectic schedules, should one not be allowed to use his discretion as to whether or not any profit will accrue to one’s aptitude by taking a particular class? If one enrolls but decides not to attend a couple of classes, and if one is still able to consistently do well in his/her exams, why should the administration have any problem at all? Isn’t the whole point of classroom learning amelioration of achievement ? With or without classroom presence, if a certain benchmark of academic excellence is established and maintained, why must anyone interfere by any means? Even if one is to buy the argument that exams are not the end to the means that is classroom exposure, aren’t 20 year olds fit to take the call themselves if they’ve undergone personality development?

There is a very well planned system at the roots of this mandatory requirement. Complicit in this web of selfish interests are individuals occupying different echelons of the power hierarchy. Colleges want to avoid bad press that they may earn if many students start taking them for granted and become rare visitors. Also, if students go to these colleges only to write exams, whom will they parade before donors, research scholars, exchange professors, politicians, media, government officials, and accreditation panels? It is a common practice for all schools and colleges to make attendance compulsory on days when teams from NAAC or events’ judges are expected to pay visits. If surprise visits were to happen, the real picture would have emerged which doesn’t happen during these orchestrated inspections.

Professors of course want to make sure their employer, that is the college, has some reason to continue to employ them. To avoid embarrassing situations wherein the principal is ambling in the corridor only to learn that three out of hundred students have shown up, professors find it convenient to defend attendance norms. Some others fuel their ego by feasting their eyes upon the large numbers that are begrudgingly and helplessly present. Apart from these two, corrupt clerks of all sorts keep an eye out for scapegoats among students who are willing to shell out whopping bribes to convert As into Ps miraculously.

So what exactly will happen if we allow students to become the free and curious birds they are meant to be? At the risk of generalising, I intend here to expound upon this very pragmatic solution applicable to the spaces where these problems do persist. Students will be more incentivized to go to classes simply because they want to, and not because they’re being forced to, in fact precisely because they’re not being forced to. Disoriented students who don’t appreciate academic discourses and self-righteous professors who don’t face any challenges make a lethal combination from the perspective of enhancing classroom productivity. What elimination of attendance norms will do is encourage students to go to classes they’re interested in and participate in them, and convince teachers of the need to make their teaching styles more engaging lest they be laid off. From the unnecessarily large class sizes that we suffer, we shall perhaps be delivered, because the handful that do choose to come will contribute actively towards the accomplishment of one common goal sans the commotion and hullabaloo. Professors won’t have to stare into indifferent, deadpan and callous faces, and students won’t have to listen to enervated monologues. Begging with sorry faces to principals with sorry faces for attendance waivers and concessions will end at once for good.

Yes, conservatives and parents may contest that a sizeable number of students will misuse this precious liberty if granted and become regulars at bars and frequent movie theatres. But, come to think of it, some do so anyway even now, all these regulations notwithstanding. Now imagine the mental ease and intellectual choices the dedicated bunch will enjoy, without having to pay the dear price of time they do at present. I will soon circulate a petition addressed to the HRD ministry to this effect, which I hope you will sign!

Having been there, I can proclaim that there’s nothing better to look forward to than a very limited number of classes a week, which require one to do a lot of homework and introspection, and which allow him or her enough time to harvest his or her cognitive caliber.

The saboteurs who resist “Acche Din”


There is no denying that the Modi government has certainly divided opinion among Indians like no other in the history of Indian politics. A big part of this is colored opinions harbored by both sides of the debate. Indeed, even the neutrals who have issue-based opposition or support towards the govt., cannot but do so with the vigor and fervor that would have even the radicals of both the right and the left blushing. What is it that the public feels so charged about decisions/policies of this govt.? Why is it that when just 3 years back people would just scoff away another scam being exposed as, “Yeh to roj ka hain”, now the same people break out their high school maths (or the lack of it) in trying to figure out the RoI of, say, a bullet train project? Do they pause to factor in corruption in their calculations? (They don’t).

As the govt will soon be reaching the half-way mark (and numerous celebrity anchors while try to peak out of the ‘breaking news’ tickers of your screen to assess the govt ‘report card’) it is worthwhile to take a step back and figure out what is so special about this govt that divides and generates opinion amongst the otherwise apathetic and ‘chalta-hain’ masses. As a guy who does his fair share of anonymous tweeting (not to be confused with trolling), I would say I am no expert and shouldn’t comment, but then, that wouldn’t do me any Shobha.

First of all, let’s assume that after 10 years of UPA policies, it wouldn’t take ANY government too much effort to come out as a better alternative. So then, mere comparison to the previous govt shouldn’t be a yardstick to judge this one. Secondly, comparison to the previous BJP govt as well isn’t a suitable yardstick as the times and difficulties faced by both are so significantly different. While Vajpayee was able to sound his arrival with a thunderous Pokhran nuclear test, today a similar gesture would actually be hara-kiri. So then, it appears, as if historically there really is no parallel for the comparison of govts. We can only go by each policy and decision of this government and try to analyze each one neutrally and without the bias or burden of comparison to historical governments. With the govt PR malfunctioning as it is by responding to the narrative set by its opponents, and getting sucked into needles Intolerable (pun intended) debates, it would certainly help if some actually did that. But don’t look at me for that, I have a day job.

There is no doubt, that whatever this govt fails to achieve it won’t be for the lack of trying. Certainly not on the part of the PMO and key ministries like power, railways, defense, external affairs and surface transportation. One may even add parliamentary affairs, health, telecom and Aviation to this list. At the same time Finance, Law, Women and Child welfare and whatever ministry Uma Bharti is heading. All in all, in terms of ministerial performance, PM Modi has had a bunch of hits and misses. If he is to garner credit for the hits then the buck for the misses stops with him too. History will not be kinder to Modi for appointing Jaitley to Finance while it is harsh on Sonia for hiring A Raja, Anthony, Chidambaram, hell…just about anyone else in the UPA.

Another way of looking at this is to observe that historically, there has never been undertaken an exercise in Change management that this govt has undertaken. The PM leads by example in professionalism and this changes will take ages if it ever trickles down to the lower reaches of the govt apparatus. One only needs to overhear or indulge in conversations with govt employees (I wonder when we stopped calling them govt servants?) to understand the pain that this change has brought about. Show me a teacher, clerk, or any govt official who doesn’t want the congress back in power so that he can get his afternoon siestas back, and i’ll show you a wild goose chase. Take for example the Railways. While travelers are happy with the clean stations and the quick response to their tweeted grievances, there are instances of apathy from railway officials, stinky toilets and trains running out of water. When the organization as a whole is used to treating their customer ruthlessly, when they are dealt with the same ruthlessness by the Railway minister, you can expect some revolt and sabotage. It is not just the govt machinery (the babus), but the media, educational setup especially humanities in national universities, political opponents who might not be strong in Delhi, but wield power in states, districts and municipal wards, in fact, a whole eco-system that was carefully built resist change and try to hamper the functioning of an honest govt. like they never before the history of Indian governance. In fact, even given the ministerial misses of Modi, it is sabotage and not incompetence that will probably be the reason for his ‘nicking one outside offside’. He certainly deserves all praise for the hits and the super-hits and some brick-bats for the misses. But most of all, I will be impressed if Modi can battle it out with the cloaked saboteurs that stand in his way, and bring us the ‘Acche din’ that will be ‘Burre din’ for them. We know who they are, does he?