Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Open Letter to Indian Film makers – We deserve better cinema than “Baar Baar Dekho”


Dear Indian Film Producers,

The trailer was a tease so seductive, we counted down the days just like an actor would count down to his movie release date.

The ‘Kaala Chashma’ music video with the hot-as-hell Katrina outdoing herself just when you thought it wasn’t possible, gyrating in perfection to the foot-tapping Kaala Chashma number refurbished by the ‘Badshah’ of rap himself was enough to have us checking our calendars by the hour.

It was the Eid Al Adha holiday week here in Abu Dhabi and we had spent two nights in Dubai with some friends. Eager to get back and finally watch the much-awaited movie, we boldly booked an evening show on Saturday so that we would drive back to Abu dhabi and head straight for the movie. Such was the excitement and frenzied anticipation.

Nothing had prepared us for what we were about to endure.

As we settled in to our seats, popcorn and pepsi propped in place, the show started…and the headache followed.

The proclivity of a Dharma Productions movie to deliver a somewhat above average performance at the very least was a satisfaction tucked away in the recesses of our minds. But when a dumb-founded Sidharth Malhotra went back and forth in time a few mind-numbing times, it was clear that in reality, WE were the ones getting duped by that Pandit and his ‘mauli’.

The fault lies not in the stars (pun intended) but in the execution of a poorly crafted story. There was only so much the actors could do with a script that, ironically, like the ‘mauli’ that gradually revealed itself to become the real protagonist of the story, was knotted very poorly with each time jump sequel.

The music was undeniably the saving grace of the movie with the winning number being pushed to the very end of the excruciating journey. It was the final nail in the ‘baar baar’ coffin. And yet it was the only thing keeping us from walking out of the theater. A strategy that the movie makers must have been high-fiving each other about.

I suppose theirs was certainly not the last laugh.

Do film makers really believe that they can feed their audiences just about anything and it will be lapped up in the name of entertainment?

With remakes and spin-offs becoming something of a continuing trend, innovation and originality seems to be creeping its way out of the script writers den in Bollywood today. Well-executed remakes are not a bad thing if they are complemented with the occasional nail-biting, intellect-stimulating and novel script that Bollywood can boast about for a change. Even the leave-your-brain-behind movies now seem to have hired unimaginative dialogue-writers whose idea of humor is a thickly accented Lisa Haydon, for example,   saying “ek baar ghadi ke upar” for “Once upon a time” in Houseful 3. Bad jokes, anyone?

Today is the age of Salman Khan – a legend despite of his poor acting skills and even poorer dancing ones. But the box office moolah that his presence on the screen alone rakes in is unparalleled. But while we hoot and clap along to such specimens of mainstream cinema, are we as an informed, entertainment-hungry audience asking for too much if we want to invest in cinema that will at least make the effort to deliver quality entertainment instead of a head-pounding?

After watching Baar Baar Dekho, I certainly wanted my money back. If Katrina and Sidharth’s hot bods and Badshaah’s titillating rap remix was all that we were put through the ordeal for, I would have stayed home on my very comfortable couch and put on Youtube.

So dear film producers, this is a desperate appeal by an avid cinema lover – tap into that creative grey matter and I know there is hope yet for more magic in Bollywood. The golden era in cinema that was helmed by exemplaries from the black and white era created magic with less than half the resources, technology, creative prowess and flexibility bestowed on film makers and even creative artists today in any field. By that logic, can you imagine what can be achieved today if we just tried hard enough?

For I am ready to watch a Bollywood movie again that is so good that I can turn around and say I will watch this “Baar Baar”.

Yours Sincerely,

An Indian Movie Buff

Right Wing : Core, Outrage and People


This is my first blog I guess ever, so I would rather start with apologies if there is some mistake in choosing words or grammar or anything. I have been on Twitter for a couple of years only, been new to this place and it made me little more knowledgeable than I was before. But I still have very very limited knowledge, and I am trying to tell my views to my RW friends mostly. I respect everyone’s work, dedication and thoughts for the betterment of our country but what I have seen in last two and half years of Modi govt, RW is mostly outraging. Criticism is fine but it seems all the time they just want their hard line to be followed strictly by Modi. We are aam log, so we do feel like cribbing, outraging mostly and we cannot do anything else. RIGHT ? No, you see the website OpIndia. They were fed up of media lies, so they started this to expose. THIS IS WHAT EXACTLY I WANT TO SAY.

Modi cannot be right all the time, not even Atal ji was. This is our job to criticize govt, and at the same time applaud for good work and defend from wrong propaganda of leftist media or congress. Now, Atal ji had a situation, but Modi; Modi has absolute majority. Yes, ABSOLUTE IN LOKSABHA ONLY. You don’t rule rajya sabha, you don’t rule many of the states and you don’t have supportive media. I am not saying without that we should not expect Modi to help our agenda, this is what for he was chosen and he took responsibility. Even at the time of Atal ji, it was said that he became secular by 2004 that is why India Shining never actually shone. See, it is different being PM. You are PM of whole country, left right, center, corner of everyone’s ideology. You have to keep it RIGHT. And this post is not to defend Modi at all, I keep tweeting for my demand of repealing RTE daily these days. 😉

One senior twitterati who I respect, I have seen few posts of CORE from him. @realitycheckind, he has tried to write as summarised as possible. I am not at all criticising his post, I want to join the team and I want to do something better for our country together. Let me try to tell you my views on his post and what I think we should do as a team:

  1. In my opinion, Modi is not HARD RIGHT WINGER, I see him as Center Right. If this govt is not most progressive and liberal till date then no one was.
  2. You voted Modi for CORE, right ? did he acknowledge that CORE in BJP manifesto , can it be implemented with lok sabha majority only ? Have we asked this question to us before ? Leave the politics of promises , can it be done or not ??
  3. My point is not to give excuses of Kadi ninda or jumla ( I hated those two sentences)  but CORE is totally like dependent and asking govt to do everything. WHY ??? that is my question. Lets not be outrageous, not be activists all the time. This is time to do something, you believe this govt is going to last 10 years, I do. Even if not, we have two and half years. Lets start doing something, lets create institutions or societies or generate members. People are Modi oriented these days they will join us. Let us meet Modi or our MPs/representatives any way we can reach the govt, ask them to acknowledge and if not, at least let us do our job smoothly.
  4. Time to enlighten our new generation, lets make them feel proud of India, Hindi, ancient civilization and motivate/inspire them to take India again to top. Lets be a happy , prosperous, proud and THE BEST (number 1) which we claim all the time to everyone.
  5. If you have this question in your mind, that it is not possible in 2 years or 20 years or not at all. So let me tell you that it is possible and we were not rotten in 2 years, it took centuries BUT we can make it RIGHT in decades. AND WE WILL … we will do it for sure. There is no stopping us if we start doing, SO time to come to platform and lets work. My knowledge is very limited, I don’t have much idea of laws, constitution, framework. May be, I don’t sound right though but only thing which comes to my mind that let us make this better place. We ordinary citizens want it to be a better place so Let us not wait for govt to do everything for us, let them handle so many other things. Let us make it RIGHT.
  6. Now, let us come to CORE AGENDA of right WING by respected @realitycheckind . first point is Education. And It asks govt to repealRTE, I totally agree. It should be done. Now, Imagine its done. Now what, what are the plans ? I am sure he and our team must have some. I want to be enlightened here, then Majority schools teaching us what? NCERT books again ? this education system in my eyes is not RIGHT. Let us talk about TOTAL EDUCATION. Where is totality ? It is ratification education, not TOTAL. That is a major thing to discuss on which I will write in other article. Again, I have limited or no knowledge on this if people are doing good then my apologies but they are invisible online. Let’s make presence team, let India feel you know you come to you. Let us shake the left dominated education.
  7. Second point : Sectarian Purse. I agree, but not possible that easily. You need two three consecutive govt in my opinion.
  8. QUOTA : Can it be really done without educating aam janta about it ? can it be done without social policing or community policing ? will parties like RJD/BSP/Congress and rogue elements would give it easy to you ? and when you talk about QUOTA, you need to make sure as a society we talk about equality in daily life things. We should stop discrimination ourselves, this quota thing would go.
  9. TEMPLE : I agree, Temples should have control on its own institution BUT who are the controlling people there? Hindus must be represented by HINDUS, again not on quota basis at all. Let us do some brainstorming, let us make it equal for all. THIS CAN BE REAL GAME CHANGER, put Dalits on pedestal here and we will be united. Elevate them, we are equal. Nothing apart from participation in temples can give them immense satisfaction of being equal here. No law of Mayawati or Jai BHim can take them close to society more than this inclusion. Let us brainstorm and debate ….
  10. Essential religious practice: Educate the society first. Each and every religion has its flaws. I don’t want to sound sickular here, but obviously I am as against ghoonghat as burqa. As against as qurbani as bali. BUT Religious practices should be secured. TOTALLY AGREE, no moron should be allowed to even start defaming rituals on the name of FOE. Supreme Court should stay away from even hearing such cases, gather audience for you, vote your MPs and let it be discussed in parliament.
  11. COW SLAUGHTER : I agree, this should be made a law. Existing law is stupid.  Points we don’t have in agenda or probably low on Order of Priority : I believe these should be there
    1. NO CONVERSION LAW, not even FORCED GHAR WAPSI if at all it exists.
    2. Sanskrit Mandatory till 10th
    3. Geeta path to everyone in primary schools irrespective of religion
    4. Implement Rajya Sabha type playgame in schools, let everyone participate. Have kids start making decisions for them since age of 10-11.
    5. Masculine Law System should be in place
    6. 1861 Police Act, we need to change this.
    7. Send your few thousand people for permanent relocation in other small countries and give those countries aids, spread knowledge about India and Hinduism. Not conversion, awareness.
    8. and many more things …. I will read more, learn more and try to include more ideas

My few point request is :

  1. Let us stop this outrage all the time , let us start pursuing one field at a time and take the agenda to complete conclusion. Mine is education.
  2. Education is the biggest weapon we can have to destroy poverty, inequality and many many problems we have. I was too stupid and narrow minded, I still have very very limited knowledge but I feel I have started to learn and becoming open minded. I don’t take criticism on ego these days(this I am learning too),  I try to see if I have gone wrong . We as a country, will keep learning, will keep achieving and will fall, rise, fall and rise but we will be together with our one agenda. INDIA FIRST. Let’s work towards that only.

I wish I get a chance to discuss this education thing through my this blog.

क्या युद्ध जरुरी है?


उरी में सत्रह जवानों की शहादत के बाद भारत में एक बार पुनः भारत – पाकिस्तान रिश्तों पर बहस शुरू हो गई है। ट्विटर विशेषज्ञों से लेकर पत्रकार भी इस मुद्दे पर अपनी – अपनी राय देने के लिए मैदान में उतर पड़ें हैं। नेताओं ने अपनी बेहयाई को हर बार की तरह दोहराते हुए इस मामले पर सियासत करते हुए आरोप और प्रत्यारोप का दौर शुरू कर दिया है।

गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री रहने पर नरेंद्र मोदी ने पाकिस्तान के मुद्दे पर कई बार मनमोहन सिंह को आड़े हाथों लिया था। 2014 के चुनाव में 56″ की छाती दिखाकर जनता से तालियाँ बटोरने वाले और फिर भारत के प्रधानमंत्री पद पर काबिज होने वाले श्री नरेंद्र मोदी की पाकिस्तानी नीति बिन पेंदी के लोटे की तरह ही कभी इस तरफ तो कभी उस तरफ दरकती रहती है।

उरी हमले के बाद भारत के कई कोनों से पाकिस्तान के साथ सीधा युद्ध करने के लिए आवाज बुलंद हो रही है। परंतु आर – पार की लड़ाई में सैनिकों की जान के अलावा भी कई नुकसान होता है। उदारहण के लिए सरकार पर युद्ध उपयोगी संशाधनो का इंतजाम करने की जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाती है। युद्ध से महंगाई भी बढ़ती है और ही विदेशी व्यापार में इसका सीधा असर पड़ता है।

सैनिकों की जान और युद्ध के अन्य दुष्परिणामों से बचने के लिए क्या हमें युद्ध से बचना चाहिए और पाकिस्तान को मनमानी करते रहने देना चाहिए?

उत्तर है नहीं, लेकिन पाकिस्तान को उसकी औकात में रखने के लिए हमें अंतराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर उसका बहिष्कार करने के साथ – साथ गोरिल्ला नीति बनाकर पाकिस्तान में जगह – जगह चल रहें आतकंवादी ठिकानों को ध्वस्त करना होगा। पाकिस्तान में आतंकवाद जिन लोगों की सरपरस्ती में पनप रहा है उन्हें एक – एक करके समाप्त करना होगा और यह नीति युद्ध से अधिक कारगर साबित होगी।

गोरिल्ला नीति बनाकर पाकिस्तान की कमर तोड़ने से भारत युद्ध के होने वाले दुष्परिणामों और सैनिकों की क्षति को कम से कम कर सकता है पंरतु चुप रहकर बिना एक भी गोली चलाये यदि भारत इस मामले का हल सोचता है तो हम सब शेखचिल्ली का हसीन सपना देख रहें हैं।

बुद्धिजीवियों, अपनी ना-समझी का दोष वेदों को मत दो


डॉ साम्बे जी का एक लेख “विकृत धार्मिक विचारोंसे भी बनते हैं शहर-शहर बुलंदशहर!” पढ़ा| समाज मे फैली घृणित मानसिकता को उन्होने जिन श्लोकों से जोड़ने की कोशिश की, वह अच्छा नहीं लगा| उनके द्वारा श्लोकों की ग़लत व्याख्या करने पर विश्व गौरव ने भी लेख लिखा , “भारतीय साहित्य व परंपराओं को गलत पेश न करें”| मैं इन दोनो ही लेखकों की तरह बहुत अधिक पढ़ा लिखा तो नहीं हूँ, लेकिन कुछ ऐसे ही उदाहरणो के द्वारा कोशिश करूँगा कि साम्बे साहब जैसे बुद्धिजीवियों की ग़लतफहमी दूर हो सके| काफ़ी दिनों से कुछ ऐसे ही तथा कथित कवि एक बुद्धिजीवी लोग श्री रामचरित मानस की एक चौपाई को बड़ी ही हेय दृष्टि से देखते हैं और उसका ग़लत अर्थ समझाते हैं , वो चौपाई है :

शूद्र गवाँर ढोल पशु नारी ! सकल ताड़ना के अधिकारी !!

इस चौपाई की व्याख्या करना , मेरे बस की बात नहीं. लेकिन एक बात कहना चाहूँगा कि बिना समास, रस और अलंकार के काव्य कुछ भी नहीं होता| और इन्हीं रस , समास और अलंकारों की ही वजह से काव्य की शोभा बढ़ती है| काव्य को उनके शाब्दिक अर्थ से ही यदि समझने की कोशिश करेंगे तो आप गुड़ का गोबर कर देंगे| मैं यहाँ पर श्लेष अलंकार से युक्त एक पंक्ति को उद्धृत करना चाहूँगा, आप उसके शाब्दिक अर्थ को समझिए और फिर उन पंक्तियों को अलंकार के तहत समझिए ! आपको डॉ साम्बे साहब और कवि के विचारों मे फ़र्क नज़र आएगा :

चरण धरत, चिंता करत, चितवत चारहूँ ओर !
सुबरन को खोजत फिरै , कवि व्यभिचारी चोर !!

इस पंक्ति मे कवि, व्यभिचारी और चोर तीनो सिर्फ़ एक ही वस्तु की हमेशा तलाश करते हैं , वो है सुबरन| तो क्या साम्बे साहब यह कहना चाहेंगे कि व्यभिचारी जिस “सुबरन” अर्थात सुंदर स्त्री की तलाश करता है उसी की तलाश मे कवि भी है | उत्तर होगा नहीं ! क्योंकि कवि जिस सुवरन की तलाश मे है उसका अर्थ है “सुंदर वर्ण” उसकी रचना के लिए| और चोर के लिए वही सुवरन “सोना” (GOLD) है ! यदि इससे समझ मे ना आए तो रहीम जी का लिखा हुआ पढ़ लीजिए :

रहिमन पानी रखिए, बिनु पानी सब सून !
पानी बिना ना उबरै मोती मानस चून !!

यहाँ पर तो पानी का एक ही अर्थ तीनो के लिए समान तो नहीं होंगे ना? सूरदास की एक रचना है , जिसमे उन्होंने उद्धव और गोपियों के बीच के संवाद को लिखा है| गोपियाँ , उद्धव जी से कहती हैं :

कहत कत परदेसी की बात ।

मंदिरअरध अवधि बदि हमसौ, हरि अहार चलि जात ।।

ससिरिपु बरष, सूररिपु जुग बर, हररिपु कीन्हौ घात ।

मघपंचक लै गयौ साँवरौ, तातै अति अकुलात ।।

नखत, वेद, ग्रह, जोरि अर्ध करि, सोइ बनत अब खात ।

‘सूरदास’ बस भईं बिरह के, कर मीजैं पछितात ।।

यदि आप इस रचना के शाब्दिक अर्थ को समझेंगे तो इसका अर्थ आप पूरे जीवन मे नहीं लगा सकते| इस काव्य की यही विशेषता है| इस काव्य की रचना अपने आप मे उत्तम है| इसका अर्थ समझिए :सूरदास जी लिखते हैं कि गोपियाँ उद्धव जी से कहती हैं कि आप किस परदेसी (श्री कृष्ण जी) की बात कर रहे हैं|

प्रथम लाइन — मंदिर (घर) अरध (आधा) अर्थात घर का आधा , ड्योढ़ी जिसको पाख बोलते हैं, पाख मतलब पक्ष , और पक्ष का अर्थ लिया 15 दिन| हरि (सिंह- शेर) ,आहार- भोजन ! सिंह का भोजन अर्थात माँस, माँस को लिया मास के रूप मे , मास का मतलब महीना |

द्वितीय लाइन — ससि (चंद्रमा) रिपु -शत्रु ! चंद्रमा का शत्रु- यानी रात का शत्रु दिन , वर्ष के समान और सूर (सूर्य) रिपु यानी दिन का शत्रु रात्रि , युग के समान गुज़रता है ! हर (महादेव) रिपु – कामदेव (विरह की वेदना ) हमेशा सालती रहती है ! (तृतीय लाइन )मघ (मघा नक्षत्र) से पंचक (पाँचवा) – चित्रा नक्षत्र , चित्रा का अर्थ लिया चित अर्थात मन से ! और सांवरो का अर्थ लिया श्री कृष्ण जी से ! (चतुर्थ लाइन)नखत (नक्षत्र-27) वेद (4) ग्रह (Planet-9) जोरि (जोड़) अर्ध (आधा) 27+4+9=40, 40/2=20 (बीस), बीस को लिया विष के अर्थ मे (पंचम लाइन)

अंत मे मैं सिर्फ़ इतना ही कहना चाहूँगा कि ये तीनों उदाहरण बहुत प्राचीन नहीं हैं , लेकिन फिर भी इनके अर्थ बड़े ग़ूढ हैं| जब इनको समझना कठिन है तो वेदों को कैसे समझेंगे |इसलिए अपनी नासमझी की वजह से किसी भी काव्य के अर्थ को अनर्थ ना किया जाय|

सुभाषितानी मे लिखा है :

अष्टादश पुराणेषु व्यासस्य वचनद्वयम् | परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् ||

धर्म के प्रति मेरी यही आस्था है

The Uri Terrorist Attack – The Despairing Perception


Some of the recent terrorist attacks on India – Gurdaspur, Pathankot, Pampore, and now the Uri attack – have a very demoralising common thread running through them. The Indian establishment routinely roars out rhetoric of giving “a befitting reply”uri-attack-wreath_cermony_2235268f to the perpetrators, etc. But beyond this, no active measures are perceived on the ground, which is becoming frustrating and such a sham that it has become a catastrophical embarrassment for Indians.

We seem to have hit a roadblock in our ability to out-think the enemy. We depend instead on going through the motions every time and simply wishing away such future aggressions. For we have drawn a very limiting red line for ourselves when it comes to teaching Pakistan a lesson for their misdeeds. That red line is that we won’t retaliate in a similar manner. Why? Because, for one, Pakistan is a state that has nuclear capability which, unlike the Indian doctrine of “no first use”, they have often foolishly threatened to use, and seem to be reckless enough to deploy against India.

Normally that would demand a different strategy to pay put to Pakistani aggression. But when empty rhetoric is the only answer we have after each degrading attack which makes sacrificial lambs of our bravehearts, it becomes increasingly evident that we don’t have workable answers. We don’t have standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place that would be our first and ready shield in case of attacks. Being well prepared is supposed to be half the battle won.

In most of the attacks we find that the handful of terrorists are extremely well prepared.  So much so that they know the terrain almost like the ‘back of their hands’, while our media says that “the terrain is very difficult”. They know the layout of the bases they attack so well that just four or five of them can (like in Pathankot) keep our multitude troops at bay for days on end. They know the routine followed by our soldiers so well that (like in Uri yesterday) they caught them off guard early in the morning, while they were busy filling up fuel, unarmed and hopelessly vulnerable. 14 of the 17 martyred soldiers were instantaneously burnt alive by the 17 grenades lobbed on them in just 3 minutes.

The seeming inaction on India’s part to address the situation effectively is perceived from the following facts.

Even after knowing that patterns followed by the terrorists are mostly similar, we haven’t been able to place measures to counter further such aggressions. Why we can’t identify and protect vulnerable entry points to our bases is inexplicable. Now, after the Uri attack, we say that walls will be erected on the boundaries of all bases.  The Uri base had only a barbed wire boundary around it.

Why can’t all special features regarding layout, etc., of at least our military bases be carefully identified and a rapid action force special to each military area, be formed and trained to crush any attack instantly? It being our base, we should be able to have, and utilize, such intricate details to our advantage.

Every time Pakistan goes to the UN or any other international forum with the Kashmir issue, we tend to laugh it off dismissively, and also don’t respond to it, on the complacent and perhaps mistaken belief that the “whole world accepts Kashmir as an integral part of India”. This may, in fact, not be the reality on the ground. And the way things work in international politics, is it wise to not respond to Pakistan’s manouvres? Former diplomat Rajiv Dogra says it isn’t.

His point is that it is a deliberate strategy by Pakistan who have thought it out well and with such efforts are gaining more international listeners to their view on the Kashmir issue. We are happy to call “Pak Occupied Kashmir” as PoK, believing that it is an international assertion of illegal occupation of that part of Kashmir by Pakistan.  But we miss out that on international platforms, including the BBC and Al Jazeera, and the social media, many have begun referring to Jammu & Kashmir as “Indian Administered Kashmir”. Silence isn’t always golden in international politics.

Retired Brigadier Mahalingam says our repeated failure to only promise retaliation but do nothing more than that is making us look weak, and unempathetic to the sacrifices of our brave soldiers and martyrs who make the supreme sacrifice for the motherland. Retaliation, concrete and assertive, should be done within 48 hours to serve any meaningful purpose, according to him.

He goes on to add that the meeting to discuss the Uri attack should have been called by the Defence Minister.  But today, when everyone assembled at the Home Minister’s place for the meeting, it clearly indicated a state of confusion (still) existing in our establishment, despite their being so many such previous attacks where the correct protocol could have been ascertained.

Retired Maj-Gen G.D.Bakshi was once reduced to tears on a TV debate at the other panelists’ petty blame games and wild accusations of alleged excesses by our security forces. “Alright”, he had screamed, weeping, “okay, so we soldiers now know that we are alone when we risk our lives for the motherland.”

Is that the perception that the Indian establishment wants its people to feel?

Our forces are perhaps the last bastion of hope for the people of our country. We must, starting now, begin to stop considering them as dispensable collateral in our inept handling of the war against terrorist attacks on us, and the perpetrators.

We need a fresh look at the matter and fresh ideas to crush this scourge. Even the man in the street feels we are fast losing the perception battle. That we revel in the belief that the past battles won against Pakistan make us invincible. Unfortunately that is not true.

As much of a failed state that they may be, Pakistan have a geo-political strategic advantage that we must counter with tough and apt measures to hold our own heads high. So far in this race, they have held on to the handicap advantage that they strategically enjoy. We must rush ahead of them at the bends.

The pain of Uri attack and the associated frenzied stupidity of Indian netizens


18 September 2016, has been a terrible day for us Indians. We woke up to the terrible news of 17 of our soldiers being martyred in a terrorist attack in Uri, Kashmir. It feels immensely painful. And It is impossible to express the pain accurately in words. No amount of the saddest words can depict the grief which patriotic Indians go through during such events. Every such terrorist strike brings back the painful memories of 26/11 and that terrible feeling of being slapped hard which I had felt way back then.

No amount of words can thank our soldiers and police who dedicate their entire lives so that we can live safely. I salute the soldiers martyred and injured in today’s attack.

I got this terrible news from twitter. But along with this painful news ,there is one more thing which bothers me. This thing is the low levels of understanding on the issue of internal security of the Country, which many people have – especially those people who classify themselves as Right Wingers.

This lack of understanding gets evident from the tweets and comments I observed on twitter on the Uri attack throughout the day. Some of the common tweets/comments I observed include

1) “Where is 56 inches?”
2) “It is time for action and not just condemn”
3) “Destroy Pakistan with missiles !!!”
4) “We Need to be like Israel”

Let us find if these comments are meaningful or just a frenzied outburst.

I have been observing terrorism in India since the past 8 years. 1 of the problems with terrorism in India is that there have been so many attacks in the past decade and yet we have very poor memory of terrorist strikes. And hence I would like the readers to go back in time., because unless we do that , we would never be able to make accurate judgements.

Let us go back to the 2005-2013 period. I attach the wikipedia list of terrorist incidents in India here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_India This list contains most, if not all terrorist strikes in the recent past ,especially the last decade and a half. The 2005-2013 was a very bloody phase of Indian history when it comes to terrorism.

This is because earlier terrorism in India had some geographical limits – it was limited to Northeast ,followed by Punjab, Kashmir and Mumbai. But during the 2005-2013 period , we saw that terrorism penetrated every region of the Country. Beginning from the 2005 Delhi bomb blasts to the 2013 Patna blasts [Hunkaar rally blast] , pakistan sponsored terrorism struck every nook and corner of India. Forget metros , even smaller cities like Varanasi were bombed not once , but thrice !!! From Jaipur to Guwahati to Bengaluru to Pune to Hyderabad – many cities were bombed ,some more than once.

The primary reason for this was UPA government’s disastrous policies with respect to National security to appease its “minority” special religion vote bank. This point itself could be the subject of a separate blog post. One of the first things which UPA government did in 2004 on coming to power is to repeal the Prevention Of Terrorism Act [POTA] under the pretext of it being anti-minority. The hands of the intelligence agencies were tied up. The Ishrat Jahaan Fiasco is very well known and one can easily judge the impact it would have had on the morale of intelligence agencies. The UPA govt did nothing to fence and seal the India-Bangladesh border which was one of the favourite routes of terrorists. 25 terrorists [including the handler of the Pathankot attack] were released for FREE as a “GOODWILL” gesture by UPA government in 2010. These are just some of the points of the disastrous UPA policy. It’s policy led to a large number of terrorists infiltrating India , many of them as sleeper cells.

Now go back in time to 2014. Against this messy background in India , a new and deadlier terrorist group ,the ISIS was gaining power in West Asia. After taking charge as PM in 2014, one of the first things which Modi did is to give a free hand to intelligence agencies and anti-terrorism agencies like NIA to take down on terrorists and their activities. Three facts bear testimony to this fact.

1)The appointment of Ajit Doval as NSA.
2)The large number of terrorist rackets and cells busted during the 2014-2016 period and terrorists arrested.

This third fact must be read again and again , especially by those who asked “Where is 56 inches?” in the aftermath of Uri attack today. Because considering the mess that the UPA government had left India in , especially with respect to security , the 3rd fact mentioned here would not have been possible without a 56 inch effort. Even in Punjab, 1 of the 2 terrorist strikes failed in its objective due to timely action taken by government on intelligence inputs.

Also once again considering the mess that the UPA government had left the security of the Nation with 2 years ago, the large number of sleeper cells, there will be some days especially in the initial years of Modi government when no matter how hard the security agencies work ,they will fail to stop a terrorist strike – and today was one such unfortunate day.

The main reason for revisiting the recent past and the deeds of UPA is that IF WE DO NOT REMEMBER THE PAST THAT WAS INHERITED TWO YEARS AGO and DO NOT OBSERVE HOW THINGS HAVE IMPROVED [fact 3] SINCE THEN , WE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE THE RIGHT JUDGEMENT on the success/failure of government and “56 inches”.

If at all there is a government who can fight terrorism in India , it is the 1 led by Narendra Modi.

Now coming down to the 2nd and 3rd comments – “It is time for action and not just condemn” and “Destroy Pakistan with missiles”

The Uri attack was not done directly by pakistan army , but by its proxy terrorists. Pakistan is fighting a proxy war against India in the form of terrorism.

Now the question is , can we punish Pakistan for its proxy war by waging a real war against it ,[comment 3-“Destroy Pakistan with missiles”] . Let me give a clear answer to it and then explain it. The answer – whether one likes it or not is a loud ,clear NO.

The reason is simple – Pakistan today , has atleast a 100 nuclear weapons. Now India has more nuclear weapons than Pakistan. If Pakistan uses its nuclear weapons on India and if India retaliates then there would be no Pakistan on this earth. But things are not this simple.

Because as a matter of fact ,Pakistan is controlled by its army and ISI , both of which do not care about the ordinary people of Pakistan. This attitude has made Pakistan a self destroying Nation.
If at all war happens ,then the army men and ISI ruling pakistan would not hesitate to use Nuclear weapons against India ,as they do not really care what will happen to Pakistan if India retaliates.

Now consider a scenario ,where Pakistan fires 100 of its 100 nuclear weapons against India. Even if 20 nuclear weapons hit their target ,the loss on Indian side would not be in thousands or lakhs but in crores of lives. Considering the mess in which UPA govt had left India two years ago, OUR MISSILE DEFENCE SYSTEM IS STILL NOT IMPENETRABLE ENOUGH to stop all the 100 incoming missiles. Hence out of 100 incoming missiles,20 are more than likely to hit us.


In its 10 years ,the UPA destroyed India’s defence preparedness as well as Indian economy. Also , an attacked Pakistan is more than likely to be helped by China – and we are in no position to fight both at the same time. Even if other Countries like US ,UK and France join us , the casualties on our side would still be in crores. Also , even if China does not help Pakistan initially , an India weakened by deadly nuclear strikes from Pakistan is more likely to be attacked by China. These considerations make it further difficult to fight a direct war against pakistan.

Hence , Pakistan’s proxy war cannot be fought back with a direct war. It will have to be fought with a proxy war. This war has to be fought by intelligence agencies like RAW, Once again , previous governments – Morarji Desai govt, I.K. Gujral govt and UPA govt had severely destroyed or hampered the Capabilities of RAW in Pakistan. One can google and know how former PM Morarji Desai revealed the details of RAW’s operations to infiltrate Pakistan’s nuclear facilities on phone to ZIa-Ul-Haq , or how I.K. ,Gujral ended all RAW operations in Pakistan,

Dismantling an existing network is easy , but rebuilding such a network in an enemy Country and making it capable enough of surgical strikes is something which takes years – mere 2 years are not enough. Thus ,while the retaliatory operations will be covert , they will also require time.

Now coming to the last comment – “We Need to be like Israel” . Well the fact is ,that Israel does not have nuclear armed neighbours like Pakistan and China – with 100 and 400+ nuclear warheads. None of Israel’s neighbours and enemies possess nuclear weapons. Also, Israel never had self-destructive governments like those of Morarji Desai, I.K. Gujral or the UPA government of Manmohan Singh.

Hence ,Israel can freely attack its non nuclear armed enemies while India cannot. The time for India to behave like Israel was when Pakistan had no nuclear weapons. But at that time we failed miserably. Nehru failed us in 1947 war, 1965 war was a stalemate, Indira failed us in 1971,Morarji in 1978 and then Pakistan was nuclear by 1990s.

Thus , the only solution we have is busting and destroying the terrorist cells and networks in our Country and at the same time rebuilding the capabilities of our intelligence agencies for surgical strikes. While the former is clearly going on , we can hope that the latter must be going on as well.

Finally, I would like to mention the “frenzied stupidity” mentioned in the title of this post is making illogical comments in anger like the once mentioned in this post. Getting angry and outraging is different and even I am angry at this attack.

Now I end this post by once again saluting the martyrs injured soldiers of Uri. What I do to fight terrorism from my side is something which all of us can do. Every time,I have a look beneath my seat after sitting in a train or bus. Jai Hind.

प्रधानमंत्री जी को खुला-पत्र – एक राष्ट्रवादी मन की व्यथा!!


आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी,

आज, 18 सितंबर, 2016 को कश्मीर के उरी में आतंकियों के हमारे जवानों के उपर हुए दर्दनाक हमले के बाद जो देश के लोगों में आक्रोश और व्यथा है, मैं उन्हे अपने शब्दों मे आपसे अभिव्यक्त करना चाहता हूँ। उन देश वासियों की बात, जिन्हें किसी पार्टी-राजनीति से कोई मोह नहीं है, जिन्हे सिर्फ़ अपने देश और देश के हित की चिंता और व्यथा है।

यह आतंकी घटना किसी ट्रेन में, किसी बस या बाज़ार में नहीं नहीं हुई है। यह आक्रमण हमारी देश की सेना के उपर है, और ऐसी घटनाएँ लगातार बढ़ती ही जा रही हैं।

माना की हर हर फिदायीन हमले में एक आश्चर्य तत्व अवश्य होगा, जिसमें आतंकवादी उचित समय और स्थान का चयन करेंगे, लेकिन फिर यह हमारी ख़ुफ़िया एजेंसियों की चूक है जो सेना को सही समय पर इन संदेहों से अवगत ना करा दे। लेकिन जैसी सूचनाएँ मिल रहै हैं, इस फिदायीन समूह के घुसपैठ होने की सामान्य ख़ुफ़िया जानकारी भी उपलब्ध थी। पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में बोलने वाले हैं, उस से पहले ऐसी घटनाओं का होना किसी अचंभे की बात नहीं, बल्कि, ऐसी उम्मीद होनी चाहिए।

पाकिस्तान के भेजे हुए चंद आतंकियों का घात लगा कर आक्रमण, जिसमें हमारे 17 जवान शहीद हो जाते हैं (और काई बुरी तरह घायल हैं), ये मामूली बात नहीं। यह अब परोक्ष युद्ध कत्तयि नहीं रहा. यह पाकिस्तान की सुनियोजित, गहरी और घिनौनी चाल अब एक प्रत्यक्ष युद्ध है और इसका मूह-तोड़ जवाब देना हमारा उत्तरदायित्व है।

आज के दिन, जब हमारे देश ने अपने 17 वीर सैनिकों की बलिदानी दी, गत ढाई वर्षों का सबसे दर्दनाक दिन है। माना की चारों आतंकी भी मार गिराए गये, लेकिन यह अनुपात पचने लायक नहीं है। ऐसी घटनाएँ लगती तो बिखरी हुई हैं हैं, पर यह पाकिस्तान के हमारे देश के खिलाफ एककृत युद्ध को परिभाषित करती हैं।

दो साल पहले जब आपने कार्य-भार संभाला था, उस समय भी उरी में आतंकियों ने हमारी सेना पर हमला किया था और हमारे जवान देश के लिए शहीद हुए थे। उस वक़्त आपने उस घटना की ‘कड़ी-निंदा’ की थी।

“आतंकी हमलों में शहीद हुए सैनिकों को श्रृद्धांजलि देने श्रीनगर के सेना मुख्यालय में शहीद स्मारक पहुंचे प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी।”

लेकिन गत वर्षों में, आपने अपनी कुशल विदेश-नीति का परिचय दिया है। पाकिस्तान के साथ भी आपने कुशल राजनयिक हथकंडे अपनाए और बहुत सहजता से विश्व के समक्ष उनके मुखौटे को हटा उनकी कालगुज़ारी से सबको अवगत कराया है। आपके हर एक कदम को देश और दुनिया ने सराहा है जो सर्व ज़ाहिर भी है।

देशवासी इस बात को अच्छी तरह समझते हैं की जैसे-जैसे पाकिस्तान को राजनयिक तरीके से कोना किया जाएगा, ऐसी घटनाएँ तीव्र होंगी। पहले पुंच्छ सेक्टर, फिर पठानकोट, कूपवाड़ा और अब उरी। गत ढाई वर्षों में ऐसी कई घटनाएँ हुई है। लेकिन आज उरी के इस दर्दनाक घटना ने सारी सीमाओं को लाँघ दिया है। राजनयिक मसले और उपाय बिल्कुल सर्वोपरि हैं, लेकिन उसकी लागत हमरी सेना की लाशें नहीं हो सकतीं, और ख़ास कर सेना का टूटता मनोबल तो बिल्कुल ही नहीं हो सकता।

अब ऐसी घटनाओं के बाद “कड़ी-निंदा’ जैसे शब्दों से देशवासियों का मन दुख़ता है। कोई भी पीछे मुड़ कर इन संदेशों को टटोलेगा, और फिर ऐसी घटनाएँ बिना किसी अनुकूल प्रतिक्रिया के दोहराती रहेंगी, तो लोगों का इस सरकार और उसके नेतृत्व और उसकी सबलता से विश्वास उठना लाज़मी है। मुझे आम जनता का किसी राजनीतिक दल पर से या किसी नेता-विशेष पर से विश्वास उठना उतना नहीं कचोटेगा, जितना हमारी गौरवशाली सेना का अपने ही सरकार पर विश्वास ना होना। यह निहायत ही दुखद होगा, और आप ही शायद आख़िरी उम्मीद भी हैं।

उम्मीद है कि इस बार हमारी सरकार पाकिस्तानी सरकार या न्यायालयों को दस्तावेज और प्रमाण उपलब्ध कराने में नहीं उलझेगी और आज हुए उच्च-स्तरीय बैठक में एक एक्शन प्लान तैयार कर रही होगी, ना की और दस्तावेज़ों के लिए जमीन। राजनीतिक प्रक्रिया अपनी जगह पर है, सटीक मुँहतोड़ पार्तिक्रिया अपनी जगह पर। “पूरी दुनिया को पता है, की भारत कुछ भी नहीं करेगा”, ख़ास कर पाकिस्तान की इस धारणा के अब बदलने का अहम वक़्त है।

एक दीवालिएपन से जूझता देश, जो ना तो आकार में, ना तो औकात में, कहीं भी अपने देश के सामने नहीं टिक सकता, केवल परमाणु हथियार के प्रयोग की धमकी दे-दे कर हमें फिरौती पे नहीं रख सकता। यह मात्र उनका एक शाब्दिक धोखा है।

और यदि युद्ध हो भी, तो मुझे पाकिस्तान के शस्त्र और हथियारों की चिंता नहीं। अगर कोई चिंता है, तो अपने ही देश के अंदर बैठे मीडीया-कर्मियों की, उन उदार-चरित्रवानों की, उन जाली-धर्म-निरपेक्षियों की, जो अपने ही देश को कमज़ोर करने मे चौबीसों घंटे लगे रहते हैं।

आज उरी में भी दुश्मनों के पास अंदरूनी सूत्र से ये जानकारी थी, और वे हमारी सेना के चाल को बहुत अच्छी तरह जानते थे, तभी उन्होने ‘एडवांस-पार्टी’ के आगमन के दिन पर हमला किया। ऐसे समय में जब वास्तविक घटना-स्थल के बारे में पूर्ण-चुप्पी होनी चाहिए, हमारे कुछ मीडीया-कर्मी उरी में चल रहे आतंकवादी हमले पर हर मिनट की खबर टीवी पर दिखाए जा रहे थे। ये पहले भी इन बातों पर माफ़ी भी माँग चुके हैं. हमारी पत्रकारिता ने तो अपनी विश्वसनीयता बहुत पहले खो दी, लेकिन इसनमें से चंद लोग हैं, जो इस पत्रकारिता की आड़ में देशद्रोह का बाज़ार भी चला रहे हैं।

ये कौन लोग हैं? सरकार इनपर प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप से कोई कड़ी कार्यवाही क्यूँ नहीं करती? जहाँ एक ओर ये देशद्रोही लोग खुलेआम देश को तोड़ने के अपने इरादे में सुबह शाम व्यस्त हैं, वहीं दूसरी ओर हमारे राजनेता (जिनका ना जनता से कोई संपर्क है ना वास्ता) बिना कोई समय खोए, बिना राष्ट्र की सुरक्षा और इसकी अखंडता के बारे में एक बार भी सोचे, राजनीतिक रोटियाँ सेंकने मे लग गये।

यह हमारे लिए सबसे बड़ा अभिशाप है, कि एक दुष्ट, आतंकवादी राष्ट्र हमारा पड़ोसी है। हमेशा की तरह हमारे पड़ोसी हमें उकसाने, आतंकवादियों को प्रशिक्षण, अनुदान, और सहायता देने के काम मे संलिप्त है। लेकिन इस तथ्य पर अफ़सोस करने के अलावा, अब समय उनके नापाक कर्जों को चुकाने का उपर्युक्त एहसास दिलाना नितांत आवश्यक है। हमारे शहीद सानिकों के पार्थिव शरीर सिर्फ़ ताबूतों के लिए नहीं हैं।

पाकिस्तान सोचता है कि उरी-हमला भी हमेशा की तरह “भारतीय-गैर-प्रतिक्रिया” होगा, और हम इस बार भी चूक गये तो यह भारत वर्ष को सामरिक संयम से पार ले जाना होगा।

श्री मोदी जी, हम जैसे राष्ट्रवादी सोच वाले लोगों ने बस सिर्फ़ एक कारण आपको अपना वोट और समर्थन दिया है, और वो है ‘देश-हित’. ये हमेशा याद रहे, देश के हित के सामने ना तो किसी राजनीतिक दल की कोई हस्ती है, और ना ही कोई मोल। यह चेतावनी कत्तयि नहीं है, यही वास्तविकता है, और शायद ऐसा ही होना भी चाहिए।

क्षमा, दया, तप, त्याग, मनोबल, सबका लिया सहारा

पर नर व्याघ्र सुयोधन तुमसे, कहो, कहाँ कब हारा?

क्षमाशील हो रिपु-समक्ष, तुम हुये विनीत जितना ही

दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको, कायर समझा उतना ही।

अत्याचार सहन करने का, कुफल यही होता है

पौरुष का आतंक मनुज, कोमल होकर खोता है।

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को, जिसके पास गरल हो

उसको क्या जो दंतहीन, विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो ।

सच पूछो , तो शर में ही, बसती है दीप्ति विनय की

सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का, जिसमें शक्ति विजय की ।

सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को, तभी पूजता जग है

बल का दर्प चमकता उसके पीछे, जब जगमग है।

[‘शक्ति और क्षमा’ – दिनकर ]

अधिकांश राष्ट्रवादी सोच रखने वाले लोगों नें गत चुनाव में आप के नेतृत्व पर विश्वास किया, और कमोबेश, आज भी करते हैं। आज तकरीबन दो साल और चार महीने की इस सरकार के शासन के बाद, देश एक ऐसे चौराहे पर खड़ा है, जहाँ हर देश-भक्त आपके नेतृत्व की ओर टकटकी लगाए देख रहा है। वे सब इस दुविधा में है, कि कहीं आज फिर एक बार इस निर्णायक क्षण में, देश किसी नेतृत्व संकट में तो नहीं। समस्त देशवासी आपके नेतृत्व पर शत-प्रतिशत विश्वास जताते हुए आपके साथ बिना-शर्त-समर्थन मे खड़े हैं, और अपनी सरकार से एक सटीक प्रतिक्रिया की उपेक्षा में है।

प्रधानमंत्री जी, यह आपके नेतृत्व का वही अपेक्षित क्षण है, देश को एक बार फिर, परशुराम की प्रतीक्षा है।

DNA’s syndicated content on GARV is erroneous and plagiarised


I recently came across a post on DNA’s syndication feed by an author named Sachin Bhise. The topic of the post was “Is the data of rural India electrification on GARV correct”. Surprisingly I found that most of the content was plagiarised. This DNA post is dated 08/10/2016 but virtually the same text can be found in this piece by The Hindu way back in March 2016.

The issues with this DNA post are:

• The DNA article does not mention The Hindu as a source anywhere

• The author seems to have knowingly plagiarised from The Hindu piece because he has removed mentions of “The Hindu” from the original article. (Point number 9 and 10) – clear mala fide intention

• The author has plagiarised to the extent that even the order of paragraphs and data is the same. (Numbering can be matched to see the rampant copying)

Not only is it plagiarised but even the timing is suspect. Why write a post on the topic when the same exact post was written 7 months before? When the original The Hindu post had come, the Government had rebutted the claims made. This “new” DNA post ignores all such rebuttals. Coincidence or deliberate?

Is this a new modus-operandi chosen to defame a person? To cherry-pick data and articles without showing the corresponding rebuttals and fisking?

Rather than writing open letters, Mr Sachin Bhise should have read the response written by the Director of GOI (looking after Rural Electrification). The response too was published in The Hindu itself and that too within just 2 days of the original article. Selective copy-pasting from the author?

The question which comes up is why? What is the motive? Why would someone regurgitate a debunked post from over 6 months back, and post it again without providing the fact-checks? Why did he not want the readers to have a holistic view with both sides to the argument?

Further, how did this miss DNA’s scrutinising team? Do they openly give platform to plagiarised material? Do they have any active policy and mechanism to keep control over such instances of plagiarism? Is this the first instance of plagiarism or is there a can of worms waiting to be opened?

Surprisingly, DNA has disabled “copy” function from their website – presumably to deter online plagiarism. Perhaps they should focus on offline plagiarism too.

Mr Gadkari aren’t these are Acche Din ?


Mr  Gadkari you have been seen talking about Acche din that acche din has now become the “millstone” around the NDA government. Do you think that platform was luytens’ tea party on which you gave such loose statements. No Mr. Gadkari this is an era of Social Media everything you said reaches to the common people.Why you are in apologetic mode and not answering them with facts.

Let me ask some questions

  • When more than 24 crore bank account opened and 42000 cr deposited in them making the scheme to enter in Guinness Book of world record aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When roads built under the PMGSY has increased up to 100 KM/day from 70 Km/day aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you distributed 15 crore Led bulbs at affordable price which make electricity bill more than half compare to normal bulb aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you remove more than 3 crore fake lpg users via DBT and saving approx 5000 crores of exchequer aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When a corrupt railway official get punished after complaint of common man aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When thousands of people evacuated from yemen and many get help on foreign soil via just one tweet aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When Pm said “1,500km of rail line was commissioned in the last 10 years, while today we have succeeded in commissioning 3,500km of line in two years,” aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you fulfilled 40 year old OROP demand of army aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you provide free lpg connections to poor aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you gave loan of worth 1.3 lakh crore to 3.5 crore people for self employment or business expansion via Mudra yojna aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you auction natural resources electronically without corruption aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you gave life insurance for 12 rupee per year aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you gave soil health cards to farmers aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you make neem coated urea to stop black marketing aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When you construct separate toilets for girls in school aren’t these are Acche Din ?
  • When little girl wrote a touching letter to pm for surgery and get treated aren’t these are Acche Din ?


  • When you throw garbage on public place and small children stops you aren’t these are Acche Din ?

Surely nothing is perfect there is always room for improvement . It may be true that many people are “Atrapt Aatma” but Just imagine that a person who gives you responsibility and himself works 18 hours a day for the better future of country when he listen you saying “Acche din has now become the “millstone” how much it hurts.

The Facebook ‘Friend’ who trolls!


He could be your primary school classmate, or the team-mate in the college cricket team, the long-lost medical representative friend or the co-worker in the agency you interned at. You know him and have ‘once again’ befriended him on social media through an innocuous “Friend” request – a subtle click to ‘accept’ an unknown entity in your social life.

You have your interests – be it sports ranging from European Football, Cricket, Tennis, NBA to Formula 1, movies, music, religion or politics. Your opinions are largely moderate and are mostly in tune with the majority.

You spend considerable time on Facebook posting your opinion on all your ‘knowledgeable’ subjects and engage in meaningful discussions with your ‘friends’, sometimes agreeing, sometimes disagreeing and sometimes agreeing to disagree.

Then the ‘faceless’ friend starts engaging – what starts as banter soon gets irritating to the point of becoming seriously annoying.

Congratulations! You are now an uninvited guest to the world of trolling. Welcome to the Facebook troll. Urban dictionary defines a Facebook Troll as a Facebook user who posts for one or both of two reasons: a) to disrupt; b) to gain attention.

In this case, and in most cases the ‘so called well-informed faceless urban intellect’ is having a serious bout of identity crisis and is thus here to ride on your ‘social popularity’ through disruptive means – He is an absolute attention seeker.

All the while you are having fun posting interesting anecdotes, pictures, humourous take on sporting events and political ideologies constantly engaging your audience.

There has been perfect harmony of your social media life until this person starts commenting tangentially opposite opinion or tagging you with a dozen other ‘mutual friends’ on annoying to the level incinerating hate posts.

However simple or harmless your post would be, he would either pick up an argument or add an angle of distasteful anger into the narrative.

All your endeavours to give information and attempts at meaningful discussion would fall flat and disengaging would be the only option left.

Remember, the troll is seeking attention, not just from you but your friends and followers by spewing venom. He loves to disrupt and in the process shame you. He surely gets the kick out of your discomfort.

To quote from an earlier article on the internet trolls: The growth and spread of internet is expected to bring in newer and hitherto unheard of young users to taste the freedom of unsubdued expression and studies on the psychology of the internet trolls reveal that “people who are physically distanced from each other are less likely to play nice”

Among the many options you have is to have a straight in the face debate to put an end to the trolling, which in all probability would make no headway or change to such hardened disrupters or quietly block the user from viewing and commenting on your posts or even simply ‘unfriend’ the unwanted intruder.

Social media engagement is not all about the unknown, faceless Twitter trolls, some known but harangued Facebook ‘friends’ could also get under your nerve.

Stay put and put them to place!