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Jallikattu – the popular sentiment & ‘The Kiss of Judas Bull’ incident


In light of the popular uprising supporting the re-authorisation of a Tamil sport, Jallikattu, on 18th January, some points come to mind.

The matter relating to re-authorisation of this contentious sport is pending in the land’s apex court. It has been seen often that the apex court has come to the service of the common people of India by taking up issues and examining them thoroughly before passing verdict based on points of law, and the evidences presented.

These verdicts, often in the form of PILs and suo moto cases, have often provided the people the succor they have desperately desired in life. So far, judicial activism, as it is called by some, and “tyranny of the un-elected” by others, has mostly found favourable support of the people at large.

Now the banning of Jallikattu  seems to have elicited severe indignation among the people of Tamilnadu only because they feel slighted that anybody at all should have any say against their ‘tradition’. They expressed it in the form of a spontaneous protest with tens of thousands converging at Marina Beach to register their strong sentiment on the issue.

The surging mobs have even been likened to the protests against imposition of Hindi language in days of yore. That may have been a civil agitation with a meaningful purpose. But this protest, supporting a tradition as practiced these days, and which is said to be loaded with near-impossible to monitor scope for unethical treatment of the hapless bulls, and for which foolproof safeguards can hardly be put in place, is in fact only a burst of emotion of volatile youthful minds, along with a differently motivated sprinkling of approval from some old-school fundamentalists for good measure.

Combine the two, and you could be looking to answer the aggressive question that ‘all – young and old’, want the ban on Jallikattu reversed.

To vent their ire, the protestors have decided that PETA is the ‘villain’. Actually, PETA merely presents itself as the softest, and thus most convenient, of the entities that could be made a target. And so it was done. Unfortunately.

The argument is put forth that the animals are treated as family, are loved and nurtured by their owners throughout the year, and the traditional sport Jallikattu is just for one day, and that the bulls are not killed as in the infamous bullfights of Spain.

The counter-argument is that screaming crowds, gathered to witness a traditional sport, get so carried away with the excitement of the moment, that the ill-treatment the bulls are subjected to, to get them really agitated –  like poking, prodding, twisting their tails (to the point of breaking the bone), putting chilli in their nostrils, etc. – are common acts that go unnoticed by the onlookers. The bulls are thus physically tormented to get the most fun out of the bout.

It reminds one of an ignoble incident dubbed as ‘The Kiss of Judas Bull’ incident.

The Kiss of Judas Bull

In Spain, a person raised a bull from birth, and when fully grown, sold it for a bullfight. He was at the stadium during his bull’s fight when the poor creature was lanced and speared during the fight. Injured, bleeding, and flabbergasted, the bull sensed that his master was present there and somehow ran towards him. This man – the bull’s master – who had reared him since birth and now mercilessly pushed him towards a painful end, came down to the ringside and planted a kiss on the bull, but did nothing to stop the attendants dragging the bull back to the fight, and to his imminent death.

The parting kiss of the man to his desperate pet who had frantically sought his help to save him, and the piteous look in the terrified bull’s eyes are recorded in photographs which had gone viral on Facebook at that time. The cruelty and treachery of this man to his ‘loved-as-family’ pet bull became internationally known as ‘The Kiss of Judas Bull’ incident.

One is inclined to believe those who say that the special Jallikattu bulls are loved by their owners as family. But – how then can these pet lovers stand by and allow their loved bulls to be tormented (even on that one day of the year)? Does that love not compel one to disallow any harm – physical or mental – to befall their ‘loved family member’?

As for the ‘spontaneous’ protests in Tamilnadu at the Marina Beach on Wednesday, one may consider the fallibility of this yardstick to justify ‘popular sentiment’. It is common knowledge that when a few thousands have started collecting to make a protest, the news spreads, and even those people join in who may not have done so if they’d had the time to think the situation out calmly. And when the call is for “regional pride”, and also a soft target like PETA is identified, it only accelerates the drawing-in process – like iron files to a magnet.

That film stars and politicians are among those seen to publicly voice their support, is a case of grandstanding. On the one hand it serves to get one noticed in ‘the right light’, and on the other – no one wants to be seen as swimming against the current.

The original tradition of Jallikattu entailed just one or two persons trying to grab a pouch of gold coins tied to the bull’s horns. But these days it has turned to twenty or even more boys chasing an (often) ill-treated bull, unimaginably frightened and alarmed, and even dazed by intoxication.

Worldwide, our South Indian brethren (the clubbing of southern states here is used appreciatively), and Tamilians included of course, are known for their intellectual acuity. One trusts that giving time to think out the whole matter calmly and in its entirety will culminate in a situation that is fair to all concerned. After all, there are traditions we would be proud to keep up – like our pride of culture, our love for animals and the prevention of any scope for their mistreatment, and above all – our respect for the Supreme Court and the innumerable occasions when they have served the interests of the people very well indeed.

Defying the Supreme Court verdicts would open the floodgates of a very unhealthy trend, and embolden people in authority who didn’t like judicial activism in the first place, to manipulate this against the people’s interests.

The Supreme Court’s ‘activism’ – or whatever you name it – has served the people very well. Let us not help forces who don’t favour it, use it to our detriment.

उस गुनाह की माफ़ी जो किया ही नहीं

दंगल फ़िल्म में गीता फोगट का किरदार निभाने वाली ज़ायरा वसीम द्वारा सोशल मीडिया पर माफी माँगने की खबर पूरे देश ने पढ़ी और सुनी।आम आदमी से लेकर क्रिकेट और कला जगत, हर क्षेत्र से उसके समर्थन में देश आगे आया लेकिन सरकार की ओर से किसी ठोस कदम का इंतजार केवल जायरा ही नहीं पूरे देश को है।

याद कीजिए अपने जवानी के दिन!

सोलह साल की उम्र, कालेज के वो दिन, जवानी का जोश, आँखों में भविष्य के अनगिनत सपने, कुछ कर गुजरने का जज़्बा,और कुछ ऐसा विश्वास कि हम तो वो हैं जो दुनिया को बदल सकते हैं। उम्र का वो दौर जब कुछ यूँ महसूस होता था कि पूरा जहाँ ही हमारा है, काश हमारे पंख होते लेकिन फिर भी बिना पंख के ही उड़ लेते थे। लेकिन जरा सोचिए क्या बीती होगी उस बच्ची पर जिसके पंख उड़ने से पहले ही काट दिए गए? क्या हुआ होगा उसके उस विश्वास का जब उसका आसमां ही उससे छीन लिया गया हो? कैसे ज़ार ज़ार रोया होगा उसका दिल जब दुनिया को बदलने का जज़्बा रखने वाली उम्र में उसने दुनिया से उस गुनाह की माफी मांगी होगी जो उसने किया ही नहीं? क्या हम एक आजाद देश में रहते हैं? क्या इसी को लोकतंत्र कहते हैं? क्या हमारे देश में जनता द्वारा चुनी हुई सरकारों की कानून व्यवस्था पर पकड़ है?

मुठ्ठी भर असामाजिक तत्व अराजकता भय एवं असुरक्षा का माहौल कैसे फैला लेते हैं? कब तक ‘आजादी’ के नाम पर आजादी का ही गला घोंटा जाएगा? कब तक धर्म के नाम पर लड़कियों के साथ भेदभाव होता रहेगा? कैसी विडम्बना है कि पर्दे पर एक ऐसी लड़की जो किसी सूरत में लड़कों से कम नहीं है, का किरदार जीवंत करने वाली ज़ायरा आज बेबसी और लाचारी  का प्रतीक बन गईं हैं।

वो लड़की जिसने 10 वीं की परीक्षा में 92% मार्क्स प्राप्त किए हो उसके द्वारा इस प्रकार माफी माँगना उसके लिए नहीं बल्कि पूरे देश के लिए शर्मनाक है। और जिस ‘आज़ादी की लड़ाई’ के हिमायती इस्लाम के नाम पर उससे माफी मंगवा रहे हैं, न सिर्फ वे बल्कि उनका समर्थन करने वाले भी सोचें कि उनकी इस कायराना हरकत से  ‘इस्लाम’ या फिर उनकी ‘लड़ाई’ दोनों ही किसी ‘बड़प्पन’ के नहीं केवल ‘कट्टरता’ का प्रतीक बनते जा रहे हैं।

यह उनकी कायरता की ही भावना है कि बुरहान वाणी की जगह जब आज भारतीय सिविल सेवा को टाप करने वाले आईएस अधिकारी शाह फैजल या फिर भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम में शामिल परवेज रसूल और अब ज़ायरा अगर देश की मुख्यधारा में शामिल हो कर कश्मीरी युवाओं के रोल माडल बन जाएंगे तो उनके हाथों से कहीं पत्थर और बन्दूकें  छूट न जांए। नहीं तो क्या वजह है कि कथित आज़ादी की मांग करने वाले महिलाओं के संगठन दुख्तरन ए मिल्लत की महिलाओं के लिए कोई पाबंदी या फतवे नहीं हैं लेकिन वहीं की महिलाएं अगर ‘प्रगाश’ नाम का एक म्यूजिकल बैंड बनाती हैं तो उन्हें इसी आजादी और इस्लाम के नाम पर उसे बन्द करना पड़ता है?

क्यों मलाला यूसुफजई और तस्लीमा नसरीन जैसी महिलाओं को इस्लाम के नाम पर  विरोध का सामना करना पड़ता है? आज जरूरत इस बात की है कि पढ़े लिखे और सभ्य मुसलमान इस बात को समझें कि कुछ मुठ्ठी भर लोगों के सनकीपन से पूरी कौम बदनाम हो रही है और वे सभी एक होकर इन असामाजिक तत्वों का विरोध करें। ऐसा कौन सा धर्म है जो किसी रचनात्मकता का विरोध करना सिखाए? वो समाज कैसे आगे बढ़ सकता है जिसमें महिलाओं को अपनी आजादी के लिए संघर्ष करना पड़े?

किस मुँह से हम स्वयं को सभ्य और मानव भी कहते हैं? आज ज़ायरा, इससे पहले शमी की पत्नी! जो लोग खुद सामने आए बिना सोशल मीडिया जैसे उदार माध्यम का दुरुपयोग ‘मज़लूम कौशर’ नाम का पेज बनाकर कट्टरता फैलाने का काम कर रहे हैं उन्हें इसका माकूल जवाब उसी माध्यम से जनता तो दे ही चुकी है लेकिन यह जवाब असरदार तभी होगा जब इस पर एक ठोस सरकारी मुहर भी लगे जिससे सरकार, कानून और प्रशासन नाम की कोई चीज़ है इसका अहसास न सिर्फ जायरा और पूरे देश को हो बल्कि इनकी ताकत का अंदाजा अलगाववादियों को भी हो।

यह समझ से परे है कि क्यों वहाँ की सरकार न तो अपनी आवाम को उनकी सुरक्षा का एहसास करा पा रही है और न ही अलगाववादियों को भय का। क्यों एक तरफ कश्मीर का आम आदमी डर के साए में जीने को मजबूर है तो दूसरी तरफ इन कट्टरपंथियों के हौसले इतने बुलंद हैं।

Citizenship: Multiculturalism and Gender Identity


This paper is an argument carried further of my article published online on OpIndia’s My Voice, on 26 November 2016, titled Citizenship, Identity and Gender.

The relative status of women is still used to assess the progress of culture and is also a bench mark of modernity. In many religions and cultures the group identity is expressed through rules for women, as women give birth to a new generation, family law, kinship rules, or who a women would marry as the groups identity is dependent on the woman. The traditional group identity is expressed by her dress codes, by her entering the public sphere and by her behaviour, letting go of these codes would endanger the group’s identity. Gender equality often clashes with minority rights. To take the argument further and discuss the questions of multiculturalism and their connect with questions of feminist concerns , groups rights being blind to inequalities of gender as can be seen in the presence of clitridoctomy, divorce laws, abortion, presence of Zina ordinances in Pakistan (consensual intercourse outside a valid marriage by either previously married or unmarried women), child marriage, dowry deaths, female genital surgeries, polygamy, female infanticide although all happen in different cultural settings.

Would we assume that liberal cultures guarantee many freedoms to both men and women and when we look at women’s Human Rights in some countries we gather that certain rights are rejected by leaders of those countries as they are not in consonance with their culture. Individual choice is thus restricted in the name of tradition. At times even cultural explanations are given for cases of domestic violence, culture is invoked to explain forms of violence against immigrant women whereas culture is not invoked in a similar manner to explain forms of violence that affect western women. Cultural violence in third world countries is seen as cultural but sexual violence affecting white women is not seen as cultural. Behaviour thus imagined as being racial leading to the assumption that white people are motivated by choice and black by culture. So western identities are a matter of choice and non-western are group based. Culture is constantly negotiated as contradictory and people in a community explain their actions through their cultural identity.

Of course, theories of history of colonialism, orientalism matter. Specific cultural practices deny women economic and political agency. These forces, could be globalization, legacies of colonialism, racism and fundamentalism. Sati is said to be a part of Hindu religion of Indian culture but was a constant collaboration of British colonial officials and Hindu Pundits, nothing has even pointed out to a religious basis of Sati. However in the days of the colonial government it started to have cultural and religious overtones. The problems we have spoken of our cultural, there are forces beyond the cultural as well.

What to speak of the new colour-blind racism in US, Afrcian-Americans show strong racial solidarity as the US official policy is not concerned with racial integration, suburban housing and public schools. African women are denied first-class citizenship in advanced industrial societies. The expression personal is political is so well expressed in the songs, lyrics and music videos of the hip-hop generation. Popular culture and music is the new venue for feminist politics and thereby refuting negative representations of African women.

A look at these songs might be useful at this juncture.

Chaka Khan, I am every woman the 1978 track, Q.U.E.E.N, the title track stood for ‘Queer, Untouchables, Emigrants, Excommunicated and Negroid’ again sending in a positive message. No more drama by Mary J. Blige , the 2001 song video is about domestic violence . Beyonces’s Run the World (girls) proves that girl power attitude moved way beyond, Destiny child- Independent woman. Queen Latifah in the 1990’s is reconized as the golden age of hip-hop, with her Freedom song and Ladies first. A Women’s worth released in 2000 by Alicia keys all of which spoke of new identities. Would these identities stand against any collectivities to create such individualistic identities for all women is a question left unanswered?

It is therefore important to pay attention to minority discourses, and minority rights either through assimilation or cultural reforms. Minority culture are not sufficiently protected as can be seen in the case of Asian and Muslim Women in Britain. Immigrant identity also affects a battered women assess to shelter as all would not house women with immigrant status And while rape and domestic violence may be seen as universal problems, these problems are seen differently in contexts of experiences of women based on color/race.

Dr. Etee Bahadur teaches Development Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia

काम बोलता है?

देश के सबसे बड़े प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री, जो सबसे कहते रहते थे कि काम बोलता है, वो आज भाजपा से अकेले मुक़ाबला करने में घबरा रहे हैं। उन्हें अब प्रदेश में अपनी सरकार द्वारा किये कार्यों पर भरोसा नहीं हैं। वह आज एक ऐसी पार्टी से गठबंधन कर रहे हैं,जो खुद राजनीति में अपने अस्तिव के लिए संघर्ष कर रही हैं। जी हाँ, हम बात कर रहे हैं अखिलेश यादव की।

पिता मुलायम ने 2012 के चुनाव में हुई समाजवादी पार्टी की जीत का सेहरा अपने बेटे अखिलेश के सिर बाँधा और उनको उत्तर प्रदेश उपहार के तौर पर दिया। अखिलेश यादव प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री तो बन गए थे मगर उनके प्रति लोगों में एक धारणा यह बन गयी थी की भले मुख्यमंत्री की कुर्सी पर वो बैठे हो मगर प्रदेश उनके पिता मुलायम ही संभाल रहे हैं। यह धारणा अभी हाल में ही समाजवादी पार्टी में हुए घमासान के बाद बदल चुकी है। आज सबको यह यकीन हो गया है की प्रदेश के साथ-साथ पार्टी भी अखिलेश यादव ही चला रहे हैं।

अखिलेश यादव ने अपनी ‘ब्रांडिंग’ तो काफी पहले से ही शुरू कर दी थी, लेकिन 2016 के ख़त्म होते-होते हर समाचार चैंनलों पर ख़बरों के बीच आने वाले प्रचार में नवाज़ुद्दीन सिद्दकी से लेकर विद्या बालन मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव की तारीफों के पुल बांधते हुए आने लग गए। वो प्रदेश के लिए किये उनके कार्यों का बख़ान करते हैं, वो जनता को ये भरोसा दिला रहे हैं की उनके मुख्यमंत्री ने उनके लिए बहुत कुछ किया हैं। ‘चिकनी है अब तो सड़क-सड़क’ से लेकर ‘काम बोलता हैं’ जैसे तमाम प्रचार मुख्यमंत्री की तारीफों में बन चुके हैं।

ऐसा नहीं हैं की मुख्यमंत्री ने प्रदेश में कुछ काम नहीं किया हैं, लेकिन शायद वह भी जानते हैं की उनके किये वो कुछ काम उन्हें प्रदेश में दोबारा जीत दिलाने के लिए काफी नहीं हैं। वह भी तब जब सीधा मुक़ाबला भाजपा से हो, ये शायद भाजपा का खौफ ही है की मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव कांग्रेस से चुनाव से पहले ही हाथ मिलाने पर मजबूर हो गए हैं। कांग्रेस वो पार्टी है, जो दिल्ली की पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री शीला दिक्षित को मुख्यमंत्री का चेहरा बना ‘पांच साल यूपी बेहाल’ का नारा लगाकर अकेले चुनाव लड़ने के लिए उतरी थी। कांग्रेस तो शायद पहले से जानती है की वह यूपी चुनाव अकेले नहीं जीत सकती इसलिए समाजवादी पार्टी के साथ हुआ गठबंधन उसकी एक बहुत बड़ी जीत है, लेकिन अखिलेश यादव कांग्रेस से गठबंधन कर मुख्यमंत्री के तौर पर हार चुके हैं।

भाजपा के विरोधी इस गठबंधन की तुलना बिहार में हुए महागठबंधन से कर रहे हैं, पर ये तुलना कहीं से भी ठीक नहीं हैं क्योंकि बिहार का महागठबंधन तब की सत्ताधारी सरकार भाजपा और जेडीयू के अलग होने की उपज थी। तब भाजपा को रोकने के लिए बना वो गठबंधन समझ में आता था, लेकिन यूपी में तो भाजपा सत्ता में है ही नहीं और अगर अखिलेश यादव को प्रदेश में किये अपने काम पर यकीन हैं, तो वो जनता पर यकीन क्यों नहीं कर रहे? वह भाजपा का अकेले मुक़ाबला करने में इतना डर क्यों रहे हैं?

इस सवाल का जवाब मेरे जैसा हर यूपीवाला अपने मुख्यमंत्री से जानना चाहता हैं। चुनाव के नतीजे जो भी आए लेकिन हम यूपी वालों को सपा और कांग्रेस के गठबंधन के बाद से मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश के चेहरे पर कुर्सी हारने का खौफ दिखने लगा हैं।

भारतीय लिबरल (उ’धा’रवादी)


फिल्म दंगल से शोहरत पाने वाली 16 साला अभिनेत्री जैरा वसीम को जब मुस्लिम कट्टरपंथियों के दबाव में माफ़ी मांगनी पड़ी और हमारे देश के तथाकथित लिबरल (उधारवादी लोग) मुंह में दही जमाये बैठे थे तब मेरे मन में ये विचार आया कि क्यों न एक बार लिबरलिस्तान घूम आया जाये। वैसे तो हिंदी में लिबरल का मतलब उदार होता है और ऐसी सोंच वाले लोग उदारवादी कहलाते हैं पर हमारे देश के लिबरल्स के रवैये को देख के इन्हें उधारवादी कहना हीं ठीक होगा क्योंकि उनकी उदार सोच उधार मांग के लायी गयी सोच लगती है और ये सोच सिर्फ तभी सामने आती है जब चंद दक्षिणपंथी हिन्दू इनके सोच की कसौटी पे खड़े नही उतरते। मैं कल अनुराग कश्यप जी के ट्वीट पढ़ रहा था जो उन्होंने राहुल राज जी (जो हम सब की तरह हीं उनकी चुप्पी का कारण जानने के लिए उत्सुक थे) के सवाल के जवाब में किया था। उसी समय मेरे मन में “आओ बच्चों तुम्हे दिखाए झांकी हिंदुस्तान की” के बोल उमड़े और ये पंक्तियाँ लिखी मैंने।

आओ मित्रों तुम्हे दिखाएं लिबरल हिन्दुस्तान के
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

मीडिया में रखवाली करता NDTV
विराट है
कलाजगत में चरणों को धोता बॉलीवुड सम्राट है
साहित्य, कला, पत्रकारिता, संस्था सब में इनकी जमात है
गरीबों की इन्हें फ़िक्र सताती पर इनके निराले ठाठ हैं
बातों के हैं वीर बहुत पर अक्षम हैं ये कान से
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

देखो ये वो JNU है जहाँ कन्हैया बोला था
भारत के संविधान को जिसने अफजल के खून से तोला था
जब “भारत तेरे टुकड़े होंगे” इस फिजा में घोला था
इसे आजादी अभिव्यक्ति की लिबरलों ने बोला था
निंदनीय इस घटना का भी कर रहे थे गुणगान ये
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

हिन्दू के त्योहारों पे ये हैं आते बना के टोलियाँ
पटाखे न छोड़ो दीवाली पे, ना खेलो तुम होलियाँ
सजाते हैं ये क्रिसमस ईद पे दोहरेपन की रंगोलियाँ
अटक जाती है तब न जाने क्यूँ हलक में इनकी बोलियाँ
कायम रहते दोहरेपन पे ये सब सीना तान के
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

सुर मिला रही देखो बरखा भारत की बर्बादी में
ढूंढ रही इसे दसों हुतात्मा टाइगर हिल्स की वादी में
ये है देखो राजदीप, दंगे से नाम बनाया था
जब इसने गुजरात में जा के लहू का मोल लगाया था
आतंकवाद का रंग है भगवा चलते हैं ये मान के
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

राना, शोभा, सबा, सागरिका ये सब पत्रकार हैं
भट्ट, खान, कश्यप और जौहर कहते फिल्मकार हैं
अशोक, मुनव्वर और नयनतारा ये सब साहित्यकार हैं
और भी हैं बहुतेरे ऐसे “लिबरल” जिनके विचार हैं
हाथ नही कुछ आएगा इनके विचारों को लिबरलिज्म की छलनी से छान के
घोर अमावस नियत इनकी बनते हैं महान ये
सूडो लिब्रलम, सूडो लिब्रलम…..

व्यंग्य : बिना कट फिल्म पास करने से अनुराग सियापा सरकार से नाराज


फिल्म निर्देशक अनुराग सियापा की फिल्म ‘मैं बकलोल हूँ’ को सेंसर बोर्ड द्वारा बिना किसी कट के पास किया जाने पर अनुराग सियापा सेंसर बोर्ड से बहुत नाराज हैं। अनुराग सियापा ने इस बात का विरोध करते हुए सेंसर बोर्ड को बहुत खरी खोटी सुनाई। जब सेंसर बोर्ड को लताड़ते समय अनुराग सियापा को फिल्म के लिए किसी तरह की पब्लिसिटी नहीं मिलती दिखी तो उन्होंने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को अपना निशाना बनाया।

अनुराग सियापा ने नरेन्द्र मोदी को ट्वीट करते हुए कहा, “भाजपा की सरकार आने के पहले कांग्रेस के शासन काल में उनकी फिल्मों के दृश्य को काटा जाता था, उनकी फिल्मों को बैन किया जाता था, लेकिन भाजपा सरकार के आने के बाद यह उनकी दूसरी फिल्म है जिसे सेंसर बोर्ड ने बिना किसी कट के पास कर दिया।

अनुराग सियापा के ट्वीट के बाद मीडिया उनकी फिल्म “मैं बकलोल हूँ” को पब्लिसिटी देना शुरू कर दिया है, जैसा अनुराग सियापा चाहते थे। अनुराग सियापा के ट्वीट पर जब मशहूर फ़िल्मकार राम गोपाल वर्मा से उनकी राय जानने के लिए पत्रकार पहुँचे तो उन्होंने कहा, “अनुराग सियापा वो कुत्ता है जिसे घी की रोटी हजम नहीं होती है। पत्रकार और मीडिया के लिए ऐसे लोग भौंकते मतलब बोलते रहते हैं। सियापा का दिमाग बॉम्बे वेलवेट के बाद से जगह पर नही है। इसलिए जनता को उन्हें माफ़ कर देना चाहिए।

सेंसर बोर्ड से जब अनुराग सियापा की फिल्म को बिना कट के पास करने के बारे में पूछा गया, तो सेंसर बोर्ड के एक सदस्य ने बताया की अनुराग सियापा सेंसर बोर्ड से फिल्म के कई दृश्य काटे जाने के लिए निवेदन कर रहें थे, लेकिन सेंसर बोर्ड ने अनुराग सियापा की एक भी बात नहीं सुनी और फिल्म को बिना किसी कट के पास कर दिया।

सेंसर बोर्ड ने अनुराग सियापा के साथ हुई एक मीटिंग का जिक्र करते हुए कहा, “अनुराग ने कहा की उन्हें ए सर्टिफिकेट से कोई ऐतराज नहीं हैं परंतु यदि इसी तरह सेंसर बोर्ड बिना कट के उनकी फिल्म पास करना शुरू कर देगा तो उनकी कम बजट में बनने वाली फिल्मों को चीप पब्लिसिटी मिलना बंद हो जाएगी और उनका फिल्मी भविष्य संकट में पड़ जाएगा।”

Zaira Wasim’s apology: An appeal for life from a mermaid to the sharks


Zaira Wasim, a young actress from Kashmir valley, who essayed the role of young “Geeta Phogat” in the recent blockbuster “Dangal” has apologized. Yes! “Apologized”. Why? You read and decide for yourself.

(Her original FB posts and tweets are no longer available. She deleted those and published a yet another apology)

This is not a clarification or an apology. Her appeal “to not be deemed role model” says a lot more.

This is an appeal for sparing her life! This is just a mermaid’s white flag for survival– A mermaid who can not survive in a pool full of sharks, the place that is now Kashmir.

Zaira has broken the ranks. She dared to choose. She chose acting over stone pelting, dialogue delivery over sloganeering, a future full of promise over intifada. And that is dangerous. A dangerous precedent that can incite many more dreams. An example that can have many more want to act and dance, choose a career, dare to live life at their own terms. And here she was already getting more success.

That’s a threat to the movement. An act of defiance, a challenge to the Jihadis. And its not taken kindly in the valley- by the Hurriyat, the Jihadis, the masters that run the show.
And they sent a subtle but stern message reaffirming it in the evening.

Watch Mirwaiz Umer Farooq here send a clear message against “characterless-ness of Kashmiri society” being the reason for failure of Jihad. “Characterless-ness” here apparently was a shopkeeper displaying a doll in his shop and getting into a scuffle with Auqaf members over it.


Earlier in 2013, an all-girl band from Kashmir, Pragaash was forced to quit for the same for the same kind of transgression.

Even IAS topper Shah Faesal had to tactically step back to avoid the risk of getting too much of limelight, clearly mentioning the “personal vulnerability” involved. “Personal vulnerability” is the key term here.

In Kashmir it means– a bullet through the head by a trigger happy Jihadi. Not some pointless blabber on Facebook or twitter by keyboard happy trolls. Sadly, even mainstream media won’t dare say it so. No ones calls a spade a spade anymore.

Saying “Islamist Jihadis” is a taboo. So “Trolls” it shall be. That we shall blame!

Whither art thou, my Intellectual?


While going through the daily dose of evening browsing, came across a news about a “Writers resist” protest in US (read here) , which sounded eerily similar to the “Intolerance Brigade”, (read here) protest in India a while back. In both cases, the protagonists are writers, novelists, or some other famous names from arts or science, broadly classified as “The Intellectuals”.

We have often tried to classify who is an intolerant among us, but then a question suddenly pops up, who really is an intellectual to judge that?

A person, who has undergone a certain type of knowledge gaining process, it may be formal or informal, and has then achieved a certain level of mastery in that? A person, who learns the craft of blacksmith, may or may not have undergone a formal process, and is a great master in his work area, i.e. the knowledge of practically dealing with melted ore. Can this guy have a good claim on the title too? There is no fine line between mental work and physical labor, because both processes are ultimately governed by the mind. We can keep adding to this list and it would be endless.

There really is no threshold, beyond which, one particular human being crosses the imaginary boundary to jump over to the other side, of intellectual nirvana, and claim victory over other’s intellect! Some businessmen can be considered intellectual, because they ‘succeeded’ in their area of work. But success here is relative to the rules of this game designed to succeed (which in most contexts is money, but could also be name and fame). Someone laid down some criterion to make & sell things in a certain way to get more of an abstract thing called money, which you can exchange for more and more of other stuff. Now, say a person, a fisherman, who is an absolute expert in catching fishes, but is not rich with money. Is he not successful?

And what about the people who maybe earn a lot of money, but they don’t tell everyone about it? They live modestly, quietly, simply- if no one knew about their personal life, would think that person is a simpleton, never striving for anything, not ‘smart’ enough to do something more with life? Just a random thought anyway.

People have a need to categorize others in their mind immediately. They want to put a person in a nice, neat bucket so they can feel at ease and comfortable. When a person can’t classify a person into these nice, neat buckets they are uncomfortable which is why, as a society, we struggle so hard to deal with gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. They don’t fit in the categories that our brains are conditioned to think in. I think this kind of thinking/categorization leads to inequalities across multiple issues, intellect being one. It’s easy to say a person is dumb or smart even without knowing anything about them – just on some predefined thoughts in your mind.

So, if purely mental knowledge, practical knowledge, social goodwill and monetary success are not the definitive parameters. is there even a point in characterizing humans like that? At a fundamental level, it is not even right to say one living organism is in some way superior to another form of life. A complex nervous system is just a biological difference.

In the end, people who speak about true equality (which apparently everyone of all ideological leanings, wants in their own way!) should also understand that putting down another person for his/her thought process, or putting someone on a pedestal as compared to the rest of humanity, based on some ever changing subjective and arbitrary principles, is itself an insult to equality. The sooner everyone (or even a good chunk) realizes that, and really understands the term “respect”, would be a better-than-average day in human history. There is no intellectual, there are only varying minds.

Why I am not surprised at Kashmiri groups targeting Dangal star Zaira Wasim


Mainstream media, social media, sportspersons, some Bollywood luminaries, some journalists – everyone who heard or read about it was outraged. Reactions flew – How could they bully a child? Why no award-wapasi this time? Don’t be afraid, we are with you. And so on.

Dangal producer and actor Aamir Khan too spoke up finally and asked people to leave Zaira alone. Some news channels interviewed the Phogat sisters, who spoke about their own hardships and advised Zaira to ignore these threats.

All this sound good but if I may ask, wasn’t this bound to happen in a place like Kashmir?

While it was heartening to see people coming in support (though some are still missing in action), it would be naive of us to believe that this was unexpected or it will make any difference in the Kashmir valley. Aided by the fact that most of those speaking up aren’t pointing out to what caused this.

This isn’t new to Kashmir. This had been happening right from the time the majority in valley supported, actively or passively, the Islamic fanatics and terrorists. The first blow to women’s liberation was in 1989 itself when fatwa was issued to them to cover their heads. Two orders were passed that time – one, asking Muslim women to cover their heads; and two, instructing Hindu alias Pandit women to sport a bindi. The dress code was also defined, salwar-kameez for Muslims, Hindus were allowed to wear saris. Although the distinction was made on the basis of religion, what remained common was their fate – subjugation.

Beauty parlours were also ordered to shut down. And in order to ensure the enforcement of these orders, acid attacks were carried on women who dared to defy them. I refuse to believe the State didn’t know about these threats; as reports suggest that even Delhi was aware about them. But nothing was done to infuse confidence among the fearful women. I was a child then but remember my outrage at the fatwa.

The history repeated itself some years back. If I remember right, in 2013, Kashmir’s first all-girl rock band called Pragaash had to disband their group after they received threats by extremists. Their actions were termed un-Islamic by many. Everyone in the country was angry. The then state government did extend support to the group, but fanatics had their way. I don’t remember hearing about this band’s performance ever again.

Some time back, I visited the valley. I was going there for the first time after 1990. While much had changed there, one thing that remained unchanged was the headscarf sported by all women – from a primary school student to nonagenarians. The fatwa that was issued in 1989 was still being followed here.

It would be wrong to say I was surprised, but yes, I was outraged. It hurt to see women, some who were my classmates, all bowing down to extremists here. But then, they have little choice. This after all, is unlike any other place in the country – it is Kashmir, the playground of Pakistan backed bigots who, when unable to defeat the state, resort to strength-show by crushing the rights of women. How then could Zaira Wasim not become its latest victim? Wasn’t the latest incident in the making since years?

BHIM: The eWallet killer


December 30th, 2016 was a watershed moment, not just in the history of eWallets but also in bringing digital transaction to the reach of common citizen of this country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Bharat Interface for Money, or BHIM, app that allows bank to bank funds transfer between any two parties, through UPI as its backbone. The app is developed by National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and currently is available for Android and is slated for launch on iOS in near future. Product overview can be read here. The app has a dedicated Twitter handle and already has over 5M downloads. Unfortunately, even after the high-profile launch and sustained push by the government, the power of app is still not appreciated well enough.

I installed the app very next day of the launch and configured it within minutes. I could easily send money to another account, as well as place request to receive money from another account. The debit and credit happened instantly, followed by an SMS. All as expected. I spoke about it within the family and friends, highlighting the ease of use and promptness of fund movement. Two days later, the milkman arrived with coupons for the month. When I offered to pay through BHIM, he readily accepted the offer and left within a minute with his bank account credited duly. Next, I safely presumed that it would be the same with the rest.

Yesterday, however, I got a puzzled look back from a boutique owner when wife offered to pay via BHIM as her card machine was out-of-order. “er… What’s BHIM?”, was the question. I explained briefly and asked to share her name, account number and IFSC code. Like of milkman, her account was credited within seconds of I pressing the send button, alerted by SMS receipt. Out of curiosity, we asked if she used PayTM for her domestic purchases. She denied saying, “Why should I keep my money, howsoever little, with a third party?”. I explained that as BHIM uses UPI, the money gets credited directly from my bank to hers instantly, without any intermediary. All is needed is a bank that supports UPI. One can choose from multiple banks where they have activated UPI. Mighty impressed, she noted the name of the app and promised to install it by end of the day.

On the way out of the shopping arcade, we went to the Patanjali retail store and inquired about BHIM. To our surprise, the shopkeeper was not aware about it. He accepted card and said that he was going to register with PayTM soon. We evangelized about the app and left bemused wondering how come it is still not well understood. This is when BHIM also has a scan and pay option similar to other eWallet apps like PayTM, FreeCharge, etc.

Today, we tried to check the knowledge of BHIM at the neighboring restaurant, only to get a puzzled look yet again. He happily said that we could pay by PayTM, if not BHIM. I asked if I pay 500/- will he get full amount? “No, 488.55/-“, was the reply. This happens as PayTM charges 1.99% transaction fees, plus 0.3% service tax (not charges). Then I asked if the restaurant will get the funds instantaneously? “No, tomorrow. It used to be within a week. But after demonetization, it has improved to next day.” This is true and can be verified here on PayTM’s website.

This lead me to think of a few pertinent points:

Glitzy launch is not sufficient. Government needs to evangelize the benefits of BHIM more aggressively unlike the shoddy communication by RBI/MoF during demonetization. That would include:

For individuals/customers:

  • Your money stays with you till the last moment. No loss of interest. In fact, the eWallet apps like Pockets by ICICI and PayZapp by HDFC bank have this as their USP. Further, prominent banks are already supported and more will get added.
  • No need to install multiple eWallets, not even of different banks. No need to remember password of umpteen eWallets.
  • The app has double protection. PIN to open the app followed by PIN set by the bank for UPI transaction. If you have screen lock, that’s triple protection.
  • You can get money transferred to a mobile number if it is connected to your bank account. If not, account + IFSC works too.
  • Icing on the cake: one can check bank balance. No trips to ATM needed for this.

For merchants:

  • The money credit is instant, irrespective of type of bank account.
  • There are no annual maintenance charges or setup charges imposed by a few eWallets.
  • There are no transaction charges yet. And if the government wants it to succeed, it should never think about introducing it.
  • The transaction time is negligible. Faster than cash exchange if short change is involved. More favorable for merchants, actually.
  • You can request money from people with electronic trail, for instance, society maintenance, shop rent, parking charges, etc.

Further suggestions for the Govenment:

  • All government entities taking challan across glass windows should comply with Scan and Pay option in BHIM by April 1, 2017. They can start with Indian Railways, then municipal corporations, RTO, etc. This will avoid endless queues that waste precious hours of citizens and productivity of their employers. Of course, a byproduct of that will be disappearance of touts.
  • Government can promote the app through celebrities, not limiting to that of Bollywood.
  • Government emporiums, Khadi bandars, ASI protected monuments, etc. can make scan and pay as default mode, may be, sprinkled with percentage or value discount offers.

Some more:

If you note BHIM completely obviates the need of all the eWallets including those offered by banks like State Bank Buddy, Pockets by ICICI and PayZipp by HDFC, etc. as one can choose a bank within the app and can pay to mobile number, directly into an account or even by scan and pay. It’s truly a one stop app for carrying out digital transactions.

But then I suddenly recalled the allegation CM of India had labelled on the PM of India.

Or the one from the 50 year old youth leader? PayTM means:
